AAF documentation

Change-Id: I3cab80a2305578625f550ed591135f19227a3afb
Issue-ID: POLICY-1259
Signed-off-by: Jorge Hernandez <jorge.hernandez-herrero@att.com>
diff --git a/docs/platform/aaf.rst b/docs/platform/aaf.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a64afae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/platform/aaf.rst
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+.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
+.. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
+HTTPS and AAF Support
+.. contents::
+    :depth: 3
+The pap, console, pdp-x, brmsgw, and pdp-d components have been migrated from HTTP to HTTPS.  Server certificates were derived from the AAF Root CA.
+AAF is supported for externally facing entry points into the Policy subsystem.   These are:
+* PDP-D supports AAF for its telemetry and healthcheck APIs.
+* PDP-X supports AAF for its external policy APIs.  It is currently disabled as some of clients are not AAF-capable, and this is a global setting.
+* Console (for Browser Portal redirects) supports AAF when accessed through Portal.
+| Policy | Role | Remote     |HTTPS| AAF | Notes                           |
+| pdp-d  |server| \*         |true |true |Healthchek and Telemetry APIs    |
+| pdp-d  |client| aaf        |true |true |Two-way TLS                      |
+| pdp-d  |client| aai        |true |true |Runtime Control Loop Execution   |
+| pdp-d  |client| dmaap      |true |false|Runtime Control Loop Execution   |
+| pdp-d  |client| so         |false|false|Not supported in so              |
+| pdp-d  |client| vfc        |false|false|Not supported in vfc             |
+| pdp-x  |server| \*         |true |false|Not all clients are AAF-capable  |
+| pap    |server| \*         |true |false|Not all clients are AAF-capable  |
+| console|server| portal     |true |true |Redirected from portal           |
+| brmsgw |client| dmaap      |true |false|Runtime Control Loop Execution   |
+AAF Configuration
+The default demo ONAP installation comes up bootstrapped with the following AAF data with regards to Policy.
+.. code-block:: bash
+   :caption: Bootstrapped AAF configuration
+    Basic Permissions:
+        org.onap.policy.access         *                        *
+        org.onap.policy.access         *                        read
+        org.onap.policy.certman        local                    request,ignoreIPs,showpass
+    Portal Permissions (for UI purposes, administered by Portal team):
+        org.onap.policy.menu           menu_admin               *
+        org.onap.policy.menu           menu_ajax                *
+        org.onap.policy.menu           menu_concept             *
+        org.onap.policy.menu           menu_customer            *
+        org.onap.policy.menu           menu_customer_create     *
+        org.onap.policy.menu           menu_doclib              *
+        org.onap.policy.menu           menu_feedback            *
+        org.onap.policy.menu           menu_help                *
+        org.onap.policy.menu           menu_home                *
+        org.onap.policy.menu           menu_itracker            *
+        org.onap.policy.menu           menu_job                 *
+        org.onap.policy.menu           menu_job_create          *
+        org.onap.policy.menu           menu_job_designer        *
+        org.onap.policy.menu           menu_logout              *
+        org.onap.policy.menu           menu_map                 *
+        org.onap.policy.menu           menu_notes               *
+        org.onap.policy.menu           menu_policy              *
+        org.onap.policy.menu           menu_process             *
+        org.onap.policy.menu           menu_profile             *
+        org.onap.policy.menu           menu_profile_create      *
+        org.onap.policy.menu           menu_profile_import      *
+        org.onap.policy.menu           menu_reports             *
