Activity Spec - Change Error Response Structure

1 Added ActivitySpecNotFoundException to map to 404 Not Found response code
2 404 Not Found response code will only be returned in case activity spec
  does not exists irrespective of GET or PUT used in REST
3 Update flow test to check error messages
4 Error Response to have only "message" now
5 Use proper response code instead of EXPECTATION_FAILED

Change-Id: I82fb3c0970f4e9416d9fe2577174dcaf0a4fef92
Issue-ID: SDC-1048
Signed-off-by: sheetalm <>
diff --git a/openecomp-bdd/features/ActivitySpec/TestInvalidStatusTransition.feature b/openecomp-bdd/features/ActivitySpec/TestInvalidStatusTransition.feature
index 1a94635..452570e 100644
--- a/openecomp-bdd/features/ActivitySpec/TestInvalidStatusTransition.feature
+++ b/openecomp-bdd/features/ActivitySpec/TestInvalidStatusTransition.feature
@@ -14,16 +14,16 @@
 #    When I want to get the ActivitySpec for the current item
 #    Then I want to check property "status" for value "Draft"
-#    #Deprecate "Draft" activity status and verify error code
-#    Then I want the following to fail with error code "STATUS_NOT_CERTIFIED"
+#    #Deprecate "Draft" activity status and verify error message
+#    Then I want the following to fail with error message "Activity Spec is in an invalid state"
 #    When I want to call action "DEPRECATE" on this ActivitySpec item
 #    #Delete "Draft" activity spec and verify error code
-#    Then I want the following to fail with error code "STATUS_NOT_DEPRECATED"
+#    Then I want the following to fail with error message "Activity Spec is in an invalid state"
 #    When I want to call action "DELETE" on this ActivitySpec item
 #    #Certify activity spec
 #    When I want to call action "CERTIFY" on this ActivitySpec item
 #    #Certify "certified" activity spec and verify error code
-#    Then I want the following to fail with error code "STATUS_NOT_DRAFT"
-#    When I want to call action "CERTIFY" on this ActivitySpec item
+#    Then I want the following to fail with error message "Activity Spec is in an invalid state"
+#    When I want to call action "CERTIFY" on this ActivitySpec item
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