Merge "Removed policy upgrade from acm docs"
diff --git a/docs/PolicyAPI.postman_collection.json b/docs/PolicyAPI.postman_collection.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 21b4c97..0000000
--- a/docs/PolicyAPI.postman_collection.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1025 +0,0 @@
- "info": {
- "_postman_id": "502c0589-2c47-49c9-a067-dc99eff663de",
- "name": "Policy API",
- "schema": ""
- },
- "item": [
- {
- "name": "Api Healthcheck",
- "request": {
- "auth": {
- "type": "basic",
- "basic": [
- {
- "key": "password",
- "value": "zb!XztG34",
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "key": "username",
- "value": "healthcheck",
- "type": "string"
- }
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- }
- ],
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- "raw": "{{POLICY-API-URL}}/policy/api/v1/healthcheck",
- "host": [
- ],
- "path": [
- "policy",
- "api",
- "v1",
- "healthcheck"
- ]
- }
- },
- "response": []
- },
- {
- "name": "PAP Healthcheck",
- "request": {
- "auth": {
- "type": "basic",
- "basic": [
- {
- "key": "password",
- "value": "zb!XztG34",
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "key": "username",
- "value": "healthcheck",
- "type": "string"
- }
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- "type": "text"
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- ],
- "url": {
- "raw": "{{POLICY-PAP-URL}}/policy/pap/v1/healthcheck",
- "host": [
- ],
- "path": [
- "policy",
- "pap",
- "v1",
- "healthcheck"
- ]
- }
- },
- "response": []
- },
- {
- "name": "Apex Healthcheck",
- "request": {
- "auth": {
- "type": "basic",
- "basic": [
- {
- "key": "password",
- "value": "zb!XztG34",
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "key": "username",
- "value": "healthcheck",
- "type": "string"
- }
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- "type": "text",
- "value": "application/json"
- }
- ],
- "url": {
- "raw": "{{POLICY-APEX-URL}}/policy/apex-pdp/v1/healthcheck",
- "host": [
- ],
- "path": [
- "policy",
- "apex-pdp",
- "v1",
- "healthcheck"
- ]
- }
- },
- "response": []
- },
- {
- "name": "Drools Healthcheck",
- "request": {
- "auth": {
- "type": "basic",
- "basic": [
- {
- "key": "password",
- "value": "zb!XztG34",
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "key": "username",
- "value": "healthcheck",
- "type": "string"
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- }
- ],
- "url": {
- "raw": "{{POLICY-DROOLS-URL}}/policy/pdpd/v1/healthcheck",
- "host": [
- ],
- "path": [
- "policy",
- "pdpd",
- "v1",
- "healthcheck"
- ]
- }
- },
- "response": []
- },
- {
- "name": "Xacml Healthcheck",
- "request": {
- "auth": {
- "type": "basic",
- "basic": [
- {
- "key": "password",
- "value": "zb!XztG34",
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "key": "username",
- "value": "healthcheck",
- "type": "string"
- }
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- "method": "GET",
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- "key": "Accept",
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- "value": "application/json"
- }
- ],
- "url": {
- "raw": "{{POLICY-XACML-URL}}/policy/pdpx/v1/healthcheck",
- "host": [
- ],
- "path": [
- "policy",
- "pdpx",
- "v1",
- "healthcheck"
- ]
- }
- },
- "response": []
- },
- {
- "name": "PAP Statistics",
- "request": {
- "auth": {
- "type": "basic",
- "basic": [
- {
- "key": "password",
- "value": "zb!XztG34",
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "key": "username",
- "value": "healthcheck",
- "type": "string"
- }
- ]
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- "method": "GET",
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- "key": "Content-Type",
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- "key": "Accept",
- "value": "application/json",
- "type": "text"
- }
- ],
- "url": {
- "raw": "{{POLICY-PAP-URL}}/policy/pap/v1/statistics",
- "host": [
- ],
- "path": [
- "policy",
- "pap",
- "v1",
- "statistics"
- ]
- }
- },
- "response": []
- },
- {
- "name": "PDPGroup Query",
- "protocolProfileBehavior": {
- "disableBodyPruning": true
- },
- "request": {
- "auth": {
- "type": "basic",
- "basic": [
- {
- "key": "password",
- "value": "zb!XztG34",
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "key": "username",
- "value": "healthcheck",
- "type": "string"
- }
- ]
- },
- "method": "GET",
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- "key": "Content-Type",
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- }
- ],
- "body": {
- "mode": "raw",
- "raw": ""
- },
- "url": {
- "raw": "{{POLICY-PAP-URL}}/policy/pap/v1/pdps",
- "host": [
- ],
- "path": [
- "policy",
- "pap",
- "v1",
- "pdps"
- ]
- }
- },
- "response": []
- },
- {
- "name": "Create Policy Type",
- "request": {
- "auth": {
- "type": "basic",
- "basic": [
- {
- "key": "password",
- "value": "zb!XztG34",
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "key": "username",
- "value": "healthcheck",
- "type": "string"
- }
- ]
- },
- "method": "POST",
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- "key": "Accept",
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- },
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- "value": "application/json"
- }
- ],
- "body": {
- "mode": "raw",
- "raw": "{\n \"tosca_definitions_version\": \"tosca_simple_yaml_1_0_0\",\n \"policy_types\": {\n \"onap.policies.controlloop.operational.Apex\": {\n \"version\": \"1.0.0\",\n \"description\": \"Operational Policy for Control Loops using the APEX PDP\",\n \"properties\": {\n \"engine_service\": {\n \"type\": \"onap.datatypes.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.EngineService\",\n \"description\": \"APEX Engine Service Parameters\"\n },\n \"inputs\": {\n \"type\": \"map\",\n \"description\": \"Inputs for handling events coming into the APEX engine\",\n \"entry_schema\": {\n \"type\": \"onap.datatypes.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.EventHandler\"\n }\n },\n \"outputs\": {\n \"type\": \"map\",\n \"description\": \"Outputs for handling events going out of the APEX engine\",\n \"entry_schema\": {\n \"type\": \"onap.datatypes.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.EventHandler\"\n }\n },\n \"environment\": {\n \"type\": \"list\",\n \"description\": \"Envioronmental parameters for the APEX engine\",\n \"entry_schema\": {\n \"type\": \"onap.datatypes.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.Environment\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n },\n \"data_types\": {\n \"onap.datatypes.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.EngineService\": {\n \"derived_from\": \"tosca.datatypes.Root\",\n \"properties\": {\n \"name\": {\n \"type\": \"string\",\n \"description\": \"Specifies the engine name\",\n \"required\": false,\n \"default\": \"ApexEngineService\"\n },\n \"version\": {\n \"type\": \"string\",\n \"description\": \"Specifies the engine version in double dotted format\",\n \"required\": false,\n \"default\": \"1.0.0\"\n },\n \"id\": {\n \"type\": \"int\",\n \"description\": \"Specifies the engine id\",\n \"required\": true\n },\n \"instance_count\": {\n \"type\": \"int\",\n \"description\": \"Specifies the number of engine threads that should be run\",\n \"required\": true\n },\n \"deployment_port\": {\n \"type\": \"int\",\n \"description\": \"Specifies the port to connect to for engine administration\",\n \"required\": false,\n \"default\": 1\n },\n \"policy_model_file_name\": {\n \"type\": \"string\",\n \"description\": \"The name of the file from which to read the APEX policy model\",\n \"required\": false,\n \"default\": \"\"\n },\n \"policy_type_impl\": {\n \"type\": \"string\",\n \"description\": \"The policy type implementation from which to read the APEX policy model\",\n \"required\": false,\n \"default\": \"\"\n },\n \"periodic_event_period\": {\n \"type\": \"string\",\n \"description\": \"The time interval in milliseconds for the periodic scanning event, 0 means \\\"don't scan\\\"\",\n \"required\": false,\n \"default\": 0\n },\n \"engine\": {\n \"type\": \"onap.datatypes.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.engineservice.Engine\",\n \"description\": \"The parameters for all engines in the APEX engine service\",\n \"required\": true\n }\n }\n },\n \"onap.datatypes.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.EventHandler\": {\n \"derived_from\": \"tosca.datatypes.Root\",\n \"properties\": {\n \"name\": {\n \"type\": \"string\",\n \"description\": \"Specifies the event handler name, if not specified this is set to the key name\",\n \"required\": false\n },\n \"carrier_technology\": {\n \"type\": \"onap.datatypes.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.CarrierTechnology\",\n \"description\": \"Specifies the carrier technology of the event handler (such as REST/Web Socket/Kafka)\",\n \"required\": true\n },\n \"event_protocol\": {\n \"type\": \"onap.datatypes.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.EventProtocol\",\n \"description\": \"Specifies the event protocol of events for the event handler (such as Yaml/JSON/XML/POJO)\",\n \"required\": true\n },\n \"event_name\": {\n \"type\": \"string\",\n \"description\": \"Specifies the event name for events on this event handler, if not specified, the event name is read from or written to the event being received or sent\",\n \"required\": false\n },\n \"event_name_filter\": {\n \"type\": \"string\",\n \"description\": \"Specifies a filter as a regular expression, events that do not match the filter are dropped, the default is to let all events through\",\n \"required\": false\n },\n \"synchronous_mode\": {\n \"type\": \"bool\",\n \"description\": \"Specifies the event handler is syncronous (receive event and send response)\",\n \"required\": false,\n \"default\": false\n },\n \"synchronous_peer\": {\n \"type\": \"string\",\n \"description\": \"The peer event handler (output for input or input for output) of this event handler in synchronous mode, this parameter is mandatory if the event handler is in synchronous mode\",\n \"required\": false,\n \"default\": \"\"\n },\n \"synchronous_timeout\": {\n \"type\": \"int\",\n \"description\": \"The timeout in milliseconds for responses to be issued by APEX torequests, this parameter is mandatory if the event handler is in synchronous mode\",\n \"required\": false,\n \"default\": \"\"\n },\n \"requestor_mode\": {\n \"type\": \"bool\",\n \"description\": \"Specifies the event handler is in requestor mode (send event and wait for response mode)\",\n \"required\": false,\n \"default\": false\n },\n \"requestor_peer\": {\n \"type\": \"string\",\n \"description\": \"The peer event handler (output for input or input for output) of this event handler in requestor mode, this parameter is mandatory if the event handler is in requestor mode\",\n \"required\": false,\n \"default\": \"\"\n },\n \"requestor_timeout\": {\n \"type\": \"int\",\n \"description\": \"The timeout in milliseconds for wait for responses to requests, this parameter is mandatory if the event handler is in requestor mode\",\n \"required\": false,\n \"default\": \"\"\n }\n }\n },\n \"onap.datatypes.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.CarrierTechnology\": {\n \"derived_from\": \"tosca.datatypes.Root\",\n \"properties\": {\n \"label\": {\n \"type\": \"string\",\n \"description\": \"The label (name) of the carrier technology (such as REST, Kafka, WebSocket)\",\n \"required\": true\n },\n \"plugin_parameter_class_name\": {\n \"type\": \"string\",\n \"description\": \"The class name of the class that overrides default handling of event input or output for this carrier technology, defaults to the supplied input or output class\",\n \"required\": false\n }\n }\n },\n \"onap.datatypes.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.EventProtocol\": {\n \"derived_from\": \"tosca.datatypes.Root\",\n \"properties\": {\n \"label\": {\n \"type\": \"string\",\n \"description\": \"The label (name) of the event protocol (such as Yaml, JSON, XML, or POJO)\",\n \"required\": true\n },\n \"event_protocol_plugin_class\": {\n \"type\": \"string\",\n \"description\": \"The class name of the class that overrides default handling of the event protocol for this carrier technology, defaults to the supplied event protocol class\",\n \"required\": false\n }\n }\n },\n \"onap.datatypes.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.Environmental\": {\n \"derived_from\": \"tosca.datatypes.Root\",\n \"properties\": {\n \"name\": {\n \"type\": \"string\",\n \"description\": \"The name of the environment variable\",\n \"required\": true\n },\n \"value\": {\n \"type\": \"string\",\n \"description\": \"The value of the environment variable\",\n \"required\": true\n }\n }\n },\n \"onap.datatypes.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.engineservice.Engine\": {\n \"derived_from\": \"tosca.datatypes.Root\",\n \"properties\": {\n \"context\": {\n \"type\": \"onap.datatypes.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.engineservice.engine.Context\",\n \"description\": \"The properties for handling context in APEX engines, defaults to using Java maps for context\",\n \"required\": false\n },\n \"executors\": {\n \"type\": \"map\",\n \"description\": \"The plugins for policy executors used in engines such as javascript, MVEL, Jython\",\n \"required\": true,\n \"entry_schema\": {\n \"description\": \"The plugin class path for this policy executor\",\n \"type\": \"string\"\n }\n }\n }\n },\n \"onap.datatypes.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.engineservice.engine.Context\": {\n \"derived_from\": \"tosca.datatypes.Root\",\n \"properties\": {\n \"distributor\": {\n \"type\": \"onap.datatypes.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.Plugin\",\n \"description\": \"The plugin to be used for distributing context between APEX PDPs at runtime\",\n \"required\": false\n },\n \"schemas\": {\n \"type\": \"map\",\n \"description\": \"The plugins for context schemas available in APEX PDPs such as Java and Avro\",\n \"required\": false,\n \"entry_schema\": {\n \"type\": \"onap.datatypes.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.Plugin\"\n }\n },\n \"locking\": {\n \"type\": \"onap.datatypes.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.plugin\",\n \"description\": \"The plugin to be used for locking context in and between APEX PDPs at runtime\",\n \"required\": false\n },\n \"persistence\": {\n \"type\": \"onap.datatypes.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.Plugin\",\n \"description\": \"The plugin to be used for persisting context for APEX PDPs at runtime\",\n \"required\": false\n }\n }\n },\n \"onap.datatypes.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.Plugin\": {\n \"derived_from\": \"tosca.datatypes.Root\",\n \"properties\": {\n \"name\": {\n \"type\": \"string\",\n \"description\": \"The name of the executor such as Javascript, Jython or MVEL\",\n \"required\": true\n },\n \"plugin_class_name\": {\n \"type\": \"string\",\n \"description\": \"The class path of the plugin class for this executor\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}"
- },
- "url": {
- "raw": "{{POLICY-API-URL}}/policy/api/v1/policytypes",
- "host": [
- ],
- "path": [
- "policy",
- "api",
- "v1",
- "policytypes"
- ]
- }
- },
- "response": []
- },
- {
- "name": "Fetch Policy Type",
- "request": {
- "auth": {
- "type": "basic",
- "basic": [
- {
- "key": "password",
- "value": "zb!XztG34",
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "key": "username",
- "value": "healthcheck",
- "type": "string"
- }
- ]
- },
- "method": "GET",
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- "key": "Accept",
- "type": "text",
- "value": "application/json"
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- "key": "Content-Type",
- "type": "text",
- "value": "application/json"
- }
- ],
- "url": {
- "raw": "{{POLICY-API-URL}}/policy/api/v1/policytypes/onap.policies.controlloop.operational.Apex/versions/1.0.0",
- "host": [
- ],
- "path": [
- "policy",
- "api",
- "v1",
- "policytypes",
- "onap.policies.controlloop.operational.Apex",
- "versions",
- "1.0.0"
- ]
- }
- },
- "response": []
- },
- {
- "name": "Create Policy",
- "request": {
- "auth": {
- "type": "basic",
- "basic": [
- {
- "key": "password",
- "value": "zb!XztG34",
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "key": "username",
- "value": "healthcheck",
- "type": "string"
- }
- ]
- },
- "method": "POST",
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- {
- "key": "Accept",
- "type": "text",
- "value": "application/json"
- },
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- "key": "Content-Type",
- "type": "text",
- "value": "application/json"
- }
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- "body": {
- "mode": "raw",
- "raw": "{\r\n \"tosca_definitions_version\": \"tosca_simple_yaml_1_0_0\",\r\n \"topology_template\": {\r\n \"policies\": [\r\n {\r\n \"operational.sampledomain\": {\r\n \"type\": \"onap.policies.controlloop.operational.Apex\",\r\n \"typeVersion\": \"1.0.0\",\r\n \"name\": \"onap.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.Sampledomain\",\r\n \"version\": \"1.0.0\",\r\n \"properties\": {\r\n \"content\": {\r\n \"engineServiceParameters\": {\r\n \"name\": \"MyApexEngine\",\r\n \"version\": \"0.0.1\",\r\n \"id\": 45,\r\n \"instanceCount\": 4,\r\n \"deploymentPort\": 12561,\r\n \"policy_type_impl\": {\r\n \"apexPolicyModel\": {\r\n \"key\": {\r\n \"name\": \"DDFPolicyModel\",\r\n \"version\": \"0.0.1\"\r\n },\r\n \"keyInformation\": {\r\n \"key\": {\r\n \"name\": \"DDFPolicyModel_KeyInfo\",\r\n \"version\": \"0.0.1\"\r\n },\r\n \"keyInfoMap\": {\r\n \"entry\": [\r\n {\r\n \"key\": {\r\n \"name\": \"APPCConfigModifyRequestEvent\",\r\n \"version\": \"2.0.0\"\r\n },\r\n \"value\": {\r\n \"key\": 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All rights reserved.\\n * ================================================================================\\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \\\"License\\\");\\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\\n * \\n *\\n * \\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \\\"AS IS\\\" BASIS,\\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\\n * limitations under the License.\\n * \\n * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0\\n * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================\\n */\\n\\;\\;\\n\\nvar appcRequest = new org.onap.policy.appclcm.LcmRequestWrapper;\\nappcRequest.setBody(new org.onap.policy.appclcm.LcmRequest);\\nappcRequest.getBody().setCommonHeader(new org.onap.policy.appclcm.LcmCommonHeader);\\n\\nappcRequest.setVersion(\\\"2.0.0\\\");\\nappcRequest.setRpcName(\\\"config-modify\\\");\\nappcRequest.setCorrelationId(java.util.UUID.randomUUID());\\nappcRequest.setType(\\\"request\\\");\\n\\nappcRequest.getBody().getCommonHeader().setTimeStamp(;\\nappcRequest.getBody().getCommonHeader().setApiVer(\\\"2.00\\\");\\nappcRequest.getBody().getCommonHeader().setOriginatorId(java.util.UUID.randomUUID());\\nappcRequest.getBody().getCommonHeader().setRequestId(executor.inFields.get(\\\"requestID\\\"));\\nappcRequest.getBody().getCommonHeader().setSubRequestId(\\\"ddf\\\");\\nappcRequest.getBody().getCommonHeader().getFlags().put(\\\"ttl\\\", \\\"10000\\\");\\nappcRequest.getBody().getCommonHeader().getFlags().put(\\\"force\\\", \\\"TRUE\\\");\\nappcRequest.getBody().getCommonHeader().getFlags().put(\\\"mode\\\", \\\"EXCLUSIVE\\\");\\n\\nappcRequest.getBody().setAction(\\\"ConfigModify\\\");\\nappcRequest.getBody().setActionIdentifiers(new java.util.HashMap());\\nappcRequest.getBody().getActionIdentifiers().put(\\\"vnf-id\\\", executor.inFields.get(\\\"vnfID\\\").toString());\\nappcRequest.getBody().setPayload(executor.inFields.get(\\\"changeParam\\\"));\\n\\nexecutor.outFields.put(\\\"APPCLCMRequestEvent\\\", appcRequest);\\n\\;\\n\\nvar returnValue = executor.isTrue;\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n },\r\n \"events\": {\r\n \"key\": {\r\n \"name\": \"DDFPolicyModel_Events\",\r\n \"version\": \"0.0.1\"\r\n },\r\n \"eventMap\": {\r\n \"entry\": [\r\n {\r\n \"key\": {\r\n \"name\": \"APPCConfigModifyRequestEvent\",\r\n \"version\": \"2.0.0\"\r\n },\r\n \"value\": {\r\n \"key\": {\r\n \"name\": \"APPCConfigModifyRequestEvent\",\r\n \"version\": \"2.0.0\"\r\n },\r\n \"nameSpace\": \"org.onap.policy.apex.onap.ddf\",\r\n \"source\": \"APEX\",\r\n \"target\": \"APPC\",\r\n \"parameter\": {\r\n \"entry\": [\r\n {\r\n \"key\": \"APPCLCMRequestEvent\",\r\n \"value\": {\r\n \"key\": \"APPCLCMRequestEvent\",\r\n 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- "v1",
- "policytypes",
- "onap.policies.controlloop.operational.Apex",
- "versions",
- "1.0.0",
- "policies",
- "onap.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.Sampledomain",
- "versions",
- "1.0.0"
- ]
- }
- },
- "response": []
- },
- {
- "name": "PDPGroup Deploy",
- "request": {
- "auth": {
- "type": "basic",
- "basic": [
- {
- "key": "password",
- "value": "zb!XztG34",
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "key": "username",
- "value": "healthcheck",
- "type": "string"
- }
- ]
- },
- "method": "POST",
- "header": [
- {
- "key": "Content-Type",
- "type": "text",
- "value": "application/json"
- },
- {
- "key": "Accept",
- "type": "text",
- "value": "application/json"
- }
- ],
- "body": {
- "mode": "raw",
- "raw": "{\n \"groups\": [\n {\n \"name\": \"defaultGroup\",\n \"description\": \"The default group that registers all supported policy types and pdps.\",\n \"pdpGroupState\": \"ACTIVE\",\n \"properties\": {},\n \"pdpSubgroups\": [\n {\n \"pdpType\": \"apex\",\n \"supportedPolicyTypes\": [\n {\n \"name\": \"onap.policies.controlloop.operational.Apex\",\n \"version\": \"1.0.0\"\n }\n ],\n \"policies\": [],\n \"currentInstanceCount\": 1,\n \"desiredInstanceCount\": 1,\n \"properties\": {},\n \"pdpInstances\": [\n {\n \"instanceId\": \"apex_35\",\n \"pdpState\": \"ACTIVE\",\n \"healthy\": \"HEALTHY\",\n \"message\": \"Pdp Heartbeat\"\n }\n ]\n },\n {\n \"pdpType\": \"drools\",\n \"supportedPolicyTypes\": [\n {\n \"name\": \"onap.policies.controlloop.Operational\",\n \"version\": \"1.0.0\"\n }\n ],\n \"policies\": [],\n \"currentInstanceCount\": 1,\n \"desiredInstanceCount\": 1,\n \"properties\": {},\n \"pdpInstances\": [\n {\n \"instanceId\": \"dev-policy-drools-0\",\n \"pdpState\": \"ACTIVE\",\n \"healthy\": \"HEALTHY\"\n }\n ]\n },\n {\n \"pdpType\": \"xacml\",\n \"supportedPolicyTypes\": [\n {\n \"name\": \"onap.policies.controlloop.guard.FrequencyLimiter\",\n \"version\": \"1.0.0\"\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"onap.policies.controlloop.guard.MinMax\",\n \"version\": \"1.0.0\"\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"onap.policies.controlloop.guard.Blacklist\",\n \"version\": \"1.0.0\"\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"onap.policies.controlloop.guard.coordination.FirstBlocksSecond\",\n \"version\": \"1.0.0\"\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"onap.Monitoring\",\n \"version\": \"1.0.0\"\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"onap.policies.monitoring.tcagen2\",\n \"version\": \"1.0.0\"\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"onap.policies.monitoring.dcaegen2.collectors.datafile.datafile-app-server\",\n \"version\": \"1.0.0\"\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"\",\n \"version\": \"1.0.0\"\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"onap.policies.optimization.AffinityPolicy\",\n \"version\": \"1.0.0\"\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"onap.policies.optimization.DistancePolicy\",\n \"version\": \"1.0.0\"\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"onap.policies.optimization.HpaPolicy\",\n \"version\": \"1.0.0\"\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"onap.policies.optimization.OptimizationPolicy\",\n \"version\": \"1.0.0\"\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"onap.policies.optimization.PciPolicy\",\n \"version\": \"1.0.0\"\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"onap.policies.optimization.QueryPolicy\",\n \"version\": \"1.0.0\"\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"onap.policies.optimization.SubscriberPolicy\",\n \"version\": \"1.0.0\"\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"onap.policies.optimization.Vim_fit\",\n \"version\": \"1.0.0\"\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"onap.policies.optimization.VnfPolicy\",\n \"version\": \"1.0.0\"\n }\n ],\n \"policies\": [],\n \"currentInstanceCount\": 1,\n \"desiredInstanceCount\": 1,\n \"properties\": {},\n \"pdpInstances\": [\n {\n \"instanceId\": \"dev-policy-policy-xacml-pdp-558c478477-g85jl\",\n \"pdpState\": \"ACTIVE\",\n \"healthy\": \"HEALTHY\"\n }\n ]\n }\n ]\n }\n ]\n}"
- },
- "url": {
- "raw": "{{POLICY-PAP-URL}}/policy/pap/v1/pdps",
- "host": [
- ],
- "path": [
- "policy",
- "pap",
- "v1",
- "pdps"
- ]
- }
- },
- "response": []
- },
- {
- "name": "PDPGroup Undeploy",
- "request": {
- "auth": {
- "type": "basic",
- "basic": [
- {
- "key": "password",
- "value": "zb!XztG34",
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "key": "username",
- "value": "healthcheck",
- "type": "string"
- }
- ]
- },
- "method": "POST",
- "header": [
- {
- "key": "Content-Type",
- "type": "text",
- "value": "application/json"
- },
- {
- "key": "Accept",
- "type": "text",
- "value": "application/json"
- }
- ],
- "body": {
- "mode": "raw",
- "raw": "{\n \"groups\": [\n {\n \"name\": \"defaultGroup\",\n \"description\": \"The default group that registers all supported policy types and pdps.\",\n \"pdpGroupState\": \"ACTIVE\",\n \"properties\": {},\n \"pdpSubgroups\": [\n {\n \"pdpType\": \"apex\",\n \"supportedPolicyTypes\": [\n {\n \"name\": \"onap.policies.controlloop.operational.Apex\",\n \"version\": \"1.0.0\"\n }\n ],\n \"policies\": [\n ],\n \"currentInstanceCount\": 1,\n \"desiredInstanceCount\": 1,\n \"properties\": {},\n \"pdpInstances\": [\n {\n \"instanceId\": \"apex_35\",\n \"pdpState\": \"ACTIVE\",\n \"healthy\": \"HEALTHY\",\n \"message\": \"Pdp Heartbeat\"\n }\n ]\n },\n {\n \"pdpType\": \"drools\",\n \"supportedPolicyTypes\": [\n {\n \"name\": \"onap.policies.controlloop.Operational\",\n \"version\": \"1.0.0\"\n }\n ],\n \"policies\": [],\n \"currentInstanceCount\": 1,\n \"desiredInstanceCount\": 1,\n \"properties\": {},\n \"pdpInstances\": [\n {\n \"instanceId\": \"dev-policy-drools-0\",\n \"pdpState\": \"ACTIVE\",\n \"healthy\": \"HEALTHY\"\n }\n ]\n },\n {\n \"pdpType\": \"xacml\",\n \"supportedPolicyTypes\": [\n {\n \"name\": \"onap.policies.controlloop.guard.FrequencyLimiter\",\n \"version\": \"1.0.0\"\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"onap.policies.controlloop.guard.MinMax\",\n \"version\": \"1.0.0\"\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"onap.policies.controlloop.guard.Blacklist\",\n \"version\": \"1.0.0\"\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"onap.policies.controlloop.guard.coordination.FirstBlocksSecond\",\n \"version\": \"1.0.0\"\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"onap.Monitoring\",\n \"version\": \"1.0.0\"\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"onap.policies.monitoring.tcagen2\",\n \"version\": \"1.0.0\"\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"onap.policies.monitoring.dcaegen2.collectors.datafile.datafile-app-server\",\n \"version\": \"1.0.0\"\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"\",\n \"version\": \"1.0.0\"\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"onap.policies.optimization.AffinityPolicy\",\n \"version\": \"1.0.0\"\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"onap.policies.optimization.DistancePolicy\",\n \"version\": \"1.0.0\"\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"onap.policies.optimization.HpaPolicy\",\n \"version\": \"1.0.0\"\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"onap.policies.optimization.OptimizationPolicy\",\n \"version\": \"1.0.0\"\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"onap.policies.optimization.PciPolicy\",\n \"version\": \"1.0.0\"\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"onap.policies.optimization.QueryPolicy\",\n \"version\": \"1.0.0\"\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"onap.policies.optimization.SubscriberPolicy\",\n \"version\": \"1.0.0\"\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"onap.policies.optimization.Vim_fit\",\n \"version\": \"1.0.0\"\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"onap.policies.optimization.VnfPolicy\",\n \"version\": \"1.0.0\"\n }\n ],\n \"policies\": [],\n \"currentInstanceCount\": 1,\n \"desiredInstanceCount\": 1,\n \"properties\": {},\n \"pdpInstances\": [\n {\n \"instanceId\": \"dev-policy-policy-xacml-pdp-558c478477-g85jl\",\n \"pdpState\": \"ACTIVE\",\n \"healthy\": \"HEALTHY\"\n }\n ]\n }\n ]\n }\n ]\n}"
- },
- "url": {
- "raw": "{{POLICY-PAP-URL}}/policy/pap/v1/pdps",
- "host": [
- ],
- "path": [
- "policy",
- "pap",
- "v1",
- "pdps"
- ]
- }
- },
- "response": []
- },
- {
- "name": "Simple Deploy Policy",
- "request": {
- "auth": {
- "type": "basic",
- "basic": [
- {
- "key": "password",
- "value": "zb!XztG34",
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "key": "username",
- "value": "healthcheck",
- "type": "string"
- }
- ]
- },
- "method": "POST",
- "header": [
- {
- "key": "Content-Type",
- "type": "text",
- "value": "application/json"
- },
- {
- "key": "Accept",
- "type": "text",
- "value": "application/json"
- }
- ],
- "body": {
- "mode": "raw",
- "raw": "{\r\n \"policies\" : [\r\n {\r\n \"policy-id\": \"onap.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.Sampledomain\",\r\n \"policy-version\": 1\r\n }\r\n ]\r\n}"
- },
- "url": {
- "raw": "{{POLICY-PAP-URL}}/policy/pap/v1/pdps/policies",
- "host": [
- ],
- "path": [
- "policy",
- "pap",
- "v1",
- "pdps",
- "policies"
- ]
- }
- },
- "response": []
- },
- {
- "name": "Simple Undeploy Policy",
- "request": {
- "auth": {
- "type": "basic",
- "basic": [
- {
- "key": "password",
- "value": "zb!XztG34",
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "key": "username",
- "value": "healthcheck",
- "type": "string"
- }
- ]
- },
- "method": "DELETE",
- "header": [
- {
- "key": "Accept",
- "value": "application/json",
- "type": "text"
- },
- {
- "key": "Content-Type",
- "value": "application/json",
- "type": "text"
- }
- ],
- "url": {
- "raw": "{{POLICY-PAP-URL}}/policy/pap/v1/pdps/policies/onap.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.Sampledomain",
- "host": [
- ],
- "path": [
- "policy",
- "pap",
- "v1",
- "pdps",
- "policies",
- "onap.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.Sampledomain"
- ]
- }
- },
- "response": []
- },
- {
- "name": "PDP State Change to ACTIVE",
- "request": {
- "auth": {
- "type": "basic",
- "basic": [
- {
- "key": "password",
- "value": "zb!XztG34",
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "key": "username",
- "value": "healthcheck",
- "type": "string"
- }
- ]
- },
- "method": "PUT",
- "header": [
- {
- "key": "Content-Type",
- "value": "application/json",
- "type": "text"
- },
- {
- "key": "Accept",
- "value": "application/json",
- "type": "text"
- }
- ],
- "url": {
- "raw": "{{POLICY-PAP-URL}}/policy/pap/v1/pdps/groups/defaultGroup?state=ACTIVE",
- "host": [
- ],
- "path": [
- "policy",
- "pap",
- "v1",
- "pdps",
- "groups",
- "defaultGroup"
- ],
- "query": [
- {
- "key": "state",
- "value": "ACTIVE"
- }
- ]
- }
- },
- "response": []
- },
- {
- "name": "PDP State Change to PASSIVE",
- "request": {
- "auth": {
- "type": "basic",
- "basic": [
- {
- "key": "password",
- "value": "zb!XztG34",
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "key": "username",
- "value": "healthcheck",
- "type": "string"
- }
- ]
- },
- "method": "PUT",
- "header": [
- {
- "key": "Content-Type",
- "type": "text",
- "value": "application/json"
- },
- {
- "key": "Accept",
- "type": "text",
- "value": "application/json"
- }
- ],
- "url": {
- "raw": "{{POLICY-PAP-URL}}/policy/pap/v1/pdps/groups/defaultGroup?state=PASSIVE",
- "host": [
- ],
- "path": [
- "policy",
- "pap",
- "v1",
- "pdps",
- "groups",
- "defaultGroup"
- ],
- "query": [
- {
- "key": "state",
- "value": "PASSIVE"
- }
- ]
- }
- },
- "response": []
- },
- {
- "name": "Delete Policy",
- "request": {
- "auth": {
- "type": "basic",
- "basic": [
- {
- "key": "password",
- "value": "zb!XztG34",
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "key": "username",
- "value": "healthcheck",
- "type": "string"
- }
- ]
- },
- "method": "DELETE",
- "header": [
- {
- "key": "Accept",
- "value": "application/json",
- "type": "text"
- },
- {
- "key": "Content-Type",
- "value": "application/json",
- "type": "text"
- }
- ],
- "url": {
- "raw": "{{POLICY-API-URL}}/policy/api/v1/policytypes/onap.policies.controlloop.operational.Apex/versions/1.0.0/policies/onap.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.Sampledomain/versions/1.0.0",
- "host": [
- ],
- "path": [
- "policy",
- "api",
- "v1",
- "policytypes",
- "onap.policies.controlloop.operational.Apex",
- "versions",
- "1.0.0",
- "policies",
- "onap.policies.controlloop.operational.apex.Sampledomain",
- "versions",
- "1.0.0"
- ]
- }
- },
- "response": []
- },
- {
- "name": "Delete Policy Type",
- "request": {
- "auth": {
- "type": "basic",
- "basic": [
- {
- "key": "password",
- "value": "zb!XztG34",
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "key": "username",
- "value": "healthcheck",
- "type": "string"
- }
- ]
- },
- "method": "DELETE",
- "header": [
- {
- "key": "Accept",
- "type": "text",
- "value": "application/json"
- },
- {
- "key": "Content-Type",
- "type": "text",
- "value": "application/json"
- }
- ],
- "url": {
- "raw": "{{POLICY-API-URL}}/policy/api/v1/policytypes/onap.policies.controlloop.operational.Apex/versions/1.0.0",
- "host": [
- ],
- "path": [
- "policy",
- "api",
- "v1",
- "policytypes",
- "onap.policies.controlloop.operational.Apex",
- "versions",
- "1.0.0"
- ]
- }
- },
- "response": []
- },
- {
- "name": "Send event to dmaap",
- "request": {
- "method": "POST",
- "header": [
- {
- "key": "Content-Type",
- "value": "application/json",
- "type": "text"
- }
- ],
- "body": {
- "mode": "raw",
- "raw": "{\r\n\"requestID\":\"67a5e3e-24ec-4942-a042-68be1ca1ef5b\",\r\n\"vnfID\":\"77e070c4-4f3d-43bf-ab43-cb173ab4dc18\",\r\n\"hostIp\":\"\",\r\n\"changeParam\":\"{\\\"request-parameters\\\":{\\\"vnf-host-ip-address\\\":\\\"\\\"},\\\"configuration-parameters\\\":{\\\"id\\\":\\\"27\\\"}}\",\r\n\"name\":\"APPCConfigModifyTriggerEvent\"\r\n}"
- },
- "url": {
- "raw": "",
- "protocol": "http",
- "host": [
- "10",
- "2",
- "0",
- "13"
- ],
- "port": "30227",
- "path": [
- "events",
- ]
- }
- },
- "response": []
- },
- {
- "name": "Send event to apex-pdp",
- "request": {
- "method": "PUT",
- "header": [
- {
- "key": "Content-Type",
- "value": "application/json",
- "type": "text"
- },
- {
- "key": "Accept",
- "value": "application/json",
- "type": "text"
- }
- ],
- "body": {
- "mode": "raw",
- "raw": "{\r\n \"nameSpace\": \"\",\r\n \"name\": \"Event0000\",\r\n \"version\": \"0.0.1\",\r\n \"source\": \"test\",\r\n \"target\": \"apex\",\r\n \"TestSlogan\": \"Test slogan for External Event0\",\r\n \"TestMatchCase\": 0,\r\n \"TestTimestamp\": 1469781869269,\r\n \"TestTemperature\": 9080.866\r\n}"
- },
- "url": {
- "raw": "",
- "protocol": "http",
- "host": [
- "159",
- "107",
- "166",
- "87"
- ],
- "port": "23324",
- "path": [
- "apex",
- "FirstConsumer",
- "EventIn"
- ]
- }
- },
- "response": []
- }
- ]
diff --git a/docs/api/api.rst b/docs/api/api.rst
index 273b875..17df746 100644
--- a/docs/api/api.rst
+++ b/docs/api/api.rst
@@ -5,8 +5,11 @@
.. _api-label:
+Policy Life Cycle API
1. Policy Life Cycle API
1.1 Overview
@@ -175,22 +178,19 @@
2. APIs exposed
2.1 Global API Table
-Below is a global API table from where swagger JSON for different types of policy design API can be downloaded.
