[CPS] Add topics and parameters

Add few topic for cps-and-ncmp and ncmp-dmi-plugin.
Followed the approach to globally provide the topics and user access
ALL for all the topics at the moment.

Issue-ID: CPS-1534
Change-Id: Ic184df5ab74d269fe9aeeadac3d89da16a3f84f1
Signed-off-by: mpriyank <priyank.maheshwari@est.tech>
diff --git a/kubernetes/cps/values.yaml b/kubernetes/cps/values.yaml
index dccc4d0..a08690e 100755
--- a/kubernetes/cps/values.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/cps/values.yaml
@@ -63,6 +63,26 @@
     retentionMs: 7200000
       groupId: ncmp-group
+  ncmpCmAvcSubscriptionTopic:
+    name: cm-avc-subscription
+    retentionMs: 7200000
+    consumer:
+      groupId: ncmp-group
+  ncmpCmEventsTopic:
+    name: cm-events
+    retentionMs: 7200000
+    consumer:
+      groupId: ncmp-group
+  dmiCmAvcSubscriptionTopic:
+    name: ncmp-dmi-cm-avc-subscription-ncmp-dmi-plugin
+    retentionMs: 7200000
+    consumer:
+      groupId: ncmp-group
+  dmiCmAvcSubscriptionResponseTopic:
+    name: dmi-ncmp-cm-avc-subscription
+    retentionMs: 7200000
+    consumer:
+      groupId: ncmp-group
 # Enable all CPS components by default