tree: 10c1642aff3253e64929b4689b6e5d8313938ab4 [path history] [tgz]
  1. ecomp-portal-resources/
  2. license/
  3. resources/
  4. src/
  5. .gitignore
  6. distribution.xml
  7. pom.xml

ECOMP Portal Web Application Back End for Open Source


This is a Maven project with the ECOMP Portal web application back-end files for public release, containing Java files specific to requirements of the open-source version. This project uses the Maven war plugin to copy in ("overlay") the contents of the ECOMP Portal web application back-end common distribution at package time.

Use Apache Maven to build, package and deploy this webapp to a web container like Apache Tomcat. Eclipse users must install the M2E-WTP connector, see

Release Notes

Version 1.1.?, July 2017

  • [Portal-30] Failed to communicate with the widget microservice: Fixed
  • [Portal-35] Replaced the portal logo with onap logo on the login screen.

Version 1.1.0, July 2017

  • [Portal-7] Improvements added as part of the rebasing process
  • [Portal-6] Updates to License and Trademark in the PORTAL Source Code
  • [PORTAL-17] Remove jfree related items

Version 1.0.0, February 2017

  • Initial release