Add script collecting ONAP env details

Change-Id: Iac9e3413c21e5551785b20132dac19df7261536b
Issue-ID: OOM-546
Signed-off-by: yuryn <>
diff --git a/kubernetes/oneclick/tools/collectInfo.bash b/kubernetes/oneclick/tools/collectInfo.bash
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..734c5a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kubernetes/oneclick/tools/collectInfo.bash
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+OUT_NAME=onap_info_$(date +%y.%m.%d_%H.%M.%S.%N)
+OUT_DIR=$(dirname "$0")
+TMP_DIR=$(dirname $(mktemp -u))
+if [ ! -z "$DEBUG" ]; then
+  set -x
+usage() {
+  cat <<EOF
+Utility script collecting various information about ONAP deployment on kubernetes.
+Usage: $0 [PARAMs]
+-u                  : Display usage
+-n [NAMESPACE]      : Kubernetes namespace (required)
+-a [APP]            : Specify a specific ONAP component (default: all)
+-d [OUT_DIR]        : Specify output folder for the collected info pack file
+                      (default: current dir)
+-f [OUT_FILE]       : Specify output file for the collected info
+                      (default: file name with timestamp)
+-c                  : Collect log files from containers, from path ${CONTAINER_LOGS_PATH}
+call_with_log() {
+  local _cmd=$1
+  local _log=$2
+  # Make sure otput dir exists
+  mkdir -p "$(dirname "$_log")"
+  printf "Command: ${_cmd}\n" >> ${_log}
+  printf "================================================================================\n" >> ${_log}
+  eval "${_cmd}" >> ${_log} 2>&1
+  printf "================================================================================\n" >> ${_log}
+collect_pod_info() {
+  local _ns=$1
+  local _id=$2
+  local _log_dir=$3
+  local _cp_logs=$4
+  declare -i _i=0
+  kubectl -n $_ns get pods $_id -o=jsonpath='{range .spec.containers[*]}{.name}{"\n"}{end}' | while read c; do
+    call_with_log "kubectl -n $_ns logs $_id -c $c" "$_log_dir/$_id-$c.log"
+    if [ "$_i" -eq "0" ] && [ "$_cp_logs" == "true" ]; then
+      # copy logs from 1st container only as logs dir is shared between the containers
+      local _cmd="kubectl cp $_ns/$_id:${CONTAINER_LOGS_PATH} $_log_dir/$_id-$c -c $c"
+      if [ -z "$DEBUG" ]; then
+        _cmd+=" > /dev/null 2>&1"
+      fi
+      eval "${_cmd}"
+    fi
+    ((_i++))
+  done
+collect_ns_info() {
+  local _ns=$1
+  local _log_dir=$2/$_ns
+  call_with_log "kubectl -n $NS-$i get services -o=wide" "$_log_dir/list_services.log"
+  kubectl -n "$_ns" get services | while read i; do
+    local _id=`echo -n $i | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -n -f1`
+    if [ "$_id" == "NAME" ]; then
+      continue
+    fi
+    call_with_log "kubectl -n $_ns describe services $_id" "$_log_dir/describe_services/$_id.log"
+  done
+  call_with_log "kubectl -n $NS-$i get pods -o=wide" "$_log_dir/list_pods.log"
+  kubectl -n "$_ns" get pods | while read i; do
+    local _id=`echo -n $i | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -n -f1`
+    if [ "$_id" == "NAME" ]; then
+      continue
+    fi
+    call_with_log "kubectl -n $_ns describe pods $_id" "$_log_dir/describe_pods/$_id.log"
+    collect_pod_info "$_ns" "$_id" "$_log_dir/logs" "${CP_CONTAINER_LOGS}"
+  done
+while getopts ":un:a:d:f:c" PARAM; do
+  case $PARAM in
+    u)
+      usage
+      exit 1
+      ;;
+    n)
+      NS=${OPTARG}
+      ;;
+    a)
+      APP=${OPTARG}
+      if [[ -z $APP ]]; then
+        usage
+        exit 1
+      fi
+      ;;
+    d)
+      OUT_DIR=${OPTARG}
+      if [[ -z $OUT_DIR ]]; then
+        usage
+        exit 1
+      fi
+      ;;
+    f)
+      if [[ -z $OUT_FILE ]]; then
+        usage
+        exit 1
+      fi
+      ;;
+    c)
+      ;;
+    ?)
+      usage
+      exit
+      ;;
+  esac
+if [ -z "$NS" ]; then
+  usage
+  exit 1
+if [[ -z $OUT_FILE ]]; then
+if [ ! -z "$APP" ]; then
+  _APPS=($APP)
+  _APPS=(`kubectl get namespaces | grep "^$NS-" | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -n -f1 | sed -e "s/^$NS-//"`)
+printf "Collecting information about ONAP deployment...\n"
+printf "Components: %s\n" "${_APPS[*]}"
+# Collect common info
+mkdir -p ${TMP_DIR}/${OUT_NAME}/
+echo "${_APPS[*]}" > ${TMP_DIR}/${OUT_NAME}/component-list.log
+printf "Collecting Helm info\n"
+call_with_log "helm version" "${TMP_DIR}/${OUT_NAME}/helm-version.log"
+call_with_log "helm list" "${TMP_DIR}/${OUT_NAME}/helm-list.log"
+printf "Collecting Kubernetes info\n"
+call_with_log "kubectl version" "${TMP_DIR}/${OUT_NAME}/k8s-version.log"
+call_with_log "kubectl get nodes -o=wide" "${TMP_DIR}/${OUT_NAME}/k8s-nodes.log"
+call_with_log "kubectl cluster-info" "${TMP_DIR}/${OUT_NAME}/k8s-cluster-info.log"
+call_with_log "kubectl cluster-info dump" "${TMP_DIR}/${OUT_NAME}/k8s-cluster-info-dump.log"
+call_with_log "kubectl top node" "${TMP_DIR}/${OUT_NAME}/k8s-top-node.log"
+# Collect per-component info
+for i in ${_APPS[@]}; do
+  printf "Writing Kubernetes info of component $i\n"
+  collect_ns_info "$NS-$i" "${TMP_DIR}/${OUT_NAME}"
+# Pack and cleanup
+mkdir -p ${OUT_DIR}
+_OUT_DIR=`readlink -e ${OUT_DIR}`
+printf "Packing output to ${_OUT_DIR}/${OUT_FILE}...\n"
+cd ${TMP_DIR}
+tar cfz ${_OUT_DIR}/${OUT_FILE} ${OUT_NAME}
+cd -
+printf "Cleaning up...\n"
+rm -rf ${TMP_DIR}/${OUT_NAME}
+printf "Done\n"