Added Work Around in Release Notes for User Mgt.

Issue-ID: PORTAL-918

Signed-off-by: Lorraine Welch <>
Change-Id: I2d5aa825b3629556fae2572ee01eaa2536f25443
diff --git a/docs/release-notes.rst b/docs/release-notes.rst
index 12385bd..42617c2 100644
--- a/docs/release-notes.rst
+++ b/docs/release-notes.rst
@@ -28,6 +28,12 @@
         * Fixed Sonar reported critical issues.
 **Known Issues**
+        * User management pages do not work properly. We will be addressing this in the Guilin release. So, the work around is:
+           1.  If we try to add user role by navigating directly to an application, like A&AI, we are unable to add roles.
+           2.  However, With Portal admin privileges a user (in this case Demo user) can navigate to User screen and select Portal/Default from the drop down.
+           3.  Then update user roles for A&AI and other applications in the popup.
+           4.  We validated that this operation is correctly updating the role in AAF.
 **Security Notes**
@@ -69,9 +75,9 @@
         * Below are the docker images released as part of Portal Platform project:
         * onap/portal-app:3.2.3
         * onap/portal-db:3.2.3
-        * onap/portal-sdk:3.0.0
+        * onap/portal-sdk:3.2.0
         * onap/portal-wms:3.2.3
-        * portal/sdk java artifacts - (Release branch: “release-3.0.0”)
+        * portal/sdk java artifacts - (Release branch: “release-3.2.0”; Jar Version: "3.0.0")
 Version: 2.6.0