[POLICY-110] Adding use case tests.

Change-Id: Idac15a4678faf108dea6c12628b3f5ea351a8a17
Signed-off-by: Pamela Dragosh <pdragosh@research.att.com>
3 files changed
tree: e3985f247ceaf221bd1d0c54879c4293e4c209c5
  1. controlloop/
  2. .gitignore
  3. .gitreview
  4. LICENSE.txt
  5. pom.xml
  6. README.md
  7. version.properties

This source repository contains ONAP Policy application code. The settings file only needs to support the standard Maven repositories (e.g. central = http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/), and any proxy settings needed in your environment.

To build it using Maven 3, run: mvn clean install

The Demo template rule is located in template.demo sub-project. Use that project to protoype and test the .drl demo rule. When finished update the archetype-closedloop-demo-rules project with the .drl. Be sure to remove the Setup rule and comment out any simulation/test code.

The other projects are supporting code used by the template.demo project.