Adding platform independent RPM download

Updated onap_rpm.list with new versions of packages.
Added scripts for creating centos container in docker with rpm repository.
RPM repo is now created in centos container during download phase, but will work on both centos/rhel platforms.
Issue-ID: OOM-2094

Signed-off-by: Jan Benedikt <>
Change-Id: I1b5bfe99da25e6815e85b449304b12fa6036c6b3
diff --git a/build/ b/build/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8e12a16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Path to folder with clonned offline-installer build directory with docker_entrypoint script
+# Path inside container
+# Docker image name and version
+# Getting input parametters
+while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]
+    key="$1"
+    case $key in
+        -h|--help)
+            # Help parametter
+            echo -e "Script for run docker container with RPM repository\n"
+            echo "-h --help: Show this help"
+            echo -e "-d --directory: set root path with offline-installer directory and repository directory for RPM packages\n"
+            echo "If build folder from offline repository is not specified will be used default path of current folder."
+            shift # past argument
+            shift # past value
+            exit
+            ;;
+        -d|--directory)
+            # Directory parametter
+            # Sets path where is clonned offline-installer build directory
+            volume_directory="$2"
+            shift # past argument
+            shift # past value
+            ;;
+        --default)
+            DEFAULT=YES
+            shift # past argument
+            ;;
+        *)  
+            # unknown option
+            POSITIONAL+=("$1") # save it in an array for later
+            shift # past argument
+            ;;
+    esac
+#Check if container "centos-repo" is running
+if [ ! "$(docker ps -q -f name=$container_name)" ]; then
+    if [ "$(docker ps -aq -f status=exited -f name=$container_name)" ]; then
+        # cleanup
+        docker rm $container_name
+    fi
+    # run repo container
+    # name of container $container_name
+    # docker entrypoint script from mounted volume
+    #
+    docker run -d \
+               --name $container_name \
+               -v ${volume_directory}:${container_volume} \
+               --entrypoint="${container_volume}offline-installer/build/" \
+               -it ${docker_image} \
+               --rm \
+               --directory ${container_volume}resources/pkg/rhel/ \
+               --list ${container_volume}offline-installer/build/data_lists/