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| -- ONAP Portal |
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| -- Modifications Copyright (c) 2019 Samsung |
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| -- Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed |
| -- under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| -- you may not use this software except in compliance with the License. |
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| -- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| -- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| -- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| -- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
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| -- |
| -- Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed |
| -- under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the "License"); |
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| -- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation |
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| -- MySQL dump 10.17 Distrib 10.3.14-MariaDB, for debian-linux-gnu (x86_64) |
| -- |
| -- Host: localhost Database: portal |
| -- ------------------------------------------------------ |
| -- Server version 10.3.14-MariaDB-1:10.3.14+maria~bionic |
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| /*!40101 SET NAMES utf8mb4 */; |
| /*!40103 SET @OLD_TIME_ZONE=@@TIME_ZONE */; |
| /*!40103 SET TIME_ZONE='+00:00' */; |
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| INSERT INTO `cr_report` (`rep_id`, `title`, `descr`, `public_yn`, `report_xml`, `create_id`, `create_date`, `maint_id`, `maint_date`, `menu_id`, `menu_approved_yn`, `owner_id`, `folder_id`, `dashboard_type_yn`, `dashboard_yn`) VALUES (15,'Application Usage Report Wid','',1,'<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>\n<customReport pageSize=\"200\" reportType=\"Linear\">\n <reportName>Application Usage Report Wid</reportName>\n <reportDescr></reportDescr>\n <dbInfo>local</dbInfo>\n <dbType>mysql</dbType>\n <chartType>BarChart3D</chartType>\n <chartWidth>700</chartWidth>\n <chartHeight>500</chartHeight>\n <showChartTitle>false</showChartTitle>\n <public>false</public>\n <hideFormFieldAfterRun>false</hideFormFieldAfterRun>\n <createId>27</createId>\n <createDate>2017-01-28-05:00</createDate>\n <reportSQL>SELECT \n l.date audit_date, \n app_id app_id, \n IF(CHAR_LENGTH(l.app_name) >14, CONCAT(CONCAT(SUBSTR(l.app_name,1,7),\'...\'), SUBSTR(l.app_name, CHAR_LENGTH(l.app_name)-3,CHAR_LENGTH(l.app_name))) , l.app_name) app_name, \n IFNULL(r.ct,0) ct \nfrom\n(\n select a.Date, app_id, app_name\n from (\n select curdate() - INTERVAL (a.a + (10 * b.a) + (100 * c.a)) DAY as Date\n from (select 0 as a union all select 1 union all select 2 union all select 3 union all select 4 union all select 5 union all select 6 union all select 7 union all select 8 union all select 9) as a\n cross join (select 0 as a union all select 1 union all select 2 union all select 3 union all select 4 union all select 5 union all select 6 union all select 7 union all select 8 union all select 9) as b\n cross join (select 0 as a union all select 1 union all select 2 union all select 3 union all select 4 union all select 5 union all select 6 union all select 7 union all select 8 union all select 9) as c\n ) a, \n (\n SELECT \n app_id, app_name\n from\n (\n select @rn := @rn+1 AS rowId, app_id, app_name from \n (\n select app_id, app_name, ct from \n (\n select affected_record_id, count(*) ct\n from fn_audit_log l\n where audit_date > date_add( curdate(), interval -6 day)\n and affected_record_id not in ( 1, -1)\n and activity_cd in (\'tab_access\', \'app_access\')\n and user_id = [USER_ID]\n group by affected_record_id\n ) a, fn_app f\n where a.affected_record_id = f.app_id\n order by ct desc \n ) b,\n (SELECT @rn := 0) t2\n ) mm where rowId <= 4\n )b\n where a.Date between date_add( curdate(), interval -6 day) and curdate()\n) l left outer join\n(\n select app_name, DATE(audit_date) audit_date_1 ,count(*) ct from fn_audit_log a, fn_app b\n where user_id = [USER_ID]\n and audit_date > date_add( curdate(), interval -6 day)\n and activity_cd in (\'tab_access\', \'app_access\')\n and a.affected_record_id = b.app_id\n and b.app_id <> 1\n and b.app_id in \n (\n SELECT \n app_id\n from\n (\n select @rn := @rn+1 AS rowId, app_id from \n (\n select app_id, ct from \n (\n select affected_record_id app_id, count(*) ct\n from fn_audit_log \n where audit_date > date_add( curdate(), interval -6 day)\n and affected_record_id not in ( 1, -1)\n and activity_cd in (\'tab_access\', \'app_access\')\n and user_id = [USER_ID]\n group by affected_record_id\n ) a\n order by ct desc \n ) b,\n (SELECT @rn := 0) t2\n ) mm \n )\n group by app_name, DATE(audit_date)\n) r\non l.Date = r.audit_date_1\nand l.app_name = r.app_name</reportSQL>\n <reportTitle></reportTitle>\n <reportSubTitle></reportSubTitle>\n <reportHeader></reportHeader>\n <frozenColumns>0</frozenColumns>\n <emptyMessage>Your Search didn\'t yield any results.</emptyMessage>\n <dataGridAlign>left</dataGridAlign>\n <reportFooter></reportFooter>\n <numFormCols>1</numFormCols>\n <displayOptions>NNNNNNN</displayOptions>\n <dataContainerHeight>100</dataContainerHeight>\n <dataContainerWidth>100</dataContainerWidth>\n <allowSchedule>N</allowSchedule>\n <multiGroupColumn>N</multiGroupColumn>\n <topDown>N</topDown>\n <sizedByContent>N</sizedByContent>\n <comment>N|</comment>\n 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<reportSQL>SELECT \n l.date audit_date, \n IF(CHAR_LENGTH(l.app_name) >14, CONCAT(CONCAT(SUBSTR(l.app_name,1,7),\'...\'), SUBSTR(l.app_name, CHAR_LENGTH(l.app_name)-3,CHAR_LENGTH(l.app_name))) , l.app_name) app_name, \n IFNULL(r.ct,0) ct \nfrom\n(\n select a.Date, app_id, app_name\n from (\n select curdate() - INTERVAL (a.a + (10 * b.a) + (100 * c.a)) DAY as Date\n from (select 0 as a union all select 1 union all select 2 union all select 3 union all select 4 union all select 5 union all select 6 union all select 7 union all select 8 union all select 9) as a\n cross join (select 0 as a union all select 1 union all select 2 union all select 3 union all select 4 union all select 5 union all select 6 union all select 7 union all select 8 union all select 9) as b\n cross join (select 0 as a union all select 1 union all select 2 union all select 3 union all select 4 union all select 5 union all select 6 union all select 7 union all select 8 union all select 9) as c\n ) a, \n (\n SELECT \n app_id, app_name\n from\n (\n select @rn := @rn+1 AS rowId, app_id, app_name from \n (\n select app_id, app_name, ct from \n (\n select affected_record_id, count(*) ct\n from fn_audit_log l\n where audit_date > date_add( curdate(), interval -30 day)\n and affected_record_id not in ( 1, -1)\n and activity_cd in (\'tab_access\', \'app_access\')\n and user_id = [USER_ID]\n group by affected_record_id\n ) a, fn_app f\n where a.affected_record_id = f.app_id\n order by ct desc \n ) b,\n (SELECT @rn := 0) t2\n ) mm where rowId <= 4\n )b\n where a.Date between date_add( curdate(), interval -30 day) and curdate()\n) l left outer join\n(\n select app_name, DATE(audit_date) audit_date_1 ,count(*) ct from fn_audit_log a, fn_app b\n where user_id = [USER_ID]\n and audit_date > date_add( curdate(), interval -30 day)\n and activity_cd in (\'tab_access\', \'app_access\')\n and a.affected_record_id = b.app_id\n and b.app_id <> 1\n and b.app_id in \n (\n SELECT \n app_id\n from\n (\n select @rn := @rn+1 AS rowId, app_id from \n (\n select app_id, ct from \n (\n select affected_record_id app_id, count(*) ct\n from fn_audit_log \n where audit_date > date_add( curdate(), interval -30 day)\n and affected_record_id not in ( 1, -1)\n and activity_cd in (\'tab_access\', \'app_access\')\n and user_id = [USER_ID]\n group by affected_record_id\n ) a\n order by ct desc \n ) b,\n (SELECT @rn := 0) t2\n ) mm \n )\n group by app_name, DATE(audit_date)\n) r\non l.Date = r.audit_date_1\nand l.app_name = r.app_name</reportSQL>\n <reportTitle></reportTitle>\n <reportSubTitle></reportSubTitle>\n <reportHeader></reportHeader>\n <frozenColumns>0</frozenColumns>\n <emptyMessage>Your Search didn\'t yield any results.</emptyMessage>\n <dataGridAlign>left</dataGridAlign>\n <reportFooter></reportFooter>\n <numFormCols>1</numFormCols>\n <displayOptions>NNNNNNN</displayOptions>\n <dataContainerHeight>100</dataContainerHeight>\n <dataContainerWidth>100</dataContainerWidth>\n <allowSchedule>N</allowSchedule>\n 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<hideFormFieldAfterRun>false</hideFormFieldAfterRun>\n <createId>27</createId>\n <createDate>2017-01-28-05:00</createDate>\n <reportSQL>SELECT \n d.dat audit_date, \n \'# of Minutes\' app, \n coalesce(diff, null, 0) mins \nfrom\n(\n select * from\n (\n select curdate() - INTERVAL (a.a + (10 * b.a) + (100 * c.a)) DAY as dat\n from (select 0 as a union all select 1 union all select 2 union all select 3 union all select 4 union all select 5 union all select 6 union all select 7 union all select 8 union all select 9) as a\n cross join (select 0 as a union all select 1 union all select 2 union all select 3 union all select 4 union all select 5 union all select 6 union all select 7 union all select 8 union all select 9) as b\n cross join (select 0 as a union all select 1 union all select 2 union all select 3 union all select 4 union all select 5 union all select 6 union all select 7 union all select 8 union all select 9) as c \n ) d where d.dat between date_add( curdate(), interval -30 day) and curdate()\n) d left outer join\n(\n select dat, mi, mx, TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, coalesce(mi, null, 0), coalesce(mx, null, 0)) + 30 diff\n from\n (\n select DATE(audit_date) dat, coalesce(min(audit_date), null, 0) mi, coalesce(max(audit_date), null, 0) mx\n from fn_audit_log \n where user_id = [USER_ID] and DATE(audit_date) between CURDATE()-300 and CURDATE()\n group by DATE(audit_date)\n ) a\n) a\non a.dat = d.dat\norder by 1</reportSQL>\n <reportTitle></reportTitle>\n <reportSubTitle></reportSubTitle>\n <reportHeader></reportHeader>\n <frozenColumns>0</frozenColumns>\n <emptyMessage>Your Search didn\'t yield any results.</emptyMessage>\n <dataGridAlign>left</dataGridAlign>\n <reportFooter></reportFooter>\n <numFormCols>1</numFormCols>\n <displayOptions>NNNNNNN</displayOptions>\n <dataContainerHeight>100</dataContainerHeight>\n <dataContainerWidth>100</dataContainerWidth>\n <allowSchedule>N</allowSchedule>\n <multiGroupColumn>N</multiGroupColumn>\n <topDown>N</topDown>\n 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| |
| LOCK TABLES `fn_app` WRITE; |
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| `mots_id`, |
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| `_enabled`, |
