Initial OpenECOMP SDC commit

Change-Id: I0924d5a6ae9cdc161ae17c68d3689a30d10f407b
Signed-off-by: Michael Lando <>
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/.gitignore b/ui-ci-dev/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6405eb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/pom.xml b/ui-ci-dev/pom.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b84322c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/pom.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
+	xsi:schemaLocation="">
+	<modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
+	<parent>
+		<groupId>org.openecomp.sdc</groupId>
+		<artifactId>sdc-main</artifactId>
+		<!-- <version>${asdc.version}</version> -->
+		<version>1610.2.1</version>
+	</parent>
+	<artifactId>ui-ci-dev</artifactId>
+	<description>Selenium tests for the SDnC Application</description>
+	<dependencies>
+		<dependency>
+			<groupId>org.seleniumhq.selenium</groupId>
+			<artifactId>selenium-java</artifactId>
+			<version>3.0.1</version>
+		</dependency>
+		<dependency>
+			<groupId>org.seleniumhq.selenium</groupId>
+			<artifactId>selenium-server</artifactId>
+			<version>2.48.2</version>
+			<scope>runtime</scope>
+		</dependency>
+		<dependency>
+			<groupId>org.openecomp.sdc</groupId>
+			<artifactId>asdc-tests</artifactId>
+			<version>${asdc-tests.version}</version>
+		</dependency>
+		<!-- <dependency>
+			<groupId>org.openecomp.sdc</groupId>
+			<artifactId>catalog-be</artifactId>
+			<version>${asdc-tests.version}</version>
+		</dependency> -->
+		<dependency>
+			<groupId>org.yaml</groupId>
+			<artifactId>snakeyaml</artifactId>
+			<version>1.14</version>
+			<scope>compile</scope>
+		</dependency>
+		<dependency>
+			<groupId></groupId>
+			<artifactId>gson</artifactId>
+			<version>2.3.1</version>
+			<scope>compile</scope>
+		</dependency>
+		<!-- http client -->
+		<dependency>
+			<groupId>org.apache.httpcomponents</groupId>
+			<artifactId>httpclient</artifactId>
+			<scope>compile</scope>
+		</dependency>
+		<dependency>
+			<groupId>org.apache.httpcomponents</groupId>
+			<artifactId>httpmime</artifactId>
+			<scope>compile</scope>
+		</dependency>
+		<dependency>
+			<groupId>commons-io</groupId>
+			<artifactId>commons-io</artifactId>
+			<version>1.3.2</version>
+			<scope>compile</scope>
+		</dependency>
+		<dependency>
+			<groupId>commons-logging</groupId>
+			<artifactId>commons-logging</artifactId>
+			<scope>compile</scope>
+		</dependency>
+		<!-- http core -->
+		<dependency>
+			<groupId>org.apache.httpcomponents</groupId>
+			<artifactId>httpcore</artifactId>
+			<scope>compile</scope>
+		</dependency>
+		<!-- TITAN -->
+		<dependency>
+			<groupId>com.thinkaurelius.titan</groupId>
+			<artifactId>titan-core</artifactId>
+			<version>${titan.version}</version>
+			<scope>compile</scope>
+		</dependency>
+		<dependency>
+			<groupId>com.thinkaurelius.titan</groupId>
+			<artifactId>titan-cassandra</artifactId>
+			<version>${titan.version}</version>
+			<scope>compile</scope>
+		</dependency>
+		<dependency>
+			<groupId>org.codehaus.jackson</groupId>
+			<artifactId>jackson-mapper-asl</artifactId>
+			<version>1.9.2</version>
+			<scope>compile</scope>
+		</dependency>
+		<dependency>
+			<groupId>com.fasterxml.jackson.core</groupId>
+			<artifactId>jackson-databind</artifactId>
+			<version>2.3.1</version>
+			<scope>compile</scope>
+		</dependency>
+		<dependency>
+			<groupId>com.fasterxml.jackson.core</groupId>
+			<artifactId>jackson-core</artifactId>
+			<version>2.3.1</version>
+			<scope>compile</scope>
+		</dependency>
+		<dependency>
+			<groupId>org.openecomp.sdc</groupId>
+			<artifactId>sdc-distribution-client</artifactId>
+			<version>1.1.2</version>
+		</dependency>
+		<dependency>
+			<groupId>junit</groupId>
+			<artifactId>junit</artifactId>
+			<scope>compile</scope>
+		</dependency>
+		<dependency>
+			<groupId>org.testng</groupId>
+			<artifactId>testng</artifactId>
+			<version>6.9.10</version>
+			<scope>compile</scope>
+		</dependency>
+		<dependency>
+			<groupId>xml-apis</groupId>
+			<artifactId>xml-apis</artifactId>
+			<version>1.4.01</version>
+			<scope>compile</scope>
+		</dependency>
+		<dependency>
+			<groupId>com.googlecode.json-simple</groupId>
+			<artifactId>json-simple</artifactId>
+			<version>1.1</version>
+			<scope>compile</scope>
+		</dependency>
+		<dependency>
+			<groupId>com.relevantcodes</groupId>
+			<artifactId>extentreports</artifactId>
+			<version>2.41.1</version>
+		</dependency>
+		<dependency>
+			<groupId>org.apache.commons</groupId>
+			<artifactId>commons-jci-core</artifactId>
+			<scope>compile</scope>
+		</dependency>
+	<dependency>
+		<groupId>org.sikuli</groupId>
+		<artifactId>sikuli-api</artifactId>
+		<version>1.2.0</version>
+	</dependency>
+	<dependency>
+		<groupId>org.sikuli</groupId>
+		<artifactId>sikuli-core</artifactId>
+		<version>1.2.2</version>
+	</dependency>
+		<dependency>
+			<groupId>commons-codec</groupId>
+			<artifactId>commons-codec</artifactId>
+			<scope>compile</scope>
+		</dependency>
+	</dependencies>
+	<build>
+		<plugins>
+			<!-- ============================================= -->
+			<!-- Create the JAR file with its dependencies -->
+			<!-- ============================================= -->
+			<plugin>
+				<groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
+				<artifactId>maven-assembly-plugin</artifactId>
+				<version>2.5.5</version>
+				<executions>
+					<execution>
+						<id>create.jar.with.dependencies</id>
+						<phase>package</phase>
+						<goals>
+							<goal>single</goal>
+						</goals>
+						<configuration>
+							<archive>
+								<manifest>
+									<mainClass></mainClass>
+								</manifest>
+							</archive>
+							<descriptorRefs>
+								<descriptorRef>jar-with-dependencies</descriptorRef>
+							</descriptorRefs>
+						</configuration>
+					</execution>
+					<execution>
+						<id>tarball</id>
+						<phase>package</phase>
+						<goals>
+							<goal>single</goal>
+						</goals>
+						<configuration>
+							<finalName>${project.artifactId}-${full.release.version}${build.type}</finalName>
+							<appendAssemblyId>false</appendAssemblyId>
+							<descriptor>${project.basedir}/tarball.xml</descriptor>
+							<attach>false</attach>
+						</configuration>
+					</execution>
+				</executions>
+			</plugin>
+			<!-- =========================== -->
+			<!-- HP Fortifay scanner         -->
+			<!-- =========================== -->
+			<plugin>
+				<groupId></groupId>
+				<artifactId>sca-maven-plugin</artifactId>
+				<version>4.30</version>
+				<configuration>
+					<scanEnabled>false</scanEnabled>
+				</configuration>
+			</plugin>
+		</plugins>
+	</build>
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/scripts/ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b11f8d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+package org.openecomp.sdc.uici.scripts;
+import java.nio.file.Files;
+import java.nio.file.Path;
+import java.nio.file.Paths;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.datatypes.CleanTypeEnum;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.execute.base.SetupCDTest;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.utilities.GeneralUIUtils;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.utilities.OnboardUtility;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.common.datastructure.FunctionalInterfaces;
+ * This Class functions to load mass zip files to vfs through onboarding.<br>
+ * It uses both BE & UI APIs
+ * 
+ * @author mshitrit
+ *
+ */
+public class CreateVfsFromOnboarding extends SetupCDTest {
+	public static void main(String[] args) {
+		CreateVfsFromOnboarding manager = new CreateVfsFromOnboarding();
+		FunctionalInterfaces.swallowException(() -> manager.setEnvParameters(;
+		// String folderPath = args[0];
+		String folderPath = "C:\\onboardingTest\\onBoardingZips";
+		File folder = new File(folderPath);
+		File[] listOfFiles = folder.listFiles();
+		List<String> zipFileNames = Arrays.asList(listOfFiles).stream().map(file -> file.getName())
+				.filter(fileName -> fileName.endsWith(".zip")).collect(Collectors.toList());
+		Map<String, String> filesSuccessMap = new HashMap<>();
+		for (String fileName : zipFileNames) {
+			try {
+				// Before
+				manager.beforeState(null);
+				manager.setBrowserBeforeTest();
+				createSingleVfFromOnboarding(folderPath, fileName);
+				filesSuccessMap.put(fileName, "SUCCESS");
+			} catch (Exception e) {
+				filesSuccessMap.put(fileName, "FAIL");
+			} finally {
+				FunctionalInterfaces.swallowException(() -> manager.afterState(null));
+				manager.quitAfterTest();
+			}
+		}
+		Path file = Paths.get("RunResults.txt");
+		String stringDataModel = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create().toJson(filesSuccessMap);
+		FunctionalInterfaces.swallowException(() -> Files.write(file, stringDataModel.getBytes()));
+	}
+	private static void createSingleVfFromOnboarding(String filePath, String zipFileName) {
+		String userId = UserRoleEnum.DESIGNER.getUserId();
+		OnboardUtility.createVfFromOnboarding(userId, zipFileName, filePath);
+		GeneralUIUtils.submitForTestingElement("Vf From Onboarding");
+	}
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/datatypes/ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/datatypes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c23d05a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/datatypes/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+package org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.datatypes;
+import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.ImmutablePair;
+public final class CanvasElement {
+	private final String uniqueId;
+	private ImmutablePair<Integer, Integer> location;
+	private String elementName;
+	public String getElementName() {
+		return elementName;
+	}
+	public CanvasElement(String uniqueId, String elementName, ImmutablePair<Integer, Integer> location) {
+		super();
+		this.uniqueId = uniqueId;
+		this.location = location;
+		this.elementName = elementName;
+	}
+	public String getUniqueId() {
+		return uniqueId;
+	}
+	public ImmutablePair<Integer, Integer> getLocation() {
+		return location;
+	}
+	public void setLocation(ImmutablePair<Integer, Integer> location) {
+		this.location = location;
+	}
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/datatypes/ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/datatypes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ef8c7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/datatypes/
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+package org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.datatypes;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Random;
+import java.util.UUID;
+import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.ImmutablePair;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.datatypes.DataTestIdEnum.LeftPanelCanvasItems;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.utilities.GeneralUIUtils;
+import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
+import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions;
+public final class CanvasManager {
+	private Map<String, CanvasElement> canvasElements;
+	private Actions actions;
+	private WebElement canvas;
+	private int reduceCanvasWidthFactor;
+	// Offsets Are used to find upper right corner of canvas element in order to
+	// connect links
+	private static final int CANVAS_ELEMENT_Y_OFFSET = 40;
+	private static final int CANVAS_ELEMENT_X_OFFSET = 21; // 14 - 27
+	private CanvasManager() {
+		canvasElements = new HashMap<>();
+		actions = new Actions(GeneralUIUtils.getDriver());
+		canvas = GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.GeneralCanvasItems.CANVAS.getValue());
+		try {
+			WebElement webElement = GeneralUIUtils
+					.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.GeneralCanvasItems.CANVAS_RIGHT_PANEL.getValue());
+			reduceCanvasWidthFactor = webElement.getSize().width;
+		} catch (Exception e) {
+			reduceCanvasWidthFactor = 0;
+		}
+	}
+	public static CanvasManager getCanvasManager() {
+		return new CanvasManager();
+	}
+	public List<CanvasElement> getCanvasElements() {
+		return canvasElements.values().stream().collect(Collectors.toList());
+	}
+	private void addCanvasElement(CanvasElement element) {
+		canvasElements.put(element.getUniqueId(), element);
+	}
+	private void moveElementOnCanvas(CanvasElement canvasElement, ImmutablePair<Integer, Integer> newLocation) {
+		GeneralUIUtils.waitForLoader();
+		GeneralUIUtils.sleep(500);
+		actions.moveToElement(canvas, canvasElement.getLocation().left, canvasElement.getLocation().right);
+		actions.clickAndHold();
+		actions.moveToElement(canvas, newLocation.left, newLocation.right);
+		actions.release();
+		actions.perform();
+		canvasElement.setLocation(newLocation);
+		GeneralUIUtils.waitForLoader();
+	}
+	public void moveElementOnCanvas(CanvasElement canvasElement) {
+		moveElementOnCanvas(canvasElement, getFreePosition());
+	}
+	public void deleteElementFromCanvas(CanvasElement canvasElement) {
+		GeneralUIUtils.waitForLoader();
+		actions.moveToElement(canvas, canvasElement.getLocation().left, canvasElement.getLocation().right);
+		actions.perform();
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.GeneralCanvasItems.DELETE_INSTANCE_BUTTON.getValue())
+				.click();
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.ModalItems.OK.getValue()).click();
+		canvasElements.remove(canvasElement.getUniqueId());
+		GeneralUIUtils.waitForLoader();
+	}
+	public void selectElementFromCanvas(CanvasElement canvasElement) {
+		GeneralUIUtils.waitForLoader();
+		actions.moveToElement(canvas, canvasElement.getLocation().left, canvasElement.getLocation().right);
+		actions.perform();
+		GeneralUIUtils.waitForLoader();
+	}
+	public CanvasElement createElementOnCanvas(LeftPanelCanvasItems canvasItem) {
+		return createElementOnCanvas(canvasItem.getValue(), false);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Creates Element on the Canvas - use the element name.
