Merge "Fetch and Delete policy API with PolicyName and PolicyVersion"
diff --git a/main/src/main/java/org/onap/policy/api/main/rest/ b/main/src/main/java/org/onap/policy/api/main/rest/
index 79d8a64..e23604b 100644
--- a/main/src/main/java/org/onap/policy/api/main/rest/
+++ b/main/src/main/java/org/onap/policy/api/main/rest/
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
  * Copyright (C) 2018 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

  * Copyright (C) 2019-2020 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.

  * Modifications Copyright (C) 2020 Nordix Foundation.

+ * Modifications Copyright (C) 2020 Bell Canada.

  * ================================================================================

  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");

  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

@@ -37,6 +38,8 @@
 import io.swagger.annotations.ResponseHeader;

 import io.swagger.annotations.SecurityDefinition;

 import io.swagger.annotations.SwaggerDefinition;


+import java.util.List;

 import java.util.UUID;



@@ -49,6 +52,7 @@







@@ -90,6 +94,42 @@

     private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ApiRestController.class);


+    private static final String ERROR_MESSAGE_NO_POLICIES_FOUND = "No policies found";


+    private static final String EXTENSION_NAME = "interface info";


+    private static final String API_VERSION_NAME = "api-version";

+    private static final String API_VERSION = "1.0.0";


+    private static final String LAST_MOD_NAME = "last-mod-release";


+    private static final String AUTHORIZATION_TYPE = "basicAuth";


+    private static final String VERSION_MINOR_NAME = "X-MinorVersion";

+    private static final String VERSION_MINOR_DESCRIPTION =

+        "Used to request or communicate a MINOR version back from the client"

+            + " to the server, and from the server back to the client";


+    private static final String VERSION_PATCH_NAME = "X-PatchVersion";

+    private static final String VERSION_PATCH_DESCRIPTION = "Used only to communicate a PATCH version in a response for"

+        + " troubleshooting purposes only, and will not be provided by" + " the client on request";


+    private static final String VERSION_LATEST_NAME = "X-LatestVersion";

+    private static final String VERSION_LATEST_DESCRIPTION = "Used only to communicate an API's latest version";


+    private static final String REQUEST_ID_NAME = "X-ONAP-RequestID";

+    private static final String REQUEST_ID_HDR_DESCRIPTION = "Used to track REST transactions for logging purpose";

+    private static final String REQUEST_ID_PARAM_DESCRIPTION = "RequestID for http transaction";


+    private static final String AUTHENTICATION_ERROR_MESSAGE = "Authentication Error";

+    private static final String AUTHORIZATION_ERROR_MESSAGE = "Authorization Error";

+    private static final String SERVER_ERROR_MESSAGE = "Internal Server Error";

+    private static final String NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE = "Resource Not Found";

+    private static final String INVALID_BODY_MESSAGE = "Invalid Body";

+    private static final String INVALID_PAYLOAD_MESSAGE = "Not Acceptable Payload";

+    private static final String HTTP_CONFLICT_MESSAGE = "Delete Conflict, Rule Violation";




      * Retrieves the healthcheck status of the API component.


@@ -100,27 +140,27 @@
     @ApiOperation(value = "Perform a system healthcheck", notes = "Returns healthy status of the Policy API component",

         response = HealthCheckReport.class,

         responseHeaders = {

-            @ResponseHeader(name = "X-MinorVersion",

-                description = "Used to request or communicate a MINOR version back from the client"

-                    + " to the server, and from the server back to the client",

+            @ResponseHeader(name = VERSION_MINOR_NAME,

+                description = VERSION_MINOR_DESCRIPTION,

                 response = String.class),

-            @ResponseHeader(name = "X-PatchVersion",

-                description = "Used only to communicate a PATCH version in a response for"

-                    + " troubleshooting purposes only, and will not be provided by" + " the client on request",

+            @ResponseHeader(name = VERSION_PATCH_NAME,

+                description = VERSION_PATCH_DESCRIPTION,

                 response = String.class),

-            @ResponseHeader(name = "X-LatestVersion", description = "Used only to communicate an API's latest version",

+            @ResponseHeader(name = VERSION_LATEST_NAME, description = VERSION_LATEST_DESCRIPTION,

                 response = String.class),

-            @ResponseHeader(name = "X-ONAP-RequestID",

-                description = "Used to track REST transactions for logging purpose", response = UUID.class)},

-        authorizations = @Authorization(value = "basicAuth"), tags = {"HealthCheck", },

+            @ResponseHeader(name = REQUEST_ID_NAME,

+                description = REQUEST_ID_HDR_DESCRIPTION, response = UUID.class)},

+        authorizations = @Authorization(value = AUTHORIZATION_TYPE), tags = {"HealthCheck", },

         extensions = {

-            @Extension(name = "interface info", properties = {@ExtensionProperty(name = "api-version", value = "1.0.0"),

-                @ExtensionProperty(name = "last-mod-release", value = "Dublin")})})

-    @ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Authentication Error"),

-        @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Authorization Error"),

-        @ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal Server Error")})

+            @Extension(name = EXTENSION_NAME, properties = {

+                @ExtensionProperty(name = API_VERSION_NAME, value = API_VERSION),

+                @ExtensionProperty(name = LAST_MOD_NAME, value = "Dublin")})})

+    @ApiResponses(value = {

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, message = AUTHENTICATION_ERROR_MESSAGE),

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_FORBIDDEN, message = AUTHORIZATION_ERROR_MESSAGE),

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR, message = SERVER_ERROR_MESSAGE)})

     public Response

-        getHealthCheck(@HeaderParam("X-ONAP-RequestID") @ApiParam("RequestID for http transaction") UUID requestId) {

+        getHealthCheck(@HeaderParam(REQUEST_ID_NAME) @ApiParam(REQUEST_ID_PARAM_DESCRIPTION) UUID requestId) {


         updateApiStatisticsCounter(Target.OTHER, Result.SUCCESS, HttpMethod.GET);

         return makeOkResponse(requestId, new HealthCheckProvider().performHealthCheck());

@@ -137,27 +177,27 @@
         notes = "Returns current statistics including the counters of API invocation",

         response = StatisticsReport.class,

         responseHeaders = {

-            @ResponseHeader(name = "X-MinorVersion",

-                description = "Used to request or communicate a MINOR version back from the client"

-                    + " to the server, and from the server back to the client",

+            @ResponseHeader(name = VERSION_MINOR_NAME,

+                description = VERSION_MINOR_DESCRIPTION,

                 response = String.class),

-            @ResponseHeader(name = "X-PatchVersion",

-                description = "Used only to communicate a PATCH version in a response for"

-                    + " troubleshooting purposes only, and will not be provided by" + " the client on request",

+            @ResponseHeader(name = VERSION_PATCH_NAME,

+                description = VERSION_PATCH_DESCRIPTION,

                 response = String.class),

-            @ResponseHeader(name = "X-LatestVersion", description = "Used only to communicate an API's latest version",

+            @ResponseHeader(name = VERSION_LATEST_NAME, description = VERSION_LATEST_DESCRIPTION,

                 response = String.class),

-            @ResponseHeader(name = "X-ONAP-RequestID",

-                description = "Used to track REST transactions for logging purpose", response = UUID.class)},

-        authorizations = @Authorization(value = "basicAuth"), tags = {"Statistics", },

+            @ResponseHeader(name = REQUEST_ID_NAME,

+                description = REQUEST_ID_HDR_DESCRIPTION, response = UUID.class)},

+        authorizations = @Authorization(value = AUTHORIZATION_TYPE), tags = {"Statistics", },

         extensions = {

-            @Extension(name = "interface info", properties = {@ExtensionProperty(name = "api-version", value = "1.0.0"),

-                @ExtensionProperty(name = "last-mod-release", value = "Dublin")})})

-    @ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Authentication Error"),

-        @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Authorization Error"),

-        @ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal Server Error")})

+            @Extension(name = EXTENSION_NAME, properties = {

+                @ExtensionProperty(name = API_VERSION_NAME, value = API_VERSION),

+                @ExtensionProperty(name = LAST_MOD_NAME, value = "Dublin")})})

+    @ApiResponses(value = {

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, message = AUTHENTICATION_ERROR_MESSAGE),

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_FORBIDDEN, message = AUTHORIZATION_ERROR_MESSAGE),

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR, message = SERVER_ERROR_MESSAGE)})

     public Response

-        getStatistics(@HeaderParam("X-ONAP-RequestID") @ApiParam("RequestID for http transaction") UUID requestId) {

+        getStatistics(@HeaderParam(REQUEST_ID_NAME) @ApiParam(REQUEST_ID_PARAM_DESCRIPTION) UUID requestId) {


         updateApiStatisticsCounter(Target.OTHER, Result.SUCCESS, HttpMethod.GET);


@@ -175,34 +215,34 @@
         notes = "Returns a list of existing policy types stored in Policy Framework",

         response = ToscaServiceTemplate.class,

         responseHeaders = {

-            @ResponseHeader(name = "X-MinorVersion",

-                description = "Used to request or communicate a MINOR version back from the client"

-                    + " to the server, and from the server back to the client",

+            @ResponseHeader(name = VERSION_MINOR_NAME,

+                description = VERSION_MINOR_DESCRIPTION,

                 response = String.class),

-            @ResponseHeader(name = "X-PatchVersion",

-                description = "Used only to communicate a PATCH version in a response for"

-                    + " troubleshooting purposes only, and will not be provided by" + " the client on request",

+            @ResponseHeader(name = VERSION_PATCH_NAME,

+                description = VERSION_PATCH_DESCRIPTION,

                 response = String.class),

-            @ResponseHeader(name = "X-LatestVersion", description = "Used only to communicate an API's latest version",

+            @ResponseHeader(name = VERSION_LATEST_NAME, description = VERSION_LATEST_DESCRIPTION,

                 response = String.class),

-            @ResponseHeader(name = "X-ONAP-RequestID",

-                description = "Used to track REST transactions for logging purpose", response = UUID.class)},

-        authorizations = @Authorization(value = "basicAuth"), tags = {"PolicyType", },

+            @ResponseHeader(name = REQUEST_ID_NAME,

+                description = REQUEST_ID_HDR_DESCRIPTION, response = UUID.class)},

+        authorizations = @Authorization(value = AUTHORIZATION_TYPE), tags = {"PolicyType", },

         extensions = {

-            @Extension(name = "interface info", properties = {@ExtensionProperty(name = "api-version", value = "1.0.0"),

-                @ExtensionProperty(name = "last-mod-release", value = "Dublin")})})

-    @ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Authentication Error"),

-        @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Authorization Error"),

-        @ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal Server Error")})

+            @Extension(name = EXTENSION_NAME, properties = {

+                @ExtensionProperty(name = API_VERSION_NAME, value = API_VERSION),

+                @ExtensionProperty(name = LAST_MOD_NAME, value = "Dublin")})})

+    @ApiResponses(value = {

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, message = AUTHENTICATION_ERROR_MESSAGE),

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_FORBIDDEN, message = AUTHORIZATION_ERROR_MESSAGE),

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR, message = SERVER_ERROR_MESSAGE)})

     public Response

-        getAllPolicyTypes(@HeaderParam("X-ONAP-RequestID") @ApiParam("RequestID for http transaction") UUID requestId) {

+        getAllPolicyTypes(@HeaderParam(REQUEST_ID_NAME) @ApiParam(REQUEST_ID_PARAM_DESCRIPTION) UUID requestId) {


         try (PolicyTypeProvider policyTypeProvider = new PolicyTypeProvider()) {

             ToscaServiceTemplate serviceTemplate = policyTypeProvider.fetchPolicyTypes(null, null);

             updateApiStatisticsCounter(Target.POLICY_TYPE, Result.SUCCESS, HttpMethod.GET);

             return makeOkResponse(requestId, serviceTemplate);

         } catch (PfModelException | PfModelRuntimeException pfme) {

-            LOGGER.debug("GET /policytypes", pfme);

+            LOGGER.warn("GET /policytypes", pfme);

             updateApiStatisticsCounter(Target.POLICY_TYPE, Result.FAILURE, HttpMethod.GET);

             return makeErrorResponse(requestId, pfme);


@@ -221,36 +261,36 @@
         notes = "Returns a list of all available versions for the specified policy type",

         response = ToscaServiceTemplate.class,

         responseHeaders = {

-            @ResponseHeader(name = "X-MinorVersion",

-                description = "Used to request or communicate a MINOR version back from the client"

-                    + " to the server, and from the server back to the client",

+            @ResponseHeader(name = VERSION_MINOR_NAME,

+                description = VERSION_MINOR_DESCRIPTION,

                 response = String.class),

-            @ResponseHeader(name = "X-PatchVersion",

-                description = "Used only to communicate a PATCH version in a response for"

-                    + " troubleshooting purposes only, and will not be provided by" + " the client on request",

+            @ResponseHeader(name = VERSION_PATCH_NAME,

+                description = VERSION_PATCH_DESCRIPTION,

                 response = String.class),

-            @ResponseHeader(name = "X-LatestVersion", description = "Used only to communicate an API's latest version",

+            @ResponseHeader(name = VERSION_LATEST_NAME, description = VERSION_LATEST_DESCRIPTION,

                 response = String.class),

-            @ResponseHeader(name = "X-ONAP-RequestID",

-                description = "Used to track REST transactions for logging purpose", response = UUID.class)},

-        authorizations = @Authorization(value = "basicAuth"), tags = {"PolicyType", },

+            @ResponseHeader(name = REQUEST_ID_NAME,

+                description = REQUEST_ID_HDR_DESCRIPTION, response = UUID.class)},

+        authorizations = @Authorization(value = AUTHORIZATION_TYPE), tags = {"PolicyType", },

         extensions = {

-            @Extension(name = "interface info", properties = {@ExtensionProperty(name = "api-version", value = "1.0.0"),

-                @ExtensionProperty(name = "last-mod-release", value = "Dublin")})})

-    @ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Authentication Error"),

-        @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Authorization Error"),

-        @ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Resource Not Found"),

-        @ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal Server Error")})

+            @Extension(name = EXTENSION_NAME, properties = {

+                @ExtensionProperty(name = API_VERSION_NAME, value = API_VERSION),

+                @ExtensionProperty(name = LAST_MOD_NAME, value = "Dublin")})})

+    @ApiResponses(value = {

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, message = AUTHENTICATION_ERROR_MESSAGE),

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_FORBIDDEN, message = AUTHORIZATION_ERROR_MESSAGE),

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND, message = NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE),

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR, message = SERVER_ERROR_MESSAGE)})

     public Response getAllVersionsOfPolicyType(

         @PathParam("policyTypeId") @ApiParam(value = "ID of policy type", required = true) String policyTypeId,

-        @HeaderParam("X-ONAP-RequestID") @ApiParam("RequestID for http transaction") UUID requestId) {

+        @HeaderParam(REQUEST_ID_NAME) @ApiParam(REQUEST_ID_PARAM_DESCRIPTION) UUID requestId) {


         try (PolicyTypeProvider policyTypeProvider = new PolicyTypeProvider()) {

             ToscaServiceTemplate serviceTemplate = policyTypeProvider.fetchPolicyTypes(policyTypeId, null);

             updateApiStatisticsCounter(Target.POLICY_TYPE, Result.SUCCESS, HttpMethod.GET);

             return makeOkResponse(requestId, serviceTemplate);

         } catch (PfModelException | PfModelRuntimeException pfme) {

-            LOGGER.debug("GET /policytypes/{}", policyTypeId, pfme);

+            LOGGER.warn("GET /policytypes/{}", policyTypeId, pfme);

             updateApiStatisticsCounter(Target.POLICY_TYPE, Result.FAILURE, HttpMethod.GET);

             return makeErrorResponse(requestId, pfme);


@@ -269,37 +309,37 @@
     @ApiOperation(value = "Retrieve one particular version of a policy type",

         notes = "Returns a particular version for the specified policy type", response = ToscaServiceTemplate.class,

         responseHeaders = {

-            @ResponseHeader(name = "X-MinorVersion",

-                description = "Used to request or communicate a MINOR version back from the client"

-                    + " to the server, and from the server back to the client",

+            @ResponseHeader(name = VERSION_MINOR_NAME,

+                description = VERSION_MINOR_DESCRIPTION,

                 response = String.class),

-            @ResponseHeader(name = "X-PatchVersion",

-                description = "Used only to communicate a PATCH version in a response for"

-                    + " troubleshooting purposes only, and will not be provided by" + " the client on request",

+            @ResponseHeader(name = VERSION_PATCH_NAME,

+                description = VERSION_PATCH_DESCRIPTION,

                 response = String.class),

-            @ResponseHeader(name = "X-LatestVersion", description = "Used only to communicate an API's latest version",

+            @ResponseHeader(name = VERSION_LATEST_NAME, description = VERSION_LATEST_DESCRIPTION,

                 response = String.class),

-            @ResponseHeader(name = "X-ONAP-RequestID",

-                description = "Used to track REST transactions for logging purpose", response = UUID.class)},

-        authorizations = @Authorization(value = "basicAuth"), tags = {"PolicyType", },

+            @ResponseHeader(name = REQUEST_ID_NAME,

+                description = REQUEST_ID_HDR_DESCRIPTION, response = UUID.class)},

+        authorizations = @Authorization(value = AUTHORIZATION_TYPE), tags = {"PolicyType", },

         extensions = {

-            @Extension(name = "interface info", properties = {@ExtensionProperty(name = "api-version", value = "1.0.0"),

-                @ExtensionProperty(name = "last-mod-release", value = "Dublin")})})

-    @ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Authentication Error"),

-        @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Authorization Error"),

-        @ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Resource Not Found"),

-        @ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal Server Error")})

+            @Extension(name = EXTENSION_NAME, properties = {

+                @ExtensionProperty(name = API_VERSION_NAME, value = API_VERSION),

+                @ExtensionProperty(name = LAST_MOD_NAME, value = "Dublin")})})

+    @ApiResponses(value = {

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, message = AUTHENTICATION_ERROR_MESSAGE),

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_FORBIDDEN, message = AUTHORIZATION_ERROR_MESSAGE),

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND, message = NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE),

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR, message = SERVER_ERROR_MESSAGE)})

     public Response getSpecificVersionOfPolicyType(

         @PathParam("policyTypeId") @ApiParam(value = "ID of policy type", required = true) String policyTypeId,

         @PathParam("versionId") @ApiParam(value = "Version of policy type", required = true) String versionId,

-        @HeaderParam("X-ONAP-RequestID") @ApiParam("RequestID for http transaction") UUID requestId) {

+        @HeaderParam(REQUEST_ID_NAME) @ApiParam(REQUEST_ID_PARAM_DESCRIPTION) UUID requestId) {


         try (PolicyTypeProvider policyTypeProvider = new PolicyTypeProvider()) {

             ToscaServiceTemplate serviceTemplate = policyTypeProvider.fetchPolicyTypes(policyTypeId, versionId);

             updateApiStatisticsCounter(Target.POLICY_TYPE, Result.SUCCESS, HttpMethod.GET);

             return makeOkResponse(requestId, serviceTemplate);

         } catch (PfModelException | PfModelRuntimeException pfme) {

-            LOGGER.debug("GET /policytypes/{}/versions/{}", policyTypeId, versionId, pfme);

