Add Delete Instantiation Functionality.

Update UI to centralize Instantiation Management
Created Delete button to delete the instantiations
Fixed Change Order State Functionality

Issue-ID: POLICY-3558
Change-Id: I2efb00ce041ab4fc217e06ed72385ad8ea1b10fb
Signed-off-by: brunomilitzer <>
diff --git a/gui-clamp/ui-react/src/components/dialogs/ControlLoop/ChangeOrderStateModal.js b/gui-clamp/ui-react/src/components/dialogs/ControlLoop/ChangeOrderStateModal.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c6d9aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gui-clamp/ui-react/src/components/dialogs/ControlLoop/ChangeOrderStateModal.js
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+ * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+ *  Copyright (C) 2021 Nordix Foundation.
+ *  ================================================================================
+ *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ *
+ *  SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ *  ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ */
+import styled from "styled-components";
+import Modal from "react-bootstrap/Modal";
+import Button from "react-bootstrap/Button";
+import React, { useContext, useEffect, useRef, useState } from "react";
+import InstantiationOrderStateChangeItem from "./InstantiationOrderStateChangeItem";
+import ControlLoopService from "../../../api/ControlLoopService";
+import { Alert, Container, Dropdown } from "react-bootstrap";
+const ModalStyled = styled(Modal)`
+  @media (min-width: 800px) {
+    .modal-xl {
+      max-width: 96%;
+    }
+  }
+  background-color: transparent;
+const DivWhiteSpaceStyled = styled.div`
+  overflow: auto;
+  min-width: 100%;
+  max-height: 300px;
+  padding: 5px 5px 0px 5px;
+  text-align: center;
+const AlertStyled = styled(Alert)`
+  margin-top: 10px;
+const ChangeOrderStateModal = (props) => {
+  const [show, setShow] = useState(true);
+  const [windowLocationPathnameGet, setWindowLocationPathnameGet] = useState('');
+  const [windowLocationPathNameSave, setWindowLocationPathNameSave] = useState('');
+  const [controlLoopIdentifierList, setControlLoopIdentifierList] = useState([]);
+  const [orderedState, setOrderedState] = useState('');
+  const [toscaOrderStateObject, setToscaOrderStateObject] = useState({});
+  const [instantiationOrderStateError, setInstantiationOrderStateError] = useState(false);
+  const [instantiationOrderStateMsgError, setInstantiationOrderStateMsgError] = useState({});
+  const [alertMessage, setAlertMessage] = useState(null);
+  useEffect(async () => {
+    setWindowLocationPathnameGet(window.location.pathname);
+    const instantiationOrderState = await ControlLoopService.getInstanceOrderState(
+      props.location.instantiationName,
+      props.location.instantiationVersion, windowLocationPathnameGet)
+      .catch(error => error.message);
+    const orderStateJson = await instantiationOrderState.json();
+    console.log(orderStateJson);
+    if (!instantiationOrderState.ok || orderStateJson['controlLoopIdentifierList'].length === 0) {
+      setInstantiationOrderStateError(true);
+      setInstantiationOrderStateMsgError(orderStateJson);
+    } else {
+      setControlLoopIdentifierList(orderStateJson['controlLoopIdentifierList']);
+      setOrderedState(orderStateJson['orderedState']);
+    }
+  }, []);
+  const handleDropSelect = (event) => {
+    console.log("handleDropDownChange called");
+    const stateChangeObject = {
+      orderedState: event,
+      controlLoopIdentifierList: controlLoopIdentifierList
+    }
+    setToscaOrderStateObject(stateChangeObject);
+    setOrderedState(event);
+  }
+  const handleSave = async () => {
+    console.log("handleSave called");
+    setWindowLocationPathNameSave(window.location.pathname);
+    const response = await ControlLoopService.changeInstanceOrderState(
+      toscaOrderStateObject,