+	 * 
+	 * @param elementName
+	 * @return
+	 */
+	public CanvasElement createElementOnCanvas(String elementName) {
+		return createElementOnCanvas(elementName, true);
+	}
+	private CanvasElement createElementOnCanvas(String elementName, boolean addPrefix) {
+		if (addPrefix) {
+			elementName = DataTestIdEnum.LEFT_PANEL_PREFIX + elementName;
+		}
+		GeneralUIUtils.waitForLoader();
+		WebElement element = GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(elementName);
+		ImmutablePair<Integer, Integer> freePosition = getFreePosition();
+		actions.moveToElement(element, 0, 0);
+		actions.clickAndHold();
+		actions.moveToElement(canvas, freePosition.left, freePosition.right);
+		actions.release();
+		actions.perform();
+		String uniqueId = elementName + "_" + UUID.randomUUID().toString();
+		CanvasElement canvasElement = new CanvasElement(uniqueId, elementName, freePosition);
+		addCanvasElement(canvasElement);
+		GeneralUIUtils.waitForLoader();
+		return canvasElement;
+	}
+	public CanvasElement createUniqueVFOnCanvas(LeftPanelCanvasItems canvasItem) {
+		GeneralUIUtils.waitForLoader();
+		WebElement element = GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(canvasItem.getValue());
+		ImmutablePair<Integer, Integer> freePosition = getFreePosition();
+		actions.moveToElement(element, 0, 0);
+		actions.clickAndHold();
+		actions.moveToElement(canvas, freePosition.left, freePosition.right);
+		actions.release();
+		actions.perform();
+		String uniqueId = + "_" + UUID.randomUUID().toString();
+		CanvasElement canvasElement = new CanvasElement(uniqueId, canvasItem.getValue(), freePosition);
+		addCanvasElement(canvasElement);
+		GeneralUIUtils.waitForLoader();
+		return canvasElement;
+	}
+	private ImmutablePair<Integer, Integer> getFreePosition() {
+		// TODO ui-ci use better method
+		ImmutablePair<Integer, Integer> randomPosition = null;
+		boolean freePosition = false;
+		int minSpace = 150;
+		while (!freePosition) {
+			ImmutablePair<Integer, Integer> tempRandomPosition = getRandomPosition();
+			freePosition = !canvasElements.values().stream().map(e -> e.getLocation())
+					.filter(e -> Math.abs(e.left - tempRandomPosition.left) < minSpace
+							&& Math.abs(e.right - tempRandomPosition.right) < minSpace)
+					.findAny().isPresent();
+			randomPosition = tempRandomPosition;
+		}
+		return randomPosition;
+	}
+	private ImmutablePair<Integer, Integer> getRandomPosition() {
+		int edgeBuffer = 50;
+		Random random = new Random();
+		int xElement = random.nextInt(canvas.getSize().width - 2 * edgeBuffer - reduceCanvasWidthFactor) + edgeBuffer;
+		int yElement = random.nextInt(canvas.getSize().height - 2 * edgeBuffer) + edgeBuffer;
+		return new ImmutablePair<Integer, Integer>(xElement, yElement);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Links two elements on canvas.<br>
+	 * Currently Supports Only elements in the default size.<br>
+	 * Will not work for container type or smaller elements (cp, vl etc...)<br>
+	 * 
+	 * @param firstElement
+	 * @param secondElement
+	 */
+	public void linkElements(CanvasElement firstElement, CanvasElement secondElement) {
+		GeneralUIUtils.waitForLoader();
+		drawSimpleLink(firstElement, secondElement);
+		selectReqAndCapAndConnect();
+		GeneralUIUtils.waitForLoader();
+	}
+	private void selectReqAndCapAndConnect() {
+		// Select First Cap
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementsListWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.LinkMenuItems.LINK_ITEM_CAP.getValue()).get(0)
+				.click();
+		// Select First Req
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementsListWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.LinkMenuItems.LINK_ITEM_REQ.getValue()).get(0)
+				.click();
+		// Connect
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.LinkMenuItems.CONNECT_BUTTON.getValue()).click();
+	}
+	private void drawSimpleLink(CanvasElement firstElement, CanvasElement secondElement) {
+		actions.moveToElement(canvas, firstElement.getLocation().left + xOffset,
+				firstElement.getLocation().right - yOffset);
+		actions.clickAndHold();
+		actions.moveToElement(canvas, secondElement.getLocation().left + xOffset,
+				secondElement.getLocation().right - yOffset);
+		actions.release();
+		actions.perform();
+		GeneralUIUtils.waitForLoader();
+	}
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/datatypes/ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/datatypes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0691b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/datatypes/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+package org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.datatypes;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.Optional;
+ * enum that represents possible methods to clean DB before and after tests.
+ * 
+ * @author mshitrit
+ *
+ */
+public enum CleanTypeEnum {
+	/** Unreliable should be only used in dev **/
+	/**
+	 * Returns CleanType enum by it name
+	 * 
+	 * @param cleanType
+	 * @return
+	 */
+	public static CleanTypeEnum findByName(String cleanType) {
+		final Optional<CleanTypeEnum> findAny = Arrays.asList(CleanTypeEnum.values()).stream()
+				.filter(e ->;
+		return findAny.get();
+	}
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/datatypes/ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/datatypes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..382584a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/datatypes/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+package org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.datatypes;
+public enum CreateAndImportButtonsEnum {
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/datatypes/ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/datatypes/
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index 0000000..ad0281d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/datatypes/
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+package org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.datatypes;
+public enum CreateAndUpdateStepsEnum {
+	GENERAL("Generalstep"), 
+	ICON("Iconstep"), 
+	DEPLOYMENT_ARTIFACT("Deployment Artifactstep"), 
+	INFORMATION_ARTIFACT("Information Artifactstep"), 
+	PROPERTIES("Propertiesstep"), 
+	ATTRIBUTES("Attributesstep"), 
+	COMPOSITION("Compositionstep"), 
+	DEPLOYMENT("Deploymentstep"), 
+	REQUIREMENTS_AND_CAPABILITIES("Req. & Capabilitiesstep"),
+	INPUTS("Inputsstep");
+	private String value;
+	public String getValue() {
+		return value;
+	}
+	private CreateAndUpdateStepsEnum(String value) {
+		this.value = value;
+	}
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/datatypes/ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/datatypes/
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index 0000000..64db12a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/datatypes/
@@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
+package org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.datatypes;
+public final class DataTestIdEnum {
+	private DataTestIdEnum() {
+	};
+	public enum Dashboard {
+		IMPORT_AREA("importButtonsArea"), 
+		BUTTON_ADD_VF("createResourceButton"), 
+		BUTTON_ADD_SERVICE("createServiceButton"), 
+		IMPORT_VFC("importVFCbutton"), 
+		IMPORT_VF("importVFbutton"), 
+		IMPORT_VFC_FILE("file-importVFCbutton"), 
+		IMPORT_VF_FILE("file-importVFbutton");
+		private String value;
+		public String getValue() {
+			return value;
+		}
+		private Dashboard(String value) {
+			this.value = value;
+		}
+	}
+	public enum LifeCyleChangeButtons {
+		CREATE("create/save"), 
+		CHECK_IN("check_in"), 
+		SUBMIT_FOR_TESTING("submit_for_testing"), 
+		START_TESTING("start_testing"), 
+		ACCEPT("accept"), 
+		APPROVE("approve"), 
+		DISTRIBUTE("distribute");
+		private String value;
+		public String getValue() {
+			return value;
+		}
+		private LifeCyleChangeButtons(String value) {
+			this.value = value;
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Artifacts Related Elements
+	 * 
+	 * @author mshitrit
+	 *
+	 */
+	public enum Artifatcs {
+		ADD_DEPLOYMENT_ARTIFACT("add-deployment-artifact-button"), 
+		SELECT_ARTIFACT_DROPDOWN("selectArtifact"), 
+		ARTIFACT_TYPE_DROPDOWN("artifacttype"), 
+		ARTIFACT_DESCRIPTION("description"), 
+		ARTIFACT_LABEL("artifactLabel"), 
+		BROWSE_BUTTON("browseButton"), 
+		ADD_BUTTON("Add");
+		private String value;
+		public String getValue() {
+			return value;
+		}
+		private Artifatcs(String value) {
+			this.value = value;
+		}
+	}
+	public enum InformationalArtifatcs {
+		CLOUD_QUESTIONNAIRE("Cloud Questionnaire (completed)"), 
+		FEATURES("Features"), 
+		VENDOR_TEST_RESULT("Vendor Test Result"), 
+		TEST_SCRIPTS("Test Scripts"), 
+		HEAT_TEMPLATE_FROM_VENDOR("HEAT Template from Vendor"), 
+		CAPACITY("Capacity");
+		private String value;
+		public String getValue() {
+			return value;
+		}
+		private InformationalArtifatcs(String value) {
+			this.value = value;
+		}
+	}
+	public enum ArtifactModal {
+		LABEL("artifact-label"), TYPE("artifacttype"),;
+		private String value;
+		public String getValue() {
+			return value;
+		}
+		private ArtifactModal(String value) {
+			this.value = value;
+		}
+	}
+	public enum ModalItems {
+		BROWSE_BUTTON("browseButton"), 
+		ADD("Add"), 
+		DESCRIPTION("description"), 
+		SUMBIT_FOR_TESTING_MESSAGE("changeLifeCycleMessage"), 
+		OK("OK"), 
+		CANCEL("Cancel"), 
+		ACCEP_TESTING_MESSAGE("checkindialog"), 
+		MESSAGE_TEXT("message"), 
+		DONE("Done");
+		private String value;
+		public String getValue() {
+			return value;
+		}
+		private ModalItems(String value) {
+			this.value = value;
+		}
+	}
+	public static final String LEFT_PANEL_PREFIX = "leftbar-section-content-item-";
