Increase junit coverage in ONAP-logging

Added some junit tests to increase coverage of ONAP-logger.
Many classes still need test cases.

Also fixed some sonar issues:
Returned interface instead of ConcurrentHashMap.
Used EnumMap instead of HashMap.
Used StringBuilder instead of StringBuffer.
Replaced literals with constants.
Replaced enum1.toString().equals(enum2.toString()) with enum1 == enum2

Updated license dates.
Updated another license date.

Change-Id: I777b6a913d7d03187a29dfeb817800b386ee23aa
Issue-ID: POLICY-582
Signed-off-by: Jim Hahn <>
13 files changed
tree: ed381d4fdaaed33a590c06145a9834331e32aa35
  1. common-logging/
  2. integrity-audit/
  3. integrity-monitor/
  4. project-configs/
  5. site-manager/
  6. utils/
  7. utils-test/
  8. .gitattributes
  9. .gitignore
  10. .gitreview
  11. LICENSE.txt
  12. pom.xml

This source repository contains ONAP common code, which is shared by 'policy-drools-pdp' and 'policy-engine'. To build it:

  1. using Maven 3
  2. git clone and copy oparent/settings.xml to ~/.m2
  3. mvn clean install