+Below you can download the swagger YAML for Policy Framework Lifecycle API.
+You can find *Tosca Node Template Design* and *Policy Design* operations.
.. csv-table::
- :header: "API name", "Swagger JSON"
+ :header: "API name", "Swagger YAML"
:widths: 10,5
- "Healthcheck API", ":download:`link <swagger/healthcheck-api.json>`"
- "Statistics API", ":download:`link <swagger/statistics-api.json>`"
- "Tosca Policy Type API", ":download:`link <swagger/policytype-api.json>`"
- "Tosca Policy API", ":download:`link <swagger/policy-api.json>`"
- "Tosca NodeTemplate API", ":download:`link <swagger/nodetemplates-api.json>`"
+ "Policy Framework Lifecycle API", ":download:`link <>`"
2.2 API Swagger
@@ -219,13 +219,22 @@
x-onap-requestid is used to track REST transactions for logging purpose, as described above.
-.. swaggerv2doc:: swagger/healthcheck-api.json
-.. swaggerv2doc:: swagger/statistics-api.json
+.. csv-table::
+ :header: "SWAGGER"
+ :widths: 10
-.. swaggerv2doc:: swagger/policytype-api.json
-.. swaggerv2doc:: swagger/policy-api.json
+ `To view the full SWAGGER click here <./local-swagger.html>`_
+.. note::
+ Note that the context-path is not present in the document, because it is in the `application.yaml <>`_
+ So the final url is composed by:
+ .. csv-table::
+ :header: "Scheme","Host","Context-Path","Path"
+ :widths: 3,3,3,3
+ "http","://<IP>:<PORT>","/policy/api/v1/","healthcheck"
2.3 Creating MetadataSet for policy
@@ -252,9 +261,8 @@
"apex.decisionmaker.policy", `apex.policy.decisionmaker.input.tosca.yaml <>`_
-The following node template Apis are introduced to handle the policy metadataSets as independent entities that can be later mapped to a tosca policy during policy creation.
-.. swaggerv2doc:: swagger/nodetemplates-api.json
+`The node template Apis <./local-swagger.html#tag/Tosca-Node-Template-Design>`_
+are introduced to handle the policy metadataSets as independent entities that can be later mapped to a tosca policy during policy creation.
When making a POST policy API call, the client must not only provide well-formed JSON/YAML,
but also must conform to the TOSCA specification. For example. the "type" field for a TOSCA
@@ -336,8 +344,8 @@
3. Policy API application configuration
Starting from Jakarta Release policy-api is a Springboot based microservice.
-The policy-api application configuration is packaged as a K8S ConfigMap object via `Policy-API OOM charts <;a=blob;f=kubernetes/policy/components/policy-api/resources/config/apiParameters.yaml;h=c08b035d53f299fe0e08b45bd95a760283acce66;hb=refs/heads/master>`_
+The policy-api application configuration is packaged as a K8S ConfigMap object via `Policy-API OOM charts <>`_
diff --git a/docs/api/swagger/healthcheck-api.json b/docs/api/swagger/healthcheck-api.json
deleted file mode 100644
index fefd595..0000000
--- a/docs/api/swagger/healthcheck-api.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
- "swagger" : "2.0",
- "basePath" : "/",
- "tags" : [{
- "name" : "HealthCheck"
- }],
- "schemes" : [ "http", "https" ],
- "paths" : {
- "/policy/api/v1/healthcheck" : {
- "get" : {
- "tags" : [ "HealthCheck" ],
- "summary" : "Perform a system healthcheck",
- "description" : "Returns healthy status of the Policy API component",
- "operationId" : "getHealthCheck",
- "produces" : [ "application/json", "application/yaml" ],
- "parameters" : [{
- "name" : "X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in" : "header",
- "description" : "RequestID for http transaction",
- "required" : false,
- "type" : "string",
- "format" : "uuid"
- } ],
- "responses" : {
- "200" : {
- "description" : "successful operation; Healthcheck report will be returned.",
- "headers" : {
- "X-MinorVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used to request or communicate a MINOR version back from the client to the server, and from the server back to the client"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used only to communicate a PATCH version in a response for troubleshooting purposes only, and will not be provided by the client on request"
- },
- "X-LatestVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used only to communicate an API's latest version"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "format" : "uuid",
- "description" : "Used to track REST transactions for logging purpose"
- }
- },
- "schema" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/HealthCheckReport"
- }
- },
- "401" : {
- "description" : "Authentication Error"
- },
- "403" : {
- "description" : "Authorization Error"
- },
- "500" : {
- "description" : "Internal Server Error"
- }
- },
- "security" : [ {
- "basicAuth" : [ ]
- } ],
- "x-interface info" : {
- "api-version" : "1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release" : "Dublin"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "securityDefinitions" : {
- "basicAuth" : {
- "description" : "",
- "type" : "basic"
- }
- },
- "definitions" : {
- "HealthCheckReport" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "name" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "url" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "healthy" : {
- "type" : "boolean"
- },
- "code" : {
- "type" : "integer",
- "format" : "int32"
- },
- "message" : {
- "type" : "string"
- }
- }
- }
- }
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deleted file mode 100644
index bd8ed48..0000000
--- a/docs/api/swagger/nodetemplates-api.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1742 +0,0 @@
- "swagger": "2.0",
- "basePath": "/",
- "tags": [
- {
- "name": "nodeTemplate"
- }
- ],
- "schemes": [
- "http",
- "https"
- ],
- "paths": {
- "/policy/api/v1/nodetemplates":{
- "get":{
- "tags":[
- "nodeTemplates"
- ],
- "summary":"Retrieve all the available tosca node templates",
- "description":"Returns all the node templates from the service template",
- "operationId":"getAllNodeTemplatesUsingGET",
- "produces":[
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "parameters":[
- {
- "name":"X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in":"header",
- "description":"RequestID for http transaction",
- "required":false,
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- ],
- "responses":{
- "200":{
- "description":"OK",
- "schema":{
- "type":"array",
- "items":{
- "$ref":"#/definitions/ToscaNodeTemplateRes",
- "originalRef":"ToscaNodeTemplateRes"
- }
- }
- },
- "401":{
- "description":"Authentication Error",
- "headers":{
- "X-LatestVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID":{
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "403":{
- "description":"Authorization Error",
- "headers":{
- "X-LatestVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID":{
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "404":{
- "description":"Resource Not Found",
- "headers":{
- "X-LatestVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID":{
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "500":{
- "description":"Internal Server Error",
- "headers":{
- "X-LatestVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID":{
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "security":[
- {
- "basicAuth":[
- ]
- }
- ],
- "x-interface info":{
- "api-version":"1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release":"Jakarta"
- }
- },
- "post":{
- "tags":[
- "nodeTemplate"
- ],
- "summary":"Create one or more new node templates",
- "description":"Client should provide TOSCA body of the new node templates",
- "operationId":"createToscaNodeTemplatesUsingPOST",
- "consumes":[
- "application/json"
- ],
- "produces":[
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "parameters":[
- {
- "in":"body",
- "name":"body",
- "description":"Entity body of tosca node templates",
- "required":true,
- "schema":{
- "$ref":"#/definitions/ToscaServiceTemplateReq",
- "originalRef":"ToscaServiceTemplateReq"
- }
- },
- {
- "name":"X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in":"header",
- "description":"RequestID for http transaction",
- "required":false,
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- ],
- "responses":{
- "200":{
- "description":"OK",
- "schema":{
- "$ref":"#/definitions/ToscaServiceTemplateRes",
- "originalRef":"ToscaServiceTemplateRes"
- }
- },
- "201":{
- "description":"Created"
- },
- "400":{
- "description":"Invalid Body",
- "headers":{
- "X-LatestVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID":{
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "401":{
- "description":"Authentication Error",
- "headers":{
- "X-LatestVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID":{
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "403":{
- "description":"Authorization Error",
- "headers":{
- "X-LatestVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID":{
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "404":{
- "description":"Resource Not Found",
- "headers":{
- "X-LatestVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID":{
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "406":{
- "description":"Not Acceptable Payload",
- "headers":{
- "X-LatestVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID":{
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "500":{
- "description":"Internal Server Error",
- "headers":{
- "X-LatestVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID":{
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "security":[
- {
- "basicAuth":[
- ]
- }
- ],
- "x-interface info":{
- "api-version":"1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release":"Jakarta"
- }
- },
- "put":{
- "tags":[
- "nodeTemplate"
- ],
- "summary":"Updates one or more new node templates",
- "description":"Client should provide TOSCA body of the updated node templates",
- "operationId":"updateToscaNodeTemplatesUsingPUT",
- "consumes":[
- "application/json"
- ],
- "produces":[
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "parameters":[
- {
- "in":"body",
- "name":"body",
- "description":"Entity body of tosca node templates",
- "required":true,
- "schema":{
- "$ref":"#/definitions/ToscaServiceTemplateReq",
- "originalRef":"ToscaServiceTemplateReq"
- }
- },
- {
- "name":"X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in":"header",
- "description":"RequestID for http transaction",
- "required":false,
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- ],
- "responses":{
- "200":{
- "description":"OK",
- "schema":{
- "$ref":"#/definitions/ToscaServiceTemplateRes",
- "originalRef":"ToscaServiceTemplateRes"
- }
- },
- "201":{
- "description":"Created"
- },
- "400":{
- "description":"Invalid Body",
- "headers":{
- "X-LatestVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID":{
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "401":{
- "description":"Authentication Error",
- "headers":{
- "X-LatestVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID":{
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "403":{
- "description":"Authorization Error",
- "headers":{
- "X-LatestVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID":{
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "404":{
- "description":"Resource Not Found",
- "headers":{
- "X-LatestVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID":{
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "406":{
- "description":"Not Acceptable Payload",
- "headers":{
- "X-LatestVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID":{
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "500":{
- "description":"Internal Server Error",
- "headers":{
- "X-LatestVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID":{
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "security":[
- {
- "basicAuth":[
- ]
- }
- ],
- "x-interface info":{
- "api-version":"1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release":"Jakarta"
- }
- }
- },
- "/policy/api/v1/nodetemplates/{name}/versions/{version}":{
- "get":{
- "tags":[
- "nodeTemplates"
- ],
- "summary":"Retrieve one version of a tosca node template",
- "description":"Returns a particular version of a node template",
- "operationId":"getSpecificVersionOfNodeTemplateUsingGET",
- "produces":[
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "parameters":[
- {
- "name":"name",
- "in":"path",
- "description":"Name of the node template",
- "required":true,
- "type":"string"
- },
- {
- "name":"version",
- "in":"path",
- "description":"Version of the node template",
- "required":true,
- "type":"string"
- },
- {
- "name":"X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in":"header",
- "description":"RequestID for http transaction",
- "required":false,
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- ],
- "responses":{
- "200":{
- "description":"OK",
- "schema":{
- "type":"array",
- "items":{
- "$ref":"#/definitions/ToscaNodeTemplateRes",
- "originalRef":"ToscaNodeTemplateRes"
- }
- }
- },
- "401":{
- "description":"Authentication Error",
- "headers":{
- "X-LatestVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID":{
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "403":{
- "description":"Authorization Error",
- "headers":{
- "X-LatestVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID":{
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "404":{
- "description":"Resource Not Found",
- "headers":{
- "X-LatestVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID":{
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "500":{
- "description":"Internal Server Error",
- "headers":{
- "X-LatestVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID":{
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "security":[
- {
- "basicAuth":[
- ]
- }
- ],
- "x-interface info":{
- "api-version":"1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release":"Jakarta"
- }
- },
- "delete":{
- "tags":[
- "nodeTemplate"
- ],
- "summary":"Deletes a specific node templates",
- "description":"Client should provide the name and version of the node template to be deleted",
- "operationId":"deleteToscaNodeTemplatesUsingDELETE",
- "produces":[
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "parameters":[
- {
- "name":"name",
- "in":"path",
- "description":"Name of the node template",
- "required":true,
- "type":"string"
- },
- {
- "name":"version",
- "in":"path",
- "description":"Version of the node template",
- "required":true,
- "type":"string"
- },
- {
- "name":"X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in":"header",
- "description":"RequestID for http transaction",
- "required":false,
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- ],
- "responses":{
- "200":{
- "description":"OK",
- "schema":{
- "$ref":"#/definitions/ToscaServiceTemplateRes",
- "originalRef":"ToscaServiceTemplateRes"
- }
- },
- "204":{
- "description":"No Content"
- },
- "400":{
- "description":"Invalid Body",
- "headers":{
- "X-LatestVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID":{
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "401":{
- "description":"Authentication Error",
- "headers":{
- "X-LatestVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID":{
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "403":{
- "description":"Authorization Error",
- "headers":{
- "X-LatestVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID":{
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "404":{
- "description":"Resource Not Found",
- "headers":{
- "X-LatestVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID":{
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "406":{
- "description":"Not Acceptable Payload",
- "headers":{
- "X-LatestVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID":{
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "500":{
- "description":"Internal Server Error",
- "headers":{
- "X-LatestVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID":{
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "security":[
- {
- "basicAuth":[
- ]
- }
- ],
- "x-interface info":{
- "api-version":"1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release":"Jakarta"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "definitions": {
- "ToscaCapabilityAssignmentReq":{
- "type":"object",
- "properties":{
- "attributes":{
- "type":"object"
- },
- "derivedFrom":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "description":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "metadata":{
- "type":"object"
- },
- "name":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "occurrences":{
- "type":"array",
- "items":{
- "type":"object"
- }
- },
- "properties":{
- "type":"object"
- },
- "type":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "typeVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "version":{
- "type":"string"
- }
- },
- "title":"ToscaCapabilityAssignmentReq"
- },
- "ToscaCapabilityAssignmentRes":{
- "type":"object",
- "properties":{
- "attributes":{
- "type":"object"
- },
- "definedName":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "definedVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "derivedFrom":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "description":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "identifier":{
- "$ref":"#/definitions/ToscaConceptIdentifier",
- "originalRef":"ToscaConceptIdentifier"
- },
- "key":{
- "$ref":"#/definitions/ToscaEntityKey",
- "originalRef":"ToscaEntityKey"
- },
- "metadata":{
- "type":"object"
- },
- "name":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "occurrences":{
- "type":"array",
- "items":{
- "type":"object"
- }
- },
- "properties":{
- "type":"object"
- },
- "type":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "typeIdentifier":{
- "$ref":"#/definitions/ToscaConceptIdentifier",
- "originalRef":"ToscaConceptIdentifier"
- },
- "typeVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "version":{
- "type":"string"
- }
- },
- "title":"ToscaCapabilityAssignmentRes"
- },
- "ToscaCapabilityTypeReq":{
- "type":"object",
- "properties":{
- "derivedFrom":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "description":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "metadata":{
- "type":"object"
- },
- "name":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "properties":{
- "type":"object",
- "additionalProperties":{
- "$ref":"#/definitions/ToscaProperty",
- "originalRef":"ToscaProperty"
- }
- },
- "version":{
- "type":"string"
- }
- },
- "title":"ToscaCapabilityTypeReq"
- },
- "ToscaCapabilityTypeRes":{
- "type":"object",
- "properties":{
- "definedName":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "definedVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "derivedFrom":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "description":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "key":{
- "$ref":"#/definitions/ToscaEntityKey",
- "originalRef":"ToscaEntityKey"
- },
- "metadata":{
- "type":"object"
- },
- "name":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "properties":{
- "type":"object",
- "additionalProperties":{
- "$ref":"#/definitions/ToscaProperty",
- "originalRef":"ToscaProperty"
- }
- },
- "type":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "typeVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "version":{
- "type":"string"
- }
- },
- "title":"ToscaCapabilityTypeRes"
- },
- "ToscaConceptIdentifier":{
- "type":"object",
- "properties":{
- "name":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "version":{
- "type":"string"
- }
- },
- "title":"ToscaConceptIdentifier"
- },
- "ToscaConstraint":{
- "type":"object",
- "properties":{
- "equal":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "greaterOrEqual":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "greaterThan":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "lessOrEqual":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "lessThan":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "rangeValues":{
- "type":"array",
- "items":{
- "type":"string"
- }
- },
- "validValues":{
- "type":"array",
- "items":{
- "type":"string"
- }
- }
- },
- "title":"ToscaConstraint"
- },
- "ToscaDataTypeReq":{
- "type":"object",
- "properties":{
- "constraints":{
- "type":"array",
- "items":{
- "$ref":"#/definitions/ToscaConstraint",
- "originalRef":"ToscaConstraint"
- }
- },
- "derivedFrom":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "description":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "metadata":{
- "type":"object"
- },
- "name":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "properties":{
- "type":"object",
- "additionalProperties":{
- "$ref":"#/definitions/ToscaProperty",
- "originalRef":"ToscaProperty"
- }
- },
- "version":{
- "type":"string"
- }
- },
- "title":"ToscaDataTypeReq"
- },
- "ToscaDataTypeRes":{
- "type":"object",
- "properties":{
- "constraints":{
- "type":"array",
- "items":{
- "$ref":"#/definitions/ToscaConstraint",
- "originalRef":"ToscaConstraint"
- }
- },
- "definedName":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "definedVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "derivedFrom":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "description":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "key":{
- "$ref":"#/definitions/ToscaEntityKey",
- "originalRef":"ToscaEntityKey"
- },
- "metadata":{
- "type":"object"
- },
- "name":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "properties":{
- "type":"object",
- "additionalProperties":{
- "$ref":"#/definitions/ToscaProperty",
- "originalRef":"ToscaProperty"
- }
- },
- "type":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "typeVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "version":{
- "type":"string"
- }
- },
- "title":"ToscaDataTypeRes"
- },
- "ToscaEntityKey":{
- "type":"object",
- "properties":{
- "name":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "version":{
- "type":"string"
- }
- },
- "title":"ToscaEntityKey"
- },
- "ToscaNodeTemplateReq":{
- "type":"object",
- "properties":{
- "capabilities":{
- "type":"object",
- "additionalProperties":{
- "$ref":"#/definitions/ToscaCapabilityAssignmentReq",
- "originalRef":"ToscaCapabilityAssignmentReq"
- }
- },
- "derivedFrom":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "description":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "metadata":{
- "type":"object"
- },
- "name":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "properties":{
- "type":"object"
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- "title":"ToscaNodeTypeRes"
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- "title":"ToscaServiceTemplateRes"
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- "originalRef":"ToscaParameter"
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- "title":"ToscaTopologyTemplateRes"
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- }
diff --git a/docs/api/swagger/policy-api.json b/docs/api/swagger/policy-api.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 95c7397..0000000
--- a/docs/api/swagger/policy-api.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1101 +0,0 @@
- "swagger" : "2.0",
- "basePath" : "/",
- "tags" : [ {
- "name" : "Policy"
- } ],
- "schemes" : [ "http", "https" ],
- "paths" : {
- "/policy/api/v1/policytypes/{policyTypeId}/versions/{policyTypeVersion}/policies" : {
- "get" : {
- "tags" : [ "Policy" ],
- "summary" : "Retrieve all versions of a policy created for a particular policy type version",
- "description" : "Returns a list of all versions of specified policy created for the specified policy type version",
- "operationId" : "getAllPolicies",
- "produces" : [ "application/json", "application/yaml" ],
- "parameters" : [ {
- "name" : "policyTypeId",
- "in" : "path",
- "description" : "ID of policy type",
- "required" : true,
- "type" : "string"
- }, {
- "name" : "policyTypeVersion",
- "in" : "path",
- "description" : "Version of policy type",
- "required" : true,
- "type" : "string"
- }, {
- "name" : "X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in" : "header",
- "description" : "RequestID for http transaction",
- "required" : false,
- "type" : "string",
- "format" : "uuid"
- } ],
- "responses" : {
- "200" : {
- "description" : "successful operation; All policies matching specified policy type will be returned.",
- "headers" : {
- "X-MinorVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used to request or communicate a MINOR version back from the client to the server, and from the server back to the client"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used only to communicate a PATCH version in a response for troubleshooting purposes only, and will not be provided by the client on request"
- },
- "X-LatestVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used only to communicate an API's latest version"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "format" : "uuid",
- "description" : "Used to track REST transactions for logging purpose"
- }
- },
- "schema" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/ToscaServiceTemplate"
- }
- },
- "401" : {
- "description" : "Authentication Error"
- },
- "403" : {
- "description" : "Authorization Error"
- },
- "404" : {
- "description" : "Resource Not Found"
- },
- "500" : {
- "description" : "Internal Server Error"
- }
- },
- "security" : [ {
- "basicAuth" : [ ]
- } ],
- "x-interface info" : {
- "api-version" : "1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release" : "Dublin"
- }
- },
- "post" : {
- "tags" : [ "Policy" ],
- "summary" : "Create a new policy for a policy type version",
- "description" : "Create a new policy for a policy type. Client should provide TOSCA body of the new policy",
- "operationId" : "createPolicy",
- "consumes" : [ "application/json", "application/yaml" ],
- "produces" : [ "application/json", "application/yaml" ],
- "parameters" : [ {
- "name" : "policyTypeId",
- "in" : "path",
- "description" : "ID of policy type",
- "required" : true,
- "type" : "string"
- }, {
- "name" : "policyTypeVersion",
- "in" : "path",
- "description" : "Version of policy type",
- "required" : true,
- "type" : "string"
- }, {
- "name" : "X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in" : "header",
- "description" : "RequestID for http transaction",
- "required" : false,
- "type" : "string",
- "format" : "uuid"
- }, {
- "in" : "body",
- "name" : "body",
- "description" : "Entity body of policy",
- "required" : true,
- "type" : "ToscaServiceTemplate",
- "schema" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/ToscaServiceTemplate"
- }
- } ],
- "responses" : {
- "200" : {
- "description" : "successful operation; Newly created policy matching specified policy type will be returned.",
- "headers" : {
- "X-MinorVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used to request or communicate a MINOR version back from the client to the server, and from the server back to the client"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used only to communicate a PATCH version in a response for troubleshooting purposes only, and will not be provided by the client on request"
- },
- "X-LatestVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used only to communicate an API's latest version"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "format" : "uuid",
- "description" : "Used to track REST transactions for logging purpose"
- }
- },
- "schema" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/ToscaServiceTemplate"
- }
- },
- "400" : {
- "description" : "Invalid Body"
- },
- "401" : {
- "description" : "Authentication Error"
- },
- "403" : {
- "description" : "Authorization Error"
- },
- "404" : {
- "description" : "Resource Not Found"
- },
- "406" : {
- "description" : "Not Acceptable Version"
- },
- "500" : {
- "description" : "Internal Server Error"
- }
- },
- "security" : [ {
- "basicAuth" : [ ]
- } ],
- "x-interface info" : {
- "api-version" : "1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release" : "Dublin"
- }
- }
- },
- "/policy/api/v1/policytypes/{policyTypeId}/versions/{policyTypeVersion}/policies/{policyId}" : {
- "get" : {
- "tags" : [ "Policy" ],
- "summary" : "Retrieve all version details of a policy created for a particular policy type version",
- "description" : "Returns a list of all version details of the specified policy",
- "operationId" : "getAllVersionsOfPolicy",
- "produces" : [ "application/json", "application/yaml" ],
- "parameters" : [ {
- "name" : "policyTypeId",
- "in" : "path",
- "description" : "ID of policy type",
- "required" : true,
- "type" : "string"
- }, {
- "name" : "policyTypeVersion",
- "in" : "path",
- "description" : "Version of policy type",
- "required" : true,
- "type" : "string"
- }, {
- "name" : "policyId",
- "in" : "path",
- "description" : "ID of policy",
- "required" : true,
- "type" : "string"
- }, {
- "name" : "X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in" : "header",
- "description" : "RequestID for http transaction",
- "required" : false,
- "type" : "string",
- "format" : "uuid"
- } ],
- "responses" : {
- "200" : {
- "description" : "successful operation; All versions of specified policy matching specified policy type will be returned.",
- "headers" : {
- "X-MinorVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used to request or communicate a MINOR version back from the client to the server, and from the server back to the client"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used only to communicate a PATCH version in a response for troubleshooting purposes only, and will not be provided by the client on request"
- },
- "X-LatestVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used only to communicate an API's latest version"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "format" : "uuid",
- "description" : "Used to track REST transactions for logging purpose"
- }
- },
- "schema" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/ToscaServiceTemplate"
- }
- },
- "401" : {
- "description" : "Authentication Error"
- },
- "403" : {
- "description" : "Authorization Error"
- },
- "404" : {
- "description" : "Resource Not Found"
- },
- "500" : {
- "description" : "Internal Server Error"
- }
- },
- "security" : [ {
- "basicAuth" : [ ]
- } ],
- "x-interface info" : {
- "api-version" : "1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release" : "Dublin"
- }
- }
- },
- "/policy/api/v1/policytypes/{policyTypeId}/versions/{policyTypeVersion}/policies/{policyId}/versions/{policyVersion}" : {
- "get" : {
- "tags" : [ "Policy" ],
- "summary" : "Retrieve one version of a policy created for a particular policy type version",
- "description" : "Returns a particular version of specified policy created for the specified policy type version",
- "operationId" : "getSpecificVersionOfPolicy",
- "produces" : [ "application/json", "application/yaml" ],
- "parameters" : [ {
- "name" : "policyTypeId",
- "in" : "path",
- "description" : "ID of policy type",
- "required" : true,
- "type" : "string"
- }, {
- "name" : "policyTypeVersion",
- "in" : "path",
- "description" : "Version of policy type",
- "required" : true,
- "type" : "string"
- }, {
- "name" : "policyId",
- "in" : "path",
- "description" : "ID of policy",
- "required" : true,
- "type" : "string"
- }, {
- "name" : "policyVersion",
- "in" : "path",
- "description" : "Version of policy",
- "required" : true,
- "type" : "string"
- }, {
- "name" : "X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in" : "header",
- "description" : "RequestID for http transaction",
- "required" : false,
- "type" : "string",
- "format" : "uuid"
- } ],
- "responses" : {
- "200" : {
- "description" : "successful operation; The specified policy matching specified policy type will be returned.",
- "headers" : {
- "X-MinorVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used to request or communicate a MINOR version back from the client to the server, and from the server back to the client"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used only to communicate a PATCH version in a response for troubleshooting purposes only, and will not be provided by the client on request"
- },
- "X-LatestVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used only to communicate an API's latest version"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "format" : "uuid",
- "description" : "Used to track REST transactions for logging purpose"
- }
- },
- "schema" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/ToscaServiceTemplate"
- }
- },
- "401" : {
- "description" : "Authentication Error"
- },
- "403" : {
- "description" : "Authorization Error"
- },
- "404" : {
- "description" : "Resource Not Found"
- },
- "500" : {
- "description" : "Internal Server Error"
- }
- },
- "security" : [ {
- "basicAuth" : [ ]
- } ],
- "x-interface info" : {
- "api-version" : "1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release" : "Dublin"
- }
- },
- "delete" : {
- "tags" : [ "Policy" ],
- "summary" : "Delete a particular version of a policy",
- "description" : "Delete a particular version of a policy. It must follow one rule. Rule: the version that has been deployed in PDP group(s) cannot be deleted",
- "operationId" : "deleteSpecificVersionOfPolicy",
- "produces" : [ "application/json", "application/yaml" ],
- "parameters" : [ {
- "name" : "policyTypeId",
- "in" : "path",
- "description" : "PolicyType ID",
- "required" : true,
- "type" : "string"
- }, {
- "name" : "policyTypeVersion",
- "in" : "path",
- "description" : "Version of policy type",
- "required" : true,
- "type" : "string"
- }, {
- "name" : "policyId",
- "in" : "path",
- "description" : "ID of policy",
- "required" : true,
- "type" : "string"
- }, {
- "name" : "policyVersion",
- "in" : "path",
- "description" : "Version of policy",
- "required" : true,
- "type" : "string"
- }, {
- "name" : "X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in" : "header",
- "description" : "RequestID for http transaction",
- "required" : false,
- "type" : "string",
- "format" : "uuid"
- } ],
- "responses" : {
- "200" : {
- "description" : "successful operation; Newly deleted policy matching specified policy type will be returned.",
- "headers" : {
- "X-MinorVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used to request or communicate a MINOR version back from the client to the server, and from the server back to the client"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used only to communicate a PATCH version in a response for troubleshooting purposes only, and will not be provided by the client on request"
- },
- "X-LatestVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used only to communicate an API's latest version"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "format" : "uuid",
- "description" : "Used to track REST transactions for logging purpose"
- }
- },
- "schema" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/ToscaServiceTemplate"
- }
- },
- "401" : {
- "description" : "Authentication Error"
- },
- "403" : {
- "description" : "Authorization Error"
- },
- "404" : {
- "description" : "Resource Not Found"
- },
- "409" : {
- "description" : "Delete Conflict, Rule Violation"
- },
- "500" : {
- "description" : "Internal Server Error"
- }
- },
- "security" : [ {
- "basicAuth" : [ ]
- } ],
- "x-interface info" : {
- "api-version" : "1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release" : "Dublin"
- }
- }
- },
- "/policy/api/v1/policytypes/{policyTypeId}/versions/{policyTypeVersion}/policies/{policyId}/versions/latest" : {
- "get" : {
- "tags" : [ "Policy" ],
- "summary" : "Retrieve the latest version of a particular policy",
- "description" : "Returns the latest version of specified policy",
- "operationId" : "getLatestVersionOfPolicy",
- "produces" : [ "application/json", "application/yaml" ],
- "parameters" : [ {
- "name" : "policyTypeId",
- "in" : "path",
- "description" : "ID of policy type",
- "required" : true,
- "type" : "string"
- }, {
- "name" : "policyTypeVersion",
- "in" : "path",
- "description" : "Version of policy type",
- "required" : true,
- "type" : "string"
- }, {
- "name" : "policyId",
- "in" : "path",
- "description" : "ID of policy",
- "required" : true,
- "type" : "string"
- }, {
- "name" : "X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in" : "header",
- "description" : "RequestID for http transaction",
- "required" : false,
- "type" : "string",
- "format" : "uuid"
- } ],
- "responses" : {
- "200" : {
- "description" : "successful operation; Latest version of specified policy matching specified policy type will be returned.",
- "headers" : {
- "X-MinorVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used to request or communicate a MINOR version back from the client to the server, and from the server back to the client"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used only to communicate a PATCH version in a response for troubleshooting purposes only, and will not be provided by the client on request"