+            LOGGER.warn("GET /policytypes/{}/versions/{}", policyTypeId, versionId, pfme);

             updateApiStatisticsCounter(Target.POLICY_TYPE, Result.FAILURE, HttpMethod.GET);

             return makeErrorResponse(requestId, pfme);


@@ -317,36 +357,36 @@
     @ApiOperation(value = "Retrieve latest version of a policy type",

         notes = "Returns latest version for the specified policy type", response = ToscaServiceTemplate.class,

         responseHeaders = {

-            @ResponseHeader(name = "X-MinorVersion",

-                description = "Used to request or communicate a MINOR version back from the client"

-                    + " to the server, and from the server back to the client",

+            @ResponseHeader(name = VERSION_MINOR_NAME,

+                description = VERSION_MINOR_DESCRIPTION,

                 response = String.class),

-            @ResponseHeader(name = "X-PatchVersion",

-                description = "Used only to communicate a PATCH version in a response for"

-                    + " troubleshooting purposes only, and will not be provided by" + " the client on request",

+            @ResponseHeader(name = VERSION_PATCH_NAME,

+                description = VERSION_PATCH_DESCRIPTION,

                 response = String.class),

-            @ResponseHeader(name = "X-LatestVersion", description = "Used only to communicate an API's latest version",

+            @ResponseHeader(name = VERSION_LATEST_NAME, description = VERSION_LATEST_DESCRIPTION,

                 response = String.class),

-            @ResponseHeader(name = "X-ONAP-RequestID",

-                description = "Used to track REST transactions for logging purpose", response = UUID.class)},

-        authorizations = @Authorization(value = "basicAuth"), tags = {"PolicyType", },

+            @ResponseHeader(name = REQUEST_ID_NAME,

+                description = REQUEST_ID_HDR_DESCRIPTION, response = UUID.class)},

+        authorizations = @Authorization(value = AUTHORIZATION_TYPE), tags = {"PolicyType", },

         extensions = {

-            @Extension(name = "interface info", properties = {@ExtensionProperty(name = "api-version", value = "1.0.0"),

-                @ExtensionProperty(name = "last-mod-release", value = "Dublin")})})

-    @ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Authentication Error"),

-        @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Authorization Error"),

-        @ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Resource Not Found"),

-        @ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal Server Error")})

+            @Extension(name = EXTENSION_NAME, properties = {

+                @ExtensionProperty(name = API_VERSION_NAME, value = API_VERSION),

+                @ExtensionProperty(name = LAST_MOD_NAME, value = "Dublin")})})

+    @ApiResponses(value = {

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, message = AUTHENTICATION_ERROR_MESSAGE),

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_FORBIDDEN, message = AUTHORIZATION_ERROR_MESSAGE),

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND, message = NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE),

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR, message = SERVER_ERROR_MESSAGE)})

     public Response getLatestVersionOfPolicyType(

         @PathParam("policyTypeId") @ApiParam(value = "ID of policy type", required = true) String policyTypeId,

-        @HeaderParam("X-ONAP-RequestID") @ApiParam("RequestID for http transaction") UUID requestId) {

+        @HeaderParam(REQUEST_ID_NAME) @ApiParam(REQUEST_ID_PARAM_DESCRIPTION) UUID requestId) {


         try (PolicyTypeProvider policyTypeProvider = new PolicyTypeProvider()) {

             ToscaServiceTemplate serviceTemplate = policyTypeProvider.fetchLatestPolicyTypes(policyTypeId);

             updateApiStatisticsCounter(Target.POLICY_TYPE, Result.SUCCESS, HttpMethod.GET);

             return makeOkResponse(requestId, serviceTemplate);

         } catch (PfModelException | PfModelRuntimeException pfme) {

-            LOGGER.debug("GET /policytypes/{}/versions/latest", policyTypeId, pfme);

+            LOGGER.warn("GET /policytypes/{}/versions/latest", policyTypeId, pfme);

             updateApiStatisticsCounter(Target.POLICY_TYPE, Result.FAILURE, HttpMethod.GET);

             return makeErrorResponse(requestId, pfme);


@@ -362,32 +402,32 @@


     @ApiOperation(value = "Create a new policy type", notes = "Client should provide TOSCA body of the new policy type",

-        authorizations = @Authorization(value = "basicAuth"), tags = {"PolicyType", },

+        authorizations = @Authorization(value = AUTHORIZATION_TYPE), tags = {"PolicyType", },

         response = ToscaServiceTemplate.class,

         responseHeaders = {

-            @ResponseHeader(name = "X-MinorVersion",

-                description = "Used to request or communicate a MINOR version back from the client"

-                    + " to the server, and from the server back to the client",

+            @ResponseHeader(name = VERSION_MINOR_NAME,

+                description = VERSION_MINOR_DESCRIPTION,

                 response = String.class),

-            @ResponseHeader(name = "X-PatchVersion",

-                description = "Used only to communicate a PATCH version in a response for"

-                    + " troubleshooting purposes only, and will not be provided by" + " the client on request",

+            @ResponseHeader(name = VERSION_PATCH_NAME,

+                description = VERSION_PATCH_DESCRIPTION,

                 response = String.class),

-            @ResponseHeader(name = "X-LatestVersion", description = "Used only to communicate an API's latest version",

+            @ResponseHeader(name = VERSION_LATEST_NAME, description = VERSION_LATEST_DESCRIPTION,

                 response = String.class),

-            @ResponseHeader(name = "X-ONAP-RequestID",

-                description = "Used to track REST transactions for logging purpose", response = UUID.class)},

+            @ResponseHeader(name = REQUEST_ID_NAME,

+                description = REQUEST_ID_HDR_DESCRIPTION, response = UUID.class)},

         extensions = {

-            @Extension(name = "interface info", properties = {@ExtensionProperty(name = "api-version", value = "1.0.0"),

-                @ExtensionProperty(name = "last-mod-release", value = "Dublin")})})

-    @ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 400, message = "Invalid Body"),

-        @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Authentication Error"),

-        @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Authorization Error"),

-        @ApiResponse(code = 406, message = "Not Acceptable Payload"),

-        @ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal Server Error")})

+            @Extension(name = EXTENSION_NAME, properties = {

+                @ExtensionProperty(name = API_VERSION_NAME, value = API_VERSION),

+                @ExtensionProperty(name = LAST_MOD_NAME, value = "Dublin")})})

+    @ApiResponses(value = {

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, message = INVALID_BODY_MESSAGE),

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, message = AUTHENTICATION_ERROR_MESSAGE),

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_FORBIDDEN, message = AUTHORIZATION_ERROR_MESSAGE),

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE, message = INVALID_PAYLOAD_MESSAGE),

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR, message = SERVER_ERROR_MESSAGE)})

     public Response createPolicyType(

         @ApiParam(value = "Entity body of policy type", required = true) ToscaServiceTemplate body,

-        @HeaderParam("X-ONAP-RequestID") @ApiParam("RequestID for http transaction") UUID requestId) {

+        @HeaderParam(REQUEST_ID_NAME) @ApiParam(REQUEST_ID_PARAM_DESCRIPTION) UUID requestId) {


         if (NetLoggerUtil.getNetworkLogger().isInfoEnabled()) {

             NetLoggerUtil.log(EventType.IN, CommInfrastructure.REST, "/policytypes", toJson(body));

@@ -398,7 +438,7 @@
             updateApiStatisticsCounter(Target.POLICY_TYPE, Result.SUCCESS, HttpMethod.POST);

             return makeOkResponse(requestId, serviceTemplate);

         } catch (PfModelException | PfModelRuntimeException pfme) {

-            LOGGER.debug("POST /policytypes", pfme);

+            LOGGER.warn("POST /policytypes", pfme);

             updateApiStatisticsCounter(Target.POLICY_TYPE, Result.FAILURE, HttpMethod.POST);

             return makeErrorResponse(requestId, pfme);


@@ -418,39 +458,41 @@
         notes = "Rule 1: pre-defined policy types cannot be deleted;"

             + "Rule 2: policy types that are in use (parameterized by a TOSCA policy) cannot be deleted."

             + "The parameterizing TOSCA policies must be deleted first;",

-        authorizations = @Authorization(value = "basicAuth"), tags = {"PolicyType", },

+        authorizations = @Authorization(value = AUTHORIZATION_TYPE), tags = {"PolicyType", },

         response = ToscaServiceTemplate.class,

         responseHeaders = {

-            @ResponseHeader(name = "X-MinorVersion",

-                description = "Used to request or communicate a MINOR version back from the client"

-                    + " to the server, and from the server back to the client",

+            @ResponseHeader(name = VERSION_MINOR_NAME,

+                description = VERSION_MINOR_DESCRIPTION,

                 response = String.class),

-            @ResponseHeader(name = "X-PatchVersion",

-                description = "Used only to communicate a PATCH version in a response for"

-                    + " troubleshooting purposes only, and will not be provided by" + " the client on request",

+            @ResponseHeader(name = VERSION_PATCH_NAME,

+                description = VERSION_PATCH_DESCRIPTION,

                 response = String.class),

-            @ResponseHeader(name = "X-LatestVersion", description = "Used only to communicate an API's latest version",

+            @ResponseHeader(name = VERSION_LATEST_NAME, description = VERSION_LATEST_DESCRIPTION,

                 response = String.class),

-            @ResponseHeader(name = "X-ONAP-RequestID",

-                description = "Used to track REST transactions for logging purpose", response = UUID.class)},

+            @ResponseHeader(name = REQUEST_ID_NAME,

+                description = REQUEST_ID_HDR_DESCRIPTION, response = UUID.class)},

         extensions = {

-            @Extension(name = "interface info", properties = {@ExtensionProperty(name = "api-version", value = "1.0.0"),

-                @ExtensionProperty(name = "last-mod-release", value = "Dublin")})})

-    @ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Authentication Error"),

-        @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Authorization Error"),

-        @ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Resource Not Found"),

-        @ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Delete Conflict, Rule Violation"),

-        @ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal Server Error")})

+            @Extension(name = EXTENSION_NAME, properties = {

+                @ExtensionProperty(name = API_VERSION_NAME, value = API_VERSION),

+                @ExtensionProperty(name = LAST_MOD_NAME, value = "Dublin")})})

+    @ApiResponses(value = {

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, message = AUTHENTICATION_ERROR_MESSAGE),

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_FORBIDDEN, message = AUTHORIZATION_ERROR_MESSAGE),

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND, message = NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE),

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_CONFLICT, message = HTTP_CONFLICT_MESSAGE),

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR, message = SERVER_ERROR_MESSAGE)})

     public Response deleteSpecificVersionOfPolicyType(

         @PathParam("policyTypeId") @ApiParam(value = "ID of policy type", required = true) String policyTypeId,

         @PathParam("versionId") @ApiParam(value = "Version of policy type", required = true) String versionId,

-        @HeaderParam("X-ONAP-RequestID") @ApiParam("RequestID for http transaction") UUID requestId) {

+        @HeaderParam(REQUEST_ID_NAME) @ApiParam(REQUEST_ID_PARAM_DESCRIPTION) UUID requestId) {


         try (PolicyTypeProvider policyTypeProvider = new PolicyTypeProvider()) {

             ToscaServiceTemplate serviceTemplate = policyTypeProvider.deletePolicyType(policyTypeId, versionId);

+            updateApiStatisticsCounter(Target.POLICY_TYPE, Result.SUCCESS, HttpMethod.DELETE);

             return makeOkResponse(requestId, serviceTemplate);

         } catch (PfModelException | PfModelRuntimeException pfme) {

-            LOGGER.debug("DELETE /policytypes/{}/versions/{}", policyTypeId, versionId, pfme);

+            LOGGER.warn("DELETE /policytypes/{}/versions/{}", policyTypeId, versionId, pfme);

+            updateApiStatisticsCounter(Target.POLICY_TYPE, Result.FAILURE, HttpMethod.DELETE);

             return makeErrorResponse(requestId, pfme);



@@ -463,7 +505,6 @@

      * @return the Response object containing the results of the API operation


-    // @formatter:off




@@ -471,37 +512,35 @@
         notes = "Returns a list of all versions of specified policy created for the specified policy type version",

         response = ToscaServiceTemplate.class,

         responseHeaders = {

-            @ResponseHeader(name = "X-MinorVersion",

-                description = "Used to request or communicate a MINOR version back from the client"

-                    + " to the server, and from the server back to the client",

+            @ResponseHeader(name = VERSION_MINOR_NAME,

+                description = VERSION_MINOR_DESCRIPTION,

                 response = String.class),

-            @ResponseHeader(name = "X-PatchVersion",

-                description = "Used only to communicate a PATCH version in a response for"

-                    + " troubleshooting purposes only, and will not be provided by" + " the client on request",

+            @ResponseHeader(name = VERSION_PATCH_NAME,

+                description = VERSION_PATCH_DESCRIPTION,

                 response = String.class),

-            @ResponseHeader(name = "X-LatestVersion", description = "Used only to communicate an API's latest version",

+            @ResponseHeader(name = VERSION_LATEST_NAME, description = VERSION_LATEST_DESCRIPTION,

                 response = String.class),

-            @ResponseHeader(name = "X-ONAP-RequestID",

-                description = "Used to track REST transactions for logging purpose", response = UUID.class)},

-        authorizations = @Authorization(value = "basicAuth"), tags = {"Policy,"},

+            @ResponseHeader(name = REQUEST_ID_NAME,

+                description = REQUEST_ID_HDR_DESCRIPTION, response = UUID.class)},

+        authorizations = @Authorization(value = AUTHORIZATION_TYPE), tags = {"Policy,"},

         extensions = {

-            @Extension(name = "interface info", properties = {

-                @ExtensionProperty(name = "api-version", value = "1.0.0"),

-                @ExtensionProperty(name = "last-mod-release", value = "Dublin")

+            @Extension(name = EXTENSION_NAME, properties = {

+                @ExtensionProperty(name = API_VERSION_NAME, value = API_VERSION),

+                @ExtensionProperty(name = LAST_MOD_NAME, value = "Dublin")




     @ApiResponses(value = {

-        @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Authentication Error"),

-        @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Authorization Error"),

-        @ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Resource Not Found"),

-        @ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal Server Error")

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, message = AUTHENTICATION_ERROR_MESSAGE),

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_FORBIDDEN, message = AUTHORIZATION_ERROR_MESSAGE),

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND, message = NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE),

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR, message = SERVER_ERROR_MESSAGE)


     public Response getAllPolicies(

         @PathParam("policyTypeId") @ApiParam(value = "ID of policy type", required = true) String policyTypeId,

         @PathParam("policyTypeVersion") @ApiParam(value = "Version of policy type",

             required = true) String policyTypeVersion,

-        @HeaderParam("X-ONAP-RequestID") @ApiParam("RequestID for http transaction") UUID requestId,

+        @HeaderParam(REQUEST_ID_NAME) @ApiParam(REQUEST_ID_PARAM_DESCRIPTION) UUID requestId,

         @QueryParam("mode") @DefaultValue("bare") @ApiParam("Fetch mode for policies, BARE for bare policies (default),"

             + " REFERENCED for fully referenced policies") PolicyFetchMode mode

     ) {

@@ -512,12 +551,11 @@
             updateApiStatisticsCounter(Target.POLICY, Result.SUCCESS, HttpMethod.GET);

             return makeOkResponse(requestId, serviceTemplate);

         } catch (PfModelException | PfModelRuntimeException pfme) {

-            LOGGER.debug("GET /policytypes/{}/versions/{}/policies", policyTypeId, policyTypeVersion, pfme);

+            LOGGER.warn("GET /policytypes/{}/versions/{}/policies", policyTypeId, policyTypeVersion, pfme);

             updateApiStatisticsCounter(Target.POLICY, Result.FAILURE, HttpMethod.GET);

             return makeErrorResponse(requestId, pfme);



-    // @formatter:on



      * Retrieves all versions of a particular policy.

@@ -528,44 +566,41 @@

      * @return the Response object containing the results of the API operation


-    // @formatter:off



     @ApiOperation(value = "Retrieve all version details of a policy created for a particular policy type version",

         notes = "Returns a list of all version details of the specified policy", response = ToscaServiceTemplate.class,

         responseHeaders = {

-            @ResponseHeader(name = "X-MinorVersion",

-                description = "Used to request or communicate a MINOR version back from the client"

-                    + " to the server, and from the server back to the client",

+            @ResponseHeader(name = VERSION_MINOR_NAME,

+                description = VERSION_MINOR_DESCRIPTION,

                 response = String.class),

-            @ResponseHeader(name = "X-PatchVersion",

-                description = "Used only to communicate a PATCH version in a response for"

-                    + " troubleshooting purposes only, and will not be provided by" + " the client on request",

+            @ResponseHeader(name = VERSION_PATCH_NAME,

+                description = VERSION_PATCH_DESCRIPTION,

                 response = String.class),

-            @ResponseHeader(name = "X-LatestVersion", description = "Used only to communicate an API's latest version",

+            @ResponseHeader(name = VERSION_LATEST_NAME, description = VERSION_LATEST_DESCRIPTION,

                 response = String.class),

-            @ResponseHeader(name = "X-ONAP-RequestID",

-                description = "Used to track REST transactions for logging purpose", response = UUID.class)},

-        authorizations = @Authorization(value = "basicAuth"), tags = {"Policy", },

+            @ResponseHeader(name = REQUEST_ID_NAME,

+                description = REQUEST_ID_HDR_DESCRIPTION, response = UUID.class)},

+        authorizations = @Authorization(value = AUTHORIZATION_TYPE), tags = {"Policy", },

         extensions = {

-            @Extension(name = "interface info", properties = {

-                @ExtensionProperty(name = "api-version", value = "1.0.0"),

-                @ExtensionProperty(name = "last-mod-release", value = "Dublin")

+            @Extension(name = EXTENSION_NAME, properties = {

+                @ExtensionProperty(name = API_VERSION_NAME, value = API_VERSION),

+                @ExtensionProperty(name = LAST_MOD_NAME, value = "Dublin")




     @ApiResponses(value = {

-        @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Authentication Error"),

-        @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Authorization Error"),

-        @ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Resource Not Found"),

-        @ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal Server Error")

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, message = AUTHENTICATION_ERROR_MESSAGE),

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_FORBIDDEN, message = AUTHORIZATION_ERROR_MESSAGE),

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND, message = NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE),

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR, message = SERVER_ERROR_MESSAGE)


     public Response getAllVersionsOfPolicy(

         @PathParam("policyTypeId") @ApiParam(value = "ID of policy type", required = true) String policyTypeId,

         @PathParam("policyTypeVersion") @ApiParam(value = "Version of policy type",

             required = true) String policyTypeVersion,

         @PathParam("policyId") @ApiParam(value = "ID of policy", required = true) String policyId,

-        @HeaderParam("X-ONAP-RequestID") @ApiParam("RequestID for http transaction") UUID requestId,

+        @HeaderParam(REQUEST_ID_NAME) @ApiParam(REQUEST_ID_PARAM_DESCRIPTION) UUID requestId,

         @QueryParam("mode") @DefaultValue("bare") @ApiParam("Fetch mode for policies, BARE for bare policies (default),"

             + " REFERENCED for fully referenced policies") PolicyFetchMode mode

     ) {

@@ -575,12 +610,11 @@
             updateApiStatisticsCounter(Target.POLICY, Result.SUCCESS, HttpMethod.GET);

             return makeOkResponse(requestId, serviceTemplate);

         } catch (PfModelException | PfModelRuntimeException pfme) {

-            LOGGER.debug("/policytypes/{}/versions/{}/policies/{}", policyTypeId, policyTypeVersion, policyId, pfme);

+            LOGGER.warn("/policytypes/{}/versions/{}/policies/{}", policyTypeId, policyTypeVersion, policyId, pfme);

             updateApiStatisticsCounter(Target.POLICY, Result.FAILURE, HttpMethod.GET);

             return makeErrorResponse(requestId, pfme);



-    // @formatter:on



      * Retrieves the specified version of a particular policy.