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| `ueb_secret`, |
| `ueb_topic_name`, |
| `app_type`, |
| `auth_central`, |
| `auth_namespace` |
| ) |
| ( |
| 1, |
| 'Default', |
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| 'Some Default Description', |
| 'Some Default Note', |
| 'http://localhost', |
| 'http://localhost', |
| 'http://localhost:8080/ecompportal', |
| 'EcompPortal', |
| '', |
| NULL, |
| 'dR2NABMkxPaFbIbym87ZwQ==', |
| 0, |
| 0, |
| 'm00468@portal.onap.org', |
| 'EkrqsjQqZt4ZrPh6', |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 1, |
| 1, |
| 'org.onap.portal' |
| ),( |
| 2, |
| 'xDemo App', |
| 'images/cache/portal-222865671_37476.png', |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 'http://portal-sdk.simpledemo.onap.org:30212/ONAPPORTALSDK/welcome.htm', |
| NULL, |
| 'http://portal-sdk:8080/ONAPPORTALSDK/api/v3', |
| '', |
| '', |
| NULL, |
| '2VxipM8Z3SETg32m3Gp0FvKS6zZ2uCbCw46WDyK6T5E=', |
| 0, |
| 1, |
| 'Default', |
| 'ueb_key', |
| 'ueb_secret', |
| 1, |
| 0, |
| NULL |
| ),( |
| 3, |
| 'DMaaP Bus Ctrl', |
| 'images/cache/portal944583064_80711.png', |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 'http://dmaap-bc.simpledemo.onap.org:/ECOMPDBCAPP/dbc#/dmaap', |
| NULL, |
| 'http://dmaap-bc:8989/ECOMPDBCAPP/api/v2', |
| '', |
| '', |
| NULL, |
| 'okYTaDrhzibcbGVq5mjkVQ==', |
| 0, |
| 0, |
| 'Default', |
| 'ueb_key', |
| 'ueb_secret', |
| 1, |
| 0, |
| NULL |
| ),( |
| 4, |
| 'SDC', |
| 'images/cache/portal956868231_53879.png', |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 'http://sdc.api.fe.simpledemo.onap.org:30206/sdc1/portal', |
| NULL, |
| 'http://sdc-be:8080/api/v3', |
| '', |
| '', |
| NULL, |
| 'j85yNhyIs7zKYbR1VlwEfNhS6b7Om4l0Gx5O8931sCI=', |
| 0, |
| 1, |
| 'sdc', |
| 'ueb_key', |
| 'ueb_secret', |
| 1, |
| 1, |
| 'org.onap.sdc' |
| ),( |
| 5, |
| 'Policy', |
| 'images/cache/portal1470452815_67021.png', |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 'https://policy.api.simpledemo.onap.org:30219/onap/policy', |
| NULL, |
| 'https://pap:8443/onap/api/v3', |
| '', |
| '', |
| NULL, |
| '2VxipM8Z3SETg32m3Gp0FvKS6zZ2uCbCw46WDyK6T5E=', |
| 0, |
| 1, |
| 'Default', |
| 'ueb_key_5', |
| 'ueb_secret', |
| 1, |
| 1, |
| 'org.onap.policy' |
| ),( |
| 6, |
| 'Virtual Infrastructure Deployment', |
| 'images/cache/portal-345993588_92550.png', |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 'https://vid.api.simpledemo.onap.org:30200/vid/welcome.htm', |
| NULL, |
| 'https://vid:8443/vid/api/v3', |
| '', |
| '', |
| NULL, |
| '2VxipM8Z3SETg32m3Gp0FvKS6zZ2uCbCw46WDyK6T5E=', |
| 0, |
| 1, |
| 'Default', |
| '2Re7Pvdkgw5aeAUD', |
| 'S31PrbOzGgL4hg4owgtx47Da', |
| 1, |
| 1, |
| 'org.onap.vid' |
| ),( |
| 7, |
| 'A&AI UI', |
| 'images/cache/portal-345993588_92550.png', |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 'https://aai.ui.simpledemo.onap.org:30220/services/aai/webapp/index.html#/viewInspect', |
| NULL, |
| 'https://aai-sparky-be.onap:8000/api/v2', |
| '', |
| '', |
| NULL, |
| '4LK69amiIFtuzcl6Gsv97Tt7MLhzo03aoOx7dTvdjKQ=', |
| 0, |
| 1, |
| 'aaiui', |
| 'ueb_key_7', |
| 'ueb_secret', |
| 1, |
| 1, |
| 'org.onap.aai' |
| ),( |
| 8, |
| 'CLI', |
| 'images/cache/portal-345993588_92550.png', |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 'http://cli.api.simpledemo.onap.org:30260/', |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| '', |
| '', |
| NULL, |
| '', |
| 1, |
| 1, |
| '', |
| '', |
| '', |
| '', |
| 1, |
| 0, |
| NULL |
| ),( |
| 9, |
| 'MSB', |
| 'images/cache/portal-345993588_92550.png', |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 'http://msb.api.simpledemo.onap.org:30280/iui/microservices/default.html', |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| '', |
| '', |
| NULL, |
| '', |
| 1, |
| 1, |
| '', |
| '', |
| '', |
| '', |
| 2, |
| 0, |
| NULL |
| ),( |
| 10, |
| 'SO-Monitoring', |
| 'images/cache/portal-345993588_92550.png', |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 'http://so-monitoring:30224', |
| NULL, |
| 'http://so-monitoring:30224', |
| '', |
| '', |
| NULL, |
| 'password', |
| 1, |
| 1, |
| 'user', |
| '', |
| '', |
| '', |
| 1, |
| 0, |
| 'SO-Monitoring' |
| ),( |
| 11, |
| 'LF Acumos Marketplace', |
| 'images/cache/portal_907838932_26954.png', |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 'https://marketplace.acumos.org/#/home', |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| '', |
| '', |
| NULL, |
| '', |
| 1, |
| 1, |
| '', |
| '', |
| '', |
| '', |
| 2, |
| 0, |
| NULL |
| ); |
| |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `fn_app` ENABLE KEYS */; |
| |
| |
| -- |
| -- Dumping data for table `ep_app_function` |
| -- |
| |
| LOCK TABLES `ep_app_function` WRITE; |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `ep_app_function` DISABLE KEYS */; |
| INSERT INTO `ep_app_function` (`app_id`, `function_cd`, `function_name`) VALUES (1,'menu|menu_acc_admin|*','Admin Account Menu'),(1,'menu|menu_admin|*','Admin Menu'),(1,'menu|menu_home|*','Home Menu'),(1,'menu|menu_logout|*','Logout Menu'),(1,'menu|menu_web_analytics|*','Web Analytics'),(1,'url|addWebAnalyticsReport|*','Add Web Analytics Report'),(1,'url|appsFullList|*','Apps Full List'),(1,'url|centralizedApps|*','Centralized Apps'),(1,'url|edit_notification|*','User Notification'),(1,'url|functionalMenu|*','Functional Menu'),(1,'url|getAdminNotifications|*','Admin Notifications'),(1,'url|getAllWebAnalytics|*','Get All Web Analytics'),(1,'url|getFunctionalMenuRole|*','Get Functional Menu Role'),(1,'url|getNotificationAppRoles|*','Get Notification App Roles'),(1,'url|getUserAppsWebAnalytics|*','Get User Apps Web Analytics'),(1,'url|getUserJourneyAnalyticsReport|*','Get User Journey Report'),(1,'url|get_roles%2f%2a|*','getRolesOfApp'),(1,'url|get_role_functions%2f%2a|*','Get Role Functions'),(1,'url|login|*','Login'),(1,'url|notification_code|*','Notification Code'),(1,'url|role_function_list%2fsaveRoleFunction%2f%2a|*','Save Role Function'),(1,'url|saveNotification|*','publish notifications'),(1,'url|syncRoles|*','SyncRoles'),(1,'url|url_role.htm|*','role page'),(1,'url|url_welcome.htm|*','welcome page'),(1,'url|userAppRoles|*','userAppRoles'),(1,'url|userApps|*','User Apps'); |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `ep_app_function` ENABLE KEYS */; |
| |
| -- |
| -- Dumping data for table `fn_role` |
| -- |
| |
| LOCK TABLES `fn_role` WRITE; |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `fn_role` DISABLE KEYS */; |
| INSERT INTO `fn_role` (`role_id`, `role_name`, `active_yn`, `priority`, `app_id`, `app_role_id`) VALUES (1,'System_Administrator',1,1,NULL,NULL),(16,'Standard_User',1,5,NULL,NULL),(900,'Restricted_App_Role',1,1,NULL,NULL),(950,'Portal_Notification_Admin',1,1,NULL,NULL),(999,'Account_Administrator',1,1,NULL,NULL),(1000,'System_Administrator',1,1,2,1),(1001,'Standard_User',1,1,2,16),(1002,'System_Administrator',1,1,3,1),(1003,'Standard_User',1,1,3,16),(1004,'ADMIN',1,1,4,0),(1005,'TESTOR',1,1,4,1),(1006,'System_Administrator',1,1,5,1),(1007,'Standard_User',1,1,5,16),(1008,'System_Administrator',1,1,6,1),(1009,'Standard_User',1,1,6,16),(1010,'Usage_Analyst',1,1,NULL,NULL),(1011,'View',1,1,7,1),(1012,'Standard_User',1,1,7,16),(2115,'Portal_Usage_Analyst',1,6,NULL,NULL); |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `fn_role` ENABLE KEYS */; |
| |
| -- |
| -- Dumping data for table `ep_app_role_function` |
| -- |
| |
| LOCK TABLES `ep_app_role_function` WRITE; |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `ep_app_role_function` DISABLE KEYS */; |
| INSERT INTO `ep_app_role_function` (`id`, `app_id`, `role_id`, `function_cd`, `role_app_id`) VALUES (1,1,1,'url|login|*',NULL),(2,1,1,'menu|menu_admin|*',NULL),(3,1,1,'menu|menu_home|*',NULL),(4,1,1,'menu|menu_logout|*',NULL),(5,1,16,'url|login|*',NULL),(6,1,16,'menu|menu_home|*',NULL),(7,1,16,'menu|menu_logout|*',NULL),(8,1,950,'url|edit_notification|*',NULL),(9,1,950,'url|getAdminNotifications|*',NULL),(10,1,950,'url|saveNotification|*',NULL),(11,1,999,'url|userAppRoles|*',NULL),(12,1,999,'url|getAdminNotifications|*',NULL),(13,1,999,'url|userApps|*',NULL),(14,1,1010,'menu|menu_web_analytics|*',NULL),(15,1,2115,'menu|menu_web_analytics|*',NULL),(16,1,1,'menu|menu_acc_admin|*',NULL),(17,1,999,'menu|menu_acc_admin|*',NULL),(18,1,999,'url|centralizedApps|*',NULL),(19,1,999,'url|getAllWebAnalytics|*',NULL),(20,1,999,'url|getFunctionalMenuRole|*',NULL),(21,1,999,'url|getNotificationAppRoles|*',NULL),(22,1,999,'url|getUserAppsWebAnalytics|*',NULL),(23,1,999,'url|getUserJourneyAnalyticsReport|*',NULL),(24,1,999,'url|get_roles%2f%2a|*',NULL),(25,1,999,'url|get_role_functions%2f%2a|*',NULL),(26,1,999,'url|notification_code|*',NULL),(27,1,999,'url|role_function_list%2fsaveRoleFunction%2f%2a|*',NULL),(28,1,999,'url|syncRoles|*',NULL); |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `ep_app_role_function` ENABLE KEYS */; |
| |
| -- |
| -- Dumping data for table `ep_basic_auth_account` |
| -- |
| |
| LOCK TABLES `ep_basic_auth_account` WRITE; |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `ep_basic_auth_account` DISABLE KEYS */; |
| INSERT INTO `ep_basic_auth_account` (`id`, `ext_app_name`, `username`, `password`, `active_yn`) VALUES (1,'JIRA','jira','6APqvG4AU2rfLgCvMdySwQ==',1); |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `ep_basic_auth_account` ENABLE KEYS */; |
| |
| -- |
| -- Dumping data for table `ep_microservice` |
| -- |
| |
| LOCK TABLES `ep_microservice` WRITE; |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `ep_microservice` DISABLE KEYS */; |
| INSERT INTO `ep_microservice` (`id`, `name`, `description`, `app_Id`, `endpoint_url`, `security_type`, `username`, `password`, `active`) VALUES (1,'News Microservice','News',1,'http://portal-app:8989/ONAPPORTAL/commonWidgets','Basic Authentication','portal','6APqvG4AU2rfLgCvMdySwQ==',1),(2,'Events Microservice','Events',1,'http://portal-app:8989/ONAPPORTAL/commonWidgets','Basic Authentication','portal','6APqvG4AU2rfLgCvMdySwQ==',1),(3,'Resources Microservice','Resources',1,'http://portal-app:8989/ONAPPORTAL/commonWidgets','Basic Authentication','portal','6APqvG4AU2rfLgCvMdySwQ==',1),(4,'Portal-Common-Scheduler Microservice','Portal-Common-Scheduler',1,'http://portal-app:8989/ONAPPORTAL/commonWidgets','Basic Authentication','portal','6APqvG4AU2rfLgCvMdySwQ==',1); |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `ep_microservice` ENABLE KEYS */; |
| |
| -- |
| -- Dumping data for table `ep_microservice_parameter` |
| -- |
| |
| LOCK TABLES `ep_microservice_parameter` WRITE; |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `ep_microservice_parameter` DISABLE KEYS */; |
| INSERT INTO `ep_microservice_parameter` (`id`, `service_id`, `para_key`, `para_value`) VALUES (1,1,'resourceType','NEWS'),(2,2,'resourceType','EVENTS'),(3,3,'resourceType','IMPORTANTRESOURCES'),(4,4,'resourceType',NULL); |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `ep_microservice_parameter` ENABLE KEYS */; |