- },
- "X-LatestVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used only to communicate an API's latest version"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "format" : "uuid",
- "description" : "Used to track REST transactions for logging purpose"
- }
- },
- "schema" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/ToscaServiceTemplate"
- }
- },
- "401" : {
- "description" : "Authentication Error"
- },
- "403" : {
- "description" : "Authorization Error"
- },
- "404" : {
- "description" : "Resource Not Found"
- },
- "500" : {
- "description" : "Internal Server Error"
- }
- },
- "security" : [ {
- "basicAuth" : [ ]
- } ],
- "x-interface info" : {
- "api-version" : "1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release" : "Dublin"
- }
- }
- },
- "/policy/api/v1/policies/{policyId}/versions/{policyVersion}": {
- "get": {
- "tags": [
- "Policy"
- ],
- "summary": "Retrieve specific version of a specified policy",
- "description": "Returns a particular version of specified policy",
- "operationId": "getSpecificPolicy",
- "consumes": [
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "produces": [
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "parameters": [
- {
- "name": "policyId",
- "in": "path",
- "description": "Name of policy",
- "required": true,
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "name": "policyVersion",
- "in": "path",
- "description": "Version of policy",
- "required": true,
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "name": "X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in": "header",
- "description": "RequestID for http transaction",
- "required": false,
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- },
- {
- "name": "mode",
- "in": "query",
- "description": "Fetch mode for policies, BARE for bare policies (default), REFERENCED for fully referenced policies",
- "required": false,
- "type": "string",
- "default": "bare",
- "enum": [
- "BARE",
- ]
- }
- ],
- "responses": {
- "200": {
- "description": "successful operation",
- "headers": {
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Used to request or communicate a MINOR version back from the client to the server, and from the server back to the client"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Used only to communicate a PATCH version in a response for troubleshooting purposes only, and will not be provided by the client on request"
- },
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Used only to communicate an API's latest version"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid",
- "description": "Used to track REST transactions for logging purpose"
- }
- },
- "schema": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/ToscaServiceTemplate"
- }
- },
- "401": {
- "description": "Authentication Error"
- },
- "403": {
- "description": "Authorization Error"
- },
- "404": {
- "description": "Resource Not Found"
- },
- "500": {
- "description": "Internal Server Error"
- }
- },
- "security": [
- {
- "basicAuth": []
- }
- ],
- "x-interface info": {
- "api-version": "1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release": "Guilin"
- }
- },
- "delete": {
- "tags": [
- "Policy"
- ],
- "summary": "Delete a particular version of a policy",
- "description": "Rule: the version that has been deployed in PDP group(s) cannot be deleted",
- "operationId": "deleteSpecificPolicy",
- "consumes": [
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "produces": [
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "parameters": [
- {
- "name": "policyId",
- "in": "path",
- "description": "ID of policy",
- "required": true,
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "name": "policyVersion",
- "in": "path",
- "description": "Version of policy",
- "required": true,
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "name": "X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in": "header",
- "description": "RequestID for http transaction",
- "required": false,
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- ],
- "responses": {
- "200": {
- "description": "successful operation",
- "headers": {
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Used to request or communicate a MINOR version back from the client to the server, and from the server back to the client"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Used only to communicate a PATCH version in a response for troubleshooting purposes only, and will not be provided by the client on request"
- },
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Used only to communicate an API's latest version"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid",
- "description": "Used to track REST transactions for logging purpose"
- }
- },
- "schema": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/ToscaServiceTemplate"
- }
- },
- "401": {
- "description": "Authentication Error"
- },
- "403": {
- "description": "Authorization Error"
- },
- "404": {
- "description": "Resource Not Found"
- },
- "409": {
- "description": "Delete Conflict, Rule Violation"
- },
- "500": {
- "description": "Internal Server Error"
- }
- },
- "security": [
- {
- "basicAuth": []
- }
- ],
- "x-interface info": {
- "api-version": "1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release": "Guilin"
- }
- }
- },
- "/policy/api/v1/policies" : {
- "get": {
- "tags": [
- "Policy"
- ],
- "summary": "Retrieve all versions of available policies",
- "description": "Returns all version of available policies",
- "operationId": "getPolicies",
- "consumes": [
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "produces": [
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "parameters": [
- {
- "name": "X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in": "header",
- "description": "RequestID for http transaction",
- "required": false,
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- },
- {
- "name": "mode",
- "in": "query",
- "description": "Fetch mode for policies, BARE for bare policies (default), REFERENCED for fully referenced policies",
- "required": false,
- "type": "string",
- "default": "bare",
- "enum": [
- "BARE",
- ]
- }
- ],
- "responses": {
- "200": {
- "description": "successful operation",
- "headers": {
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Used to request or communicate a MINOR version back from the client to the server, and from the server back to the client"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Used only to communicate a PATCH version in a response for troubleshooting purposes only, and will not be provided by the client on request"
- },
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Used only to communicate an API's latest version"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid",
- "description": "Used to track REST transactions for logging purpose"
- }
- },
- "schema": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/ToscaServiceTemplate"
- }
- },
- "401": {
- "description": "Authentication Error"
- },
- "403": {
- "description": "Authorization Error"
- },
- "404": {
- "description": "Resource Not Found"
- },
- "500": {
- "description": "Internal Server Error"
- }
- },
- "security": [
- {
- "basicAuth": []
- }
- ],
- "x-interface info": {
- "api-version": "1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release": "Guilin"
- }
- },
- "post" : {
- "tags" : [ "Policy" ],
- "summary" : "Create one or more new policies",
- "description" : "Create one or more new policies. Client should provide TOSCA body of the new policies",
- "operationId" : "createPolicies",
- "consumes" : [ "application/json", "application/yaml" ],
- "produces" : [ "application/json", "application/yaml" ],
- "parameters" : [ {
- "name" : "X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in" : "header",
- "description" : "RequestID for http transaction",
- "required" : false,
- "type" : "string",
- "format" : "uuid"
- }, {
- "in" : "body",
- "name" : "body",
- "description" : "Entity body of policies",
- "required" : true,
- "type" : "ToscaServiceTemplate",
- "schema" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/ToscaServiceTemplate"
- }
- } ],
- "responses" : {
- "200" : {
- "description" : "successful operation; Newly created policies will be returned.",
- "headers" : {
- "X-MinorVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used to request or communicate a MINOR version back from the client to the server, and from the server back to the client"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used only to communicate a PATCH version in a response for troubleshooting purposes only, and will not be provided by the client on request"
- },
- "X-LatestVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used only to communicate an API's latest version"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "format" : "uuid",
- "description" : "Used to track REST transactions for logging purpose"
- }
- },
- "schema" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/ToscaServiceTemplate"
- }
- },
- "400" : {
- "description" : "Invalid Body"
- },
- "401" : {
- "description" : "Authentication Error"
- },
- "403" : {
- "description" : "Authorization Error"
- },
- "404" : {
- "description" : "Resource Not Found"
- },
- "406" : {
- "description" : "Not Acceptable Version"
- },
- "500" : {
- "description" : "Internal Server Error"
- }
- },
- "security" : [ {
- "basicAuth" : [ ]
- } ],
- "x-interface info" : {
- "api-version" : "1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release" : "Frankfurt"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "securityDefinitions" : {
- "basicAuth" : {
- "description" : "",
- "type" : "basic"
- }
- },
- "definitions" : {
- "ToscaConstraint" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "valid_values" : {
- "type" : "array",
- "items" : {
- "type" : "string"
- }
- },
- "equal" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "greater_than" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "greater_or_equal" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "less_than" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "less_or_equal" : {
- "type" : "string"
- }
- }
- },
- "ToscaDataType" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "name" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "version" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "derived_from" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "metadata" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "additionalProperties" : {
- "type" : "string"
- }
- },
- "description" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "constraints" : {
- "type" : "array",
- "items" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/ToscaConstraint"
- }
- },
- "properties" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "additionalProperties" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/ToscaProperty"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "ToscaEntrySchema" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "name" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "type" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "typeVersion" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "description" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "constraints" : {
- "type" : "array",
- "items" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/ToscaConstraint"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "ToscaPolicyType" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "name" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "version" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "derived_from" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "metadata" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "additionalProperties" : {
- "type" : "string"
- }
- },
- "description" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "properties" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "additionalProperties" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/ToscaProperty"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "ToscaPolicyTypeIdentifier" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "name" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "version" : {
- "type" : "string"
- }
- }
- },
- "ToscaProperty" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "name" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "type" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "typeVersion" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "description" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "default" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "required" : {
- "type" : "boolean"
- },
- "status" : {
- "type" : "string",
- },
- "constraints" : {
- "type" : "array",
- "items" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/ToscaConstraint"
- }
- },
- "entry_schema" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/ToscaEntrySchema"
- }
- }
- },
- "ToscaServiceTemplate" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "name" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "version" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "derived_from" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "metadata" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "additionalProperties" : {
- "type" : "string"
- }
- },
- "description" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "tosca_definitions_version" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "topology_template" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/ToscaTopologyTemplate"
- },
- "policy_types" : {
- "type" : "array",
- "items" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "additionalProperties" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/ToscaPolicyType"
- }
- }
- },
- "data_types" : {
- "type" : "array",
- "items" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "additionalProperties" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/ToscaDataType"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "ToscaTopologyTemplate" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "description" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "policies" : {
- "type" : "array",
- "items" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "additionalProperties" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/ToscaPolicy"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/api/swagger/policytype-api.json b/docs/api/swagger/policytype-api.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 627f318..0000000
--- a/docs/api/swagger/policytype-api.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,665 +0,0 @@
- "swagger" : "2.0",
- "basePath" : "/",
- "tags" : [ {
- "name" : "PolicyType"
- } ],
- "schemes" : [ "http", "https" ],
- "paths" : {
- "/policy/api/v1/policytypes" : {
- "get" : {
- "tags" : [ "PolicyType" ],
- "summary" : "Retrieve existing policy types",
- "description" : "Returns a list of existing policy types stored in Policy Framework",
- "operationId" : "getAllPolicyTypes",
- "produces" : [ "application/json", "application/yaml" ],
- "parameters" : [ {
- "name" : "X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in" : "header",
- "description" : "RequestID for http transaction",
- "required" : false,
- "type" : "string",
- "format" : "uuid"
- } ],
- "responses" : {
- "200" : {
- "description" : "successful operation; All policy types will be returned.",
- "headers" : {
- "X-MinorVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used to request or communicate a MINOR version back from the client to the server, and from the server back to the client"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used only to communicate a PATCH version in a response for troubleshooting purposes only, and will not be provided by the client on request"
- },
- "X-LatestVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used only to communicate an API's latest version"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "format" : "uuid",
- "description" : "Used to track REST transactions for logging purpose"
- }
- },
- "schema" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/ToscaServiceTemplate"
- }
- },
- "401" : {
- "description" : "Authentication Error"
- },
- "403" : {
- "description" : "Authorization Error"
- },
- "500" : {
- "description" : "Internal Server Error"
- }
- },
- "security" : [ {
- "basicAuth" : [ ]
- } ],
- "x-interface info" : {
- "api-version" : "1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release" : "Dublin"
- }
- },
- "post" : {
- "tags" : [ "PolicyType" ],
- "summary" : "Create a new policy type",
- "description" : "Create a new policy type. Client should provide TOSCA body of the new policy type",
- "operationId" : "createPolicyType",
- "consumes" : [ "application/json", "application/yaml" ],
- "produces" : [ "application/json", "application/yaml" ],
- "parameters" : [ {
- "in" : "body",
- "name" : "body",
- "description" : "Entity body of policy type",
- "required" : true,
- "type" : "ToscaServiceTemplate",
- "schema" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/ToscaServiceTemplate"
- }
- }, {
- "name" : "X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in" : "header",
- "description" : "RequestID for http transaction",
- "required" : false,
- "type" : "string",
- "format" : "uuid"
- } ],
- "responses" : {
- "200" : {
- "description" : "successful operation; The newly created policy type will be returned.",
- "headers" : {
- "X-MinorVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used to request or communicate a MINOR version back from the client to the server, and from the server back to the client"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used only to communicate a PATCH version in a response for troubleshooting purposes only, and will not be provided by the client on request"
- },
- "X-LatestVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used only to communicate an API's latest version"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "format" : "uuid",
- "description" : "Used to track REST transactions for logging purpose"
- }
- },
- "schema" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/ToscaServiceTemplate"
- }
- },
- "400" : {
- "description" : "Invalid Body"
- },
- "401" : {
- "description" : "Authentication Error"
- },
- "403" : {
- "description" : "Authorization Error"
- },
- "406" : {
- "description" : "Not Acceptable Version"
- },
- "500" : {
- "description" : "Internal Server Error"
- }
- },
- "security" : [ {
- "basicAuth" : [ ]
- } ],
- "x-interface info" : {
- "api-version" : "1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release" : "Dublin"
- }
- }
- },
- "/policy/api/v1/policytypes/{policyTypeId}" : {
- "get" : {
- "tags" : [ "PolicyType" ],
- "summary" : "Retrieve all available versions of a policy type",
- "description" : "Returns a list of all available versions for the specified policy type",
- "operationId" : "getAllVersionsOfPolicyType",
- "produces" : [ "application/json", "application/yaml" ],
- "parameters" : [ {
- "name" : "policyTypeId",
- "in" : "path",
- "description" : "ID of policy type",
- "required" : true,
- "type" : "string"
- }, {
- "name" : "X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in" : "header",
- "description" : "RequestID for http transaction",
- "required" : false,
- "type" : "string",
- "format" : "uuid"
- } ],
- "responses" : {
- "200" : {
- "description" : "successful operation; All versions of specified policy type will be returned.",
- "headers" : {
- "X-MinorVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used to request or communicate a MINOR version back from the client to the server, and from the server back to the client"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used only to communicate a PATCH version in a response for troubleshooting purposes only, and will not be provided by the client on request"
- },
- "X-LatestVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used only to communicate an API's latest version"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "format" : "uuid",
- "description" : "Used to track REST transactions for logging purpose"
- }
- },
- "schema" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/ToscaServiceTemplate"
- }
- },
- "401" : {
- "description" : "Authentication Error"
- },
- "403" : {
- "description" : "Authorization Error"
- },
- "404" : {
- "description" : "Resource Not Found"
- },
- "500" : {
- "description" : "Internal Server Error"
- }
- },
- "security" : [ {
- "basicAuth" : [ ]
- } ],
- "x-interface info" : {
- "api-version" : "1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release" : "Dublin"
- }
- }
- },
- "/policy/api/v1/policytypes/{policyTypeId}/versions/{versionId}" : {
- "get" : {
- "tags" : [ "PolicyType" ],
- "summary" : "Retrieve one particular version of a policy type",
- "description" : "Returns a particular version for the specified policy type",
- "operationId" : "getSpecificVersionOfPolicyType",
- "produces" : [ "application/json", "application/yaml" ],
- "parameters" : [ {
- "name" : "policyTypeId",
- "in" : "path",
- "description" : "ID of policy type",
- "required" : true,
- "type" : "string"
- }, {
- "name" : "versionId",
- "in" : "path",
- "description" : "Version of policy type",
- "required" : true,
- "type" : "string"
- }, {
- "name" : "X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in" : "header",
- "description" : "RequestID for http transaction",
- "required" : false,
- "type" : "string",
- "format" : "uuid"
- } ],
- "responses" : {
- "200" : {
- "description" : "successful operation; One specified version of specified policy type will be returned.",
- "headers" : {
- "X-MinorVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used to request or communicate a MINOR version back from the client to the server, and from the server back to the client"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used only to communicate a PATCH version in a response for troubleshooting purposes only, and will not be provided by the client on request"
- },
- "X-LatestVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used only to communicate an API's latest version"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "format" : "uuid",
- "description" : "Used to track REST transactions for logging purpose"
- }
- },
- "schema" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/ToscaServiceTemplate"
- }
- },
- "401" : {
- "description" : "Authentication Error"
- },
- "403" : {
- "description" : "Authorization Error"
- },
- "404" : {
- "description" : "Resource Not Found"
- },
- "500" : {
- "description" : "Internal Server Error"
- }
- },
- "security" : [ {
- "basicAuth" : [ ]
- } ],
- "x-interface info" : {
- "api-version" : "1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release" : "Dublin"
- }
- },
- "delete" : {
- "tags" : [ "PolicyType" ],
- "summary" : "Delete one version of a policy type",
- "description" : "Delete one version of a policy type. It must follow two rules. Rule 1: pre-defined policy types cannot be deleted; Rule 2: policy types that are in use (parameterized by a TOSCA policy) cannot be deleted. The parameterizing TOSCA policies must be deleted first.",
- "operationId" : "deleteSpecificVersionOfPolicyType",
- "produces" : [ "application/json", "application/yaml" ],
- "parameters" : [ {
- "name" : "policyTypeId",
- "in" : "path",
- "description" : "ID of policy type",
- "required" : true,
- "type" : "string"
- }, {
- "name" : "versionId",
- "in" : "path",
- "description" : "Version of policy type",
- "required" : true,
- "type" : "string"
- }, {
- "name" : "X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in" : "header",
- "description" : "RequestID for http transaction",
- "required" : false,
- "type" : "string",
- "format" : "uuid"
- } ],
- "responses" : {
- "200" : {
- "description" : "successful operation; Newly deleted policy type will be returned.",
- "headers" : {
- "X-MinorVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used to request or communicate a MINOR version back from the client to the server, and from the server back to the client"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used only to communicate a PATCH version in a response for troubleshooting purposes only, and will not be provided by the client on request"
- },
- "X-LatestVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used only to communicate an API's latest version"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "format" : "uuid",
- "description" : "Used to track REST transactions for logging purpose"
- }
- },
- "schema" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/ToscaServiceTemplate"
- }
- },
- "401" : {
- "description" : "Authentication Error"
- },
- "403" : {
- "description" : "Authorization Error"
- },
- "404" : {
- "description" : "Resource Not Found"
- },
- "409" : {
- "description" : "Delete Conflict, Rule Violation"
- },
- "500" : {
- "description" : "Internal Server Error"
- }
- },
- "security" : [ {
- "basicAuth" : [ ]
- } ],
- "x-interface info" : {
- "api-version" : "1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release" : "Dublin"
- }
- }
- },
- "/policy/api/v1/policytypes/{policyTypeId}/versions/latest" : {
- "get" : {
- "tags" : [ "PolicyType" ],
- "summary" : "Retrieve latest version of a policy type",
- "description" : "Returns latest version for the specified policy type",
- "operationId" : "getLatestVersionOfPolicyType",
- "produces" : [ "application/json", "application/yaml" ],
- "parameters" : [ {
- "name" : "policyTypeId",
- "in" : "path",
- "description" : "ID of policy type",
- "required" : true,
- "type" : "string"
- }, {
- "name" : "X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in" : "header",
- "description" : "RequestID for http transaction",
- "required" : false,
- "type" : "string",
- "format" : "uuid"
- } ],
- "responses" : {
- "200" : {
- "description" : "successful operation; Latest version of specified policy type will be returned.",
- "headers" : {
- "X-MinorVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used to request or communicate a MINOR version back from the client to the server, and from the server back to the client"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used only to communicate a PATCH version in a response for troubleshooting purposes only, and will not be provided by the client on request"
- },
- "X-LatestVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used only to communicate an API's latest version"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "format" : "uuid",
- "description" : "Used to track REST transactions for logging purpose"
- }
- },
- "schema" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/ToscaServiceTemplate"
- }
- },
- "401" : {
- "description" : "Authentication Error"
- },
- "403" : {
- "description" : "Authorization Error"
- },
- "404" : {
- "description" : "Resource Not Found"
- },
- "500" : {
- "description" : "Internal Server Error"
- }
- },
- "security" : [ {
- "basicAuth" : [ ]
- } ],
- "x-interface info" : {
- "api-version" : "1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release" : "Dublin"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "securityDefinitions" : {
- "basicAuth" : {
- "description" : "",
- "type" : "basic"
- }
- },
- "definitions" : {
- "ToscaConstraint" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "valid_values" : {
- "type" : "array",
- "items" : {
- "type" : "string"
- }
- },
- "equal" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "greater_than" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "greater_or_equal" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "less_than" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "less_or_equal" : {
- "type" : "string"
- }
- }
- },
- "ToscaDataType" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "name" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "version" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "derived_from" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "metadata" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "additionalProperties" : {
- "type" : "string"
- }
- },
- "description" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "constraints" : {
- "type" : "array",
- "items" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/ToscaConstraint"
- }
- },
- "properties" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "additionalProperties" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/ToscaProperty"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "ToscaEntrySchema" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "name" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "type" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "typeVersion" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "description" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "constraints" : {
- "type" : "array",
- "items" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/ToscaConstraint"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "ToscaPolicyType" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "name" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "version" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "derived_from" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "metadata" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "additionalProperties" : {
- "type" : "string"
- }
- },
- "description" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "properties" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "additionalProperties" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/ToscaProperty"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "ToscaPolicyTypeIdentifier" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "name" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "version" : {
- "type" : "string"
- }
- }
- },
- "ToscaProperty" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "name" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "type" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "typeVersion" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "description" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "default" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "required" : {
- "type" : "boolean"
- },
- "status" : {
- "type" : "string",
- },
- "constraints" : {
- "type" : "array",
- "items" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/ToscaConstraint"
- }
- },
- "entry_schema" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/ToscaEntrySchema"
- }
- }
- },
- "ToscaServiceTemplate" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "name" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "version" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "derived_from" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "metadata" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "additionalProperties" : {
- "type" : "string"
- }
- },
- "description" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "tosca_definitions_version" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "topology_template" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/ToscaTopologyTemplate"
- },
- "policy_types" : {
- "type" : "array",
- "items" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "additionalProperties" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/ToscaPolicyType"
- }
- }
- },
- "data_types" : {
- "type" : "array",
- "items" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "additionalProperties" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/ToscaDataType"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "ToscaTopologyTemplate" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "description" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "policies" : {
- "type" : "array",
- "items" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "additionalProperties" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/ToscaPolicy"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/docs/api/swagger/statistics-api.json b/docs/api/swagger/statistics-api.json
deleted file mode 100644
index f41900c..0000000
--- a/docs/api/swagger/statistics-api.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
- "swagger" : "2.0",
- "basePath" : "/",
- "tags" : [{
- "name" : "Statistics"
- }],
- "schemes" : [ "http", "https" ],
- "paths" : {
- "/policy/api/v1/statistics" : {
- "get" : {
- "tags" : [ "Statistics" ],
- "summary" : "Retrieve current statistics",
- "description" : "Returns current statistics including the counters of API invocation",
- "operationId" : "getStatistics",
- "produces" : [ "application/json", "application/yaml" ],
- "parameters" : [ {
- "name" : "X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in" : "header",
- "description" : "RequestID for http transaction",
- "required" : false,
- "type" : "string",
- "format" : "uuid"
- } ],
- "responses" : {
- "200" : {
- "description" : "successful operation; All statistics counters of API invocation will be returned.",
- "headers" : {
- "X-MinorVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used to request or communicate a MINOR version back from the client to the server, and from the server back to the client"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used only to communicate a PATCH version in a response for troubleshooting purposes only, and will not be provided by the client on request"
- },
- "X-LatestVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used only to communicate an API's latest version"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "format" : "uuid",
- "description" : "Used to track REST transactions for logging purpose"
- }
- },
- "schema" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/StatisticsReport"
- }
- },
- "401" : {
- "description" : "Authentication Error"
- },
- "403" : {
- "description" : "Authorization Error"
- },
- "500" : {
- "description" : "Internal Server Error"
- }
- },
- "security" : [ {
- "basicAuth" : [ ]
- } ],
- "x-interface info" : {
- "api-version" : "1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release" : "Dublin"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "securityDefinitions" : {
- "basicAuth" : {
- "description" : "",
- "type" : "basic"
- }
- },
- "definitions" : {
- "StatisticsReport" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "code" : {
- "type" : "integer",
- "format" : "int32"
- },
- "totalApiCallCount" : {
- "type" : "integer",
- "format" : "int64"
- },
- "apiCallSuccessCount" : {
- "type" : "integer",
- "format" : "int64"
- },
- "apiCallFailureCount" : {
- "type" : "integer",
- "format" : "int64"
- },
- "totalPolicyGetCount" : {
- "type" : "integer",
- "format" : "int64"
- },
- "totalPolicyPostCount" : {
- "type" : "integer",
- "format" : "int64"
- },
- "totalPolicyTypeGetCount" : {
- "type" : "integer",
- "format" : "int64"
- },
- "totalPolicyTypePostCount" : {
- "type" : "integer",
- "format" : "int64"
- },
- "policyGetSuccessCount" : {
- "type" : "integer",
- "format" : "int64"
- },
- "policyGetFailureCount" : {
- "type" : "integer",
- "format" : "int64"
- },
- "policyPostSuccessCount" : {
- "type" : "integer",
- "format" : "int64"
- },
- "policyPostFailureCount" : {
- "type" : "integer",
- "format" : "int64"
- },
- "policyTypeGetSuccessCount" : {
- "type" : "integer",
- "format" : "int64"
- },
- "policyTypeGetFailureCount" : {
- "type" : "integer",
- "format" : "int64"
- },
- "policyTypePostSuccessCount" : {
- "type" : "integer",
- "format" : "int64"
- },
- "policyTypePostFailureCount" : {
- "type" : "integer",
- "format" : "int64"
- }
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/docs/clamp/acm/api-protocol/acm-rest-apis.rst b/docs/clamp/acm/api-protocol/acm-rest-apis.rst
index 19c2a01..4a360ca 100644
--- a/docs/clamp/acm/api-protocol/acm-rest-apis.rst
+++ b/docs/clamp/acm/api-protocol/acm-rest-apis.rst
@@ -9,17 +9,24 @@
Commissioning API
-This API is a CRUD API that allows Automation Composition Type definitions created in a design
-environment to be commissioned on the CLAMP runtime. It has endpoints that allow Automation
+This API is a CRUD API that allows **Automation Composition Type** definitions, created in a design
+environment, to be commissioned on the CLAMP runtime. It has endpoints that allow Automation
Composition Types to be created, read, updated, and deleted.
