create K8S cluster by TOSCA

Issue-ID: OOM-63
Change-Id: I1506e856328c5fd973a0de140982d8b1bbbac546
Signed-off-by: Nicolas Hu <>
diff --git a/TOSCA/kubernetes-cluster-TOSCA/imports/cloud-config.yaml b/TOSCA/kubernetes-cluster-TOSCA/imports/cloud-config.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1376816
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TOSCA/kubernetes-cluster-TOSCA/imports/cloud-config.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# this is the cloud init. It will install the reqiured packages and do some basic config on every VM.
+  cloudify_host_cloud_config:
+    type: cloudify.nodes.CloudInit.CloudConfig
+    properties:
+      resource_config:
+        groups:
+          - docker
+        users:
+          - name: { get_input: agent_user }
+            primary-group: wheel
+            groups: docker
+            shell: /bin/bash
+            sudo: ['ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL']
+            ssh-authorized-keys:
+              - { get_secret: agent_key_public }
+        write_files:
+          - path: /etc/yum.repos.d/kubernetes.repo
+            owner: root:root
+            permissions: '0444'
+            content: |
+              # installed by cloud-init
+              [kubernetes]
+              name=Kubernetes
+              baseurl=
+              enabled=1
+              gpgcheck=1
+              repo_gpgcheck=1
+              gpgkey=
+          - path: /etc/sysctl.d/k8s.conf
+            owner: root:root
+            permissions: '0444'
+            content: |
+              # installed by cloud-init
+              net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-ip6tables = 1
+              net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables = 1
+        packages:
+          - [docker, 1.12.6]
+          - [kubelet, 1.8.6-0]
+          - [kubeadm, 1.8.6-0]
+          - [kubectl, 1.8.6-0]
+          - [kubernetes-cni, 0.5.1-1]
+          - [nfs-utils]
+        runcmd:
+          - [ setenforce, 0 ]
+          - [ sysctl , '--system' ]
+          - [ systemctl, enable, docker ]
+          - [ systemctl, start, docker ]
+          - [ systemctl, enable, kubelet ]
+          - [ systemctl, start, kubelet ]
+          - [ mkdir, '-p', /tmp/data ]
+          - [ chcon, '-Rt', svirt_sandbox_file_t, /tmp/data ]
+          - [ mkdir, '-p', /dockerdata-nfs ]
+          - [ chmod, 777, /dockerdata-nfs ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/TOSCA/kubernetes-cluster-TOSCA/imports/kubernetes.yaml b/TOSCA/kubernetes-cluster-TOSCA/imports/kubernetes.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4467fc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TOSCA/kubernetes-cluster-TOSCA/imports/kubernetes.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+  labels:
+    default: {}
+  cloudify.nodes.Kubernetes:
+    derived_from: cloudify.nodes.Root
+    interfaces:
+      cloudify.interfaces.lifecycle:
+        create:
+          implementation: scripts/
+  cloudify.nodes.Kubernetes.Master:
+    derived_from: cloudify.nodes.Root
+    interfaces:
+      cloudify.interfaces.lifecycle:
+        create:
+          implementation: scripts/
+        configure:
+          implementation: scripts/kubernetes_master/
+        start:
+          implementation: scripts/kubernetes_master/
+  cloudify.nodes.Kubernetes.Node:
+    derived_from: cloudify.nodes.Root
+    interfaces:
+      cloudify.interfaces.lifecycle:
+        create:
+          implementation: scripts/
+        configure:
+          implementation: scripts/kubernetes_node/
+        start:
+          implementation: fabric.fabric_plugin.tasks.run_task
+          inputs:
+            tasks_file:
+              default: scripts/
+            task_name:
+              default: label_node
+            task_properties:
+              default:
+                hostname: { get_attribute: [ SELF, hostname ] }
+                labels: { get_input: labels }
+            fabric_env:
+              default:
+                host_string: { get_attribute: [ kubernetes_master_host, ip ] }
+                user: { get_input: agent_user }
+                key: { get_secret: agent_key_private }
+        stop:
+          implementation: fabric.fabric_plugin.tasks.run_task
+          inputs:
+            tasks_file:
+              default: scripts/
+            task_name:
+              default: stop_node
+            task_properties:
+              default:
+                hostname: { get_attribute: [ SELF, hostname ] }
+            fabric_env:
+              default:
