Initial OpenECOMP SDC commit

Change-Id: I0924d5a6ae9cdc161ae17c68d3689a30d10f407b
Signed-off-by: Michael Lando <>
diff --git a/catalog-ui/configurations/MenuReadMe.txt b/catalog-ui/configurations/MenuReadMe.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..660427e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/catalog-ui/configurations/MenuReadMe.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+*******             Explanation about menu.json             *******
+The menu.json defines the menu to show for each type of "roles":
+Supported roles:
+The JSON is separated to roles, and for each role we define "states",
+what menu to show the user for each state of the component:
+Supported states:
+For each state we can define the user that will see this menu, the available parameters are:
+Supported users:
+For designer, if the component state is checkout and the component was created by other user, the NOT_OWNER will be used.
+            "states":{
+                "NOT_CERTIFIED_CHECKOUT":{
+                    "ANY":[
+                        {"text":"Edit"    ,"action":"goToEntity"},
+                        {"text":"Check in","action":"changeLifecycleState", "url":"lifecycleState/CHECKIN", "confirmationModal": "lifecycleState/CHECKIN"},
+                        {"text":"Submit for Testing","action":"changeLifecycleState", "url":"lifecycleState/certificationRequest", "emailModal": "lifecycleState/CERTIFICATIONREQUEST"},
+                        {"text":"View"    ,"action":"openViewerModal"}
+                    ],
+                    "NOT_OWNER":[
+                        {"text":"View"    ,"action":"openViewerModal"}
+                    ]
+                },
+Definition of the menu item:
+text                - The text to show
+action              - Function that will be called when pressing on the menu item
+url                 - Data added to menu item, in case the function need to use it, example: for function "changeLifecycleState", I need to pass also the url "lifecycleState/CHECKOUT" that I want the state to change to.
+confirmationModal   - Open confirmation modal (user should select "OK" or "Cancel"), and continue with the action.
+emailModal          - Open email modal (user should fill email details), and continue with the action.
+blockedForTypes     - This item will not be shown for specific components types.