-The body of the create and update end points is a TOSCA Service/Topology template that
-defines the new or changed Automation Composition Type. The update and delete endpoints take a
-reference to the Automation Composition Type. The incoming TOSCA is verified and checked for
-referential integrity. On delete requests, a check is made to ensure that no Automation
+The body of the *create* and *update* endpoints is a TOSCA Service/Topology template that
+defines the new or changed Automation Composition Type. The *update* and *delete* endpoints take a
+UUID reference to the Automation Composition Type. The incoming TOSCA is verified and checked for
+referential integrity. On *delete* requests, a check is made to ensure that no Automation
Composition Instances exist for the Automation Composition Type to be deleted.
+An endpoint is used for *priming* or *depriming* an Automation Composition Definition, and it sends
+the Automation Composition Element Types to the participants.
+:ref:`More info here<clamp-runtime-acm>`.
-.. swaggerv2doc:: swagger/acm-comissioning.json
+.. csv-table::
+ :header: "Commissioning API"
+ :widths: 10
+ `ACM-R Commissioning Swagger <./local-swagger.html#tag/Automation-Composition-Definition>`_
Instantiation API
@@ -30,43 +37,40 @@
#. Creation, Reading, Update, and Deletion of Automation Composition Instances.
#. Instantiation and lifecycle management of Automation Composition Instances on participants.
-The Instantiation API is used by the CLAMP GUI.
Instantiation Automation Composition Instance CRUD
-This sub API allows for the creation, read, update, and deletion of Automation Composition
-Instances. The endpoints for create and update take a JSON body that describes the Automation
-Composition Instance. The endpoints for read and delete take a Automation Composition Instance
-ID to determine which Automation Composition Instance to act on. For the delete endpoint, a check
-is made to ensure that the Automation Composition Instance is not instantiated on participants.
+This API allows for the creation, read, update, and deletion of Automation Composition
+Instances. The endpoints for *create* and *update* take a JSON body that describes the Automation
+Composition Instance and needs the UUID of the Automation Composition Type.
+The endpoints for *read* and *delete* take a Automation Composition Type
+UUID to determine which Automation Composition Type to act on, and if specified the UUID of the
+Automation Composition Instance.
+For the *delete* endpoint it needs both the UUID of the Automation Composition Type and UUID of the
+Automation Composition Instance, and a check is made to ensure that the Automation Composition Instance
+is not instantiated on participants.
A call to the update endpoint for a Automation Composition Instance follows the semantics described
-here: :ref:`4.1 Management of Automation Composition Instance Configurations
+here: :ref:`Issues AC instance to change status<clamp-runtime-acm>`.
-.. swaggerv2doc:: swagger/acm-instantiation.json
-Instantiation Automation Composition Instance Lifecycle Management
-This sub API is used to manage the lifecycle of Automation Composition Instances. An Automation
+The endpoint to issue Automation Composition Instances to change status is used to manage the lifecycle of Automation Composition Instances. An Automation
Composition Instance can be in the states described here: :ref:`2.1 Automation Composition Instance
States <acm-instance-states>`. Managing the lifecycle of an Automation Composition Instance amounts
to steering the Automation Composition through its states.
-The sub API allows upgrades and downgrades of Automation Composition Instances to be pushed to
+The API allows upgrades and downgrades of Automation Composition Instances to be pushed to
participants following the semantics described here: :ref:`4.1 Management of Automation Composition
-Instance Configurations <management-acm-instance-configs>`. When the API is used to update the
-participants on a Automation Composition Instance, the new/upgraded/downgraded definition of the
+Instance Configurations <management-acm-instance-configs>`.
+When the API is used to update the participants on a Automation Composition Instance,
+the new/upgraded/downgraded definition of the
Automation Composition is pushed to the participants. Note that the API asks the participants in an
Automation Composition Instance to perform the update, it is the responsibility of the participants
to execute the update and report the result using the protocols described here: :ref:`CLAMP
Participants <clamp-acm-participants>`. The progress and result of an update can be monitored
using the :ref:`Monitoring API <monitoring-api>`.
-The sub API also allows a state change of an Automation Composition Instance to be ordered. The
+The API also allows a state change of an Automation Composition Instance to be ordered. The
required state of the Automation Composition Instance is pushed to participants in an Automation
Composition Instance using the API. Note that the API asks the participants in an Automation
Composition Instance to perform the state change, it is the responsibility of the participants to
@@ -74,33 +78,26 @@
Participants <clamp-acm-participants>`. The progress and result of a state change can be monitored
using the `Monitoring API <monitoring-api>`.
-.. warning::
- The Swagger for the Instantiation Lifecycle Management API will appear here.
+.. csv-table::
+ :header: "Instantiation API"
+ :widths: 10
+ `ACM-R Instantiation Swagger <./local-swagger.html#tag/Automation-Composition-Instance>`_
.. _monitoring-api:
Monitoring API
-The Monitoring API allows the state and statistics of Participants, Automation Composition
-Instances and their Automation Composition Elements to be monitored. This API is used by the CLAMP
-GUI. The API provides filtering so that specific Participants and Automation Composition Instances
-can be retrieved. In addition, the quantity of statistical information to be returned can be
+The Monitoring API allows the information and status of *Participants*, *Automation Composition
+Instances* and their *Automation Composition Elements* to be monitored, via an hearthbeat report.
+The API provides filtering so that specific Participants and Automation Composition Instances
+can be retrieved.
-.. swaggerv2doc:: swagger/acm-monitoring.json
+.. csv-table::
+ :header: "Monitoring API"
+ :widths: 10
-Pass Through API
-This API allows information to be passed to Automation Composition Elements in an Automation
-.. warning::
- The requirements on this API are still under discussion.
-.. warning::
- The Swagger for the Pass Through API will appear here.
+ `ACM-R Monitoring Swagger <./local-swagger.html#tag/Participant-Monitoring>`_
End of Document
diff --git a/docs/clamp/acm/api-protocol/swagger/acm-comissioning.json b/docs/clamp/acm/api-protocol/swagger/acm-comissioning.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ab03bc..0000000
--- a/docs/clamp/acm/api-protocol/swagger/acm-comissioning.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,709 +0,0 @@
- "swagger": "2.0",
- "info": {
- "description": "Api Documentation",
- "version": "1.0",
- "title": "Api Documentation",
- "termsOfService": "urn:tos",
- "contact": {},
- "license": {
- "name": "Apache 2.0",
- "url": ""
- }
- },
- "paths": {
- "/onap/policy/clamp/acm/v2/commission": {
- "get": {
- "tags": [
- "Clamp Automation Composition Commissioning API"
- ],
- "summary": "Query details of the requested commissioned automation composition definitions",
- "description": "Queries details of the requested commissioned automation composition definitions, returning all automation composition details",
- "operationId": "queryUsingGET",
- "produces": [
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "parameters": [
- {
- "name": "name",
- "in": "query",
- "description": "Automation composition definition name",
- "required": false,
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "name": "version",
- "in": "query",
- "description": "Automation composition definition version",
- "required": false,
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "name": "X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in": "header",
- "description": "RequestID for http transaction",
- "required": false,
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- ],
- "responses": {
- "200": {
- "description": "OK",
- "schema": {
- "type": "array",
- "items": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/ToscaNodeTemplateRes",
- "originalRef": "ToscaNodeTemplateRes"
- }
- }
- },
- "401": {
- "description": "Authentication Error",
- "headers": {
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "403": {
- "description": "Authorization Error",
- "headers": {
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "404": {
- "description": "Not Found"
- },
- "500": {
- "description": "Internal Server Error",
- "headers": {
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "security": [
- {
- "basicAuth": []
- }
- ],
- "x-interface info": {
- "api-version": "1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release": "Istanbul"
- }
- },
- "post": {
- "tags": [
- "Clamp Automation Composition Commissioning API"
- ],
- "summary": "Commissions automation composition definitions",
- "description": "Commissions automation composition definitions, returning commissioned definition IDs",
- "operationId": "createUsingPOST",
- "consumes": [
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "produces": [
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "parameters": [
- {
- "in": "body",
- "name": "body",
- "description": "Entity Body of Automation Composition",
- "required": true,
- "schema": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/ToscaServiceTemplateReq",
- "originalRef": "ToscaServiceTemplateReq"
- }
- },
- {
- "name": "X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in": "header",
- "description": "RequestID for http transaction",
- "required": false,
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- ],
- "responses": {
- "200": {
- "description": "OK",
- "schema": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/CommissioningResponse",
- "originalRef": "CommissioningResponse"
- }
- },
- "201": {
- "description": "Created"
- },
- "401": {
- "description": "Authentication Error",
- "headers": {
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "403": {
- "description": "Authorization Error",
- "headers": {
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "404": {
- "description": "Not Found"
- },
- "500": {
- "description": "Internal Server Error",
- "headers": {
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "security": [
- {
- "basicAuth": []
- }
- ],
- "x-interface info": {
- "api-version": "1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release": "Istanbul"
- }
- },
- "delete": {
- "tags": [
- "Clamp Automation Composition Commissioning API"
- ],
- "summary": "Delete a commissioned automation composition",
- "description": "Deletes a Commissioned Automation Composition, returning optional error details",
- "operationId": "deleteUsingDELETE",
- "produces": [
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "parameters": [
- {
- "name": "name",
- "in": "query",
- "description": "Automation composition definition name",
- "required": true,
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "name": "version",
- "in": "query",
- "description": "Automation composition definition version",
- "required": true,
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "name": "X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in": "header",
- "description": "RequestID for http transaction",
- "required": false,
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- ],
- "responses": {
- "200": {
- "description": "OK",
- "schema": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/CommissioningResponse",
- "originalRef": "CommissioningResponse"
- }
- },
- "204": {
- "description": "No Content"
- },
- "401": {
- "description": "Authentication Error",
- "headers": {
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "403": {
- "description": "Authorization Error",
- "headers": {
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "500": {
- "description": "Internal Server Error",
- "headers": {
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "security": [
- {
- "basicAuth": []
- }
- ],
- "x-interface info": {
- "api-version": "1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release": "Istanbul"
- }
- }
- },
- "/onap/policy/clamp/acm/v2/commission/elements": {
- "get": {
- "tags": [
- "Clamp Automation Composition Commissioning API"
- ],
- "summary": "Query details of the requested commissioned automation composition element definitions",
- "description": "Queries details of the requested commissioned automation composition element definitions, returning all automation composition elements' details",
- "operationId": "queryElementsUsingGET",
- "produces": [
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "parameters": [
- {
- "name": "name",
- "in": "query",
- "description": "Automation composition definition name",
- "required": false,
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "name": "version",
- "in": "query",
- "description": "Automation composition definition version",
- "required": false,
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "name": "X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in": "header",
- "description": "RequestID for http transaction",
- "required": false,
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- ],
- "responses": {
- "200": {
- "description": "OK",
- "schema": {
- "type": "array",
- "items": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/ToscaNodeTemplateRes",
- "originalRef": "ToscaNodeTemplateRes"
- }
- }
- },
- "401": {
- "description": "Authentication Error",
- "headers": {
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "403": {
- "description": "Authorization Error",
- "headers": {
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "404": {
- "description": "Not Found"
- },
- "500": {
- "description": "Internal Server Error",
- "headers": {
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "security": [
- {
- "basicAuth": []
- }
- ],
- "x-interface info": {
- "api-version": "1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release": "Istanbul"
- }
- }
- },
- "/onap/policy/clamp/acm/v2/commission/getCommonOrInstanceProperties": {
- "get": {
- "tags": [
- "Clamp Automation Composition Commissioning API"
- ],
- "summary": "Query details of the requested tosca service template common or instance properties",
- "description": "Queries details of the requested commissioned tosca service template json commonor instance properties, returning all tosca service template common or instance property details",
- "operationId": "queryToscaServiceCommonOrInstancePropertiesUsingGET",
- "produces": [
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "parameters": [
- {
- "name": "common",
- "in": "query",
- "description": "Flag, true for common properties, false for instance",
- "required": false,
- "type": "boolean",
- "default": false
- },
- {
- "name": "name",
- "in": "query",
- "description": "Tosca service template name",
- "required": false,
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "name": "version",
- "in": "query",
- "description": "Tosca service template version",
- "required": false,
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "name": "X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in": "header",
- "description": "RequestID for http transaction",
- "required": false,
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- ],
- "responses": {
- "200": {
- "description": "OK",
- "schema": {
- "type": "object",
- "additionalProperties": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/ToscaNodeTemplateRes",
- "originalRef": "ToscaNodeTemplateRes"
- }
- }
- },
- "401": {
- "description": "Authentication Error",
- "headers": {
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "403": {
- "description": "Authorization Error",
- "headers": {
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "404": {
- "description": "Not Found"
- },
- "500": {
- "description": "Internal Server Error",
- "headers": {
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "security": [
- {
- "basicAuth": []
- }
- ],
- "x-interface info": {
- "api-version": "1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release": "Istanbul"
- }
- }
- },
- "/onap/policy/clamp/acm/v2/commission/toscaservicetemplate": {
- "get": {
- "tags": [
- "Clamp Automation Composition Commissioning API"
- ],
- "summary": "Query details of the requested tosca service templates",
- "description": "Queries details of the requested commissioned tosca service template, returning all tosca service template details",
- "operationId": "queryToscaServiceTemplateUsingGET",
- "produces": [
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "parameters": [
- {
- "name": "name",
- "in": "query",
- "description": "Tosca service template name",
- "required": false,
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "name": "version",
- "in": "query",
- "description": "Tosca service template version",
- "required": false,
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "name": "X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in": "header",
- "description": "RequestID for http transaction",
- "required": false,
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- ],
- "responses": {
- "200": {
- "description": "OK",
- "schema": {
- "type": "string"
- }
- },
- "401": {
- "description": "Authentication Error",
- "headers": {
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "403": {
- "description": "Authorization Error",
- "headers": {
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "404": {
- "description": "Not Found"
- },
- "500": {
- "description": "Internal Server Error",
- "headers": {
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "security": [
- {
- "basicAuth": []
- }
- ],
- "x-interface info": {
- "api-version": "1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release": "Istanbul"
- }
- }
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/clamp/acm/api-protocol/swagger/acm-instantiation.json b/docs/clamp/acm/api-protocol/swagger/acm-instantiation.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 092b6ea..0000000
--- a/docs/clamp/acm/api-protocol/swagger/acm-instantiation.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1511 +0,0 @@
- "swagger": "2.0",
- "info": {
- "description": "Api Documentation",
- "version": "1.0",
- "title": "Api Documentation",
- "termsOfService": "urn:tos",
- "contact": {},
- "license": {
- "name": "Apache 2.0",
- "url": ""
- }
- },
- "paths": {
- "/onap/policy/clamp/acm/v2/instantiation": {
- "get": {
- "tags": [
- "Clamp Automation Composition Instantiation API"
- ],
- "summary": "Query details of the requested automation compositions",
- "description": "Queries details of the requested automation compositions, returning all composition details",
- "operationId": "queryUsingGET_1",
- "produces": [
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "parameters": [
- {
- "name": "name",
- "in": "query",
- "description": "Automation composition definition name",
- "required": false,
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "name": "version",
- "in": "query",
- "description": "Automation composition definition version",
- "required": false,
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "name": "X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in": "header",
- "description": "RequestID for http transaction",
- "required": false,
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- ],
- "responses": {
- "200": {
- "description": "OK",
- "schema": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/AutomationCompositionsRes",
- "originalRef": "AutomationCompositionsRes"
- }
- },
- "401": {
- "description": "Authentication Error",
- "headers": {
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "403": {
- "description": "Authorization Error",
- "headers": {
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "404": {
- "description": "Not Found"
- },
- "500": {
- "description": "Internal Server Error",
- "headers": {
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "security": [
- {
- "basicAuth": []
- }
- ],
- "x-interface info": {
- "api-version": "1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release": "Istanbul"
- }
- },
- "post": {
- "tags": [
- "Clamp Automation Composition Instantiation API"
- ],
- "summary": "Commissions automation composition definitions",
- "description": "Commissions automation composition definitions, returning the automation composition IDs",
- "operationId": "createUsingPOST_1",
- "consumes": [
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "produces": [
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "parameters": [
- {
- "in": "body",
- "name": "automationCompositions",
- "description": "Entity Body of automation composition",
- "required": true,
- "schema": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/AutomationCompositionsReq",
- "originalRef": "AutomationCompositionsReq"
- }
- },
- {
- "name": "X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in": "header",
- "description": "RequestID for http transaction",
- "required": false,
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- ],
- "responses": {
- "200": {
- "description": "OK",
- "schema": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/InstantiationResponse",
- "originalRef": "InstantiationResponse"
- }
- },
- "201": {
- "description": "Created"
- },
- "401": {
- "description": "Authentication Error",
- "headers": {
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "403": {
- "description": "Authorization Error",
- "headers": {
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "404": {
- "description": "Not Found"
- },
- "500": {
- "description": "Internal Server Error",
- "headers": {
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "security": [
- {
- "basicAuth": []
- }
- ],
- "x-interface info": {
- "api-version": "1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release": "Istanbul"
- }
- },
- "put": {
- "tags": [
- "Clamp Automation Composition Instantiation API"
- ],
- "summary": "Updates automation composition definitions",
- "description": "Updates automation composition definitions, returning the updated composition definition IDs",
- "operationId": "updateUsingPUT",
- "consumes": [
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "produces": [
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "parameters": [
- {
- "in": "body",
- "name": "automationCompositions",
- "description": "Entity Body of Automation Composition",
- "required": true,
- "schema": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/AutomationCompositionsReq",
- "originalRef": "AutomationCompositionsReq"
- }
- },
- {
- "name": "X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in": "header",
- "description": "RequestID for http transaction",
- "required": false,
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- ],
- "responses": {
- "200": {
- "description": "OK",
- "schema": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/InstantiationResponse",
- "originalRef": "InstantiationResponse"
- }
- },
- "201": {
- "description": "Created"
- },
- "401": {
- "description": "Authentication Error",
- "headers": {
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "403": {
- "description": "Authorization Error",
- "headers": {
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "404": {
- "description": "Not Found"
- },
- "500": {
- "description": "Internal Server Error",
- "headers": {
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "security": [
- {
- "basicAuth": []
- }
- ],
- "x-interface info": {
- "api-version": "1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release": "Istanbul"
- }
- },
- "delete": {
- "tags": [
- "Clamp Automation Composition Instantiation API"
- ],
- "summary": "Delete a automation composition",
- "description": "Deletes a automation composition, returning optional error details",
- "operationId": "deleteUsingDELETE_1",
- "produces": [
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "parameters": [
- {
- "name": "name",
- "in": "query",
- "description": "Automation composition definition name",
- "required": true,
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "name": "version",
- "in": "query",
- "description": "Automation composition definition version",
- "required": true,
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "name": "X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in": "header",
- "description": "RequestID for http transaction",
- "required": false,
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- ],
- "responses": {
- "200": {
- "description": "OK",
- "schema": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/InstantiationResponse",
- "originalRef": "InstantiationResponse"
- }
- },
- "204": {
- "description": "No Content"
- },
- "401": {
- "description": "Authentication Error",
- "headers": {
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "403": {
- "description": "Authorization Error",
- "headers": {
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "500": {
- "description": "Internal Server Error",
- "headers": {
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "security": [
- {
- "basicAuth": []
- }
- ],
- "x-interface info": {
- "api-version": "1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release": "Istanbul"
- }
- }
- },
- "/onap/policy/clamp/acm/v2/instantiation/command": {
- "put": {
- "tags": [
- "Clamp Automation Composition Instantiation API"
- ],
- "summary": "Issue a command to the requested automation compositions",
- "description": "Issues a command to an automation composition, ordering a state change on the composition",
- "operationId": "issueAutomationCompositionCommandUsingPUT",
- "consumes": [
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "produces": [
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "parameters": [
- {
- "in": "body",
- "name": "command",
- "description": "Entity Body of automation composition command",
- "required": true,
- "schema": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/InstantiationCommand",
- "originalRef": "InstantiationCommand"
- }
- },
- {
- "name": "X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in": "header",
- "description": "RequestID for http transaction",
- "required": false,
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- ],
- "responses": {
- "200": {
- "description": "OK",
- "schema": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/InstantiationResponse",
- "originalRef": "InstantiationResponse"
- }
- },
- "201": {
- "description": "Created"
- },
- "401": {
- "description": "Authentication Error",
- "headers": {
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "403": {
- "description": "Authorization Error",
- "headers": {
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "404": {
- "description": "Not Found"
- },
- "500": {
- "description": "Internal Server Error",
- "headers": {
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "security": [
- {
- "basicAuth": []
- }
- ],
- "x-interface info": {
- "api-version": "1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release": "Istanbul"
- }
- }
- },
- "/onap/policy/clamp/acm/v2/instantiationState":{
- "get":{
- "tags":[
- "Clamp Automation Composition Instantiation API"
- ],
- "summary":"Query details of the requested automation compositions",
- "description":"Queries details of requested automation compositions, returning all automation composition details",
- "operationId":"getInstantiationOrderStateUsingGET",
- "produces":[
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "parameters":[
- {
- "name":"name",
- "in":"query",
- "description":"Automation composition name",
- "required":false,
- "type":"string"
- },
- {
- "name":"version",
- "in":"query",
- "description":"Automation composition version",
- "required":false,
- "type":"string"
- },
- {
- "name":"X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in":"header",
- "description":"RequestID for http transaction",
- "required":false,
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- ],
- "responses":{
- "200":{
- "description":"OK",
- "schema":{
- "$ref":"#/definitions/AutomationCompositionOrderStateResponse",
- "originalRef":"AutomationCompositionOrderStateResponse"
- }
- },
- "401":{
- "description":"Authentication Error",
- "headers":{
- "X-LatestVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID":{
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "403":{
- "description":"Authorization Error",
- "headers":{
- "X-LatestVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID":{
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "404":{
- "description":"Not Found"
- },
- "500":{
- "description":"Internal Server Error",
- "headers":{
- "X-LatestVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID":{
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "responsesObject":{
- "200":{
- "description":"OK",
- "schema":{
- "$ref":"#/definitions/AutomationCompositionOrderStateResponse",
- "originalRef":"AutomationCompositionOrderStateResponse"
- }
- },
- "401":{
- "description":"Authentication Error",
- "headers":{
- "X-LatestVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID":{
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "403":{
- "description":"Authorization Error",
- "headers":{
- "X-LatestVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID":{
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "404":{
- "description":"Not Found"
- },
- "500":{
- "description":"Internal Server Error",
- "headers":{
- "X-LatestVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID":{
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "security":[
- {
- "basicAuth":[
- ]
- }
- ],
- "x-interface info":{
- "api-version":"1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release":"Istanbul"
- }
- }
- },
- "/onap/policy/clamp/acm/v2/instanceProperties":{
- "post":{
- "tags":[
- "Clamp Automation Composition Instantiation API"
- ],
- "summary":"Saves instance properties",
- "description":"Saves instance properties, returning the saved instances properties and it's version",
- "operationId":"createInstancePropertiesUsingPOST",
- "consumes":[
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "produces":[
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "parameters":[
- {
- "in":"body",
- "name":"body",
- "description":"Body of instance properties",
- "required":true,
- "schema":{
- "$ref":"#/definitions/ToscaServiceTemplateReq",
- "originalRef":"ToscaServiceTemplateReq"
- }
- },
- {
- "name":"X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in":"header",
- "description":"RequestID for http transaction",
- "required":false,
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- ],
- "responses":{
- "200":{
- "description":"OK",
- "schema":{
- "$ref":"#/definitions/InstancePropertiesResponse",
- "originalRef":"InstancePropertiesResponse"
- }
- },
- "201":{
- "description":"Created"
- },
- "401":{
- "description":"Authentication Error",
- "headers":{
- "X-LatestVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID":{
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "403":{
- "description":"Authorization Error",
- "headers":{
- "X-LatestVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID":{
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "404":{
- "description":"Not Found"
- },
- "500":{
- "description":"Internal Server Error",
- "headers":{
- "X-LatestVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID":{
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "responsesObject":{
- "200":{
- "description":"OK",
- "schema":{
- "$ref":"#/definitions/InstancePropertiesResponse",
- "originalRef":"InstancePropertiesResponse"
- }
- },
- "201":{
- "description":"Created"
- },
- "401":{
- "description":"Authentication Error",
- "headers":{
- "X-LatestVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID":{
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "403":{
- "description":"Authorization Error",
- "headers":{
- "X-LatestVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID":{
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "404":{
- "description":"Not Found"
- },
- "500":{
- "description":"Internal Server Error",
- "headers":{
- "X-LatestVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID":{
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "security":[
- {
- "basicAuth":[
- ]
- }
- ],
- "x-interface info":{
- "api-version":"1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release":"Istanbul"
- }
- },
- "put":{
- "tags":[
- "Clamp Automation Composition Instantiation API"
- ],
- "summary":"Updates instance properties",
- "description":"Updates instance properties, returning the saved instances properties and it's version",
- "operationId":"updatesInstancePropertiesUsingPUT",
- "consumes":[
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "produces":[
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "parameters":[
- {
- "in":"body",
- "name":"body",
- "description":"Body of instance properties",
- "required":true,
- "schema":{
- "$ref":"#/definitions/ToscaServiceTemplateReq",
- "originalRef":"ToscaServiceTemplateReq"
- }
- },
- {
- "name":"name",
- "in":"query",
- "description":"Automation composition definition name",
- "required":true,
- "type":"string"
- },
- {
- "name":"version",
- "in":"query",
- "description":"Automation composition definition version",
- "required":true,
- "type":"string"
- },
- {
- "name":"X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in":"header",
- "description":"RequestID for http transaction",
- "required":false,
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- ],
- "responses":{
- "200":{
- "description":"OK",
- "schema":{
- "$ref":"#/definitions/InstancePropertiesResponse",
- "originalRef":"InstancePropertiesResponse"
- }
- },
- "201":{
- "description":"Created"
- },
- "401":{
- "description":"Authentication Error",
- "headers":{
- "X-LatestVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID":{
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "403":{
- "description":"Authorization Error",
- "headers":{
- "X-LatestVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID":{
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "404":{
- "description":"Not Found"
- },
- "500":{
- "description":"Internal Server Error",
- "headers":{
- "X-LatestVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID":{
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "responsesObject":{
- "200":{
- "description":"OK",
- "schema":{
- "$ref":"#/definitions/InstancePropertiesResponse",
- "originalRef":"InstancePropertiesResponse"
- }
- },
- "201":{
- "description":"Created"
- },
- "401":{
- "description":"Authentication Error",
- "headers":{
- "X-LatestVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID":{
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "403":{
- "description":"Authorization Error",
- "headers":{
- "X-LatestVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID":{
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "404":{
- "description":"Not Found"
- },
- "500":{
- "description":"Internal Server Error",
- "headers":{
- "X-LatestVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID":{
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "security":[
- {
- "basicAuth":[
- ]
- }
- ],
- "x-interface info":{
- "api-version":"1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release":"Istanbul"
- }
- },
- "delete":{
- "tags":[
- "Clamp Automation Composition Instantiation API"
- ],
- "summary":"Delete a automation composition and instance properties",
- "description":"Deletes a automation composition and instance properties, returning optional error details",
- "operationId":"deleteInstancePropertiesUsingDELETE",
- "produces":[
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "parameters":[
- {
- "name":"name",
- "in":"query",
- "description":"Automation composition definition name",
- "required":true,
- "type":"string"
- },
- {
- "name":"version",
- "in":"query",
- "description":"Automation composition definition version",
- "required":true,
- "type":"string"
- },
- {
- "name":"X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in":"header",
- "description":"RequestID for http transaction",
- "required":false,
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- ],
- "responses":{
- "200":{
- "description":"OK",
- "schema":{
- "$ref":"#/definitions/InstantiationResponse",
- "originalRef":"InstantiationResponse"
- }
- },
- "204":{
- "description":"No Content"
- },
- "401":{
- "description":"Authentication Error",
- "headers":{
- "X-LatestVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID":{
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "403":{
- "description":"Authorization Error",
- "headers":{
- "X-LatestVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID":{
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "500":{
- "description":"Internal Server Error",
- "headers":{
- "X-LatestVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID":{
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "responsesObject":{
- "200":{
- "description":"OK",
- "schema":{
- "$ref":"#/definitions/InstantiationResponse",
- "originalRef":"InstantiationResponse"
- }
- },
- "204":{
- "description":"No Content"
- },
- "401":{
- "description":"Authentication Error",
- "headers":{
- "X-LatestVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID":{
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "403":{
- "description":"Authorization Error",
- "headers":{
- "X-LatestVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID":{
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "500":{
- "description":"Internal Server Error",
- "headers":{
- "X-LatestVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID":{
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "security":[
- {
- "basicAuth":[
- ]
- }
- ],
- "x-interface info":{
- "api-version":"1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release":"Istanbul"
- }
- }
- },
- "/onap/policy/clamp/acm/v2/automationCompositionPriming":{
- "get":{
- "tags":[
- "Clamp Automation Composition Instantiation API"
- ],
- "summary":"Query priming details of the requested automation compositions",
- "description":"Queries priming details of requested automation compositions, returning primed/deprimed compositions",
- "operationId":"getAutomationCompositionPrimingUsingGET",
- "produces":[
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "parameters":[
- {
- "name":"name",
- "in":"query",
- "description":"Automation composition definition name",
- "required":false,
- "type":"string"
- },
- {
- "name":"version",
- "in":"query",
- "description":"Automation composition definition version",
- "required":false,
- "type":"string"
- },
- {
- "name":"X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in":"header",
- "description":"RequestID for http transaction",
- "required":false,
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- ],
- "responses":{
- "200":{
- "description":"OK",
- "schema":{
- "$ref":"#/definitions/AutomationCompositionPrimedResponse",
- "originalRef":"AutomationCompositionPrimedResponse"
- }
- },
- "401":{
- "description":"Authentication Error",
- "headers":{
- "X-LatestVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID":{
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "403":{
- "description":"Authorization Error",
- "headers":{
- "X-LatestVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID":{
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "404":{
- "description":"Not Found"
- },
- "500":{
- "description":"Internal Server Error",
- "headers":{
- "X-LatestVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID":{
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "responsesObject":{
- "200":{
- "description":"OK",
- "schema":{
- "$ref":"#/definitions/AutomationCompositionPrimedResponse",
- "originalRef":"AutomationCompositionPrimedResponse"
- }
- },
- "401":{
- "description":"Authentication Error",
- "headers":{
- "X-LatestVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID":{
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "403":{
- "description":"Authorization Error",
- "headers":{
- "X-LatestVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID":{
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "404":{
- "description":"Not Found"
- },
- "500":{
- "description":"Internal Server Error",
- "headers":{
- "X-LatestVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion":{
- "type":"string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID":{
- "type":"string",
- "format":"uuid"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "security":[
- {
- "basicAuth":[
- ]
- }
- ],
- "x-interface info":{
- "api-version":"1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release":"Istanbul"
- }
- }
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/clamp/acm/api-protocol/swagger/acm-monitoring.json b/docs/clamp/acm/api-protocol/swagger/acm-monitoring.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c23abe..0000000
--- a/docs/clamp/acm/api-protocol/swagger/acm-monitoring.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,521 +0,0 @@
- "swagger": "2.0",
- "info": {
- "description": "Api Documentation",
- "version": "1.0",
- "title": "Api Documentation",
- "termsOfService": "urn:tos",
- "contact": {},
- "license": {
- "name": "Apache 2.0",
- "url": ""
- }
- },
- "paths": {
- "/onap/policy/clamp/acm/v2/monitoring/acelement": {
- "get": {
- "tags": [
- "Clamp Automation Composition Monitoring API"
- ],
- "summary": "Query details of the requested acElement stats",
- "description": "Queries details of the requested acElement stats, returning all acElement stats",
- "operationId": "queryElementStatisticsUsingGET",
- "produces": [
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "parameters": [
- {
- "name": "endTime",
- "in": "query",
- "description": "end time",
- "required": false,
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "name": "id",
- "in": "query",
- "description": "Automation composition element id",
- "required": false,
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "name": "name",
- "in": "query",
- "description": "Participant name",
- "required": true,
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "name": "recordCount",
- "in": "query",
- "description": "Record count",
- "required": false,
- "type": "integer",
- "default": 0,
- "format": "int32"
- },
- {
- "name": "startTime",
- "in": "query",
- "description": "start time",
- "required": false,
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "name": "version",
- "in": "query",
- "description": "Participant version",
- "required": true,
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "name": "X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in": "header",
- "description": "RequestID for http transaction",
- "required": false,
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- ],
- "responses": {
- "200": {
- "description": "OK",
- "schema": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/AcElementStatisticsList",
- "originalRef": "AcElementStatisticsList"
- }
- },
- "401": {
- "description": "Authentication Error",
- "headers": {
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "403": {
- "description": "Authorization Error",
- "headers": {
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "404": {
- "description": "Not Found"
- },
- "500": {
- "description": "Internal Server Error",
- "headers": {
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "security": [
- {
- "basicAuth": []
- }
- ],
- "x-interface info": {
- "api-version": "1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release": "Istanbul"
- }
- }
- },
- "/onap/policy/clamp/acm/v2/monitoring/acelements/automationcomposition": {
- "get": {
- "tags": [
- "Clamp Automation Composition Monitoring API"
- ],
- "summary": "Query details of the requested acElement stats in a automation composition",
- "description": "Queries details of the requested acElement stats, returning all acElement stats",
- "operationId": "queryElementStatisticsPerAutomationCompositionUsingGET",
- "produces": [
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "parameters": [
- {
- "name": "name",
- "in": "query",
- "description": "Automation composition name",
- "required": true,
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "name": "version",
- "in": "query",
- "description": "Automation composition version",
- "required": true,
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "name": "X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in": "header",
- "description": "RequestID for http transaction",
- "required": false,
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- ],
- "responses": {
- "200": {
- "description": "OK",
- "schema": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/AcElementStatisticsList",
- "originalRef": "AcElementStatisticsList"
- }
- },
- "401": {
- "description": "Authentication Error",
- "headers": {
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "403": {
- "description": "Authorization Error",
- "headers": {
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "404": {
- "description": "Not Found"
- },
- "500": {
- "description": "Internal Server Error",
- "headers": {
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "security": [
- {
- "basicAuth": []
- }
- ],
- "x-interface info": {
- "api-version": "1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release": "Istanbul"
- }
- }
- },
- "/onap/policy/clamp/acm/v2/monitoring/participant": {
- "get": {
- "tags": [
- "Clamp Automation Composition Monitoring API"
- ],
- "summary": "Query details of the requested participant stats",
- "description": "Queries details of the requested participant stats, returning all participant stats",
- "operationId": "queryParticipantStatisticsUsingGET",
- "produces": [
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "parameters": [
- {
- "name": "endTime",
- "in": "query",
- "description": "end time",
- "required": false,
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "name": "name",
- "in": "query",
- "description": "Automation composition participant name",
- "required": false,
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "name": "recordCount",
- "in": "query",
- "description": "Record count",
- "required": false,
- "type": "integer",
- "default": 0,
- "format": "int32"
- },
- {
- "name": "startTime",
- "in": "query",
- "description": "start time",
- "required": false,
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "name": "version",
- "in": "query",
- "description": "Automation composition participant version",
- "required": false,
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "name": "X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in": "header",
- "description": "RequestID for http transaction",
- "required": false,
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- ],
- "responses": {
- "200": {
- "description": "OK",
- "schema": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/ParticipantStatisticsList",
- "originalRef": "ParticipantStatisticsList"
- }
- },
- "401": {
- "description": "Authentication Error",
- "headers": {
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "403": {
- "description": "Authorization Error",
- "headers": {
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "404": {
- "description": "Not Found"
- },
- "500": {
- "description": "Internal Server Error",
- "headers": {
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "security": [
- {
- "basicAuth": []
- }
- ],
- "x-interface info": {
- "api-version": "1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release": "Istanbul"
- }
- }
- },
- "/onap/policy/clamp/acm/v2/monitoring/participants/automationcomposition": {
- "get": {
- "tags": [
- "Clamp Automation Composition Monitoring API"
- ],
- "summary": "Query details of all the participant stats in a automation composition",
- "description": "Queries details of the participant stats, returning all participant stats",
- "operationId": "queryParticipantStatisticsPerAutomationCompositionUsingGET",
- "produces": [
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "parameters": [
- {
- "name": "name",
- "in": "query",
- "description": "Automation composition name",
- "required": true,
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "name": "version",
- "in": "query",
- "description": "Automation composition version",
- "required": true,
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "name": "X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in": "header",
- "description": "RequestID for http transaction",
- "required": false,
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- ],
- "responses": {
- "200": {
- "description": "OK",
- "schema": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/ParticipantStatisticsList",
- "originalRef": "ParticipantStatisticsList"
- }
- },
- "401": {
- "description": "Authentication Error",
- "headers": {
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "403": {
- "description": "Authorization Error",
- "headers": {
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- }
- },
- "404": {
- "description": "Not Found"
- },
- "500": {
- "description": "Internal Server Error",
- "headers": {
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "security": [
- {
- "basicAuth": []
- }
- ],
- "x-interface info": {
- "api-version": "1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release": "Istanbul"
- }
- }
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/clamp/acm/design-impl/participants/http-participant.rst b/docs/clamp/acm/design-impl/participants/http-participant.rst
index f58f03d..3125e17 100644
--- a/docs/clamp/acm/design-impl/participants/http-participant.rst
+++ b/docs/clamp/acm/design-impl/participants/http-participant.rst
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
participant can be used to configure the microservice over its REST interface.Of course,
the HTTP participant works towards any REST service, it is not restricted to REST
services started by participants.