| |
| -- |
| -- Dumping data for table `ep_widget_catalog` |
| -- |
| |
| LOCK TABLES `ep_widget_catalog` WRITE; |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `ep_widget_catalog` DISABLE KEYS */; |
| INSERT INTO `ep_widget_catalog` (`wdg_name`, `service_id`, `wdg_desc`, `wdg_file_loc`, `all_user_flag`) VALUES ('News',1,'News','news-widget.zip',1),('Events',2,'Events','events-widget.zip',1),('Resources',3,'Resources','resources-widget.zip',1),('Portal-Common-Scheduler',4,'Portal-Common-Scheduler','portal-common-scheduler-widget.zip',1); |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `ep_widget_catalog` ENABLE KEYS */; |
| |
| -- |
| -- Dumping data for table `ep_widget_catalog_files` |
| -- |
| |
| LOCK TABLES `ep_widget_catalog_files` WRITE; |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `ep_widget_catalog_files` DISABLE KEYS */; |
| INSERT INTO `ep_widget_catalog_files` (`file_id`, `widget_id`, `widget_name`, `framework_js`, `controller_js`, `markup_html`, `widget_css`) VALUES (1,1,'News','var Portal1Widget = (function(window, undefined) { \n \n var Portal1Widget = Portal1Widget || {}; \n function extractHostPortApp(src) { \n \n Portal1Widget.microserviceId = 1; \n Portal1Widget.pathArray = src.split( \'/\' ); \n \n Portal1Widget.widgetName = 1;\n Portal1Widget.serviceSeperator = Portal1Widget.pathArray[Portal1Widget.pathArray.length - 4]; \n Portal1Widget.commonUrl = src.substring(0, src.lastIndexOf(\"/\" + Portal1Widget.pathArray[Portal1Widget.pathArray.length - 2])); \n \n Portal1Widget.recipientDivDataAttrib = \'data-\' + Portal1Widget.widgetName; \n Portal1Widget.controllerName = \'Portal1Ctrl\'; \n Portal1Widget.readyCssFlag = \'portal1-css-ready\'; \n Portal1Widget.readyCssFlagExpectedValue = \'#bada55\'; \n Portal1Widget.serviceURL = src.substring(0, src.lastIndexOf(\"/\" + Portal1Widget.serviceSeperator)) + \'/portalApi/microservice/proxy/parameter/\' + 1; 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\n } \n \n function getWidgetParams() { \n \n } \n \n function getWidgetData(widgetUrl, callback) { \n var responseData; \n try{ \n jQuery.ajax({ \n url: widgetUrl, \n method: \"GET\", \n xhrFields: { \n withCredentials: true \n }, \n crossDomain: true, \n success: function (result) { \n if (result.isOk == false){ \n \n }else{ \n callback(result); \n } \n } \n }); \n } \n catch(e){ \n \n } \n \n } \n \n function getMarkupContent(markupLocation, callback){ \n \n try{\n jQuery.ajax({ \n url: markupLocation,\n method: \"GET\", \n xhrFields: { \n withCredentials: true \n }, \n crossDomain: true, \n success: function (result) { \n if (result.isOk == false){ \n \n }else{ \n callback(result); \n } \n } \n }); \n }\n catch(e){\n \n }\n } \n \n function renderWidget(data, location, $controllerProvider) { \n var div = document.createElement(\'div\'); \n getMarkupContent(Portal1Widget.commonUrl + \"/markup/\" + Portal1Widget.widgetName, function(div){\n location.append(div); \n Portal1Widget.widgetData = data;\n app.controllerProvider.register(Portal1Widget.controllerName, Portal1Widget.controller); \n var mController = angular.element(document.getElementById(\"widgets\")); \n mController.scope().activateThis(location); \n });\n \n } \n \n function printAllArtifacts(moduleName, controllerName) { \n var queue = angular.module(moduleName)._invokeQueue; \n for(var i=0;i<queue.length;i++) { \n var call = queue[i]; \n console.log(i + \'. \' + call[0] + \' - \' + call[1] + \' - \' + call[2][0]); \n } \n } \n \n function get(name){ \n if(name=(new RegExp(\'[?&]\'+encodeURIComponent(name)+\'=([^&]*)\')).exec(location.search)) \n return decodeURIComponent(name[1]); \n } \n \n loadSupportingFiles(function() { \n loadStylesheet(Portal1Widget.commonUrl + \'/\' + Portal1Widget.widgetName + \'/style.css\'); \n loadScript(Portal1Widget.commonUrl + \'/\' + Portal1Widget.widgetName + \'/controller.js\', \n function() { \n $(\'[\'+ Portal1Widget.recipientDivDataAttrib + \']\').each(function() { \n var location = jQuery(this); \n location.removeAttr(Portal1Widget.recipientDivDataAttrib); \n var id = location.attr(Portal1Widget.recipientDivDataAttrib); \n getWidgetData(Portal1Widget.serviceURL, function(data) { \n isCssReady(function(){ \n renderWidget(data, location); \n }); \n }); \n }); \n } \n ); \n }); \n \n return Portal1Widget; \n})(window); \n ','Portal1Widget.controller = function Portal1Ctrl($rootScope, applicationsService , $log,\n $window, userProfileService, $scope, $cookies, $timeout, $interval,\n $uibModal, dashboardService, ngDialog) {Portal1Widget=Portal1Widget||{};var res = Portal1Widget.widgetData;\n \n var _this = this; \n\n //activate spinner\n this.isLoading = true;\n $scope.getUserAppsIsDone = false;\n this.userProfileService = userProfileService;\n $scope.demoNum = 1;\n $scope.event_content_show = false;\n $scope.widgetData = [];\n\n $scope.editWidgetModalPopup = function(availableData, resourceType) {\n\n $scope.editData = JSON.stringify(availableData);\n $scope.availableDataTemp = $scope.availableData;\n \n };\n \n /*Setting News data*/\n $scope.newsData = [];\n $scope.updateNews = function() {\n $scope.newsData.length=0;\n //dashboardService.getCommonWidgetData(\'NEWS\').then(function(res) {\n // $log.info(res.message);\n var newsDataJsonArray = res.response.items;\n for (var i = 0; i < newsDataJsonArray.length; i++) {\n $scope.newsData.push(newsDataJsonArray[i]);\n }\n //})[\'catch\'](function(err) {\n // $log.error(\'dashboard controller: failed to get news list\', err);\n // _this.isLoading = false;\n //});\n }\n $scope.updateNews();\n\n }\n\n;Portal1Widget.controller.$inject = [\'$rootScope\',\'applicationsService\',\'$log\',\'$window\',\'userProfileService\',\'$scope\',\'$cookies\',\'$timeout\',\'$interval\',\'$uibModal\',\'dashboardService\',\'ngDialog\'];','<div id=\"widget-news\" ng-controller=\"Portal1Ctrl\" class=\"widget-news-main\">\n <div att-gridster-item-body class=\"information-section-gridsterContent\">\n <div class=\"resources\">\n <ul ng-show=\"newsData.length!=0\">\n <li ng-repeat=\"item in newsData\"><a id=\"new-widget-{{item.id}}\"\n href=\"{{item.href}}\" target=\"_blank\" ng-bind=\"item.title\"></a></li>\n </ul>\n <div ng-hide=\"newsData.length!=0\">\n <div class=\"activity-error-container\"\n style=\"background: rgb(255, 255, 255); overflow: hidden !important; width: 100%;\">\n <div class=\"activity-error-block\">\n <i class=\"icon-information full-linear-icon-information\"\n style=\"margin-left: 125px; font-size: 90px\"></i> <br>\n <div class=\"activity-error-msg1\">There\'s currently no\n news available.</div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n</div>\n','\n.portal-widget-panel-container {\n margin-left:150px;\n width:1500px;\n}\n\n\n.portal-widget-panel-fixed-panel {\n min-height: 300px;\n max-height: 1300px;\n overflow: auto;\n}\n\n.portal-widget-panel-double-middle {\n min-height: 660px;\n max-height: 660px;\n overflow: auto;\n}\n\n.portal-widget-panel-row {\n margin-right: 0px;\n margin-left: 0px;\n width: 2800px;\n}\n\n/*Increases the width of the card/panel */\n.portal-widget-panel-panel-default {\n width:450px\n}\n\n/*Controls the spacing between the cards */\n.portal-widget-panel-col-sm-3 {\n width:20.5%\n}\n\n.portal-widget-panel-top {\n top: 15px;\n left: 15px;\n}\n\n#portal1-css-ready {\ncolor: #bada55 !important;\n}'),(2,2,'Events','var Portal2Widget = (function(window, undefined) { \n \n var Portal2Widget = Portal2Widget || {}; \n function extractHostPortApp(src) { \n \n Portal2Widget.microserviceId = 2; \n Portal2Widget.pathArray = src.split( \'/\' ); \n \n Portal2Widget.widgetName = 2;\n Portal2Widget.serviceSeperator = Portal2Widget.pathArray[Portal2Widget.pathArray.length - 4]; \n Portal2Widget.commonUrl = src.substring(0, src.lastIndexOf(\"/\" + Portal2Widget.pathArray[Portal2Widget.pathArray.length - 2])); \n \n Portal2Widget.recipientDivDataAttrib = \'data-\' + Portal2Widget.widgetName; \n Portal2Widget.controllerName = \'Portal2Ctrl\'; \n Portal2Widget.readyCssFlag = \'portal2-css-ready\'; \n Portal2Widget.readyCssFlagExpectedValue = \'#bada55\'; \n Portal2Widget.serviceURL = src.substring(0, src.lastIndexOf(\"/\" + Portal2Widget.serviceSeperator)) + \'/portalApi/microservice/proxy/parameter/\' + 2; \n } \n \n extractHostPortApp(document.getElementsByTagName(\'script\')[0].src);\n \n function loadStylesheet(url) { \n var link = document.createElement(\'link\'); \n link.rel = \'stylesheet\'; \n link.type = \'text/css\'; \n link.href = url; \n var entry = document.getElementsByTagName(\'script\')[0]; \n entry.parentNode.insertBefore(link, entry); \n } \n \n function isCssReady(callback) { \n var testElem = document.createElement(\'span\'); \n testElem.id = Portal2Widget.readyCssFlag; \n testElem.style = \'color: #fff\'; \n var entry = document.getElementsByTagName(\'script\')[0]; \n entry.parentNode.insertBefore(testElem, entry); \n \n (function poll() { \n var node = document.getElementById(\'css-ready\'); \n var value; \n if (window.getComputedStyle) { \n value = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(testElem, null) \n .getPropertyValue(\'color\'); \n } \n else if (node.currentStyle) { \n value = node.currentStyle.color; \n } \n if (value && value === \'rgb(186, 218, 85)\' || value.toLowerCase() === Portal2Widget.readyCssFlagExpectedValue) { \n callback(); \n } else { \n setTimeout(poll, 500); \n } \n })(); \n } \n \n function injectCss(css) { \n var style = document.createElement(\'style\'); \n style.type = \'text/css\'; \n css = css.replace(/\\}/g, \"}\\n\"); \n \n if (style.styleSheet) { \n style.styleSheet.cssText = css; \n } else { \n style.appendChild(document.createTextNode(css)); \n } \n var entry = document.getElementsByTagName(\'script\')[0]; \n entry.parentNode.insertBefore(style, entry); \n } \n \n function loadScript(url, callback) { \n var script = document.createElement(\'script\'); \n script.src = url; \n \n var entry = document.getElementsByTagName(\'script\')[0]; \n entry.parentNode.insertBefore(script, entry); \n \n script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = function() { \n var rdyState = script.readyState; \n if (!rdyState || /complete|loaded/.test(script.readyState)) { \n callback(); \n script.onload = null; \n script.onreadystatechange = null; \n } \n }; \n } \n \n function loadSupportingFiles(callback) { \n callback(); \n } \n \n function getWidgetParams() { \n \n } \n \n function getWidgetData(widgetUrl, callback) { \n var responseData; \n try{ \n jQuery.ajax({ \n url: widgetUrl, \n method: \"GET\", \n xhrFields: { \n withCredentials: true \n }, \n crossDomain: true, \n success: function (result) { \n if (result.isOk == false){ \n \n }else{ \n callback(result); \n } \n } \n }); \n } \n catch(e){ \n \n } \n \n } \n \n function getMarkupContent(markupLocation, callback){ \n \n try{\n jQuery.ajax({ \n url: markupLocation,\n method: \"GET\", \n xhrFields: { \n withCredentials: true \n }, \n crossDomain: true, \n success: function (result) { \n if (result.isOk == false){ \n \n }else{ \n callback(result); \n } \n } \n }); \n }\n catch(e){\n \n }\n } \n \n function renderWidget(data, location, $controllerProvider) { \n var div = document.createElement(\'div\'); \n getMarkupContent(Portal2Widget.commonUrl + \"/markup/\" + Portal2Widget.widgetName, function(div){\n location.append(div); \n Portal2Widget.widgetData = data;\n app.controllerProvider.register(Portal2Widget.controllerName, Portal2Widget.controller); \n var mController = angular.element(document.getElementById(\"widgets\")); \n mController.scope().activateThis(location); \n });\n \n } \n \n function printAllArtifacts(moduleName, controllerName) { \n var queue = angular.module(moduleName)._invokeQueue; \n for(var i=0;i<queue.length;i++) { \n var call = queue[i]; \n console.log(i + \'. \' + call[0] + \' - \' + call[1] + \' - \' + call[2][0]); \n } \n } \n \n function get(name){ \n if(name=(new RegExp(\'[?