Fix wrong detection of uploaded resources

Issue-ID: OOM-1596

Change-Id: I091cd558f7574f49dddf4380df24e11141a4b78d
Signed-off-by: Milan Verespej <>
diff --git a/ansible/roles/resource-data/tasks/unarchive-resource.yml b/ansible/roles/resource-data/tasks/unarchive-resource.yml
index 9eafc22..7ccd21e 100644
--- a/ansible/roles/resource-data/tasks/unarchive-resource.yml
+++ b/ansible/roles/resource-data/tasks/unarchive-resource.yml
@@ -17,20 +17,40 @@
     path: "{{ resource_destination_directory }}"
     state: directory
-  register: create_destination_dir
+- name: Check if resources are uploaded
+  stat:
+    path: "{{ resource_destination_directory }}/{{ resource_source_filename }}-uploaded"
+  register: uploaded
 - name: "Handle transport of one archive file"
+  when: not uploaded.stat.exists
-    - name: Re-set upload_failed
-      set_fact:
-        upload_failed: false
+    - name: "Get list of destination directory files"
+      find:
+        path: "{{ resource_destination_directory }}"
+        file_type: any
+      register: original_files
     - name: "Unarchive resource {{ resource_source_filename }} from host {{ resources_source_host }}, transport is {{ transport }}"
       include_tasks: "unarchive-{{ transport }}-resource.yml"
-    - name: "Remove the destination directory {{ resource_destination_directory }} on error"
-      file:
+    - file:
+        path: "{{ resource_destination_directory }}/{{ resource_source_filename }}-uploaded"
+        state: touch
+  rescue:
+    - name: "Get list of destination directory files"
+      find:
         path: "{{ resource_destination_directory }}"
+        file_type: any
+      register: files_after_fail
+    - name: "Cleanup the destination directory {{ resource_destination_directory }} on error"
+      file:
+        path: "{{ item.path }}"
         state: absent
-      when: upload_failed
-  when: create_destination_dir.changed
+      with_items: "{{ files_after_fail.files | difference(original_files.files) }}"
+      when: files_after_fail is defined
+    - fail:
+        msg: "Upload of {{ resource_source_filename }} failed"