[AAI] OOM AAI resources healthcheck based on Cassandra DB Healthcheck

Use echo endpoint for aai-resources liveness and readiness probes
Updated aai resources docker image

Issue-ID: AAI-3528
Signed-off-by: Rommel Pawar <rommel.pawar@bell.ca>
Change-Id: I2ceb489142063189d39ec271d3ea82e00e781b75
diff --git a/kubernetes/aai/components/aai-resources/resources/config/aaiconfig.properties b/kubernetes/aai/components/aai-resources/resources/config/aaiconfig.properties
index 2e6fd25..a569b53 100644
--- a/kubernetes/aai/components/aai-resources/resources/config/aaiconfig.properties
+++ b/kubernetes/aai/components/aai-resources/resources/config/aaiconfig.properties
@@ -97,3 +97,16 @@
 #uncomment and use header X-OverrideLimit with the value to override the bulk api limit
 aai.bulkconsumer.payloadoverride={{ .Values.config.bulk.override }}
+# AAI Graph DB checker task
+# Indicator to enable or disable scheduled task (true/false)
+# Delay, in seconds, before the scheduled task is started, if enabled
+# Period, in seconds, between two consecutive executions of the scheduled task, if enabled
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/kubernetes/aai/components/aai-resources/templates/deployment.yaml b/kubernetes/aai/components/aai-resources/templates/deployment.yaml
index 021f094..74c58ff 100644
--- a/kubernetes/aai/components/aai-resources/templates/deployment.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/aai/components/aai-resources/templates/deployment.yaml
@@ -200,14 +200,32 @@
         # so K8s doesn't restart unresponsive container
         {{- if .Values.liveness.enabled }}
-          tcpSocket:
+          httpGet:
+            path: /aai/util/echo?action=checkDB
             port: {{ .Values.service.internalPort }}
+            scheme: HTTP{{ (eq "true" (include "common.needTLS" .)) | ternary "S" "" }}
+            httpHeaders:
+            - name: X-FromAppId
+              value: LivenessCheck
+            - name: X-TransactionId
+              value: LiveCheck_TID
+            - name: Accept
+              value: application/json
           initialDelaySeconds: {{ .Values.liveness.initialDelaySeconds }}
           periodSeconds: {{ .Values.liveness.periodSeconds }}
         {{- end }}
-          tcpSocket:
+          httpGet:
+            path: /aai/util/echo?action=checkDB
             port: {{ .Values.service.internalPort }}
+            scheme: HTTP{{ (eq "true" (include "common.needTLS" .)) | ternary "S" "" }}
+            httpHeaders:
+            - name: X-FromAppId
+              value: ReadinessCheck
+            - name: X-TransactionId
+              value: ReadinessCheck_TID
+            - name: Accept
+              value: application/json
           initialDelaySeconds: {{ .Values.readiness.initialDelaySeconds }}
           periodSeconds: {{ .Values.readiness.periodSeconds }}
         resources: {{ include "common.resources" . | nindent 12 }}
diff --git a/kubernetes/aai/components/aai-resources/values.yaml b/kubernetes/aai/components/aai-resources/values.yaml
index 32aba76..7970251 100644
--- a/kubernetes/aai/components/aai-resources/values.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/aai/components/aai-resources/values.yaml
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
     chown -R 1000 {{ .Values.credsPath }}
 # application image
-image: onap/aai-resources:1.9.6
+image: onap/aai-resources:1.9.7
 pullPolicy: Always
 restartPolicy: Always
 flavor: small