&]\'+encodeURIComponent(name)+\'=([^&]*)\')).exec(location.search)) \n return decodeURIComponent(name[1]); \n } \n \n loadSupportingFiles(function() { \n loadStylesheet(Portal2Widget.commonUrl + \'/\' + Portal2Widget.widgetName + \'/style.css\'); \n loadScript(Portal2Widget.commonUrl + \'/\' + Portal2Widget.widgetName + \'/controller.js\', \n function() { \n $(\'[\'+ Portal2Widget.recipientDivDataAttrib + \']\').each(function() { \n var location = jQuery(this); \n location.removeAttr(Portal2Widget.recipientDivDataAttrib); \n var id = location.attr(Portal2Widget.recipientDivDataAttrib); \n getWidgetData(Portal2Widget.serviceURL, function(data) { \n isCssReady(function(){ \n renderWidget(data, location); \n }); \n }); \n }); \n } \n ); \n }); \n \n return Portal2Widget; \n})(window); \n ','Portal2Widget.controller = function Portal2Ctrl($rootScope, applicationsService , $log,\n $window, userProfileService, $scope, $cookies, $timeout, $interval,\n $uibModal, dashboardService, ngDialog) {Portal2Widget=Portal2Widget||{};var res = Portal2Widget.widgetData;\n var _this = this;\n\n //activate spinner\n this.isLoading = true;\n $scope.getUserAppsIsDone = false;\n this.userProfileService = userProfileService;\n $scope.demoNum = 1;\n $scope.event_content_show = false;\n $scope.widgetData = [];\n\n $scope.editWidgetModalPopup = function(availableData, resourceType) {\n\n $scope.editData = JSON.stringify(availableData);\n $scope.availableDataTemp = $scope.availableData;\n \n };\n /*Setting News data*/\n $scope.eventData = [];\n $scope.updateEvents = function() {\n\n $scope.eventData.length=0;\n //dashboardService.getCommonWidgetData(\'EVENTS\').then(function(res) {\n var eventDataJsonArray = res.response.items; \n for (var i = 0; i < eventDataJsonArray.length; i++) {\n if(eventDataJsonArray[i].eventDate !=null) {\n // yyyy-mm-dd\n eventDataJsonArray[i].year = eventDataJsonArray[i].eventDate.substring(2,4);\n eventDataJsonArray[i].mon = eventDataJsonArray[i].eventDate.substring(5,7);\n eventDataJsonArray[i].day = eventDataJsonArray[i].eventDate.substring(8,10);\n }\n $scope.eventData.push(eventDataJsonArray[i]);\n }\n //})[\'catch\'](function(err) {\n // $log.error(\'dashboard controller: failed to get Events list\', err);\n // _this.isLoading = false;\n //});\n }\n $scope.updateEvents();\n\n\n }\n;Portal2Widget.controller.$inject = [\'$rootScope\',\'applicationsService\',\'$log\',\'$window\',\'userProfileService\',\'$scope\',\'$cookies\',\'$timeout\',\'$interval\',\'$uibModal\',\'dashboardService\',\'ngDialog\'];','<div id=\"widget-events\" ng-controller=\"Portal2Ctrl\" class=\"widget-news-main\">\n <div att-gridster-item-body\n class=\"information-section-gridsterContent\">\n <div class=\"events\">\n <ul ng-show=\"eventData.length!=0\">\n <li ng-repeat=\"event in eventData\">\n <div ng-click=\"event_content_show=!event_content_show\">\n <div class=\"events-date\">{{event.mon}}/{{event.day}}/{{event.year}}\n </div>\n <div>\n <div class=\"event-title-div\">\n <p ng-bind=\"event.title\"></p>\n </div>\n <div>\n <span class=\"icon-chevron-up\" ng-if=\"event_content_show\"\n style=\"color: #888; font-size: 22px;\"></span> <span\n class=\"icon-chevron-down\" ng-if=\"!event_content_show\"\n style=\"color: #888; font-size: 22px;\"></span>\n\n </div>\n <div style=\"clear: both;\"></div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"events-content\" ng-show=\"event_content_show\">\n <div class=\"events-content-body\">\n <a id=\"event-widget-{{event.id}}\" class=\"events-link\" ng-href=\"{{event.href}}\"\n target=\"_blank\"> <span ng-bind=\"event.content\"></span>\n </a>\n </div>\n <div></div>\n </div>\n </li>\n\n\n </ul>\n <div ng-hide=\"eventData.length!=0\">\n <div class=\"activity-error-container\"\n style=\"background: rgb(255, 255, 255); overflow: hidden !important; width: 100%;\">\n <div class=\"activity-error-block\">\n <i class=\"icon-information full-linear-icon-information\"\n style=\"margin-left: 125px; font-size: 90px\"></i> <br>\n <div class=\"activity-error-msg1\">There\'s currently no\n event available.</div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n</div>\n','\n.portal-widget-panel-container {\n margin-left:150px;\n width:1500px;\n}\n\n\n.portal-widget-panel-fixed-panel {\n min-height: 300px;\n max-height: 1300px;\n overflow: auto;\n}\n\n.portal-widget-panel-double-middle {\n min-height: 660px;\n max-height: 660px;\n overflow: auto;\n}\n\n.portal-widget-panel-row {\n margin-right: 0px;\n margin-left: 0px;\n width: 2800px;\n}\n\n/*Increases the width of the card/panel */\n.portal-widget-panel-panel-default {\n width:450px\n}\n\n/*Controls the spacing between the cards */\n.portal-widget-panel-col-sm-3 {\n width:20.5%\n}\n\n.portal-widget-panel-top {\n top: 15px;\n left: 15px;\n}\n\n#portal2-css-ready {\ncolor: #bada55 !important;\n}'),(3,3,'Resources','var Portal3Widget = (function(window, undefined) { \n \n var Portal3Widget = Portal3Widget || {}; \n function extractHostPortApp(src) { \n \n Portal3Widget.microserviceId = 3; \n Portal3Widget.pathArray = src.split( \'/\' ); \n \n Portal3Widget.widgetName = 3;\n Portal3Widget.serviceSeperator = Portal3Widget.pathArray[Portal3Widget.pathArray.length - 4]; \n Portal3Widget.commonUrl = src.substring(0, src.lastIndexOf(\"/\" + Portal3Widget.pathArray[Portal3Widget.pathArray.length - 2])); \n \n Portal3Widget.recipientDivDataAttrib = \'data-\' + Portal3Widget.widgetName; \n Portal3Widget.controllerName = \'Portal3Ctrl\'; \n Portal3Widget.readyCssFlag = \'portal3-css-ready\'; \n Portal3Widget.readyCssFlagExpectedValue = \'#bada55\'; \n Portal3Widget.serviceURL = src.substring(0, src.lastIndexOf(\"/\" + Portal3Widget.serviceSeperator)) + \'/portalApi/microservice/proxy/parameter/\' + 3; \n } \n \n extractHostPortApp(document.getElementsByTagName(\'script\')[0].src);\n \n function loadStylesheet(url) { \n var link = document.createElement(\'link\'); \n link.rel = \'stylesheet\'; \n link.type = \'text/css\'; \n link.href = url; \n var entry = document.getElementsByTagName(\'script\')[0]; \n entry.parentNode.insertBefore(link, entry); \n } \n \n function isCssReady(callback) { \n var testElem = document.createElement(\'span\'); \n testElem.id = Portal3Widget.readyCssFlag; \n testElem.style = \'color: #fff\'; \n var entry = document.getElementsByTagName(\'script\')[0]; \n entry.parentNode.insertBefore(testElem, entry); \n \n (function poll() { \n var node = document.getElementById(\'css-ready\'); \n var value; \n if (window.getComputedStyle) { \n value = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(testElem, null) \n .getPropertyValue(\'color\'); \n } \n else if (node.currentStyle) { \n value = node.currentStyle.color; \n } \n if (value && value === \'rgb(186, 218, 85)\' || value.toLowerCase() === Portal3Widget.readyCssFlagExpectedValue) { \n callback(); \n } else { \n setTimeout(poll, 500); \n } \n })(); \n } \n \n function injectCss(css) { \n var style = document.createElement(\'style\'); \n style.type = \'text/css\'; \n css = css.replace(/\\}/g, \"}\\n\"); \n \n if (style.styleSheet) { \n style.styleSheet.cssText = css; \n } else { \n style.appendChild(document.createTextNode(css)); \n } \n var entry = document.getElementsByTagName(\'script\')[0]; \n entry.parentNode.insertBefore(style, entry); \n } \n \n function loadScript(url, callback) { \n var script = document.createElement(\'script\'); \n script.src = url; \n \n var entry = document.getElementsByTagName(\'script\')[0]; \n entry.parentNode.insertBefore(script, entry); \n \n script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = function() { \n var rdyState = script.readyState; \n if (!rdyState || /complete|loaded/.test(script.readyState)) { \n callback(); \n script.onload = null; \n script.onreadystatechange = null; \n } \n }; \n } \n \n function loadSupportingFiles(callback) { \n callback(); \n } \n \n function getWidgetParams() { \n \n } \n \n function getWidgetData(widgetUrl, callback) { \n var responseData; \n try{ \n jQuery.ajax({ \n url: widgetUrl, \n method: \"GET\", \n xhrFields: { \n withCredentials: true \n }, \n crossDomain: true, \n success: function (result) { \n if (result.isOk == false){ \n \n }else{ \n callback(result); \n } \n } \n }); \n } \n catch(e){ \n \n } \n \n } \n \n function getMarkupContent(markupLocation, callback){ \n \n try{\n jQuery.ajax({ \n url: markupLocation,\n method: \"GET\", \n xhrFields: { \n withCredentials: true \n }, \n crossDomain: true, \n success: function (result) { \n if (result.isOk == false){ \n \n }else{ \n callback(result); \n } \n } \n }); \n }\n catch(e){\n \n }\n } \n \n function renderWidget(data, location, $controllerProvider) { \n var div = document.createElement(\'div\'); \n getMarkupContent(Portal3Widget.commonUrl + \"/markup/\" + Portal3Widget.widgetName, function(div){\n location.append(div); \n Portal3Widget.widgetData = data;\n app.controllerProvider.register(Portal3Widget.controllerName, Portal3Widget.controller); \n var mController = angular.element(document.getElementById(\"widgets\")); \n mController.scope().activateThis(location); \n });\n \n } \n \n function printAllArtifacts(moduleName, controllerName) { \n var queue = angular.module(moduleName)._invokeQueue; \n for(var i=0;i<queue.length;i++) { \n var call = queue[i]; \n console.log(i + \'. \' + call[0] + \' - \' + call[1] + \' - \' + call[2][0]); \n } \n } \n \n function get(name){ \n if(name=(new RegExp(\'[?