+	public enum LeftPanelCanvasItems {
+		// PORT(LEFT_PANEL_PREFIX + "-Port"),
+		VMMC(LEFT_PANEL_PREFIX + "vmmc_work");
+		private String value;
+		public String getValue() {
+			return value;
+		}
+		private LeftPanelCanvasItems(String value) {
+			this.value = value;
+		}
+	}
+	public enum RightBar {
+		PROPERTIES_AND_ATTRIBUTES("properties-and-attributes-tab"), 
+		DEPLOYMENT_ARTIFACTS("deployment-artifact-tab"), 
+		ARTIFACT_NAME("artifactName"), 
+		ADD_ARTIFACT_BUTTON("add_Artifact_Button"), 
+		MYATTR_ATTR_FROM_LIST("my_attr-attr"), 
+		MYATTR_ATTR_VALUE_FROM_LIST("value-of-my_attr"),;
+		private String value;
+		public String getValue() {
+			return value;
+		}
+		private RightBar(String value) {
+			this.value = value;
+		}
+	}
+	// for now we use index to work with the breadcrumbs
+	// any change in the breadcrumbs position will require an update here also
+	public enum BreadcrumbsButtonsEnum {
+		HOME("breadcrumbs-button-0"),
+		COMPONENT("breadcrumbs-button-1");
+		private String value;
+		public String getValue() {
+			return value;
+		}
+		private BreadcrumbsButtonsEnum(String value) {
+			this.value = value;
+		}
+	}
+	public enum InputsEnum {
+		VF_INSTANCE("inputs-vf-instance-0"),
+		FIRST_INPUT_CHECKBOX("inputs-checkbox-0"),
+		SECOND_INPUT_CHECKBOX("inputs-checkbox-1"),
+		ADD_INPUTS_BUTTON("add-inputs-to-service-button"),
+		SERVICE_INPUT("service-input-0"),
+		DELETE_INPUT("delete-input-0");
+		private String value;
+		public String getValue() {
+			return value;
+		}
+		private InputsEnum(String value) {
+			this.value = value;
+		}
+	}
+	public enum TabsBar {
+		HIERARCHY_TAB("hierarchy-tab"), 
+		SELECTED_TAB("selected-tab"), 
+		TAB_HEADER("tab-header"), 
+		TAB_SUB_HEADER("tab-sub-header"), 
+		HIERARCHY_MODULE("hierarchy-module-0"), 
+		HIERARCHY_MODULE_TITLE("hierarchy-module-0-title"), 
+		HIERARCHY_SELECTED_MODULE_DATA("selected-module-data"), 
+		HIERARCHY_SELECTED_MODULE_NAME("selected-module-name"), 
+		HIERARCHY_SELECTED_MODULE_UUID("selected-module-group-uuid"), 
+		HIERARCHY_SELECTED_MODULE_VERSION("selected-module-version"), 
+		HIERARCHY_SELECTED_MODULE_IS_BASE("selected-module-is-base"), 
+		HIERARCHY_SELECTED_MODULE_ARTIFACT_NAME("selected-module-artifact-name"), 
+		HIERARCHY_SELECTED_MODULE_ARTIFACT_UUID("selected-module-artifact-uuid"), 
+		HIERARCHY_SELECTED_MODULE_ARTIFACT_VERSION("selected-module-artifact-version");
+		private String value;
+		public String getValue() {
+			return value;
+		}
+		private TabsBar(String value) {
+			this.value = value;
+		}
+	}
+	public enum UpdateNamePopover {
+		OPEN_POPOVER_ICON("edit-name-popover-icon"), 
+		POPOVER_FORM("popover-form"), 
+		POPOVER_SAVE_BUTTON("popover-save-button"), 
+		POPOVER_INSTANCE_NAME("popover-vfinstance-name"), 
+		POPOVER_HEAT_NAME("popover-heat-name"), 
+		POPOVER_MODULE_NAME("popover-module-name"), 
+		POPOVER_CLOSE_BUTTON("popover-close-button"), 
+		POPOVER_X_BUTTON("popover-x-button");
+		private String value;
+		public String getValue() {
+			return value;
+		}
+		private UpdateNamePopover(String value) {
+			this.value = value;
+		}
+	}
+	public enum LinkMenuItems {
+		CANCEL_BUTTON("link-menu-button-cancel"), 
+		CONNECT_BUTTON("link-menu-button-connect"), 
+		LINK_ITEM_CAP("link-item-capabilities"), 
+		LINK_ITEM_REQ("link-item-requirements"), 
+		LINK_MENU("link-menu-open");
+		private String value;
+		public String getValue() {
+			return value;
+		}
+		private LinkMenuItems(String value) {
+			this.value = value;
+		}
+	}
+	public enum GeneralCanvasItems {
+		CANVAS("canvas"), 
+		CANVAS_RIGHT_PANEL("w-sdc-designer-sidebar-head"), 
+		DELETE_INSTANCE_BUTTON("e-sdc-small-icon-delete");
+		private String value;
+		public String getValue() {
+			return value;
+		}
+		private GeneralCanvasItems(String value) {
+			this.value = value;
+		}
+	}
+	public enum AttributesSection {
+		TABLE_ROWS("attributes-table-row"), 
+		EDIT_BUTTON_FOR_NETWORK_ATTR("edit_networks"), 
+		DELETE_BUTTON_FOR_NETWORK_ATTR("delete_networks"), 
+		ADD_BUTTON("add-attribute-button");
+		private String value;
+		public String getValue() {
+			return value;
+		}
+		private AttributesSection(String value) {
+			this.value = value;
+		}
+	}
+	public enum AttributeForm {
+		NAME_FIELD("attributeName"), 
+		DESCRIPTION_FIELD("description"), 
+		TYPE_FIELD("type-field"), 
+		DEFAULT_VAL_FIELD("defaultvalue"),
+		BOOL_DEFAULT_VAL_FIELD("booleantype"), 
+		SCHEMA_FIELD("schema"), 
+		BOOL_VALUE_FIELD("boolean-type-value"), 
+		HIDDEN_FIELD("hidden"), 
+		UPDATE_BUTTON("Update"), 
+		DONE_BUTTON("Done"), 
+		ADD_BUTTON("Add");
+		private String value;
+		public String getValue() {
+			return value;
+		}
+		private AttributeForm(String value) {
+			this.value = value;
+		}
+	}
+	public enum PropertiesSection {
+		ADD_BUTTON("addGrey"),;
+		private String value;
+		public String getValue() {
+			return value;
+		}
+		private PropertiesSection(String value) {
+			this.value = value;
+		}
+	}
+	public enum PropertyForm {
+		FORM_CONTAINER("sdc-edit-property-container"), 
+		NAME_FIELD("propertyName"), 
+		DESCRIPTION_FIELD("description"), 
+		TYPE_FIELD("propertyType"), 
+		SCHEMA_FIELD("schema-type"), 
+		SIMPLE_TYPE_DEFAULT_VAL_FIELD("defaultvalue"), 
+		ADD_ITEM_TO_LIST_BUTTON("add-list-item-1"),
+		ADD_ITEM_TO_MAP_BUTTON("add-map-item"),
+		DELETE_FIRST_ITEM_FROM_MAP_BUTTON("delete-map-item-10"), 
+		SAVE_BUTTON("Save");
+		private String value;
+		public String getValue() {
+			return value;
+		}
+		private PropertyForm(String value) {
+			this.value = value;
+		}
+	}
+	public enum GeneralSection {
+		BROWSE_BUTTON("browseButton"), FILE_NAME("filename"), NAME("name"), LOADER("tlv-loader");
+		private String value;
+		public String getValue() {
+			return value;
+		}
+		private GeneralSection(String value) {
+			this.value = value;
+		}
+	}
+	public enum ReqAndCapabilitiesSection {
+		SEARCH_BOX("search-box"), CAP_TAB("cap-tab"), REQ_TAB("req-tab");
+		private String value;
+		public String getValue() {
+			return value;
+		}
+		private ReqAndCapabilitiesSection(String value) {
+			this.value = value;
+		}
+	}
+	public enum OnBoardingTable {
+		OPEN_MODAL_BUTTON("repository-icon"), 
+		VENDOR_HEADER_COL("Vendor"), 
+		NAME_HEADER_COL("Name"), 
+		CATEGORY_HEADER_COL("Category"), 
+		VERSION_HEADER_COL("Version"), 
+		IMPORT_ICON("import-csar"), 
+		UPDATE_ICON("update-csar"), 
+		CSAR_ROW("csar-row"), 
+		ONBOARDING_SEARCH("onboarding-search");
+		private String value;
+		public String getValue() {
+			return value;
+		}
+		private OnBoardingTable(String value) {
+			this.value = value;
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/datatypes/ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/datatypes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c45858
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/datatypes/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+package org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.datatypes;
+public enum MenuOptionsEnum {
+	EDIT("Edit"), CHECK_IN("Check in"), CHECK_OUT("Check out"), VIEW("View"), SUBMIT_FOR_TEST("Submit For Test"), ACCEPT("Accept"), REJECT("Reject"), START_TEST("Start test"), DISTREBUTE("Distribute");
+	private String value;
+	public String getValue() {
+		return value;
+	}
+	private MenuOptionsEnum(String value) {
+		this.value = value;
+	}
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/datatypes/ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/datatypes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d94529
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/datatypes/
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+package org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.datatypes;
+public class UserCredentials extends User {
+	private String password;
+	public UserCredentials(String userId, String password, String firstname, String lastname) {
+		super();
+		setUserId(userId);
+		this.password = password;
+		setFirstName(firstname);
+		setLastName(lastname);
+	}
+	public UserCredentials() {
+		super();
+	}
+	public String getPassword() {
+		return password;
+	}
+	public void setPassword(String password) {
+		this.password = password;
+	}
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/execute/base/ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/execute/base/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42e9f13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/execute/base/
@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
+package org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.execute.base;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Set;
+import java.util.function.Function;
+import org.apache.commons.lang.NotImplementedException;
+import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
+import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Edge;
+import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Vertex;
+import org.junit.rules.TestName;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.datatypes.CleanTypeEnum;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.datatypes.UserCredentials;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.utilities.FileHandling;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.utilities.GeneralUIUtils;
+import org.openqa.selenium.By;
+import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
+import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
+import org.testng.AssertJUnit;
+import org.testng.annotations.AfterMethod;
+import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod;
+import org.testng.annotations.BeforeSuite;
+import org.testng.annotations.Optional;
+import org.testng.annotations.Parameters;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.common.datastructure.FunctionalInterfaces;
