
Issue-ID: POLICY-5157
Change-Id: I0ad9796b35c07fff1509a4fc00992998a535eadd
Signed-off-by: Ubuntu <dm00536893@techmahindra.com>
1 file changed
tree: d10bdbe3dab65869e761f0acf1f882534748b89a
  1. .gitreview
  2. INFO.yaml
  3. README.md

Running docker policy-opa-pdp

Building Docker Image.

docker build -f ./build/Dockerfile -t opa-pdp:1.1.1 .

Running the containers and Testing

  1. docker image ls | grep opa-pdp

  2. inside test directory run - docker-compose down

  3. docker-compose up -d

  4. docker logs -f opa-pdp