&]\'+encodeURIComponent(name)+\'=([^&]*)\')).exec(location.search)) \n return decodeURIComponent(name[1]); \n } \n \n loadSupportingFiles(function() { \n loadStylesheet(Portal3Widget.commonUrl + \'/\' + Portal3Widget.widgetName + \'/style.css\'); \n loadScript(Portal3Widget.commonUrl + \'/\' + Portal3Widget.widgetName + \'/controller.js\', \n function() { \n $(\'[\'+ Portal3Widget.recipientDivDataAttrib + \']\').each(function() { \n var location = jQuery(this); \n location.removeAttr(Portal3Widget.recipientDivDataAttrib); \n var id = location.attr(Portal3Widget.recipientDivDataAttrib); \n getWidgetData(Portal3Widget.serviceURL, function(data) { \n isCssReady(function(){ \n renderWidget(data, location); \n }); \n }); \n }); \n } \n ); \n }); \n \n return Portal3Widget; \n})(window); \n ','Portal3Widget.controller = function Portal3Ctrl($rootScope, applicationsService , $log,\n $window, userProfileService, $scope, $cookies, $timeout, $interval,\n $uibModal, dashboardService, ngDialog) {Portal3Widget=Portal3Widget||{};var res = Portal3Widget.widgetData;\n \n var _this = this; \n\n //activate spinner\n this.isLoading = true;\n $scope.getUserAppsIsDone = false;\n this.userProfileService = userProfileService;\n $scope.demoNum = 1;\n $scope.event_content_show = false;\n $scope.widgetData = [];\n\n $scope.editWidgetModalPopup = function(availableData, resourceType) {\n\n $scope.editData = JSON.stringify(availableData);\n $scope.availableDataTemp = $scope.availableData;\n \n };\n \n /*Setting News data*/\n $scope.newsData = [];\n $scope.updateNews = function() {\n $scope.newsData.length=0;\n //dashboardService.getCommonWidgetData(\'NEWS\').then(function(res) {\n // $log.info(res.message);\n var newsDataJsonArray = res.response.items;\n for (var i = 0; i < newsDataJsonArray.length; i++) {\n $scope.newsData.push(newsDataJsonArray[i]);\n }\n //})[\'catch\'](function(err) {\n // $log.error(\'dashboard controller: failed to get news list\', err);\n // _this.isLoading = false;\n //});\n }\n $scope.updateNews();\n\n }\n\n;Portal3Widget.controller.$inject = [\'$rootScope\',\'applicationsService\',\'$log\',\'$window\',\'userProfileService\',\'$scope\',\'$cookies\',\'$timeout\',\'$interval\',\'$uibModal\',\'dashboardService\',\'ngDialog\'];','<div id=\"widget-news\" ng-controller=\"Portal3Ctrl\" class=\"widget-news-main\">\n <div att-gridster-item-body class=\"information-section-gridsterContent\">\n <div class=\"resources\">\n <ul ng-show=\"newsData.length!=0\">\n <li ng-repeat=\"item in newsData\"><a id=\"resource-widget-{{item.id}}\"\n href=\"{{item.href}}\" target=\"_blank\" ng-bind=\"item.title\"></a></li>\n </ul>\n <div ng-hide=\"newsData.length!=0\">\n <div class=\"activity-error-container\"\n style=\"background: rgb(255, 255, 255); overflow: hidden !important; width: 100%;\">\n <div class=\"activity-error-block\">\n <i class=\"icon-information full-linear-icon-information\"\n style=\"margin-left: 125px; font-size: 90px\"></i> <br>\n <div class=\"activity-error-msg1\">There\'s currently no\n news available.</div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n</div>\n','\n.portal-widget-panel-container {\n margin-left:150px;\n width:1500px;\n}\n\n\n.portal-widget-panel-fixed-panel {\n min-height: 300px;\n max-height: 1300px;\n overflow: auto;\n}\n\n.portal-widget-panel-double-middle {\n min-height: 660px;\n max-height: 660px;\n overflow: auto;\n}\n\n.portal-widget-panel-row {\n margin-right: 0px;\n margin-left: 0px;\n width: 2800px;\n}\n\n/*Increases the width of the card/panel */\n.portal-widget-panel-panel-default {\n width:450px\n}\n\n/*Controls the spacing between the cards */\n.portal-widget-panel-col-sm-3 {\n width:20.5%\n}\n\n.portal-widget-panel-top {\n top: 15px;\n left: 15px;\n}\n\n#portal3-css-ready {\ncolor: #bada55 !important;\n}'); |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `ep_widget_catalog_files` ENABLE KEYS */; |
| |
| -- |
| -- Dumping data for table `fn_app_contact_us` |
| -- |
| |
| LOCK TABLES `fn_app_contact_us` WRITE; |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `fn_app_contact_us` DISABLE KEYS */; |
| INSERT INTO `fn_app_contact_us` (`app_id`, `contact_name`, `contact_email`, `url`, `active_yn`, `description`) VALUES (2,'Portal SDK Team','portal@lists.onap.org','https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Approved+Projects',NULL,'xDemo Application'),(3,'DBC Team','portal@lists.onap.org','https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Approved+Projects',NULL,'DBC.'),(4,'SDC Team','sdc@lists.onap.org','https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Approved+Projects',NULL,'Service Design and Creation (SDC).'),(5,'Policy Team','policy@lists.onap.org','https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Approved+Projects',NULL,'Policy.'),(6,'VID Team','vid@lists.onap.org','https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Approved+Projects',NULL,'Virtual Infrastructure Design.'),(7,'AAI UI Team','aaiui@lists.onap.org','https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Approved+Projects',NULL,'AAI UI Application'),(8,'CLI Team','onap-discuss@lists.onap.org','https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Approved+Projects',NULL,'CLI Application'),(10,'SO Team','so@lists.onap.org','https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Approved+Projects',NULL,'Service Orchestration (SO).'); |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `fn_app_contact_us` ENABLE KEYS */; |
| |
| -- |
| -- Dumping data for table `fn_common_widget_data` |
| -- |
| |
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| INSERT INTO `fn_common_widget_data` (`id`, `category`, `href`, `title`, `content`, `event_date`, `sort_order`) VALUES (6,'NEWS','https://www.onap.org/announcement/2017/09/27/open-network-automation-platform-onap-project-continues-rapid-membership-growth','Open Network Automation Platform (ONAP) Project Continues Rapid Membership Growth',NULL,NULL,10),(7,'NEWS','https://www.onap.org/announcement/2017/02/23/the-linux-foundation-announces-the-formation-of-a-new-project-to-help-accelerate-innovation-in-open-networking-automation','The Linux Foundation Announces Merger of Open Source ECOMP and OPEN-O to Form New Open Network Automation Platform (ONAP) Project',NULL,NULL,20),(8,'NEWS','http://about.att.com/story/orange_testing_att_open_source_ecomp_platform.html','Orange Testing AT&Ts Open Source ECOMP Platform for Building Software-Defined Network Capabilities',NULL,NULL,30),(9,'NEWS','http://about.att.com/innovationblog/linux_foundation','Opening up ECOMP: Our Network Operating System for SDN',NULL,NULL,40),(10,'EVENTS','https://onapbeijing2017.sched.com/list/descriptions/','ONAP Beijing Release Developer Forum',NULL,'2017-12-11',1),(11,'EVENTS','https://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/open-networking-summit-north-america-2018','Open Networking Summit',NULL,'2018-03-26',2),(12,'IMPORTANTRESOURCES','http://onap.readthedocs.io/en/latest/guides/onap-developer/developing/index.html','Development Guides',NULL,NULL,1),(13,'IMPORTANTRESOURCES','https://wiki.onap.org/','ONAP Wiki',NULL,NULL,2),(14,'IMPORTANTRESOURCES','http://onap.readthedocs.io/en/latest/guides/onap-developer/developing/index.html#portal-platform','ONAP Portal Documentation',NULL,NULL,3),(15,'IMPORTANTRESOURCES','http://onap.readthedocs.io/en/latest/guides/onap-developer/architecture/index.html#architecture','ONAP Architecture',NULL,NULL,4); |
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| -- |
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| INSERT INTO `fn_display_text` (`id`, `language_id`, `text_id`, `text_label`) VALUES (1,1,2,'Home'),(2,1,3,'Application Catalog'),(3,1,4,'Widget Catalog'),(4,1,5,'Admins'),(5,1,6,'Roles'),(6,1,7,'Users'),(7,1,8,'Portal Admins'),(8,1,9,'Application Onboarding'),(9,1,10,'Widget Onboarding'),(10,1,11,'Edit Functional Menu'),(11,1,12,'User Notifications'),(12,1,13,'Microservice Onboarding'),(13,1,15,'App Account Management'),(14,2,2,'主页'),(15,2,3,'应用目录'),(16,2,4,'部件目录'),(17,2,5,'管ç†å‘˜'),(18,2,6,'角色'),(19,2,7,'用户'),(20,2,8,'门户管ç†å‘˜'),(21,2,9,'应用管ç†'),(22,2,10,'部件管ç†'),(23,2,11,'编辑功能èœå•'),(24,2,12,'用户通知'),(25,2,13,'å¾®æœåŠ¡ç®¡ç†'),(26,2,15,'应用账户管ç†'); |
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| -- Dumping data for table `fn_function` |
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| INSERT INTO `fn_function` (`function_cd`, `function_name`) VALUES ('edit_notification','User Notification'),('getAdminNotifications','Admin Notifications'),('login','Login'),('menu_admin','Admin Menu'),('menu_ajax','Ajax Menu'),('menu_customer','Customer Menu'),('menu_customer_create','Customer Create'),('menu_feedback','Feedback Menu'),('menu_help','Help Menu'),('menu_home','Home Menu'),('menu_job','Job Menu'),('menu_job_create','Job Create'),('menu_job_designer','Process in Designer view'),('menu_logout','Logout Menu'),('menu_map','Map Menu'),('menu_notes','Notes Menu'),('menu_process','Process List'),('menu_profile','Profile Menu'),('menu_profile_create','Profile Create'),('menu_profile_import','Profile Import'),('menu_reports','Reports Menu'),('menu_sample','Sample Pages Menu'),('menu_tab','Sample Tab Menu'),('menu_task','Task Menu'),('menu_task_search','Task Search'),('menu_web_analytics','Web Analytics'),('saveNotification','publish notifications'),('view_reports','View Raptor reports'); |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `fn_function` ENABLE KEYS */; |
| |
| -- |
| -- Dumping data for table `fn_language` |
| -- |
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| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `fn_language` DISABLE KEYS */; |
| INSERT INTO `fn_language` (`language_name`, `language_alias`) VALUES ('English','EN'),('简体ä¸æ–‡','CN'); |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `fn_language` ENABLE KEYS */; |
| |
| -- |
| -- Dumping data for table `fn_lu_activity` |
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| |
| LOCK TABLES `fn_lu_activity` WRITE; |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `fn_lu_activity` DISABLE KEYS */; |
| INSERT INTO `fn_lu_activity` (`activity_cd`, `activity`) VALUES ('add_child_role','add_child_role'),('add_role','add_role'),('add_role_function','add_role_function'),('add_user_role','add_user_role'),('apa','Add Portal Admin'),('app_access','App Access'),('dpa','Delete Portal Admin'),('eaaf','External auth add function'),('eaar','External auth add role'),('eadf','External auth delete function'),('eadr','External auth delete role'),('eauf','External auth update function'),('eaurf','External auth update role and function'),('functional_access','Functional Access'),('guest_login','Guest Login'),('left_menu_access','Left Menu Access'),('login','Login'),('logout','Logout'),('mobile_login','Mobile Login'),('mobile_logout','Mobile Logout'),('remove_child_role','remove_child_role'),('remove_role','remove_role'),('remove_role_function','remove_role_function'),('remove_user_role','remove_user_role'),('search','Search'),('tab_access','Tab Access'),('uaa','Update Account Admin'),('uu','Update User'); |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `fn_lu_activity` ENABLE KEYS */; |
| |
| -- |