+import com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.TitanGraph;
+public abstract class SetupCDTest extends ComponentBaseTest {
+	private TitanSnapshot snapshot;
+	private static CleanTypeEnum cleanType;
+	public SetupCDTest() {
+		super(new TestName(), SetupCDTest.class.getName());
+	}
+	public SetupCDTest(TestName name, String className) {
+		super(name, className);
+	}
+	public static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SetupCDTest.class.getName());
+	/**************** CONSTANTS ****************/
+	private static final String CREDENTIALS_FILE = "src/main/resources/ci/conf/credentials.yaml";
+	public static final String SELENIUM_NODE_URL = "http://%s:%s/wd/hub";
+	/**************** PRIVATES ****************/
+	public static Config config;
+	private Map<?, ?> credentialsYamlFileMap;
+	private static String devUrl, cdUrl;
+	/****************
+	 * 
+	 * @throws FileNotFoundException
+	 ****************/
+	@BeforeSuite(alwaysRun = true)
+	@Parameters({ "clean-type" })
+	public void setEnvParameters(@Optional("PARTIAL") String cleanType) throws FileNotFoundException {
+		this.cleanType = CleanTypeEnum.findByName(cleanType);
+		System.out.println("setup before class");
+		config = Utils.getConfig();
+		loadCredentialsFile();
+		setUrl();
+	}
+	@BeforeMethod(alwaysRun = true)
+	public void setBrowserBeforeTest() {
+		setBrowserBeforeTest(getRole());
+	}
+	/**************** AFTER ****************/
+	@AfterMethod(alwaysRun = true)
+	public void quitAfterTest() {
+		System.out.println("closing browser");
+		GeneralUIUtils.getDriver().quit();
+	}
+	@BeforeMethod(alwaysRun = true)
+	public void beforeState() throws Exception {
+		CleanTypeEnum cleanType = getCleanMode();
+		switch (cleanType) {
+		case FULL: {
+			super.beforeState(null);
+			break;
+		}
+		case PARTIAL: {
+			takeTitanSnapshot();
+			break;
+		}
+		case NONE: {
+			// No Clean Up
+			break;
+		}
+		default: {
+			throw new NotImplementedException("Enum Value:" + + " Is not handled");
+		}
+		}
+	}
+	@AfterMethod(alwaysRun = true)
+	public void afterState() throws Exception {
+		CleanTypeEnum cleanType = getCleanMode();
+		switch (cleanType) {
+		case FULL: {
+			super.afterState(null);
+			break;
+		}
+		case PARTIAL: {
+			resetToOriginalSnapshot();
+			break;
+		}
+		case NONE: {
+			// No Clean Up
+			break;
+		}
+		default: {
+			throw new NotImplementedException("Enum Value:" + + " Is not handled");
+		}
+		}
+	}
+	private void takeTitanSnapshot() {
+		List<Edge> edgeList = Lists.newArrayList(getTitanGraph().edges(null));
+		List<Vertex> verList = Lists.newArrayList(getTitanGraph().vertices(null));
+		setSnapshot(new TitanSnapshot(edgeList, verList));
+	}
+	private static class TitanSnapshot {
+		List<Edge> edges;
+		List<Vertex> vertices;
+		public List<Edge> getEdges() {
+			return edges;
+		}
+		public List<Vertex> getVertices() {
+			return vertices;
+		}
+		private TitanSnapshot(List<Edge> edges, List<Vertex> vertices) {
+			super();
+			this.edges = edges;
+			this.vertices = vertices;
+		}
+	}
+	private void resetToOriginalSnapshot() {
+		List<Edge> joinedEdges = new ArrayList<>();
+		List<Vertex> joinedVertices = new ArrayList<>();
+		TitanSnapshot original = getSnapshot();
+		takeTitanSnapshot();
+		TitanSnapshot current = getSnapshot();
+		original.getEdges().stream().forEach(e -> addIfIdInList(e, current.getEdges(), joinedEdges, e2 ->;
+		original.getVertices().stream()
+				.forEach(e -> addIfIdInList(e, current.getVertices(), joinedVertices, e2 ->;
+		List<Edge> edgesToRemove = removeFromList(current.getEdges(), joinedEdges, e2 ->;
+		List<Vertex> verticesToRemove = removeFromList(current.getVertices(), joinedVertices, e2 ->;
+		List<Edge> edgesToAdd = removeFromList(original.getEdges(), joinedEdges, e2 ->;
+		List<Vertex> verticesToAdd = removeFromList(original.getVertices(), joinedVertices, e2 ->;
+		if (edgesToAdd.isEmpty() && verticesToAdd.isEmpty()) {
+ -> e.remove());
+ -> v.remove());
+		}
+	}
+	private <Element, ID> List<Element> removeFromList(List<Element> listToRemoveFrom, List<Element> elementsToRemove,
+			Function<Element, ID> idGetter) {
+		Set<ID> idSet = new HashSet<>();
+		// Fill The Set
+ -> idGetter.apply(e)).forEach(e2 -> idSet.add(e2));
+		return -> !idSet.contains(idGetter.apply(p))).collect(Collectors.toList());
+	}
+	private <Element, ID> void addIfIdInList(Element e, List<Element> listToCheck, List<Element> listToAddTo,
+			Function<Element, ID> idGetter) {
+		Stream<Element> matchingElements =
+				.filter(p -> idGetter.apply(e).equals(idGetter.apply(p)));
+		listToAddTo.addAll(matchingElements.collect(Collectors.toList()));
+	}
+	/**************** MAIN ****************/
+	public static void main(String[] args) {
+		System.out.println("---------------------");
+		System.out.println("running test from CLI");
+		System.out.println("---------------------");
+		args = new String[] { "ui-ci.xml" };
+		StartTest.main(args);
+	}
+	/***********************************************************************************/
+	protected void setBrowserBeforeTest(UserRoleEnum role) {
+		System.out.println("setup before test");
+		GeneralUIUtils.initDriver();
+		setDevUrl(role);
+		loginWithUser(role);
+	}
+	protected void setUrl() {
+		cdUrl = config.getUrl();
+		setDevUrl(getRole());
+	}
+	private Map<String, String> loadCredentialsFile() {
+		final String credintialsFile = (System.getProperty("credentials.file") != null)
+				? System.getProperty("credentials.file") : CREDENTIALS_FILE;
+		System.out.println("credentials file is : " + credintialsFile);
+		FunctionalInterfaces.swallowException(
+				() -> credentialsYamlFileMap = (Map<String, String>) FileHandling.parseYamlFile(credintialsFile));
+		System.out.println(credentialsYamlFileMap.toString());
+		return (Map<String, String>) credentialsYamlFileMap;
+	}
+	protected UserCredentials getUserCredentialsFromFile(String userRole) throws Exception {
+		Map<String, String> credentialsMap = (Map<String, String>) credentialsYamlFileMap.get(userRole);
+		String user = (String) credentialsMap.get("username");
+		String password = (String) credentialsMap.get("password");
+		String firstname = (String) credentialsMap.get("firstname");
+		String lastname = (String) credentialsMap.get("lastname");
+		return new UserCredentials(user, password, firstname, lastname);
+	}
+	public void navigateToUrl(String url) throws InterruptedException {
+		WebDriver driver = GeneralUIUtils.getDriver();
+		System.out.println("navigating to URL :" + url);
+		driver.navigate().to(url);
+		driver.manage().window().maximize();
+		driver.manage().deleteAllCookies();
+	}
+	protected void loginToSystem(UserCredentials credentials) throws Exception {
+		sendUserAndPasswordKeys(credentials);
+		WebElement submitButton = GeneralUIUtils.getDriver().findElement("btnSubmit"));
+		WebElement buttonOK = GeneralUIUtils.getDriver().findElement("successOK"));
+		AssertJUnit.assertTrue(buttonOK.isDisplayed());
+		System.out.println("Entering to design studio");
+		Thread.sleep(2000);
+		WebElement enterToUserWorkspaceButton = GeneralUIUtils.getDriver()
+				.findElement(By.xpath("//button[@data-tests-id='Design Studio']"));
+	}
+	private void sendUserAndPasswordKeys(UserCredentials userId) {
+		System.out.println("Login to system with user : " + userId.getUserId());
+		WebElement userNameTextbox = GeneralUIUtils.getDriver().findElement("userid"));
+		userNameTextbox.sendKeys(userId.getUserId());
+		WebElement passwordTextbox = GeneralUIUtils.getDriver().findElement("password"));
+		passwordTextbox.sendKeys(userId.getPassword());
+	}
+	public String getUrl() {
+		String url;
+		final CleanTypeEnum workMode = getCleanMode();
+		switch (workMode) {
+		case FULL: {
+			url = devUrl;
+			break;
+		}
+		case PARTIAL: {
+			url = devUrl;
+			break;
+		}
+		case NONE: {
+			url = cdUrl;
+			break;
+		}
+		default: {
+			throw new NotImplementedException(;
+		}
+		}
+		return url;
+	}
+	public static void setDevUrl(UserRoleEnum role) {
+		String url = SetupCDTest.devUrl;
+		switch (role) {
+		case ADMIN: {
+			url = "http://localhost:8181/sdc1/proxy-admin1#/dashboard";
+			break;
+		}
+		case DESIGNER: {
+			url = "http://localhost:8181/sdc1/proxy-designer1#/dashboard";
+			// url = "http://localhost:9000/#/dashboard";
+			break;
+		}
+		case GOVERNOR: {
+			url = "http://localhost:8181/sdc1/proxy-governor1#/dashboard";
+			break;
+		}
+		case OPS: {
+			url = "http://localhost:8181/sdc1/proxy-ops1#/dashboard";
+			break;
+		}
+		case TESTER: {
+			url = "http://localhost:8181/sdc1/proxy-tester1#/dashboard";
+			break;
+		}
+		default: {
+			break;
+		}
+		}
+		SetupCDTest.devUrl = url;
+	}
+	public static Config getConfig() {
+		return config;
+	}
+	private User user;
+	public void loginWithUser(UserRoleEnum role) {
+		setUser(role);
+		String url = getUrl();
+		System.out.println("URL is : " + url);
+		try {
+			navigateToUrl(url);
+			if (url.contains("https://www.e-access")) {
+				System.out.println("going to update designer user to mechIDs form...");
+				UserCredentials credentials = getUserCredentialsFromFile(;
+				loginToSystem(credentials);
+			}
+		} catch (Exception e) {
+			throw new RuntimeException(e);
+		}
+	}
+	private void setUser(UserRoleEnum role) {
+		user = new User();
+		user.setUserId(role.getUserId());
+		user.setFirstName(role.getFirstName());
+		user.setRole(;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Current User Role
+	 * 
+	 * @return
+	 */
+	public UserRoleEnum getRole() {
+		return UserRoleEnum.DESIGNER;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * To change clean type update configuration.<br>
+	 * Do not override this method.