+      windowLocationPathNameSave).catch(error => error.message);
+    if (response.ok) {
+      successAlert();
+    } else {
+      await errorAlert(response);
+    }
+  }
+  const handleClose = () => {
+    console.log('handleClose called');
+    setShow(false);
+    props.history.push('/');
+  }
+  const successAlert = () => {
+    console.log("successAlert called");
+    setAlertMessage(<Alert variant="success">
+      <Alert.Heading>Order State Changed Success</Alert.Heading>
+      <p>Order State Changed was successfully changed</p>
+      <hr/>
+    </Alert>);
+  }
+  const errorAlert = async (response) => {
+    console.log("errorAlert called");
+    setAlertMessage(<Alert variant="danger">
+      <Alert.Heading>Order State Changed Failure</Alert.Heading>
+      <p>An error occurred while trying to change order state</p>
+      <p>Status code: { await response.status } : { response.statusText }</p>
+      <p>Status Text: { await response.text() }</p>
+      <hr/>
+    </Alert>);
+  }
+  return (
+    <ModalStyled size="sm"
+                 show={ show }
+                 onHide={ handleClose }
+                 backdrop="static"
+                 keyboard={ false }>
+      <Modal.Header closeButton>
+        <Modal.Title>Manage Instantiation</Modal.Title>
+      </Modal.Header>
+      <div style={ { padding: '5px 5px 0 5px' } }>
+        <Modal.Body>
+          <Container>
+            <Dropdown onSelect={ handleDropSelect }>
+              <Dropdown.Toggle variant="dark" id="dropdown-basic">
+                Select Order State
+              </Dropdown.Toggle>
+              <Dropdown.Menu>
+                <Dropdown.Item eventKey="UNINITIALISED">UNINITIALISED</Dropdown.Item>
+                <Dropdown.Item eventKey="PASSIVE">PASSIVE</Dropdown.Item>
+                <Dropdown.Item eventKey="RUNNING">RUNNING</Dropdown.Item>
+              </Dropdown.Menu>
+            </Dropdown>
+            {
+    , index) => (
+                <InstantiationOrderStateChangeItem title={ } orderState={ orderedState } index={ index } key={ index }/>
+              ))
+            }
+          </Container>
+          <AlertStyled show={ instantiationOrderStateError }
+                       variant="danger">Can't get instantiation ordered state:<br/>{ JSON.stringify(instantiationOrderStateMsgError, null, 2) }</AlertStyled>
+        </Modal.Body>
+        <DivWhiteSpaceStyled>
+          { alertMessage }
+        </DivWhiteSpaceStyled>
+      </div>
+      <Modal.Footer>
+        <Button variant="primary" onClick={ handleSave }>Save</Button>
+        <Button variant="secondary" onClick={ handleClose }>Close</Button>
+      </Modal.Footer>
+    </ModalStyled>
+  );
+export default ChangeOrderStateModal;
diff --git a/gui-clamp/ui-react/src/components/dialogs/ControlLoop/InstanceModal.js b/gui-clamp/ui-react/src/components/dialogs/ControlLoop/InstancePropertiesModal.js
similarity index 90%
rename from gui-clamp/ui-react/src/components/dialogs/ControlLoop/InstanceModal.js
rename to gui-clamp/ui-react/src/components/dialogs/ControlLoop/InstancePropertiesModal.js
index 0380fa6..8343237 100644
--- a/gui-clamp/ui-react/src/components/dialogs/ControlLoop/InstanceModal.js
+++ b/gui-clamp/ui-react/src/components/dialogs/ControlLoop/InstancePropertiesModal.js
@@ -24,6 +24,9 @@
 import ControlLoopService from "../../../api/ControlLoopService";
 import { JSONEditor } from "@json-editor/json-editor";
 import Alert from "react-bootstrap/Alert";
+import * as PropTypes from "prop-types";
+import Form from "react-bootstrap/Form";
+import Spinner from "react-bootstrap/Spinner";
 const ModalStyled = styled(Modal)`
   @media (min-width: 800px) {
@@ -50,17 +53,22 @@
 const templateVersion = "1.0.0";
 let tempJsonEditor = null;
-const InstanceModal = (props) => {
+function Fragment(props) {
+  return null;
+Fragment.propTypes = { children: PropTypes.node };
+const InstancePropertiesModal = (props) => {