@@ -592,38 +626,35 @@

      * @return the Response object containing the results of the API operation


-    // @formatter:off



     @ApiOperation(value = "Retrieve one version of a policy created for a particular policy type version",

         notes = "Returns a particular version of specified policy created for the specified policy type version",

         response = ToscaServiceTemplate.class,

         responseHeaders = {

-            @ResponseHeader(name = "X-MinorVersion",

-                description = "Used to request or communicate a MINOR version back from the client"

-                    + " to the server, and from the server back to the client",

+            @ResponseHeader(name = VERSION_MINOR_NAME,

+                description = VERSION_MINOR_DESCRIPTION,

                 response = String.class),

-            @ResponseHeader(name = "X-PatchVersion",

-                description = "Used only to communicate a PATCH version in a response for"

-                    + " troubleshooting purposes only, and will not be provided by" + " the client on request",

+            @ResponseHeader(name = VERSION_PATCH_NAME,

+                description = VERSION_PATCH_DESCRIPTION,

                 response = String.class),

-            @ResponseHeader(name = "X-LatestVersion", description = "Used only to communicate an API's latest version",

+            @ResponseHeader(name = VERSION_LATEST_NAME, description = VERSION_LATEST_DESCRIPTION,

                 response = String.class),

-            @ResponseHeader(name = "X-ONAP-RequestID",

-                description = "Used to track REST transactions for logging purpose", response = UUID.class)},

-        authorizations = @Authorization(value = "basicAuth"), tags = {"Policy", },

+            @ResponseHeader(name = REQUEST_ID_NAME,

+                description = REQUEST_ID_HDR_DESCRIPTION, response = UUID.class)},

+        authorizations = @Authorization(value = AUTHORIZATION_TYPE), tags = {"Policy", },

         extensions = {

-            @Extension(name = "interface info", properties = {

-                @ExtensionProperty(name = "api-version", value = "1.0.0"),

-                @ExtensionProperty(name = "last-mod-release", value = "Dublin")

+            @Extension(name = EXTENSION_NAME, properties = {

+                @ExtensionProperty(name = API_VERSION_NAME, value = API_VERSION),

+                @ExtensionProperty(name = LAST_MOD_NAME, value = "Dublin")




     @ApiResponses(value = {

-        @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Authentication Error"),

-        @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Authorization Error"),

-        @ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Resource Not Found"),

-        @ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal Server Error")

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, message = AUTHENTICATION_ERROR_MESSAGE),

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_FORBIDDEN, message = AUTHORIZATION_ERROR_MESSAGE),

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND, message = NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE),

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR, message = SERVER_ERROR_MESSAGE)


     public Response getSpecificVersionOfPolicy(

         @PathParam("policyTypeId") @ApiParam(value = "ID of policy type", required = true) String policyTypeId,

@@ -631,7 +662,7 @@
             required = true) String policyTypeVersion,

         @PathParam("policyId") @ApiParam(value = "ID of policy", required = true) String policyId,

         @PathParam("policyVersion") @ApiParam(value = "Version of policy", required = true) String policyVersion,

-        @HeaderParam("X-ONAP-RequestID") @ApiParam("RequestID for http transaction") UUID requestId,

+        @HeaderParam(REQUEST_ID_NAME) @ApiParam(REQUEST_ID_PARAM_DESCRIPTION) UUID requestId,

         @QueryParam("mode") @DefaultValue("bare") @ApiParam("Fetch mode for policies, BARE for bare policies (default),"

             + " REFERENCED for fully referenced policies") PolicyFetchMode mode

     ) {

@@ -641,13 +672,12 @@
             updateApiStatisticsCounter(Target.POLICY, Result.SUCCESS, HttpMethod.GET);

             return makeOkResponse(requestId, serviceTemplate);

         } catch (PfModelException | PfModelRuntimeException pfme) {

-            LOGGER.debug("GET /policytypes/{}/versions/{}/policies/{}/versions/{}", policyTypeId, policyTypeVersion,

+            LOGGER.warn("GET /policytypes/{}/versions/{}/policies/{}/versions/{}", policyTypeId, policyTypeVersion,

                 policyId, policyVersion, pfme);

             updateApiStatisticsCounter(Target.POLICY, Result.FAILURE, HttpMethod.GET);

             return makeErrorResponse(requestId, pfme);



-    // @formatter:on



      * Retrieves the latest version of a particular policy.

@@ -663,32 +693,32 @@
     @ApiOperation(value = "Retrieve the latest version of a particular policy",

         notes = "Returns the latest version of specified policy", response = ToscaServiceTemplate.class,

         responseHeaders = {

-            @ResponseHeader(name = "X-MinorVersion",

-                description = "Used to request or communicate a MINOR version back from the client"

-                    + " to the server, and from the server back to the client",

+            @ResponseHeader(name = VERSION_MINOR_NAME,

+                description = VERSION_MINOR_DESCRIPTION,

                 response = String.class),

-            @ResponseHeader(name = "X-PatchVersion",

-                description = "Used only to communicate a PATCH version in a response for"

-                    + " troubleshooting purposes only, and will not be provided by" + " the client on request",

+            @ResponseHeader(name = VERSION_PATCH_NAME,

+                description = VERSION_PATCH_DESCRIPTION,

                 response = String.class),

-            @ResponseHeader(name = "X-LatestVersion", description = "Used only to communicate an API's latest version",

+            @ResponseHeader(name = VERSION_LATEST_NAME, description = VERSION_LATEST_DESCRIPTION,

                 response = String.class),

-            @ResponseHeader(name = "X-ONAP-RequestID",

-                description = "Used to track REST transactions for logging purpose", response = UUID.class)},

-        authorizations = @Authorization(value = "basicAuth"), tags = {"Policy", },

+            @ResponseHeader(name = REQUEST_ID_NAME,

+                description = REQUEST_ID_HDR_DESCRIPTION, response = UUID.class)},

+        authorizations = @Authorization(value = AUTHORIZATION_TYPE), tags = {"Policy", },

         extensions = {

-            @Extension(name = "interface info", properties = {@ExtensionProperty(name = "api-version", value = "1.0.0"),

-                @ExtensionProperty(name = "last-mod-release", value = "Dublin")})})

-    @ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Authentication Error"),

-        @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Authorization Error"),

-        @ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Resource Not Found"),

-        @ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal Server Error")})

+            @Extension(name = EXTENSION_NAME, properties = {

+                @ExtensionProperty(name = API_VERSION_NAME, value = API_VERSION),

+                @ExtensionProperty(name = LAST_MOD_NAME, value = "Dublin")})})

+    @ApiResponses(value = {

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, message = AUTHENTICATION_ERROR_MESSAGE),

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_FORBIDDEN, message = AUTHORIZATION_ERROR_MESSAGE),

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND, message = NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE),

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR, message = SERVER_ERROR_MESSAGE)})

     public Response getLatestVersionOfPolicy(

         @PathParam("policyTypeId") @ApiParam(value = "ID of policy type", required = true) String policyTypeId,

         @PathParam("policyTypeVersion") @ApiParam(value = "Version of policy type",

             required = true) String policyTypeVersion,

         @PathParam("policyId") @ApiParam(value = "ID of policy", required = true) String policyId,

-        @HeaderParam("X-ONAP-RequestID") @ApiParam("RequestID for http transaction") UUID requestId,

+        @HeaderParam(REQUEST_ID_NAME) @ApiParam(REQUEST_ID_PARAM_DESCRIPTION) UUID requestId,

         @QueryParam("mode") @ApiParam("Fetch mode for policies, TERSE for bare policies (default), "

             + "REFERENCED for fully referenced policies") PolicyFetchMode mode) {


@@ -698,7 +728,7 @@
             updateApiStatisticsCounter(Target.POLICY, Result.SUCCESS, HttpMethod.GET);

             return makeOkResponse(requestId, serviceTemplate);

         } catch (PfModelException | PfModelRuntimeException pfme) {

-            LOGGER.debug("GET /policytypes/{}/versions/{}/policies/{}/versions/latest", policyTypeId, policyTypeVersion,

+            LOGGER.warn("GET /policytypes/{}/versions/{}/policies/{}/versions/latest", policyTypeId, policyTypeVersion,

                 policyId, pfme);

             updateApiStatisticsCounter(Target.POLICY, Result.FAILURE, HttpMethod.GET);

             return makeErrorResponse(requestId, pfme);

@@ -718,35 +748,35 @@

     @ApiOperation(value = "Create a new policy for a policy type version",

         notes = "Client should provide TOSCA body of the new policy",

-        authorizations = @Authorization(value = "basicAuth"), tags = {"Policy", },

+        authorizations = @Authorization(value = AUTHORIZATION_TYPE), tags = {"Policy", },

             response = ToscaServiceTemplate.class,

         responseHeaders = {

-            @ResponseHeader(name = "X-MinorVersion",

-                description = "Used to request or communicate a MINOR version back from the client"

-                    + " to the server, and from the server back to the client",

+            @ResponseHeader(name = VERSION_MINOR_NAME,

+                description = VERSION_MINOR_DESCRIPTION,

                 response = String.class),

-            @ResponseHeader(name = "X-PatchVersion",

-                description = "Used only to communicate a PATCH version in a response for"

-                    + " troubleshooting purposes only, and will not be provided by" + " the client on request",

+            @ResponseHeader(name = VERSION_PATCH_NAME,

+                description = VERSION_PATCH_DESCRIPTION,

                 response = String.class),

-            @ResponseHeader(name = "X-LatestVersion", description = "Used only to communicate an API's latest version",

+            @ResponseHeader(name = VERSION_LATEST_NAME, description = VERSION_LATEST_DESCRIPTION,

                 response = String.class),

-            @ResponseHeader(name = "X-ONAP-RequestID",

-                description = "Used to track REST transactions for logging purpose", response = UUID.class)},

+            @ResponseHeader(name = REQUEST_ID_NAME,

+                description = REQUEST_ID_HDR_DESCRIPTION, response = UUID.class)},

         extensions = {

-            @Extension(name = "interface info", properties = {@ExtensionProperty(name = "api-version", value = "1.0.0"),

-                @ExtensionProperty(name = "last-mod-release", value = "Dublin")})})

-    @ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 400, message = "Invalid Body"),

-        @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Authentication Error"),

-        @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Authorization Error"),

-        @ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Resource Not Found"),

-        @ApiResponse(code = 406, message = "Not Acceptable Payload"),

-        @ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal Server Error")})

+            @Extension(name = EXTENSION_NAME, properties = {

+                @ExtensionProperty(name = API_VERSION_NAME, value = API_VERSION),

+                @ExtensionProperty(name = LAST_MOD_NAME, value = "Dublin")})})

+    @ApiResponses(value = {

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, message = INVALID_BODY_MESSAGE),

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, message = AUTHENTICATION_ERROR_MESSAGE),

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_FORBIDDEN, message = AUTHORIZATION_ERROR_MESSAGE),

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND, message = NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE),

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE, message = INVALID_PAYLOAD_MESSAGE),

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR, message = SERVER_ERROR_MESSAGE)})

     public Response createPolicy(

         @PathParam("policyTypeId") @ApiParam(value = "ID of policy type", required = true) String policyTypeId,

         @PathParam("policyTypeVersion") @ApiParam(value = "Version of policy type",

             required = true) String policyTypeVersion,

-        @HeaderParam("X-ONAP-RequestID") @ApiParam("RequestID for http transaction") UUID requestId,

+        @HeaderParam(REQUEST_ID_NAME) @ApiParam(REQUEST_ID_PARAM_DESCRIPTION) UUID requestId,

         @ApiParam(value = "Entity body of policy", required = true) ToscaServiceTemplate body) {


         if (NetLoggerUtil.getNetworkLogger().isInfoEnabled()) {

@@ -759,61 +789,7 @@
             updateApiStatisticsCounter(Target.POLICY, Result.SUCCESS, HttpMethod.POST);

             return makeOkResponse(requestId, serviceTemplate);

         } catch (PfModelException | PfModelRuntimeException pfme) {

-            LOGGER.debug("POST /policytypes/{}/versions/{}/policies", policyTypeId, policyTypeVersion, pfme);

-            updateApiStatisticsCounter(Target.POLICY, Result.FAILURE, HttpMethod.POST);

-            return makeErrorResponse(requestId, pfme);

-        }

-    }


-    /**

-     * Creates one or more new policies in one call.

-     *

-     * @param body the body of policy following TOSCA definition

-     *

-     * @return the Response object containing the results of the API operation

-     */

-    @POST

-    @Path("/policies")

-    @ApiOperation(value = "Create one or more new policies",

-        notes = "Client should provide TOSCA body of the new polic(ies)",

-        authorizations = @Authorization(value = "basicAuth"), tags = {"Policy", },

-            response = ToscaServiceTemplate.class,

-        responseHeaders = {

-            @ResponseHeader(name = "X-MinorVersion",

-                description = "Used to request or communicate a MINOR version back from the client"

-                    + " to the server, and from the server back to the client",

-                response = String.class),

-            @ResponseHeader(name = "X-PatchVersion",

-                description = "Used only to communicate a PATCH version in a response for"

-                    + " troubleshooting purposes only, and will not be provided by" + " the client on request",

-                response = String.class),

-            @ResponseHeader(name = "X-LatestVersion", description = "Used only to communicate an API's latest version",

-                response = String.class),

-            @ResponseHeader(name = "X-ONAP-RequestID",

-                description = "Used to track REST transactions for logging purpose", response = UUID.class)},

-        extensions = {

-            @Extension(name = "interface info", properties = {@ExtensionProperty(name = "api-version", value = "1.0.0"),

-                @ExtensionProperty(name = "last-mod-release", value = "El Alto")})})

-    @ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 400, message = "Invalid Body"),

-        @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Authentication Error"),

-        @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Authorization Error"),

-        @ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Resource Not Found"),

-        @ApiResponse(code = 406, message = "Not Acceptable Payload"),

-        @ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal Server Error")})

-    public Response createPolicies(

-        @HeaderParam("X-ONAP-RequestID") @ApiParam("RequestID for http transaction") UUID requestId,

-        @ApiParam(value = "Entity body of policy", required = true) ToscaServiceTemplate body) {


-        if (NetLoggerUtil.getNetworkLogger().isInfoEnabled()) {

-            NetLoggerUtil.log(EventType.IN, CommInfrastructure.REST, "/policies", toJson(body));

-        }


-        try (PolicyProvider policyProvider = new PolicyProvider()) {

-            ToscaServiceTemplate serviceTemplate = policyProvider.createPolicies(body);

-            updateApiStatisticsCounter(Target.POLICY, Result.SUCCESS, HttpMethod.POST);

-            return makeOkResponse(requestId, serviceTemplate);

-        } catch (PfModelException | PfModelRuntimeException pfme) {

-            LOGGER.debug("POST /policies", pfme);

+            LOGGER.warn("POST /policytypes/{}/versions/{}/policies", policyTypeId, policyTypeVersion, pfme);

             updateApiStatisticsCounter(Target.POLICY, Result.FAILURE, HttpMethod.POST);

             return makeErrorResponse(requestId, pfme);


@@ -833,48 +809,271 @@

     @ApiOperation(value = "Delete a particular version of a policy",

         notes = "Rule: the version that has been deployed in PDP group(s) cannot be deleted",

-        authorizations = @Authorization(value = "basicAuth"), tags = {"Policy", },

-            response = ToscaServiceTemplate.class,

+        authorizations = @Authorization(value = AUTHORIZATION_TYPE), tags = {"Policy", },

+        response = ToscaServiceTemplate.class,

         responseHeaders = {

-            @ResponseHeader(name = "X-MinorVersion",

-                description = "Used to request or communicate a MINOR version back from the client"

-                    + " to the server, and from the server back to the client",

+            @ResponseHeader(name = VERSION_MINOR_NAME,

+                description = VERSION_MINOR_DESCRIPTION,

                 response = String.class),

-            @ResponseHeader(name = "X-PatchVersion",

-                description = "Used only to communicate a PATCH version in a response for"

-                    + " troubleshooting purposes only, and will not be provided by" + " the client on request",

+            @ResponseHeader(name = VERSION_PATCH_NAME,

+                description = VERSION_PATCH_DESCRIPTION,

                 response = String.class),

-            @ResponseHeader(name = "X-LatestVersion", description = "Used only to communicate an API's latest version",

+            @ResponseHeader(name = VERSION_LATEST_NAME, description = VERSION_LATEST_DESCRIPTION,

                 response = String.class),

-            @ResponseHeader(name = "X-ONAP-RequestID",

-                description = "Used to track REST transactions for logging purpose", response = UUID.class)},

+            @ResponseHeader(name = REQUEST_ID_NAME,

+                description = REQUEST_ID_HDR_DESCRIPTION, response = UUID.class)},

         extensions = {

-            @Extension(name = "interface info", properties = {@ExtensionProperty(name = "api-version", value = "1.0.0"),

-                @ExtensionProperty(name = "last-mod-release", value = "Dublin")})})

-    @ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Authentication Error"),

-        @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Authorization Error"),

-        @ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Resource Not Found"),

-        @ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Delete Conflict, Rule Violation"),

-        @ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal Server Error")})

+            @Extension(name = EXTENSION_NAME, properties = {

+                @ExtensionProperty(name = API_VERSION_NAME, value = API_VERSION),

+                @ExtensionProperty(name = LAST_MOD_NAME, value = "Dublin")})})

+    @ApiResponses(value = {

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, message = AUTHENTICATION_ERROR_MESSAGE),

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_FORBIDDEN, message = AUTHORIZATION_ERROR_MESSAGE),

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND, message = NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE),

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_CONFLICT, message = HTTP_CONFLICT_MESSAGE),

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR, message = SERVER_ERROR_MESSAGE)})

     public Response deleteSpecificVersionOfPolicy(

         @PathParam("policyTypeId") @ApiParam(value = "PolicyType ID", required = true) String policyTypeId,

         @PathParam("policyTypeVersion") @ApiParam(value = "Version of policy type",

             required = true) String policyTypeVersion,

         @PathParam("policyId") @ApiParam(value = "ID of policy", required = true) String policyId,

         @PathParam("policyVersion") @ApiParam(value = "Version of policy", required = true) String policyVersion,

-        @HeaderParam("X-ONAP-RequestID") @ApiParam("RequestID for http transaction") UUID requestId) {

+        @HeaderParam(REQUEST_ID_NAME) @ApiParam(REQUEST_ID_PARAM_DESCRIPTION) UUID requestId) {


         try (PolicyProvider policyProvider = new PolicyProvider()) {

             ToscaServiceTemplate serviceTemplate =

                 policyProvider.deletePolicy(policyTypeId, policyTypeVersion, policyId, policyVersion);

+            updateApiStatisticsCounter(Target.POLICY, Result.SUCCESS, HttpMethod.DELETE);

             return makeOkResponse(requestId, serviceTemplate);

         } catch (PfModelException | PfModelRuntimeException pfme) {

-            LOGGER.debug("DELETE /policytypes/{}/versions/{}/policies/{}/versions/{}", policyTypeId, policyTypeVersion,

+            LOGGER.warn("DELETE /policytypes/{}/versions/{}/policies/{}/versions/{}", policyTypeId, policyTypeVersion,

                 policyId, policyVersion, pfme);

+            updateApiStatisticsCounter(Target.POLICY, Result.FAILURE, HttpMethod.DELETE);

             return makeErrorResponse(requestId, pfme);




+    /**

+     * Retrieves all the available policies.