+	 * 
+	 * @return
+	 */
+	protected final CleanTypeEnum getCleanMode() {
+		return cleanType;
+	}
+	public User getUser() {
+		return user;
+	}
+	protected void quitAndReLogin(UserRoleEnum role) {
+		quitAfterTest();
+		setBrowserBeforeTest(role);
+		GeneralUIUtils.waitForLoader(30);
+	}
+	public TitanSnapshot getSnapshot() {
+		return snapshot;
+	}
+	public void setSnapshot(TitanSnapshot snapshot) {
+		this.snapshot = snapshot;
+	}
+	public static TitanGraph getTitanGraph() {
+		return titanGraph;
+	}
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/execute/service/ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/execute/service/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e42de86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/execute/service/
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+package org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.execute.service;
+import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertTrue;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import org.apache.http.HttpStatus;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.datatypes.CanvasElement;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.datatypes.CanvasManager;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.datatypes.CreateAndUpdateStepsEnum;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.datatypes.DataTestIdEnum;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.datatypes.DataTestIdEnum.LeftPanelCanvasItems;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.execute.base.SetupCDTest;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.utilities.ArtifactUIUtils;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.utilities.FileHandling;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.utilities.GeneralUIUtils;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.utilities.ResourceUIUtils;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.utilities.RestCDUtils;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.utilities.ServiceUIUtils;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.verificator.ServiceVerificator;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.verificator.VfVerificator;
+import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
+import org.testng.annotations.Test;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.common.api.ArtifactTypeEnum;
+public class ServiceBasicTests extends SetupCDTest {
+	@Test
+	public void testCreateService() {
+		ServiceReqDetails createServiceInUI = ServiceUIUtils.createServiceInUI(getUser());
+		ServiceVerificator.verifyServiceCreated(createServiceInUI, getUser());
+	}
+	@Test
+	public void testLinkTwoRI() {
+		// create 1st VF
+		ResourceReqDetails resourceOne = ResourceUIUtils.createResourceInUI(getUser());
+		assertTrue(RestCDUtils.getResource(resourceOne).getErrorCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK);
+		// add LoadBalancer to resource
+		GeneralUIUtils.moveToStep(CreateAndUpdateStepsEnum.COMPOSITION);
+		CanvasManager canvasManager = CanvasManager.getCanvasManager();
+		canvasManager.createElementOnCanvas(LeftPanelCanvasItems.OBJECT_STORAGE);
+		GeneralUIUtils.checkIn();
+		// create 2nd VF
+		ResourceReqDetails resourceTwo = ResourceUIUtils.createResourceInUI(getUser());
+		assertTrue(RestCDUtils.getResource(resourceTwo).getErrorCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK);
+		// add ObjectStorage to resource
+		GeneralUIUtils.moveToStep(CreateAndUpdateStepsEnum.COMPOSITION);
+		canvasManager = CanvasManager.getCanvasManager();
+		canvasManager.createElementOnCanvas(LeftPanelCanvasItems.LOAD_BALANCER);
+		GeneralUIUtils.checkIn();
+		// create service
+		ServiceReqDetails createServiceInUI = ServiceUIUtils.createServiceInUI(getUser());
+		// Verify Service is Created
+		ServiceVerificator.verifyServiceCreated(createServiceInUI, getUser());
+		GeneralUIUtils.moveToStep(CreateAndUpdateStepsEnum.COMPOSITION);
+		canvasManager = CanvasManager.getCanvasManager();
+		// adding two resource instances
+		CanvasElement vfOne = canvasManager.createElementOnCanvas(resourceOne.getName());
+		CanvasElement vfTwo = canvasManager.createElementOnCanvas(resourceTwo.getName());
+		// link elements
+		canvasManager.linkElements(vfOne, vfTwo);
+		// check results
+		ServiceVerificator.verifyServiceCreated(createServiceInUI, getUser());
+		ServiceVerificator.verifyLinkCreated(createServiceInUI, getUser());
+	}
+	/**
+	 * This method tests the following: <br>
+	 * 1. Import of VF <br>
+	 * 2. Certification Of Vf <br>
+	 * 3. Adding deployment artifact to VF <br>
+	 * 4. Creation of Service <br>
+	 * 5. Adding Vf instance to Service <br>
+	 * 6. Service Certification <br>
+	 * 7. Approving Service to distribution by Governor <br>
+	 * 8. Making sure service is ready to distribute by ops <br>
+	 */
+	@Test
+	public void testBuildServiceForDistribution() {
+		ResourceReqDetails importedVf = ResourceUIUtils.importVfInUI(getUser(), FileHandling.getResourcesFilesPath(),
+				"valid_vf.csar");
+		GeneralUIUtils.waitForLoader(20);
+		// Verify Import
+		VfVerificator.verifyResourceIsCreated(importedVf);
+		// Create Deployment Artifact
+		ArtifactUIUtils.createDeploymentArtifactOnVf(FileHandling.getResourcesFilesPath() + "myYang.xml",
+				ArtifactTypeEnum.YANG_XML);
+		VfVerificator.verifyResourceContainsDeploymentArtifacts(importedVf,
+				Arrays.asList(new ArtifactTypeEnum[] { ArtifactTypeEnum.YANG_XML }));
+		// Submit For Testing Process VF
+		GeneralUIUtils.submitForTestingElement(importedVf.getName());
+		// Certify The VF
+		quitAndReLogin(UserRoleEnum.TESTER);
+		ResourceUIUtils.testAndAcceptElement(importedVf);
+		// Verify Certification
+		GeneralUIUtils.waitForLoader();
+		VfVerificator.verifyResourceIsCertified(importedVf);
+		// Create Service
+		quitAndReLogin(UserRoleEnum.DESIGNER);
+		ServiceReqDetails createServiceInUI = ServiceUIUtils.createServiceInUI(getUser());
+		ServiceVerificator.verifyServiceCreated(createServiceInUI, getUser());
+		// Drag the VF To the Service
+		GeneralUIUtils.moveToStep(CreateAndUpdateStepsEnum.COMPOSITION);
+		CanvasManager canvasManager = CanvasManager.getCanvasManager();
+		canvasManager.createElementOnCanvas(importedVf.getName());
+		// Submit For Testing Process Service
+		GeneralUIUtils.submitForTestingElement(null);
+		// Certify The Service
+		quitAndReLogin(UserRoleEnum.TESTER);
+		ResourceUIUtils.testAndAcceptElement(createServiceInUI);
+		ServiceVerificator.verifyServiceCertified(createServiceInUI, getUser());
+		// Approve with governor
+		quitAndReLogin(UserRoleEnum.GOVERNOR);
+		ServiceUIUtils.approveServiceForDistribution(createServiceInUI);
+		// Log in with Ops and verify that can distribute
+		quitAndReLogin(UserRoleEnum.OPS);
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(createServiceInUI.getName()).click();
+		WebElement distributeWebElement = GeneralUIUtils
+				.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.LifeCyleChangeButtons.DISTRIBUTE.getValue());
+		assertTrue(distributeWebElement != null);
+	}
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/execute/service/ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/execute/service/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3e8e02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/execute/service/
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+package org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.execute.service;
+import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertTrue;
+import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertFalse;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.datatypes.CanvasElement;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.datatypes.CanvasManager;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.datatypes.CreateAndUpdateStepsEnum;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.datatypes.DataTestIdEnum.BreadcrumbsButtonsEnum;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.datatypes.DataTestIdEnum.InputsEnum;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.datatypes.DataTestIdEnum.ModalItems;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.execute.base.SetupCDTest;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.utilities.FileHandling;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.utilities.GeneralUIUtils;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.utilities.ResourceUIUtils;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.utilities.ServiceUIUtils;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.verificator.ServiceVerificator;
+import org.testng.annotations.Test;
+public class ServiceInputsTests extends SetupCDTest {
+	public String serviceName = "";
+	@Test
+	private void testSelectingInputAndAddingItToTheService() {
+		ServiceInputsTestsSetUp();	
+		assertTrue(GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(InputsEnum.FIRST_INPUT_CHECKBOX.getValue()).getAttribute("class").contains("disabled"));
+		assertTrue(GeneralUIUtils.isElementPresent(InputsEnum.SERVICE_INPUT.getValue()));
+	}
+	@Test
+	private void testDeletingAnInputFromTheService() {
+		ServiceInputsTestsSetUp();
+		// clicking on the delete input button and accepting the delete
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForClickable(InputsEnum.DELETE_INPUT.getValue()).click();
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForClickable(ModalItems.OK.getValue()).click();	
+		assertFalse(GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(InputsEnum.FIRST_INPUT_CHECKBOX.getValue()).getAttribute("class").contains("disabled"));
+		assertFalse(GeneralUIUtils.isElementPresent(InputsEnum.SERVICE_INPUT.getValue()));		
+	}
+	@Test
+	private void testCheckingInTheServiceAndButtonsAreDisabled() throws Exception {
+		ServiceInputsTestsSetUp();
+		// Checking in the service and accessing it again in the home
+		GeneralUIUtils.checkIn();
+		GeneralUIUtils.closeNotificatin();
+		GeneralUIUtils.findComponentAndClick(serviceName);
+		GeneralUIUtils.moveToStep(CreateAndUpdateStepsEnum.INPUTS);
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForClickable(InputsEnum.VF_INSTANCE.getValue()).click();
+		assertTrue(GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(InputsEnum.FIRST_INPUT_CHECKBOX.getValue()).getAttribute("class").contains("disabled"));
+		assertTrue(GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(InputsEnum.SECOND_INPUT_CHECKBOX.getValue()).getAttribute("class").contains("disabled"));
+		assertTrue(GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(InputsEnum.DELETE_INPUT.getValue()).getAttribute("class").contains("disabled"));
+	}
+	@Test
+	private void testInputsSanity() throws Exception {
+		ServiceInputsTestsSetUp();		
+		assertTrue(GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(InputsEnum.FIRST_INPUT_CHECKBOX.getValue()).getAttribute("class").contains("disabled"));
+		assertTrue(GeneralUIUtils.isElementPresent(InputsEnum.SERVICE_INPUT.getValue()));
+		// clicking on the delete input button and accepting the delete
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForClickable(InputsEnum.DELETE_INPUT.getValue()).click();
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForClickable(ModalItems.OK.getValue()).click();	
+		assertFalse(GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(InputsEnum.FIRST_INPUT_CHECKBOX.getValue()).getAttribute("class").contains("disabled"));
+		assertFalse(GeneralUIUtils.isElementPresent(InputsEnum.SERVICE_INPUT.getValue()));
+		// adding the input to the service again
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForClickable(InputsEnum.FIRST_INPUT_CHECKBOX.getValue()).click();
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForClickable(InputsEnum.ADD_INPUTS_BUTTON.getValue()).click();
+		// Checking in the service and accessing it again in the home
+		GeneralUIUtils.checkIn();
+		GeneralUIUtils.closeNotificatin();
+		GeneralUIUtils.findComponentAndClick(serviceName);
+		GeneralUIUtils.moveToStep(CreateAndUpdateStepsEnum.INPUTS);
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForClickable(InputsEnum.VF_INSTANCE.getValue()).click();
+		assertTrue(GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(InputsEnum.FIRST_INPUT_CHECKBOX.getValue()).getAttribute("class").contains("disabled"));
