Add molecule tests for rke role

This change adds molecule tests for the rke role, and
modifies the rke role itself to be more idempotent/to
pass linter.
Note that this molecule test case uses a separate
role to install docker in containers, that runs
docker daemon inside of them instead of using host docker.

Issue-ID: OOM-1778
Change-Id: I875f3ff2ab961e5428acee5a02287a8d2d6e9969
Signed-off-by: Michal Zegan <>
diff --git a/ansible/roles/rke/molecule/default/destroy.yml b/ansible/roles/rke/molecule/default/destroy.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..591da82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansible/roles/rke/molecule/default/destroy.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+- name: Destroy
+  hosts: localhost
+  connection: local
+  gather_facts: false
+  no_log: "{{ not (lookup('env', 'MOLECULE_DEBUG') | bool or molecule_yml.provisioner.log|default(false) | bool) }}"
+  tasks:
+    - name: Destroy molecule instance(s)
+      docker_container:
+        name: "{{ }}"
+        docker_host: "{{ item.docker_host | default(lookup('env', 'DOCKER_HOST') or 'unix://var/run/docker.sock') }}"
+        state: absent
+        force_kill: "{{ item.force_kill | default(true) }}"
+        # Modification: we want to clean up old volumes.
+        keep_volumes: false
+      register: server
+      with_items: "{{ molecule_yml.platforms }}"
+      async: 7200
+      poll: 0
+    - name: Wait for instance(s) deletion to complete
+      async_status:
+        jid: "{{ item.ansible_job_id }}"
+      register: docker_jobs
+      until: docker_jobs.finished
+      retries: 300
+      with_items: "{{ server.results }}"
+    - name: Delete docker network(s)
+      docker_network:
+        name: "{{ item }}"
+        docker_host: "{{ item.docker_host | default(lookup('env', 'DOCKER_HOST') or 'unix://var/run/docker.sock') }}"
+        state: absent
+      with_items: "{{ molecule_yml.platforms | molecule_get_docker_networks }}"