+                host_string: { get_attribute: [ kubernetes_master_host, ip ] }
+                user: { get_input: agent_user }
+                key: { get_secret: agent_key_private }
+        delete:
+          implementation: fabric.fabric_plugin.tasks.run_task
+          inputs:
+            tasks_file:
+              default: scripts/
+            task_name:
+              default: delete_node
+            task_properties:
+              default:
+                hostname: { get_attribute: [ SELF, hostname ] }
+            fabric_env:
+              default:
+                host_string: { get_attribute: [ kubernetes_master_host, ip ] }
+                user: { get_input: agent_user }
+                key: { get_secret: agent_key_private }
+  kubernetes_master:
+    type: cloudify.nodes.Kubernetes.Master
+    relationships:
+      - type: cloudify.relationships.contained_in
+        target: kubernetes_master_host
+  kubernetes_node:
+    type: cloudify.nodes.Kubernetes.Node
+    relationships:
+      - type: cloudify.relationships.contained_in
+        target: kubernetes_node_host
+      - type: cloudify.relationships.depends_on
+        target: kubernetes_master
+  kubernetes_cluster_bootstrap_token:
+    value: { get_attribute: [ kubernetes_master, bootstrap_token ] }
+  kubernetes_cluster_master_ip:
+    value: { get_attribute: [ kubernetes_master, master_ip ] }
+  kubernetes-admin_client_certificate_data:
+    value: { get_attribute: [ kubernetes_master, kubernetes-admin_client_certificate_data ] }
+  kubernetes-admin_client_key_data:
+    value: { get_attribute: [ kubernetes_master, kubernetes-admin_client_key_data ] }
+  kubernetes_certificate_authority_data:
+    value: { get_attribute: [ kubernetes_master, kubernetes_certificate_authority_data ] }
+  scale_policy_type:
+    source: policies/scale.clj
+    properties:
+      policy_operates_on_group:
+        default: true
+      service_selector:
+        description: regular expression that selects the metric to be measured
+        default: ".*"
+      moving_window_size:
+        description: the moving window for individual sources in secs
+        default: 10
+      scale_threshold:
+        description: the value to trigger scaling over aggregrated moving values
+      scale_limit:
+        description: scaling limit
+        default: 10
+      scale_direction:
+        description: scale up ('<') or scale down ('>')
+        default: '<'
+      cooldown_time:
+        description: the time to wait before evaluating again after a scale
+        default: 60
+groups: {}
+#  scale_up_group:
+#    members: [kubernetes_node_host]
+#    policies:
+#      auto_scale_up:
+#        type: scale_policy_type
+#        properties:
+#          policy_operates_on_group: true
+#          scale_limit: 6
+#          scale_direction: '<'
+#          scale_threshold: 30
+#          service_selector: .*kubernetes_node_host.*
+#          cooldown_time: 60
+#        triggers:
+#          execute_scale_workflow:
+#            type: cloudify.policies.triggers.execute_workflow
+#            parameters:
+#              workflow: scale
+#              workflow_parameters:
+#                delta: 1
+#                scalable_entity_name: kubernetes_node_host
+#  scale_down_group:
+#    members: [kubernetes_node_host]
+#    policies:
+#      auto_scale_down:
+#        type: scale_policy_type
+#        properties:
+#          policy_operates_on_group: true
+#          scale_limit: 6
+#          scale_direction: '<'
+#          scale_threshold: 30
+#          service_selector: .*kubernetes_node_host.*
+#          cooldown_time: 60
+#        triggers:
+#          execute_scale_workflow:
+#            type: cloudify.policies.triggers.execute_workflow
+#            parameters:
+#              workflow: scale
+#              workflow_parameters:
+#                delta: 1
+#                scalable_entity_name: kubernetes_node_host
+#  heal_group:
+#    members: [kubernetes_node_host]
+#    policies:
+#      simple_autoheal_policy:
+#        type: cloudify.policies.types.host_failure
+#        properties:
+#          service:
+#            - .*kubernetes_node_host.*
+#            - .*kubernetes_node_host.*.process.hyperkube.cpu.percent
+#          interval_between_workflows: 60
+#        triggers:
+#          auto_heal_trigger:
+#            type: cloudify.policies.triggers.execute_workflow
+#            parameters:
+#              workflow: heal
+#              workflow_parameters:
+#                node_instance_id: { 'get_property': [ SELF, node_id ] }
+#                diagnose_value: { 'get_property': [ SELF, diagnose ] }