Adding the TCA example

Issue-ID: POLICY-3946
Change-Id: Ia3e5d951198c4e436cc7506b805155ff1c0c9af1
Signed-off-by: adheli.tavares <>
diff --git a/examples/src/main/resources/clamp/acm/gentleguidance/GentleGuidanceDefaultPropeties.yaml b/examples/src/main/resources/clamp/acm/gentleguidance/GentleGuidanceDefaultProperties.yaml
similarity index 100%
rename from examples/src/main/resources/clamp/acm/gentleguidance/GentleGuidanceDefaultPropeties.yaml
rename to examples/src/main/resources/clamp/acm/gentleguidance/GentleGuidanceDefaultProperties.yaml
diff --git a/examples/src/main/resources/clamp/acm/gentleguidance/GentleGuidanceNoPropeties.yaml b/examples/src/main/resources/clamp/acm/gentleguidance/GentleGuidanceNoProperties.yaml
similarity index 100%
rename from examples/src/main/resources/clamp/acm/gentleguidance/GentleGuidanceNoPropeties.yaml
rename to examples/src/main/resources/clamp/acm/gentleguidance/GentleGuidanceNoProperties.yaml
diff --git a/examples/src/main/resources/clamp/acm/tca/tosca-tcagen2.yml b/examples/src/main/resources/clamp/acm/tca/tosca-tcagen2.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a21a726
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/src/main/resources/clamp/acm/tca/tosca-tcagen2.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,811 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+# Copyright (C) 2022 Nordix Foundation.
+# ================================================================================
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+# ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_3
+  onap.datatypes.ToscaConceptIdentifier:
+    derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
+    properties:
+      name:
+        type: string
+        required: true
+      version:
+        type: string
+        required: true
+  onap.datatype.acm.Target:
+    derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
+    description: Definition for a entity in A&AI to perform a ACM operation on
+    properties:
+      targetType:
+        type: string
+        description: Category for the target type
+        required: true
+        constraints:
+          - valid_values:
+              - VNF
+              - VM
+              - VFMODULE
+              - PNF
+      entityIds:
+        type: map
+        description: |
+          Map of values that identify the resource. If none are provided, it is assumed that the
+          entity that generated the ONSET event will be the target.
+        required: false
+        metadata:
+          clamp_possible_values: ClampExecution:CSAR_RESOURCES
+        entry_schema:
+          type: string
+  onap.datatype.acm.Actor:
+    derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
+    description: An actor/operation/target definition
+    properties:
+      actor:
+        type: string
+        description: The actor performing the operation.
+        required: true
+        metadata:
+          clamp_possible_values: Dictionary:DefaultActors,ClampExecution:CDS/actor
+      operation:
+        type: string
+        description: The operation the actor is performing.
+        metadata:
+          clamp_possible_values: Dictionary:DefaultOperations,ClampExecution:CDS/operation
+        required: true
+      target:
+        type: onap.datatype.acm.Target
+        description: The resource the operation should be performed on.
+        required: true
+      payload:
+        type: map
+        description: Name/value pairs of payload information passed by Policy to the actor
+        required: false
+        metadata:
+          clamp_possible_values: ClampExecution:CDS/payload
+        entry_schema:
+          type: string
+  onap.datatype.acm.Operation:
+    derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
+    description: An operation supported by an actor
+    properties:
+      id:
+        type: string
+        description: Unique identifier for the operation
+        required: true
+      description:
+        type: string
+        description: A user-friendly description of the intent for the operation
+        required: false
+      operation:
+        type: onap.datatype.acm.Actor
+        description: The definition of the operation to be performed.
+        required: true
+      timeout:
+        type: integer
+        description: The amount of time for the actor to perform the operation.
+        required: true
+      retries:
+        type: integer
+        description: The number of retries the actor should attempt to perform the operation.
+        required: true
+        default: 0
+      success:
+        type: string
+        description: Points to the operation to invoke on success. A value of "final_success" indicates and end to the operation.
+        required: false
+        default: final_success
+      failure:
+        type: string
+        description: Points to the operation to invoke on Actor operation failure.
+        required: false
+        default: final_failure
+      failure_timeout:
+        type: string
+        description: Points to the operation to invoke when the time out for the operation occurs.
+        required: false
+        default: final_failure_timeout
+      failure_retries:
+        type: string
+        description: Points to the operation to invoke when the current operation has exceeded its max retries.
