[POLICY-30] optional loadable eelf feature

for backwards compatibility purposes or if desired to
use EELF and common-framework (from policy-common) for
logging purposes in miscellaneous environments.   It supports
EELF/Common Framework style logging at the same time than
traditional logging.

This functionality is an optional loadable module.

policy-docker changes need to be made to optionally
unpack to make it active (in a different submission).

started marking feature projects with feature prefix in
project name to give a clear picture to the community which
modules are features vs. code base.

Change-Id: I5076c462409f03415ce54f0c9b5f50b78abb18f9
Signed-off-by: Jorge Hernandez <jh1730@att.com>
18 files changed
tree: b8851c6243f09575132e4a1a99bc0ad5233c4263
  1. feature-eelf/
  2. packages/
  3. policy-core/
  4. policy-endpoints/
  5. policy-healthcheck/
  6. policy-management/
  7. policy-utils/
  8. .gitignore
  9. .gitreview
  10. LICENSE.txt
  11. pom.xml
  12. README.md
  13. version.properties

This source repository contains the OpenECOMP Policy DroolsPDP code. The settings file only needs to support the standard Maven repositories (e.g. central = http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/), and any proxy settings needed in your environment.

To build it using Maven 3, first build 'policy-common-modules' (which contains dependencies), and then run: mvn clean install