+Supported message Broker are DMaap and Strimzi-Kafka.
.. image:: ../../images/participants/http-participant.png
@@ -34,17 +34,30 @@
participant is running two HTTP Automation Composition Elements, one for Automation Composition A and one for
Automation Composition B.
-Configuring a Automation Composition Element on the HTTP participant for a Automation Composition
+Supported Element Types
+Supported Element Types for Http participant will be used to define the HTTP participant Element Definition Types in tosca template.
+Participant Supported Element Types is defined in Http participant application.yaml.
+.. code-block:: YAML
+ participantSupportedElementTypes:
+ -
+ typeName: org.onap.policy.clamp.acm.HttpAutomationCompositionElement
+ typeVersion: 1.0.0
+Configuring an Automation Composition Definition and Instance for the HTTP participant
A *Configuration Entity* describes a concept that is managed by the HTTP participant. A
Configuration Entity can be created, Read, Updated, and Deleted (CRUD). The user defines
the Configuration Entities that it wants its HTTP Automation Composition Element to manage and
provides a sequence of parameterized REST commands to Create, Read, Update, and Delete
each Configuration Entity.
-Sample tosca template defining a http participant and a automation composition element for a automation composition. :download:`click here <tosca/tosca-http-participant.yml>`
+Sample tosca template defining a http participant and a AC element definition. :download:`click here <tosca/tosca-http-participant.yml>`
-The user configures the following properties in the TOSCA for the HTTP participant:
+The user defines the following properties in the TOSCA for the HTTP participant:
.. list-table::
:widths: 15 10 50
@@ -102,11 +115,14 @@
- HttpStatus
- The expected HTTP response code fo the REST request
+Sample Automation Composition instances.
+In that example the user fills the properties defined in the TOSCA for the HTTP participant :download:`click here <tosca/automation-composition-http.yml>`
Http participant Interactions:
-The http participant interacts with Automation Composition Runtime on the northbound via DMaap. It interacts with any microservice on the southbound over http for configuration.
+The http participant interacts with Automation Composition Runtime on the northbound via Message Broker. It interacts with any microservice on the southbound over http for configuration.
-The communication for the Automation Composition updates and state change requests are sent from the Automation Composition Runtime to the participant via DMaap.
+The communication for the Automation Composition updates and state change requests are sent from the Automation Composition Runtime to the participant via Message Broker.
The participant invokes the appropriate http endpoint of the microservice based on the received messages from the Automation Composition Runtime.
@@ -119,15 +135,16 @@
Http participant Workflow:
-Once the participant is started, it sends a "REGISTER" event to the DMaap topic which is then consumed by the Automation Composition Runtime to register this participant on the runtime database.
-The user can commission the tosca definitions from the Policy Gui to the Automation Composition Runtime that further updates the participant with these definitions via DMaap.
-Once the automation composition definitions are available in the runtime database, the Automation Composition can be instantiated with the default state "UNINITIALISED" from the Policy Gui.
+Once the participant is started, it sends a "REGISTER" event to the Message Broker topic which is then consumed by the Automation Composition Runtime to register this participant on the runtime database.
+The user can commission the tosca definitions from the Policy Gui to the Automation Composition Runtime.
+Once the automation composition definitions are available in the runtime database the user can prime them and further updates the participant with these definitions via Message Broker.
+After primed, the Automation Composition can be instantiated with the default state "UNDEPLOYED" from the Policy Gui.
-When the state of the Automation Composition is changed from "UNINITIALISED" to "PASSIVE" from the Policy Gui, the http participant receives the automation composition state change event from the runtime and
+When the state of the Automation Composition is changed from "UNDEPLOYED" to "DEPLOYED" from the Policy Gui, the http participant receives the automation composition state change event from the runtime and
configures the microservice of the corresponding Automation Composition Element over http.
The configuration entity for a microservice is associated with each Automation Composition Element for the http participant.
The http participant holds the executed http requests information along with the responses received.
The participant is used in a generic way to configure any entity over http and it does not hold the information about the microservice to unconfigure/revert the configurations when the
-state of Automation Composition changes from "PASSIVE" to "UNINITIALISED".
+state of Automation Composition changes from "DEPLOYED" to "UNDEPLOYED".
diff --git a/docs/clamp/acm/design-impl/participants/k8s-participant.rst b/docs/clamp/acm/design-impl/participants/k8s-participant.rst
index ddce0a3..dae5df5 100644
--- a/docs/clamp/acm/design-impl/participants/k8s-participant.rst
+++ b/docs/clamp/acm/design-impl/participants/k8s-participant.rst
@@ -10,10 +10,12 @@
that are configured on the helm client. The participant acts as a wrapper around the helm client and creates the required
resources in the k8s cluster.
+Supported message Broker are DMaap and Strimzi-Kafka.
The kubernetes participant also exposes REST endpoints for onboarding, installing and uninstalling of helm charts from the
local chart database which facilitates the user to also use this component as a standalone application for helm operations.
-In Kohn version, the kubernetes participant supports the following methods of installation of helm charts.
+By Kohn version, the kubernetes participant supports the following methods of installation of helm charts.
- Installation of helm charts from configured helm repositories and remote repositories passed via TOSCA in CLAMP.
@@ -24,7 +26,7 @@
- - If the kubernetes participant is deployed outside the cluster , the config file of the k8s cluster needs to be copied to the `./kube` folder of kubernetes participant's home directory to make the participant work with the external cluster.
+ - If the kubernetes participant is deployed outside the cluster, the config file of the k8s cluster needs to be copied to the `./kube` folder of kubernetes participant's home directory to make the participant work with the external cluster.
- If the participant needs additional permission to create resources on the cluster, cluster-admin role binding can be created for the service account of the participant with the below command.
@@ -33,19 +35,31 @@
.. image:: ../../images/participants/k8s-participant.png
+Supported Element Types
+Supported Element Types for Kubernetes participant will be used to define the Kubernetes participant Element Definition Types in tosca template.
+Participant Supported Element Types is defined in Kubernetes participant application.yaml.
+.. code-block:: YAML
+ participantSupportedElementTypes:
+ -
+ typeName: org.onap.policy.clamp.acm.K8SMicroserviceAutomationCompositionElement
+ typeVersion: 1.0.0
Defining a TOSCA CL definition for kubernetes participant:
A *chart* parameter map describes the helm chart parameters in tosca template for a microservice that is used by the kubernetes participant for the deployment.
A Automation Composition element in TOSCA is mapped to the kubernetes participant and also holds the helm chart parameters for a microservice defined under the properties of the Automation Composition Element.
-Sample tosca template defining a participant and a automation composition element for a automation composition. :download:`click here <tosca/tosca-k8s-participant.yml>`
+Sample tosca template defining a participant and a AC element definition. :download:`click here <tosca/tosca-k8s-participant.yml>`
Configuring a Automation Composition Element on the kubernetes participant for a Automation Composition
-The user configures the following properties in the TOSCA template for the kubernetes participant:
+The user defines the following properties in the TOSCA template for the kubernetes participant:
.. list-table::
:widths: 15 10 50
@@ -95,26 +109,29 @@
- String
- The password to login the helm repository
+Sample Automation Composition instances.
+In that example the user fills the properties defined in the TOSCA for the Kubernetes participant :download:`click here <tosca/automation-composition-k8s.yml>`
Kubernetes participant Interactions:
-The kubernetes participant interacts with Automation Composition Runtime on the northbound via DMaap. It interacts with the helm client on the southbound for performing various helm operations to the k8s cluster.
+The kubernetes participant interacts with Automation Composition Runtime on the northbound via Message Broker. It interacts with the helm client on the southbound for performing various helm operations to the k8s cluster.
-The communication for the Automation Composition updates and state change requests are sent from the Automation Composition Runtime to the participant via DMaap.
+The communication for the Automation Composition updates and state change requests are sent from the Automation Composition Runtime to the participant via Message Broker.
The participant performs appropriate operations on the k8s cluster via helm client based on the received messages from the Automation Composition Runtime.
kubernetes participant Workflow:
-Once the participant is started, it sends a "REGISTER" event to the DMaap topic which is then consumed by the Automation Composition Runtime to register this participant on the runtime database.
-The user can commission the tosca definitions from the Policy Gui to the Automation Composition Runtime that further updates the participant with these definitions via DMaap.
-Once the automation composition definitions are available in the runtime database, the Automation Composition can be instantiated with the default state "UNINITIALISED" from the Policy Gui.
+Once the participant is started, it sends a "REGISTER" event to the Message Broker topic which is then consumed by the Automation Composition Runtime to register this participant on the runtime database.
+The user can commission the tosca definitions from the Policy Gui to the Automation Composition Runtime.
+Once the automation composition definitions are available in the runtime database, the user can prime them and further updates the participant with these definitions via Message Broker.
+After primed, the Automation Composition can be instantiated with the default state "UNDEPLOYED" from the Policy Gui.
-When the state of the Automation Composition is changed from "UNINITIALISED" to "PASSIVE" from the Policy Gui, the kubernetes participant receives the automation composition state change event from the runtime and
+When the state of the Automation Composition is changed from "UNDEPLOYED" to "DEPLOYED" from the Policy Gui, the kubernetes participant receives the automation composition state change event from the runtime and
deploys the helm charts associated with each Automation Composition Elements by creating appropriate namespace on the cluster.
If the repository of the helm chart is not passed via TOSCA, the participant looks for the helm chart in the configured helm repositories of helm client.
The participant also monitors the deployed pods for the configured time until the pods comes to RUNNING state.
It holds the deployment information of the pods including the current status of the pods after the deployment.
-When the state of the Automation Composition is changed from "PASSIVE" to "UNINITIALISED" back, the participant also undeploys the helm charts from the cluster that are part of the Automation Composition Element.
+When the state of the Automation Composition is changed from "DEPLOYED" to "UNDEPLOYED" back, the participant also undeploys the helm charts from the cluster that are part of the Automation Composition Element.
diff --git a/docs/clamp/acm/design-impl/participants/tosca/automation-composition-http.yml b/docs/clamp/acm/design-impl/participants/tosca/automation-composition-http.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78cc213
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/clamp/acm/design-impl/participants/tosca/automation-composition-http.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+name: DemoInstance0
+version: 1.0.1
+compositionId: {{compositionId}}
+description: Demo automation composition instance 0
+ 709c62b3-8918-41b9-a747-d21eb79c6c24:
+ id: 709c62b3-8918-41b9-a747-d21eb79c6c24
+ definition:
+ name:
+ version: 1.2.3
+ description: Starter Automation Composition Element for the Demo
+ properties:
+ baseUrl: http://cluster-ip:30800
+ httpHeaders:
+ Content-Type: application/json
+ Authorization: Basic YWNtVXNlcjp6YiFYenRHMzQ=
+ configurationEntities:
+ - configurationEntityId:
+ name:
+ version: 1.0.0
+ restSequence:
+ - restRequestId:
+ name: request1
+ version: 1.0.1
+ httpMethod: POST
+ path: /onap/policy/clamp/acelement/v2/activate
+ body: '{ "receiverId": { "name": "", "version": "1.0.0" }, "timerMs": 20000, "elementType": "STARTER", "topicParameterGroup": { "server": "message-router:3904", "listenerTopic": "POLICY_UPDATE_MSG", "publisherTopic": "AC_ELEMENT_MSG", "fetchTimeout": 15000, "topicCommInfrastructure": "dmaap" } }'
+ expectedResponse: 201
diff --git a/docs/clamp/acm/design-impl/participants/tosca/automation-composition-k8s.yml b/docs/clamp/acm/design-impl/participants/tosca/automation-composition-k8s.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b3bc5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/clamp/acm/design-impl/participants/tosca/automation-composition-k8s.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+name: DemoInstance0
+version: 1.0.1
+compositionId: {{compositionId}}
+description: Demo automation composition instance 0
+ 709c62b3-8918-41b9-a747-d21eb79c6c21:
+ id: 709c62b3-8918-41b9-a747-d21eb79c6c21
+ definition:
+ name:
+ version: 1.2.3
+ description: Starter Automation Composition Element for the Demo
+ properties:
+ chart:
+ chartId:
+ name: acelement
+ version: 0.1.0
+ namespace: default
+ releaseName: acm-starter
+ podName: acm-starter
+ repository:
+ repoName: chartmuseum
+ address: 'http://cluster-ip:8080'
+ overrideParams:
+ service.nodeport: 30800
diff --git a/docs/clamp/acm/design-impl/participants/tosca/tosca-http-participant.yml b/docs/clamp/acm/design-impl/participants/tosca/tosca-http-participant.yml
index 908b05d..d6714c8 100644
--- a/docs/clamp/acm/design-impl/participants/tosca/tosca-http-participant.yml
+++ b/docs/clamp/acm/design-impl/participants/tosca/tosca-http-participant.yml
@@ -9,127 +9,24 @@
type: string
required: true
- onap.datatype.controlloop.Target:
- derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
- description: Definition for a entity in A&AI to perform a control loop operation on
- properties:
- targetType:
- type: string
- description: Category for the target type
- required: true
- constraints:
- - valid_values:
- - VNF
- - VM
- - PNF
- entityIds:
- type: map
- description: |
- Map of values that identify the resource. If none are provided, it is assumed that the
- entity that generated the ONSET event will be the target.
- required: false
- metadata:
- clamp_possible_values: ClampExecution:CSAR_RESOURCES
- entry_schema:
- type: string
- onap.datatype.controlloop.Actor:
- derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
- description: An actor/operation/target definition
- properties:
- actor:
- type: string
- description: The actor performing the operation.
- required: true
- metadata:
- clamp_possible_values: Dictionary:DefaultActors,ClampExecution:CDS/actor
- operation:
- type: string
- description: The operation the actor is performing.
- metadata:
- clamp_possible_values: Dictionary:DefaultOperations,ClampExecution:CDS/operation
- required: true
- target:
- type: onap.datatype.controlloop.Target
- description: The resource the operation should be performed on.
- required: true
- payload:
- type: map
- description: Name/value pairs of payload information passed by Policy to the actor
- required: false
- metadata:
- clamp_possible_values: ClampExecution:CDS/payload
- entry_schema:
- type: string
- onap.datatype.controlloop.Operation:
- derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
- description: An operation supported by an actor
- properties:
- id:
- type: string
- description: Unique identifier for the operation
- required: true
- description:
- type: string
- description: A user-friendly description of the intent for the operation
- required: false
- operation:
- type: onap.datatype.controlloop.Actor
- description: The definition of the operation to be performed.
- required: true
- timeout:
- type: integer
- description: The amount of time for the actor to perform the operation.
- required: true
- retries:
- type: integer
- description: The number of retries the actor should attempt to perform the operation.
- required: true
- default: 0
- success:
- type: string
- description: Points to the operation to invoke on success. A value of "final_success" indicates and end to the operation.
- required: false
- default: final_success
- failure:
- type: string
- description: Points to the operation to invoke on Actor operation failure.
- required: false
- default: final_failure
- failure_timeout:
- type: string
- description: Points to the operation to invoke when the time out for the operation occurs.
- required: false
- default: final_failure_timeout
- failure_retries:
- type: string
- description: Points to the operation to invoke when the current operation has exceeded its max retries.
- required: false
- default: final_failure_retries
- failure_exception:
- type: string
- description: Points to the operation to invoke when the current operation causes an exception.
- required: false
- default: final_failure_exception
- failure_guard:
- type: string
- description: Points to the operation to invoke when the current operation is blocked due to guard policy enforcement.
- required: false
- default: final_failure_guard
- org.onap.datatypes.policy.clamp.controlloop.httpControlLoopElement.RestRequest:
+ org.onap.datatypes.policy.clamp.acm.httpAutomationCompositionElement.RestRequest:
version: 1.0.0
derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
- type: onap.datatypes.ToscaConceptIdentifier
- type_version: 0.0.0
+ type: onap.datatypes.ToscaConceptIdentifier
required: true
description: The name and version of a REST request to be sent to a REST endpoint
type: string
required: true
- - valid_values: [POST, PUT, GET, DELETE]
+ - valid_values:
+ - POST
+ - PUT
+ - GET
description: The REST method to use
type: string
@@ -142,33 +39,33 @@
type: integer
required: true
- constraints:
- - in_range: [100, 599]
+ constraints: []
description: THe expected HTTP status code for the REST request
- org.onap.datatypes.policy.clamp.controlloop.httpControlLoopElement.ConfigurationEntity:
+ org.onap.datatypes.policy.clamp.acm.httpAutomationCompositionElement.ConfigurationEntity:
version: 1.0.0
derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
- type: onap.datatypes.ToscaConceptIdentifier
- type_version: 0.0.0
+ type: onap.datatypes.ToscaConceptIdentifier
required: true
- description: The name and version of a Configuration Entity to be handled by the HTTP Control Loop Element
+ description: The name and version of a Configuration Entity to be handled
+ by the HTTP Automation Composition Element
type: list
- type: org.onap.datatypes.policy.clamp.controlloop.httpControlLoopElement.RestRequest
+ type: org.onap.datatypes.policy.clamp.acm.httpAutomationCompositionElement.RestRequest
type_version: 1.0.0
description: A sequence of REST commands to send to the REST endpoint
- org.onap.policy.clamp.controlloop.Participant:
+ org.onap.policy.clamp.acm.Participant:
version: 1.0.1
derived_from: tosca.nodetypes.Root
type: string
required: false
- org.onap.policy.clamp.controlloop.ControlLoopElement:
+ org.onap.policy.clamp.acm.AutomationCompositionElement:
version: 1.0.1
derived_from: tosca.nodetypes.Root
@@ -177,18 +74,7 @@
required: false
common: true
- description: Specifies the organization that provides the control loop element
- participant_id:
- type: onap.datatypes.ToscaConceptIdentifier
- required: true
- metadata:
- common: true
- participantType:
- type: onap.datatypes.ToscaConceptIdentifier
- required: true
- metadata:
- common: true
- description: The identity of the participant type that hosts this type of Control Loop Element
+ description: Specifies the organization that provides the automation composition element
type: integer
required: false
@@ -196,9 +82,9 @@
- greater_or_equal: 0
common: true
- description: A value indicating the start phase in which this control loop element will be started, the
- first start phase is zero. Control Loop Elements are started in their start_phase order and stopped
- in reverse start phase order. Control Loop Elements with the same start phase are started and
+ description: A value indicating the start phase in which this automation composition element will be started, the
+ first start phase is zero. Automation Composition Elements are started in their start_phase order and stopped
+ in reverse start phase order. Automation Composition Elements with the same start phase are started and
stopped simultaneously
type: integer
@@ -236,7 +122,7 @@
common: true
description: The maximum time in seconds to wait for a state chage from passive to uninitialized
- org.onap.policy.clamp.controlloop.ControlLoop:
+ org.onap.policy.clamp.acm.AutomationComposition:
version: 1.0.1
derived_from: tosca.nodetypes.Root
@@ -245,7 +131,7 @@
required: false
common: true
- description: Specifies the organization that provides the control loop element
+ description: Specifies the organization that provides the automation composition element
type: list
required: true
@@ -253,10 +139,10 @@
common: true
type: onap.datatypes.ToscaConceptIdentifier
- description: Specifies a list of control loop element definitions that make up this control loop definition
- org.onap.policy.clamp.controlloop.HttpControlLoopElement:
- version: 1.0.1
- derived_from: org.onap.policy.clamp.controlloop.ControlLoopElement
+ description: Specifies a list of automation composition element definitions that make up this automation composition definition
+ org.onap.policy.clamp.acm.HttpAutomationCompositionElement:
+ version: 1.0.0
+ derived_from: org.onap.policy.clamp.acm.AutomationCompositionElement
type: string
@@ -272,167 +158,37 @@
type: map
required: true
- type: org.onap.datatypes.policy.clamp.controlloop.httpControlLoopElement.ConfigurationEntity
+ type: org.onap.datatypes.policy.clamp.acm.httpAutomationCompositionElement.ConfigurationEntity
type_version: 1.0.0
- description: The connfiguration entities the Control Loop Element is managing and their associated REST requests
+ description: The connfiguration entities the Automation Composition Element is managing and their associated REST requests
- org.onap.controlloop.HttpControlLoopParticipant:
+ org.onap.policy.clamp.acm.HttpParticipant:
version: 2.3.4
- type: org.onap.policy.clamp.controlloop.Participant
+ type: org.onap.policy.clamp.acm.Participant
type_version: 1.0.1
description: Participant for Http requests
provider: ONAP
- org.onap.domain.database.Http_PMSHMicroserviceControlLoopElement:
- # Consul http config for PMSH.
+ # Http config for AC Element Starter.
version: 1.2.3
- type: org.onap.policy.clamp.controlloop.HttpControlLoopElement
- type_version: 1.0.1
- description: Control loop element for the http requests of PMSH microservice
+ type: org.onap.policy.clamp.acm.HttpAutomationCompositionElement
+ type_version: 1.0.0
+ description: Automation composition element for the http requests of AC Element Starter microservice
provider: ONAP
- participant_id:
- name: HttpParticipant0
- version: 1.0.0
- participantType:
- name: org.onap.k8s.controlloop.HttpControlLoopParticipant
- version: 2.3.4
- uninitializedToPassiveTimeout: 180
- baseUrl: http://consul-server-ui:8500
- httpHeaders:
- Content-Type: application/json
- configurationEntities:
- - configurationEntityId:
- name: entity1
- version: 1.0.1
- restSequence:
- - restRequestId:
- name: request1
- version: 1.0.1
- httpMethod: PUT
- path: v1/kv/dcae-pmsh2
- body: '{
- "control_loop_name":"pmsh-control-loop",
- "operational_policy_name":"pmsh-operational-policy",
- "aaf_password":"demo123456!",
- "aaf_identity":"",
- "cert_path":"/opt/app/pmsh/etc/certs/cert.pem",
- "key_path":"/opt/app/pmsh/etc/certs/key.pem",
- "ca_cert_path":"/opt/app/pmsh/etc/certs/cacert.pem",
- "enable_tls":"true",
- "pmsh_policy":{
- "subscription":{
- "subscriptionName":"ExtraPM-All-gNB-R2B",
- "administrativeState":"UNLOCKED",
- "fileBasedGP":15,
- "fileLocation":"\/pm\/pm.xml",
- "nfFilter":{
- "nfNames":[
- "^pnf.*",
- "^vnf.*"
- ],
- "modelInvariantIDs":[
- ],
- "modelVersionIDs":[
- ],
- "modelNames":[
- ]
- },
- "measurementGroups":[
- {
- "measurementGroup":{
- "measurementTypes":[
- {
- "measurementType":"countera"
- },
- {
- "measurementType":"counterb"
- }
- ],
- "managedObjectDNsBasic":[
- {
- "DN":"dna"
- },
- {
- "DN":"dnb"
- }
- ]
- }
- },
- {
- "measurementGroup":{
- "measurementTypes":[
- {
- "measurementType":"counterc"
- },
- {
- "measurementType":"counterd"
- }
- ],
- "managedObjectDNsBasic":[
- {
- "DN":"dnc"
- },
- {
- "DN":"dnd"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- },
- "streams_subscribes":{
- "aai_subscriber":{
- "type":"message_router",
- "dmaap_info":{
- "topic_url":"",
- "client_role":"org.onap.dcae.aaiSub",
- "location":"san-francisco",
- "client_id":"1575976809466"
- }
- },
- "policy_pm_subscriber":{
- "type":"message_router",
- "dmaap_info":{
- "topic_url":"",
- "client_role":"org.onap.dcae.pmSubscriber",
- "location":"san-francisco",
- "client_id":"1575876809456"
- }
- }
- },
- "streams_publishes":{
- "policy_pm_publisher":{
- "type":"message_router",
- "dmaap_info":{
- "topic_url":"",
- "client_role":"org.onap.dcae.pmPublisher",
- "location":"san-francisco",
- "client_id":"1475976809466"
- }
- },
- "other_publisher":{
- "type":"message_router",
- "dmaap_info":{
- "topic_url":"",
- "client_role":"org.onap.dcae.pmControlPub",
- "location":"san-francisco",
- "client_id":"1875976809466"
- }
- }
- }
- }'
- expectedResponse: 200
- org.onap.domain.sample.GenericK8s_ControlLoopDefinition:
+ uninitializedToPassiveTimeout: 300
+ startPhase: 1
version: 1.2.3
- type: org.onap.policy.clamp.controlloop.ControlLoop
- type_version: 1.0.0
- description: Control loop for Hello World
+ type: org.onap.policy.clamp.acm.AutomationComposition
+ type_version: 1.0.1
+ description: Automation composition for Demo
provider: ONAP
- - name: org.onap.domain.database.Http_PMSHMicroserviceControlLoopElement
+ - name:
version: 1.2.3
diff --git a/docs/clamp/acm/design-impl/participants/tosca/tosca-k8s-participant.yml b/docs/clamp/acm/design-impl/participants/tosca/tosca-k8s-participant.yml
index 1bb7f59..c4da7a5 100644
--- a/docs/clamp/acm/design-impl/participants/tosca/tosca-k8s-participant.yml
+++ b/docs/clamp/acm/design-impl/participants/tosca/tosca-k8s-participant.yml
@@ -9,113 +9,7 @@
type: string
required: true
- onap.datatype.acm.Target:
- derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
- description: Definition for a entity in A&AI to perform a automation composition operation on
- properties:
- targetType:
- type: string
- description: Category for the target type
- required: true
- constraints:
- - valid_values:
- - VNF
- - VM
- - PNF
- entityIds:
- type: map
- description: |
- Map of values that identify the resource. If none are provided, it is assumed that the
- entity that generated the ONSET event will be the target.