   const [show, setShow] = useState(true);
   const [windowLocationPathname, setWindowLocationPathname] = useState('');
   const [toscaFullTemplate, setToscaFullTemplate] = useState({});
-  const [toscaFilteredInitialValues, setToscaFilteredInitialValues] = useState({});
-  const [toscaJsonSchema, setToscaJsonSchema] = useState({});
   const [jsonEditor, setJsonEditor] = useState(null);
   const [alertMessage, setAlertMessage] = useState(null);
   const [instancePropertiesGlobal, setInstancePropertiesGlobal] = useState({});
   const [serviceTemplateResponseOk, setServiceTemplateResponseOk] = useState(true);
   const [instancePropertiesResponseOk, setInstancePropertiesResponseOk] = useState(true);
+  const [instanceName, setInstanceName] = useState('')
+  const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(true);
   useEffect(async () => {
     const toscaInstanceProperties = await ControlLoopService.getCommonOrInstanceProperties(templateName, templateVersion, windowLocationPathname, false).catch(error => error.message);
@@ -92,6 +100,8 @@
     const fullJsonSchemaTemplate = await fullTemplate.json();
+    console.log(fullJsonSchemaTemplate);
     const filteredInitialStartValues = {};
     const instanceProperties = await initialProperties.json().then(properties => {
@@ -115,13 +125,10 @@
         filteredInitialStartValues[key] = propValues;
-      setToscaFilteredInitialValues(filteredInitialStartValues);
       return filteredTemplateObj;
     const propertySchema = makeSchemaForInstanceProperties(instanceProperties);
-    setToscaJsonSchema(propertySchema);
     tempJsonEditor = createJsonEditor(propertySchema, filteredInitialStartValues);
@@ -159,6 +166,8 @@
   const getType = (pType) => {
     switch (pType) {
+      case "map":
+        return "string";
       case "string":
         return "string";
       case "integer":
@@ -174,6 +183,8 @@
   const createJsonEditor = (fullSchema, instanceProperties) => {
+    console.log(props.location.instanceName)
+    setIsLoading(false)
     JSONEditor.defaults.options.collapse = true;
     return new JSONEditor(document.getElementById("editor"),
@@ -225,11 +236,13 @@
   const handleSave = async () => {
     console.log("handleSave called")
+    console.log("instanceName to be saved is: " + instanceName)
-    const response = await ControlLoopService.createInstanceProperties(toscaFullTemplate, windowLocationPathname).catch(error => error.message);
+    const response = await ControlLoopService.createInstanceProperties(instanceName, toscaFullTemplate, windowLocationPathname).catch(error => error.message);
     if (response.ok) {
@@ -238,6 +251,10 @@
+  const handleNameChange = (e) => {
+    setInstanceName(
+  }
   const successAlert = () => {
     console.log("successAlert called");
     setAlertMessage(<Alert variant="success">
@@ -265,7 +282,7 @@
                  keyboard={ false }>
       <Modal.Header closeButton>
-        <Modal.Title>Change Tosca Instance Properties</Modal.Title>
+        <Modal.Title>Create Tosca Instance Properties</Modal.Title>
       <div style={ { padding: '5px 5px 0 5px' } }>
@@ -287,4 +304,4 @@
-export default InstanceModal;
+export default InstancePropertiesModal;
diff --git a/gui-clamp/ui-react/src/components/dialogs/ControlLoop/InstanceModal.test.js b/gui-clamp/ui-react/src/components/dialogs/ControlLoop/InstancePropertiesModal.test.js
similarity index 84%
rename from gui-clamp/ui-react/src/components/dialogs/ControlLoop/InstanceModal.test.js
rename to gui-clamp/ui-react/src/components/dialogs/ControlLoop/InstancePropertiesModal.test.js
index 36a77d7..141999c 100644
--- a/gui-clamp/ui-react/src/components/dialogs/ControlLoop/InstanceModal.test.js
+++ b/gui-clamp/ui-react/src/components/dialogs/ControlLoop/InstancePropertiesModal.test.js
@@ -19,36 +19,35 @@
 import { mount, shallow } from "enzyme";
 import React from "react";
-import InstanceModal from "./InstanceModal";
