bringing robot up to date with 1.1
-updates to various files that have changed in the VM version
-OpenO support (test success requires kube2msb and msb to be working)
-removed un-used scripts (I don't find them useful so I
am proposing to removing them here)
-updates to SDNC preload eliminates some old parameter subst.
we were doing.
-With these change and a temporary tweak to kube2msb that points it
to a rancher server (kubeMasterUrl) robot results are pretty much on
par with my VM deployment of ONAP:
31 critical tests, 25 passed, 6 failed
Issue-ID: OOM-382
Change-Id: I2e3bcfd6fce31b0e4de8b7d66be90c7490e04c5c
Signed-off-by: Mandeep Khinda <>
diff --git a/kubernetes/robot/ b/kubernetes/robot/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..26eedc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kubernetes/robot/
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# Run the testsuite for the passed tag. Valid tags are ete, health, closedloop, instantiate
+# Please clean up logs when you are done...
+# Note: Do not run multiple concurrent as the --display is not parameterized and tests will collide
+if [ "$1" == "" ];then
+ echo "Usage: [ health | ete | closedloop | instantiate | distribute ]"
+ exit
+export TAGS="-i $1"
+export ETEHOME=/var/opt/OpenECOMP_ETE
+VARIABLEFILES="-V /share/config/ -V /share/config/ -V /share/config/"
+#docker exec openecompete_container ${ETEHOME}/ ${VARIABLEFILES} ${VARIABLES} -d /share/logs/${OUTPUT_FOLDER} ${TAGS} --display 88
+POD=$(kubectl --namespace onap-robot get pods | sed 's/ .*//'| grep robot)
+kubectl --namespace onap-robot exec ${POD} -- ${ETEHOME}/ ${VARIABLEFILES} ${VARIABLES} -d ${ETEHOME}/html/logs/ete/${OUTPUT_FOLDER} ${TAGS} --display 88