- required: false
- metadata:
- clamp_possible_values: ClampExecution:CSAR_RESOURCES
- entry_schema:
- type: string
- onap.datatype.acm.Actor:
- derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
- description: An actor/operation/target definition
- properties:
- actor:
- type: string
- description: The actor performing the operation.
- required: true
- metadata:
- clamp_possible_values: Dictionary:DefaultActors,ClampExecution:CDS/actor
- operation:
- type: string
- description: The operation the actor is performing.
- metadata:
- clamp_possible_values: Dictionary:DefaultOperations,ClampExecution:CDS/operation
- required: true
- target:
- type: onap.datatype.acm.Target
- description: The resource the operation should be performed on.
- required: true
- payload:
- type: map
- description: Name/value pairs of payload information passed by Policy to the actor
- required: false
- metadata:
- clamp_possible_values: ClampExecution:CDS/payload
- entry_schema:
- type: string
- onap.datatype.acm.Operation:
- derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
- description: An operation supported by an actor
- properties:
- id:
- type: string
- description: Unique identifier for the operation
- required: true
- description:
- type: string
- description: A user-friendly description of the intent for the operation
- required: false
- operation:
- type: onap.datatype.acm.Actor
- description: The definition of the operation to be performed.
- required: true
- timeout:
- type: integer
- description: The amount of time for the actor to perform the operation.
- required: true
- retries:
- type: integer
- description: The number of retries the actor should attempt to perform the operation.
- required: true
- default: 0
- success:
- type: string
- description: Points to the operation to invoke on success. A value of "final_success" indicates and end to the operation.
- required: false
- default: final_success
- failure:
- type: string
- description: Points to the operation to invoke on Actor operation failure.
- required: false
- default: final_failure
- failure_timeout:
- type: string
- description: Points to the operation to invoke when the time out for the operation occurs.
- required: false
- default: final_failure_timeout
- failure_retries:
- type: string
- description: Points to the operation to invoke when the current operation has exceeded its max retries.
- required: false
- default: final_failure_retries
- failure_exception:
- type: string
- description: Points to the operation to invoke when the current operation causes an exception.
- required: false
- default: final_failure_exception
- failure_guard:
- type: string
- description: Points to the operation to invoke when the current operation is blocked due to guard policy enforcement.
- required: false
- default: final_failure_guard
version: 1.0.1
@@ -134,17 +28,6 @@
common: true
description: Specifies the organization that provides the automation composition element
- participant_id:
- type: onap.datatypes.ToscaConceptIdentifier
- required: true
- metadata:
- common: true
- participantType:
- type: onap.datatypes.ToscaConceptIdentifier
- required: true
- metadata:
- common: true
- description: The identity of the participant type that hosts this type of automation composition Element
type: integer
required: false
@@ -211,7 +94,7 @@
type: onap.datatypes.ToscaConceptIdentifier
description: Specifies a list of automation composition element definitions that make up this automation composition definition
- version: 1.0.1
+ version: 1.0.0
derived_from: org.onap.policy.clamp.acm.AutomationCompositionElement
@@ -240,65 +123,25 @@
description: Participant for K8S
provider: ONAP
- org.onap.domain.database.PMSH_K8SMicroserviceAutomationCompositionElement:
- # Chart from new repository
+ # Chart from any chart repository configured on helm client.
version: 1.2.3
type: org.onap.policy.clamp.acm.K8SMicroserviceAutomationCompositionElement
type_version: 1.0.0
- description: Automation composition element for the K8S microservice for PMSH
+ description: Automation composition element for the K8S microservice for AC Element Starter
provider: ONAP
- participant_id:
- name: K8sParticipant0
- version: 1.0.0
- participantType:
- name: org.onap.k8s.acm.K8SAutomationCompositionParticipant
- version: 2.3.4
- chart:
- chartId:
- name: dcae-pmsh
- version: 8.0.0
- namespace: onap
- releaseName: pmshms
- repository:
- repoName: chartmuseum
- protocol: http
- address: chart-museum
- port: 80
- userName: onapinitializer
- password: demo123456!
- overrideParams:
- global.masterPassword: test
+ startPhase: 0
+ uninitializedToPassiveTimeout: 300
+ podStatusCheckInterval: 30
- org.onap.domain.database.Local_K8SMicroserviceAutomationCompositionElement:
- # Chart installation without passing repository info
- version: 1.2.3
- type: org.onap.policy.clamp.acm.K8SMicroserviceAutomationCompositionElement
- type_version: 1.0.0
- description: Automation composition element for the K8S microservice for local chart
- properties:
- provider: ONAP
- participant_id:
- name: K8sParticipant0
- version: 1.0.0
- participantType:
- name: org.onap.k8s.acm.K8SAutomationCompositionParticipant
- version: 2.3.4
- chart:
- chartId:
- name: nginx-ingress
- version: 0.9.1
- releaseName: nginxms
- namespace: test
- org.onap.domain.sample.GenericK8s_AutomationCompositionDefinition:
version: 1.2.3
type: org.onap.policy.clamp.acm.AutomationComposition
- type_version: 1.0.0
- description: Automation composition for Hello World
+ type_version: 1.0.1
+ description: Automation composition for Demo
provider: ONAP
- - name: org.onap.domain.database.PMSH_K8SMicroserviceAutomationCompositionElement
- version: 1.2.3
- - name: org.onap.domain.database.Local_K8SMicroserviceAutomationCompositionElement
+ - name:
version: 1.2.3
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index 0c28118..367166b 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -23,7 +23,51 @@
- 'sphinx_toolbox.collapse'
+ 'sphinx_toolbox.collapse',
+ 'sphinxcontrib.redoc'
+redoc = [
+ {
+ 'name': 'Policy API',
+ 'page': 'api/local-swagger',
+ 'spec': '',
+ 'opts': {
+ 'lazy-rendering': True,
+ 'suppress-warnings': True,
+ 'hide-hostname': True,
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ 'name': 'Policy PAP',
+ 'page': 'pap/local-swagger',
+ 'spec': '',
+ 'opts': {
+ 'lazy-rendering': False,
+ 'suppress-warnings': True,
+ 'hide-hostname': True,
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ 'name': 'Policy XACML',
+ 'page': 'xacml/local-swagger',
+ 'spec': '',
+ 'opts': {
+ 'lazy-rendering': False,
+ 'suppress-warnings': True,
+ 'hide-hostname': True,
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ 'name': 'Policy ACM-R',
+ 'page': 'clamp/acm/api-protocol/local-swagger',
+ 'spec': '',
+ 'opts': {
+ 'lazy-rendering': False,
+ 'suppress-warnings': True,
+ 'hide-hostname': True,
+ }
+ },
@@ -53,5 +97,6 @@
linkcheck_ignore = [
- r'http://localhost:\d+/'
+ r'http://localhost:\d+/',
+ r'.(.*?)/local-swagger.html(.*?)'
diff --git a/docs/installation/docker.rst b/docs/installation/docker.rst
index 7f03893..1913ee0 100644
--- a/docs/installation/docker.rst
+++ b/docs/installation/docker.rst
@@ -2,17 +2,20 @@
.. Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
+.. _docker-label:
-Policy Docker Installation
+Policy Docker Usage
.. contents::
- :depth: 2
+ :depth: 3
-Starting the ONAP Policy Framework Docker Images
-In order to start the containers, you can use *docker-compose*. This uses the *docker-compose-all.yml* yaml file to bring up the ONAP Policy Framework. This file is located in the policy/docker repository. In the csit folder there are scripts to *automatically* bring up components in Docker, without the need to build all the images locally.
+Starting the ONAP Policy Framework Docker Containers
+In order to start the containers, you can use *docker-compose*. This uses the *docker-compose.yml* yaml file to
+bring up the ONAP Policy Framework. This file is located in the policy/docker repository. In the csit folder there
+are scripts to *automatically* bring up components in Docker, without the need to build all the images locally.
Clone the read-only version of policy/docker repo from gerrit:
@@ -21,70 +24,56 @@
git clone ""
+The docker compose structure
+After cloning the docker repository, the scripts and compose files are under the *compose/* folder.
+.. code-block:: bash
+ docker
+ compose
+ config -- all the components configurations
+ metrics -- configuration for Prometheus server and Grafana dashboards
+ docker-compose.gui.yml -- compose file with gui services
+ docker-compose.yml -- compose file with policy components services, including simulator, prometheus and grafana
+ -- script to export the http ports for all components and where the images are collected from
+ -- script to get the latest SNAPSHOT version of images based on branch (master is default)
+ -- script to start the containers / applications
+ -- script to stop the containers / applications
+ -- helper script to allow some wait time before an application is completely up and running
Start the containers automatically
+Assuming all the scripts are being executed from the compose folder.
-.. note:: The script in policy/docker/csit will bring up all the Policy Framework components, and give the local ip for the GUI. The latest images will be downloaded from Nexus.
+To start all components without Policy GUI:
.. code-block:: bash
- export
- export PROJECT=pap
- ./
+ ./
-To stop them use ./
+To start all components with Policy GUI:
.. code-block:: bash
- ./
+ ./ --gui
-Start the containers manually
-**Step 1:** Set the containers location and project.
-For *local* images, set CONTAINER_LOCATION="" (or don't set it at all)
-*You will need to build locally all the images using the steps in the next chapter*
-For *remote* images set CONTAINER_LOCATION=""
+To start all components with Grafana dashboards and Prometheus server:
.. code-block:: bash
- export
- export PROJECT=pap
-**Step 2:** Set gerrit branch
-Set GERRIT_BRANCH="master"
-Or use the script
-.. code-block:: bash
- source ./
-**Step 3:** Get all the images versions
-Use the script
-.. code-block:: bash
- source ./
-**Step 4:** Run the system using docker-compose
-.. code-block:: bash
- docker-compose -f docker-compose-all.yml up <image> <image>
+ ./ --grafana
**You now have a full standalone ONAP Policy framework up and running!**
+To stop all containers, use
+.. code-block:: bash
+ ./
Building the ONAP Policy Framework Docker Images
@@ -115,7 +104,9 @@
**Step 4:** Build the Drools Application Control Loop image.
-This image has the drools use case application and the supporting software built together with the Drools PDP engine. It is recommended to use this image if you are first working with ONAP Policy and wish to test or learn how the use cases work.
+This image has the drools use case application and the supporting software built together with the Drools PDP engine.
+It is recommended to use this image if you are first working with ONAP Policy and wish to test or learn how the use
+cases work.
.. code-block:: bash
@@ -143,3 +134,102 @@
cd ~/git/onap/policy/distribution/packages
mvn clean install -P docker
+**Step 8:** Build the Policy Message Router Simulator
+.. code-block:: bash
+ cd ~/git/onap/policy/models/models-sim/packages
+ mvn clean install -P docker
+Start the containers manually
+**Step 1:** Set the containers location and project.
+For *local* images, set CONTAINER_LOCATION="", located at the `` script
+*You will need to build locally all the images using the steps in the previous section*
+For *remote* images set CONTAINER_LOCATION=""
+**Step 2:** Set gerrit branch
+By default, the `` script will use the `` to bring up latest SNAPSHOT version.
+To use a different branch, edit the variable GERRIT_BRANCH located at the start of `` to the
+branch needed.
+**Step 3:** Get all the images versions
+Use the script
+.. code-block:: bash
+ source ./
+**Step 4:** Run the system using the `` script
+.. code-block:: bash
+ ./ <component> [--grafana] [--gui]
+The <component> input is any of the policy components available:
+ - api
+ - pap
+ - apex-pdp
+ - distribution
+ - drools-pdp
+ - drools-applications
+ - xacml-pdp
+ - policy-acm-runtime
+Debugging docker containers
+To debug code against docker compose, the java parameters for jmxremote needs to be added to the start script
+in the component.
+For Policy PAP, edit the `` script:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ vi ~git/onap/policy/pap/packages/policy-pap-docker/src/main/docker/
+Before the `-jar /app/pap.jar \ ` line, add the following block:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+On `docker-compose.yml` compose file, add to the port section the mapping 5005.
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ pap:
+ image: ${CONTAINER_LOCATION}onap/policy-pap:${POLICY_PAP_VERSION}
+ container_name: policy-pap
+ depends_on:
+ - mariadb
+ - simulator
+ - api
+ hostname: policy-pap
+ ports:
+ - ${PAP_PORT}:6969
+ - 5005:5005
+That should allow an IDE to connect remotely to the 5005 port.
+Follow the instructions of the IDE being used to add a remote connection.
+For Intellij, under Run/Debug Configurations, add a new Remote JVM Debug, point Use module classpath to the
+<component>-main sub-project.
diff --git a/docs/offeredapis.rst b/docs/offeredapis.rst
index ee90751..a9e34cc 100644
--- a/docs/offeredapis.rst
+++ b/docs/offeredapis.rst
@@ -16,13 +16,19 @@
+ clamp/acm/api-protocol/acm-rest-apis
Postman Environment for API Testing
The following environment file from postman can be used for testing API's. All you need to do is fill in the IP and Port information for the installation that you have created.
-:download:`link <PolicyAPI.postman_environment.json>`
+:download:`Postman Environment <PolicyAPI.postman_environment.json>`
+.. note::
+ If you are testing on a Docker Installation use *http* as **protocol**, *localhost* as **IP**,
+ and the values set in the ` <>`_ as **PORT**.
+ More information in: :ref:`Docker Installation <docker-label>`
Postman Collection for API Testing
@@ -33,16 +39,37 @@
Postman collection for `Policy Framework Decision API <>`_
-API Swagger Generation
+API Swagger
The standard for API definition in the RESTful API world is the OpenAPI Specification (OAS). The OAS, which is based on
the original "Swagger Specification," is being widely used in API developments.
-Execute the below curl command for swagger generation by filling in the authorization details, IP and Port information:
+OAS 3.0 is used to describe the API contracts, and those documents are added as a source artifacts.
-.. code-block:: bash
+`Swagger Specification for Policy API <./api/local-swagger.html>`_
- “curl -k --user ‘{user_id}:{password}’ https://{ip}:{port}/swagger.json”
+`Swagger Specification for Policy PAP <./pap/local-swagger.html>`_
+`Swagger Specification for Policy XACML-PDP <./xacml/local-swagger.html>`_
+`Swagger Specification for Policy ACM-R <./clamp/acm/api-protocol/local-swagger.html>`_
+`Swagger Specification for Policy DROOLS-PDP <>`_
+The YAML document can be also downloaded and imported in an web editor such as `Editor Swagger <>`_
+An "OpenApi first" approach is adopted, so starting from the Swagger document we auto-generate interfaces that are implemented in the API controllers.
+.. note::
+ The Swagger document can still be extracted from the code in the API that uses *Spring-Doc* dependency at the endpoint "../v3/api-docs/"
+ For Example ACM-Runtime endpoint
+ ``http://<IP>:<PORT>/onap/policy/clamp/acm/v3/api-docs``
+ The Swagger document can still be extracted from the code in the API that uses *Spring-Doc* dependency at the endpoint "../v3/api-docs/"
+ For Example ACM-Runtime endpoint
+ ``http://<IP>:<PORT>/onap/policy/clamp/acm/v3/api-docs``
diff --git a/docs/pap/pap.rst b/docs/pap/pap.rst
index f46d1c7..c6da41b 100644
--- a/docs/pap/pap.rst
+++ b/docs/pap/pap.rst
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
.. _pap-label:
-Policy Administration Point (PAP) Architecture
+Policy Administration Point API
.. contents::
:depth: 3
@@ -12,6 +12,9 @@
.. toctree::
+Policy Administration Point (PAP) Architecture
The Policy Administration Point (PAP) keeps track of PDPs, supporting the deployment of PDP groups and the deployment
of policies across those PDP groups. Policies are created using the Policy API, but are deployed via the PAP.
@@ -169,9 +172,11 @@
"x-patchversion", "0", "PATCH version of the API"
"x-onap-requestid", "e1763e61-9eef-4911-b952-1be1edd9812b", "described above; used for logging purposes"
-:download:`Download Health Check PAP API Swagger <swagger/health-check-pap.json>`
+.. csv-table::
+ :header: "/healthcheck"
+ :widths: 10
-.. swaggerv2doc:: swagger/health-check-pap.json
+ `Health Check PAP Swagger <./local-swagger.html#tag/HealthCheckRestControllerV1>`_
This operation performs a health check on the PAP.
@@ -180,9 +185,11 @@
.. literalinclude:: response/health-check-pap-resp.json
:language: json
-:download:`Download Consolidated Health Check PAP API Swagger <swagger/consolidated-healthcheck-pap.json>`
+.. csv-table::
+ :header: "/pdps/healthcheck"
+ :widths: 10
-.. swaggerv2doc:: swagger/consolidated-healthcheck-pap.json
+ `Consolidated Health Check PAP Swagger <./local-swagger.html#tag/PolicyComponentsHealthCheckControllerV1>`_
This operation performs a health check of all policy components. The response
contains the health check result of each component. The consolidated health check
@@ -194,9 +201,11 @@
.. literalinclude:: response/consolidated-healthcheck-pap-resp.json
:language: json
-:download:`Download Statistics PAP API Swagger <swagger/statistics-pap.json>`
+.. csv-table::
+ :header: "/statistics"
+ :widths: 10
-.. swaggerv2doc:: swagger/statistics-pap.json
+ `Statistics PAP Swagger <./local-swagger.html#tag/StatisticsRestControllerV1>`_
This operation allows statistics for PDP groups, PDP subgroups, and individual PDPs to be retrieved.
@@ -209,16 +218,20 @@
.. literalinclude:: response/statistics-pap-resp.json
:language: json
-:download:`Download State Change PAP Swagger <swagger/state-change-pap.json>`
+.. csv-table::
+ :header: "/pdps/groups/{name}"
+ :widths: 10
-.. swaggerv2doc:: swagger/state-change-pap.json
+ `PDP State Change PAP Swagger <./local-swagger.html#tag/PdpGroupStateChangeControllerV1>`_
The state of PDP groups is managed by this operation. PDP groups can be in states PASSIVE, TEST, SAFE, or ACTIVE. For a full
description of PDP group states, see the :ref:`ONAP Policy Framework Architecture <architecture-label>` page.
-:download:`Download Group Batch PAP API Swagger <swagger/groups-batch-pap.json>`
+.. csv-table::
+ :header: "/pdps/groups/batch"
+ :widths: 10
-.. swaggerv2doc:: swagger/groups-batch-pap.json
+ `Group Batch PAP Swagger <./local-swagger.html#tag/PdpGroupCreateOrUpdateControllerV1>`_
This operation allows the PDP groups and subgroups to be created and updated. Many PDP groups can be created or updated
in a single POST operation by specifying more than one PDP group in the POST operation body.
@@ -249,15 +262,19 @@
.. literalinclude:: request/groups-batch-pap-req.json
:language: json
-:download:`Download Group Delete PAP API Swagger <swagger/group-delete-pap.json>`
+.. csv-table::
+ :header: "/pdps/groups/{name}"
+ :widths: 10
-.. swaggerv2doc:: swagger/group-delete-pap.json
+ `PdpGroup Delete PAP Swagger <./local-swagger.html#tag/PdpGroupDeleteControllerV1>`_
The API also allows PDP groups to be deleted. DELETE operations are only permitted on PDP groups in PASSIVE state.
-:download:`Download Group Query PAP API Swagger <swagger/group-query-pap.json>`
+.. csv-table::
+ :header: "/pdps"
+ :widths: 10
-.. swaggerv2doc:: swagger/group-query-pap.json
+ `PdpGroup Query PAP Swagger <./local-swagger.html#tag/PdpGroupQueryControllerV1>`_
This operation allows the PDP groups and subgroups to be listed as well as the policies that are deployed on each PDP
group and subgroup.
@@ -267,9 +284,11 @@
.. literalinclude:: response/group-query-pap-resp.json
:language: json
-:download:`Download Deployments Batch PAP API Swagger <swagger/deployments-batch-pap.json>`
+.. csv-table::
+ :header: "/pdps/deployments/batch"
+ :widths: 10
-.. swaggerv2doc:: swagger/deployments-batch-pap.json
+ `Deployments Update PAP Swagger <./local-swagger.html#tag/PdpGroupDeployControllerV1>`_
This operation allows policies to be deployed on specific PDP groups.
Each subgroup includes an "action" property, which is used to indicate
@@ -289,9 +308,11 @@
.. literalinclude:: response/deployment-pap-resp.json
:language: json
-:download:`Download Deploy PAP API Swagger <swagger/policy-deploy-pap.json>`
+.. csv-table::
+ :header: "/pdps/policies"
+ :widths: 10
-.. swaggerv2doc:: swagger/policy-deploy-pap.json
+ `Deploy PAP Swagger <./local-swagger.html#operation/deployPolicies>`_
This operation allows policies to be deployed across all relevant PDP groups.
PAP will deploy the specified policies to all relevant subgroups. Only the
@@ -313,9 +334,11 @@
.. literalinclude:: response/deployment-pap-resp.json
:language: json
-:download:`Download Undeploy PAP API Swagger <swagger/policy-undeploy-pap.json>`
+.. csv-table::
+ :header: "/pdps/policies/{name}"
+ :widths: 10
-.. swaggerv2doc:: swagger/policy-undeploy-pap.json
+ `Undeploy PAP Swagger <./local-swagger.html#operation/deletePolicy>`_
This operation allows policies to be undeployed from PDP groups.
@@ -331,9 +354,12 @@
.. literalinclude:: response/deployment-pap-resp.json
:language: json
-:download:`Download Policy Status PAP API Swagger <swagger/policy-status-pap.json>`
+.. csv-table::
+ :header: "/policies/status"
+ :widths: 10
-.. swaggerv2doc:: swagger/policy-status-pap.json
+ `All Policy Status PAP Swagger <./local-swagger.html#operation/getStatusOfAllPolicies>`_
This operation allows the status of all policies that are deployed or undeployed to be listed together.
The result can be filtered based on pdp group name, policy name & version.
@@ -346,9 +372,11 @@
.. literalinclude:: response/policy-status-pap-resp.json
:language: json
-:download:`Download Deployed Policy PAP API Swagger <swagger/deployed-policy-pap.json>`
+.. csv-table::
+ :header: "/policies/deployed"
+ :widths: 10
-.. swaggerv2doc:: swagger/deployed-policy-pap.json
+ `Deployed Policy Status PAP Swagger <./local-swagger.html#operation/queryAllDeployedPolicies>`_
This operation allows the deployed policies to be listed together with their respective deployment status.
The result can be filtered based on policy name & version.
@@ -358,9 +386,11 @@
.. literalinclude:: response/deployed-policy-pap-resp.json
:language: json
-:download:`Download PDP Statistics PAP API Swagger <swagger/pdp-statistics-pap.json>`
+.. csv-table::
+ :header: "/pdps/statistics"
+ :widths: 10
-.. swaggerv2doc:: swagger/pdp-statistics-pap.json
+ `Policy Statistics PAP Swagger <./local-swagger.html#tag/StatisticsRestControllerV1>`_
This operation allows the PDP statistics to be retrieved for all registered PDPs.
The result can be filtered based on PDP group, PDP subgroup & PDP instance.
@@ -371,9 +401,11 @@
.. literalinclude:: response/pdp-statistics-pap-resp.json
:language: json
-:download:`Download Policy Audit PAP API Swagger <swagger/policy-audit-pap.json>`
+.. csv-table::
+ :header: "/policies/audit"
+ :widths: 10
-.. swaggerv2doc:: swagger/policy-audit-pap.json
+ `Policy Status PAP Swagger <./local-swagger.html#tag/PolicyAuditControllerV1>`_
This operation allows the audit records of policies to be listed together.
The result can be filtered based on pdp group name, policy name & version.