+        required: false
+        default: final_failure_retries
+      failure_exception:
+        type: string
+        description: Points to the operation to invoke when the current operation causes an exception.
+        required: false
+        default: final_failure_exception
+      failure_guard:
+        type: string
+        description: Points to the operation to invoke when the current operation is blocked due to guard policy enforcement.
+        required: false
+        default: final_failure_guard
+    constraints: [ ]
+  onap.datatypes.monitoring.measurementGroup:
+    constraints: [ ]
+    properties:
+      measurementTypes:
+        name: measurementTypes
+        type: list
+        typeVersion: 0.0.0
+        description: List of measurement types
+        required: true
+        constraints: [ ]
+        entry_schema:
+          type: onap.datatypes.monitoring.measurementTypes
+          typeVersion: 0.0.0
+          constraints: [ ]
+        metadata: { }
+      managedObjectDNsBasic:
+        name: managedObjectDNsBasic
+        type: list
+        typeVersion: 0.0.0
+        description: List of managed object distinguished names
+        required: true
+        constraints: [ ]
+        entry_schema:
+          type: onap.datatypes.monitoring.managedObjectDNsBasics
+          typeVersion: 0.0.0
+          constraints: [ ]
+        metadata: { }
+    name: onap.datatypes.monitoring.measurementGroup
+    version: 0.0.0
+    derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
+    metadata: { }
+  onap.datatypes.monitoring.measurementGroups:
+    constraints: [ ]
+    properties:
+      measurementGroup:
+        name: measurementGroup
+        type: map
+        typeVersion: 0.0.0
+        description: Measurement Group
+        required: true
+        constraints: [ ]
+        entry_schema:
+          type: onap.datatypes.monitoring.measurementGroup
+          typeVersion: 0.0.0
+          constraints: [ ]
+        metadata: { }
+    name: onap.datatypes.monitoring.measurementGroups
+    version: 0.0.0
+    derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
+    metadata: { }
+  onap.datatypes.monitoring.measurementType:
+    constraints: [ ]
+    properties:
+      measurementType:
+        name: measurementType
+        type: string
+        typeVersion: 0.0.0
+        description: Measurement type
+        required: true
+        constraints: [ ]
+        metadata: { }
+    name: onap.datatypes.monitoring.measurementType
+    version: 0.0.0
+    derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
+    metadata: { }
+  onap.datatypes.monitoring.measurementTypes:
+    constraints: [ ]
+    properties:
+      measurementType:
+        name: measurementType
+        type: map
+        typeVersion: 0.0.0
+        description: Measurement type object
+        required: true
+        constraints: [ ]
+        entry_schema:
+          type: onap.datatypes.monitoring.measurementType
+          typeVersion: 0.0.0
+          constraints: [ ]
+        metadata: { }
+    name: onap.datatypes.monitoring.measurementTypes
+    version: 0.0.0
+    derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
+    metadata: { }
+  onap.datatypes.monitoring.managedObjectDNsBasic:
+    constraints: [ ]
+    properties:
+      DN:
+        name: DN
+        type: string
+        typeVersion: 0.0.0
+        description: Managed object distinguished name
+        required: true
+        constraints: [ ]
+        metadata: { }
+    name: onap.datatypes.monitoring.managedObjectDNsBasic
+    version: 0.0.0
+    derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
+    metadata: { }
+  onap.datatypes.monitoring.managedObjectDNsBasics:
+    constraints: [ ]
+    properties:
+      managedObjectDNsBasic:
+        name: managedObjectDNsBasic
+        type: map
+        typeVersion: 0.0.0
+        description: Managed object distinguished name object
+        required: true
+        constraints: [ ]
+        entry_schema:
+          type: onap.datatypes.monitoring.managedObjectDNsBasic
+          typeVersion: 0.0.0
+          constraints: [ ]
+        metadata: { }
+    name: onap.datatypes.monitoring.managedObjectDNsBasics
+    version: 0.0.0
+    derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
+    metadata: { }
+  onap.datatypes.monitoring.nfFilter:
+    constraints: [ ]
+    properties:
+      modelNames:
+        name: modelNames
+        type: list
+        typeVersion: 0.0.0
+        description: List of model names
+        required: true
+        constraints: [ ]
+        entry_schema:
+          type: string
+          typeVersion: 0.0.0
+          constraints: [ ]
+        metadata: { }
+      modelInvariantIDs:
+        name: modelInvariantIDs
+        type: list
+        typeVersion: 0.0.0
+        description: List of model invariant IDs
+        required: true
+        constraints: [ ]
+        entry_schema:
+          type: string
+          typeVersion: 0.0.0
+          constraints: [ ]
+        metadata: { }
+      modelVersionIDs:
+        name: modelVersionIDs
+        type: list
+        typeVersion: 0.0.0
+        description: List of model version IDs
+        required: true
+        constraints: [ ]
+        entry_schema:
+          type: string
+          typeVersion: 0.0.0
+          constraints: [ ]
+        metadata: { }
+      nfNames:
+        name: nfNames
+        type: list
+        typeVersion: 0.0.0
+        description: List of network functions
+        required: true
+        constraints: [ ]
+        entry_schema:
+          type: string
+          typeVersion: 0.0.0
+          constraints: [ ]
+        metadata: { }
+    name: onap.datatypes.monitoring.nfFilter
+    version: 0.0.0
+    derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
+    metadata: { }
+  onap.datatypes.monitoring.subscription:
+    constraints: [ ]
+    properties:
+      measurementGroups:
+        name: measurementGroups
+        type: list
+        typeVersion: 0.0.0
+        description: Measurement Groups
+        required: true
+        constraints: [ ]
+        entry_schema:
+          type: onap.datatypes.monitoring.measurementGroups
+          typeVersion: 0.0.0
+          constraints: [ ]
+        metadata: { }
+      fileBasedGP:
+        name: fileBasedGP
+        type: integer
+        typeVersion: 0.0.0
+        description: File based granularity period
+        required: true
+        constraints: [ ]
+        metadata: { }
+      fileLocation:
+        name: fileLocation
+        type: string
+        typeVersion: 0.0.0
+        description: ROP file location
+        required: true
+        constraints: [ ]
+        metadata: { }
+      subscriptionName:
+        name: subscriptionName
+        type: string
+        typeVersion: 0.0.0
+        description: Name of the subscription
+        required: true
+        constraints: [ ]
+        metadata: { }
+      administrativeState:
+        name: administrativeState
+        type: string
+        typeVersion: 0.0.0
+        description: State of the subscription
+        required: true
+        constraints:
+          - valid_values:
+              - LOCKED
+              - UNLOCKED
+        metadata: { }
+      nfFilter:
+        name: nfFilter
+        type: map
+        typeVersion: 0.0.0
+        description: Network function filter
+        required: true
+        constraints: [ ]
+        entry_schema:
+          type: onap.datatypes.monitoring.nfFilter
+          typeVersion: 0.0.0
+          constraints: [ ]
+        metadata: { }
+    name: onap.datatypes.monitoring.subscription
+    version: 0.0.0
+    derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
+    metadata: { }
+  org.onap.datatypes.policy.clamp.acm.httpAutomationCompositionElement.RestRequest:
+    version: 1.0.0
+    derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
+    properties:
+      restRequestId:
+        type: onap.datatypes.ToscaConceptIdentifier
+        typeVersion: 1.0.0
+        required: true
+        description: The name and version of a REST request to be sent to a REST endpoint
+      httpMethod:
+        type: string
+        required: true
+        constraints:
+          - valid_values: [ POST, PUT, GET, DELETE ]
+        description: The REST method to use
+      path:
+        type: string
+        required: true
+        description: The path of the REST request relative to the base URL
+      body:
+        type: string
+        required: false
+        description: The body of the REST request for PUT and POST requests
+      expectedResponse:
+        type: integer
+        required: true
+        constraints: [ ]
+        description: THe expected HTTP status code for the REST request
+  org.onap.datatypes.policy.clamp.acm.httpAutomationCompositionElement.ConfigurationEntity:
+    version: 1.0.0
+    derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
+    properties:
+      configurationEntityId:
+        type: onap.datatypes.ToscaConceptIdentifier
+        typeVersion: 1.0.0
+        required: true
+        description: The name and version of a Configuration Entity to be handled by the HTTP Automation composition Element
+      restSequence:
+        type: list
+        entry_schema:
+          type: org.onap.datatypes.policy.clamp.acm.httpAutomationCompositionElement.RestRequest
+          typeVersion: 1.0.0
+        description: A sequence of REST commands to send to the REST endpoint
+  onap.policies.Monitoring:
+    derived_from: tosca.policies.Root
+    description: a base policy type for all policies that govern monitoring provisioning
+    version: 1.0.0
+    name: onap.policies.Monitoring
+  onap.policies.monitoring.tcagen2:
+    properties:
+      tca.policy:
+        name: tca.policy
+        type: onap.datatypes.monitoring.subscription
+        typeVersion: 0.0.0
+        description: TCA Gen2 Policy JSON
+        required: false
+        constraints: [ ]
+        metadata: { }
+    name: onap.policies.monitoring.tcagen2
+    version: 1.0.0
+    derived_from: onap.policies.Monitoring
+    metadata: { }
+  onap.policies.acm.operational.Common:
+    derived_from: tosca.policies.Root
+    version: 1.0.0
+    type_version: 1.0.0
+    name: onap.policies.acm.operational.Common
+    description: Operational policies for Apex PDP
+    properties:
+      engineServiceParameters:
+        type: string
+        description: The engine parameters like name, instanceCount, policy implementation, parameters etc.