+        org.onap.policy.menu           menu_sample              *
+        org.onap.policy.menu           menu_tab                 *
+        org.onap.policy.menu           menu_task                *
+        org.onap.policy.menu           menu_task_search         *
+        org.onap.policy.menu           menu_test                *
+        org.onap.policy.url            doclib                   *
+        org.onap.policy.url            doclib_admin             *
+        org.onap.policy.url            login                    *
+        org.onap.policy.url            policy_admin             *
+        org.onap.policy.url            policy_dashboard         *
+        org.onap.policy.url            policy_dictionary        *
+        org.onap.policy.url            policy_editor            *
+        org.onap.policy.url            policy_pdp               *
+        org.onap.policy.url            policy_push              *
+        org.onap.policy.url            policy_roles             *
+        org.onap.policy.url            view_reports             *
+    PDP-D Permissions for Telemetry REST API access:
+        org.onap.policy.pdpd.healthcheck               *  get
+        org.onap.policy.pdpd.healthcheck.configuration *  get
+        org.onap.policy.pdpd.telemetry                 *  delete
+        org.onap.policy.pdpd.telemetry                 *  get
+        org.onap.policy.pdpd.telemetry                 *  post
+        org.onap.policy.pdpd.telemetry                 *  put
+    PDP-X Permissions for XACML REST APIs:
+        org.onap.policy.pdpx.config                    *                        *
+        org.onap.policy.pdpx.createDictionary          *                        *
+        org.onap.policy.pdpx.createPolicy              *                        *
+        org.onap.policy.pdpx.decision                  *                        *
+        org.onap.policy.pdpx.getConfig                 *                        *
+        org.onap.policy.pdpx.getConfigByPolicyName     *                        *
+        org.onap.policy.pdpx.getDecision               *                        *
+        org.onap.policy.pdpx.getDictionary             *                        *
+        org.onap.policy.pdpx.getMetrics                *                        *
+        org.onap.policy.pdpx.list                      *                        *
+        org.onap.policy.pdpx.listConfig                *                        *
+        org.onap.policy.pdpx.listPolicy                *                        *
+        org.onap.policy.pdpx.policyEngineImport        *                        *
+        org.onap.policy.pdpx.pushPolicy                *                        *
+        org.onap.policy.pdpx.sendEvent                 *                        *
+        org.onap.policy.pdpx.updateDictionary          *                        *
+        org.onap.policy.pdpx.updatePolicy              *                        *
+    Basic Namespace Admin Roles:
+        org.onap.policy.admin
+        org.onap.policy.owner
+        org.onap.policy.seeCerts
+    Portal Roles for UI:
+        org.onap.policy.Account_Administrator
+        org.onap.policy.Policy_Admin
+        org.onap.policy.Policy_Editor
+        org.onap.policy.Policy_Guest
+        org.onap.policy.Policy_Super_Admin
+        org.onap.policy.Policy_Super_Guest
+        org.onap.policy.Standard_User
+        org.onap.policy.System_Administrator
+    PDP-D Roles:
+        org.onap.policy.pdpd.admin
+        org.onap.policy.pdpd.monitor
+    PDP-X Roles:
+        org.onap.policy.pdpx.admin
+        org.onap.policy.pdpx.monitor
+    Users:
+        demo@people.osaaf.org
+        policy@policy.onap.org
+demo@people.osaaf.org and policy@policy.onap.org are properly configured with AAF in n a default ONAP installation.  These are:
+.. code-block:: bash
+   :caption: Default permissions for demo and policy accounts.
