shutdown to guarantee termination

This method will ensure that once the shutdown sequence is
started, it terminates either gracefully or forcefully after
the grace time period expiration.

It has been occassionally observed that the shutdown
sequence gets stuck in the shutdown sequence of a subcomponent,
such as a drools applications.   This will guarantee that
the shutdown completes regardless.

Change-Id: I8379eea5f0b80fe6a5aed6da2f2bfbfcb1f24bc0
Issue-ID: POLICY-386
Signed-off-by: Jorge Hernandez <>
diff --git a/policy-management/src/main/java/org/onap/policy/drools/system/ b/policy-management/src/main/java/org/onap/policy/drools/system/
index b2b2df6..d60e817 100644
--- a/policy-management/src/main/java/org/onap/policy/drools/system/
+++ b/policy-management/src/main/java/org/onap/policy/drools/system/
@@ -637,7 +637,7 @@
-  public PolicyController updatePolicyController(ControllerConfiguration configController) {
+  public synchronized PolicyController updatePolicyController(ControllerConfiguration configController) {
     if (configController == null)
       throw new IllegalArgumentException("No controller configuration has been provided");
@@ -920,6 +920,45 @@
   public synchronized void shutdown() {
+    /* 
+     * shutdown activity even when underlying subcomponents
+     * (features, controllers, topics, etc ..) are stuck 
+     */
+    Thread exitThread = new Thread(new Runnable() {    
+      private static final long SHUTDOWN_MAX_GRACE_TIME = 30000L;
+      @Override
+      public void run() {
+        try {
+          Thread.sleep(SHUTDOWN_MAX_GRACE_TIME);
+          logger.warn("{}: abnormal termination - shutdown graceful time period expiration", 
+              PolicyEngineManager.this);
+        } catch (final InterruptedException e) {
+          /* courtesy to shutdown() to allow it to return  */
+          synchronized(PolicyEngineManager.this) {}
+"{}: finishing a graceful shutdown ", 
+              PolicyEngineManager.this, e);
+        } finally {
+          /* 
+           * shut down the Policy Engine owned http servers as the  very last thing
+           */
+          for (final HttpServletServer httpServer : PolicyEngineManager.this.getHttpServers()) {
+            try {
+              httpServer.shutdown();
+            } catch (final Exception e) {
+              logger.error("{}: cannot shutdown http-server {} because of {}", 
+                  PolicyEngineManager.this, httpServer, e.getMessage(), e);
+            }
+          }
+"{}: exit" , PolicyEngineManager.this);
+          System.exit(0);
+        }
+      }
+    });
+    exitThread.start();
     /* policy-engine dispatch pre shutdown hook */
     for (final PolicyEngineFeatureAPI feature : PolicyEngineFeatureAPI.providers.getList()) {
@@ -973,37 +1012,9 @@
             feature.getClass().getName(), e.getMessage(), e);
-    new Thread(new Runnable() {
-      @Override
-      public void run() {
-        try {
-          Thread.sleep(5000L);
-        } catch (final InterruptedException e) {
-          logger.warn("{}: interrupted-exception while shutting down management server: ", this);
-        }
-        /* shutdown all unmanaged http servers */
-        for (final HttpServletServer httpServer : PolicyEngineManager.this.getHttpServers()) {
-          try {
-            httpServer.shutdown();
-          } catch (final Exception e) {
-            logger.error("{}: cannot shutdown http-server {} because of {}", this, httpServer,
-                e.getMessage(), e);
-          }
-        }
-        try {
-          Thread.sleep(5000L);
-        } catch (final InterruptedException e) {
-          logger.warn("{}: interrupted-exception while shutting down management server: ", this);
-          Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
-        }
-        System.exit(0);
-      }
-    }).start();
+    exitThread.interrupt();
+"{}: normal termination" , this);