+        required: true
+      eventInputParameters:
+        type: string
+        description: The event input parameters.
+        required: true
+      eventOutputParameters:
+        type: string
+        description: The event output parameters.
+        required: true
+      javaProperties:
+        type: string
+        description: Name/value pairs of properties to be set for APEX if needed.
+        required: false
+  onap.policies.acm.operational.common.Drools:
+    derived_from: onap.policies.acm.operational.Common
+    type_version: 1.0.0
+    version: 1.0.0
+    name: onap.policies.acm.operational.common.Drools
+    description: Operational policies for Drools
+    properties:
+      id:
+        type: string
+        description: The unique Id of the Operational Policy.
+        required: true
+      timeout:
+        type: integer
+        description: The timeout of the operation.
+        required: true
+      abatement:
+        type: boolean
+        description: Is there an abatement or not.
+        required: true
+      trigger:
+        type: string
+        description: The unique id of the policy to be triggered.
+        required: true
+      operations:
+        type: list
+        description: list of operation to be triggered.
+        required: true
+      controllerName:
+        type: string
+        description: The name of the Controller.
+        required: true
+  org.onap.policy.clamp.acm.Participant:
+    version: 1.0.1
+    derived_from: tosca.nodetypes.Root
+    properties:
+      provider:
+        type: string
+        requred: false
+  org.onap.policy.clamp.acm.AutomationCompositionElement:
+    version: 1.0.1
+    derived_from: tosca.nodetypes.Root
+    properties:
+      provider:
+        type: string
+        required: false
+        metadata:
+          common: true
+        description: Specifies the organization that provides the Automation composition element
+      participant_id:
+        type: onap.datatypes.ToscaConceptIdentifier
+        requred: true
+        metadata:
+          common: true
+      participantType:
+        type: onap.datatypes.ToscaConceptIdentifier
+        required: true
+        metadata:
+          common: true
+        description: The identity of the participant type that hosts this type of Automation composition Element
+      startPhase:
+        type: integer
+        required: false
+        constraints:
+          - greater_or_equal: 0
+        metadata:
+          common: true
+        description: A value indicating the start phase in which this ACM element will be started, the
+          first start phase is zero. Control Loop Elements are started in their start_phase order and stopped
+          in reverse start phase order. ACM Elements with the same start phase are started and
+          stopped simultaneously
+      uninitializedToPassiveTimeout:
+        type: integer
+        required: false
+        constraints:
+          - greater_or_equal: 0
+        default: 60
+        metadata:
+          common: true
+        description: The maximum time in seconds to wait for a state chage from uninitialized to passive
+      passiveToRunningTimeout:
+        type: integer
+        required: false
+        constraints:
+          - greater_or_equal: 0
+        default: 60
+        metadata:
+          common: true
+        description: The maximum time in seconds to wait for a state chage from passive to running
+      runningToPassiveTimeout:
+        type: integer
+        required: false
+        constraints:
+          - greater_or_equal: 0
+        default: 60
+        metadata:
+          common: true
+        description: The maximum time in seconds to wait for a state chage from running to passive
+      passiveToUninitializedTimeout:
+        type: integer
+        required: false
+        constraints:
+          - greater_or_equal: 0
+        default: 60
+        metadata:
+          common: true
+        description: The maximum time in seconds to wait for a state chage from passive to uninitialized
+  org.onap.policy.clamp.acm.AutomationComposition:
+    version: 1.0.1
+    derived_from: tosca.nodetypes.Root
+    properties:
+      provider:
+        type: string
+        required: false
+        metadata:
+          common: true
+        description: Specifies the organization that provides the Automation composition element
+      elements:
+        type: list
+        required: true
+        metadata:
+          common: true
+        entry_schema:
+          type: onap.datatypes.ToscaConceptIdentifier
+        description: Specifies a list of control loop element definitions that make up this Automation composition definition
+  org.onap.policy.clamp.acm.PolicyAutomationCompositionElement:
+    version: 1.0.1
+    derived_from: org.onap.policy.clamp.acm.AutomationCompositionElement
+    properties:
+      policy_type_id:
+        type: onap.datatypes.ToscaConceptIdentifier
+        required: true
+      policy_id:
+        type: onap.datatypes.ToscaConceptIdentifier
+        required: false
+  org.onap.policy.clamp.acm.K8SMicroserviceAutomationCompositionElement:
+    version: 1.0.1
+    derived_from: org.onap.policy.clamp.acm.AutomationCompositionElement
+    properties:
+      chart:
+        type: string
+        required: true
+      configs:
+        type: list
+        required: false
+      requirements:
+        type: string
+        requred: false
+      templates:
+        type: list
+        required: false
+        entry_schema:
+      values:
+        type: string
+        required: true
+  org.onap.policy.clamp.acm.HttpAutomationCompositionElement:
+    version: 1.0.1
+    derived_from: org.onap.policy.clamp.acm.AutomationCompositionElement
+    properties:
+      baseUrl:
+        type: string
+        required: true
+        description: The base URL to be prepended to each path, identifies the host for the REST endpoints.
+      httpHeaders:
+        type: map
+        required: false
+        entry_schema:
+          type: string
+        description: HTTP headers to send on REST requests
+      configurationEntities:
+        type: map
+        required: true
+        entry_schema:
+          type: org.onap.datatypes.policy.clamp.acm.httpAutomationCompositionElement.ConfigurationEntity
+          typeVersion: 1.0.0
+        description: The connfiguration entities the Automation composition Element is managing and their associated REST requests
+  inputs:
+    tcagen2_monitoring_policy:
+      type: onap.datatypes.ToscaConceptIdentifier
+      description: The ID of the TCA Gen2 monitoring policy to use
+      default:
+        name: onap.vfirewall.tca
+        version: 1.0.0
+    tcagen2_operational_policy:
+      type: onap.datatypes.ToscaConceptIdentifier
+      description: The ID of the TCA Gen2 operational policy to use
+      default:
+        name: operational.modifyconfig
+        version: 1.0.0
+  node_templates:
+    org.onap.policy.clamp.acm.PolicyParticipant:
+      version: 2.3.1
+      type: org.onap.policy.clamp.acm.Participant
+      type_version: 1.0.1
+      description: Participant for policy framework
+      properties:
+        provider: ONAP
+    org.onap.domain.tca.operational.PolicyAutomationCompositionElement:
+      version: 1.0.0
+      type: org.onap.policy.clamp.acm.PolicyAutomationCompositionElement
+      type_version: 1.0.1
+      description: Automation composition element for the operational policy for TCA Gen2 Handling
+      properties:
+        provider: Ericsson
+        participant_id:
+          name: org.onap.PM_Policy
+          version: 1.0.0
+        participantType:
+          name: org.onap.policy.clamp.acm.PolicyParticipant
+          version: 2.3.1
+        policy_type_id:
+          name: onap.policies.acm.operational.common.Drools
+          version: 1.0.0
+        policy_id:
+          get_input: tcagen2_operational_policy
+    org.onap.domain.tca.monitoring.PolicyAutomationCompositionElement:
+      version: 1.0.0
+      type: org.onap.policy.clamp.acm.PolicyAutomationCompositionElement
+      type_version: 1.0.1
+      description: Automation composition element for the monitoring policy for TCA Gen2 Handling
+      properties:
+        provider: Ericsson
+        participant_id:
+          name: org.onap.PM_Policy
+          version: 1.0.0
+        participantType:
+          name: org.onap.policy.clamp.acm.PolicyParticipant
+          version: 2.3.1
+        policy_type_id:
+          name: onap.policies.monitoring.tcagen2
+          version: 1.0.0
+        policy_id:
+          get_input: tcagen2_monitoring_policy
+    org.onap.policy.clamp.acm.KubernetesParticipant:
+      version: 2.3.4
+      type: org.onap.policy.clamp.acm.Participant
+      type_version: 1.0.1
+      description: Participant for K8S
+      properties:
+        provider: ONAP
+    org.onap.domain.database.TCA_K8SMicroserviceAutomationCompositionElement:
+      # Chart from new repository
+      version: 1.0.0
+      type: org.onap.policy.clamp.acm.K8SMicroserviceAutomationCompositionElement
+      type_version: 1.0.1
+      description: Automation composition element for the K8S microservice for TCA
+      properties:
+        provider: ONAP
+        participant_id:
+          name: K8sParticipant0
+          version: 1.0.0
+        participantType:
+          name: org.onap.policy.clamp.acm.KubernetesParticipant
+          version: 2.3.4
+        chart:
+          chartId:
+            name: dcae-tcagen2
+            version: 10.0.0
+          namespace: onap
+          releaseName: tca-deployment
+          repository:
+            repoName: chartmuseum
+            protocol: http
+            address: chart-museum
+            port: 80
+            userName: onapinitializer
+            password: demo123456!