| -- Dumping data for table `fn_lu_alert_method` |
| -- |
| |
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| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `fn_lu_alert_method` DISABLE KEYS */; |
| INSERT INTO `fn_lu_alert_method` (`alert_method_cd`, `alert_method`) VALUES ('EMAIL','Email'),('FAX','Fax'),('PAGER','Pager'),('PHONE','Phone'),('SMS','SMS'); |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `fn_lu_alert_method` ENABLE KEYS */; |
| |
| -- |
| -- Dumping data for table `fn_lu_menu_set` |
| -- |
| |
| LOCK TABLES `fn_lu_menu_set` WRITE; |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `fn_lu_menu_set` DISABLE KEYS */; |
| INSERT INTO `fn_lu_menu_set` (`menu_set_cd`, `menu_set_name`) VALUES ('APP','Application Menu'); |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `fn_lu_menu_set` ENABLE KEYS */; |
| |
| -- |
| -- Dumping data for table `fn_lu_priority` |
| -- |
| |
| LOCK TABLES `fn_lu_priority` WRITE; |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `fn_lu_priority` DISABLE KEYS */; |
| INSERT INTO `fn_lu_priority` (`priority_id`, `priority`, `active_yn`, `sort_order`) VALUES (10,'Low',1,10),(20,'Normal',1,20),(30,'High',1,30),(40,'Urgent',1,40),(50,'Fatal',1,50); |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `fn_lu_priority` ENABLE KEYS */; |
| |
| -- |
| -- Dumping data for table `fn_lu_tab_set` |
| -- |
| |
| LOCK TABLES `fn_lu_tab_set` WRITE; |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `fn_lu_tab_set` DISABLE KEYS */; |
| INSERT INTO `fn_lu_tab_set` (`tab_set_cd`, `tab_set_name`) VALUES ('APP','Application Tabs'); |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `fn_lu_tab_set` ENABLE KEYS */; |
| |
| -- |
| -- Dumping data for table `fn_lu_timezone` |
| -- |
| |
| LOCK TABLES `fn_lu_timezone` WRITE; |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `fn_lu_timezone` DISABLE KEYS */; |
| INSERT INTO `fn_lu_timezone` (`timezone_id`, `timezone_name`, `timezone_value`) VALUES (10,'US/Eastern','US/Eastern'),(20,'US/Central','US/Central'),(30,'US/Mountain','US/Mountain'),(40,'US/Arizona','America/Phoenix'),(50,'US/Pacific','US/Pacific'),(60,'US/Alaska','US/Alaska'),(70,'US/Hawaii','US/Hawaii'); |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `fn_lu_timezone` ENABLE KEYS */; |
| |
| -- |
| -- Dumping data for table `fn_menu` |
| -- |
| |
| LOCK TABLES `fn_menu` WRITE; |
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| INSERT INTO `fn_menu` (`menu_id`, `label`, `parent_id`, `sort_order`, `action`, `function_cd`, `active_yn`, `servlet`, `query_string`, `external_url`, `target`, `menu_set_cd`, `separator_yn`, `image_src`) VALUES (1,'root',NULL,10,NULL,'menu_home',0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'APP',0,NULL),(2,'Home',1,10,'root.applicationsHome','menu_home',1,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'APP',0,'icon-building-home'),(3,'Application Catalog',1,15,'root.appCatalog','menu_home',1,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'APP',0,'icon-retail-gallery'),(4,'Widget Catalog',1,20,'root.widgetCatalog','menu_home',1,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'APP',0,'icon-retail-gallery'),(5,'Admins',1,40,'root.admins','menu_admin',1,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'APP',0,'icon-content-star'),(6,'Roles',1,45,'root.roles','menu_acc_admin',1,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'APP',0,'icon-people-groupcollaboration'),(7,'Users',1,50,'root.users','menu_acc_admin',1,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'APP',0,'icon-people-groupcollaboration'),(8,'Portal Admins',1,60,'root.portalAdmins','menu_admin',1,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'APP',0,'icon-controls-settingsconnectedactivity'),(9,'Application Onboarding',1,70,'root.applications','menu_admin',1,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'APP',0,'icon-content-grid2'),(10,'Widget Onboarding',1,80,'root.widgetOnboarding','menu_admin',1,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'APP',0,'icon-content-grid2'),(11,'Edit Functional Menu',1,90,'root.functionalMenu','menu_admin',1,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'APP',0,'icon-misc-pen'),(12,'User Notifications',1,100,'root.userNotifications','edit_notification',1,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'APP',0,'icon-controls-settingsconnectedactivity'),(13,'Microservice Onboarding',1,110,'root.microserviceOnboarding','menu_admin',1,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'APP',0,'icon-content-grid2'),(15,'App Account Management',1,130,'root.accountOnboarding','menu_admin',1,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'App',0,'icon-content-grid2'); |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `fn_menu` ENABLE KEYS */; |
| |
| -- |
| -- Dumping data for table `fn_menu_functional` |
| -- |
| |
| LOCK TABLES `fn_menu_functional` WRITE; |
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| `fn_menu_functional` ( |
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| `column_num`, |
| `text`, |
| `parent_menu_id`, |
| `url`, |
| `active_yn`, |
| `image_src` |
| ) |
| (175, 1, 'Manage', NULL, '', 1, NULL), |
| (178, 2, 'Support', NULL, '', 1, NULL), |
| (1, 2, 'Design', 175, '', 1, NULL), |
| (2, 8, 'ECOMP Platform Management', 175, '', 0, NULL), |
| (3, 5, 'Technology Insertion', 175, '', 1, NULL), |
| (5, 7, 'Performance Management', 175, '', 0, NULL), |
| (6, 6, 'Technology Management', 175, '', 1, NULL), |
| (7, 4, 'Capacity Planning', 175, '', 0, NULL), |
| (8, 3, 'Operations Planning', 175, '', 1, NULL), |
| (11, 1, 'Product Design', 1, '', 1, NULL), |
| (12, 2, 'Resource/Service Design & Onboarding', 1, '', 1, NULL), |
| (13, 3, 'Orchestration (recipe/Process) Design', 1, '', 0, NULL), |
| (14, 4, 'Service Graph visualizer', 1, '', 0, NULL), |
| (15, 5, 'Distribution', 1, '', 1, NULL), |
| (16, 6, 'Testing', 1, '', 1, NULL), |
| (17, 7, 'Simulation', 1, '', 0, NULL), |
| (18, 8, 'Certification', 1, '', 0, NULL), |
| (19, 9, 'Policy Creation/Management', 1, 'http://policy.api.simpledemo.onap.org:8443/onap/policy', 1, NULL), |
| (20, 10, 'Catalog Browser', 1, '', 1, NULL), |
| (24, 5, 'Create/Manage Policy', 12, 'http://policy.api.simpledemo.onap.org:8443/onap/policy', 1, NULL), |
| (56, 1, 'Policy Engineering', 8, 'http://policy.api.simpledemo.onap.org:8443/onap/policy', 1, NULL), |
| (115, 1, 'Test/Approve a Resource or Service', 16, 'http://sdc.api.simpledemo.onap.org:8181/sdc1/portal#/dashboard', 1, NULL), |
| (130, 1, 'Favorites', 175, '', 1, NULL), |
| (139, 2, 'Approve a Service for distribution', 12, 'http://sdc.api.simpledemo.onap.org:8181/sdc1/portal#/dashboard', 1,NULL), |
| (142, 3, 'Create a License model', 12, 'http://sdc.api.simpledemo.onap.org:8181/sdc1/portal#/onboardVendor', 1, NULL), |
| (145, 1, 'Distribute a Service', 15, 'http://sdc.api.simpledemo.onap.org:8181/sdc1/portal#/dashboard', 1, NULL), |
| (181, 1, 'Contact Us', 178, '', 1, NULL), |
| (184, 2, 'Get Access', 178, '', 1, NULL), |
| (301, 1, 'Create a Product', 11, 'http://sdc.api.simpledemo.onap.org:8181/sdc1/portal#/dashboard', 1, NULL), |
| (304, 2, 'Create a Vendor Software Product', 11, 'http://sdc.api.simpledemo.onap.org:8181/sdc1/portal#/onboardVendor', 1, NULL), |
| (307, 1, 'Manage a Resource/Service', 20, 'http://sdc.api.simpledemo.onap.org:8181/sdc1/portal#/catalog', 1, NULL), |
| (310, 2, 'Manage a Product', 20, 'http://sdc.api.simpledemo.onap.org:8181/sdc1/portal#/catalog', 1, NULL), |
| (313, 3, 'View a Resource/Service/Product', 20, 'http://sdc.api.simpledemo.onap.org:8181/sdc1/portal#/catalog', 1, NULL), |
| (316, 11, 'Administration', 1, '', 1, NULL), |
| (148, 1, 'User Management / Category Management', 316, 'http://sdc.api.simpledemo.onap.org:8181/sdc1/portal#/adminDashboard', 1, NULL), |
| (317, 1, 'Message Bus Management', 6, 'http://portal.api.simpledemo.onap.org:8989/ECOMPDBCAPP/dbc#/dmaap', 1, NULL), |
| (318, 1, 'Infrastructure Provisioning', 3, '', 1, NULL), |
| (319, 1, 'Infrastructure VNF Provisioning', 318, 'https://vid.api.simpledemo.onap.org:8443/vid/welcome.htm', 1, NULL); |
| |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `fn_menu_functional` ENABLE KEYS */; |
| |
| -- |
| -- Dumping data for table `fn_menu_functional_ancestors` |
| -- |
| |
| LOCK TABLES `fn_menu_functional_ancestors` WRITE; |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `fn_menu_functional_ancestors` DISABLE KEYS */; |
| INSERT INTO `fn_menu_functional_ancestors` (`id`, `menu_id`, `ancestor_menu_id`, `depth`) VALUES (1,175,175,0),(2,178,178,0),(3,11,11,0),(4,12,12,0),(5,13,13,0),(6,14,14,0),(7,15,15,0),(8,16,16,0),(9,17,17,0),(10,18,18,0),(11,19,19,0),(12,20,20,0),(13,316,316,0),(14,318,318,0),(15,317,317,0),(16,56,56,0),(17,301,301,0),(18,304,304,0),(19,24,24,0),(20,139,139,0),(21,142,142,0),(22,145,145,0),(23,115,115,0),(24,307,307,0),(25,310,310,0),(26,313,313,0),(27,1,1,0),(28,2,2,0),(29,3,3,0),(30,5,5,0),(31,6,6,0),(32,7,7,0),(33,8,8,0),(34,130,130,0),(35,181,181,0),(36,184,184,0),(37,148,148,0),(38,319,319,0),(64,11,1,1),(65,12,1,1),(66,13,1,1),(67,14,1,1),(68,15,1,1),(69,16,1,1),(70,17,1,1),(71,18,1,1),(72,19,1,1),(73,20,1,1),(74,316,1,1),(75,318,3,1),(76,317,6,1),(77,56,8,1),(78,301,11,1),(79,304,11,1),(80,24,12,1),(81,139,12,1),(82,142,12,1),(83,145,15,1),(84,115,16,1),(85,307,20,1),(86,310,20,1),(87,313,20,1),(88,1,175,1),(89,2,175,1),(90,3,175,1),(91,5,175,1),(92,6,175,1),(93,7,175,1),(94,8,175,1),(95,130,175,1),(96,181,178,1),(97,184,178,1),(98,148,316,1),(99,319,318,1),(127,301,1,2),(128,304,1,2),(129,24,1,2),(130,139,1,2),(131,142,1,2),(132,145,1,2),(133,115,1,2),(134,307,1,2),(135,310,1,2),(136,313,1,2),(137,148,1,2),(138,319,3,2),(139,11,175,2),(140,12,175,2),(141,13,175,2),(142,14,175,2),(143,15,175,2),(144,16,175,2),(145,17,175,2),(146,18,175,2),(147,19,175,2),(148,20,175,2),(149,316,175,2),(150,318,175,2),(151,317,175,2),(152,56,175,2),(158,301,175,3),(159,304,175,3),(160,24,175,3),(161,139,175,3),(162,142,175,3),(163,145,175,3),(164,115,175,3),(165,307,175,3),(166,310,175,3),(167,313,175,3),(168,148,175,3),(169,319,175,3); |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `fn_menu_functional_ancestors` ENABLE KEYS */; |
| |
| -- |
| -- Dumping data for table `fn_menu_functional_roles` |
| -- |
| |
| LOCK TABLES `fn_menu_functional_roles` WRITE; |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `fn_menu_functional_roles` DISABLE KEYS */; |
| INSERT INTO `fn_menu_functional_roles` (`id`, `menu_id`, `app_id`, `role_id`) VALUES (1,19,5,1007),(2,19,5,1006),(3,24,5,1007),(4,24,5,1006),(5,56,5,1007),(6,56,5,1006),(8,115,4,1004),(9,115,4,1005),(10,139,4,1004),(11,139,4,1005),(12,142,4,1004),(13,142,4,1005),(14,145,4,1004),(15,145,4,1005),(16,148,4,1004),(17,148,4,1005),(18,301,4,1004),(19,301,4,1005),(20,304,4,1004),(21,304,4,1005),(22,307,4,1004),(23,307,4,1005),(24,310,4,1004),(25,310,4,1005),(26,313,4,1004),(27,313,4,1005),(39,319,6,1009),(40,319,6,1008),(42,317,3,1003),(43,317,3,1002); |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `fn_menu_functional_roles` ENABLE KEYS */; |
