| ### |
| # ============LICENSE_START======================================================= |
| # ================================================================================ |
| # Copyright (C) 2017-2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights |
| # reserved. |
| # ================================================================================ |
| # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| # You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| # |
| # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| # |
| # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| # limitations under the License. |
| # ============LICENSE_END============================================ |
| # =================================================================== |
| # |
| ### |
| |
| ### Set the port for HTTP or HTTPS protocol (Controlled by Spring framework, only one at a time). |
| ### (See below for the parameter 'server.http.port' if you want to have both enabled) |
| ### To have only HTTP, keep the lines server.ssl.* commented |
| ### To have only HTTPS enabled, uncomment the server.ssl.* lines and specify a right keystore location |
| server.port=${clamp.it.tests.http} |
| ### Settings for HTTPS (this automatically enables the HTTPS on the port 'server.port') |
| #server.ssl.key-store=file:/tmp/mykey.jks |
| #server.ssl.key-store-password=pass |
| #server.ssl.key-password=pass |
| |
| ### In order to be user friendly when HTTPS is enabled, |
| ### you can add another HTTP port that will be automatically redirected to HTTPS |
| ### by enabling this parameter (server.http.port) and set it to another port (80 or 8080, 8090, etc ...) |
| #server.http-to-https-redirection.port=8090 |
| |
| ### HTTP Example: |
| ###-------------- |
| ### server.port=8080 |
| |
| ### HTTPS Example: |
| ### -------------- |
| ### server.port=8443 |
| ### server.ssl.key-store=file:/tmp/mykey.jks |
| ### server.ssl.key-store-password=mypass |
| ### server.ssl.key-password=mypass |
| |
| ### HTTP (Redirected to HTTPS) and HTTPS Example: |
| ### -------------------------------------------- |
| ### server.port=8443 <-- The HTTPS port |
| ### server.ssl.key-store=file:/tmp/mykey.jks |
| ### server.ssl.key-store-password=mypass |
| ### server.ssl.key-password=mypass |
| ### server.http-to-https-redirection.port=8090 <-- The HTTP port |
| |
| server.servlet.context-path=/ |
| #Modified engine-rest applicationpath |
| spring.profiles.active=clamp-default,clamp-default-user |
| spring.http.converters.preferred-json-mapper=gson |
| |
| #The max number of active threads in this pool |
| server.tomcat.max-threads=200 |
| #The minimum number of threads always kept alive |
| server.tomcat.min-Spare-Threads=25 |
| #The number of milliseconds before an idle thread shutsdown, unless the number of active threads are less or equal to minSpareThreads |
| server.tomcat.max-idle-time=60000 |
| |
| #Servlet context parameters |
| server.context_parameters.p-name=value #context parameter with p-name as key and value as value. |
| |
| camel.springboot.consumer-template-cache-size=1000 |
| camel.springboot.producer-template-cache-size=1000 |
| # JMX enabled to have Camel Swagger runtime working |
| camel.springboot.jmx-enabled=true |
| camel.defaultthreadpool.poolsize=10 |
| camel.defaultthreadpool.maxpoolsize=20 |
| camel.defaultthreadpool.maxqueuesize=1000 |
| camel.defaultthreadpool.keepaliveTime=60 |
| camel.defaultthreadpool.rejectpolicy=CallerRuns |
| #camel.springboot.xmlRoutes = false |
| camel.springboot.xmlRoutes=classpath:/clds/camel/routes/*.xml |
| camel.springboot.xmlRests=classpath:/clds/camel/rest/*.xml |
| #camel.springboot.typeConversion = false |
| |
| #clds datasource connection details |
| spring.datasource.cldsdb.driverClassName=org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver |
| spring.datasource.cldsdb.url=jdbc:mariadb:sequential://localhost:3306,localhost:${docker.mariadb.port.host}/cldsdb4?autoReconnect=true&connectTimeout=10000&socketTimeout=10000&retriesAllDown=3 |
| spring.datasource.cldsdb.username=clds |
| spring.datasource.cldsdb.password=4c90a0b48204383f4283448d23e0b885a47237b2a23588e7c4651604f51c1067 |
| spring.datasource.cldsdb.validationQuery=SELECT 1 |
| spring.datasource.cldsdb.validationQueryTimeout=20000 |
| spring.datasource.cldsdb.validationInterval=30000 |
| spring.datasource.cldsdb.testWhileIdle = true |
| spring.datasource.cldsdb.minIdle = 0 |
| spring.datasource.cldsdb.initialSize=0 |
| # Automatically test whether a connection provided is good or not |
| spring.datasource.cldsdb.testOnBorrow=true |
| spring.datasource.cldsdb.ignoreExceptionOnPreLoad=true |
| |
| spring.jpa.properties.javax.persistence.schema-generation.database.action=none |
| #spring.jpa.properties.javax.persistence.schema-generation.create-source=metadata |
| #spring.jpa.properties.javax.persistence.schema-generation.scripts.action=create |