diff --git a/docs/pap/swagger/consolidated-healthcheck-pap.json b/docs/pap/swagger/consolidated-healthcheck-pap.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 2044bc8..0000000
--- a/docs/pap/swagger/consolidated-healthcheck-pap.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
- "swagger": "2.0",
- "basePath": "/",
- "tags": [
- {
- "name": "Consolidated Healthcheck"
- }
- ],
- "schemes": [
- "http",
- "https"
- ],
- "consumes": [
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "produces": [
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "paths": {
- "/policy/pap/v1/components/healthcheck": {
- "get": {
- "tags": [
- "Consolidated Healthcheck"
- ],
- "summary": "Returns health status of all policy components, including PAP, API, Distribution, and PDPs",
- "description": "Queries health status of all policy components, returning all policy components health status",
- "operationId": "policyComponentsHealthCheck",
- "produces": [
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "parameters": [
- {
- "name": "X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in": "header",
- "description": "RequestID for http transaction",
- "required": false,
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- ],
- "responses": {
- "200": {
- "description": "successful operation",
- "headers": {
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Used to request or communicate a MINOR version back from the client to the server, and from the server back to the client"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Used only to communicate a PATCH version in a response for troubleshooting purposes only, and will not be provided by the client on request"
- },
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Used only to communicate an API's latest version"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid",
- "description": "Used to track REST transactions for logging purpose"
- }
- },
- "schema": {
- "type": "object",
- "additionalProperties": {
- "type": "object"
- }
- }
- },
- "401": {
- "description": "Authentication Error"
- },
- "403": {
- "description": "Authorization Error"
- },
- "500": {
- "description": "Internal Server Error"
- }
- },
- "security": [
- {
- "basicAuth": []
- }
- ],
- "x-interface info": {
- "api-version": "1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release": "Frankfurt"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "securityDefinitions": {
- "basicAuth": {
- "description": "",
- "type": "basic"
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/pap/swagger/deployed-policy-pap.json b/docs/pap/swagger/deployed-policy-pap.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 09280c7..0000000
--- a/docs/pap/swagger/deployed-policy-pap.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,322 +0,0 @@
- "swagger": "2.0",
- "basePath": "/",
- "tags": [
- {
- "name": "Policy Deployment Status"
- }
- ],
- "schemes": [
- "http",
- "https"
- ],
- "consumes": [
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "produces": [
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "paths": {
- "/policy/pap/v1/policies/deployed": {
- "get": {
- "tags": [
- "Policy Deployment Status"
- ],
- "summary": "Queries status of all deployed policies",
- "description": "Queries status of all deployed policies, returning success and failure counts of the PDPs",
- "operationId": "queryAllDeployedPolicies",
- "produces": [
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "parameters": [
- {
- "name": "X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in": "header",
- "description": "RequestID for http transaction",
- "required": false,
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- ],
- "responses": {
- "200": {
- "description": "successful operation",
- "headers": {
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Used to request or communicate a MINOR version back from the client to the server, and from the server back to the client"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Used only to communicate a PATCH version in a response for troubleshooting purposes only, and will not be provided by the client on request"
- },
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Used only to communicate an API's latest version"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid",
- "description": "Used to track REST transactions for logging purpose"
- }
- },
- "schema": {
- "type": "array",
- "items": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/PolicyStatus"
- }
- }
- },
- "401": {
- "description": "Authentication Error"
- },
- "403": {
- "description": "Authorization Error"
- },
- "500": {
- "description": "Internal Server Error"
- }
- },
- "security": [
- {
- "basicAuth": []
- }
- ],
- "x-interface info": {
- "api-version": "1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release": "Dublin"
- }
- }
- },
- "/policy/pap/v1/policies/deployed/{name}": {
- "get": {
- "tags": [
- "Policy Deployment Status"
- ],
- "summary": "Queries status of specific deployed policies",
- "description": "Queries status of specific deployed policies, returning success and failure counts of the PDPs",
- "operationId": "queryDeployedPolicies",
- "produces": [
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "parameters": [
- {
- "name": "name",
- "in": "path",
- "description": "Policy Id",
- "required": true,
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "name": "X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in": "header",
- "description": "RequestID for http transaction",
- "required": false,
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- ],
- "responses": {
- "200": {
- "description": "successful operation",
- "headers": {
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Used to request or communicate a MINOR version back from the client to the server, and from the server back to the client"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Used only to communicate a PATCH version in a response for troubleshooting purposes only, and will not be provided by the client on request"
- },
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Used only to communicate an API's latest version"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid",
- "description": "Used to track REST transactions for logging purpose"
- }
- },
- "schema": {
- "type": "array",
- "items": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/PolicyStatus"
- }
- }
- },
- "401": {
- "description": "Authentication Error"
- },
- "403": {
- "description": "Authorization Error"
- },
- "500": {
- "description": "Internal Server Error"
- }
- },
- "security": [
- {
- "basicAuth": []
- }
- ],
- "x-interface info": {
- "api-version": "1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release": "Dublin"
- }
- }
- },
- "/policy/pap/v1/policies/deployed/{name}/{version}": {
- "get": {
- "tags": [
- "Policy Deployment Status"
- ],
- "summary": "Queries status of a specific deployed policy",
- "description": "Queries status of a specific deployed policy, returning success and failure counts of the PDPs",
- "operationId": "queryDeployedPolicy",
- "produces": [
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "parameters": [
- {
- "name": "name",
- "in": "path",
- "description": "Policy Id",
- "required": true,
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "name": "version",
- "in": "path",
- "description": "Policy Version",
- "required": true,
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "name": "X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in": "header",
- "description": "RequestID for http transaction",
- "required": false,
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- ],
- "responses": {
- "200": {
- "description": "successful operation",
- "headers": {
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Used to request or communicate a MINOR version back from the client to the server, and from the server back to the client"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Used only to communicate a PATCH version in a response for troubleshooting purposes only, and will not be provided by the client on request"
- },
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Used only to communicate an API's latest version"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid",
- "description": "Used to track REST transactions for logging purpose"
- }
- },
- "schema": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/PolicyStatus"
- }
- },
- "401": {
- "description": "Authentication Error"
- },
- "403": {
- "description": "Authorization Error"
- },
- "500": {
- "description": "Internal Server Error"
- }
- },
- "security": [
- {
- "basicAuth": []
- }
- ],
- "x-interface info": {
- "api-version": "1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release": "Dublin"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "securityDefinitions": {
- "basicAuth": {
- "description": "",
- "type": "basic"
- }
- },
- "definitions": {
- "ToscaPolicyIdentifier": {
- "type": "object",
- "properties": {
- "name": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "version": {
- "type": "string"
- }
- }
- },
- "ToscaPolicyTypeIdentifier": {
- "type": "object",
- "properties": {
- "name": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "version": {
- "type": "string"
- }
- }
- },
- "PolicyStatus": {
- "type": "object",
- "properties": {
- "policyTypeId": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "policyTypeVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "policyId": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "policyVersion": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "successCount": {
- "type": "integer",
- "format": "int32"
- },
- "failureCount": {
- "type": "integer",
- "format": "int32"
- },
- "incompleteCount": {
- "type": "integer",
- "format": "int32"
- },
- "policy": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/ToscaPolicyIdentifier"
- },
- "policyType": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/ToscaPolicyTypeIdentifier"
- }
- }
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/pap/swagger/deployments-batch-pap.json b/docs/pap/swagger/deployments-batch-pap.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 768dae9..0000000
--- a/docs/pap/swagger/deployments-batch-pap.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
- "swagger" : "2.0",
- "basePath" : "/",
- "tags" : [ {
- "name" : "Deployments Update"
- } ],
- "schemes" : [ "http", "https" ],
- "consumes" : [ "application/json", "application/yaml" ],
- "produces" : [ "application/json", "application/yaml" ],
- "paths" : {
- "/policy/pap/v1/pdps/deployments/batch" : {
- "post" : {
- "tags" : [ "Deployments Update" ],
- "summary" : "Updates policy deployments within specific PDP groups",
- "description" : "Updates policy deployments within specific PDP groups, returning optional error details",
- "operationId" : "updateGroupPolicies",
- "produces" : [ "application/json", "application/yaml" ],
- "parameters" : [ {
- "name" : "X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in" : "header",
- "description" : "RequestID for http transaction",
- "required" : false,
- "type" : "string",
- "format" : "uuid"
- }, {
- "in" : "body",
- "name" : "body",
- "description" : "List of PDP Group Deployments",
- "required" : true,
- "schema" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/DeploymentGroups"
- }
- } ],
- "responses" : {
- "202" : {
- "description" : "operation accepted",
- "headers" : {
- "X-MinorVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used to request or communicate a MINOR version back from the client to the server, and from the server back to the client"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used only to communicate a PATCH version in a response for troubleshooting purposes only, and will not be provided by the client on request"
- },
- "X-LatestVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used only to communicate an API's latest version"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "format" : "uuid",
- "description" : "Used to track REST transactions for logging purpose"
- }
- },
- "schema" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/PdpGroupDeployResponse"
- }
- },
- "401" : {
- "description" : "Authentication Error"
- },
- "403" : {
- "description" : "Authorization Error"
- },
- "500" : {
- "description" : "Internal Server Error"
- }
- },
- "security" : [ {
- "basicAuth" : [ ]
- } ],
- "x-interface info" : {
- "api-version" : "1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release" : "Dublin"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "securityDefinitions" : {
- "basicAuth" : {
- "description" : "",
- "type" : "basic"
- }
- },
- "definitions" : {
- "ToscaPolicyIdentifier" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "name" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "version" : {
- "type" : "string"
- }
- }
- },
- "PdpGroupDeployResponse" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "errorDetails" : {
- "type" : "string"
- }
- }
- },
- "DeploymentGroup" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "name" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "deploymentSubgroups" : {
- "type" : "array",
- "items" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/DeploymentSubGroup"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "DeploymentGroups" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "groups" : {
- "type" : "array",
- "items" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/DeploymentGroup"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "DeploymentSubGroup" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "pdpType" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "action" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "enum" : [ "POST", "DELETE", "PATCH" ]
- },
- "policies" : {
- "type" : "array",
- "items" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/ToscaPolicyIdentifier"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/docs/pap/swagger/group-delete-pap.json b/docs/pap/swagger/group-delete-pap.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b5c217..0000000
--- a/docs/pap/swagger/group-delete-pap.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
- "swagger" : "2.0",
- "basePath" : "/",
- "tags" : [ {
- "name" : "PdpGroup Delete"
- } ],
- "schemes" : [ "http", "https" ],
- "consumes" : [ "application/json" ],
- "produces" : [ "application/json" ],
- "paths" : {
- "/policy/pap/v1/pdps/groups/{name}" : {
- "delete" : {
- "tags" : [ "PdpGroup Delete" ],
- "summary" : "Delete PDP Group",
- "description" : "Deletes a PDP Group, returning optional error details",
- "operationId" : "deleteGroup",
- "produces" : [ "application/json" ],
- "parameters" : [ {
- "name" : "X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in" : "header",
- "description" : "RequestID for http transaction",
- "required" : false,
- "type" : "string",
- "format" : "uuid"
- }, {
- "name" : "name",
- "in" : "path",
- "description" : "PDP Group Name",
- "required" : true,
- "type" : "string"
- } ],
- "responses" : {
- "200" : {
- "description" : "successful operation",
- "headers" : {
- "X-MinorVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used to request or communicate a MINOR version back from the client to the server, and from the server back to the client"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used only to communicate a PATCH version in a response for troubleshooting purposes only, and will not be provided by the client on request"
- },
- "X-LatestVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used only to communicate an API's latest version"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "format" : "uuid",
- "description" : "Used to track REST transactions for logging purpose"
- }
- },
- "schema" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/PdpGroupDeleteResponse"
- }
- },
- "401" : {
- "description" : "Authentication Error"
- },
- "403" : {
- "description" : "Authorization Error"
- },
- "500" : {
- "description" : "Internal Server Error"
- }
- },
- "security" : [ {
- "basicAuth" : [ ]
- } ],
- "x-interface info" : {
- "api-version" : "1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release" : "Dublin"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "securityDefinitions" : {
- "basicAuth" : {
- "description" : "",
- "type" : "basic"
- }
- },
- "definitions" : {
- "PdpGroupDeleteResponse" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "errorDetails" : {
- "type" : "string"
- }
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/docs/pap/swagger/group-query-pap.json b/docs/pap/swagger/group-query-pap.json
deleted file mode 100644
index b31515c..0000000
--- a/docs/pap/swagger/group-query-pap.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
- "swagger" : "2.0",
- "basePath" : "/",
- "tags" : [ {
- "name" : "PdpGroup Query"
- } ],
- "schemes" : [ "http", "https" ],
- "consumes" : [ "application/json" ],
- "produces" : [ "application/json" ],
- "paths" : {
- "/policy/pap/v1/pdps" : {
- "get" : {
- "tags" : [ "PdpGroup Query" ],
- "summary" : "Query details of all PDP groups",
- "description" : "Queries details of all PDP groups, returning all group details",
- "operationId" : "queryGroupDetails",
- "produces" : [ "application/json" ],
- "parameters" : [ {
- "name" : "X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in" : "header",
- "description" : "RequestID for http transaction",
- "required" : false,
- "type" : "string",
- "format" : "uuid"
- } ],
- "responses" : {
- "200" : {
- "description" : "successful operation",
- "headers" : {
- "X-MinorVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used to request or communicate a MINOR version back from the client to the server, and from the server back to the client"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used only to communicate a PATCH version in a response for troubleshooting purposes only, and will not be provided by the client on request"
- },
- "X-LatestVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used only to communicate an API's latest version"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "format" : "uuid",
- "description" : "Used to track REST transactions for logging purpose"
- }
- },
- "schema" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/PdpGroups"
- }
- },
- "401" : {
- "description" : "Authentication Error"
- },
- "403" : {
- "description" : "Authorization Error"
- },
- "500" : {
- "description" : "Internal Server Error"
- }
- },
- "security" : [ {
- "basicAuth" : [ ]
- } ],
- "x-interface info" : {
- "api-version" : "1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release" : "Dublin"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "securityDefinitions" : {
- "basicAuth" : {
- "description" : "",
- "type" : "basic"
- }
- },
- "definitions" : {
- "Pdp" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "instanceId" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "pdpState" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "enum" : [ "PASSIVE", "SAFE", "TEST", "ACTIVE", "TERMINATED" ]
- },
- "healthy" : {
- "type" : "string",
- },
- "message" : {
- "type" : "string"
- }
- }
- },
- "PdpGroup" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "name" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "description" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "pdpGroupState" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "enum" : [ "PASSIVE", "SAFE", "TEST", "ACTIVE", "TERMINATED" ]
- },
- "properties" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "additionalProperties" : {
- "type" : "string"
- }
- },
- "pdpSubgroups" : {
- "type" : "array",
- "items" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/PdpSubGroup"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "PdpGroups" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "groups" : {
- "type" : "array",
- "items" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/PdpGroup"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "PdpSubGroup" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "pdpType" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "supportedPolicyTypes" : {
- "type" : "array",
- "items" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/ToscaPolicyTypeIdentifier"
- }
- },
- "policies" : {
- "type" : "array",
- "items" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/ToscaPolicyIdentifier"
- }
- },
- "currentInstanceCount" : {
- "type" : "integer",
- "format" : "int32"
- },
- "desiredInstanceCount" : {
- "type" : "integer",
- "format" : "int32"
- },
- "properties" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "additionalProperties" : {
- "type" : "string"
- }
- },
- "pdpInstances" : {
- "type" : "array",
- "items" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/Pdp"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "ToscaPolicyIdentifier" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "name" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "version" : {
- "type" : "string"
- }
- }
- },
- "ToscaPolicyTypeIdentifier" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "name" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "version" : {
- "type" : "string"
- }
- }
- },
- "ToscaPolicyIdentifierOptVersion" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "name" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "version" : {
- "type" : "string"
- }
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/docs/pap/swagger/groups-batch-pap.json b/docs/pap/swagger/groups-batch-pap.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d02e99..0000000
--- a/docs/pap/swagger/groups-batch-pap.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
- "swagger" : "2.0",
- "basePath" : "/",
- "tags" : [ {
- "name" : "PdpGroup Create/Update"
- } ],
- "schemes" : [ "http", "https" ],
- "consumes" : [ "application/json", "application/yaml" ],
- "produces" : [ "application/json", "application/yaml" ],
- "paths" : {
- "/policy/pap/v1/pdps/groups/batch" : {
- "post" : {
- "tags" : [ "PdpGroup Create/Update" ],
- "summary" : "Create or update PDP Groups",
- "description" : "Create or update one or more PDP Groups, returning optional error details",
- "operationId" : "createOrUpdateGroups",
- "produces" : [ "application/json", "application/yaml" ],
- "parameters" : [ {
- "name" : "X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in" : "header",
- "description" : "RequestID for http transaction",
- "required" : false,
- "type" : "string",
- "format" : "uuid"
- }, {
- "in" : "body",
- "name" : "body",
- "description" : "List of PDP Group Configuration",
- "required" : true,
- "schema" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/PdpGroups"
- }
- } ],
- "responses" : {
- "200" : {
- "description" : "successful operation",
- "headers" : {
- "X-MinorVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used to request or communicate a MINOR version back from the client to the server, and from the server back to the client"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used only to communicate a PATCH version in a response for troubleshooting purposes only, and will not be provided by the client on request"
- },
- "X-LatestVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used only to communicate an API's latest version"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "format" : "uuid",
- "description" : "Used to track REST transactions for logging purpose"
- }
- },
- "schema" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/PdpGroupUpdateResponse"
- }
- },
- "401" : {
- "description" : "Authentication Error"
- },
- "403" : {
- "description" : "Authorization Error"
- },
- "500" : {
- "description" : "Internal Server Error"
- }
- },
- "security" : [ {
- "basicAuth" : [ ]
- } ],
- "x-interface info" : {
- "api-version" : "1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release" : "Dublin"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "securityDefinitions" : {
- "basicAuth" : {
- "description" : "",
- "type" : "basic"
- }
- },
- "definitions" : {
- "PdpGroupUpdateResponse" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "errorDetails" : {
- "type" : "string"
- }
- }
- },
- "Pdp" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "instanceId" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "pdpState" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "enum" : [ "PASSIVE", "SAFE", "TEST", "ACTIVE", "TERMINATED" ]
- },
- "healthy" : {
- "type" : "string",
- },
- "message" : {
- "type" : "string"
- }
- }
- },
- "PdpGroup" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "name" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "description" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "pdpGroupState" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "enum" : [ "PASSIVE", "SAFE", "TEST", "ACTIVE", "TERMINATED" ]
- },
- "properties" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "additionalProperties" : {
- "type" : "string"
- }
- },
- "pdpSubgroups" : {
- "type" : "array",
- "items" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/PdpSubGroup"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "PdpGroups" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "groups" : {
- "type" : "array",
- "items" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/PdpGroup"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "PdpSubGroup" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "pdpType" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "supportedPolicyTypes" : {
- "type" : "array",
- "items" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/ToscaPolicyTypeIdentifier"
- }
- },
- "policies" : {
- "type" : "array",
- "items" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/ToscaPolicyIdentifier"
- }
- },
- "currentInstanceCount" : {
- "type" : "integer",
- "format" : "int32"
- },
- "desiredInstanceCount" : {
- "type" : "integer",
- "format" : "int32"
- },
- "properties" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "additionalProperties" : {
- "type" : "string"
- }
- },
- "pdpInstances" : {
- "type" : "array",
- "items" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/Pdp"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "ToscaPolicyIdentifier" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "name" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "version" : {
- "type" : "string"
- }
- }
- },
- "ToscaPolicyTypeIdentifier" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "name" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "version" : {
- "type" : "string"
- }
- }
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/pap/swagger/health-check-pap.json b/docs/pap/swagger/health-check-pap.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 3bf87e2..0000000
--- a/docs/pap/swagger/health-check-pap.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
- "swagger" : "2.0",
- "basePath" : "/",
- "tags" : [ {
- "name" : "HealthCheck"
- } ],
- "schemes" : [ "http", "https" ],
- "consumes" : [ "application/json" ],
- "produces" : [ "application/json" ],
- "paths" : {
- "/policy/pap/v1/healthcheck" : {
- "get" : {
- "tags" : [ "HealthCheck" ],
- "summary" : "Perform healthcheck",
- "description" : "Returns healthy status of the Policy Administration component",
- "operationId" : "healthcheck",
- "produces" : [ "application/json" ],
- "parameters" : [ ],
- "responses" : {
- "200" : {
- "description" : "successful operation",
- "schema" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/HealthCheckReport"
- }
- },
- "401" : {
- "description" : "Authentication Error"
- },
- "403" : {
- "description" : "Authorization Error"
- },
- "500" : {
- "description" : "Internal Server Error"
- }
- },
- "security" : [ {
- "basicAuth" : [ ]
- } ]
- }
- }
- },
- "securityDefinitions" : {
- "basicAuth" : {
- "description" : "",
- "type" : "basic"
- }
- },
- "definitions" : {
- "HealthCheckReport" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "name" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "url" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "healthy" : {
- "type" : "boolean"
- },
- "code" : {
- "type" : "integer",
- "format" : "int32"
- },
- "message" : {
- "type" : "string"
- }
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/docs/pap/swagger/pdp-statistics-pap.json b/docs/pap/swagger/pdp-statistics-pap.json
deleted file mode 100644
index c2c7b4c..0000000
--- a/docs/pap/swagger/pdp-statistics-pap.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,455 +0,0 @@
- "swagger": "2.0",
- "basePath": "/",
- "tags": [
- {
- "name": "PDP Statistics"
- }
- ],
- "schemes": [
- "http",
- "https"
- ],
- "consumes": [
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "produces": [
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "paths": {
- "/policy/pap/v1/pdps/statistics": {
- "get": {
- "tags": [
- "PDP Statistics"
- ],
- "summary": "Fetch statistics for all PDP Groups and subgroups in the system",
- "description": "Returns for all PDP Groups and subgroups statistics of the Policy Administration component",
- "operationId": "pdpStatistics",
- "produces": [
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "parameters": [
- {
- "name": "X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in": "header",
- "description": "RequestID for http transaction",
- "required": false,
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- },
- {
- "name": "recordCount",
- "in": "query",
- "description": "Record count between 1-100",
- "required": false,
- "type": "integer",
- "format": "int32"
- },
- {
- "name": "startTime",
- "in": "query",
- "description": "Start time in epoch timestamp",
- "required": false,
- "type": "integer",
- "format": "int64"
- },
- {
- "name": "endTime",
- "in": "query",
- "description": "End time in epoch timestamp",
- "required": false,
- "type": "integer",
- "format": "int64"
- }
- ],
- "responses": {
- "200": {
- "description": "successful operation",
- "headers": {
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Used to request or communicate a MINOR version back from the client to the server, and from the server back to the client"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Used only to communicate a PATCH version in a response for troubleshooting purposes only, and will not be provided by the client on request"
- },
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Used only to communicate an API's latest version"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid",
- "description": "Used to track REST transactions for logging purpose"
- }
- },
- "schema": {
- "type": "object",
- "additionalProperties": {
- "type": "object"
- }
- }
- },
- "401": {
- "description": "Authentication Error"
- },
- "403": {
- "description": "Authorization Error"
- },
- "500": {
- "description": "Internal Server Error"
- }
- },
- "security": [
- {
- "basicAuth": []
- }
- ],
- "x-interface info": {
- "api-version": "1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release": "Dublin"
- }
- }
- },
- "/policy/pap/v1/pdps/statistics/{group}": {
- "get": {
- "tags": [
- "PDP Statistics"
- ],
- "summary": "Fetch current statistics for given PDP Group",
- "description": "Returns statistics for given PDP Group of the Policy Administration component",
- "operationId": "pdpGroupStatistics",
- "produces": [
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "parameters": [
- {
- "name": "X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in": "header",
- "description": "RequestID for http transaction",
- "required": false,
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- },
- {
- "name": "group",
- "in": "path",
- "description": "PDP Group Name",
- "required": true,
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "name": "recordCount",
- "in": "query",
- "description": "Record count between 1-100",
- "required": false,
- "type": "integer",
- "format": "int32"
- },
- {
- "name": "startTime",
- "in": "query",
- "description": "Start time in epoch timestamp",
- "required": false,
- "type": "integer",
- "format": "int64"
- },
- {
- "name": "endTime",
- "in": "query",
- "description": "End time in epoch timestamp",
- "required": false,
- "type": "integer",
- "format": "int64"
- }
- ],
- "responses": {
- "200": {
- "description": "successful operation",
- "headers": {
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Used to request or communicate a MINOR version back from the client to the server, and from the server back to the client"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Used only to communicate a PATCH version in a response for troubleshooting purposes only, and will not be provided by the client on request"
- },
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Used only to communicate an API's latest version"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid",
- "description": "Used to track REST transactions for logging purpose"
- }
- },
- "schema": {
- "type": "object",
- "additionalProperties": {
- "type": "object"
- }
- }
- },
- "401": {
- "description": "Authentication Error"
- },
- "403": {
- "description": "Authorization Error"
- },
- "500": {
- "description": "Internal Server Error"
- }
- },
- "security": [
- {
- "basicAuth": []
- }
- ],
- "x-interface info": {
- "api-version": "1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release": "Dublin"
- }
- }
- },
- "/policy/pap/v1/pdps/statistics/{group}/{type}": {
- "get": {
- "tags": [
- "PDP Statistics"
- ],
- "summary": "Fetch statistics for the specified subgroup",
- "description": "Returns statistics for the specified subgroup of the Policy Administration component",
- "operationId": "pdpSubGroupStatistics",
- "produces": [
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "parameters": [
- {
- "name": "X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in": "header",
- "description": "RequestID for http transaction",
- "required": false,
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- },
- {
- "name": "group",
- "in": "path",
- "description": "PDP Group Name",
- "required": true,
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "name": "type",
- "in": "path",
- "description": "PDP SubGroup type",
- "required": true,
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "name": "recordCount",
- "in": "query",
- "description": "Record count between 1-100",
- "required": false,
- "type": "integer",
- "format": "int32"
- },
- {
- "name": "startTime",
- "in": "query",
- "description": "Start time in epoch timestamp",
- "required": false,
- "type": "integer",
- "format": "int64"
- },
- {
- "name": "endTime",
- "in": "query",
- "description": "End time in epoch timestamp",
- "required": false,
- "type": "integer",
- "format": "int64"
- }
- ],
- "responses": {
- "200": {
- "description": "successful operation",
- "headers": {
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Used to request or communicate a MINOR version back from the client to the server, and from the server back to the client"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Used only to communicate a PATCH version in a response for troubleshooting purposes only, and will not be provided by the client on request"
- },
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Used only to communicate an API's latest version"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid",
- "description": "Used to track REST transactions for logging purpose"
- }
- },
- "schema": {
- "type": "object",
- "additionalProperties": {
- "type": "object"
- }
- }
- },
- "401": {
- "description": "Authentication Error"
- },
- "403": {
- "description": "Authorization Error"
- },
- "500": {
- "description": "Internal Server Error"
- }
- },
- "security": [
- {
- "basicAuth": []
- }
- ],
- "x-interface info": {
- "api-version": "1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release": "Dublin"
- }
- }
- },
- "/policy/pap/v1/pdps/statistics/{group}/{type}/{pdp}": {
- "get": {
- "tags": [
- "PDP Statistics"
- ],
- "summary": "Fetch statistics for the specified pdp",
- "description": "Returns statistics for the specified pdp of the Policy Administration component",
- "operationId": "pdpInstanceStatistics",
- "produces": [
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "parameters": [
- {
- "name": "X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in": "header",
- "description": "RequestID for http transaction",
- "required": false,
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- },
- {
- "name": "group",
- "in": "path",
- "description": "PDP Group Name",
- "required": true,
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "name": "type",
- "in": "path",
- "description": "PDP SubGroup type",
- "required": true,
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "name": "pdp",
- "in": "path",
- "description": "PDP Instance name",
- "required": true,
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "name": "recordCount",
- "in": "query",
- "description": "Record count between 1-100",
- "required": false,
- "type": "integer",
- "format": "int32"
- },
- {
- "name": "startTime",
- "in": "query",
- "description": "Start time in epoch timestamp",
- "required": false,
- "type": "integer",
- "format": "int64"
- },
- {
- "name": "endTime",
- "in": "query",
- "description": "End time in epoch timestamp",
- "required": false,
- "type": "integer",
- "format": "int64"
- }
- ],
- "responses": {
- "200": {
- "description": "successful operation",
- "headers": {
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Used to request or communicate a MINOR version back from the client to the server, and from the server back to the client"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Used only to communicate a PATCH version in a response for troubleshooting purposes only, and will not be provided by the client on request"
- },
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Used only to communicate an API's latest version"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid",
- "description": "Used to track REST transactions for logging purpose"
- }
- },
- "schema": {
- "type": "object",
- "additionalProperties": {
- "type": "object"
- }
- }
- },
- "401": {
- "description": "Authentication Error"
- },
- "403": {
- "description": "Authorization Error"
- },
- "500": {
- "description": "Internal Server Error"
- }
- },
- "security": [
- {
- "basicAuth": []
- }
- ],
- "x-interface info": {
- "api-version": "1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release": "Dublin"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "securityDefinitions": {
- "basicAuth": {
- "description": "",
- "type": "basic"
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/pap/swagger/policy-audit-pap.json b/docs/pap/swagger/policy-audit-pap.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 1fd9231..0000000
--- a/docs/pap/swagger/policy-audit-pap.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,489 +0,0 @@
- "swagger": "2.0",
- "info": {
- "title": "The APIs listed here are used to fetch audit information for various actions taken on policies.",
- "version": "v1"
- },
- "basePath": "/",
- "tags": [
- {
- "name": "Policy Audit"
- }
- ],
- "schemes": [
- "http",
- "https"
- ],
- "consumes": [
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "produces": [
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "paths": {
- "/policy/pap/v1/policies/audit": {
- "get": {
- "tags": [
- "Policy Audit"
- ],
- "summary": "Queries audit information for all the policies",
- "description": "Queries audit information for all the policies, returning audit information for all the policies in the database",
- "operationId": "getAllAuditRecords",
- "produces": [
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "parameters": [
- {
- "name": "X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in": "header",
- "description": "RequestID for http transaction",
- "required": false,
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- },
- {
- "name": "recordCount",
- "in": "query",
- "description": "Record count between 1-100",
- "required": false,
- "type": "integer",
- "format": "int32"
- },
- {
- "name": "startTime",
- "in": "query",
- "description": "Start time in epoch timestamp",
- "required": false,
- "type": "integer",
- "format": "int64"
- },
- {
- "name": "endTime",
- "in": "query",
- "description": "End time in epoch timestamp",
- "required": false,
- "type": "integer",
- "format": "int64"
- }
- ],
- "responses": {
- "200": {
- "description": "successful operation",
- "headers": {
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Used to request or communicate a MINOR version back from the client to the server, and from the server back to the client"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Used only to communicate a PATCH version in a response for troubleshooting purposes only, and will not be provided by the client on request"
- },
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Used only to communicate an API's latest version"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid",
- "description": "Used to track REST transactions for logging purpose"
- }
- },
- "schema": {
- "type": "array",
- "items": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/PolicyAudit"
- }
- }
- },
- "401": {
- "description": "Authentication Error"
- },
- "403": {
- "description": "Authorization Error"
- },
- "500": {
- "description": "Internal Server Error"
- }
- },
- "security": [
- {
- "basicAuth": []
- }
- ],
- "x-interface info": {
- "api-version": "1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release": "Dublin"
- }
- }
- },
- "/policy/pap/v1/policies/audit/{pdpGroupName}": {
- "get": {
- "tags": [
- "Policy Audit"
- ],
- "summary": "Queries audit information for all the policies in a PdpGroup",
- "description": "Queries audit information for all the policies in a PdpGroup, returning audit information for all the policies belonging to the PdpGroup",
- "operationId": "getAuditRecordsByGroup",
- "produces": [
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "parameters": [
- {
- "name": "X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in": "header",
- "description": "RequestID for http transaction",
- "required": false,
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- },
- {
- "name": "recordCount",
- "in": "query",
- "description": "Record count between 1-100",
- "required": false,
- "type": "integer",
- "format": "int32"
- },
- {
- "name": "startTime",
- "in": "query",
- "description": "Start time in epoch timestamp",
- "required": false,
- "type": "integer",
- "format": "int64"
- },
- {
- "name": "endTime",
- "in": "query",
- "description": "End time in epoch timestamp",
- "required": false,
- "type": "integer",
- "format": "int64"
- },
- {
- "name": "pdpGroupName",
- "in": "path",
- "description": "PDP Group Name",
- "required": true,
- "type": "string"
- }
- ],
- "responses": {
- "200": {
- "description": "successful operation",
- "headers": {
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Used to request or communicate a MINOR version back from the client to the server, and from the server back to the client"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Used only to communicate a PATCH version in a response for troubleshooting purposes only, and will not be provided by the client on request"
- },
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Used only to communicate an API's latest version"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid",
- "description": "Used to track REST transactions for logging purpose"
- }
- },
- "schema": {
- "type": "array",
- "items": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/PolicyAudit"
- }
- }
- },
- "401": {
- "description": "Authentication Error"
- },
- "403": {
- "description": "Authorization Error"
- },
- "500": {
- "description": "Internal Server Error"
- }
- },
- "security": [
- {
- "basicAuth": []
- }
- ],
- "x-interface info": {
- "api-version": "1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release": "Dublin"
- }
- }
- },
- "/policy/pap/v1/policies/audit/{policyName}/{policyVersion}": {
- "get": {
- "tags": [
- "Policy Audit"
- ],
- "summary": "Queries audit information for a specific version of a policy",
- "description": "Queries audit information for a specific version of a policy, returning audit information for the policy",
