[OOF] Slicing_config exposed in the OOM config

Slicing_config exposed in the OOM config. This
should let to modify the configuration without
the need to restart container or to build new

Issue-ID: OPTFRA-986
Signed-off-by: Lukasz Rajewski <lukasz.rajewski@orange.com>
Change-Id: I5f629e53f912b36ab94877cd8e03861f47965eea
diff --git a/kubernetes/oof/resources/config/conf/slicing_config.yaml b/kubernetes/oof/resources/config/conf/slicing_config.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e456aec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kubernetes/oof/resources/config/conf/slicing_config.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+  NSI:
+    app_name: slice_selection
+    requirements_field: serviceProfile
+    model_info: NSTInfo
+  NSSI:
+    app_name: subnet_selection
+    requirements_field: sliceProfile
+    model_info: NSSTInfo
+  camel_to_snake:
+    maxBandwidth: max_bandwidth
+    jitter: jitter
+    sST: sst
+    latency: latency
+    resourceSharingLevel: resource_sharing_level
+    uEMobilityLevel: ue_mobility_level
+    maxNumberofUEs: max_number_of_ues
+    dLThptPerUE: dl_thpt_per_ue
+    uLThptPerUE: ul_thpt_per_ue
+    sNSSAI: s_nssai
+    pLMNIdList: plmn_id_list
+    activityFactor: activity_factor
+    coverageAreaTAList: coverage_area_ta_list
+    availability: availability
+    cSAvailabilityTarget: cs_availability_target
+    reliability: reliability
+    cSReliabilityMeanTime: cs_reliability_mean_time
+    dLThptPerSlice: dl_thpt_per_slice
+    expDataRateDL: exp_data_rate_dl
+    uLThptPerSlice: ul_thpt_per_slice
+    expDataRateUL: exp_data_rate_ul
+    maxPktSize: max_pkt_size
+    msgSizeByte: msg_size_byte
+    maxNumberofConns: max_number_of_conns
+    maxNumberofPDUSessions: max_number_of_pdu_sessions
+    termDensity: terminal_density
+    survivalTime: survival_time
+    areaTrafficCapDL: area_traffic_cap_dl
+    areaTrafficCapUL: area_traffic_cap_ul
+    overallUserDensity: overall_user_density
+    transferIntervalTarget: transfer_interval_target
+    expDataRate: exp_data_rate
+    security: security
+    maxThroughput: max_throughput
+    sliceProfileId: slice_profile_id
+    snssaiList: s_nssai_list
+    domainType: domain_type
+    logicInterfaceId: logical_interface_id
+    ipAddress: ip_address
+    nextHopInfo: next_hop_info
+    perfReq: perf_req
+  snake_to_camel:
+    max_bandwidth: maxBandwidth
+    jitter: jitter
+    sst: sST
+    latency: latency
+    resource_sharing_level: resourceSharingLevel
+    ue_mobility_level: uEMobilityLevel
+    max_number_of_ues: maxNumberofUEs
+    dl_thpt_per_ue: dLThptPerUE
+    ul_thpt_per_ue: uLThptPerUE
+    s_nssai: sNSSAI
+    plmn_id_list: pLMNIdList
+    activity_factor: activityFactor
+    coverage_area_ta_list: coverageAreaTAList
+    availability: availability
+    cs_availability_target: cSAvailabilityTarget
+    reliability: reliability
+    cs_reliability_mean_time: cSReliabilityMeanTime
+    dl_thpt_per_slice: dLThptPerSlice
+    exp_data_rate_dl: expDataRateDL
+    ul_thpt_per_slice: uLThptPerSlice
+    exp_data_rate_ul: expDataRateUL
+    max_pkt_size: maxPktSize
+    msg_size_byte: msgSizeByte
+    max_number_of_conns: maxNumberofConns
+    max_number_of_pdu_sessions: maxNumberofPDUSessions
+    terminal_density: termDensity
+    survival_time: survivalTime
+    area_traffic_cap_dl: areaTrafficCapDL
+    area_traffic_cap_ul: areaTrafficCapUL
+    overall_user_density: overallUserDensity
+    transfer_interval_target: transferIntervalTarget
+    exp_data_rate: expDataRate
+    security: security
+    max_throughput: maxThroughput
+    slice_profile_id: sliceProfileId
+    s_nssai_list: snssaiList
+    domain_type: domainType
+    logical_interface_id: logicInterfaceId
+    ip_address: ipAddress
+    next_hop_info: nextHopInfo
+    perf_req: perfReq
diff --git a/kubernetes/oof/templates/deployment.yaml b/kubernetes/oof/templates/deployment.yaml
index 0b19678..6f1022b 100644
--- a/kubernetes/oof/templates/deployment.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/oof/templates/deployment.yaml
@@ -120,6 +120,9 @@
           - mountPath: /opt/osdf/config/log.yml
             name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}-config
             subPath: log.yml
+          - mountPath: /opt/osdf/config/slicing_config.yaml
+            name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}-config
+            subPath: slicing_config.yaml
 {{ include "common.resources" . | indent 12 }}
         {{- if .Values.nodeSelector }}
@@ -146,6 +149,8 @@
               path: common_config.yaml
             - key: log.yml
               path: log.yml
+            - key: slicing_config.yaml
+              path: slicing_config.yaml
 {{ include "oof.certificate.volume" . | indent 8 }}
       - name: "{{ include "common.namespace" . }}-docker-registry-key"