+     *

+     * @return the Response object containing the results of the API operation

+     */

+    @GET

+    @Path("/policies")

+    @ApiOperation(value = "Retrieve all versions of available policies",

+        notes = "Returns all version of available policies",

+        response = ToscaServiceTemplate.class,

+        responseHeaders = {

+            @ResponseHeader(name = VERSION_MINOR_NAME,

+                description = VERSION_MINOR_DESCRIPTION,

+                response = String.class),

+            @ResponseHeader(name = VERSION_PATCH_NAME,

+                description = VERSION_PATCH_DESCRIPTION,

+                response = String.class),

+            @ResponseHeader(name = VERSION_LATEST_NAME, description = VERSION_LATEST_DESCRIPTION,

+                response = String.class),

+            @ResponseHeader(name = REQUEST_ID_NAME,

+                description = REQUEST_ID_HDR_DESCRIPTION, response = UUID.class)},

+        authorizations = @Authorization(value = AUTHORIZATION_TYPE), tags = {"Policy", },

+        extensions = {

+            @Extension(name = EXTENSION_NAME, properties = {

+                @ExtensionProperty(name = API_VERSION_NAME, value = API_VERSION),

+                @ExtensionProperty(name = LAST_MOD_NAME, value = "Guilin")

+            })

+        }

+    )

+    @ApiResponses(value = {

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, message = AUTHENTICATION_ERROR_MESSAGE),

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_FORBIDDEN, message = AUTHORIZATION_ERROR_MESSAGE),

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND, message = NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE),

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR, message = SERVER_ERROR_MESSAGE)

+    })

+    public Response getPolicies(

+        @HeaderParam(REQUEST_ID_NAME) @ApiParam(REQUEST_ID_PARAM_DESCRIPTION) UUID requestId,

+        @QueryParam("mode") @DefaultValue("bare") @ApiParam("Fetch mode for policies, BARE for bare policies (default),"

+            + " REFERENCED for fully referenced policies") PolicyFetchMode mode

+    ) {

+        try (PolicyProvider policyProvider = new PolicyProvider()) {

+            ToscaServiceTemplate serviceTemplate =

+                policyProvider.fetchPolicies(null, null, null, null, mode);

+            updateApiStatisticsCounter(Target.POLICY, Result.SUCCESS, HttpMethod.GET);

+            return makeOkResponse(requestId, serviceTemplate);

+        } catch (PfModelException | PfModelRuntimeException pfme) {

+            LOGGER.warn("GET /policies/ --", pfme);

+            updateApiStatisticsCounter(Target.POLICY, Result.FAILURE, HttpMethod.GET);

+            if (pfme.getErrorResponse().getResponseCode().equals(Status.NOT_FOUND)) {

+                pfme.getErrorResponse().setErrorMessage(ERROR_MESSAGE_NO_POLICIES_FOUND);

+                pfme.getErrorResponse().setErrorDetails(List.of(ERROR_MESSAGE_NO_POLICIES_FOUND));

+            }

+            return makeErrorResponse(requestId, pfme);

+        }

+    }


+    /**

+     * Retrieves the specified version of a particular policy.

+     *

+     * @param policyId the Name of specified policy

+     * @param policyVersion the version of specified policy

+     *

+     * @return the Response object containing the results of the API operation

+     */

+    @GET

+    @Path("/policies/{policyId}/versions/{policyVersion}")

+    @ApiOperation(value = "Retrieve specific version of a specified policy",

+        notes = "Returns a particular version of specified policy",

+        response = ToscaServiceTemplate.class,

+        responseHeaders = {

+            @ResponseHeader(name = VERSION_MINOR_NAME,

+                description = VERSION_MINOR_DESCRIPTION,

+                response = String.class),

+            @ResponseHeader(name = VERSION_PATCH_NAME,

+                description = VERSION_PATCH_DESCRIPTION,

+                response = String.class),

+            @ResponseHeader(name = VERSION_LATEST_NAME, description = VERSION_LATEST_DESCRIPTION,

+                response = String.class),

+            @ResponseHeader(name = REQUEST_ID_NAME,

+                description = REQUEST_ID_HDR_DESCRIPTION, response = UUID.class)},

+        authorizations = @Authorization(value = AUTHORIZATION_TYPE), tags = {"Policy", },

+        extensions = {

+            @Extension(name = EXTENSION_NAME, properties = {

+                @ExtensionProperty(name = API_VERSION_NAME, value = API_VERSION),

+                @ExtensionProperty(name = LAST_MOD_NAME, value = "Guilin")

+            })

+        }

+    )

+    @ApiResponses(value = {

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, message = AUTHENTICATION_ERROR_MESSAGE),

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_FORBIDDEN, message = AUTHORIZATION_ERROR_MESSAGE),

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND, message = NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE),

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR, message = SERVER_ERROR_MESSAGE)

+    })

+    public Response getSpecificPolicy(

+        @PathParam("policyId") @ApiParam(value = "Name of policy", required = true) String policyId,

+        @PathParam("policyVersion") @ApiParam(value = "Version of policy", required = true) String policyVersion,

+        @HeaderParam(REQUEST_ID_NAME) @ApiParam(REQUEST_ID_PARAM_DESCRIPTION) UUID requestId,

+        @QueryParam("mode") @DefaultValue("bare") @ApiParam("Fetch mode for policies, BARE for bare policies (default),"

+            + " REFERENCED for fully referenced policies") PolicyFetchMode mode

+    ) {

+        try (PolicyProvider policyProvider = new PolicyProvider()) {

+            ToscaServiceTemplate serviceTemplate =

+                policyProvider.fetchPolicies(null, null, policyId, policyVersion, mode);

+            updateApiStatisticsCounter(Target.POLICY, Result.SUCCESS, HttpMethod.GET);

+            return makeOkResponse(requestId, serviceTemplate);

+        } catch (PfModelException | PfModelRuntimeException pfme) {

+            LOGGER.warn("GET /policies/{}/versions/{}", policyId, policyVersion, pfme);

+            updateApiStatisticsCounter(Target.POLICY, Result.FAILURE, HttpMethod.GET);

+            return makeErrorResponse(requestId, pfme);

+        }

+    }


+    /**

+     * Creates one or more new policies in one call.

+     *

+     * @param body the body of policy following TOSCA definition

+     *

+     * @return the Response object containing the results of the API operation

+     */

+    @POST

+    @Path("/policies")

+    @ApiOperation(value = "Create one or more new policies",

+        notes = "Client should provide TOSCA body of the new polic(ies)",

+        authorizations = @Authorization(value = AUTHORIZATION_TYPE), tags = {"Policy", },

+            response = ToscaServiceTemplate.class,

+        responseHeaders = {

+            @ResponseHeader(name = VERSION_MINOR_NAME,

+                description = VERSION_MINOR_DESCRIPTION,

+                response = String.class),

+            @ResponseHeader(name = VERSION_PATCH_NAME,

+                description = VERSION_PATCH_DESCRIPTION,

+                response = String.class),

+            @ResponseHeader(name = VERSION_LATEST_NAME, description = VERSION_LATEST_DESCRIPTION,

+                response = String.class),

+            @ResponseHeader(name = REQUEST_ID_NAME,

+                description = REQUEST_ID_HDR_DESCRIPTION, response = UUID.class)},

+        extensions = {

+            @Extension(name = EXTENSION_NAME, properties = {

+                @ExtensionProperty(name = API_VERSION_NAME, value = API_VERSION),

+                @ExtensionProperty(name = LAST_MOD_NAME, value = "El Alto")})})

+    @ApiResponses(value = {

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, message = INVALID_BODY_MESSAGE),

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, message = AUTHENTICATION_ERROR_MESSAGE),

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_FORBIDDEN, message = AUTHORIZATION_ERROR_MESSAGE),

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND, message = NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE),

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE, message = INVALID_PAYLOAD_MESSAGE),

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR, message = SERVER_ERROR_MESSAGE)})

+    public Response createPolicies(

+        @HeaderParam(REQUEST_ID_NAME) @ApiParam(REQUEST_ID_PARAM_DESCRIPTION) UUID requestId,

+        @ApiParam(value = "Entity body of policy", required = true) ToscaServiceTemplate body) {


+        if (NetLoggerUtil.getNetworkLogger().isInfoEnabled()) {

+            NetLoggerUtil.log(EventType.IN, CommInfrastructure.REST, "/policies", toJson(body));

+        }


+        try (PolicyProvider policyProvider = new PolicyProvider()) {

+            ToscaServiceTemplate serviceTemplate = policyProvider.createPolicies(body);

+            updateApiStatisticsCounter(Target.POLICY, Result.SUCCESS, HttpMethod.POST);

+            return makeOkResponse(requestId, serviceTemplate);

+        } catch (PfModelException | PfModelRuntimeException pfme) {

+            LOGGER.warn("POST /policies", pfme);

+            updateApiStatisticsCounter(Target.POLICY, Result.FAILURE, HttpMethod.POST);

+            return makeErrorResponse(requestId, pfme);

+        }

+    }


+    /**

+     * Deletes the specified version of a particular policy.

+     *

+     * @param policyId the ID of specified policy

+     * @param policyVersion the version of specified policy

+     *

+     * @return the Response object containing the results of the API operation

+     */

+    @DELETE

+    @Path("/policies/{policyId}/versions/{policyVersion}")

+    @ApiOperation(value = "Delete a particular version of a policy",

+        notes = "Rule: the version that has been deployed in PDP group(s) cannot be deleted",

+        authorizations = @Authorization(value = AUTHORIZATION_TYPE), tags = {"Policy", },

+        response = ToscaServiceTemplate.class,

+        responseHeaders = {

+            @ResponseHeader(name = VERSION_MINOR_NAME,

+                description = VERSION_MINOR_DESCRIPTION,

+                response = String.class),

+            @ResponseHeader(name = VERSION_PATCH_NAME,

+                description = VERSION_PATCH_DESCRIPTION,

+                response = String.class),

+            @ResponseHeader(name = VERSION_LATEST_NAME, description = VERSION_LATEST_DESCRIPTION,

+                response = String.class),

+            @ResponseHeader(name = REQUEST_ID_NAME,

+                description = REQUEST_ID_HDR_DESCRIPTION, response = UUID.class)},

+        extensions = {

+            @Extension(name = EXTENSION_NAME, properties = {

+                @ExtensionProperty(name = API_VERSION_NAME, value = API_VERSION),

+                @ExtensionProperty(name = LAST_MOD_NAME, value = "Guilin")})})

+    @ApiResponses(value = {

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, message = AUTHENTICATION_ERROR_MESSAGE),

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_FORBIDDEN, message = AUTHORIZATION_ERROR_MESSAGE),

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND, message = NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE),

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_CONFLICT, message = HTTP_CONFLICT_MESSAGE),

+        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR, message = SERVER_ERROR_MESSAGE)})

+    public Response deleteSpecificPolicy(

+        @PathParam("policyId") @ApiParam(value = "ID of policy", required = true) String policyId,

+        @PathParam("policyVersion") @ApiParam(value = "Version of policy", required = true) String policyVersion,

+        @HeaderParam(REQUEST_ID_NAME) @ApiParam(REQUEST_ID_PARAM_DESCRIPTION) UUID requestId) {


+        try (PolicyProvider policyProvider = new PolicyProvider()) {

+            ToscaServiceTemplate serviceTemplate =

+                policyProvider.deletePolicy(null, null, policyId, policyVersion);

+            updateApiStatisticsCounter(Target.POLICY, Result.SUCCESS, HttpMethod.DELETE);

+            return makeOkResponse(requestId, serviceTemplate);

+        } catch (PfModelException | PfModelRuntimeException pfme) {

+            LOGGER.warn("DELETE /policies/{}/versions/{}", policyId, policyVersion, pfme);

+            updateApiStatisticsCounter(Target.POLICY, Result.FAILURE, HttpMethod.DELETE);

+            return makeErrorResponse(requestId, pfme);

+        }

+    }




     private enum Target {



@@ -888,7 +1087,8 @@

     private enum HttpMethod {


-        GET

+        GET,

+        DELETE



     private void updateApiStatisticsCounter(Target target, Result result, HttpMethod http) {

@@ -910,48 +1110,92 @@

     private void updatePolicyStats(Result result, HttpMethod http) {

         if (result == Result.SUCCESS) {

-            if (http == HttpMethod.GET) {

-                ApiStatisticsManager.updateApiCallSuccessCount();

-                ApiStatisticsManager.updateTotalPolicyGetCount();

-                ApiStatisticsManager.updatePolicyGetSuccessCount();

-            } else if (http == HttpMethod.POST) {

-                ApiStatisticsManager.updateApiCallSuccessCount();

-                ApiStatisticsManager.updateTotalPolicyPostCount();

-                ApiStatisticsManager.updatePolicyPostSuccessCount();

+            switch (http) {

+                case GET:

+                    ApiStatisticsManager.updateApiCallSuccessCount();

+                    ApiStatisticsManager.updateTotalPolicyGetCount();

+                    ApiStatisticsManager.updatePolicyGetSuccessCount();

+                    break;

+                case POST:

+                    ApiStatisticsManager.updateApiCallSuccessCount();

+                    ApiStatisticsManager.updateTotalPolicyPostCount();

+                    ApiStatisticsManager.updatePolicyPostSuccessCount();

+                    break;

+                case DELETE:

+                    ApiStatisticsManager.updateApiCallSuccessCount();

+                    ApiStatisticsManager.updateTotalPolicyDeleteCount();

+                    ApiStatisticsManager.updatePolicyDeleteSuccessCount();

+                    break;

+                default:

+                    ApiStatisticsManager.updateApiCallSuccessCount();

+                    break;


         } else {

-            if (http == HttpMethod.GET) {

-                ApiStatisticsManager.updateApiCallFailureCount();

-                ApiStatisticsManager.updateTotalPolicyGetCount();

-                ApiStatisticsManager.updatePolicyGetFailureCount();

-            } else {

-                ApiStatisticsManager.updateApiCallFailureCount();

-                ApiStatisticsManager.updateTotalPolicyPostCount();

-                ApiStatisticsManager.updatePolicyPostFailureCount();

+            switch (http) {

+                case GET:

+                    ApiStatisticsManager.updateApiCallFailureCount();

+                    ApiStatisticsManager.updateTotalPolicyGetCount();

+                    ApiStatisticsManager.updatePolicyGetFailureCount();

+                    break;

+                case POST:

+                    ApiStatisticsManager.updateApiCallFailureCount();

+                    ApiStatisticsManager.updateTotalPolicyPostCount();

+                    ApiStatisticsManager.updatePolicyPostFailureCount();

+                    break;

+                case DELETE:

+                    ApiStatisticsManager.updateApiCallFailureCount();

+                    ApiStatisticsManager.updateTotalPolicyDeleteCount();

+                    ApiStatisticsManager.updatePolicyDeleteFailureCount();

+                    break;

+                default:

+                    ApiStatisticsManager.updateApiCallFailureCount();

+                    break;





     private void updatePolicyTypeStats(Result result, HttpMethod http) {

         if (result == Result.SUCCESS) {

-            if (http == HttpMethod.GET) {

-                ApiStatisticsManager.updateApiCallSuccessCount();

-                ApiStatisticsManager.updateTotalPolicyTypeGetCount();

-                ApiStatisticsManager.updatePolicyTypeGetSuccessCount();

-            } else if (http == HttpMethod.POST) {

-                ApiStatisticsManager.updateApiCallSuccessCount();

-                ApiStatisticsManager.updatePolicyTypePostSuccessCount();

-                ApiStatisticsManager.updatePolicyTypePostSuccessCount();

+            switch (http) {

+                case GET:

+                    ApiStatisticsManager.updateApiCallSuccessCount();

+                    ApiStatisticsManager.updateTotalPolicyTypeGetCount();

+                    ApiStatisticsManager.updatePolicyTypeGetSuccessCount();

+                    break;

+                case POST:

+                    ApiStatisticsManager.updateApiCallSuccessCount();

+                    ApiStatisticsManager.updateTotalPolicyTypePostCount();

+                    ApiStatisticsManager.updatePolicyTypePostSuccessCount();

+                    break;

+                case DELETE:

+                    ApiStatisticsManager.updateApiCallSuccessCount();

+                    ApiStatisticsManager.updateTotalPolicyTypeDeleteCount();

+                    ApiStatisticsManager.updatePolicyTypeDeleteSuccessCount();

+                    break;

+                default:

+                    ApiStatisticsManager.updateApiCallSuccessCount();

+                    break;


         } else {

-            if (http == HttpMethod.GET) {

-                ApiStatisticsManager.updateApiCallFailureCount();

-                ApiStatisticsManager.updateTotalPolicyTypeGetCount();

-                ApiStatisticsManager.updatePolicyTypeGetFailureCount();

-            } else {

-                ApiStatisticsManager.updateApiCallFailureCount();

-                ApiStatisticsManager.updateTotalPolicyTypePostCount();

-                ApiStatisticsManager.updatePolicyTypePostFailureCount();

+            switch (http) {

+                case GET:

+                    ApiStatisticsManager.updateApiCallFailureCount();

+                    ApiStatisticsManager.updateTotalPolicyTypeGetCount();

+                    ApiStatisticsManager.updatePolicyTypeGetFailureCount();

+                    break;

+                case POST:

+                    ApiStatisticsManager.updateApiCallFailureCount();

+                    ApiStatisticsManager.updateTotalPolicyTypePostCount();

+                    ApiStatisticsManager.updatePolicyTypePostFailureCount();

+                    break;

+                case DELETE:

+                    ApiStatisticsManager.updateApiCallFailureCount();

+                    ApiStatisticsManager.updateTotalPolicyTypeDeleteCount();

+                    ApiStatisticsManager.updatePolicyTypeDeleteFailureCount();

+                    break;

+                default:

+                    ApiStatisticsManager.updateApiCallFailureCount();