+		assertTrue(GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(InputsEnum.SECOND_INPUT_CHECKBOX.getValue()).getAttribute("class").contains("disabled"));
+	}
+	private void ServiceInputsTestsSetUp() {
+		// create vf
+		String filePath = FileHandling.getResourcesFilesPath();
+		String fileName = "service_with_inputs.csar";
+		ResourceReqDetails importVfREsourceInUI = ResourceUIUtils.importVfInUIWithoutCheckin(getUser(), filePath, fileName);
+		GeneralUIUtils.waitForLoader();
+		GeneralUIUtils.closeNotificatin();
+		GeneralUIUtils.checkIn();
+		GeneralUIUtils.closeNotificatin();
+		// create service
+		ServiceReqDetails createServiceInUI = ServiceUIUtils.createServiceInUI(getUser());
+		ServiceVerificator.verifyServiceCreated(createServiceInUI, getUser());
+		serviceName = createServiceInUI.getName();
+		// go to composition
+		GeneralUIUtils.moveToStep(CreateAndUpdateStepsEnum.COMPOSITION);
+		// drag vf into canvas
+		CanvasManager canvasManager = CanvasManager.getCanvasManager();
+		CanvasElement canvasElement = canvasManager.createElementOnCanvas(importVfREsourceInUI.getName());
+		canvasManager.selectElementFromCanvas(canvasElement);
+		GeneralUIUtils.waitForLoader();
+		// moving to inputs view
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForClickable(BreadcrumbsButtonsEnum.COMPONENT.getValue()).click();
+		GeneralUIUtils.moveToStep(CreateAndUpdateStepsEnum.INPUTS);
+		// adding the input to the service
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForClickable(InputsEnum.VF_INSTANCE.getValue()).click();
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForClickable(InputsEnum.FIRST_INPUT_CHECKBOX.getValue()).click();
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForClickable(InputsEnum.ADD_INPUTS_BUTTON.getValue()).click();
+	}	
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/execute/vf/ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/execute/vf/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..918ac93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/execute/vf/
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+package org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.execute.vf;
+import static org.openecomp.sdc.common.datastructure.FunctionalInterfaces.retryMethodOnException;
+import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertEquals;
+import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertTrue;
+import java.util.Map;
+import org.apache.http.HttpStatus;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.datatypes.CanvasElement;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.datatypes.CanvasManager;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.datatypes.CreateAndUpdateStepsEnum;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.datatypes.DataTestIdEnum;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.datatypes.DataTestIdEnum.LeftPanelCanvasItems;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.execute.base.SetupCDTest;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.utilities.ArtifactUIUtils;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.utilities.FileHandling;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.utilities.GeneralUIUtils;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.utilities.ResourceUIUtils;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.utilities.RestCDUtils;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.verificator.VfVerificator;
+import org.testng.annotations.Test;
+public class VfBasicTests extends SetupCDTest {
+	@Test
+	public void testImportVfTableColumns() {
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.OnBoardingTable.OPEN_MODAL_BUTTON.getValue()).click();
+		assertTrue(GeneralUIUtils
+				.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.OnBoardingTable.VENDOR_HEADER_COL.getValue()) != null);
+		assertTrue(GeneralUIUtils
+				.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.OnBoardingTable.NAME_HEADER_COL.getValue()) != null);
+		assertTrue(GeneralUIUtils
+				.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.OnBoardingTable.CATEGORY_HEADER_COL.getValue()) != null);
+		assertTrue(GeneralUIUtils
+				.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.OnBoardingTable.VERSION_HEADER_COL.getValue()) != null);
+	}
+	@Test
+	public void testUpdateVfCreatedFromCsar() throws Exception {
+		// create vf
+		String filePath = FileHandling.getResourcesFilesPath();
+		String fileName = "Sample_CSAR.csar";
+		ResourceReqDetails importVfResourceInUI = ResourceUIUtils.importVfInUIWithoutCheckin(getUser(), filePath,
+				fileName);
+		// update csar
+		fileName = "Sample_CSAR2.csar";
+		ResourceUIUtils.updateVfCsar(filePath, fileName);
+		VfVerificator.verifyNumOfComponentInstances(importVfResourceInUI, 4);
+	}
+	@Test
+	public void testImportVf() {
+		String filePath = FileHandling.getResourcesFilesPath();
+		String fileName = "Sample_CSAR.csar";
+		ResourceReqDetails importVfResourceInUI = ResourceUIUtils.importVfInUI(getUser(), filePath, fileName);
+		GeneralUIUtils.waitForLoader();
+		assertTrue(RestCDUtils.getResource(importVfResourceInUI).getErrorCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK);
+	}
+	@Test
+	public void testCreateVf() {
+		ResourceReqDetails createResourceInUI = ResourceUIUtils.createResourceInUI(getUser());
+		assertTrue(RestCDUtils.getResource(createResourceInUI).getErrorCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK);
+	}
+	@Test
+	public void testDeleteInstanceFromCanvas() {
+		ResourceReqDetails createResourceInUI = ResourceUIUtils.createResourceInUI(getUser());
+		GeneralUIUtils.moveToStep(CreateAndUpdateStepsEnum.COMPOSITION);
+		CanvasManager canvasManager = CanvasManager.getCanvasManager();
+		canvasManager.createElementOnCanvas(LeftPanelCanvasItems.BLOCK_STORAGE);
+		CanvasElement computeElement = canvasManager.createElementOnCanvas(LeftPanelCanvasItems.COMPUTE);
+		VfVerificator.verifyNumOfComponentInstances(createResourceInUI, 2);
+		canvasManager.deleteElementFromCanvas(computeElement);
+		VfVerificator.verifyNumOfComponentInstances(createResourceInUI, 1);
+	}
+	@Test
+	public void testUpdateInstanceAttributeValue() {
+		// creare vfc with attrs
+		String filePath = FileHandling.getResourcesFilesPath();
+		String fileName = "VFCWithAttributes.yml";
+		ResourceReqDetails importVfcResourceInUI = ResourceUIUtils.importVfcInUI(getUser(), filePath, fileName);
+		GeneralUIUtils.checkIn();
+		// create vf
+		ResourceReqDetails createResourceInUI = ResourceUIUtils.createResourceInUI(getUser());
+		GeneralUIUtils.moveToStep(CreateAndUpdateStepsEnum.COMPOSITION);
+		// add vfc to canvas
+		CanvasManager canvasManager = CanvasManager.getCanvasManager();
+		CanvasElement canvasElement = canvasManager.createElementOnCanvas(importVfcResourceInUI.getName());
+		canvasManager.selectElementFromCanvas(canvasElement);
+		// edit value of vfc attr
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.RightBar.PROPERTIES_AND_ATTRIBUTES.getValue())
+				.click();
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.RightBar.MYATTR_ATTR_FROM_LIST.getValue()).click();
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.AttributeForm.DEFAULT_VAL_FIELD.getValue())
+				.sendKeys("2");
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.AttributeForm.DONE_BUTTON.getValue()).click();
+		String newValue = GeneralUIUtils
+				.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.RightBar.MYATTR_ATTR_VALUE_FROM_LIST.getValue()).getText();
+		assertEquals("2", newValue);
+	}
+	@Test(enabled = false)
+	public void testAddInfomratinalArtifact() throws Exception {
+		ResourceReqDetails createResourceInUI = ResourceUIUtils.createResourceInUI(getUser());
+		GeneralUIUtils.moveToStep(CreateAndUpdateStepsEnum.INFORMATION_ARTIFACT);
+		ArtifactReqDetails informationalArtifact = ElementFactory.getDefaultArtifact();
+		final String FILE_PATH = System.getProperty("user.dir") + "\\src\\main\\resources\\Files\\";
+		final String FILE_NAME = "Valid_tosca_Mycompute.yml";
+		ArtifactUIUtils.addInformationArtifact(informationalArtifact, FILE_PATH + FILE_NAME,
+				DataTestIdEnum.InformationalArtifatcs.FEATURES);
+		ArtifactUIUtils.addInformationArtifact(informationalArtifact, FILE_PATH + FILE_NAME,
+				DataTestIdEnum.InformationalArtifatcs.CAPACITY);
+		RestResponse getResourceResponse = RestCDUtils.getResource(createResourceInUI);
+		assertEquals("Did not succeed to get resource after create", HttpStatus.SC_OK,
+				getResourceResponse.getErrorCode().intValue());
+		Map<String, Map<String, Object>> artifactsListFromResponse = ArtifactUIUtils
+				.getArtifactsListFromResponse(getResourceResponse.getResponse(), "artifacts");
+		Map<String, Object> map = artifactsListFromResponse.get("Features");
+		assertTrue(artifactsListFromResponse.size() >= 2);
+	}
+	@Test
+	public void testVfCertification() throws IOException {
+		// Create VF
+		ResourceReqDetails createResourceInUI = ResourceUIUtils.createResourceInUI(getUser());
+		assertTrue(RestCDUtils.getResource(createResourceInUI).getErrorCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK);
+		// Submit For Testing Process
+		GeneralUIUtils.submitForTestingElement(createResourceInUI.getName());
+		// Tester
+		quitAndReLogin(UserRoleEnum.TESTER);
+		ResourceUIUtils.testAndAcceptElement(createResourceInUI);
+		// Verification
+		GeneralUIUtils.waitForLoader();
+		VfVerificator.verifyResourceIsCertified(createResourceInUI);
+	}
+	@Test
+	public void testDeploymentArtifactForVFi() {
+		User user = getUser();
+		// create vf
+		ResourceReqDetails createResourceInUI = ResourceUIUtils.createResourceInUI(user);
+		GeneralUIUtils.checkIn();
+		GeneralUIUtils.waitForLoader();
+		// create service
+		GeneralUIUtils.clickOnCreateEntityFromDashboard(DataTestIdEnum.Dashboard.BUTTON_ADD_SERVICE.getValue());
+		ResourceUIUtils.defineResourceName("serv");
+		GeneralUIUtils.defineDescription("description");
+		GeneralUIUtils.waitForLoader();
+		ResourceUIUtils.defineResourceCategory("Mobility", "selectGeneralCategory");
+		ResourceUIUtils.defineProjectCode("012345");
+		GeneralUIUtils.clickSaveButton();
+		GeneralUIUtils.waitForLoader();
+		GeneralUIUtils.moveToStep(CreateAndUpdateStepsEnum.COMPOSITION);
+		GeneralUIUtils.waitForLoader();
+		// add vf to canvas
+		CanvasManager canvasManager = CanvasManager.getCanvasManager();
+		CanvasElement canvasElement = canvasManager.createElementOnCanvas(createResourceInUI.getName());
+		canvasManager.selectElementFromCanvas(canvasElement);
+		GeneralUIUtils.waitForLoader();
+		// add artifact
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForClickable(DataTestIdEnum.RightBar.DEPLOYMENT_ARTIFACTS.getValue()).click();
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForClickable(DataTestIdEnum.RightBar.ADD_ARTIFACT_BUTTON.getValue()).click();
+		String newArtifactLabel = "newArtifact";
+		ArtifactReqDetails details = new ArtifactReqDetails("new_atifact", "DCAE_INVENTORY_EVENT", "desc", "",
+				newArtifactLabel);
+		ResourceUIUtils.fillinDeploymentArtifactFormAndClickDone(details,
+				FileHandling.getResourcesFilesPath() + "yamlSample.yml");
+		assertTrue(GeneralUIUtils.isElementPresent("artifact_Display_Name-" + newArtifactLabel));
+		// edit artifact
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForClickable("artifact_Display_Name-" + newArtifactLabel).click();
+		String newFileName = "yamlSample2.yml";
+		retryMethodOnException(
+				() -> GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementByDataTestId(DataTestIdEnum.GeneralSection.BROWSE_BUTTON.getValue())
+						.sendKeys(FileHandling.getResourcesFilesPath() + newFileName));
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.ModalItems.DONE.getValue()).click();
+		GeneralUIUtils.waitForLoader();
+		assertEquals(newFileName,
+				GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.RightBar.ARTIFACT_NAME.getValue()).getText());
+		// delete artifact
+		GeneralUIUtils.moveToHTMLElementByDataTestId("artifact_Display_Name-" + newArtifactLabel);
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForClickable(DataTestIdEnum.RightBar.DELETE_ARTIFACT_BUTTON.getValue()).click();
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForClickable(DataTestIdEnum.ModalItems.OK.getValue()).click();
+		GeneralUIUtils.waitForLoader();
+		assertTrue(!GeneralUIUtils.isElementPresent("artifact_Display_Name-" + newArtifactLabel));
+	}