+   List Permissions by User[policy@policy.onap.org]
+   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   PERM Type                      Instance                       Action
+   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   org.onap.policy.access         *                              *
+   org.onap.policy.access         *                              read
+   org.onap.policy.certman        local                          request,ignoreIPs,showpass
+   org.onap.policy.pdpd.healthcheck *                            get
+   org.onap.policy.pdpd.healthcheck.configuration *              get
+   org.onap.policy.pdpd.telemetry *                              delete
+   org.onap.policy.pdpd.telemetry *                              get
+   org.onap.policy.pdpd.telemetry *                              post
+   org.onap.policy.pdpd.telemetry *                              put
+   org.onap.policy.pdpx.createDictionary *                       *
+   org.onap.policy.pdpx.createPolicy *                           *
+   org.onap.policy.pdpx.decision  *                              *
+   org.onap.policy.pdpx.getConfig *                              *
+   org.onap.policy.pdpx.getConfigByPolicyName *                  *
+   org.onap.policy.pdpx.getDecision *                            *
+   org.onap.policy.pdpx.getDictionary *                          *
+   org.onap.policy.pdpx.getMetrics *                             *
+   org.onap.policy.pdpx.list      *                              *
+   org.onap.policy.pdpx.listConfig *                             *
+   org.onap.policy.pdpx.listPolicy *                             *
+   org.onap.policy.pdpx.policyEngineImport *                     *
+   org.onap.policy.pdpx.pushPolicy         *                     *
+   org.onap.policy.pdpx.sendEvent *                              *
+   org.onap.policy.pdpx.updateDictionary *                       *
+   org.onap.policy.pdpx.updatePolicy *                           *
+   List Permissions by User[demo@people.osaaf.org]
+   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   PERM Type                      Instance                       Action
+   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   org.onap.policy.access
+   org.onap.policy.access         *                              read
+   org.onap.policy.menu           menu_admin                     *
+   org.onap.policy.menu           menu_ajax                      *
+   org.onap.policy.menu           menu_customer                  *
+   org.onap.policy.menu           menu_customer_create           *
+   org.onap.policy.menu           menu_feedback                  *
+   org.onap.policy.menu           menu_help                      *
+   org.onap.policy.menu           menu_home                      *
+   org.onap.policy.menu           menu_itracker                  *
+   org.onap.policy.menu           menu_job                       *
+   org.onap.policy.menu           menu_job_create                *
+   org.onap.policy.menu           menu_logout                    *
+   org.onap.policy.menu           menu_notes                     *
+   org.onap.policy.menu           menu_process                   *
+   org.onap.policy.menu           menu_profile                   *
+   org.onap.policy.menu           menu_profile_create            *
+   org.onap.policy.menu           menu_profile_import            *
+   org.onap.policy.menu           menu_reports                   *
+   org.onap.policy.menu           menu_sample                    *
+   org.onap.policy.menu           menu_tab                       *
+   org.onap.policy.menu           menu_test                      *
+   org.onap.policy.pdpd.healthcheck *                            get
+   org.onap.policy.pdpd.healthcheck.configuration *              get
+   org.onap.policy.pdpd.telemetry *                              delete
+   org.onap.policy.pdpd.telemetry *                              get
+   org.onap.policy.pdpd.telemetry *                              post
+   org.onap.policy.pdpd.telemetry *                              put
+   org.onap.policy.pdpx.config    *                              *
+   org.onap.policy.pdpx.createDictionary *                       *
+   org.onap.policy.pdpx.createPolicy *                           *
+   org.onap.policy.pdpx.decision  *                              *
+   org.onap.policy.pdpx.getConfig *                              *
+   org.onap.policy.pdpx.getConfigByPolicyName *                  *
+   org.onap.policy.pdpx.getDecision *                            *
+   org.onap.policy.pdpx.getDictionary *                          *
+   org.onap.policy.pdpx.getMetrics *                             *
+   org.onap.policy.pdpx.list       *                             *
+   org.onap.policy.pdpx.listConfig *                             *
+   org.onap.policy.pdpx.listPolicy *                             *
+   org.onap.policy.pdpx.policyEngineImport *                     *
+   org.onap.policy.pdpx.pushPolicy *                             *
+   org.onap.policy.pdpx.sendEvent *                              *
+   org.onap.policy.pdpx.updateDictionary *                       *
+   org.onap.policy.pdpx.updatePolicy *                           *
+   org.onap.policy.url            doclib                         *
+   org.onap.policy.url            doclib_admin                   *
+   org.onap.policy.url            login                          *
+Disabling AAF
+AAF is enabled by default in PDP-D installations.  Set the AAF installation variable to false to disable it.
+| Repository    | Install File            | Variable | Notes                     |
+| policy/docker | config/drools/base.conf | AAF      | Heat Installation         |
+| oom           | config/drools/base.conf | AAF      | OOM Installation          |
+AAF can also be disabled at runtime within the PDP-D container by modifying the following files.
+| File                                               | Property                                |
+| $POLICY_HOME/config/policy-engine.properties       | http.server.services.SECURED-CONFIG.aaf |
+| $POLICY_HOME/config/feature-healthcheck.properties | http.server.services.HEALTHCHECK.aaf    |
+After modifying these files, restart the container with "policy stop; policy start"
+End of Document