+                    break;




diff --git a/main/src/main/java/org/onap/policy/api/main/rest/ b/main/src/main/java/org/onap/policy/api/main/rest/
index 6f8fb10..c40a38c 100644
--- a/main/src/main/java/org/onap/policy/api/main/rest/
+++ b/main/src/main/java/org/onap/policy/api/main/rest/
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
  * ONAP Policy API
  * ================================================================================
  * Copyright (C) 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ * Modifications Copyright (C) 2020 Bell Canada.
  * ================================================================================
  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -47,12 +48,18 @@
     private static long totalPolicyPostCount;
+    private static long totalPolicyDeleteCount;
+    @Getter
     private static long totalPolicyTypeGetCount;
     private static long totalPolicyTypePostCount;
+    private static long totalPolicyTypeDeleteCount;
+    @Getter
     private static long policyGetSuccessCount;
@@ -65,6 +72,12 @@
     private static long policyPostFailureCount;
+    private static long policyDeleteSuccessCount;
+    @Getter
+    private static long policyDeleteFailureCount;
+    @Getter
     private static long policyTypeGetSuccessCount;
@@ -76,6 +89,12 @@
     private static long policyTypePostFailureCount;
+    @Getter
+    private static long policyTypeDeleteSuccessCount;
+    @Getter
+    private static long policyTypeDeleteFailureCount;
     private ApiStatisticsManager() {
         throw new IllegalStateException("Instantiation of the class is not allowed");
@@ -126,6 +145,15 @@
+     * Method to update the total policy DELETE count.
+     *
+     * @return the updated value of  totalPolicyDeleteCount
+     */
+    public static long updateTotalPolicyDeleteCount() {
+        return ++totalPolicyDeleteCount;
+    }
+    /**
      * Method to update the total policyType GET count.
      * @return the updated value of totalPolicyTypeGetCount
@@ -144,6 +172,15 @@
+     * Method to update the total policyType DELETE count.
+     *
+     * @return the updated value of totalPolicyTypeDeleteCount
+     */
+    public static long updateTotalPolicyTypeDeleteCount() {
+        return ++totalPolicyTypeDeleteCount;
+    }
+    /**
      * Method to update successful policy GET count.
      * @return the updated value of policyGetSuccessCount
@@ -180,6 +217,24 @@
+     * Method to update successful policy DELETE count.
+     *
+     * @return the updated value of policyDeleteSuccessCount
+     */
+    public static long updatePolicyDeleteSuccessCount() {
+        return ++policyDeleteSuccessCount;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Method to update failed policy DELETE count.
+     *
+     * @return the updated value of policyDeleteFailureCount
+     */
+    public static long updatePolicyDeleteFailureCount() {
+        return ++policyDeleteFailureCount;
+    }
+    /**
      * Method to update successful policyType GET count.
      * @return the updated value of policyTypeGetSuccessCount
@@ -216,6 +271,24 @@
+     * Method to update successful policyType DELETE count.
+     *
+     * @return the updated value of policyTypeDeleteSuccessCount
+     */
+    public static long updatePolicyTypeDeleteSuccessCount() {
+        return ++policyTypeDeleteSuccessCount;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Method to update failed policyType DELETE count.
+     *
+     * @return the updated value of policyTypePostFailureCount
+     */
+    public static long updatePolicyTypeDeleteFailureCount() {
+        return ++policyTypeDeleteFailureCount;
+    }
+    /**
      * Reset all the statistics counts to 0.
     public static void resetAllStatistics() {
@@ -224,15 +297,23 @@
         apiCallFailureCount = 0L;
         totalPolicyGetCount = 0L;
         totalPolicyPostCount = 0L;
+        totalPolicyDeleteCount = 0L;
         totalPolicyTypeGetCount = 0L;
         totalPolicyTypePostCount = 0L;
+        totalPolicyTypeDeleteCount = 0L;
         policyGetSuccessCount = 0L;
         policyGetFailureCount = 0L;
         policyPostSuccessCount = 0L;
         policyPostFailureCount = 0L;
+        policyDeleteSuccessCount = 0L;
+        policyDeleteFailureCount = 0L;
         policyTypeGetSuccessCount = 0L;
         policyTypeGetFailureCount = 0L;
         policyTypePostSuccessCount = 0L;
         policyTypePostFailureCount = 0L;
+        policyTypeDeleteSuccessCount = 0L;
+        policyTypeDeleteFailureCount = 0L;
diff --git a/main/src/test/java/org/onap/policy/api/main/rest/ b/main/src/test/java/org/onap/policy/api/main/rest/
index 2f794fd..01892be 100644
--- a/main/src/test/java/org/onap/policy/api/main/rest/
+++ b/main/src/test/java/org/onap/policy/api/main/rest/
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
  *  Copyright (C) 2018 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
  *  Copyright (C) 2019-2020 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
  *  Modifications Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Nordix Foundation.
+ *  Modifications Copyright (C) 2020 Bell Canada.
  * ================================================================================
  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -47,6 +48,7 @@
 import org.glassfish.jersey.client.ClientProperties;
 import org.glassfish.jersey.client.authentication.HttpAuthenticationFeature;
 import org.junit.AfterClass;
@@ -197,6 +199,8 @@
         "policies/vCPE.policy.operational.legacy.input.json", "policies/vDNS.policy.operational.legacy.input.json",
+    private static final String POLICIES_VCPE_VERSION1 = "policies/onap.restart.tca/versions/1.0.0";
     private static PolicyModelsProviderParameters providerParams;
     private static ApiParameterGroup apiParamGroup;
     private static PolicyProvider policyProvider;
@@ -335,6 +339,7 @@
         toscaPolicy = toscaPolicy.replaceAll("", "IDontExist");
+        toscaPolicy = toscaPolicy.replaceAll("onap.restart.tca", "onap.restart.tca.IDontExist");
         TextFileUtils.putStringAsTextFile(toscaPolicy, "src/test/resources/policies/BadTestPolicy.yaml");
         Response rawResponse2 = createResource(POLICIES, "src/test/resources/policies/BadTestPolicy.yaml");
@@ -836,6 +841,93 @@
         assertEquals("policy operational.scaleout:1.0.0 not found", errorResponse.getErrorMessage());
+    @Test
+    public void testGetPoliciesJson() throws Exception {
+        getPolicies(APP_JSON);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testGetPoliciesYaml() throws Exception {
+        getPolicies(APP_YAML);
+    }
+    private void getPolicies(String mediaType) throws Exception {
+        for (String resrcName : TOSCA_POLICYTYPE_RESOURCE_NAMES) {
+            Response rawResponse = createResource(POLICYTYPES, resrcName);
+            assertThat(rawResponse.getStatus()).isEqualTo(Response.Status.OK.getStatusCode());
+            ToscaServiceTemplate response = rawResponse.readEntity(ToscaServiceTemplate.class);
+            assertThat(response).isNotNull();
+            assertThat(response.getPolicyTypes()).isNotEmpty();
+        }
+        for (String resrcName : TOSCA_POLICY_RESOURCE_NAMES) {
+            Response rawResponse = createResource(POLICYTYPES_TCA_POLICIES, resrcName);
+            assertThat(rawResponse.getStatus()).isEqualTo(Response.Status.OK.getStatusCode());
+        }
+        Response rawResponse = readResource(POLICIES, mediaType);
+        assertThat(rawResponse.getStatus()).isEqualTo(Response.Status.OK.getStatusCode());
+        ToscaServiceTemplate response = rawResponse.readEntity(ToscaServiceTemplate.class);
+        assertThat(response.getToscaTopologyTemplate().getPolicies()).isNotEmpty();
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testGetSpecificPolicyJson() throws Exception {
+        getSpecificPolicy(APP_JSON);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testGetSpecificPolicyYaml() throws Exception {
+        getSpecificPolicy(APP_YAML);
+    }
+    private void getSpecificPolicy(String mediaType) throws Exception {
+        for (String resrcName : TOSCA_POLICYTYPE_RESOURCE_NAMES) {
+            Response rawResponse = createResource(POLICYTYPES, resrcName);
+            assertThat(rawResponse.getStatus()).isEqualTo(Response.Status.OK.getStatusCode());
+            ToscaServiceTemplate response = rawResponse.readEntity(ToscaServiceTemplate.class);
+            assertThat(response).isNotNull();
+            assertThat(response.getPolicyTypes()).isNotEmpty();
+        }
+        for (String resrcName : TOSCA_POLICY_RESOURCE_NAMES) {
+            Response rawResponse = createResource(POLICYTYPES_TCA_POLICIES, resrcName);
+            assertThat(rawResponse.getStatus()).isEqualTo(Response.Status.OK.getStatusCode());
+        }
+        Response rawResponse = readResource(POLICIES_VCPE_VERSION1, mediaType);
+        assertThat(rawResponse.getStatus()).isEqualTo(Response.Status.OK.getStatusCode());
+        ToscaServiceTemplate response = rawResponse.readEntity(ToscaServiceTemplate.class);
+        assertThat(response.getToscaTopologyTemplate().getPolicies()).hasSize(1);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testDeleteSpecificPolicy() throws Exception {
+        Response rawResponse;
+        for (String resrcName : TOSCA_POLICYTYPE_RESOURCE_NAMES) {
+            rawResponse = createResource(POLICYTYPES, resrcName);
+            assertThat(rawResponse.getStatus()).isEqualTo(Response.Status.OK.getStatusCode());
+            ToscaServiceTemplate response = rawResponse.readEntity(ToscaServiceTemplate.class);
+            assertThat(response).isNotNull();
+            assertThat(response.getPolicyTypes()).isNotEmpty();
+        }
+        for (String resrcName : TOSCA_POLICY_RESOURCE_NAMES) {
+            rawResponse = createResource(POLICYTYPES_TCA_POLICIES, resrcName);
+            assertThat(rawResponse.getStatus()).isEqualTo(Response.Status.OK.getStatusCode());
+        }
+        rawResponse = readResource(POLICIES_VCPE_VERSION1, APP_JSON);
+        assertThat(rawResponse.getStatus()).isEqualTo(Response.Status.OK.getStatusCode());
+        // delete a particular policy
+        rawResponse = deleteResource(POLICIES_VCPE_VERSION1, APP_JSON);
+        assertThat(rawResponse.getStatus()).isEqualTo(Response.Status.OK.getStatusCode());
+        rawResponse = readResource(POLICIES_VCPE_VERSION1, APP_JSON);
+        assertThat(rawResponse.getStatus()).isEqualTo(Status.NOT_FOUND.getStatusCode());
+        rawResponse = deleteResource(POLICIES_VCPE_VERSION1, APP_JSON);
+        assertThat(rawResponse.getStatus()).isEqualTo(Status.NOT_FOUND.getStatusCode());
+    }
     private Response createResource(String endpoint, String resourceName) throws Exception {
         String mediaType = APP_JSON; // default media type
diff --git a/main/src/test/java/org/onap/policy/api/main/rest/ b/main/src/test/java/org/onap/policy/api/main/rest/
index b72ad23..148ec1b 100644
--- a/main/src/test/java/org/onap/policy/api/main/rest/
+++ b/main/src/test/java/org/onap/policy/api/main/rest/
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
  * ONAP Policy API
  * ================================================================================
  * Copyright (C) 2019 IBM.
+ * Modifications Copyright (C) 2020 Bell Canada.
  * ================================================================================
  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -36,10 +37,26 @@
     public void testUpdateMethods() {
+        assertEquals(1, ApiStatisticsManager.updateTotalApiCallCount());
+        assertEquals(1, ApiStatisticsManager.updateApiCallSuccessCount());
+        assertEquals(1, ApiStatisticsManager.updateApiCallFailureCount());
+        assertEquals(1, ApiStatisticsManager.updateTotalPolicyGetCount());
+        assertEquals(1, ApiStatisticsManager.updateTotalPolicyPostCount());
+        assertEquals(1, ApiStatisticsManager.updateTotalPolicyDeleteCount());
+        assertEquals(1, ApiStatisticsManager.updateTotalPolicyTypeGetCount());
         assertEquals(1, ApiStatisticsManager.updateTotalPolicyTypePostCount());
+        assertEquals(1, ApiStatisticsManager.updateTotalPolicyTypeDeleteCount());
         assertEquals(1, ApiStatisticsManager.updatePolicyGetSuccessCount());
+        assertEquals(1, ApiStatisticsManager.updatePolicyGetFailureCount());
         assertEquals(1, ApiStatisticsManager.updatePolicyPostSuccessCount());
+        assertEquals(1, ApiStatisticsManager.updatePolicyPostFailureCount());
+        assertEquals(1, ApiStatisticsManager.updatePolicyDeleteSuccessCount());
+        assertEquals(1, ApiStatisticsManager.updatePolicyDeleteFailureCount());
+        assertEquals(1, ApiStatisticsManager.updatePolicyTypeGetSuccessCount());
+        assertEquals(1, ApiStatisticsManager.updatePolicyTypeGetFailureCount());
+        assertEquals(1, ApiStatisticsManager.updatePolicyTypePostSuccessCount());
         assertEquals(1, ApiStatisticsManager.updatePolicyTypePostFailureCount());
+        assertEquals(1, ApiStatisticsManager.updatePolicyTypeDeleteSuccessCount());
+        assertEquals(1, ApiStatisticsManager.updatePolicyTypeDeleteFailureCount());
diff --git a/main/src/test/java/org/onap/policy/api/main/rest/provider/ b/main/src/test/java/org/onap/policy/api/main/rest/provider/
index 23257e3..a86f969 100644
--- a/main/src/test/java/org/onap/policy/api/main/rest/provider/
+++ b/main/src/test/java/org/onap/policy/api/main/rest/provider/
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
  * ================================================================================
  * Copyright (C) 2019-2020 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
  * Modifications Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Nordix Foundation.
+ * Modifications Copyright (C) 2020 Bell Canada.
  * ================================================================================
  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -23,6 +24,7 @@
+import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;
 import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThatCode;
 import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThatThrownBy;
 import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
@@ -140,6 +142,10 @@
         assertThatThrownBy(() -> {
             policyProvider.fetchPolicies("dummy", "1.0.0", "dummy", "1.0.0", null);
         }).hasMessage("service template not found in database");
+        assertThatThrownBy(() -> {
+            policyProvider.fetchPolicies(null, null, "dummy", "1.0.0", null);
+        }).hasMessage("service template not found in database");
@@ -413,4 +419,108 @@
         }).hasMessageContaining("no policies found");
+    @Test
+    public void testFetchAllPolicies() throws Exception {
+        // Create Policy Type
+        ToscaServiceTemplate policyTypeServiceTemplate = standardYamlCoder
+            .decode(ResourceUtils.getResourceAsString(POLICY_TYPE_RESOURCE), ToscaServiceTemplate.class);
+        policyTypeProvider.createPolicyType(policyTypeServiceTemplate);
+        // Create Policy
+        String policyString = ResourceUtils.getResourceAsString(POLICY_RESOURCE);
+        ToscaServiceTemplate policyServiceTemplate =
+            standardCoder.decode(policyString, ToscaServiceTemplate.class);
+        ToscaServiceTemplate serviceTemplate = policyProvider.createPolicy(
+            "", "1.0.0", policyServiceTemplate);
+        assertThat(serviceTemplate.getToscaTopologyTemplate().getPolicies()).hasSize(1);
+        // Test fetch all policies
+        policyTypeServiceTemplate = policyProvider
+            .fetchPolicies(null,  null, null, null, null);
+        assertThat(policyTypeServiceTemplate.getToscaTopologyTemplate().getPolicies()).hasSize(1);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testFetchSpecificPolicy_availablePolicy() throws Exception {
+        // Create Policy Type
+        ToscaServiceTemplate policyTypeServiceTemplate = standardYamlCoder
+            .decode(ResourceUtils.getResourceAsString(POLICY_TYPE_RESOURCE), ToscaServiceTemplate.class);
+        policyTypeProvider.createPolicyType(policyTypeServiceTemplate);
+        // Create Policy
+        String policyString = ResourceUtils.getResourceAsString(POLICY_RESOURCE);
+        ToscaServiceTemplate policyServiceTemplate =
+            standardCoder.decode(policyString, ToscaServiceTemplate.class);
+        ToscaServiceTemplate serviceTemplate = policyProvider.createPolicy(
+            "", "1.0.0", policyServiceTemplate);
+        assertThat(serviceTemplate.getToscaTopologyTemplate().getPolicies()).hasSize(1);
+        // Test fetch specific policy
+        assertThat(policyProvider.fetchPolicies(null,  null, "onap.restart.tca",
+            "1.0.0", null).getToscaTopologyTemplate().getPolicies()).hasSize(1);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testFetchSpecificPolicy_unavailablePolicy() throws Exception {
+        // Create Policy Type
+        ToscaServiceTemplate policyTypeServiceTemplate = standardYamlCoder
+            .decode(ResourceUtils.getResourceAsString(POLICY_TYPE_RESOURCE), ToscaServiceTemplate.class);
+        policyTypeProvider.createPolicyType(policyTypeServiceTemplate);
+        // Create Policy
+        String policyString = ResourceUtils.getResourceAsString(POLICY_RESOURCE);
+        ToscaServiceTemplate policyServiceTemplate =
+            standardCoder.decode(policyString, ToscaServiceTemplate.class);
+        ToscaServiceTemplate serviceTemplate = policyProvider.createPolicy(
+            "", "1.0.0", policyServiceTemplate);
+        assertNotNull(serviceTemplate.getToscaTopologyTemplate().getPolicies());
+        assertThat(serviceTemplate.getToscaTopologyTemplate().getPolicies()).hasSize(1);
+        // Test fetch specific policy
+        assertThatThrownBy(() -> policyProvider.fetchPolicies(
+            null,  null, "onap.restart.tca", "2.0.0", null))
+            .hasMessageContaining("policies for onap.restart.tca:2.0.0 do not exist");
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testDeleteSpecificPolicy_availablePolicy() throws Exception {
+        ToscaServiceTemplate policyTypeServiceTemplate = standardYamlCoder
+            .decode(ResourceUtils.getResourceAsString(POLICY_TYPE_RESOURCE), ToscaServiceTemplate.class);
+        policyTypeProvider.createPolicyType(policyTypeServiceTemplate);
+        String policyString = ResourceUtils.getResourceAsString(POLICY_RESOURCE);
+        ToscaServiceTemplate policyServiceTemplate = standardCoder.decode(policyString, ToscaServiceTemplate.class);
+        ToscaServiceTemplate serviceTemplate = policyProvider.createPolicy(
+            "", "1.0.0", policyServiceTemplate);
+        assertThat(serviceTemplate.getToscaTopologyTemplate().getPolicies()).hasSize(1);
+        ToscaServiceTemplate svcTemplate = policyProvider
+            .deletePolicy(null, null, "onap.restart.tca", "1.0.0");
+        assertThat(svcTemplate.getToscaTopologyTemplate().getPolicies()).hasSize(1);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testDeleteSpecificPolicy_unavailablePolicy() throws Exception {
+        ToscaServiceTemplate policyTypeServiceTemplate = standardYamlCoder
+            .decode(ResourceUtils.getResourceAsString(POLICY_TYPE_RESOURCE), ToscaServiceTemplate.class);
+        policyTypeProvider.createPolicyType(policyTypeServiceTemplate);
+        String policyString = ResourceUtils.getResourceAsString(POLICY_RESOURCE);
+        ToscaServiceTemplate policyServiceTemplate = standardCoder.decode(policyString, ToscaServiceTemplate.class);
+        ToscaServiceTemplate serviceTemplate = policyProvider.createPolicy(
+            "", "1.0.0", policyServiceTemplate);
+        assertThat(serviceTemplate.getToscaTopologyTemplate().getPolicies()).hasSize(1);
+        assertThatThrownBy(() -> policyProvider
+            .deletePolicy(null, null, "onap.restart.tca", "2.0.0"))
+            .hasMessageContaining("not found");
+        assertThatThrownBy(() -> policyProvider.deletePolicy(
+            null, null, "onap.restart.tca.unavailable", "1.0.0"))
+            .hasMessageContaining("not found");
+    }
diff --git a/postman/lifecycle-api-collection.json b/postman/lifecycle-api-collection.json
index 3b49662..4f24088 100644
--- a/postman/lifecycle-api-collection.json
+++ b/postman/lifecycle-api-collection.json
@@ -1,716 +1,818 @@
-    "info": {
-        "_postman_id": "1592e803-60f3-4f7e-a1e1-4ad01c72d960",
-        "name": "Policy Framework Lifecycle API",
-        "description": "This collection lists all the Lifecycle API's supported by ONAP Policy Framework. These API's are used to perform CRUD operations for Policy, Policy Type & Data Type for all supported PDP engines.",
-        "schema": ""
+  "info": {
+    "_postman_id": "50c9900b-7fbc-42f6-8d84-f3761824b96b",
+    "name": "Policy Framework Lifecycle API",
+    "description": "This collection lists all the Lifecycle API's supported by ONAP Policy Framework. These API's are used to perform CRUD operations for Policy, Policy Type & Data Type for all supported PDP engines.",
+    "schema": ""
+  },
+  "item": [
+    {
+      "name": "Lifecycle Api Healthcheck",
+      "request": {
+        "method": "GET",
+        "header": [
+          {
+            "key": "Content-Type",
+            "type": "text",
+            "value": "application/json"
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "Accept",
+            "type": "text",
+            "value": "application/json"
+          }
+        ],
+        "url": {
+          "raw": "{{POLICY-API-URL}}/policy/api/v1/healthcheck",
+          "host": [
+            "{{POLICY-API-URL}}"
+          ],
+          "path": [
+            "policy",
+            "api",
+            "v1",
+            "healthcheck"
+          ]
+        },
+        "description": "This is an API to fetch current healthcheck information for the policy-api component."
+      },
+      "response": []
-    "item": [
-        {
-            "name": "Lifecycle Api Healthcheck",
-            "request": {
-                "method": "GET",
-                "header": [
-                    {
-                        "key": "Content-Type",
-                        "type": "text",
-                        "value": "application/json"
-                    },
-                    {
-                        "key": "Accept",
-                        "type": "text",
-                        "value": "application/json"
-                    }
-                ],
-                "url": {
-                    "raw": "{{POLICY-API-URL}}/policy/api/v1/healthcheck",
-                    "host": [
-                        "{{POLICY-API-URL}}"
-                    ],
-                    "path": [
-                        "policy",
-                        "api",
-                        "v1",
-                        "healthcheck"
-                    ]
-                },
-                "description": "This is an API to fetch current healthcheck information for the policy-api component."
-            },
-            "response": []
+    {
+      "name": "Lifecycle Api Statistics",
+      "request": {
+        "method": "GET",
+        "header": [
+          {
+            "key": "Content-Type",
+            "type": "text",
+            "value": "application/json"
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "Accept",
+            "type": "text",
+            "value": "application/json"
+          }
+        ],
+        "url": {
+          "raw": "{{POLICY-API-URL}}/policy/api/v1/statistics",
+          "host": [
+            "{{POLICY-API-URL}}"
+          ],
+          "path": [
+            "policy",
+            "api",
+            "v1",
+            "statistics"
+          ]
-        {
-            "name": "Lifecycle Api Statistics",
-            "request": {
-                "method": "GET",
-                "header": [
-                    {
-                        "key": "Content-Type",
-                        "type": "text",
-                        "value": "application/json"
-                    },
-                    {
-                        "key": "Accept",
-                        "type": "text",
-                        "value": "application/json"
-                    }
-                ],
-                "url": {
-                    "raw": "{{POLICY-API-URL}}/policy/api/v1/statistics",
-                    "host": [
-                        "{{POLICY-API-URL}}"
-                    ],
-                    "path": [
-                        "policy",
-                        "api",
-                        "v1",
-                        "statistics"
-                    ]
-                },
-                "description": "This is an API to fetch current statistics information for the policy-api component."