+	protected ArtifactReqDetails defineInformationalArtifact() throws IOException, Exception {
+		return ElementFactory.getDefaultArtifact();
+	}
+	protected ResourceRespJavaObject buildResourceJavaObject(ResourceReqDetails resource, RestResponse restResponse,
+			User user) {
+		ResourceRespJavaObject resourceObject = new ResourceRespJavaObject();
+		resourceObject = Convertor.constructFieldsForRespValidation(resource, resource.getVersion(), user);
+		resourceObject.setLifecycleState((LifecycleStateEnum.NOT_CERTIFIED_CHECKOUT).toString());
+		resourceObject.setAbstractt("false");
+		resourceObject.setIcon(resource.getIcon().replace(" ", ""));
+		resourceObject.setUniqueId(ResponseParser.getUniqueIdFromResponse(restResponse));
+		return resourceObject;
+	}
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/execute/vf/ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/execute/vf/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73b0966
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/execute/vf/
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+package org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.execute.vf;
+import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.ImmutablePair;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.datatypes.CanvasElement;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.datatypes.CanvasManager;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.datatypes.CreateAndUpdateStepsEnum;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.datatypes.DataTestIdEnum.LeftPanelCanvasItems;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.execute.base.SetupCDTest;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.utilities.GeneralUIUtils;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.utilities.ResourceUIUtils;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.verificator.VfVerificator;
+import org.testng.annotations.Test;
+public class VfCanvasTests extends SetupCDTest {
+	@Test
+	public void testCanvasDrag() {
+		ResourceReqDetails createResourceInUI = ResourceUIUtils.createResourceInUI(getUser());
+		GeneralUIUtils.moveToStep(CreateAndUpdateStepsEnum.COMPOSITION);
+		CanvasManager canvasManager = CanvasManager.getCanvasManager();
+		CanvasElement createElementOnCanvas = canvasManager.createElementOnCanvas(LeftPanelCanvasItems.BLOCK_STORAGE);
+		ImmutablePair<String, String> preMovePos = ResourceUIUtils.getRIPosition(createResourceInUI, getUser());
+		canvasManager.moveElementOnCanvas(createElementOnCanvas);
+		VfVerificator.verifyRILocationChanged(createResourceInUI, preMovePos, getUser());
+	}
+	@Test
+	public void testCanvasConnectComponents() {
+		ResourceReqDetails createResourceInUI = ResourceUIUtils.createResourceInUI(getUser());
+		GeneralUIUtils.moveToStep(CreateAndUpdateStepsEnum.COMPOSITION);
+		CanvasManager canvasManager = CanvasManager.getCanvasManager();
+		CanvasElement bsElement = canvasManager.createElementOnCanvas(LeftPanelCanvasItems.BLOCK_STORAGE);
+		CanvasElement computeElement = canvasManager.createElementOnCanvas(LeftPanelCanvasItems.COMPUTE);
+		canvasManager.linkElements(bsElement, computeElement);
+		VfVerificator.verifyLinkCreated(createResourceInUI);
+	}
+	@Test
+	public void testCanvasVFSanity() {
+		ResourceReqDetails createResourceInUI = ResourceUIUtils.createResourceInUI(getUser());
+		GeneralUIUtils.moveToStep(CreateAndUpdateStepsEnum.COMPOSITION);
+		CanvasManager canvasManager = CanvasManager.getCanvasManager();
+		CanvasElement bsElement = canvasManager.createElementOnCanvas(LeftPanelCanvasItems.BLOCK_STORAGE);
+		CanvasElement compElement = canvasManager.createElementOnCanvas(LeftPanelCanvasItems.COMPUTE);
+		ImmutablePair<String, String> preMovePos = ResourceUIUtils.getRIPosition(createResourceInUI, getUser());
+		canvasManager.moveElementOnCanvas(bsElement);
+		canvasManager.moveElementOnCanvas(compElement);
+		VfVerificator.verifyRILocationChanged(createResourceInUI, preMovePos, getUser());
+		CanvasElement bsElement2 = canvasManager.createElementOnCanvas(LeftPanelCanvasItems.BLOCK_STORAGE);
+		canvasManager.linkElements(bsElement2, compElement);
+		VfVerificator.verifyLinkCreated(createResourceInUI);
+		VfVerificator.verifyNumOfComponentInstances(createResourceInUI, 3);
+		canvasManager.moveElementOnCanvas(compElement);
+		canvasManager.deleteElementFromCanvas(bsElement);
+		VfVerificator.verifyNumOfComponentInstances(createResourceInUI, 2);
+	}
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/execute/vf/ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/execute/vf/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47344b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/execute/vf/
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+package org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.execute.vf;
+import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertEquals;
+import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertFalse;
+import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertTrue;
+import java.util.regex.Pattern;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.datatypes.CreateAndUpdateStepsEnum;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.datatypes.DataTestIdEnum;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.execute.base.SetupCDTest;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.utilities.FileHandling;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.utilities.GeneralUIUtils;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.utilities.ResourceUIUtils;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.utilities.RestCDUtils;
+import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
+import org.testng.annotations.Test;
+public class VfDeploymentTests extends SetupCDTest {
+	// *****************************EditNamePopoverTests*****************************//
+	@Test
+	public void ClickingOnEditNamePopoverIconShouldOpenTheEditNamePopoverForm() {
+		EditNamePopoverTestsSetUp();
+		assertTrue(GeneralUIUtils.isElementPresent(DataTestIdEnum.UpdateNamePopover.POPOVER_FORM.getValue()));
+	}
+	@Test
+	public void ModuleDataShouldBeDisplayedInTheEditNameForm() {
+		EditNamePopoverTestsSetUp();
+		WebElement instanceName = GeneralUIUtils
+				.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.UpdateNamePopover.POPOVER_INSTANCE_NAME.getValue());
+		WebElement heatName = GeneralUIUtils
+				.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.UpdateNamePopover.POPOVER_HEAT_NAME.getValue());
+		WebElement moduleName = GeneralUIUtils
+				.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.UpdateNamePopover.POPOVER_MODULE_NAME.getValue());
+		String moduleNameToDivide = GeneralUIUtils
+				.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.TabsBar.HIERARCHY_MODULE.getValue()).getText();
+		String[] dividedModuleName = moduleNameToDivide.split(Pattern.quote(".."));
+		assertEquals(dividedModuleName[0], instanceName.getText());
+		assertEquals(dividedModuleName[1], heatName.getAttribute("value"));
+		assertEquals(dividedModuleName[2], moduleName.getText());
+	}
+	@Test
+	public void CloseButtonShouldCloseThePopover() {
+		EditNamePopoverTestsSetUp();
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.UpdateNamePopover.POPOVER_CLOSE_BUTTON.getValue())
+				.click();
+		assertFalse(GeneralUIUtils.isElementPresent(DataTestIdEnum.UpdateNamePopover.POPOVER_FORM.getValue()));
+	}
+	@Test
+	public void XButtonShouldCloseThePopover() {
+		EditNamePopoverTestsSetUp();
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.UpdateNamePopover.POPOVER_X_BUTTON.getValue())
+				.click();
+		assertFalse(GeneralUIUtils.isElementPresent(DataTestIdEnum.UpdateNamePopover.POPOVER_FORM.getValue()));
+	}
+	@Test
+	public void SaveButtonShouldBeDisabledWhileTheNameHasNotBeenChanged() {
+		EditNamePopoverTestsSetUp();
+		WebElement popoverSaveButton = GeneralUIUtils
+				.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.UpdateNamePopover.POPOVER_SAVE_BUTTON.getValue());
+		assertTrue(popoverSaveButton.getAttribute("class").contains("disabled"));
+	}
+	@Test
+	public void ClickingOnTheSaveButtonShouldUpdateTheModuleName() {
+		EditNamePopoverTestsSetUp();
+		String newName = "testName";
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.UpdateNamePopover.POPOVER_HEAT_NAME.getValue())
+				.clear();
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.UpdateNamePopover.POPOVER_HEAT_NAME.getValue())
+				.sendKeys(newName);
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.UpdateNamePopover.POPOVER_SAVE_BUTTON.getValue())
+				.click();
+		GeneralUIUtils.waitForLoader();
+		String moduleName = GeneralUIUtils
+				.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.TabsBar.HIERARCHY_MODULE.getValue()).getText();
+		String[] dividedModuleName = moduleName.split(Pattern.quote(".."));
+		assertEquals(dividedModuleName[1], newName);
+	}
+	@Test
+	public void testUpdateModuleNameSanity() {
+		EditNamePopoverTestsSetUp();
+		String newName = "testName";
+		WebElement instanceName = GeneralUIUtils
+				.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.UpdateNamePopover.POPOVER_INSTANCE_NAME.getValue());
+		WebElement heatName = GeneralUIUtils
+				.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.UpdateNamePopover.POPOVER_HEAT_NAME.getValue());
+		WebElement moduleName = GeneralUIUtils
+				.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.UpdateNamePopover.POPOVER_MODULE_NAME.getValue());
+		String moduleNameToDivide = GeneralUIUtils
+				.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.TabsBar.HIERARCHY_MODULE.getValue()).getText();
+		String[] dividedModuleName = moduleNameToDivide.split(Pattern.quote(".."));
+		assertEquals(dividedModuleName[0], instanceName.getText());
+		assertEquals(dividedModuleName[1], heatName.getAttribute("value"));
+		assertEquals(dividedModuleName[2], moduleName.getText());
+		WebElement popoverSaveButton = GeneralUIUtils
+				.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.UpdateNamePopover.POPOVER_SAVE_BUTTON.getValue());
+		assertTrue(popoverSaveButton.getAttribute("class").contains("disabled"));
+		heatName.clear();
+		heatName.sendKeys(newName);
+		GeneralUIUtils.waitForLoader();
+		moduleNameToDivide = GeneralUIUtils
+				.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.TabsBar.HIERARCHY_MODULE.getValue()).getText();
+		dividedModuleName = moduleNameToDivide.split(Pattern.quote(".."));
+		assertEquals(dividedModuleName[1], newName);
+	}
+	// *****************************DeploymentTabsTests*****************************//
+	@Test
+	public void testTabIsBeingDisplayedAtDeploymentView() {
+		DeploymentTestsSetUp();
+		assertTrue(GeneralUIUtils.isElementPresent(DataTestIdEnum.TabsBar.HIERARCHY_TAB.getValue()));
+	}
+	@Test
+	public void testClickingOnTabSetsItAsSelected() {
+		DeploymentTestsSetUp();
+		WebElement hierarchyTab = GeneralUIUtils
+				.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.TabsBar.HIERARCHY_TAB.getValue());
+		assertTrue(hierarchyTab.getAttribute("class").contains("selected"));
+	}
+	@Test
+	public void testTabNameIsBeingDisplayedInTheSelectedTabHeader() {
+		DeploymentTestsSetUp();
+		// select the hierarchy tab and check the header
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.TabsBar.HIERARCHY_TAB.getValue()).click();
+		WebElement tabHeader = GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.TabsBar.TAB_HEADER.getValue());
+		assertEquals(tabHeader.getText(), "HIERARCHY");
+	}
+	@Test
+	public void testSelectingModuleNameInTheHierarchyTabShouldSelectIt() {
+		DeploymentTestsSetUp();
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.TabsBar.HIERARCHY_TAB.getValue()).click();
+		WebElement hierarchyModule = GeneralUIUtils
+				.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.TabsBar.HIERARCHY_MODULE_TITLE.getValue());
+		assertTrue(hierarchyModule.getAttribute("class").contains("selected"));
+	}
+	@Test
+	public void testSelectingModuleNameInTheHierarchyTabShouldExpandIt() {
+		DeploymentTestsSetUp();
+		// select hierarchy tab
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.TabsBar.HIERARCHY_TAB.getValue()).click();
+		WebElement hierarchyModule = GeneralUIUtils
+				.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.TabsBar.HIERARCHY_MODULE.getValue());
+		assertTrue(hierarchyModule.getAttribute("class").contains("expanded"));
+	}
+	@Test