+          overrideParams:
+            global.masterPassword: test
+    org.onap.domain.sample.GenericK8s_AutomationCompositionDefinition:
+      version: 1.2.3
+      type: org.onap.policy.clamp.acm.AutomationComposition
+      type_version: 1.0.0
+      description: Automation composition for TCA Gen2 microservice
+      properties:
+        provider: ONAP
+        elements:
+          - name: org.onap.domain.tca.operational.PolicyAutomationCompositionElement
+            version: 1.0.0
+          - name: org.onap.domain.tca.monitoring.PolicyAutomationCompositionElement
+            version: 1.0.0
+          - name: org.onap.domain.database.TCA_K8SMicroserviceAutomationCompositionElement
+            version: 1.0.0
+  policies:
+    - operational.modifyconfig:
+        type: onap.policies.acm.operational.common.Drools
+        type_version: 1.0.0
+        version: 1.0.0
+        properties:
+          id: "ControlLoop-vFirewall-d0a1dfc6-94f5-4fd4-a5b5-4630b438850a"
+          timeout: 1200
+          abatement: false
+          trigger: "unique-policy-id-1-modifyConfig"
+          operations:
+            - id: "unique-policy-id-1-modifyConfig"
+              description: "Modify the packet generator"
+              operation:
+                actor: "APPC"
+                operation: "ModifyConfig"
+                target:
+                  targetType: "VNF"
+                  entityIds:
+                    resourceID: "bbb3cefd-01c8-413c-9bdd-2b92f9ca3d38"
+                payload:
+                  streams: "{\"active-streams\": 5 }"
+              timeout: 300
+              retries: 0
+              success: "final_success"
+              failure: "final_failure"
+              failure_timeout: "final_failure_timeout"
+              failure_retries: "final_failure_retries"
+              failure_exception: "final_failure_exception"
+              failure_guard: "final_failure_guard"
+          controllerName: "usecases"
+    - onap.vfirewall.tca:
+        type: onap.policies.monitoring.tcagen2
+        type_version: 1.0.0
+        version: 1.0.0
+        properties:
+          tca.policy:
+            domain: measurementsForVfScaling
+            metricsPerEventName:
+              - eventName: vFirewallBroadcastPackets
+                controlLoopSchemaType: VM
+                policyScope: "DCAE"
+                policyName: "DCAE.Config_tca-hi-lo"
+                policyVersion: "v0.0.1"
+                thresholds:
+                  - closedLoopControlName: "ControlLoop-vFirewall-d0a1dfc6-94f5-4fd4-a5b5-4630b438850a"
+                    version: "1.0.2"
+                    fieldPath: "$.event.measurementsForVfScalingFields.vNicPerformanceArray[*].receivedTotalPacketsDelta"
+                    thresholdValue: 300
+                    direction: LESS_OR_EQUAL
+                    severity: MAJOR
+                    closedLoopEventStatus: ONSET
+                  - closedLoopControlName: "ControlLoop-vFirewall-d0a1dfc6-94f5-4fd4-a5b5-4630b438850a"
+                    version: "1.0.2"
+                    fieldPath: "$.event.measurementsForVfScalingFields.vNicPerformanceArray[*].receivedTotalPacketsDelta"
+                    thresholdValue: 700
+                    direction: GREATER_OR_EQUAL
+                    severity: CRITICAL
+                    closedLoopEventStatus: ONSET