+import InstancePropertiesModal from "./InstancePropertiesModal";
 import toJson from "enzyme-to-json";
 import { createMemoryHistory } from "history";
-import MonitorInstantiation from "./MonitorInstantiation";
 import { act } from "react-dom/test-utils";
 describe('Verify MonitoringInstantiation', () => {
   it("renders without crashing", () => {
-    shallow(<InstanceModal />);
+    shallow(<InstancePropertiesModal />);
   it("renders correctly", () => {
-    const tree = shallow(<InstanceModal />);
+    const tree = shallow(<InstancePropertiesModal />);
   it('should have submit button element', () => {
-    const container = shallow(<InstanceModal/>)
+    const container = shallow(<InstancePropertiesModal/>)
   it('should have close button element', () => {
-    const container = shallow(<InstanceModal/>)
+    const container = shallow(<InstancePropertiesModal/>)
   it('handleCreateUpdateToscaInstanceProperties called when submit button clicked', () => {
     const history = createMemoryHistory();
-    const component = mount(<InstanceModal />)
+    const component = mount(<InstancePropertiesModal />)
     const logSpy = jest.spyOn(console, 'log');
     act(() => {
@@ -59,7 +58,7 @@
   it('handleClose called when close button clicked', () => {
     const history = createMemoryHistory();
-    const component = mount(<InstanceModal history={ history }/>)
+    const component = mount(<InstancePropertiesModal history={ history }/>)
     const logSpy = jest.spyOn(console, 'log');
     act(() => {
diff --git a/gui-clamp/ui-react/src/components/dialogs/ControlLoop/InstantiationManagementModal.js b/gui-clamp/ui-react/src/components/dialogs/ControlLoop/InstantiationManagementModal.js
index c6c1eb9..a0a849c 100644
--- a/gui-clamp/ui-react/src/components/dialogs/ControlLoop/InstantiationManagementModal.js
+++ b/gui-clamp/ui-react/src/components/dialogs/ControlLoop/InstantiationManagementModal.js
@@ -15,25 +15,28 @@
  *  SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
  *  ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ *
+ *
-import styled from "styled-components";
 import Modal from "react-bootstrap/Modal";
+import { Alert, Container, Dropdown, Table } from "react-bootstrap";
 import Button from "react-bootstrap/Button";
-import React, { useContext, useEffect, useRef, useState } from "react";
-import InstantiationOrderStateChangeItem from "./InstantiationOrderStateChangeItem";
+import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
+import styled from "styled-components";
+import { Link } from "react-router-dom";
 import ControlLoopService from "../../../api/ControlLoopService";
-import { Alert, Container, Dropdown } from "react-bootstrap";
+import Row from "react-bootstrap/Row";
 const ModalStyled = styled(Modal)`
-  @media (min-width: 800px) {
-    .modal-xl {
-      max-width: 96%;
-    }
-  }
   background-color: transparent;
+const HorizontalSpace = styled.div`
+  padding-right: 2px;
+  padding-left: 2px;
 const DivWhiteSpaceStyled = styled.div`
   overflow: auto;
   min-width: 100%;
@@ -41,55 +44,55 @@
   padding: 5px 5px 0px 5px;
   text-align: center;
-const AlertStyled = styled(Alert)`
-  margin-top: 10px;
 const InstantiationManagementModal = (props) => {
   const [show, setShow] = useState(true);
-  const [windowLocationPathnameGet, setWindowLocationPathnameGet] = useState('');
-  const [windowLocationPathNameSave, setWindowLocationPathNameSave] = useState('');
-  const [controlLoopIdentifierList, setControlLoopIdentifierList] = useState([]);
-  const [orderedState, setOrderedState] = useState('');
-  const [toscaOrderStateObject, setToscaOrderStateObject] = useState({});
-  const [instantiationOrderStateOk, setInstantiationOrderStateOk] = useState(true);
-  const [instantiationOrderStateError, setInstantiationOrderStateError] = useState({});
+  const [windowLocationPathName, setWindowLocationPathName] = useState('');
