Add inventory for cicdansible playbook

This change adds the basic inventory file and group_vars used when running
cicdansible playbook to deploy onap on openstack.
This inventory contains only instances that must be present, other inventory
entries are dynamically registered during install.
Also, it delegates to group_vars for things like floating ip
group_vars contains default settings for the playbook, and especially the
all.yml must be modified for the environment to be deployed.

Change-Id: Ia93e6b98841d7edc45699b44b2479af6daff6c4f
Issue-ID: OOM-2042
Signed-off-by: Michal Zegan <>
diff --git a/tools/cicdansible/group_vars/nodes.yml b/tools/cicdansible/group_vars/nodes.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76a222c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/cicdansible/group_vars/nodes.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+#Configuration for kubernetes nodes.
+#This redirects ssh connections through the installer instance, to allow connecting via internal ip.
+#It should work even on openssh versions lacking -j option support.
+#The value is based heavily on the default from parent group.
+ansible_ssh_common_args: "{{ disable_ssh_host_auth }} -o ProxyCommand='ssh {{ disable_ssh_host_auth }} -i {{ ansible_private_key_file }} -W %h:%p root@{{ installer_ip }}'"