| #spring.jpa.properties.javax.persistence.schema-generation.scripts.create-target=create.sql |
| # disable Hibernate DDL generation because the schema will be generated from a sql script |
| spring.jpa.properties.hibernate.dialect=org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect |
| spring.jpa.properties.hibernate.ddl-auto=validate |
| spring.jpa.properties.hibernate.hbm2ddl.delimiter=; |
| spring.jpa.properties.hibernate.format_sql=true |
| spring.jpa.properties.hibernate.use-new-id-generator-mappings=true |
| |
| # Whether to enable logging of SQL statements. |
| #spring.jpa.show-sql=true |
| |
| #Async Executor default Parameters |
| async.core.pool.size=10 |
| async.max.pool.size=20 |
| async.queue.capacity=500 |
| |
| #For EELF logback file |
| #com.att.eelf.logging.path= |
| clamp.config.logback.filename=logback-default.xml |
| #The log folder that will be used in logback.xml file |
| clamp.config.log.path=log |
| clamp.config.files.systemProperties=classpath:/system.properties |
| clamp.config.files.cldsUsers=classpath:/clds/clds-users.json |
| clamp.config.files.globalProperties=classpath:/clds/templates/globalProperties.json |
| clamp.config.files.sdcController=classpath:/clds/sdc-controllers-config.json |
| |
| # Properties for Clamp |
| # DCAE request build properties |
| # |
| clamp.config.dcae.template=classpath:/clds/templates/dcae-template.json |
| clamp.config.dcae.deployment.template=classpath:/clds/templates/dcae-deployment-template.json |
| # |
| # |
| # Configuration Settings for Policy Engine Components |
| clamp.config.policy.api.url=http4://localhost:${docker.http-cache.port.host} |
| clamp.config.policy.api.userName=healthcheck |
| clamp.config.policy.api.password=zb!XztG34 |
| clamp.config.policy.pap.url=http4://localhost:${docker.http-cache.port.host} |
| clamp.config.policy.pap.userName=healthcheck |
| clamp.config.policy.pap.password=zb!XztG34 |
| |
| # TCA MicroService Policy request build properties |
| # |
| clamp.config.tca.policyid.prefix=DCAE.Config_ |
| clamp.config.tca.policy.template=classpath:/clds/templates/tca-policy-template.json |
| clamp.config.tca.template=classpath:/clds/templates/tca-template.json |
| clamp.config.tca.thresholds.template=classpath:/clds/templates/tca-thresholds-template.json |
| |
| # |
| # |
| # Operational Policy request build properties |
| # |
| clamp.config.op.policyDescription=from clds |
| # default |
| clamp.config.op.templateName=ClosedLoopControlName |
| clamp.config.op.operationTopic=APPC-CL |
| clamp.config.op.notificationTopic=POLICY-CL-MGT |
| clamp.config.op.controller=amsterdam |
| clamp.config.op.policy.appc=APPC |
| # |
| # Sdc service properties |
| # |
| clamp.config.sdc.csarFolder = ${project.build.directory}/sdc-tests |
| clamp.config.sdc.blueprint.parser.mapping = classpath:/clds/blueprint-parser-mapping.json |
| # |
| clamp.config.ui.location.default=classpath:/clds/templates/ui-location-default.json |
| # |
| # if action.test.override is true, then any action will be marked as test=true (even if incoming action request had test=false); otherwise, test flag will be unchanged on the action request |
| clamp.config.action.test.override=false |
| # if action.insert.test.event is true, then insert event even if the action is set to test |
| clamp.config.action.insert.test.event=false |
| clamp.config.clds.service.cache.invalidate.after.seconds=120 |
| |
| #DCAE Inventory Url Properties |
| clamp.config.dcae.inventory.url=http4://localhost:${docker.http-cache.port.host} |
| clamp.config.dcae.intentory.retry.interval=100 |
| clamp.config.dcae.intentory.retry.limit=1 |
| |
| #DCAE Deployment Url Properties |
| clamp.config.dcae.deployment.url=http4://localhost:${docker.http-cache.port.host} |
| clamp.config.dcae.deployment.userName=test |
| clamp.config.dcae.deployment.password=test |
| |
| #Define user permission related parameters, the permission type can be changed but MUST be redefined in clds-users.properties in that case ! |
| clamp.config.security.permission.type.cl=permission-type-cl |
| clamp.config.security.permission.type.cl.manage=permission-type-cl-manage |
| clamp.config.security.permission.type.cl.event=permission-type-cl-event |
| clamp.config.security.permission.type.filter.vf=permission-type-filter-vf |
| clamp.config.security.permission.type.template=permission-type-template |
| clamp.config.security.permission.type.tosca=permission-type-tosca |
| #This one indicates the type of instances (dev|prod|perf...), this must be set accordingly in clds-users.properties |
| clamp.config.security.permission.instance=dev |
| clamp.config.security.authentication.class=org.onap.aaf.cadi.principal.X509Principal |
| |
| # Configuration settings for CDS |
| clamp.config.cds.url=http4://localhost:${docker.http-cache.port.host} |
| clamp.config.cds.userName=ccsdkapps |
| clamp.config.cds.password=ccsdkapps |