Update INFO.yaml to add Jim and Ram

Per TSC requirements.

Per Michael's comments, added changes section.

Added both TSC link.

Issue-ID: POLICY-1775
Change-Id: I0c571c69e460f2c818a20cde6ff9ef211f86d01e
Signed-off-by: Pamela Dragosh <pdragosh@research.att.com>
diff --git a/INFO.yaml b/INFO.yaml
index d10be42..30df0f6 100644
--- a/INFO.yaml
+++ b/INFO.yaml
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
     - <<: *onap_releng_ptl
     - name: 'Jorge Hernandez'
-      email: 'jh1730@att.com'
+      email: 'jorge.hernandez-herrero@att.com'
       company: 'ATT'
       id: 'jhh'
       timezone: 'America/Illinois'
@@ -56,5 +56,21 @@
       company: 'Ericsson'
       id: 'liamfallon'
       timezone: 'Europe/Ireland'
+    - name: 'Jim Hahn'
+      email: 'jrh3@att.com'
+      company: 'ATT'
+      id: 'jrh3'
+      timezone: 'America/New_York'
+    - name: 'Ram Krishna Verma'
+      email: 'ram.krishna.verma@est.tech'
+      company: 'Ericsson'
+      id: 'ramverma'
+      timezone: 'Europe/Ireland'
     approval: 'https://lists.onap.org/pipermail/onap-tsc'
+    changes:
+        - type: 'Addition'
+          name: 'Jim Hahn'
+          name: 'Ram Krishna Verma'
+          link: https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-tsc/message/4977
+          link: https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-tsc/message/4976