[COMMON] Bump ONAP version

Update chart versions 12.0.0 for London

Issue-ID: OOM-3046

Signed-off-by: Andreas Geissler <andreas-geissler@telekom.de>
Change-Id: Ic196235ff4f6ae14a7ecad799bd75a9666b2594a
diff --git a/kubernetes/cps/components/cps-core/Chart.yaml b/kubernetes/cps/components/cps-core/Chart.yaml
index fcaee60..c9638b2 100644
--- a/kubernetes/cps/components/cps-core/Chart.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/cps/components/cps-core/Chart.yaml
@@ -18,26 +18,26 @@
 apiVersion: v2
 description: ONAP Configuration Persistance Service (CPS) - Core
 name: cps-core
-version: 11.0.0
+version: 12.0.0
   - name: common
-    version: ~11.x-0
+    version: ~12.x-0
     repository: '@local'
   - name: postgres
-    version: ~11.x-0
+    version: ~12.x-0
     repository: '@local'
     condition: global.postgres.localCluster
   - name: postgres-init
-    version: ~11.x-0
+    version: ~12.x-0
     repository: '@local'
     condition: postgres.postgresInit
   - name: readinessCheck
-    version: ~11.x-0
+    version: ~12.x-0
     repository: '@local'
   - name: repositoryGenerator
-    version: ~11.x-0
+    version: ~12.x-0
     repository: '@local'
   - name: serviceAccount
-    version: ~11.x-0
+    version: ~12.x-0
     repository: '@local'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/kubernetes/cps/components/cps-temporal/Chart.yaml b/kubernetes/cps/components/cps-temporal/Chart.yaml
index cbda117..39347a9 100644
--- a/kubernetes/cps/components/cps-temporal/Chart.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/cps/components/cps-temporal/Chart.yaml
@@ -21,21 +21,21 @@
 apiVersion: v2
 description: ONAP Configuration Persistance Service (CPS) - Temporal
 name: cps-temporal
-version: 11.0.0
+version: 12.0.0
   - name: common
-    version: ~11.x-0
+    version: ~12.x-0
     repository: '@local'
   - name: repositoryGenerator
-    version: ~11.x-0
+    version: ~12.x-0
     repository: '@local'
   - name: timescaledb
-    version: ~11.x-0
+    version: ~12.x-0
     repository: '@local'
   - name: readinessCheck
-    version: ~11.x-0
+    version: ~12.x-0
     repository: '@local'
   - name: serviceAccount
-    version: ~11.x-0
+    version: ~12.x-0
     repository: '@local'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/kubernetes/cps/components/ncmp-dmi-plugin/Chart.yaml b/kubernetes/cps/components/ncmp-dmi-plugin/Chart.yaml
index 669be9e..b75bbb3 100644
--- a/kubernetes/cps/components/ncmp-dmi-plugin/Chart.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/cps/components/ncmp-dmi-plugin/Chart.yaml
@@ -21,18 +21,18 @@
 apiVersion: v2
 description: ONAP Configuration Persistance Service (CPS) - NCMP-DMI-Plugin
 name: ncmp-dmi-plugin
-version: 11.0.0
+version: 12.0.0
   - name: common
-    version: ~11.x-0
+    version: ~12.x-0
     repository: '@local'
   - name: readinessCheck
-    version: ~11.x-0
+    version: ~12.x-0
     repository: '@local'
   - name: repositoryGenerator
-    version: ~11.x-0
+    version: ~12.x-0
     repository: '@local'
   - name: serviceAccount
-    version: ~11.x-0
+    version: ~12.x-0
     repository: '@local'
\ No newline at end of file