[POLICY-12] clean policy-persistence mod warnings

Takes care of the following warnings:


import org.junit.Ignore is never used

import org.openecomp.policy.common.im.AdministrativeStateException
is never used

import org.openecomp.policy.common.im.IntegrityMonitor
is never used

import org.openecomp.policy.common.im.StandbyStatusException
is never used

import org.openecomp.policy.drools.core.DroolsPDPIntegrityMonitor
is never used

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log is never used

import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory is never used

value of the field IntegrityAuditIntegrationTest.sleepTime is not used


import org.apache.commons.logging.Log is never used

import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory is never used


import org.openecomp.policy.drools.system.PolicyEngine is never


import java.nio.file.FileVisitor is never used

import java.util.concurrent.Callable is never used


import org.openecomp.policy.drools.controller.internal.MavenDroolsController
is never used

import org.openecomp.policy.drools.event.comm.TopicEndpoint
is never used


The serializable class DroolsSessionEntity does not declare a static final
serialVersionUID field of type long


Comparable is a raw type. References to generic type Comparable<T> should be parameterized

Comparable is a raw type. References to generic type Comparable<T> should be parameterized

Type safety: The method compareTo(Object) belongs to the raw type Comparable.
References to generic type Comparable<T> should be parameterized


The value of the local variable lowestPriorityPdp is not used

Change-Id: Idd563d74c1d6521f7a3759c441f7fe0597011b67
Signed-off-by: Jorge Hernandez <jh1730@att.com>
8 files changed
tree: 511e29b1bbafb0d3053b00a324fd3934786c8ccb
  1. packages/
  2. policy-core/
  3. policy-endpoints/
  4. policy-healthcheck/
  5. policy-management/
  6. policy-persistence/
  7. policy-utils/
  8. project-configs/
  9. .gitignore
  10. .gitreview
  11. LICENSE.txt
  12. pom.xml
  13. README.md
  14. version.properties

This source repository contains the OpenECOMP Policy DroolsPDP code. The settings file only needs to support the standard Maven repositories (e.g. central = http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/), and any proxy settings needed in your environment.

To build it using Maven 3, first build 'policy-common-modules' (which contains dependencies), and then run: mvn clean install