[CLAMP] use common templates for logs

Using the common templates for centralized logging.

Issue-ID: OOM-2370
Signed-off-by: Sylvain Desbureaux <sylvain.desbureaux@orange.com>
Change-Id: I4824e11bd2be971d15e3a39510f544d2c36b05fd
diff --git a/kubernetes/clamp/charts/clamp-backend/templates/configmap.yaml b/kubernetes/clamp/charts/clamp-backend/templates/configmap.yaml
index 0011c6a..f66312c 100644
--- a/kubernetes/clamp/charts/clamp-backend/templates/configmap.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/clamp/charts/clamp-backend/templates/configmap.yaml
@@ -26,16 +26,5 @@
 {{ tpl (.Files.Glob "resources/config/*").AsConfig . | indent 2 }}
   spring_application_json: {{ tpl .Values.config.springApplicationJson . | quote }}
-apiVersion: v1
-kind: ConfigMap
-  name: {{ include "common.release" . }}-clamp-filebeat-configmap
-  namespace: {{ include "common.namespace" . }}
-  labels:
-    app: {{ include "common.name" . }}
-    chart: {{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version | replace "+" "_" }}
-    release: {{ include "common.release" . }}
-    heritage: {{ .Release.Service }}
-{{ tpl (.Files.Glob "resources/config/log/filebeat/*").AsConfig . | indent 2 }}
+{{ include "common.log.configMap" . }}
diff --git a/kubernetes/clamp/charts/clamp-backend/templates/deployment.yaml b/kubernetes/clamp/charts/clamp-backend/templates/deployment.yaml
index bdae07a..fa00ffe 100644
--- a/kubernetes/clamp/charts/clamp-backend/templates/deployment.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/clamp/charts/clamp-backend/templates/deployment.yaml
@@ -48,17 +48,8 @@
         name: {{ include "common.name" . }}-readiness
         # side car containers
-        - name: {{ include "common.name" . }}-filebeat-onap
-          image: "{{ .Values.global.loggingRepository }}/{{ .Values.global.loggingImage }}"
-          imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.global.pullPolicy | default .Values.pullPolicy }}
-          volumeMounts:
-          - name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}-filebeat-conf
-            mountPath: /usr/share/filebeat/filebeat.yml
-            subPath: filebeat.yml
-          - name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}-data-filebeat
-            mountPath: /usr/share/filebeat/data
-          - name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}-logs
-            mountPath: /var/log/onap
+        {{ if .Values.global.centralizedLoggingEnabled }}{{ include "common.log.sidecar" . | nindent 8 }}{{ end }}
+        # main container
         - name: {{ include "common.name" . }}
           image: "{{ include "common.repository" . }}/{{ .Values.image }}"
           imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.global.pullPolicy | default .Values.pullPolicy }}
@@ -81,8 +72,8 @@
             initialDelaySeconds: {{ .Values.readiness.initialDelaySeconds }}
             periodSeconds: {{ .Values.readiness.periodSeconds }}
-          - name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}-logs
-            mountPath: /var/log/onap
+          - name: logs
+            mountPath: {{ .Values.log.path }}
           - mountPath: /opt/clamp/sdc-controllers-config.json
             name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}-config
             subPath: sdc-controllers-config.json
@@ -109,12 +100,8 @@
             - key: sdc-controllers-config.json
               path: sdc-controllers-config.json
-        - name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}-filebeat-conf
-          configMap:
-            name: {{ include "common.release" . }}-clamp-filebeat-configmap
-        - name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}-data-filebeat
+        - name:  logs
           emptyDir: {}
-        - name:  {{ include "common.fullname" . }}-logs
-          emptyDir: {}
+        {{ if .Values.global.centralizedLoggingEnabled }}{{ include "common.log.volumes" . | nindent 8 }}{{ end }}
       - name: "{{ include "common.namespace" . }}-docker-registry-key"
diff --git a/kubernetes/clamp/charts/clamp-backend/values.yaml b/kubernetes/clamp/charts/clamp-backend/values.yaml
index 1888854..82e4510 100644
--- a/kubernetes/clamp/charts/clamp-backend/values.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/clamp/charts/clamp-backend/values.yaml
@@ -33,6 +33,10 @@
 # flag to enable debugging - application support required
 debugEnabled: false
+# log configuration
+  path: /var/log/onap
 # Application configuration defaults.