+  const [windowLocationPathNameDelete, setWindowLocationPathNameDelete] = useState('');
+  const [instantiationList, setInstantiationList] = useState([]);
   const [alertMessage, setAlertMessage] = useState(null);
   useEffect(async () => {
-    setWindowLocationPathnameGet(window.location.pathname);
+    setWindowLocationPathName(window.location.pathname);
-    const instantiationOrderState = await ControlLoopService.getInstanceOrderState(windowLocationPathnameGet)
-      .catch(error => error.message);
+    const response = await ControlLoopService.getControlLoopInstantiation(windowLocationPathName);
-    const orderStateJson = await instantiationOrderState.json();
+    const instantiationListJson = await response.json();
-    if (!instantiationOrderState.ok || orderStateJson['controlLoopIdentifierList'].length === 0) {
-      setInstantiationOrderStateOk(true);
-      setInstantiationOrderStateError(orderStateJson);
-    } else {
-      setControlLoopIdentifierList(orderStateJson['controlLoopIdentifierList']);
-      setOrderedState(orderStateJson['orderedState']);
-    }
+    const parsedInstantiationList = instantiationListJson['controlLoopList'].map((instance, index) => {
+      return {
+        index: index,
+        name: instance['name'],
+        version: instance['version'],
+        orderedState: instance['orderedState'],
+        currentState: instance['state'],
+        disableDelete: instance['state'] !== 'UNINITIALISED'
+      }
+    });
+    setInstantiationList(parsedInstantiationList);
   }, []);
-  const handleDropSelect = (event) => {
-    console.log("handleDropDownChange called");
-    const stateChangeObject = {
-      orderedState: event,
-      controlLoopIdentifierList: controlLoopIdentifierList
+  const getBackgroundColor = (index) => {
+    if (index % 2 === 0) {
+      return 'Silver';
-    setToscaOrderStateObject(stateChangeObject);
-    orderStateContext.orderState = stateChangeObject;
+    return 'White';
-  const handleSave = async () => {
-    console.log("handleSave called");
-    setWindowLocationPathNameSave(window.location.pathname);
+  const deleteInstantiationHandler = async (instantiation, index) => {
+    console.log("deleteInstantiationHandler called");
+    setWindowLocationPathNameDelete(window.location.pathname);
-    const response = await ControlLoopService.changeInstanceOrderState(toscaOrderStateObject, windowLocationPathNameSave).catch(error => error.message);
+    const name =;
+    const version = instantiation.version;
+    console.log(window.location.pathname);
+    const response = await ControlLoopService.deleteInstantiation(name, version, windowLocationPathNameDelete);
+    updateList(index);
     if (response.ok) {
@@ -98,8 +101,34 @@
+  const updateList = (index) => {
+    console.log("updateList called")
+    console.log(instantiationList)
+    const updatedList = [...instantiationList];
+    updatedList.splice(index, 1);
+    setInstantiationList(updatedList);
+  }
+  const renderDeleteButton = (instantiation, index) => {
+    if (instantiation.disableDelete) {
+      return (
+        <Button variant="outline-danger" type="null"
+                disabled={ true }
+                style={ { cursor: "not-allowed" } }>Delete</Button>
+      );
+    } else {
+      return (
+        <Button variant="danger" type="null"
+                onClick={ async () => deleteInstantiationHandler(instantiation, index) }>Delete</Button>
+      );
+    }
+  }
   const handleClose = () => {
-    console.log('handleClose called');
+    console.log("handleClose called");
@@ -107,8 +136,8 @@
   const successAlert = () => {
     console.log("successAlert called");
     setAlertMessage(<Alert variant="success">
-      <Alert.Heading>Order State Changed Success</Alert.Heading>
-      <p>Order State Changed was successfully changed</p>
+      <Alert.Heading>Deletion of Instantiation Success</Alert.Heading>
+      <p>Deletion of Instantiation was successful!</p>
