SDC-2246 Connection to WF designer times out
Issue-ID: SDC-2246
Signed-off-by: Avi Ziv<>
Change-Id: I8becf40534bab160d08690769fec48e46a385e1d
diff --git a/kubernetes/sdc/charts/sdc-wfd-fe/templates/deployment.yaml b/kubernetes/sdc/charts/sdc-wfd-fe/templates/deployment.yaml
index c284f2d..c1babf3 100644
--- a/kubernetes/sdc/charts/sdc-wfd-fe/templates/deployment.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/sdc/charts/sdc-wfd-fe/templates/deployment.yaml
@@ -70,7 +70,45 @@
             value: {{ .Values.config.javaOptions }}
           - name: BACKEND
             value: {{ .Values.config.backendServerURL }}
+          - name: IS_HTTPS
+            value: "{{ .Values.config.isHttpsEnabled}}"
+            {{ if and .Values.config.isHttpsEnabled (eq false) }}
+          - name: KEYSTORE_PASS
+            {{- if }}
+            valueFrom:
+              secretKeyRef:
+                name: mft-sdc
+                key: keystore-password.txt
+            {{ else }}
+            value: {{}}
+            {{- end }}
+          - name: TRUSTSTORE_PASS
+            {{- if }}
+            valueFrom:
+              secretKeyRef:
+                name: mft-catruststore
+                key: keystore-password.txt
+            {{ else }}
+            value: {{}}
+            {{- end }}
+          - name: TRUSTSTORE_PATH
+            value: "{{ }}/{{ }}"
+          - name: KEYSTORE_PATH
+            value: "{{ }}/{{ }}"
+          - name: TRUSTSTORE_TYPE
+            value: {{ }}
+          - name: KEYSTORE_TYPE
+            value: {{ }}
+            {{ end }}
+          {{ if and .Values.config.isHttpsEnabled (eq false) }}
+          - name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}-jetty-https-truststore
+            mountPath: /var/lib/jetty/{{ }}/{{ }}
+            subPath: {{ }}
+          - name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}-jetty-https-keystore
+            mountPath: /var/lib/jetty/etc/{{ }}/{{ }}
+            subPath: {{ }}
+          {{ end }}
           - name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}-localtime
             mountPath: /etc/localtime
             readOnly: true