-            },
-            "response": []
+        "description": "This is an API to fetch current statistics information for the policy-api component."
+      },
+      "response": []
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "Create Policy Type",
+      "request": {
+        "method": "POST",
+        "header": [
+          {
+            "key": "Accept",
+            "type": "text",
+            "value": "application/yaml"
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "Content-Type",
+            "type": "text",
+            "value": "application/yaml"
+          }
+        ],
+        "body": {
+          "mode": "raw",
+          "raw": "tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_1_0\npolicy_types:\n    onap.policies.controlloop.operational.Common:\n        derived_from: tosca.policies.Root\n        version: 1.0.0\n        description: |\n            Operational Policy for Control Loop execution. Originated in Frankfurt to support TOSCA Compliant\n            Policy Types. This does NOT support the legacy Policy YAML policy type.\n        properties:\n            id:\n                type: string\n                description: The unique control loop id.\n                required: true\n            timeout:\n                type: integer\n                description: |\n                    Overall timeout for executing all the operations. This timeout should equal or exceed the total\n                    timeout for each operation listed.\n                required: true\n            abatement:\n                type: boolean\n                description: Whether an abatement event message will be expected for the control loop from DCAE.\n                required: true\n                default: false\n            trigger:\n                type: string\n                description: Initial operation to execute upon receiving an Onset event message for the Control Loop.\n                required: true\n            operations:\n                type: list\n                description: List of operations to be performed when Control Loop is triggered.\n                required: true\n                entry_schema:\n                    type: onap.datatype.controlloop.Operation\n\n    onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools:\n        derived_from: onap.policies.controlloop.operational.Common\n        type_version: 1.0.0\n        version: 1.0.0\n        description: Operational policies for Drools PDP\n        properties:\n            controllerName:\n                type: string\n                description: Drools controller properties\n                required: false\n\ndata_types:\n    onap.datatype.controlloop.Target:\n        derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root\n        description: Definition for a entity in A&AI to perform a control loop operation on\n        properties:\n            targetType:\n                type: string\n                description: Category for the target type\n                required: true\n                constraints:\n                - valid_values: [VNF, VM, VFMODULE, PNF]\n            entityIds:\n                type: map\n                description: |\n                    Map of values that identify the resource. If none are provided, it is assumed that the\n                    entity that generated the ONSET event will be the target.\n                required: false\n                metadata:\n                    clamp_possible_values: ClampExecution:CSAR_RESOURCES\n                entry_schema:\n                    type: string\n\n    onap.datatype.controlloop.Actor:\n        derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root\n        description: An actor/operation/target definition\n        properties:\n            actor:\n                type: string\n                description: The actor performing the operation.\n                required: true\n                metadata:\n                    clamp_possible_values: Dictionary:DefaultActors,ClampExecution:CDS/actor\n            operation:\n                type: string\n                description: The operation the actor is performing.\n                metadata:\n                    clamp_possible_values: Dictionary:DefaultOperations,ClampExecution:CDS/operation\n                required: true\n            target:\n                type: onap.datatype.controlloop.Target\n                description: The resource the operation should be performed on.\n                required: true\n            payload:\n                type: map\n                description: Name/value pairs of payload information passed by Policy to the actor\n                required: false\n                metadata:\n                    clamp_possible_values: ClampExecution:CDS/payload\n                entry_schema:\n                    type: string\n\n    onap.datatype.controlloop.Operation:\n        derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root\n        description: An operation supported by an actor\n        properties:\n            id:\n                type: string\n                description: Unique identifier for the operation\n                required: true\n            description:\n                type: string\n                description: A user-friendly description of the intent for the operation\n                required: false\n            operation:\n                type: onap.datatype.controlloop.Actor\n                description: The definition of the operation to be performed.\n                required: true\n            timeout:\n                type: integer\n                description: The amount of time for the actor to perform the operation.\n                required: true\n            retries:\n                type: integer\n                description: The number of retries the actor should attempt to perform the operation.\n                required: true\n                default: 0\n            success:\n                type: string\n                description: Points to the operation to invoke on success. A value of \"final_success\" indicates and end to the operation.\n                required: false\n                default: final_success\n            failure:\n                type: string\n                description: Points to the operation to invoke on Actor operation failure.\n                required: false\n                default: final_failure\n            failure_timeout:\n                type: string\n                description: Points to the operation to invoke when the time out for the operation occurs.\n                required: false\n                default: final_failure_timeout\n            failure_retries:\n                type: string\n                description: Points to the operation to invoke when the current operation has exceeded its max retries.\n                required: false\n                default: final_failure_retries\n            failure_exception:\n                type: string\n                description: Points to the operation to invoke when the current operation causes an exception.\n                required: false\n                default: final_failure_exception\n            failure_guard:\n                type: string\n                description: Points to the operation to invoke when the current operation is blocked due to guard policy enforcement.\n                required: false\n                default: final_failure_guard"
-        {
-            "name": "Create Policy Type",
-            "request": {
-                "method": "POST",
-                "header": [
-                    {
-                        "key": "Accept",
-                        "type": "text",
-                        "value": "application/yaml"
-                    },
-                    {
-                        "key": "Content-Type",
-                        "type": "text",
-                        "value": "application/yaml"
-                    }
-                ],
-                "body": {
-                    "mode": "raw",
-                    "raw": "tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_1_0\npolicy_types:\n    onap.policies.controlloop.operational.Common:\n        derived_from: tosca.policies.Root\n        version: 1.0.0\n        description: |\n            Operational Policy for Control Loop execution. Originated in Frankfurt to support TOSCA Compliant\n            Policy Types. This does NOT support the legacy Policy YAML policy type.\n        properties:\n            id:\n                type: string\n                description: The unique control loop id.\n                required: true\n            timeout:\n                type: integer\n                description: |\n                    Overall timeout for executing all the operations. This timeout should equal or exceed the total\n                    timeout for each operation listed.\n                required: true\n            abatement:\n                type: boolean\n                description: Whether an abatement event message will be expected for the control loop from DCAE.\n                required: true\n                default: false\n            trigger:\n                type: string\n                description: Initial operation to execute upon receiving an Onset event message for the Control Loop.\n                required: true\n            operations:\n                type: list\n                description: List of operations to be performed when Control Loop is triggered.\n                required: true\n                entry_schema:\n                    type: onap.datatype.controlloop.Operation\n\n    onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools:\n        derived_from: onap.policies.controlloop.operational.Common\n        type_version: 1.0.0\n        version: 1.0.0\n        description: Operational policies for Drools PDP\n        properties:\n            controllerName:\n                type: string\n                description: Drools controller properties\n                required: false\n\ndata_types:\n    onap.datatype.controlloop.Target:\n        derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root\n        description: Definition for a entity in A&AI to perform a control loop operation on\n        properties:\n            targetType:\n                type: string\n                description: Category for the target type\n                required: true\n                constraints:\n                - valid_values: [VNF, VM, VFMODULE, PNF]\n            entityIds:\n                type: map\n                description: |\n                    Map of values that identify the resource. If none are provided, it is assumed that the\n                    entity that generated the ONSET event will be the target.\n                required: false\n                metadata:\n                    clamp_possible_values: ClampExecution:CSAR_RESOURCES\n                entry_schema:\n                    type: string\n\n    onap.datatype.controlloop.Actor:\n        derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root\n        description: An actor/operation/target definition\n        properties:\n            actor:\n                type: string\n                description: The actor performing the operation.\n                required: true\n                metadata:\n                    clamp_possible_values: Dictionary:DefaultActors,ClampExecution:CDS/actor\n            operation:\n                type: string\n                description: The operation the actor is performing.\n                metadata:\n                    clamp_possible_values: Dictionary:DefaultOperations,ClampExecution:CDS/operation\n                required: true\n            target:\n                type: onap.datatype.controlloop.Target\n                description: The resource the operation should be performed on.\n                required: true\n            payload:\n                type: map\n                description: Name/value pairs of payload information passed by Policy to the actor\n                required: false\n                metadata:\n                    clamp_possible_values: ClampExecution:CDS/payload\n                entry_schema:\n                    type: string\n\n    onap.datatype.controlloop.Operation:\n        derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root\n        description: An operation supported by an actor\n        properties:\n            id:\n                type: string\n                description: Unique identifier for the operation\n                required: true\n            description:\n                type: string\n                description: A user-friendly description of the intent for the operation\n                required: false\n            operation:\n                type: onap.datatype.controlloop.Actor\n                description: The definition of the operation to be performed.\n                required: true\n            timeout:\n                type: integer\n                description: The amount of time for the actor to perform the operation.\n                required: true\n            retries:\n                type: integer\n                description: The number of retries the actor should attempt to perform the operation.\n                required: true\n                default: 0\n            success:\n                type: string\n                description: Points to the operation to invoke on success. A value of \"final_success\" indicates and end to the operation.\n                required: false\n                default: final_success\n            failure:\n                type: string\n                description: Points to the operation to invoke on Actor operation failure.\n                required: false\n                default: final_failure\n            failure_timeout:\n                type: string\n                description: Points to the operation to invoke when the time out for the operation occurs.\n                required: false\n                default: final_failure_timeout\n            failure_retries:\n                type: string\n                description: Points to the operation to invoke when the current operation has exceeded its max retries.\n                required: false\n                default: final_failure_retries\n            failure_exception:\n                type: string\n                description: Points to the operation to invoke when the current operation causes an exception.\n                required: false\n                default: final_failure_exception\n            failure_guard:\n                type: string\n                description: Points to the operation to invoke when the current operation is blocked due to guard policy enforcement.\n                required: false\n                default: final_failure_guard"
-                },
-                "url": {
-                    "raw": "{{POLICY-API-URL}}/policy/api/v1/policytypes",
-                    "host": [
-                        "{{POLICY-API-URL}}"
-                    ],
-                    "path": [
-                        "policy",
-                        "api",
-                        "v1",
-                        "policytypes"
-                    ]
-                },
-                "description": "This is a generic API to create one or more policy types together in a single API call."
-            },
-            "response": []
+        "url": {
+          "raw": "{{POLICY-API-URL}}/policy/api/v1/policytypes",
+          "host": [
+            "{{POLICY-API-URL}}"
+          ],
+          "path": [
+            "policy",
+            "api",
+            "v1",
+            "policytypes"
+          ]
-        {
-            "name": "Fetch Policy Type",
-            "request": {
-                "method": "GET",
-                "header": [
-                    {
-                        "key": "Accept",
-                        "type": "text",
-                        "value": "application/json"
-                    },
-                    {
-                        "key": "Content-Type",
-                        "type": "text",
-                        "value": "application/json"
-                    }
-                ],
-                "url": {
-                    "raw": "{{POLICY-API-URL}}/policy/api/v1/policytypes/onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools/versions/1.0.0",
-                    "host": [
-                        "{{POLICY-API-URL}}"
-                    ],
-                    "path": [
-                        "policy",
-                        "api",
-                        "v1",
-                        "policytypes",
-                        "onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools",
-                        "versions",
-                        "1.0.0"
-                    ]
-                },
-                "description": "This is an API to fetch a specific policy type (example - \"onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools\") currently available in Policy DB."
-            },
-            "response": []
+        "description": "This is a generic API to create one or more policy types together in a single API call."
+      },
+      "response": []
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "Fetch Policy Type",
+      "request": {
+        "method": "GET",
+        "header": [
+          {
+            "key": "Accept",
+            "type": "text",
+            "value": "application/json"
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "Content-Type",
+            "type": "text",
+            "value": "application/json"
+          }
+        ],
+        "url": {
+          "raw": "{{POLICY-API-URL}}/policy/api/v1/policytypes/onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools/versions/1.0.0",
+          "host": [
+            "{{POLICY-API-URL}}"
+          ],
+          "path": [
+            "policy",
+            "api",
+            "v1",
+            "policytypes",
+            "onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools",
+            "versions",
+            "1.0.0"
+          ]
-        {
-            "name": "Fetch All Policy Types",
-            "request": {
-                "method": "GET",
-                "header": [
-                    {
-                        "key": "Accept",
-                        "type": "text",
-                        "value": "application/json"
-                    },
-                    {
-                        "key": "Content-Type",
-                        "type": "text",
-                        "value": "application/json"
-                    }
-                ],
-                "url": {
-                    "raw": "{{POLICY-API-URL}}/policy/api/v1/policytypes",
-                    "host": [
-                        "{{POLICY-API-URL}}"
-                    ],
-                    "path": [
-                        "policy",
-                        "api",
-                        "v1",
-                        "policytypes"
-                    ]
-                },
-                "description": "This is a generic API to fetch all policy types currently available in Policy DB."
-            },
-            "response": []
+        "description": "This is an API to fetch a specific policy type (example - \"onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools\") currently available in Policy DB."
+      },
+      "response": []
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "Fetch All Policy Types",
+      "request": {
+        "method": "GET",
+        "header": [
+          {
+            "key": "Accept",
+            "type": "text",
+            "value": "application/json"
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "Content-Type",
+            "type": "text",
+            "value": "application/json"
+          }
+        ],
+        "url": {
+          "raw": "{{POLICY-API-URL}}/policy/api/v1/policytypes",
+          "host": [
+            "{{POLICY-API-URL}}"
+          ],
+          "path": [
+            "policy",
+            "api",
+            "v1",
+            "policytypes"
+          ]
-        {
-            "name": "Fetch All Versions of Policy Type",
-            "request": {
-                "method": "GET",
-                "header": [
-                    {
-                        "key": "Accept",
-                        "type": "text",
-                        "value": "application/json"
-                    },
-                    {
-                        "key": "Content-Type",
-                        "type": "text",
-                        "value": "application/json"
-                    }
-                ],
-                "url": {
-                    "raw": "{{POLICY-API-URL}}/policy/api/v1/policytypes/onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools",
-                    "host": [
-                        "{{POLICY-API-URL}}"
-                    ],
-                    "path": [
-                        "policy",
-                        "api",
-                        "v1",
-                        "policytypes",
-                        "onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools"
-                    ]
-                },
-                "description": "This is an API to fetch all versions of a specific policy type (example - \"onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools\") currently available in Policy DB."
-            },
-            "response": []
+        "description": "This is a generic API to fetch all policy types currently available in Policy DB."
+      },
+      "response": []
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "Fetch All Versions of Policy Type",
+      "request": {
+        "method": "GET",
+        "header": [
+          {
+            "key": "Accept",
+            "type": "text",
+            "value": "application/json"
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "Content-Type",
+            "type": "text",
+            "value": "application/json"
+          }
+        ],
+        "url": {
+          "raw": "{{POLICY-API-URL}}/policy/api/v1/policytypes/onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools",
+          "host": [
+            "{{POLICY-API-URL}}"
+          ],
+          "path": [
+            "policy",
+            "api",
+            "v1",
+            "policytypes",
+            "onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools"
+          ]
-        {
-            "name": "Fetch Latest Version of Policy Type",
-            "request": {
-                "method": "GET",
-                "header": [
-                    {
-                        "key": "Accept",
-                        "type": "text",
-                        "value": "application/json"
-                    },
-                    {
-                        "key": "Content-Type",
-                        "type": "text",
-                        "value": "application/json"
-                    }
-                ],
-                "url": {
-                    "raw": "{{POLICY-API-URL}}/policy/api/v1/policytypes/onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools/versions/latest",
-                    "host": [
-                        "{{POLICY-API-URL}}"
-                    ],
-                    "path": [
-                        "policy",
-                        "api",
-                        "v1",
-                        "policytypes",
-                        "onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools",
-                        "versions",
-                        "latest"
-                    ]
-                },
-                "description": "This is an API to fetch latest versions of a specific policy type (example - \"onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools\") currently available in Policy DB."
-            },
-            "response": []
+        "description": "This is an API to fetch all versions of a specific policy type (example - \"onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools\") currently available in Policy DB."
+      },
+      "response": []
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "Fetch Latest Version of Policy Type",
+      "request": {
+        "method": "GET",
+        "header": [
+          {
+            "key": "Accept",
+            "type": "text",
+            "value": "application/json"
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "Content-Type",
+            "type": "text",
+            "value": "application/json"
+          }
+        ],
+        "url": {
+          "raw": "{{POLICY-API-URL}}/policy/api/v1/policytypes/onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools/versions/latest",