| |
| -- |
| -- Dumping data for table `fn_qz_job_details` |
| -- |
| |
| LOCK TABLES `fn_qz_job_details` WRITE; |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `fn_qz_job_details` DISABLE KEYS */; |
| INSERT INTO `fn_qz_job_details` (`SCHED_NAME`, `JOB_NAME`, `JOB_GROUP`, `DESCRIPTION`, `JOB_CLASS_NAME`, `IS_DURABLE`, `IS_NONCONCURRENT`, `IS_UPDATE_DATA`, `REQUESTS_RECOVERY`, `JOB_DATA`) VALUES ('Scheduler_20190808_one','LogJob','AppGroup',NULL,'org.onap.portalapp.scheduler.LogJob','0','1','1','0','��\0sr\0org.quartz.JobDataMap���迩��\0\0xr\0&org.quartz.utils.StringKeyDirtyFlagMap�����](\0Z\0allowsTransientDataxr\0org.quartz.utils.DirtyFlagMap�.�(v\n�\0Z\0dirtyL\0mapt\0Ljava/util/Map;xpsr\0java.util.HashMap���`�\0F\0\nloadFactorI\0 thresholdxp?@\0\0\0\0\0w\0\0\0\0\0\0t\0unitst\0bytesx\0'),('Scheduler_20190808_one','PortalSessionTimeoutFeedJob','AppGroup',NULL,'org.onap.portalapp.service.sessionmgt.TimeoutHandler','0','1','1','0','��\0sr\0org.quartz.JobDataMap���迩��\0\0xr\0&org.quartz.utils.StringKeyDirtyFlagMap�����](\0Z\0allowsTransientDataxr\0org.quartz.utils.DirtyFlagMap�.�(v\n�\0Z\0dirtyL\0mapt\0Ljava/util/Map;xp\0sr\0java.util.HashMap���`�\0F\0\nloadFactorI\0 thresholdxp?@\0\0\0\0\0w\0\0\0\0\0\0\0x\0'); |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `fn_qz_job_details` ENABLE KEYS */; |
| |
| -- |
| -- Dumping data for table `fn_qz_locks` |
| -- |
| |
| LOCK TABLES `fn_qz_locks` WRITE; |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `fn_qz_locks` DISABLE KEYS */; |
| INSERT INTO `fn_qz_locks` (`SCHED_NAME`, `LOCK_NAME`) VALUES ('Scheduler_20190808_one','STATE_ACCESS'),('Scheduler_20190808_one','TRIGGER_ACCESS'); |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `fn_qz_locks` ENABLE KEYS */; |
| |
| -- |
| -- Dumping data for table `fn_qz_scheduler_state` |
| -- |
| |
| LOCK TABLES `fn_qz_scheduler_state` WRITE; |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `fn_qz_scheduler_state` DISABLE KEYS */; |
| INSERT INTO `fn_qz_scheduler_state` (`SCHED_NAME`, `INSTANCE_NAME`, `LAST_CHECKIN_TIME`, `CHECKIN_INTERVAL`) VALUES ('Scheduler_20190808_one','portal-portal-app-76c9f7bfb5-s8rhd1565254283688',1565691615399,20000); |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `fn_qz_scheduler_state` ENABLE KEYS */; |
| |
| -- |
| -- Dumping data for table `fn_qz_triggers` |
| -- |
| |
| LOCK TABLES `fn_qz_triggers` WRITE; |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `fn_qz_triggers` DISABLE KEYS */; |
| INSERT INTO `fn_qz_triggers` (`SCHED_NAME`, `TRIGGER_NAME`, `TRIGGER_GROUP`, `JOB_NAME`, `JOB_GROUP`, `DESCRIPTION`, `NEXT_FIRE_TIME`, `PREV_FIRE_TIME`, `PRIORITY`, `TRIGGER_STATE`, `TRIGGER_TYPE`, `START_TIME`, `END_TIME`, `CALENDAR_NAME`, `MISFIRE_INSTR`, `JOB_DATA`) VALUES ('Scheduler_20190808_one','LogTrigger','AppGroup','LogJob','AppGroup',NULL,1565691660000,1565691600000,0,'WAITING','CRON',1565254275000,0,NULL,0,''),('Scheduler_20190808_one','PortalSessionTimeoutFeedTrigger','AppGroup','PortalSessionTimeoutFeedJob','AppGroup',NULL,1565691900000,1565691600000,0,'WAITING','CRON',1565254275000,0,NULL,0,''); |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `fn_qz_triggers` ENABLE KEYS */; |
| |
| -- |
| -- Dumping data for table `fn_qz_cron_triggers` |
| -- |
| |
| LOCK TABLES `fn_qz_cron_triggers` WRITE; |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `fn_qz_cron_triggers` DISABLE KEYS */; |
| INSERT INTO `fn_qz_cron_triggers` (`SCHED_NAME`, `TRIGGER_NAME`, `TRIGGER_GROUP`, `CRON_EXPRESSION`, `TIME_ZONE_ID`) VALUES ('Scheduler_20190808_one','LogTrigger','AppGroup','0 * * * * ? *','GMT'),('Scheduler_20190808_one','PortalSessionTimeoutFeedTrigger','AppGroup','0 0/5 * * * ? *','GMT'); |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `fn_qz_cron_triggers` ENABLE KEYS */; |
| |
| |
| -- |
| -- Dumping data for table `fn_restricted_url` |
| -- |
| |
| LOCK TABLES `fn_restricted_url` WRITE; |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `fn_restricted_url` DISABLE KEYS */; |
| INSERT INTO `fn_restricted_url` (`restricted_url`, `function_cd`) VALUES ('async_test.htm','menu_home'),('attachment.htm','menu_admin'),('broadcast.htm','menu_admin'),('chatWindow.htm','menu_home'),('contact_list.htm','menu_home'),('customer_dynamic_list.htm','menu_home'),('event.htm','menu_home'),('event_list.htm','menu_home'),('file_upload.htm','menu_admin'),('gauge.htm','menu_tab'),('gmap_controller.htm','menu_tab'),('gmap_frame.htm','menu_tab'),('jbpm_designer.htm','menu_job_create'),('jbpm_drools.htm','menu_job_create'),('job.htm','menu_admin'),('map.htm','menu_tab'),('map_download.htm','menu_tab'),('map_grid_search.htm','menu_tab'),('mobile_welcome.htm','menu_home'),('process_job.htm','menu_job_create'),('profile.htm','menu_profile_create'),('raptor.htm','menu_reports'),('raptor.htm','view_reports'),('raptor2.htm','menu_reports'),('raptor_blob_extract.htm','menu_reports'),('raptor_blob_extract.htm','view_reports'),('raptor_email_attachment.htm','menu_reports'),('raptor_search.htm','menu_reports'),('report_list.htm','menu_reports'),('role.htm','menu_admin'),('role_function.htm','menu_admin'),('sample_animated_map.htm','menu_tab'),('sample_map.htm','menu_home'),('sample_map_2.htm','menu_tab'),('sample_map_3.htm','menu_tab'),('tab2_sub1.htm','menu_tab'),('tab2_sub2_link1.htm','menu_tab'),('tab2_sub2_link2.htm','menu_tab'),('tab2_sub3.htm','menu_tab'),('tab3.htm','menu_tab'),('tab4.htm','menu_tab'),('template.jsp','menu_home'),('test.htm','menu_admin'); |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `fn_restricted_url` ENABLE KEYS */; |
| |
| |
| |
| -- |
| -- Dumping data for table `fn_role_composite` |
| -- |
| |
| LOCK TABLES `fn_role_composite` WRITE; |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `fn_role_composite` DISABLE KEYS */; |
| INSERT INTO `fn_role_composite` (`parent_role_id`, `child_role_id`) VALUES (1,16); |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `fn_role_composite` ENABLE KEYS */; |
| |
| -- |
| -- Dumping data for table `fn_role_function` |
| -- |
| |
| LOCK TABLES `fn_role_function` WRITE; |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `fn_role_function` DISABLE KEYS */; |
| INSERT INTO `fn_role_function` (`role_id`, `function_cd`) VALUES (1,'login'),(1,'menu_admin'),(1,'menu_ajax'),(1,'menu_customer'),(1,'menu_customer_create'),(1,'menu_feedback'),(1,'menu_help'),(1,'menu_home'),(1,'menu_job'),(1,'menu_job_create'),(1,'menu_logout'),(1,'menu_notes'),(1,'menu_process'),(1,'menu_profile'),(1,'menu_profile_create'),(1,'menu_profile_import'),(1,'menu_reports'),(1,'menu_sample'),(1,'menu_tab'),(16,'login'),(16,'menu_ajax'),(16,'menu_customer'),(16,'menu_customer_create'),(16,'menu_home'),(16,'menu_logout'),(16,'menu_map'),(16,'menu_profile'),(16,'menu_reports'),(16,'menu_tab'),(950,'edit_notification'),(950,'getAdminNotifications'),(950,'saveNotification'),(1010,'menu_web_analytics'),(2115,'menu_web_analytics'); |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `fn_role_function` ENABLE KEYS */; |
| |
| -- |
| -- Dumping data for table `fn_shared_context` |
| -- |
| |
| LOCK TABLES `fn_shared_context` WRITE; |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `fn_shared_context` DISABLE KEYS */; |
| INSERT INTO `fn_shared_context` (`id`, `create_time`, `context_id`, `ckey`, `cvalue`) VALUES (1,'2019-08-08 10:11:18','b999771d~2d60~4638~a670~d47d17219157','USER_FIRST_NAME','Jimmy'),(2,'2019-08-08 10:11:18','b999771d~2d60~4638~a670~d47d17219157','USER_LAST_NAME','Hendrix'),(3,'2019-08-08 10:11:18','b999771d~2d60~4638~a670~d47d17219157','USER_EMAIL','admin@onap.org'),(4,'2019-08-08 10:11:18','b999771d~2d60~4638~a670~d47d17219157','USER_ORG_USERID','jh0003'),(5,'2019-08-08 10:17:47','29cc8f94~5a7d~41f8~b359~432bb903a718','USER_FIRST_NAME','Demo'),(6,'2019-08-08 10:17:47','29cc8f94~5a7d~41f8~b359~432bb903a718','USER_LAST_NAME','User'),(7,'2019-08-08 10:17:47','29cc8f94~5a7d~41f8~b359~432bb903a718','USER_EMAIL','demo@openecomp.org'),(8,'2019-08-08 10:17:47','29cc8f94~5a7d~41f8~b359~432bb903a718','USER_ORG_USERID','demo'),(9,'2019-08-08 11:01:02','7e3ced0a~52a3~492a~be53~2885d2df5a43','USER_FIRST_NAME','Demo'),(10,'2019-08-08 11:01:02','7e3ced0a~52a3~492a~be53~2885d2df5a43','USER_LAST_NAME','User'),(11,'2019-08-08 11:01:02','7e3ced0a~52a3~492a~be53~2885d2df5a43','USER_EMAIL','demo@openecomp.org'),(12,'2019-08-08 11:01:02','7e3ced0a~52a3~492a~be53~2885d2df5a43','USER_ORG_USERID','demo'); |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `fn_shared_context` ENABLE KEYS */; |
| |
| -- |
| -- Dumping data for table `fn_tab` |
| -- |
| |
| LOCK TABLES `fn_tab` WRITE; |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `fn_tab` DISABLE KEYS */; |
| INSERT INTO `fn_tab` (`tab_cd`, `tab_name`, `tab_descr`, `action`, `function_cd`, `active_yn`, `sort_order`, `parent_tab_cd`, `tab_set_cd`) VALUES ('TAB1','Tab 1','Tab 1 Information','tab1.htm','menu_tab',1,10,NULL,'APP'),('TAB2','Tab 2','Tab 2 Information','tab2_sub1.htm','menu_tab',1,20,NULL,'APP'),('TAB2_SUB1','Sub Tab 1','Sub Tab 1 Information','tab2_sub1.htm','menu_tab',1,10,'TAB2','APP'),('TAB2_SUB1_S1','Left Tab 1','Sub - Sub Tab 1 Information','tab2_sub1.htm','menu_tab',1,10,'TAB2_SUB1','APP'),('TAB2_SUB2','Sub Tab 2','Sub Tab 2 Information','tab2_sub2.htm','menu_tab',1,20,'TAB2','APP'),('TAB2_SUB3','Sub Tab 3','Sub Tab 3 Information','tab2_sub3.htm','menu_tab',1,30,'TAB2','APP'),('TAB3','Tab 3','Tab 3 Information','tab3.htm','menu_tab',1,30,NULL,'APP'),('TAB4','Tab 4','Tab 4 Information','tab4.htm','menu_tab',1,40,NULL,'APP'); |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `fn_tab` ENABLE KEYS */; |
| |
| -- |
| -- Dumping data for table `fn_tab_selected` |
| -- |
| |
| LOCK TABLES `fn_tab_selected` WRITE; |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `fn_tab_selected` DISABLE KEYS */; |
| INSERT INTO `fn_tab_selected` (`selected_tab_cd`, `tab_uri`) VALUES ('TAB1','tab1'),('TAB2','tab2_sub1'),('TAB2','tab2_sub2'),('TAB2','tab2_sub3'),('TAB2_SUB1','tab2_sub1'),('TAB2_SUB1_S1','tab2_sub1'),('TAB2_SUB2','tab2_sub2'),('TAB2_SUB3','tab2_sub3'),('TAB3','tab3'),('TAB4','tab4'); |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `fn_tab_selected` ENABLE KEYS */; |
| |
| -- |
| -- Dumping data for table `fn_user` |
| -- |
| |
| LOCK TABLES `fn_user` WRITE; |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `fn_user` DISABLE KEYS */; |
| `fn_user` ( |
| `org_id`, |
| `manager_id`, |
| `first_name`, |
| `middle_name`, |
| `last_name`, |
| `phone`, |
| `fax`, |
| `cellular`, |
| `email`, |
| `address_id`, |
| `alert_method_cd`, |
| `hrid`, |
| `org_user_id`, |
| `org_code`, |
| `login_id`, |
| `login_pwd`, |
| `last_login_date`, |
| `active_yn`, |
| `created_id`, |
