[POLICY-145] global name/value should be local

name/value is used in multiple places in installation script
with global scope since they are not tagged as local in
functions that manipulate it.   A name value from another
called function causes a bad sideeffect in the healthcheck
module preventing from being expanded correctly.

Change-Id: I8ae092f421b79609b2eb7a3a55b4880e5d525a8d
Signed-off-by: Jorge Hernandez <jh1730@att.com>
1 file changed
tree: f6f0e93055736b0040beddf977548af23fc9a636
  1. config/
  2. policy-base/
  3. policy-db/
  4. policy-drools/
  5. policy-nexus/
  6. policy-os/
  7. policy-pe/
  8. vagrant/
  9. .gitignore
  10. .gitreview
  11. docker-compose.yml
  12. docker_build.sh
  13. docker_merge.sh
  14. docker_verify.sh
  15. LICENSE.txt
  16. pom.xml
  17. README.md
  18. version.properties

This source repository contains the files for building the OpenECOMP Policy Engine Docker images.

To build it using Maven 3, first build 'policy-common-modules', 'policy-engine', 'policy-drools-pdp', and 'policy-drools-applications' repositories, and then run: mvn prepare-package. This will pull the installation zip files needed for building the policy-pe and policy-drools Docker images into the target directory. It will not actually build the docker images; the following additional steps are needed to accomplish this:

  • Copy the files under policy-pe to target/policy-pe
  • Copy the files under policy-drools to target/policy-drools
  • Run the 'docker build' command on the following directories, in order: policy-os policy-db policy-nexus policy-base target/policy-pe target/policy-drools

In addition, the 'config' dirctory contains configuration files that are read during the startup of the containers; this directory is referenced by the docker-compose.yml file.

If you want to call the docker-compose, the following needs to be setup before doing so:

chmod +x config/drools/drools-tweaks.sh IP_ADDRESS=$(ifconfig eth0 | grep "inet addr" | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f3 | cut -d':' -f2) echo $IP_ADDRESS > config/pe/ip_addr.txt