junits fixes

I found multiple issues from latest junit submissions when I built in
my local that I tried to fix.

1.  feature-test-transaction - prone to race conditions as we have
    experienced in some jenkins builds.   There is an assert that checks
    if the thread is alive that monitors a policy controller kiesession
    sanity.  The thread is very short-lived as it will exit right away
    since it detects that the underlying "drools session"
    does not have an attached rules artifact (brainless).
    Removed that check to fix the race condition.

2.  With the increment of junits in the PolicyEngine.manager for
    multiple packages, it seems that the static instance is reused
    across junits (which surprised me), so configuration files that
    are not supposed to be read in junits for a package are
    read, and for example the lock state could propagate across junits.
    I tried to clean all that up to make sure that each junit deals with
    what is has created and state does not propagate to other junits.

3.  feature-active-standy-management had a missing "junit" dependency.
    I generated the effective pom, and indeed did not show, some junits
    failed to compile in the test phase.  Adding the test dependency
    fixed the problem.

As a note, the feature-active-standy-management junits, take over 20 minutes to run.
This time is excessive (see below):

logs$ head -1 debug.log

2017-09-25 21:24:21.630 [main] DEBUG o.o.p.d.c.t.StandbyStateManagementTest.setUpClass(111) - setUpClass: userDir=/media/sf_jh1730/dev/open/LF/git/master/policy/drools-pdp/feature-active-standby-management

logs$ tail -1 debug.log

2017-09-25 21:46:29.801 [Timer-46] DEBUG o.o.p.d.a.DroolsPdpsElectionHandler.run(919) - TimerUpdateClass.run.exit

Change-Id: Ie3167e5f784f35f98fa08997e624c51f976b6501
Issue-ID: POLICY-109
Signed-off-by: Jorge Hernandez <jh1730@att.com>
diff --git a/feature-state-management/pom.xml b/feature-state-management/pom.xml
index 033d36d..db5afe6 100644
--- a/feature-state-management/pom.xml
+++ b/feature-state-management/pom.xml
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
-			<version>[1.4.186,)</version>
+			<version>1.4.196</version>
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@
-		<dependency>
+	    <dependency>