@@ -116,52 +145,93 @@
   const errorAlert = async (response) => {
     console.log("errorAlert called");
     setAlertMessage(<Alert variant="danger">
-      <Alert.Heading>Order State Changed Failure</Alert.Heading>
-      <p>An error occurred while trying to change order state</p>
+      <Alert.Heading>Deletion of Instantiation Failure</Alert.Heading>
+      <p>An error occurred while trying to delete instantiation</p>
       <p>Status code: { await response.status } : { response.statusText }</p>
       <p>Status Text: { await response.text() }</p>
+  const clearErrors = () => {
+    console.log("clearErrors called");
+    setAlertMessage(null);
+  }
   return (
-    <ModalStyled size="sm"
+    <ModalStyled size="xl"
                  show={ show }
                  onHide={ handleClose }
                  keyboard={ false }>
       <Modal.Header closeButton>
-        <Modal.Title>Manage Instantiation</Modal.Title>
+        <Modal.Title>Manage Instances</Modal.Title>
-      <div style={ { padding: '5px 5px 0 5px' } }>
-        <Modal.Body>
-          <Container>
-            <Dropdown onSelect={ handleDropSelect }>
-              <Dropdown.Toggle variant="dark" id="dropdown-basic">
-                Select Order State
-              </Dropdown.Toggle>
-              <Dropdown.Menu>
-                <Dropdown.Item eventKey="UNINITIALISED">UNINITIALISED</Dropdown.Item>
-                <Dropdown.Item eventKey="PASSIVE">PASSIVE</Dropdown.Item>
-                <Dropdown.Item eventKey="RUNNING">RUNNING</Dropdown.Item>
-              </Dropdown.Menu>
-            </Dropdown>
-            {
-    , index) => (
-                <InstantiationOrderStateChangeItem title={ } index={ index } key={ index } />
-              ))
-            }
-          </Container>
-          <AlertStyled show={ !instantiationOrderStateOk }
-                       variant="danger">Can't get instantiation ordered state:<br/>{ JSON.stringify(instantiationOrderStateError, null, 2) }</AlertStyled>
-        </Modal.Body>
+      <Modal.Body>
+        <Container>
+          <Row>
+            <Link to={ { pathname: "/editControlLoopInstanceProperties" } }>
+              <Button variant="primary" type="null">Create Instance</Button>
+            </Link>
+            <HorizontalSpace/>
+            <Link to={ { pathname: "/monitorInstantiation" } }>
+              <Button variant="secondary" type="null">Monitor Instantiations</Button>
+            </Link>
+          </Row>
+        </Container>
+        <Table bordered style={ { marginTop: '10px' } }>
+          <thead>
+          <tr>
+            <th>#</th>
+            <th style={ { textAlign: "center" } }>Instantiation Name</th>
+            <th style={ { textAlign: "center" } }>Edit Instantiation</th>
+            <th style={ { textAlign: "center" } }>Delete Instantiation</th>
+            <th style={ { textAlign: "center" } }>Change Order State</th>
+            <th style={ { textAlign: "center" } }>Instantiation Order State</th>
+            <th style={ { textAlign: "center" } }>Instantiation Current State</th>
+          </tr>
+          </thead>
+          <tbody>
+          {, index) => {
+            return (
+              <tr style={ { backgroundColor: getBackgroundColor(index) } } key={ index } className="instantiationList">
+                <td>{ index + 1 }</td>
+                <td>{ }</td>
+                <td style={ { textAlign: "center" } }>
+                  <Link to={ {
+                    pathname: "editControlLoopInstanceProperties",
+                  } } state={ }>
+                    <Button variant="outline-success" type="null"
+                            disabled={ true }
+                            style={ { cursor: "not-allowed" } }>Edit</Button>
+                  </Link>
+                </td>
+                <td style={ { textAlign: "center" } }>
