This component delivers:
This sections sets the realm general attributes shown in Keycloak
realmSettings: - name: <Realm ID> - unique ID for a realm (e.g. "ONAP") displayName: <Display Name> - (optional) Keycloak Display Name (e.g. "ONAP Realm") themes: - (optional) Keycloak Theme settings login: <login theme> - (optional) Keycloak Theme for Login UI (e.g. "base") admin: <admin theme> - (optional) Keycloak Theme for Admin UI (e.g. "base") account: <account theme> - (optional) Keycloak Theme for Account UI (e.g. "base") email: <email theme> - (optional) Keycloak Theme for Email UI (e.g. "base") attributes: frontendUrl: "<Keycloak URL>" - External Url for Keycloak access (e.g. "https://keycloak-$PARAM_BASE_URL/")
In this section each realm authentication client is defined e.g. portal-bff, oauth2-proxy, grafana
possible "attribute" settings (maybe more):
clients: oauth2_proxy: clientId: "<client ID>" - client ID name: "<client name>" - (optional) client name secret: <client secret> - (optional) client secret clientAuthenticatorType: <type> - (optional) auth type (default: client-secret) protocol: <protocol> - (optional) auth protocol (default: openid-connect) description: "<description>" - (optional) client description baseUrl: "<base path>" - (optional) url subpath (e.g. /application) rootUrl: "<root URL>" - (optional) root url adminUrl: "<admin URL>" - (optional) admin url bearerOnly: "<false|true>" - (optional) bearerOnly (default: false) consentRequired: "<false|true>" - (optional) consentRequired (default: false) standardFlowEnabled: "<false|true>" - (optional) standardFlowEnabled (default: true) implicitFlowEnabled: "<false|true>" - (optional) implicitFlowEnabled (default: false) directAccessGrantsEnabled: "<false|true>" - (optional) directAccessGrantsEnabled (default: true) serviceAccountsEnabled: "<false|true>" - (optional) serviceAccountsEnabled (default: false) frontchannelLogout: "<false|true>" - (optional) frontend channel logout (default: true) surrogateAuthRequired: "<false|true>" - (optional) surrogate Auth Required (default: false) publicClient: "<false|true>" - (optional) public Client (default: false) attributes: - (optional) attributes settings (see code) post.logout.redirect.uris: '<url>' - example protocolMappers: - (optional) protocol mappers - name: "Audience for Oauth2Proxy" - examples protocolMapper: "oidc-audience-mapper" config: included.client.audience: "oauth2-proxy-onap" id.token.claim: "false" access.token.claim: "true" included.custom.audience: "oauth2-proxy-onap" - name: "SDC-User" protocolMapper: "oidc-usermodel-attribute-mapper" config: multivalued: "false" userinfo.token.claim: "true" user.attribute: "sdc_user" id.token.claim: "true" access.token.claim: "true" "sdc_user" jsonType.label: "String" additionalDefaultScopes: - "onap_roles" redirectUris: - "https://portal-$PARAM_BASE_URL/*" - "http://localhost/*" webOrigins: - "https://argocd-$PARAM_BASE_URL" defaultClientScopes: - "web-origins" - "profile" - "acr" - "email" - "roles" - "groups"
Here additional scopes besides the default scopes can be defined and set as default client scope
default scopes:
defaultClientScopes: - "onap_roles" additionalClientScopes: - name: onap_roles description: OpenID Connect scope for add user onap roles to the access token protocolMappers: - name: aud protocol: openid-connect protocolMapper: oidc-audience-mapper consentRequired: false config: included.client.audience: oauth2-proxy id.token.claim: 'false' access.token.claim: 'true' - name: client roles protocol: openid-connect protocolMapper: oidc-usermodel-client-role-mapper consentRequired: false config: multivalued: 'true' userinfo.token.claim: 'false' id.token.claim: 'true' access.token.claim: 'true' onap_roles jsonType.label: String usermodel.clientRoleMapping.clientId: oauth2-proxy
In this section additional roles (assignableRoles) besides the default roles can be set.
default roles:
(optional) accessRoles can be defined. These access roles are used in the Ingress "Auhorization Policy" to restrict the access to certain services The access role is assigned to a realm client (e.g. oauth2_proxy)
accessControl: assignableRoles: - name: onap-operator-read description: "Allows to perform GET operations for all ONAP components" associatedAccessRoles: [ "dmaap-bc-api-read", ... ] accessRoles: "oauth2_proxy": - name: dmaap-bc-api-read methodsAllowed: ["GET"] servicePrefix: dmaap-bc-api
groups: - (optional) Group definitions - name: <group name> - Group name path: /path> - Group URL path roles: [ <role>,... ] - (optional) List of Realm roles
initialUsers: - (optional) List of initial users - username: <user name> - Name of the User firstName: <first name> - (optional) First Name lastName: <last name> - (optional) Last Name email: <email> - (optional) Email Address emailVerified : <true|false>- (optional)Email verified credentials: - (optional) credentials - type: password - (optional) initial password (<pwd>: encrypted password, <salt>: used salt) secretData: "{\"value\":\"<pwd>\",\"salt\":\"<salt>\"}" credentialData: "{\"hashIterations\":27500,\"algorithm\":\"pbkdf2-sha256\"}" attributes: - (optional) additional attributes sdc_user: - example attribute - "cs0008" realmRoles: - (optional) assigned realm roles - <role name> groups: - (optional) group membership - <group name>
identityProviders: - name: "gitlab" displayName: "gitlab" config: userInfoUrl: "" validateSignature: "true" clientId: "ee4e0db734157e9cdad16733656ba285f2f813354aa7c590a8693e48ed156860" tokenUrl: "" jwksUrl: "" issuer: "" useJwksUrl: "true" authorizationUrl: "" clientAuthMethod: "client_secret_post" syncMode: "IMPORT" clientSecret: "gloas-35267790bf6fb7c4b507aea11db46d80174cb8ef4192e77424803b595eef735e" defaultScope: "openid read_user email" identityProviderMappers: - name: "argo-admins" identityProviderAlias: "gitlab" identityProviderMapper: "oidc-advanced-group-idp-mapper" config: claims: "[{\"key\":\"groups_direct\",\"value\":\"dt-rc\"}]" syncMode: "FORCE" group: "/ArgoCDAdmins" - name: "ArgoCDRestricted" identityProviderAlias: "gitlab" identityProviderMapper: "oidc-advanced-group-idp-mapper" config: claims: "[{\"key\":\"groups_direct\",\"value\":\"\"}]" syncMode: "FORCE" group: "/ArgoCDRestricted" - name: "lastName " identityProviderAlias: "gitlab" identityProviderMapper: "oidc-user-attribute-idp-mapper" config: claim: "nickname" syncMode: "FORCE" user.attribute: "lastName"
smtpServer: password: "EYcQE44+AEYcQE44A!" starttls: "true" auth: "true" port: "587" host: "" from: "" fromDisplayName: "tnapsupport" ssl: "false" user: "tnapsupport"
Activating the Ingress Authentication (enabled: true) will create AuthorizationPolicy resources for each defined "accessControl.accessRoles" in a REALM definition.
ingressAuthentication: enabled: false exceptions: - '{{ include "" (dict "dot" . "baseaddr" "keycloak-ui") }}' - '{{ include "" (dict "dot" . "baseaddr" "portal-ui") }}' - '{{ include "" (dict "dot" . "baseaddr" "minio-console") }}' - '{{ include "" (dict "dot" . "baseaddr" "uui-server") }}'