- "operationId": "getAuditRecordsOfPolicy",
- "produces": [
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "parameters": [
- {
- "name": "X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in": "header",
- "description": "RequestID for http transaction",
- "required": false,
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- },
- {
- "name": "recordCount",
- "in": "query",
- "description": "Record count between 1-100",
- "required": false,
- "type": "integer",
- "format": "int32"
- },
- {
- "name": "startTime",
- "in": "query",
- "description": "Start time in epoch timestamp",
- "required": false,
- "type": "integer",
- "format": "int64"
- },
- {
- "name": "endTime",
- "in": "query",
- "description": "End time in epoch timestamp",
- "required": false,
- "type": "integer",
- "format": "int64"
- },
- {
- "name": "policyName",
- "in": "path",
- "description": "Policy Name",
- "required": true,
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "name": "policyVersion",
- "in": "path",
- "description": "Policy Version",
- "required": true,
- "type": "string"
- }
- ],
- "responses": {
- "200": {
- "description": "successful operation",
- "headers": {
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Used to request or communicate a MINOR version back from the client to the server, and from the server back to the client"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Used only to communicate a PATCH version in a response for troubleshooting purposes only, and will not be provided by the client on request"
- },
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Used only to communicate an API's latest version"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid",
- "description": "Used to track REST transactions for logging purpose"
- }
- },
- "schema": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/PolicyAudit"
- }
- },
- "401": {
- "description": "Authentication Error"
- },
- "403": {
- "description": "Authorization Error"
- },
- "500": {
- "description": "Internal Server Error"
- }
- },
- "security": [
- {
- "basicAuth": []
- }
- ],
- "x-interface info": {
- "api-version": "1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release": "Dublin"
- }
- }
- },
- "/policy/pap/v1/policies/audit/{pdpGroupName}/{policyName}/{policyVersion}": {
- "get": {
- "tags": [
- "Policy Audit"
- ],
- "summary": "Queries audit information for a specific version of a policy in a PdpGroup",
- "description": "Queries audit information for a specific version of a policy in a PdpGroup, returning audit information for the policy belonging to the PdpGroup",
- "operationId": "getAuditRecordsOfPolicy_1",
- "produces": [
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "parameters": [
- {
- "name": "X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in": "header",
- "description": "RequestID for http transaction",
- "required": false,
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- },
- {
- "name": "recordCount",
- "in": "query",
- "description": "Record count between 1-100",
- "required": false,
- "type": "integer",
- "format": "int32"
- },
- {
- "name": "startTime",
- "in": "query",
- "description": "Start time in epoch timestamp",
- "required": false,
- "type": "integer",
- "format": "int64"
- },
- {
- "name": "endTime",
- "in": "query",
- "description": "End time in epoch timestamp",
- "required": false,
- "type": "integer",
- "format": "int64"
- },
- {
- "name": "pdpGroupName",
- "in": "path",
- "description": "PDP Group Name",
- "required": true,
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "name": "policyName",
- "in": "path",
- "description": "Policy Name",
- "required": true,
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "name": "policyVersion",
- "in": "path",
- "description": "Policy Version",
- "required": true,
- "type": "string"
- }
- ],
- "responses": {
- "200": {
- "description": "successful operation",
- "headers": {
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Used to request or communicate a MINOR version back from the client to the server, and from the server back to the client"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Used only to communicate a PATCH version in a response for troubleshooting purposes only, and will not be provided by the client on request"
- },
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Used only to communicate an API's latest version"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid",
- "description": "Used to track REST transactions for logging purpose"
- }
- },
- "schema": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/PolicyAudit"
- }
- },
- "401": {
- "description": "Authentication Error"
- },
- "403": {
- "description": "Authorization Error"
- },
- "500": {
- "description": "Internal Server Error"
- }
- },
- "security": [
- {
- "basicAuth": []
- }
- ],
- "x-interface info": {
- "api-version": "1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release": "Dublin"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "securityDefinitions": {
- "basicAuth": {
- "description": "",
- "type": "basic"
- }
- },
- "definitions": {
- "PolicyAudit": {
- "type": "object",
- "properties": {
- "pdpGroup": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "pdpType": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "policy": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/ToscaConceptIdentifier"
- },
- "action": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "timestamp": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "user": {
- "type": "string"
- }
- }
- },
- "ToscaConceptIdentifier": {
- "type": "object",
- "properties": {
- "name": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "version": {
- "type": "string"
- }
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/docs/pap/swagger/policy-deploy-pap.json b/docs/pap/swagger/policy-deploy-pap.json
deleted file mode 100644
index d003af8..0000000
--- a/docs/pap/swagger/policy-deploy-pap.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
- "swagger" : "2.0",
- "basePath" : "/",
- "tags" : [ {
- "name" : "Deploy Policy"
- } ],
- "schemes" : [ "http", "https" ],
- "consumes" : [ "application/json" ],
- "produces" : [ "application/json" ],
- "paths" : {
- "/policy/pap/v1/pdps/policies" : {
- "post" : {
- "tags" : [ "Deploy Policy" ],
- "summary" : "Deploy or update PDP Policies",
- "description" : "Deploys or updates PDP Policies, returning optional error details",
- "operationId" : "deployPolicies",
- "produces" : [ "application/json" ],
- "parameters" : [ {
- "name" : "X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in" : "header",
- "description" : "RequestID for http transaction",
- "required" : false,
- "type" : "string",
- "format" : "uuid"
- }, {
- "in" : "body",
- "name" : "body",
- "description" : "PDP Policies; only the name is required",
- "required" : true,
- "schema" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/PdpDeployPolicies"
- }
- } ],
- "responses" : {
- "202" : {
- "description" : "operation accepted",
- "headers" : {
- "X-MinorVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used to request or communicate a MINOR version back from the client to the server, and from the server back to the client"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used only to communicate a PATCH version in a response for troubleshooting purposes only, and will not be provided by the client on request"
- },
- "X-LatestVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used only to communicate an API's latest version"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "format" : "uuid",
- "description" : "Used to track REST transactions for logging purpose"
- }
- },
- "schema" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/PdpGroupDeployResponse"
- }
- },
- "401" : {
- "description" : "Authentication Error"
- },
- "403" : {
- "description" : "Authorization Error"
- },
- "500" : {
- "description" : "Internal Server Error"
- }
- },
- "security" : [ {
- "basicAuth" : [ ]
- } ],
- "x-interface info" : {
- "api-version" : "1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release" : "Dublin"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "securityDefinitions" : {
- "basicAuth" : {
- "description" : "",
- "type" : "basic"
- }
- },
- "definitions" : {
- "PdpGroupDeployResponse" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "errorDetails" : {
- "type" : "string"
- }
- }
- },
- "PdpDeployPolicies" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "policies" : {
- "type" : "array",
- "items" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/ToscaPolicyIdentifierOptVersion"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "ToscaPolicyIdentifierOptVersion" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "name" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "version" : {
- "type" : "string"
- }
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/docs/pap/swagger/policy-status-pap.json b/docs/pap/swagger/policy-status-pap.json
deleted file mode 100644
index db60220..0000000
--- a/docs/pap/swagger/policy-status-pap.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,411 +0,0 @@
- "swagger": "2.0",
- "info": {
- "title": "The APIs listed here are used to fetch status of policies in PdpGroups",
- "version": "v1"
- },
- "basePath": "/",
- "tags": [
- {
- "name": "Policy Status"
- }
- ],
- "schemes": [
- "http",
- "https"
- ],
- "consumes": [
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "produces": [
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "paths": {
- "/policy/pap/v1/policies/status": {
- "get": {
- "tags": [
- "Policy Status"
- ],
- "summary": "Queries status of policies in all PdpGroups",
- "description": "Queries status of policies in all PdpGroups, returning status of policies in all the PDPs belonging to all PdpGroups",
- "operationId": "queryAllPolicies",
- "produces": [
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "parameters": [
- {
- "name": "X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in": "header",
- "description": "RequestID for http transaction",
- "required": false,
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- ],
- "responses": {
- "200": {
- "description": "successful operation",
- "headers": {
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Used to request or communicate a MINOR version back from the client to the server, and from the server back to the client"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Used only to communicate a PATCH version in a response for troubleshooting purposes only, and will not be provided by the client on request"
- },
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Used only to communicate an API's latest version"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid",
- "description": "Used to track REST transactions for logging purpose"
- }
- },
- "schema": {
- "type": "array",
- "items": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/PdpPolicyStatus"
- }
- }
- },
- "401": {
- "description": "Authentication Error"
- },
- "403": {
- "description": "Authorization Error"
- },
- "500": {
- "description": "Internal Server Error"
- }
- },
- "security": [
- {
- "basicAuth": []
- }
- ],
- "x-interface info": {
- "api-version": "1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release": "Honolulu"
- }
- }
- },
- "/policy/pap/v1/policies/status/{pdpGroupName}": {
- "get": {
- "tags": [
- "Policy Status"
- ],
- "summary": "Queries status of policies in a specific PdpGroup",
- "description": "Queries status of policies in a specific PdpGroup, returning status of policies in all the PDPs belonging to the PdpGroup",
- "operationId": "queryAllPoliciesInPdpGroup",
- "produces": [
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "parameters": [
- {
- "name": "pdpGroupName",
- "in": "path",
- "description": "Name of the PdpGroup",
- "required": true,
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "name": "X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in": "header",
- "description": "RequestID for http transaction",
- "required": false,
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- ],
- "responses": {
- "200": {
- "description": "successful operation",
- "headers": {
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Used to request or communicate a MINOR version back from the client to the server, and from the server back to the client"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Used only to communicate a PATCH version in a response for troubleshooting purposes only, and will not be provided by the client on request"
- },
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Used only to communicate an API's latest version"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid",
- "description": "Used to track REST transactions for logging purpose"
- }
- },
- "schema": {
- "type": "array",
- "items": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/PdpPolicyStatus"
- }
- }
- },
- "401": {
- "description": "Authentication Error"
- },
- "403": {
- "description": "Authorization Error"
- },
- "404": {
- "description": "Resource not found"
- },
- "500": {
- "description": "Internal Server Error"
- }
- },
- "security": [
- {
- "basicAuth": []
- }
- ],
- "x-interface info": {
- "api-version": "1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release": "Honolulu"
- }
- }
- },
- "/policy/pap/v1/policies/status/{pdpGroupName}/{policyName}": {
- "get": {
- "tags": [
- "Policy Status"
- ],
- "summary": "Queries status of all versions of a specific policy in a specific PdpGroup",
- "description": "Queries status of all versions of a specific policy in a specific PdpGroup, returning status of all versions of the policy in the PDPs belonging to the PdpGroup",
- "operationId": "queryAllVersionPolicy",
- "produces": [
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "parameters": [
- {
- "name": "pdpGroupName",
- "in": "path",
- "description": "Name of the PdpGroup",
- "required": true,
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "name": "policyName",
- "in": "path",
- "description": "Name of the Policy",
- "required": true,
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "name": "X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in": "header",
- "description": "RequestID for http transaction",
- "required": false,
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- ],
- "responses": {
- "200": {
- "description": "successful operation",
- "headers": {
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Used to request or communicate a MINOR version back from the client to the server, and from the server back to the client"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Used only to communicate a PATCH version in a response for troubleshooting purposes only, and will not be provided by the client on request"
- },
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Used only to communicate an API's latest version"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid",
- "description": "Used to track REST transactions for logging purpose"
- }
- },
- "schema": {
- "type": "array",
- "items": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/PdpPolicyStatus"
- }
- }
- },
- "401": {
- "description": "Authentication Error"
- },
- "403": {
- "description": "Authorization Error"
- },
- "404": {
- "description": "Resource not found"
- },
- "500": {
- "description": "Internal Server Error"
- }
- },
- "security": [
- {
- "basicAuth": []
- }
- ],
- "x-interface info": {
- "api-version": "1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release": "Honolulu"
- }
- }
- },
- "/policy/pap/v1/policies/status/{pdpGroupName}/{policyName}/{policyVersion}": {
- "get": {
- "tags": [
- "Policy Status"
- ],
- "summary": "Queries status of a specific version of a specific policy in a specific PdpGroup",
- "description": "Queries status of a specific version of a specific policy in a specific PdpGroup, returning status of the policy in the PDPs belonging to the PdpGroup",
- "operationId": "querySpecificVersionPolicy",
- "produces": [
- "application/json",
- "application/yaml"
- ],
- "parameters": [
- {
- "name": "pdpGroupName",
- "in": "path",
- "description": "Name of the PdpGroup",
- "required": true,
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "name": "policyName",
- "in": "path",
- "description": "Name of the Policy",
- "required": true,
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "name": "policyVersion",
- "in": "path",
- "description": "Version of the Policy",
- "required": true,
- "type": "string"
- },
- {
- "name": "X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in": "header",
- "description": "RequestID for http transaction",
- "required": false,
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid"
- }
- ],
- "responses": {
- "200": {
- "description": "successful operation",
- "headers": {
- "X-MinorVersion": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Used to request or communicate a MINOR version back from the client to the server, and from the server back to the client"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Used only to communicate a PATCH version in a response for troubleshooting purposes only, and will not be provided by the client on request"
- },
- "X-LatestVersion": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Used only to communicate an API's latest version"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "uuid",
- "description": "Used to track REST transactions for logging purpose"
- }
- },
- "schema": {
- "type": "array",
- "items": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/PdpPolicyStatus"
- }
- }
- },
- "401": {
- "description": "Authentication Error"
- },
- "403": {
- "description": "Authorization Error"
- },
- "404": {
- "description": "Resource not found"
- },
- "500": {
- "description": "Internal Server Error"
- }
- },
- "security": [
- {
- "basicAuth": []
- }
- ],
- "x-interface info": {
- "api-version": "1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release": "Honolulu"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "securityDefinitions": {
- "basicAuth": {
- "description": "",
- "type": "basic"
- }
- },
- "definitions": {
- "PdpPolicyStatus": {
- "type": "object",
- "properties": {
- "pdpGroup": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "pdpType": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "pdpId": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "policy": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/ToscaConceptIdentifier"
- },
- "policyType": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/ToscaConceptIdentifier"
- },
- "deploy": {
- "type": "boolean"
- },
- "state": {
- "type": "string"
- }
- }
- },
- "ToscaConceptIdentifier": {
- "type": "object",
- "properties": {
- "name": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "version": {
- "type": "string"
- }
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/docs/pap/swagger/policy-undeploy-pap.json b/docs/pap/swagger/policy-undeploy-pap.json
deleted file mode 100644
index de79366..0000000
--- a/docs/pap/swagger/policy-undeploy-pap.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
- "swagger" : "2.0",
- "basePath" : "/",
- "tags" : [ {
- "name" : "Undeploy Policy"
- } ],
- "schemes" : [ "http", "https" ],
- "consumes" : [ "application/json" ],
- "produces" : [ "application/json" ],
- "paths" : {
- "/policy/pap/v1/pdps/policies/{name}" : {
- "delete" : {
- "tags" : [ "Undeploy Policy" ],
- "summary" : "Undeploy a PDP Policy from PDPs",
- "description" : "Undeploys the latest version of a policy from the PDPs, returning optional error details",
- "operationId" : "deletePolicy",
- "produces" : [ "application/json" ],
- "parameters" : [ {
- "name" : "X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in" : "header",
- "description" : "RequestID for http transaction",
- "required" : false,
- "type" : "string",
- "format" : "uuid"
- }, {
- "name" : "name",
- "in" : "path",
- "description" : "PDP Policy Name",
- "required" : true,
- "type" : "string"
- } ],
- "responses" : {
- "202" : {
- "description" : "operation accepted",
- "headers" : {
- "X-MinorVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used to request or communicate a MINOR version back from the client to the server, and from the server back to the client"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used only to communicate a PATCH version in a response for troubleshooting purposes only, and will not be provided by the client on request"
- },
- "X-LatestVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used only to communicate an API's latest version"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "format" : "uuid",
- "description" : "Used to track REST transactions for logging purpose"
- }
- },
- "schema" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/PdpGroupDeleteResponse"
- }
- },
- "401" : {
- "description" : "Authentication Error"
- },
- "403" : {
- "description" : "Authorization Error"
- },
- "500" : {
- "description" : "Internal Server Error"
- }
- },
- "security" : [ {
- "basicAuth" : [ ]
- } ],
- "x-interface info" : {
- "api-version" : "1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release" : "Dublin"
- }
- }
- },
- "/policy/pap/v1/pdps/policies/{name}/versions/{version}" : {
- "delete" : {
- "tags" : [ "Undeploy Policy" ],
- "summary" : "Undeploy version of a PDP Policy from PDPs",
- "description" : "Undeploys a specific version of a policy from the PDPs, returning optional error details",
- "operationId" : "deletePolicyVersion",
- "produces" : [ "application/json" ],
- "parameters" : [ {
- "name" : "X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in" : "header",
- "description" : "RequestID for http transaction",
- "required" : false,
- "type" : "string",
- "format" : "uuid"
- }, {
- "name" : "name",
- "in" : "path",
- "description" : "PDP Policy Name",
- "required" : true,
- "type" : "string"
- }, {
- "name" : "version",
- "in" : "path",
- "description" : "PDP Policy Version",
- "required" : true,
- "type" : "string"
- } ],
- "responses" : {
- "202" : {
- "description" : "operation accepted",
- "headers" : {
- "X-MinorVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used to request or communicate a MINOR version back from the client to the server, and from the server back to the client"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used only to communicate a PATCH version in a response for troubleshooting purposes only, and will not be provided by the client on request"
- },
- "X-LatestVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used only to communicate an API's latest version"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "format" : "uuid",
- "description" : "Used to track REST transactions for logging purpose"
- }
- },
- "schema" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/PdpGroupDeleteResponse"
- }
- },
- "401" : {
- "description" : "Authentication Error"
- },
- "403" : {
- "description" : "Authorization Error"
- },
- "500" : {
- "description" : "Internal Server Error"
- }
- },
- "security" : [ {
- "basicAuth" : [ ]
- } ],
- "x-interface info" : {
- "api-version" : "1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release" : "Dublin"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "securityDefinitions" : {
- "basicAuth" : {
- "description" : "",
- "type" : "basic"
- }
- },
- "definitions" : {
- "PdpGroupDeleteResponse" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "errorDetails" : {
- "type" : "string"
- }
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/docs/pap/swagger/state-change-pap.json b/docs/pap/swagger/state-change-pap.json
deleted file mode 100644
index d5ca9a0..0000000
--- a/docs/pap/swagger/state-change-pap.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
- "swagger" : "2.0",
- "basePath" : "/",
- "tags" : [ {
- "name" : "PdpGroup State Change"
- } ],
- "schemes" : [ "http", "https" ],
- "consumes" : [ "application/json" ],
- "produces" : [ "application/json" ],
- "paths" : {
- "/policy/pap/v1/pdps/groups/{name}" : {
- "put" : {
- "tags" : [ "PdpGroup State Change" ],
- "summary" : "Change state of a PDP Group",
- "description" : "Changes state of PDP Group, returning optional error details",
- "operationId" : "changeGroupState",
- "produces" : [ "application/json" ],
- "parameters" : [ {
- "name" : "X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in" : "header",
- "description" : "RequestID for http transaction",
- "required" : false,
- "type" : "string",
- "format" : "uuid"
- }, {
- "name" : "name",
- "in" : "path",
- "description" : "PDP Group Name",
- "required" : true,
- "type" : "string"
- }, {
- "name" : "state",
- "in" : "query",
- "description" : "PDP Group State",
- "required" : true,
- "type" : "string",
- "enum" : [ "PASSIVE", "SAFE", "TEST", "ACTIVE", "TERMINATED" ]
- } ],
- "responses" : {
- "200" : {
- "description" : "successful operation",
- "headers" : {
- "X-MinorVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used to request or communicate a MINOR version back from the client to the server, and from the server back to the client"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used only to communicate a PATCH version in a response for troubleshooting purposes only, and will not be provided by the client on request"
- },
- "X-LatestVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used only to communicate an API's latest version"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "format" : "uuid",
- "description" : "Used to track REST transactions for logging purpose"
- }
- },
- "schema" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/PdpGroupStateChangeResponse"
- }
- },
- "401" : {
- "description" : "Authentication Error"
- },
- "403" : {
- "description" : "Authorization Error"
- },
- "500" : {
- "description" : "Internal Server Error"
- }
- },
- "security" : [ {
- "basicAuth" : [ ]
- } ],
- "x-interface info" : {
- "api-version" : "1.0.0",
- "last-mod-release" : "Dublin"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "securityDefinitions" : {
- "basicAuth" : {
- "description" : "",
- "type" : "basic"
- }
- },
- "definitions" : {
- "PdpGroupStateChangeResponse" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "errorDetails" : {
- "type" : "string"
- }
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/docs/pap/swagger/statistics-pap.json b/docs/pap/swagger/statistics-pap.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 390fe1a..0000000
--- a/docs/pap/swagger/statistics-pap.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
- "swagger" : "2.0",
- "basePath" : "/",
- "tags" : [ {
- "name" : "Statistics"
- } ],
- "schemes" : [ "http", "https" ],
- "consumes" : [ "application/json" ],
- "produces" : [ "application/json" ],
- "paths" : {
- "/policy/pap/v1/statistics" : {
- "get" : {
- "tags" : [ "Statistics" ],
- "summary" : "Fetch current statistics",
- "description" : "Returns current statistics of the Policy Administration component",
- "operationId" : "statistics",
- "produces" : [ "application/json" ],
- "parameters" : [ ],
- "responses" : {
- "200" : {
- "description" : "successful operation",
- "schema" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/StatisticsReport"
- }
- },
- "401" : {
- "description" : "Authentication Error"
- },
- "403" : {
- "description" : "Authorization Error"
- },
- "500" : {
- "description" : "Internal Server Error"
- }
- },
- "security" : [ {
- "basicAuth" : [ ]
- } ]
- }
- }
- },
- "securityDefinitions" : {
- "basicAuth" : {
- "description" : "",
- "type" : "basic"
- }
- },
- "definitions" : {
- "StatisticsReport" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "code" : {
- "type" : "integer",
- "format" : "int32"
- },
- "totalPdpCount" : {
- "type" : "integer",
- "format" : "int64"
- },
- "totalPdpGroupCount" : {
- "type" : "integer",
- "format" : "int64"
- },
- "totalPolicyDeployCount" : {
- "type" : "integer",
- "format" : "int64"
- },
- "policyDeploySuccessCount" : {
- "type" : "integer",
- "format" : "int64"
- },
- "policyDeployFailureCount" : {
- "type" : "integer",
- "format" : "int64"
- },
- "totalPolicyDownloadCount" : {
- "type" : "integer",
- "format" : "int64"
- },
- "policyDownloadSuccessCount" : {
- "type" : "integer",
- "format" : "int64"
- },
- "policyDownloadFailureCount" : {
- "type" : "integer",
- "format" : "int64"
- }
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/docs/requirements-docs.txt b/docs/requirements-docs.txt
index bd97089..f5975c8 100644
--- a/docs/requirements-docs.txt
+++ b/docs/requirements-docs.txt
@@ -6,3 +6,4 @@
diff --git a/docs/xacml/decision-api.rst b/docs/xacml/decision-api.rst
index 8f6a993..caf81b7 100644
--- a/docs/xacml/decision-api.rst
+++ b/docs/xacml/decision-api.rst
@@ -45,9 +45,11 @@
x-onap-requestid is used to track REST transactions for logging purpose, as described above.
-:download:`Download the Decision API Swagger <swagger.json>`
+.. csv-table::
+ :header: "Swagger"
+ :widths: 10
-.. swaggerv2doc:: swagger.json
+ `Decision API Swagger <./local-swagger.html>`_
End of Document
diff --git a/docs/xacml/swagger.json b/docs/xacml/swagger.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 1588765..0000000
--- a/docs/xacml/swagger.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1108 +0,0 @@
- "swagger" : "2.0",
- "info" : {
- "description" : "Policy Xacml PDP Service",
- "version" : "Swagger Server",
- "title" : "Policy Xacml PDP Service",
- "x-component" : "Policy Framework",
- "x-planned-retirement-date" : "tbd"
- },
- "host" : "policy-xacml-pdp:6969",
- "basePath" : "/",
- "tags" : [ {
- "name" : "HealthCheck"
- }, {
- "name" : "Decision"
- }, {
- "name" : "Statistics"
- } ],
- "schemes" : [ "http", "https" ],
- "paths" : {
- "/policy/pdpx/v1/healthcheck" : {
- "get" : {
- "tags" : [ "HealthCheck" ],
- "summary" : "Perform a system healthcheck",
- "description" : "Provides healthy status of the Policy Xacml PDP component",
- "operationId" : "healthcheck",
- "consumes" : [ "application/json", "application/yaml" ],
- "produces" : [ "application/json", "application/yaml" ],
- "parameters" : [ {
- "name" : "X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in" : "header",
- "description" : "RequestID for http transaction",
- "required" : false,
- "type" : "string",
- "format" : "uuid"
- } ],
- "responses" : {
- "200" : {
- "description" : "successful operation",
- "headers" : {
- "X-MinorVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used to request or communicate a MINOR version back from the client to the server, and from the server back to the client"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used only to communicate a PATCH version in a response for troubleshooting purposes only, and will not be provided by the client on request"
- },
- "X-LatestVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used only to communicate an API's latest version"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "format" : "uuid",
- "description" : "Used to track REST transactions for logging purpose"
- }
- },
- "schema" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/HealthCheckReport"
- }
- },
- "401" : {
- "description" : "Authentication Error"
- },
- "403" : {
- "description" : "Authorization Error"
- },
- "500" : {
- "description" : "Internal Server Error"
- }
- },
- "security" : [ {
- "basicAuth" : [ ]
- } ],
- "x-interface info" : {
- "last-mod-release" : "Dublin",
- "pdpx-version" : "1.0.0"
- }
- }
- },
- "/policy/pdpx/v1/xacml" : {
- "post" : {
- "tags" : [ "Decision" ],
- "summary" : "Fetch the decision using specified decision parameters",
- "description" : "Returns the policy decision from Policy Xacml PDP",
- "operationId" : "xacml",
- "consumes" : [ "application/xacml+json", "application/xacml+xml" ],
- "produces" : [ "application/xacml+json", "application/xacml+xml" ],
- "parameters" : [ {
- "in" : "body",
- "name" : "body",
- "required" : false,
- "schema" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/Request"
- }
- }, {
- "name" : "X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in" : "header",
- "description" : "RequestID for http transaction",
- "required" : false,
- "type" : "string",
- "format" : "uuid"
- } ],
- "responses" : {
- "200" : {
- "description" : "successful operation",
- "headers" : {
- "X-MinorVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used to request or communicate a MINOR version back from the client to the server, and from the server back to the client"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used only to communicate a PATCH version in a response for troubleshooting purposes only, and will not be provided by the client on request"
- },
- "X-LatestVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used only to communicate an API's latest version"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "format" : "uuid",
- "description" : "Used to track REST transactions for logging purpose"
- }
- },
- "schema" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/Response"
- }
- },
- "400" : {
- "description" : "Bad Request",
- "schema" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
- }
- },
- "401" : {
- "description" : "Authentication Error"
- },
- "403" : {
- "description" : "Authorization Error"
- },
- "500" : {
- "description" : "Internal Server Error"
- }
- },
- "security" : [ {
- "basicAuth" : [ ]
- } ],
- "x-interface info" : {
- "last-mod-release" : "Frankfurt",
- "pdpx-version" : "1.0.0"
- }
- }
- },
- "/policy/pdpx/v1/statistics" : {
- "get" : {
- "tags" : [ "Statistics" ],
- "summary" : "Fetch current statistics",
- "description" : "Provides current statistics of the Policy Xacml PDP component",
- "operationId" : "statistics",
- "consumes" : [ "application/json", "application/yaml" ],
- "produces" : [ "application/json", "application/yaml" ],
- "parameters" : [ {
- "name" : "X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in" : "header",
- "description" : "RequestID for http transaction",
- "required" : false,
- "type" : "string",
- "format" : "uuid"
- } ],
- "responses" : {
- "200" : {
- "description" : "successful operation",
- "headers" : {
- "X-MinorVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used to request or communicate a MINOR version back from the client to the server, and from the server back to the client"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used only to communicate a PATCH version in a response for troubleshooting purposes only, and will not be provided by the client on request"
- },
- "X-LatestVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used only to communicate an API's latest version"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "format" : "uuid",
- "description" : "Used to track REST transactions for logging purpose"
- }
- },
- "schema" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/StatisticsReport"
- }
- },
- "401" : {
- "description" : "Authentication Error"
- },
- "403" : {
- "description" : "Authorization Error"
- },
- "500" : {
- "description" : "Internal Server Error"
- }
- },
- "security" : [ {
- "basicAuth" : [ ]
- } ],
- "x-interface info" : {
- "last-mod-release" : "Dublin",
- "pdpx-version" : "1.0.0"
- }
- }
- },
- "/policy/pdpx/v1/decision" : {
- "post" : {
- "tags" : [ "Decision" ],
- "summary" : "Fetch the decision using specified decision parameters",
- "description" : "Returns the policy decision from Policy Xacml PDP",
- "operationId" : "decision",
- "consumes" : [ "application/json", "application/yaml" ],
- "produces" : [ "application/json", "application/yaml" ],
- "parameters" : [ {
- "in" : "body",
- "name" : "body",
- "required" : false,
- "schema" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/DecisionRequest"
- }
- }, {
- "name" : "X-ONAP-RequestID",
- "in" : "header",
- "description" : "RequestID for http transaction",
- "required" : false,
- "type" : "string",
- "format" : "uuid"
- } ],
- "responses" : {
- "200" : {
- "description" : "successful operation",
- "headers" : {
- "X-MinorVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used to request or communicate a MINOR version back from the client to the server, and from the server back to the client"
- },
- "X-PatchVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used only to communicate a PATCH version in a response for troubleshooting purposes only, and will not be provided by the client on request"
- },
- "X-LatestVersion" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "description" : "Used only to communicate an API's latest version"
- },
- "X-ONAP-RequestID" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "format" : "uuid",
- "description" : "Used to track REST transactions for logging purpose"
- }
- },
- "schema" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/DecisionResponse"
- }
- },
- "400" : {
- "description" : "Bad Request",
- "schema" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
- }
- },
- "401" : {
- "description" : "Authentication Error"
- },
- "403" : {
- "description" : "Authorization Error"
- },
- "500" : {
- "description" : "Internal Server Error"
- }
- },
- "security" : [ {
- "basicAuth" : [ ]
- } ],
- "x-interface info" : {
- "last-mod-release" : "Dublin",
- "pdpx-version" : "1.0.0"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "securityDefinitions" : {
- "basicAuth" : {
- "description" : "",
- "type" : "basic"
- }
- },
- "definitions" : {
- "HealthCheckReport" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "name" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "url" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "healthy" : {
- "type" : "boolean"
- },
- "code" : {
- "type" : "integer",
- "format" : "int32"
- },
- "message" : {
- "type" : "string"
- }
- }
- },
- "Advice" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "attributeAssignments" : {
- "type" : "array",
- "items" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/AttributeAssignment"
- }
- },
- "id" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/Identifier"
- }
- }
- },
- "Attribute" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "attributeId" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/Identifier"
- },
- "values" : {
- "type" : "array",
- "items" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/AttributeValueObject"
- }
- },
- "category" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/Identifier"
- },
- "issuer" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "includeInResults" : {
- "type" : "boolean"
- }
- }
- },
- "AttributeAssignment" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "attributeValue" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/AttributeValueObject"
- },
- "attributeId" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/Identifier"
- },
- "category" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/Identifier"
- },
- "issuer" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "dataTypeId" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/Identifier"
- }
- }
- },
- "AttributeCategory" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "category" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/Identifier"
- },
- "attributes" : {
- "type" : "array",
- "items" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/Attribute"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "AttributeValue" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "xpathCategory" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/Identifier"
- },
- "dataTypeId" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/Identifier"
- },
- "value" : {
- "type" : "object"
- }
- }
- },
- "AttributeValueObject" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "xpathCategory" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/Identifier"
- },
- "dataTypeId" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/Identifier"
- },
- "value" : {
- "type" : "object"
- }
- }
- },
- "IdReference" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "version" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/Version"
- },
- "id" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/Identifier"
- }
- }
- },
- "Identifier" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "uri" : {
- "type" : "string",
- "format" : "uri"
- }
- }
- },
- "MissingAttributeDetail" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "attributeId" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/Identifier"
- },
- "category" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/Identifier"
- },
- "issuer" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "attributeValues" : {
- "type" : "array",
- "items" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/AttributeValueObject"
- }
- },
- "dataTypeId" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/Identifier"
- }
- }
- },
- "Obligation" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "attributeAssignments" : {
- "type" : "array",
- "items" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/AttributeAssignment"
- }
- },
- "id" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/Identifier"
- }
- }
- },
- "Response" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "results" : {
- "type" : "array",
- "items" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/Result"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "Result" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "status" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/Status"
- },
- "decision" : {
- "type" : "string",
- },
- "associatedAdvice" : {
- "type" : "array",
- "items" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/Advice"
- }
- },
- "obligations" : {
- "type" : "array",
- "items" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/Obligation"
- }
- },
- "policyIdentifiers" : {
- "type" : "array",
- "items" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/IdReference"
- }
- },
- "policySetIdentifiers" : {
- "type" : "array",
- "items" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/IdReference"
- }
- },
- "attributes" : {
- "type" : "array",
- "items" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/AttributeCategory"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "Status" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "statusCode" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/StatusCode"
- },
- "statusMessage" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "statusDetail" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/StatusDetail"
- },
- "ok" : {
- "type" : "boolean"
- }
- }
- },
- "StatusCode" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "statusCodeValue" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/Identifier"
- },
- "child" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/StatusCode"
- }
- }
- },
- "StatusDetail" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "missingAttributeDetails" : {
- "type" : "array",
- "items" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/MissingAttributeDetail"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "Version" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "version" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "versionDigits" : {
- "type" : "array",
- "items" : {
- "type" : "integer",
- "format" : "int32"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "ErrorResponse" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "responseCode" : {
- "type" : "string",
- },
- "errorMessage" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "errorDetails" : {
- "type" : "array",
- "items" : {
- "type" : "string"
- }
- },
- "warningDetails" : {
- "type" : "array",
- "items" : {
- "type" : "string"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "DOMConfiguration" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "parameterNames" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/DOMStringList"
- }
- }
- },
- "DOMImplementation" : {
- "type" : "object"
- },
- "DOMStringList" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "length" : {
- "type" : "integer",
- "format" : "int32"
- }
- }
- },
- "Document" : {
- "type" : "object",
- "properties" : {
- "documentElement" : {
- "$ref" : "#/definitions/Element"
- },
- "xmlVersion" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "strictErrorChecking" : {
- "type" : "boolean"
- },
- "documentURI" : {
- "type" : "string"
- },
- "xmlStandalone" : {
- "type" : "boolean"
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