+                  { renderDeleteButton(instantiation, index) }
+                </td>
+                <td style={ { textAlign: "center" } }>
+                  <Link to={ {
+                    pathname: "changeOrderState",
+                    instantiationName:,
+                    instantiationVersion: instantiation.version
+                  } }>
+                    <Button variant="secondary" type="null">Change</Button>
+                  </Link>
+                </td>
+                <td>{ instantiation.orderedState }</td>
+                <td>{ instantiation.currentState }</td>
+              </tr>
+            )
+          }) }
+          </tbody>
+        </Table>
           { alertMessage }
-      </div>
+      </Modal.Body>
-        <Button variant="primary" onClick={ handleSave }>Save</Button>
-        <Button variant="secondary" onClick={ handleClose }>Close</Button>
+        <Button variant="secondary" type="null" onClick={ clearErrors }>Clear Error Message</Button>
+        <Button variant="secondary" type="null" onClick={ handleClose }>Close</Button>
diff --git a/gui-clamp/ui-react/src/components/dialogs/ControlLoop/__snapshots__/InstanceModal.test.js.snap b/gui-clamp/ui-react/src/components/dialogs/ControlLoop/__snapshots__/InstancePropertiesModal.test.js.snap
similarity index 96%
rename from gui-clamp/ui-react/src/components/dialogs/ControlLoop/__snapshots__/InstanceModal.test.js.snap
rename to gui-clamp/ui-react/src/components/dialogs/ControlLoop/__snapshots__/InstancePropertiesModal.test.js.snap
index ba7caf9..96b500e 100644
--- a/gui-clamp/ui-react/src/components/dialogs/ControlLoop/__snapshots__/InstanceModal.test.js.snap
+++ b/gui-clamp/ui-react/src/components/dialogs/ControlLoop/__snapshots__/InstancePropertiesModal.test.js.snap
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
-      Change Tosca Instance Properties
+      Create Tosca Instance Properties
diff --git a/gui-clamp/ui-react/src/components/dialogs/InstantiationManagementModal.test.js b/gui-clamp/ui-react/src/components/dialogs/InstantiationManagementModal.test.js
index 61f8c1a..25292d0 100644
--- a/gui-clamp/ui-react/src/components/dialogs/InstantiationManagementModal.test.js
+++ b/gui-clamp/ui-react/src/components/dialogs/InstantiationManagementModal.test.js
@@ -22,27 +22,27 @@
 import toJson from "enzyme-to-json";
 import { createMemoryHistory } from "history";
 import { act } from "react-dom/test-utils";
-import InstantiationManagementModal from "./ControlLoop/InstantiationManagementModal";
+import ChangeOrderStateModal from "./ControlLoop/ChangeOrderStateModal";
 describe('Verify InstantiationManagementModal', () => {
   it("renders without crashing", () => {
-    shallow(<InstantiationManagementModal />);
+    shallow(<ChangeOrderStateModal />);
   it("renders correctly", () => {
-    const tree = shallow(<InstantiationManagementModal />);
+    const tree = shallow(<ChangeOrderStateModal />);
   it('should have save button element', () => {
-    const container = shallow(<InstantiationManagementModal/>)
+    const container = shallow(<ChangeOrderStateModal/>)
   it('handleSave called when save button clicked', () => {
     const history = createMemoryHistory();
-    const component = mount(<InstantiationManagementModal history={ history }/>)
+    const component = mount(<ChangeOrderStateModal history={ history }/>)
     const logSpy = jest.spyOn(console, 'log');
     act(() => {
@@ -52,13 +52,13 @@
   it('should have close button element', () => {
-    const container = shallow(<InstantiationManagementModal/>)
+    const container = shallow(<ChangeOrderStateModal/>)
   it('handleClose called when close button clicked', () => {
     const history = createMemoryHistory();
-    const component = mount(<InstantiationManagementModal history={ history }/>)
+    const component = mount(<ChangeOrderStateModal history={ history }/>)
     const logSpy = jest.spyOn(console, 'log');
     act(() => {