+          "host": [
+            "{{POLICY-API-URL}}"
+          ],
+          "path": [
+            "policy",
+            "api",
+            "v1",
+            "policytypes",
+            "onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools",
+            "versions",
+            "latest"
+          ]
-        {
-            "name": "Delete Policy Type",
-            "request": {
-                "method": "DELETE",
-                "header": [
-                    {
-                        "key": "Accept",
-                        "type": "text",
-                        "value": "application/json"
-                    },
-                    {
-                        "key": "Content-Type",
-                        "type": "text",
-                        "value": "application/json"
-                    }
-                ],
-                "url": {
-                    "raw": "{{POLICY-API-URL}}/policy/api/v1/policytypes/onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools/versions/1.0.0",
-                    "host": [
-                        "{{POLICY-API-URL}}"
-                    ],
-                    "path": [
-                        "policy",
-                        "api",
-                        "v1",
-                        "policytypes",
-                        "onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools",
-                        "versions",
-                        "1.0.0"
-                    ]
-                },
-                "description": "This is an API to delete a specific policy type (example - \"onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools\") currently available in Policy DB."
-            },
-            "response": []
+        "description": "This is an API to fetch latest versions of a specific policy type (example - \"onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools\") currently available in Policy DB."
+      },
+      "response": []
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "Delete Policy Type",
+      "request": {
+        "method": "DELETE",
+        "header": [
+          {
+            "key": "Accept",
+            "type": "text",
+            "value": "application/json"
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "Content-Type",
+            "type": "text",
+            "value": "application/json"
+          }
+        ],
+        "url": {
+          "raw": "{{POLICY-API-URL}}/policy/api/v1/policytypes/onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools/versions/1.0.0",
+          "host": [
+            "{{POLICY-API-URL}}"
+          ],
+          "path": [
+            "policy",
+            "api",
+            "v1",
+            "policytypes",
+            "onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools",
+            "versions",
+            "1.0.0"
+          ]
-        {
-            "name": "Create Policy (Generic)",
-            "request": {
-                "method": "POST",
-                "header": [
-                    {
-                        "key": "Accept",
-                        "type": "text",
-                        "value": "application/json"
-                    },
-                    {
-                        "key": "Content-Type",
-                        "type": "text",
-                        "value": "application/json"
-                    }
-                ],
-                "body": {
-                    "mode": "raw",
-                    "raw": "{\n    \"tosca_definitions_version\": \"tosca_simple_yaml_1_1_0\",\n    \"topology_template\": {\n        \"policies\": [\n            {\n                \"operational.modifyconfig\": {\n                    \"type\": \"onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools\",\n                    \"type_version\": \"1.0.0\",\n                    \"version\": \"1.0.0\",\n                    \"metadata\": {\n                        \"policy-id\": \"operational.modifyconfig\"\n                    },\n                    \"properties\": {\n                        \"id\": \"ControlLoop-vFirewall-d0a1dfc6-94f5-4fd4-a5b5-4630b438850a\",\n                        \"timeout\": 1200,\n                        \"abatement\": false,\n                        \"trigger\": \"unique-policy-id-1-modifyConfig\",\n                        \"operations\": [\n                            {\n                                \"id\": \"unique-policy-id-1-modifyConfig\",\n                                \"description\": \"Modify the packet generator\",\n                                \"operation\": {\n                                    \"actor\": \"CDS\",\n                                    \"operation\": \"modify-config\",\n                                    \"target\": {\n                                        \"targetType\": \"VNF\",\n                                        \"entityIds\": {\n                                            \"resourceID\": \"37b008b9-b367-4359-93fd-74d3ce0ee1a0\"\n                                        }\n                                    },\n                                    \"payload\":{\n                                        \"artifact_name\": \"vFW-CDS\",\n                                        \"artifact_version\": \"1.0.0\",\n                                        \"data\": \"{\\\"active-streams\\\": \\\"7\\\"}\"\n                                    }\n                                },\n                                \"timeout\": 300,\n                                \"retries\": 0,\n                                \"success\": \"final_success\",\n                                \"failure\": \"final_failure\",\n                                \"failure_timeout\": \"final_failure_timeout\",\n                                \"failure_retries\": \"final_failure_retries\",\n                                \"failure_exception\": \"final_failure_exception\",\n                                \"failure_guard\": \"final_failure_guard\"\n                            }\n                        ],\n                        \"controllerName\": \"frankfurt\"\n                    }\n                }\n            }\n        ]\n    }\n}"
-                },
-                "url": {
-                    "raw": "{{POLICY-API-URL}}/policy/api/v1/policies",
-                    "host": [
-                        "{{POLICY-API-URL}}"
-                    ],
-                    "path": [
-                        "policy",
-                        "api",
-                        "v1",
-                        "policies"
-                    ]
-                },
-                "description": "This is a generic API to create multiple policies together in a single API call. The individual policies can refer to same policy type or different policy types."
-            },
-            "response": []
+        "description": "This is an API to delete a specific policy type (example - \"onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools\") currently available in Policy DB."
+      },
+      "response": []
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "Create Policy (Generic)",
+      "request": {
+        "method": "POST",
+        "header": [
+          {
+            "key": "Accept",
+            "type": "text",
+            "value": "application/json"
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "Content-Type",
+            "type": "text",
+            "value": "application/json"
+          }
+        ],
+        "body": {
+          "mode": "raw",
+          "raw": "{\n    \"tosca_definitions_version\": \"tosca_simple_yaml_1_1_0\",\n    \"topology_template\": {\n        \"policies\": [\n            {\n                \"operational.modifyconfig\": {\n                    \"type\": \"onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools\",\n                    \"type_version\": \"1.0.0\",\n                    \"version\": \"1.0.0\",\n                    \"metadata\": {\n                        \"policy-id\": \"operational.modifyconfig\"\n                    },\n                    \"properties\": {\n                        \"id\": \"ControlLoop-vFirewall-d0a1dfc6-94f5-4fd4-a5b5-4630b438850a\",\n                        \"timeout\": 1200,\n                        \"abatement\": false,\n                        \"trigger\": \"unique-policy-id-1-modifyConfig\",\n                        \"operations\": [\n                            {\n                                \"id\": \"unique-policy-id-1-modifyConfig\",\n                                \"description\": \"Modify the packet generator\",\n                                \"operation\": {\n                                    \"actor\": \"CDS\",\n                                    \"operation\": \"modify-config\",\n                                    \"target\": {\n                                        \"targetType\": \"VNF\",\n                                        \"entityIds\": {\n                                            \"resourceID\": \"37b008b9-b367-4359-93fd-74d3ce0ee1a0\"\n                                        }\n                                    },\n                                    \"payload\":{\n                                        \"artifact_name\": \"vFW-CDS\",\n                                        \"artifact_version\": \"1.0.0\",\n                                        \"data\": \"{\\\"active-streams\\\": \\\"7\\\"}\"\n                                    }\n                                },\n                                \"timeout\": 300,\n                                \"retries\": 0,\n                                \"success\": \"final_success\",\n                                \"failure\": \"final_failure\",\n                                \"failure_timeout\": \"final_failure_timeout\",\n                                \"failure_retries\": \"final_failure_retries\",\n                                \"failure_exception\": \"final_failure_exception\",\n                                \"failure_guard\": \"final_failure_guard\"\n                            }\n                        ],\n                        \"controllerName\": \"frankfurt\"\n                    }\n                }\n            }\n        ]\n    }\n}"
-        {
-            "name": "Create Policy (Specific)",
-            "request": {
-                "method": "POST",
-                "header": [
-                    {
-                        "key": "Accept",
-                        "type": "text",
-                        "value": "application/json"
-                    },
-                    {
-                        "key": "Content-Type",
-                        "type": "text",
-                        "value": "application/json"
-                    }
-                ],
-                "body": {
-                    "mode": "raw",
-                    "raw": "{\n    \"tosca_definitions_version\": \"tosca_simple_yaml_1_1_0\",\n    \"topology_template\": {\n        \"policies\": [\n            {\n                \"operational.modifyconfig\": {\n                    \"type\": \"onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools\",\n                    \"type_version\": \"1.0.0\",\n                    \"version\": \"1.0.0\",\n                    \"metadata\": {\n                        \"policy-id\": \"operational.modifyconfig\"\n                    },\n                    \"properties\": {\n                        \"id\": \"ControlLoop-vFirewall-d0a1dfc6-94f5-4fd4-a5b5-4630b438850a\",\n                        \"timeout\": 1200,\n                        \"abatement\": false,\n                        \"trigger\": \"unique-policy-id-1-modifyConfig\",\n                        \"operations\": [\n                            {\n                                \"id\": \"unique-policy-id-1-modifyConfig\",\n                                \"description\": \"Modify the packet generator\",\n                                \"operation\": {\n                                    \"actor\": \"CDS\",\n                                    \"operation\": \"modify-config\",\n                                    \"target\": {\n                                        \"targetType\": \"VNF\",\n                                        \"entityIds\": {\n                                            \"resourceID\": \"37b008b9-b367-4359-93fd-74d3ce0ee1a0\"\n                                        }\n                                    },\n                                    \"payload\":{\n                                        \"artifact_name\": \"vFW-CDS\",\n                                        \"artifact_version\": \"1.0.0\",\n                                        \"data\": \"{\\\"active-streams\\\": \\\"7\\\"}\"\n                                    }\n                                },\n                                \"timeout\": 300,\n                                \"retries\": 0,\n                                \"success\": \"final_success\",\n                                \"failure\": \"final_failure\",\n                                \"failure_timeout\": \"final_failure_timeout\",\n                                \"failure_retries\": \"final_failure_retries\",\n                                \"failure_exception\": \"final_failure_exception\",\n                                \"failure_guard\": \"final_failure_guard\"\n                            }\n                        ],\n                        \"controllerName\": \"frankfurt\"\n                    }\n                }\n            }\n        ]\n    }\n}"
-                },
-                "url": {
-                    "raw": "{{POLICY-API-URL}}/policy/api/v1/policytypes/onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools/versions/1.0.0/policies",
-                    "host": [
-                        "{{POLICY-API-URL}}"
-                    ],
-                    "path": [
-                        "policy",
-                        "api",
-                        "v1",
-                        "policytypes",
-                        "onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools",
-                        "versions",
-                        "1.0.0",
-                        "policies"
-                    ]
-                },
-                "description": "This is a specific API to create a policy referring to the given policy type (example - \"onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools\"). The same API can be used to create policy for any policy type to be deployed in any supported PDP engine."
-            },
-            "response": []
+        "url": {
+          "raw": "{{POLICY-API-URL}}/policy/api/v1/policies",
+          "host": [
+            "{{POLICY-API-URL}}"
+          ],
+          "path": [
+            "policy",
+            "api",
+            "v1",
+            "policies"
+          ]
-        {
-            "name": "Create Policy (Legacy)",
-            "request": {
-                "method": "POST",
-                "header": [
-                    {
-                        "key": "Accept",
-                        "type": "text",
-                        "value": "application/yaml"
-                    },
-                    {
-                        "key": "Content-Type",
-                        "type": "text",
-                        "value": "application/yaml"
-                    }
-                ],
-                "body": {
-                    "mode": "raw",
-                    "raw": "{\n  \"policy-id\" : \"operational.modifyconfiglegacy\",\n  \"content\" : \"controlLoop%3A%0A%20%20version%3A%202.0.0%0A%20%20controlLoopName%3A%20ControlLoop-vFirewall-7e4fbe9c-d612-4ec5-bbf8-605aeabdb677%0A%20%20trigger_policy%3A%20unique-policy-id-1-modifyConfig%0A%20%20timeout%3A%2060%0A%20%20abatement%3A%20false%0Apolicies%3A%0A%20%20-%20id%3A%20unique-policy-id-1-modifyConfig%0A%20%20%20%20name%3A%20modifyconfig-cds-actor%0A%20%20%20%20description%3A%0A%20%20%20%20actor%3A%20CDS%0A%20%20%20%20recipe%3A%20modify-config%0A%20%20%20%20target%3A%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20resourceID%3A%2037b008b9-b367-4359-93fd-74d3ce0ee1a0%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20type%3A%20VNF%0A%20%20%20%20payload%3A%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20artifact_name%3A%20vFW-CDS%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20artifact_version%3A%201.0.0%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20data%3A%20%27%7B%22active-streams%22%3A%227%22%7D%27%0A%20%20%20%20retry%3A%200%0A%20%20%20%20timeout%3A%2030%0A%20%20%20%20success%3A%20final_success%0A%20%20%20%20failure%3A%20final_failure%0A%20%20%20%20failure_timeout%3A%20final_failure_timeout%0A%20%20%20%20failure_retries%3A%20final_failure_retries%0A%20%20%20%20failure_exception%3A%20final_failure_exception%0A%20%20%20%20failure_guard%3A%20final_failure_guard\"\n}"
-                },
-                "url": {
-                    "raw": "{{POLICY-API-URL}}/policy/api/v1/policytypes/onap.policies.controlloop.Operational/versions/1.0.0/policies",
-                    "host": [
-                        "{{POLICY-API-URL}}"
-                    ],
-                    "path": [
-                        "policy",
-                        "api",
-                        "v1",
-                        "policytypes",
-                        "onap.policies.controlloop.Operational",
-                        "versions",
-                        "1.0.0",
-                        "policies"
-                    ]
-                },
-                "description": "This is a specific API to create a policy of type \"onap.policies.controlloop.Operational\", used to create legacy control loop operational policy aimed to be deployed in drools-pdp engine."
-            },
-            "response": []
+        "description": "This is a generic API to create multiple policies together in a single API call. The individual policies can refer to same policy type or different policy types."
+      },
+      "response": []
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "Create Policy (Specific)",
+      "request": {
+        "method": "POST",
+        "header": [
+          {
+            "key": "Accept",
+            "type": "text",
+            "value": "application/json"
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "Content-Type",
+            "type": "text",
+            "value": "application/json"
+          }
+        ],
+        "body": {
+          "mode": "raw",
+          "raw": "{\n    \"tosca_definitions_version\": \"tosca_simple_yaml_1_1_0\",\n    \"topology_template\": {\n        \"policies\": [\n            {\n                \"operational.modifyconfig\": {\n                    \"type\": \"onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools\",\n                    \"type_version\": \"1.0.0\",\n                    \"version\": \"1.0.0\",\n                    \"metadata\": {\n                        \"policy-id\": \"operational.modifyconfig\"\n                    },\n                    \"properties\": {\n                        \"id\": \"ControlLoop-vFirewall-d0a1dfc6-94f5-4fd4-a5b5-4630b438850a\",\n                        \"timeout\": 1200,\n                        \"abatement\": false,\n                        \"trigger\": \"unique-policy-id-1-modifyConfig\",\n                        \"operations\": [\n                            {\n                                \"id\": \"unique-policy-id-1-modifyConfig\",\n                                \"description\": \"Modify the packet generator\",\n                                \"operation\": {\n                                    \"actor\": \"CDS\",\n                                    \"operation\": \"modify-config\",\n                                    \"target\": {\n                                        \"targetType\": \"VNF\",\n                                        \"entityIds\": {\n                                            \"resourceID\": \"37b008b9-b367-4359-93fd-74d3ce0ee1a0\"\n                                        }\n                                    },\n                                    \"payload\":{\n                                        \"artifact_name\": \"vFW-CDS\",\n                                        \"artifact_version\": \"1.0.0\",\n                                        \"data\": \"{\\\"active-streams\\\": \\\"7\\\"}\"\n                                    }\n                                },\n                                \"timeout\": 300,\n                                \"retries\": 0,\n                                \"success\": \"final_success\",\n                                \"failure\": \"final_failure\",\n                                \"failure_timeout\": \"final_failure_timeout\",\n                                \"failure_retries\": \"final_failure_retries\",\n                                \"failure_exception\": \"final_failure_exception\",\n                                \"failure_guard\": \"final_failure_guard\"\n                            }\n                        ],\n                        \"controllerName\": \"frankfurt\"\n                    }\n                }\n            }\n        ]\n    }\n}"
-        {
-            "name": "Fetch Policy (Specific)",
-            "request": {
-                "method": "GET",
-                "header": [
-                    {
-                        "key": "Accept",
-                        "type": "text",
-                        "value": "application/json"
-                    },
-                    {
-                        "key": "Content-Type",
-                        "type": "text",
-                        "value": "application/json"
-                    }
-                ],
-                "url": {
-                    "raw": "{{POLICY-API-URL}}/policy/api/v1/policytypes/onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools/versions/1.0.0/policies/operational.modifyconfig/versions/1.0.0",
-                    "host": [
-                        "{{POLICY-API-URL}}"
-                    ],
-                    "path": [
-                        "policy",
-                        "api",
-                        "v1",
-                        "policytypes",
-                        "onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools",
-                        "versions",
-                        "1.0.0",
-                        "policies",
-                        "operational.modifyconfig",
-                        "versions",
-                        "1.0.0"
-                    ]
-                },
-                "description": "This is a specific API to fetch a policy (example - operational.modifyconfig) referring to the given policy type (example - \"onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools\"). The same API can be used to fetch a policy referring to any policy type currently available in Policy DB."
-            },
-            "response": []
+        "url": {
+          "raw": "{{POLICY-API-URL}}/policy/api/v1/policytypes/onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools/versions/1.0.0/policies",
+          "host": [
+            "{{POLICY-API-URL}}"
+          ],
+          "path": [
+            "policy",
+            "api",
+            "v1",
+            "policytypes",
+            "onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools",
+            "versions",
+            "1.0.0",
+            "policies"
+          ]
-        {
-            "name": "Fetch Policy (Legacy)",
-            "request": {
-                "method": "GET",
-                "header": [
-                    {
-                        "key": "Accept",
-                        "type": "text",
-                        "value": "application/json"
-                    },
-                    {
-                        "key": "Content-Type",
-                        "type": "text",
-                        "value": "application/json"
-                    }
-                ],
-                "url": {
-                    "raw": "{{POLICY-API-URL}}/policy/api/v1/policytypes/onap.policies.controlloop.Operational/versions/1.0.0/policies/operational.modifyconfiglegacy/versions/1",
-                    "host": [
-                        "{{POLICY-API-URL}}"
-                    ],
-                    "path": [
-                        "policy",
-                        "api",
-                        "v1",
-                        "policytypes",
-                        "onap.policies.controlloop.Operational",
-                        "versions",
-                        "1.0.0",
-                        "policies",
-                        "operational.modifyconfiglegacy",
-                        "versions",
