Merge "Resolved Policy Blocker issue"
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Binary files differ
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+.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
+Creating and Using Guard Policies
+.. contents::
+    :depth: 3
+Guard policies are used to limit what operations shall be permitted. These policies are specified in the Policy GUI or restful API and either return "PERMIT" or "DENY" on request.
+There are 2 types of policies, guard policies and blacklist guard policies. The blacklist describes what is not allowed to be permitted and guard policies describe what is allowed to be permitted. Note: as of 1802 release, Policy PDP behaves as a PERMIT overrides fashion so if any policy permits, it will override any denies.
+Creating Guard Policies
+There are two options for creating guard policies: (1) through the GUI and (2) through the restful API.
+GUI Method
+The GUARD policy can be created from the POLICY GUI as shown below.
+.. note::  
+	* The Onap Name must be empty for the policy to work.  To do this, **clone** the policy provided and then edit.
+	* Even though the number of requests exceeds the limit, the request is not denied.
+.. image:: PolicyGUI_GuardPolicy.png
+API Method
+PUT /createPolicy to create a policy
+The request should be in the following form for regular guard policy:
+.. code-block:: bash
+   :caption: Regular Guard Policy Creation
+   :linenos:
+    {
+        "policyClass": "Decision",
+        "policyName": "Test.TestingGUARDapitest",
+        "policyDescription": "Testing new YAML Guard Policy",
+        "onapName": "PDPD",
+        "ruleProvider": "GUARD_YAML",
+        "attributes": {
+            "MATCHING": {
+                "actor": "APPC",
+                "recipe": "restart",
+                "targets" : "test",
+                "clname" : "test",
+                "limit": "5",
+                "timeWindow": "15",
+                "timeUnits" : "minute",
+                "guardActiveStart": "05:00:00-05:00",
+                "guardActiveEnd": "23:59:59-05:00"
+            }
+        }
+    }
+The request should be in the following form for blacklist guard policy:
+.. code-block:: bash
+   :caption: Blacklist Guard Policy Creation
+   :linenos:
+    {
+        "policyClass": "Decision",
+        "policyName": "Test.TestingBLGUARD",
+        "policyDescription": "Testing New BL YAML Guard Policy",
+        "onapName": "MSO",
+        "ruleProvider": "GUARD_BL_YAML",
+        "attributes": {
+            "MATCHING": {
+                "actor": "APPC",
+                "recipe": "restart",
+                "clname": "test",
+                "guardActiveStart": "05:00:00-05:00",
+                "guardActiveEnd": "23:59:59-05:00",
+                "blackList": "target1,target2,target3"
+            }
+        }
+    }
+Using Guard Policies
+In order to use the guard policies just make an http request. For example:
+.. code-block:: bash
+    http
+     POST pdp:8081/pdp/api/getDecision
+     Authorization:<yourAuth> ClientAuth:<yourClientAuth>
+     Environment:<environment> Content-Type:application/json < guard_request.json
+| where:
+|     <yourAuth> is the string generated from user:pass converted to base64 encoding.
+|     <yourClientAuth> is generated the same way but from the client user and pass.
+|     <environment> is the context of the request. For example: TEST
+The guard_request.json should be in the form of the following:
+.. code-block:: json
+   :caption: guard_request.json
+    {
+      "decisionAttributes": {
+            "actor": "APPC",
+            "recipe": "Restart",
+            "target": "test13",
+            "clname" : "piptest"
+        },
+      "onapName": "PDPD"
+    }
+A response should be received that contains a "PERMIT" or "DENY" in all caps, like the following:
+.. code-block:: json
+   :caption: Response
+    {
+      "decision": "PERMIT",
+      "details": "Decision Permit. OK!"
+    }
+End of Document
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+   guardpolicy.rst