Fix Technical Debt, add Unit tests for SO

Converted to POJOs, fixed sona lint errors, added JUnit tests
POJOs now have only private members and getters/setters
This implicated actors, simulators, and existing tests

Issue-ID: POLICY-455
Change-Id: I4b80f729565e8675822a890892b15676908f73b4
Signed-off-by: vdmeer.sven <>
42 files changed
tree: 5eaaa6e26b3649d74fb8966cd303b8e8d9898271
  1. controlloop/
  2. .gitignore
  3. .gitreview
  4. LICENSE.txt
  5. pom.xml

This source repository contains ONAP Policy application code. To build it:

  1. using Maven 3
  2. git clone and copy oparent/settings.xml to ~/.m2
  3. mvn clean install

The Demo template rule is located in template.demo sub-project. Use that project to protoype and test the .drl demo rule. When finished update the archetype-closedloop-demo-rules project with the .drl. Be sure to remove the Setup rule and comment out any simulation/test code.

The other projects are supporting code used by the template.demo project.