SRIOV - add annotations add fix

SRIOV - add annotation - set param_name mandatory

Change-Id: I2b75c4b0db8205166205fe86f59f70067720f7e5
Issue-ID: SDC-996
Signed-off-by: eleonorali <>
diff --git a/openecomp-bdd/features/TOSCA/HeatToToscaTranslation.feature b/openecomp-bdd/features/TOSCA/HeatToToscaTranslation.feature
index 2757381..6915e7b 100644
--- a/openecomp-bdd/features/TOSCA/HeatToToscaTranslation.feature
+++ b/openecomp-bdd/features/TOSCA/HeatToToscaTranslation.feature
@@ -33,22 +33,27 @@
     When I want to load the yaml content of the entry "Definitions/MainServiceTemplate.yaml" in the zip "resources/downloads/" to context
     Then I want to check property "topology_template.inputs.pcm_flavor_name.annotations.source.type" for value "org.openecomp.annotations.Source"
+    Then I want to check property "" for value "HEAT"
     Then I want to check property "" to have length 2
     Then I want to check property "[0]" for value "main-heat2"
     Then I want to check property "[1]" for value "main-heat1"
     Then I want to check property "" for value "pcm_flavor_name"
     Then I want to check property "topology_template.inputs.sm_server_names.annotations.source.type" for value "org.openecomp.annotations.Source"
+    Then I want to check property "" for value "HEAT"
     Then I want to check property "" to have length 1
     Then I want to check property "[0]" for value "main-heat1"
     Then I want to check property "" for value "sm_server_names"
     Then I want to check property "topology_template.inputs.dummy_net_netmask_1.annotations.source.type" for value "org.openecomp.annotations.Source"
+    Then I want to check property "" for value "HEAT"
     Then I want to check property "" to have length 1
     Then I want to check property "[0]" for value "main-heat2"
     Then I want to check property "" for value "dummy_net_netmask_1"
+    Then I want to check property "topology_template.inputs.OS::stack_name" exists
+    Then I want to check property "topology_template.inputs.OS::stack_name.annotations" does not exist
     When I want to load the yaml content of the entry "Definitions/nested-pcm_v0.1ServiceTemplate.yaml" in the zip "resources/downloads/" to context
     Then I want to check property "topology_template.inputs.port_pcm_port_0_network_role.annotations" does not exist
     Then I want to check property "topology_template.inputs.availabilityzone_name.annotations" does not exist