-                        "1"
-                    ]
-                },
-                "description": "This is a specific API to fetch a policy (example - operational.modifyconfig) referring to the specific policy type \"onap.policies.controlloop.Operational\" currently available in Policy DB."
-            },
-            "response": []
+        "description": "This is a specific API to create a policy referring to the given policy type (example - \"onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools\"). The same API can be used to create policy for any policy type to be deployed in any supported PDP engine."
+      },
+      "response": []
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "Create Policy (Legacy)",
+      "request": {
+        "method": "POST",
+        "header": [
+          {
+            "key": "Accept",
+            "type": "text",
+            "value": "application/yaml"
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "Content-Type",
+            "type": "text",
+            "value": "application/yaml"
+          }
+        ],
+        "body": {
+          "mode": "raw",
+          "raw": "{\n  \"policy-id\" : \"operational.modifyconfiglegacy\",\n  \"content\" : \"controlLoop%3A%0A%20%20version%3A%202.0.0%0A%20%20controlLoopName%3A%20ControlLoop-vFirewall-7e4fbe9c-d612-4ec5-bbf8-605aeabdb677%0A%20%20trigger_policy%3A%20unique-policy-id-1-modifyConfig%0A%20%20timeout%3A%2060%0A%20%20abatement%3A%20false%0Apolicies%3A%0A%20%20-%20id%3A%20unique-policy-id-1-modifyConfig%0A%20%20%20%20name%3A%20modifyconfig-cds-actor%0A%20%20%20%20description%3A%0A%20%20%20%20actor%3A%20CDS%0A%20%20%20%20recipe%3A%20modify-config%0A%20%20%20%20target%3A%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20resourceID%3A%2037b008b9-b367-4359-93fd-74d3ce0ee1a0%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20type%3A%20VNF%0A%20%20%20%20payload%3A%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20artifact_name%3A%20vFW-CDS%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20artifact_version%3A%201.0.0%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20data%3A%20%27%7B%22active-streams%22%3A%227%22%7D%27%0A%20%20%20%20retry%3A%200%0A%20%20%20%20timeout%3A%2030%0A%20%20%20%20success%3A%20final_success%0A%20%20%20%20failure%3A%20final_failure%0A%20%20%20%20failure_timeout%3A%20final_failure_timeout%0A%20%20%20%20failure_retries%3A%20final_failure_retries%0A%20%20%20%20failure_exception%3A%20final_failure_exception%0A%20%20%20%20failure_guard%3A%20final_failure_guard\"\n}"
-        {
-            "name": "Fetch All Policies (Specific)",
-            "request": {
-                "method": "GET",
-                "header": [
-                    {
-                        "key": "Accept",
-                        "type": "text",
-                        "value": "application/json"
-                    },
-                    {
-                        "key": "Content-Type",
-                        "type": "text",
-                        "value": "application/json"
-                    }
-                ],
-                "url": {
-                    "raw": "{{POLICY-API-URL}}/policy/api/v1/policytypes/onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools/versions/1.0.0/policies",
-                    "host": [
-                        "{{POLICY-API-URL}}"
-                    ],
-                    "path": [
-                        "policy",
-                        "api",
-                        "v1",
-                        "policytypes",
-                        "onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools",
-                        "versions",
-                        "1.0.0",
-                        "policies"
-                    ]
-                },
-                "description": "This is a specific API to fetch all policies referring to the given policy type (example - \"onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools\"). The same API can be used to fetch policies for any policy type currently available in Policy DB."
-            },
-            "response": []
+        "url": {
+          "raw": "{{POLICY-API-URL}}/policy/api/v1/policytypes/onap.policies.controlloop.Operational/versions/1.0.0/policies",
+          "host": [
+            "{{POLICY-API-URL}}"
+          ],
+          "path": [
+            "policy",
+            "api",
+            "v1",
+            "policytypes",
+            "onap.policies.controlloop.Operational",
+            "versions",
+            "1.0.0",
+            "policies"
+          ]
-        {
-            "name": "Fetch All Version of a Policy (Specific)",
-            "request": {
-                "method": "GET",
-                "header": [
-                    {
-                        "key": "Accept",
-                        "type": "text",
-                        "value": "application/json"
-                    },
-                    {
-                        "key": "Content-Type",
-                        "type": "text",
-                        "value": "application/json"
-                    }
-                ],
-                "url": {
-                    "raw": "{{POLICY-API-URL}}/policy/api/v1/policytypes/onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools/versions/1.0.0/policies/operational.modifyconfig",
-                    "host": [
-                        "{{POLICY-API-URL}}"
-                    ],
-                    "path": [
-                        "policy",
-                        "api",
-                        "v1",
-                        "policytypes",
-                        "onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools",
-                        "versions",
-                        "1.0.0",
-                        "policies",
-                        "operational.modifyconfig"
-                    ]
-                },
-                "description": "This is a specific API to fetch all versions of a policy (example - operational.modifyconfig) referring to the given policy type (example - \"onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools\"). The same API can be used to fetch all versions of a policy referring to any policy type currently available in Policy DB."
-            },
-            "response": []
+        "description": "This is a specific API to create a policy of type \"onap.policies.controlloop.Operational\", used to create legacy control loop operational policy aimed to be deployed in drools-pdp engine."
+      },
+      "response": []
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "Fetch Policy (Specific)",
+      "request": {
+        "method": "GET",
+        "header": [
+          {
+            "key": "Accept",
+            "type": "text",
+            "value": "application/json"
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "Content-Type",
+            "type": "text",
+            "value": "application/json"
+          }
+        ],
+        "url": {
+          "raw": "{{POLICY-API-URL}}/policy/api/v1/policytypes/onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools/versions/1.0.0/policies/operational.modifyconfig/versions/1.0.0",
+          "host": [
+            "{{POLICY-API-URL}}"
+          ],
+          "path": [
+            "policy",
+            "api",
+            "v1",
+            "policytypes",
+            "onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools",
+            "versions",
+            "1.0.0",
+            "policies",
+            "operational.modifyconfig",
+            "versions",
+            "1.0.0"
+          ]
-        {
-            "name": "Fetch Latest Version of a Policy (Specific)",
-            "request": {
-                "method": "GET",
-                "header": [
-                    {
-                        "key": "Accept",
-                        "type": "text",
-                        "value": "application/json"
-                    },
-                    {
-                        "key": "Content-Type",
-                        "type": "text",
-                        "value": "application/json"
-                    }
-                ],
-                "url": {
-                    "raw": "{{POLICY-API-URL}}/policy/api/v1/policytypes/onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools/versions/1.0.0/policies/operational.modifyconfig/versions/latest",
-                    "host": [
-                        "{{POLICY-API-URL}}"
-                    ],
-                    "path": [
-                        "policy",
-                        "api",
-                        "v1",
-                        "policytypes",
-                        "onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools",
-                        "versions",
-                        "1.0.0",
-                        "policies",
-                        "operational.modifyconfig",
-                        "versions",
-                        "latest"
-                    ]
-                },
-                "description": "This is a specific API to fetch latest version of a policy (example - operational.modifyconfig) referring to the given policy type (example - \"onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools\"). The same API can be used to fetch latest version of a policy referring to any policy type currently available in Policy DB."
-            },
-            "response": []
+        "description": "This is a specific API to fetch a policy (example - operational.modifyconfig) referring to the given policy type (example - \"onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools\"). The same API can be used to fetch a policy referring to any policy type currently available in Policy DB."
+      },
+      "response": []
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "Fetch All Policies without specifying policyType",
+      "request": {
+        "method": "GET",
+        "header": [
+          {
+            "key": "Accept",
+            "type": "text",
+            "value": "application/json"
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "Content-Type",
+            "type": "text",
+            "value": "application/json"
+          }
+        ],
+        "url": {
+          "raw": "{{POLICY-API-URL}}/policy/api/v1/policies",
+          "host": [
+            "{{POLICY-API-URL}}"
+          ],
+          "path": [
+            "policy",
+            "api",
+            "v1",
+            "policies"
+          ]
-        {
-            "name": "Delete Policy (Specific)",
-            "request": {
-                "method": "DELETE",
-                "header": [
-                    {
-                        "key": "Accept",
-                        "value": "application/json",
-                        "type": "text"
-                    },
-                    {
-                        "key": "Content-Type",
-                        "value": "application/json",
-                        "type": "text"
-                    }
-                ],
-                "url": {
-                    "raw": "{{POLICY-API-URL}}/policy/api/v1/policytypes/onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools/versions/1.0.0/policies/operational.modifyconfig/versions/1.0.0",
-                    "host": [
-                        "{{POLICY-API-URL}}"
-                    ],
-                    "path": [
-                        "policy",
-                        "api",
-                        "v1",
-                        "policytypes",
-                        "onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools",
-                        "versions",
-                        "1.0.0",
-                        "policies",
-                        "operational.modifyconfig",
-                        "versions",
-                        "1.0.0"
-                    ]
-                },
-                "description": "This is a specific API to delete a policy (example - operational.modifyconfig) referring to the given policy type (example - \"onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools\"). The same API can be used to delete a policy referring to any policy type currently available in Policy DB."
-            },
-            "response": []
+        "description": "This is a specific API to fetch all policies currently available in Policy DB."
+      },
+      "response": []
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "Fetch Policy without specifying policyType (Specific)",
+      "request": {
+        "method": "GET",
+        "header": [
+          {
+            "key": "Accept",
+            "type": "text",
+            "value": "application/json"
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "Content-Type",
+            "type": "text",
+            "value": "application/json"
+          }
+        ],
+        "url": {
+          "raw": "{{POLICY-API-URL}}/policy/api/v1/policies/operational.modifyconfig/versions/1.0.0",
+          "host": [
+            "{{POLICY-API-URL}}"
+          ],
+          "path": [
+            "policy",
+            "api",
+            "v1",
+            "policies",
+            "operational.modifyconfig",
+            "versions",
+            "1.0.0"
+          ]
-        {
-            "name": "Delete Policy (Legacy)",
-            "request": {
-                "method": "DELETE",
-                "header": [
-                    {
-                        "key": "Accept",
-                        "value": "application/json",
-                        "type": "text"
-                    },
-                    {
-                        "key": "Content-Type",
-                        "value": "application/json",
-                        "type": "text"
-                    }
-                ],
-                "url": {
-                    "raw": "{{POLICY-API-URL}}/policy/api/v1/policytypes/onap.policies.controlloop.Operational/versions/1.0.0/policies/operational.modifyconfiglegacy/versions/1",
-                    "host": [
-                        "{{POLICY-API-URL}}"
-                    ],
-                    "path": [
-                        "policy",
-                        "api",
-                        "v1",
-                        "policytypes",
-                        "onap.policies.controlloop.Operational",
-                        "versions",
-                        "1.0.0",
-                        "policies",
-                        "operational.modifyconfiglegacy",
-                        "versions",
-                        "1"
-                    ]
-                },
-                "description": "This is a specific API to delete a policy (example - operational.modifyconfiglegacy) referring to the specific policy type \"onap.policies.controlloop.Operational\" currently available in Policy DB."
-            },
-            "response": []
-        }
-    ],
-    "auth": {
-        "type": "basic",
-        "basic": [
-            {
-                "key": "password",
-                "value": "{{PASSWORD}}",
-                "type": "string"
-            },
-            {
-                "key": "username",
-                "value": "{{USER}}",
-                "type": "string"
-            }
+        "description": "This is a specific API to fetch a policy (example - operational.modifyconfig). The same API can be used to fetch a policy without referring to any policy type currently available in Policy DB."
+      },
+      "response": []
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "Fetch Policy (Legacy)",
+      "request": {
+        "method": "GET",
+        "header": [
+          {
+            "key": "Accept",
+            "type": "text",
+            "value": "application/json"
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "Content-Type",
+            "type": "text",
+            "value": "application/json"
+          }
+        ],
+        "url": {
+          "raw": "{{POLICY-API-URL}}/policy/api/v1/policytypes/onap.policies.controlloop.Operational/versions/1.0.0/policies/operational.modifyconfiglegacy/versions/1",
+          "host": [
+            "{{POLICY-API-URL}}"
+          ],
+          "path": [
+            "policy",
+            "api",
+            "v1",
+            "policytypes",
+            "onap.policies.controlloop.Operational",
+            "versions",
+            "1.0.0",
+            "policies",
+            "operational.modifyconfiglegacy",
+            "versions",
+            "1"
+          ]
+        },
+        "description": "This is a specific API to fetch a policy (example - operational.modifyconfig) referring to the specific policy type \"onap.policies.controlloop.Operational\" currently available in Policy DB."
+      },
+      "response": []
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "Fetch All Policies (Specific)",
+      "request": {
+        "method": "GET",
+        "header": [
+          {
+            "key": "Accept",
+            "type": "text",
+            "value": "application/json"
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "Content-Type",
+            "type": "text",
+            "value": "application/json"
+          }
+        ],
+        "url": {
+          "raw": "{{POLICY-API-URL}}/policy/api/v1/policytypes/onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools/versions/1.0.0/policies",
+          "host": [
+            "{{POLICY-API-URL}}"
+          ],
+          "path": [
+            "policy",
+            "api",
+            "v1",
+            "policytypes",
+            "onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools",
+            "versions",
+            "1.0.0",
+            "policies"
+          ]
+        },
+        "description": "This is a specific API to fetch all policies referring to the given policy type (example - \"onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools\"). The same API can be used to fetch policies for any policy type currently available in Policy DB."
+      },
+      "response": []
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "Fetch All Version of a Policy (Specific)",
+      "request": {
+        "method": "GET",
+        "header": [
+          {
+            "key": "Accept",
+            "type": "text",
+            "value": "application/json"
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "Content-Type",
+            "type": "text",
+            "value": "application/json"
+          }
+        ],
+        "url": {
+          "raw": "{{POLICY-API-URL}}/policy/api/v1/policytypes/onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools/versions/1.0.0/policies/operational.modifyconfig",
+          "host": [
+            "{{POLICY-API-URL}}"
+          ],
+          "path": [
+            "policy",
+            "api",
+            "v1",
+            "policytypes",
+            "onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools",
+            "versions",
+            "1.0.0",
+            "policies",
+            "operational.modifyconfig"
+          ]
+        },
+        "description": "This is a specific API to fetch all versions of a policy (example - operational.modifyconfig) referring to the given policy type (example - \"onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools\"). The same API can be used to fetch all versions of a policy referring to any policy type currently available in Policy DB."
+      },
+      "response": []
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "Fetch Latest Version of a Policy (Specific)",
+      "request": {
+        "method": "GET",
+        "header": [
+          {
+            "key": "Accept",
+            "type": "text",
+            "value": "application/json"
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "Content-Type",
+            "type": "text",
+            "value": "application/json"
+          }
+        ],
+        "url": {
+          "raw": "{{POLICY-API-URL}}/policy/api/v1/policytypes/onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools/versions/1.0.0/policies/operational.modifyconfig/versions/latest",
+          "host": [
+            "{{POLICY-API-URL}}"
+          ],
+          "path": [
+            "policy",
+            "api",
+            "v1",
+            "policytypes",
+            "onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools",
+            "versions",
+            "1.0.0",
+            "policies",
+            "operational.modifyconfig",
+            "versions",
+            "latest"
+          ]
+        },
+        "description": "This is a specific API to fetch latest version of a policy (example - operational.modifyconfig) referring to the given policy type (example - \"onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools\"). The same API can be used to fetch latest version of a policy referring to any policy type currently available in Policy DB."
+      },
+      "response": []
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "Delete Policy (Specific)",
+      "request": {
+        "method": "DELETE",
+        "header": [
+          {
+            "key": "Accept",
+            "value": "application/json",
+            "type": "text"
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "Content-Type",
+            "value": "application/json",
+            "type": "text"
+          }
+        ],
+        "url": {
+          "raw": "{{POLICY-API-URL}}/policy/api/v1/policytypes/onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools/versions/1.0.0/policies/operational.modifyconfig/versions/1.0.0",
+          "host": [
+            "{{POLICY-API-URL}}"
+          ],
+          "path": [
+            "policy",
+            "api",
+            "v1",
+            "policytypes",
+            "onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools",
+            "versions",
+            "1.0.0",
+            "policies",
+            "operational.modifyconfig",
+            "versions",
+            "1.0.0"
+          ]
+        },
+        "description": "This is a specific API to delete a policy (example - operational.modifyconfig) referring to the given policy type (example - \"onap.policies.controlloop.operational.common.Drools\"). The same API can be used to delete a policy referring to any policy type currently available in Policy DB."
+      },
+      "response": []
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "Delete Policy without specifying policyType (Specific)",
+      "request": {
+        "method": "DELETE",
+        "header": [
+          {
+            "key": "Accept",
+            "type": "text",
+            "value": "application/json"
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "Content-Type",
+            "type": "text",
+            "value": "application/json"
+          }
+        ],
+        "url": {
+          "raw": "{{POLICY-API-URL}}/policy/api/v1/policies/operational.modifyconfig/versions/1.0.0",
+          "host": [
+            "{{POLICY-API-URL}}"
+          ],
+          "path": [
+            "policy",
+            "api",
+            "v1",
+            "policies",
+            "operational.modifyconfig",
+            "versions",
+            "1.0.0"
+          ]
+        },
+        "description": "This is a specific API to delete a policy (example - operational.modifyconfig). The same API can be used to delete a policy without referring to any policy type currently available in Policy DB."
+      },
+      "response": []
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "Delete Policy (Legacy)",
+      "request": {
+        "method": "DELETE",
+        "header": [
+          {
+            "key": "Accept",
+            "value": "application/json",
+            "type": "text"
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "Content-Type",
+            "value": "application/json",
+            "type": "text"
+          }
+        ],
+        "url": {
+          "raw": "{{POLICY-API-URL}}/policy/api/v1/policytypes/onap.policies.controlloop.Operational/versions/1.0.0/policies/operational.modifyconfiglegacy/versions/1",
+          "host": [
+            "{{POLICY-API-URL}}"
+          ],
+          "path": [
+            "policy",
+            "api",
+            "v1",
+            "policytypes",
+            "onap.policies.controlloop.Operational",
+            "versions",
+            "1.0.0",
+            "policies",
+            "operational.modifyconfiglegacy",
+            "versions",
+            "1"
+          ]
+        },
+        "description": "This is a specific API to delete a policy (example - operational.modifyconfiglegacy) referring to the specific policy type \"onap.policies.controlloop.Operational\" currently available in Policy DB."
+      },
+      "response": []
+    }
+  ],
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