| `created_date`, |
| `modified_id`, |
| `modified_date`, |
| `is_internal_yn`, |
| `address_line_1`, |
| `address_line_2`, |
| `city`, |
| `state_cd`, |
| `zip_code`, |
| `country_cd`, |
| `location_clli`, |
| `org_manager_userid`, |
| `company`, |
| `department_name`, |
| `job_title`, |
| `timezone`, |
| `department`, |
| `business_unit`, |
| `business_unit_name`, |
| `cost_center`, |
| `fin_loc_code`, |
| `silo_status`, |
| `language_id` |
| ) |
| ( |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 'Demo', |
| NULL, |
| 'User', |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 'demo@openecomp.org', |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 'demo', |
| NULL, |
| 'demo', |
| 'demo123', |
| '2019-08-08 12:18:17', |
| 1, |
| NULL, |
| '2016-10-14 21:00:00', |
| 1, |
| '2019-08-08 12:18:17', |
| 0, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 'NJ', |
| NULL, |
| 'US', |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 10, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 1 |
| ),( |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 'Jimmy', |
| NULL, |
| 'Hendrix', |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 'admin@onap.org', |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 'jh0003', |
| NULL, |
| 'jh0003', |
| 'demo123', |
| '2019-08-08 10:16:11', |
| 1, |
| NULL, |
| '2016-10-14 21:00:00', |
| 1, |
| '2019-08-08 10:16:11', |
| 0, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 'NJ', |
| NULL, |
| 'US', |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 10, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 1 |
| ),( |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 'Carlos', |
| NULL, |
| 'Santana', |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 'designer@onap.org', |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 'cs0008', |
| NULL, |
| 'cs0008', |
| 'demo123', |
| '2016-10-20 15:11:16', |
| 1, |
| NULL, |
| '2016-10-14 21:00:00', |
| 1, |
| '2016-10-20 15:11:16', |
| 0, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 'NJ', |
| NULL, |
| 'US', |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 10, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 1 |
| ),( |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 'Joni', |
| NULL, |
| 'Mitchell', |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 'tester@onap.org', |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 'jm0007', |
| NULL, |
| 'jm0007', |
| 'demo123', |
| '2016-10-20 15:11:16', |
| 1, |
| NULL, |
| '2016-10-14 21:00:00', |
| 1, |
| '2016-10-20 15:11:16', |
| 0, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 'NJ', |
| NULL, |
| 'US', |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 10, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 1 |
| ),( |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 'Steve', |
| NULL, |
| 'Regev', |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 'ops@onap.org', |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 'op0001', |
| NULL, |
| 'op0001', |
| 'demo123', |
| '2016-10-20 15:11:16', |
| 1, |
| NULL, |
| '2016-10-14 21:00:00', |
| 1, |
| '2016-10-20 15:11:16', |
| 0, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 'NJ', |
| NULL, |
| 'US', |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 10, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 1 |
| ),( |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 'David', |
| NULL, |
| 'Shadmi', |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 'governor@onap.org', |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 'gv0001', |
| NULL, |
| 'gv0001', |
| 'demo123', |
| '2016-10-20 15:11:16', |
| 1, |
| NULL, |
| '2016-10-14 21:00:00', |
| 1, |
| '2016-10-20 15:11:16', |
| 0, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 'NJ', |
| NULL, |
| 'US', |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 10, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 1 |
| ),( |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 'Teddy', |
| NULL, |
| 'Isashar', |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 'pm1@onap.org', |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 'pm0001', |
| NULL, |
| 'pm0001', |
| 'demo123', |
| '2016-10-20 15:11:16', |
| 1, |
| NULL, |
| '2016-10-14 21:00:00', |
| 1, |
| '2016-10-20 15:11:16', |
| 0, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 'NJ', |
| NULL, |
| 'US', |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 10, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 1 |
| ),( |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 'Eden', |
| NULL, |
| 'Rozin', |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 'ps1@onap.org', |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 'ps0001', |
| NULL, |
| 'ps0001', |
| 'demo123', |
| '2016-10-20 15:11:16', |
| 1, |
| NULL, |
| '2016-10-14 21:00:00', |
| 1, |
| '2016-10-20 15:11:16', |
| 0, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 'NJ', |
| NULL, |
| 'US', |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 10, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 1 |
| ),( |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 'vid1', |
| NULL, |
| 'user', |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 'vid1@onap.org', |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 'vid1', |
| NULL, |
| 'vid1', |
| 'demo123', |
| '2016-10-20 15:11:16', |
| 1, |
| NULL, |
| '2016-10-14 21:00:00', |
| 1, |
| '2016-10-20 15:11:16', |
| 0, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 'NJ', |
| NULL, |
| 'US', |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 10, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 1 |
| ),( |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 'vid2', |
| NULL, |
| 'user', |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 'vid2@onap.org', |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 'vid2', |
| NULL, |
| 'vid2', |
| 'demo123', |
| '2016-10-20 15:11:16', |
| 1, |
| NULL, |
| '2016-10-14 21:00:00', |
| 1, |
| '2016-10-20 15:11:16', |
| 0, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 'NJ', |
| NULL, |
| 'US', |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 10, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 1 |
| ),( |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 'vid3', |
| NULL, |
| 'user', |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 'vid3@onap.org', |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 'vid3', |
| NULL, |
| 'vid3', |
| 'demo123', |
| '2016-10-20 15:11:16', |
| 1, |
| NULL, |
| '2016-10-14 21:00:00', |
| 1, |
| '2016-10-20 15:11:16', |
| 0, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 'NJ', |
| NULL, |
| 'US', |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 10, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 1 |
| ),( |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 'steve', |
| NULL, |
| 'user', |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 'steve@onap.org', |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 'steve', |
| NULL, |
| 'steve', |
| 'demo123', |
| '2017-05-19 15:11:16', |
| 1, |
| NULL, |
| '2017-05-19 21:00:00', |
| 1, |
| '2017-05-19 15:11:16', |
| 0, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 'NJ', |
| NULL, |
| 'US', |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 10, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| NULL, |
| 1 |
| ); |
| |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `fn_user` ENABLE KEYS */; |
| |
| -- |
| -- Dumping data for table `ep_pers_user_app_sort` |
| -- |
| |
| LOCK TABLES `ep_pers_user_app_sort` WRITE; |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `ep_pers_user_app_sort` DISABLE KEYS */; |
| INSERT INTO `ep_pers_user_app_sort` (`id`, `user_id`, `sort_pref`) VALUES (1,1,0); |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `ep_pers_user_app_sort` ENABLE KEYS */; |
| |
| -- |
| -- Dumping data for table `fn_pers_user_app_sel` |
| -- |
| |
| LOCK TABLES `fn_pers_user_app_sel` WRITE; |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `fn_pers_user_app_sel` DISABLE KEYS */; |
| INSERT INTO `fn_pers_user_app_sel` (`id`, `user_id`, `app_id`, `status_cd`) VALUES (1,1,7,'S'),(2,1,8,'S'),(10,1,10,'S'),(11,1,5,'S'); |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `fn_pers_user_app_sel` ENABLE KEYS */; |
| |
| -- |
| -- Dumping data for table `fn_audit_log` |
| -- |
| |
| LOCK TABLES `fn_audit_log` WRITE; |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `fn_audit_log` DISABLE KEYS */; |
| INSERT INTO `fn_audit_log` (`log_id`, `user_id`, `activity_cd`, `audit_date`, `comments`, `affected_record_id_bk`, `affected_record_id`) VALUES (1,1,'app_access','2019-08-08 10:18:52','https://aai.ui.simpledemo.onap.org:30220/services/aai/webapp/index.html',NULL,'7'),(2,1,'tab_access','2019-08-08 10:18:52','https://aai.ui.simpledemo.onap.org:30220/services/aai/webapp/index.html?cc=1565259532115',NULL,'7'),(3,1,'tab_access','2019-08-08 10:18:56','Home',NULL,'1'),(4,1,'tab_access','2019-08-08 10:18:59','https://aai.ui.simpledemo.onap.org:30220/services/aai/webapp/index.html?cc=1565259538769',NULL,'7'),(5,1,'app_access','2019-08-08 10:18:59','https://aai.ui.simpledemo.onap.org:30220/services/aai/webapp/index.html',NULL,'7'),(6,1,'tab_access','2019-08-08 10:18:59','https://aai.ui.simpledemo.onap.org:30220/services/aai/webapp/index.html?cc=1565259538769',NULL,'7'),(7,1,'tab_access','2019-08-08 10:19:06','Home',NULL,'1'); |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `fn_audit_log` ENABLE KEYS */; |
| |
| |
| -- |
| -- Dumping data for table `fn_user_role` |
| -- |
| |
| LOCK TABLES `fn_user_role` WRITE; |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `fn_user_role` DISABLE KEYS */; |
| INSERT INTO `fn_user_role` (`user_id`, `role_id`, `priority`, `app_id`) |
| (1,1,1,1), |
| (1,950,1,1), |
| (1,999,1,1), |
| (1,999,1,2),(1,999,1,3),(1,999,1,4),(1,999,1,5),(1,999,1,6),(1,999,1,7),(1,1000,1,2),(1,1001,1,2),(1,1002,1,3),(1,1004,1,4),(1,1006,1,5),(1,1008,1,6),(2,999,1,4),(2,1004,1,4),(3,16,NULL,4),(3,1005,NULL,4),(4,16,NULL,4),(4,1005,NULL,4),(5,16,NULL,4),(5,1005,NULL,4),(6,16,NULL,4),(6,1005,NULL,4),(7,16,NULL,4),(7,1005,NULL,4),(8,16,NULL,4),(8,1005,NULL,4),(9,16,NULL,6),(9,999,NULL,1),(9,1008,NULL,6),(10,16,NULL,6),(10,1008,NULL,6),(10,1009,NULL,6),(11,16,NULL,6),(12,16,NULL,7),(12,1011,NULL,7),(12,1012,NULL,7); |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `fn_user_role` ENABLE KEYS */; |
| |
| -- |
| -- Dumping data for table `schema_info` |
| -- |
| |
| LOCK TABLES `schema_info` WRITE; |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `schema_info` DISABLE KEYS */; |
| /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `schema_info` ENABLE KEYS */; |
| /*!40103 SET TIME_ZONE=@OLD_TIME_ZONE */; |
| |
| /*!40101 SET SQL_MODE=@OLD_SQL_MODE */; |
| /*!40111 SET SQL_NOTES=@OLD_SQL_NOTES */; |
| |
| -- Dump completed on 2019-08-13 10:20:25 |