Add nexus ansible role
This role deploys the internal nexus used as
offline source of docker images/npm packages for onap.
Change-Id: Iaf398eb03614749d2b3c100c241726144ccae1a0
Issue-ID: OOM-1551
Signed-off-by: Michal Zegan <>
diff --git a/ansible/roles/nexus/files/configure.groovy b/ansible/roles/nexus/files/configure.groovy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5691fe6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansible/roles/nexus/files/configure.groovy
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+/* Use the container to look up some services. */
+realmManager = container.lookup(RealmManager.class)
+userManager = container.lookup(UserManager.class, "default") //default user manager
+repositoryManager = container.lookup(RepositoryManager.class)
+/* Managers are used when scripting api cannot. Note that scripting api can only create mostly, and that creation methods return objects of created entities. */
+/* Perform cleanup by removing all repos and users. Realms do not need to be re-disabled, admin and anonymous user will not be removed. */
+userManager.listUserIds().each({ id ->
+ if (id != "anonymous" && id != "admin")
+ userManager.deleteUser(id)
+repositoryManager.browse().each {
+ repositoryManager.delete(it.getName())
+/* Add bearer token realms at the end of realm lists... */
+/* Create the docker user. */
+security.addUser("docker", "docker", "docker", "", true, "docker", ["nx-anonymous"])
+/* Create npm and docker repositories. Their default configuration should be compliant with our requirements, except the docker registry creation. */
+def r = repository.createDockerHosted("docker", 8082, 0)
+/* force basic authentication true by default, must set to false for docker repo. */
+conf.attributes("docker").set("forceBasicAuth", false)