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Bug Fixes
ONAP PORTAL Framework items for: (Last Updated: 16 November 2017
* **Version**: Amsterdam Release
* **Release Date**: 16 November 2017
* **Description**: R1
* [PORTAL-101] Accessing Portal Encountered Error
* [PORTAL-102] got error 404 when create/update App account management
* [PORTAL-108] unable to delete an existing account from APP Account Management
* [PORTAL-116] Empty Widgets on Home page
* [PORTAL-117] Not able to see the CLI app in portal application catalog
* [PORTAL-124] xDemo App and DMaap Bus Ctrl roles are not loading in CSIT env
* [PORTAL-125] missing role assignment when add/update a user in portal
* [PORTAL-127] remove GreenSock code from b2b libraries
* [PORTAL-137] Enhance authentication
* [PORTAL-138] Portal failed to install, error on "invalid docker-compose.yml"
* [PORTAL-139] modify onboard DB script
* [PORTAL-30] Failed to communicate with the widget microservice
* [PORTAL-33] Could not find artifact org.openecomp.ecompsdkos:epsdk-core:jar:1.1.0-SNAPSHOT in snapshots
* [PORTAL-57] rename 3 widgets in pre-load process
* [PORTAL-59] failed to display Portal users on User page
* [PORTAL-68] unable to get Swagger for ONAP Portal
* [PORTAL-69] unable to pick role in Functional Menu Update
* [PORTAL-72] Portal code Sonar scan
* [PORTAL-74] Sub component "ecomp-portal-BE-os" of Portal has its Log Provider Configuration File sealed inside the WAR
* [PORTAL-77] unable to update image on App Onboarding page
* [PORTAL-79] remove unwanted SDK left menu under Report-sample dashboard
* [PORTAL-80] remove ZIP file in microservice initialization
* [PORTAL-82] unable to pick Role in Widget onboarding for assigned app
* [PORTAL-85] unable to save App onboarding on "name space" field
* [PORTAL-86] Remove internal usages from tests and other files
* [PORTAL-91] Search is not working in Widget Onboarding
* [PORTAL-93] Unable to assign roles to users in Rackspace env
* [PORTAL-99] portal-master-release-version-java-daily job is failing