[POLICY-66] self-contained features support

installation/enable/disable of self contained package features:

Feature 3rd party dependencies, configuration files, and
custom installation scripts do not need to be packaged within the policy
core base to be used.

Change-Id: I35a472e63bd0f9f7aa6cd0c112d41d2b4604a892
Signed-off-by: Jorge Hernandez <jh1730@att.com>
13 files changed
tree: ce2371f6dde3ed453fc0db0affa00038b51ae242
  1. feature-eelf/
  2. feature-healthcheck/
  3. packages/
  4. policy-core/
  5. policy-endpoints/
  6. policy-management/
  7. policy-utils/
  8. .gitignore
  9. .gitreview
  10. LICENSE.txt
  11. pom.xml
  12. README.md
  13. version.properties

This source repository contains the OpenECOMP Policy DroolsPDP code. The settings file only needs to support the standard Maven repositories (e.g. central = http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/), and any proxy settings needed in your environment.

To build it using Maven 3, first build 'policy-common-modules' (which contains dependencies), and then run: mvn clean install