+	public void testSelectingModuleNameInTheHierarchyTabShouldDisplayItsData() {
+		DeploymentTestsSetUp();
+		// select hierarchy tab
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.TabsBar.HIERARCHY_TAB.getValue()).click();
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.TabsBar.HIERARCHY_MODULE.getValue()).click();
+		assertTrue(GeneralUIUtils.isElementPresent(DataTestIdEnum.TabsBar.HIERARCHY_SELECTED_MODULE_DATA.getValue()));
+	}
+	@Test(enabled = false)
+	public void testResourceNameIsBeingDisplayedInTheSelectedTabSubHeader() {
+		DeploymentTestsSetUp();
+		// select the hierarchy tab and check the header
+		// WebElement tabSubHeader =
+		// getWebElement(DataTestIdEnum.TabsBar.TAB_SUB_HEADER.getValue());
+		// assertEquals(tabSubHeader.getText(), vmmcCsar.getName());
+	}
+	@Test(enabled = false)
+	public void testSelectingModuleNameInTheHierarchyTabShouldDisplayItsInformation() throws IOException {
+		DeploymentTestsSetUp();
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.TabsBar.HIERARCHY_TAB.getValue()).click();
+		WebElement hierarchyModule = GeneralUIUtils
+				.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.TabsBar.HIERARCHY_MODULE.getValue());
+		// get the module
+		// String component = RestCDUtils.getResource(vmmcCsar).getResponse();
+		// TODO idana fix test
+		/*
+		 * GroupDefinitionInfo module = getModuleById(component,
+		 * hierarchyModule.getText());
+		 * 
+		 *;
+		 * 
+		 * assertModuleDetails(module, hierarchyModule);
+		 */
+	}
+	@Test(enabled = false)
+	public void testSelectingModuleNameInTheHierarchyTabShouldDisplayItsArtifacts() throws IOException {
+		DeploymentTestsSetUp();
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForClickable(DataTestIdEnum.TabsBar.HIERARCHY_TAB.getValue()).click();
+		WebElement hierarchyModule = GeneralUIUtils
+				.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.TabsBar.HIERARCHY_MODULE.getValue());
+		// TODO idana fix test
+		// Get the artifact from the module
+		/*
+		 * String component = RestCDUtils.getResource(vmmcCsar,
+		 * getUser()).getResponse(); GroupDefinitionInfo module =
+		 * getModuleById(component, hierarchyModule.getText());
+		 * ArtifactDefinitionInfo artifact = module.getArtifacts().get(0);
+		 * 
+		 *;
+		 * 
+		 * assertModuleArtifactDetails(artifact);
+		 */
+	}
+	@Test
+	public void testTabsViewSanity() throws IOException {
+		DeploymentTestsSetUp();
+		WebElement hierarchyTab = GeneralUIUtils
+				.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.TabsBar.HIERARCHY_TAB.getValue());
+		assertTrue(hierarchyTab != null);
+		assertTrue(hierarchyTab.getAttribute("class").contains("selected"));
+		WebElement tabHeader = GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.TabsBar.TAB_HEADER.getValue());
+		WebElement tabSubHeader = GeneralUIUtils
+				.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.TabsBar.TAB_SUB_HEADER.getValue());
+		assertEquals(tabHeader.getText(), "HIERARCHY");
+		// assertEquals(tabSubHeader.getText(), vmmcCsar.getName());
+		WebElement hierarchyModule = GeneralUIUtils
+				.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.TabsBar.HIERARCHY_MODULE.getValue());
+		WebElement hierarchyModuleTitle = GeneralUIUtils
+				.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.TabsBar.HIERARCHY_MODULE_TITLE.getValue());
+		WebElement selectedModuleData = GeneralUIUtils
+				.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.TabsBar.HIERARCHY_SELECTED_MODULE_DATA.getValue());
+		assertTrue(hierarchyModuleTitle.getAttribute("class").contains("selected"));
+		assertTrue(hierarchyModule.getAttribute("class").contains("expanded"));
+		assertTrue(selectedModuleData.getAttribute("ng-if") != null);
+		// TODO idana fix test
+		/*
+		 * String component = RestCDUtils.getResource(vmmcCsar,
+		 * getUser()).getResponse(); GroupDefinitionInfo module =
+		 * getModuleById(component, hierarchyModule.getText());
+		 * ArtifactDefinitionInfo artifact = module.getArtifacts().get(0);
+		 * 
+		 * assertModuleDetails(module, hierarchyModule);
+		 * 
+		 * assertModuleArtifactDetails(artifact);
+		 */
+	}
+	// ************************DeploymentTestsSetUpFunction************************//
+	private void EditNamePopoverTestsSetUp() {
+		DeploymentTestsSetUp();
+		// clicking on a module and opening the edit name popover
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.TabsBar.HIERARCHY_TAB.getValue()).click();
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.TabsBar.HIERARCHY_MODULE.getValue()).click();
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.UpdateNamePopover.OPEN_POPOVER_ICON.getValue())
+				.click();
+	}
+	private void DeploymentTestsSetUp() {
+		// import csar
+		String filePath = FileHandling.getResourcesFilesPath();
+		String fileName = "vf_with_groups.csar";
+		ResourceUIUtils.importVfInUI(getUser(), filePath, fileName);
+		GeneralUIUtils.waitForLoader(20);
+		// moving to deployment view
+		GeneralUIUtils.moveToStep(CreateAndUpdateStepsEnum.DEPLOYMENT);
+	}
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/execute/vf/ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/execute/vf/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a81d854
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/execute/vf/
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+package org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.execute.vf;
+import java.nio.file.Files;
+import java.nio.file.Path;
+import java.nio.file.Paths;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.execute.base.SetupCDTest;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.utilities.GeneralUIUtils;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.utilities.OnboardUtility;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.utilities.ResourceUIUtils;
+import org.testng.annotations.Test;
+public class VfOnboardingTests extends SetupCDTest {
+	@Test
+	public void testUpdateVfCreatedOnBoarding() {
+		// create vf
+		ResourceReqDetails importVfResourceInUI = ResourceUIUtils.importVfFromOnBoardingModalWithoutCheckin(getUser(),
+				"mock_vf");
+		// update vf
+		ResourceUIUtils.updateVfCsarFromOnBoarding();
+	}
+	@Test
+	public void createVfsFromOnboarding() throws IOException {
+		String folderPath = "C:\\onboardingTest\\onBoardingZips";
+		File folder = new File(folderPath);
+		File[] listOfFiles = folder.listFiles();
+		List<String> zipFileNames = Arrays.asList(listOfFiles).stream().map(file -> file.getName())
+				.filter(fileName -> fileName.endsWith(".zip")).collect(Collectors.toList());
+		Map<String, String> filesSuccessMap = new HashMap<>();
+		for (String fileName : zipFileNames) {
+			try {
+				createSingleVfFromOnboarding(folderPath, fileName);
+				filesSuccessMap.put(fileName, "SUCCESS");
+			} catch (Exception e) {
+				filesSuccessMap.put(fileName, "FAIL");
+			}
+		}
+		Path file = Paths.get("RunResults.txt");
+		String stringDataModel = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create().toJson(filesSuccessMap);
+		Files.write(file, stringDataModel.getBytes());
+	}
+	private static void createSingleVfFromOnboarding(String filePath, String zipFileName) {
+		String userId = UserRoleEnum.DESIGNER.getUserId();
+		OnboardUtility.createVfFromOnboarding(userId, zipFileName, filePath);
+		GeneralUIUtils.submitForTestingElement("Vf From Onboarding");
+	}
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/execute/vfc/ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/execute/vfc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef21e40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/execute/vfc/
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+package org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.execute.vfc;
+import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertTrue;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.function.Function;
+import java.util.function.Supplier;
+import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils;
+import org.apache.http.HttpStatus;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.datatypes.CreateAndUpdateStepsEnum;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.datatypes.DataTestIdEnum;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.execute.base.SetupCDTest;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.utilities.FileHandling;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.utilities.GeneralUIUtils;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.utilities.ResourceUIUtils;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.utilities.RestCDUtils;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.verificator.VfVerificator;
+import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
+import org.testng.annotations.Test;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.common.datastructure.FunctionalInterfaces;
+public class VfcBasicTests extends SetupCDTest {
+	@Test
+	public void testRequirementsAndCapabilitiesSectionOfVfc() {
+		String filePath = FileHandling.getResourcesFilesPath();
+		String fileName = "mycompute.yml";
+		ResourceUIUtils.importVfcInUI(getUser(), filePath, fileName);
+		GeneralUIUtils.moveToStep(CreateAndUpdateStepsEnum.REQUIREMENTS_AND_CAPABILITIES);
+		// all expected requirements
+		assertTrue("Not all expected requirements are displayed.", GeneralUIUtils.isElementPresent("dependency") && GeneralUIUtils.isElementPresent("local_storage"));
+		// filter requirements
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.ReqAndCapabilitiesSection.SEARCH_BOX.getValue()).sendKeys("root");
+		Supplier<Boolean> supplier = () -> !GeneralUIUtils.isElementPresent("local_storage");
+		Function<Boolean, Boolean> resultVerifier = isNotPresent -> isNotPresent;
+		Boolean isFilteredRowNotPresent = FunctionalInterfaces.retryMethodOnResult(supplier, resultVerifier);
+		assertTrue("The new property was not inserted to the properties table.", isFilteredRowNotPresent);
+		assertTrue("Filter problem.", GeneralUIUtils.isElementPresent("dependency") && isFilteredRowNotPresent);
+		// move to cap tab
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.ReqAndCapabilitiesSection.CAP_TAB.getValue()).click();
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible("endpoint").click();
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible("initiator").click();
+		supplier = () -> GeneralUIUtils.isElementPresent(DataTestIdEnum.PropertyForm.FORM_CONTAINER.getValue());
+		resultVerifier = isPresent -> isPresent;
+		Boolean isPopupOpen = FunctionalInterfaces.retryMethodOnResult(supplier, resultVerifier);
+		assertTrue("The update property popup was not opened.", isPopupOpen);
+	}
+	@Test
+	public void testCreatePropertyTypeListForVfc() {
+		String filePath = FileHandling.getResourcesFilesPath();
+		String fileName = "VFCWithAttributes.yml";
+		ResourceUIUtils.importVfcInUI(getUser(), filePath, fileName);
+		GeneralUIUtils.moveToStep(CreateAndUpdateStepsEnum.PROPERTIES);
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.PropertiesSection.ADD_BUTTON.getValue()).click();
+		// fill in fields
+		String newPropName = "listProperty";
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.PropertyForm.NAME_FIELD.getValue()).sendKeys(newPropName);
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.PropertyForm.DESCRIPTION_FIELD.getValue()).sendKeys("desc");
+		Select typeField = new Select(GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.PropertyForm.TYPE_FIELD.getValue()));
+		typeField.selectByVisibleText("list");
+		Select schemaTypeField = new Select(GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.PropertyForm.SCHEMA_FIELD.getValue()));
+		schemaTypeField.selectByVisibleText("string");
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.PropertyForm.LIST_TYPE_DEFAULT_VAL_FIELD.getValue()).sendKeys("first");
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.PropertyForm.ADD_ITEM_TO_LIST_BUTTON.getValue()).click();
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.PropertyForm.LIST_TYPE_DEFAULT_VAL_FIELD.getValue()).sendKeys("second");
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.PropertyForm.ADD_ITEM_TO_LIST_BUTTON.getValue()).click();
+		// save
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.PropertyForm.SAVE_BUTTON.getValue()).click();
+		Supplier<Boolean> supplier = () -> GeneralUIUtils.isElementPresent(newPropName);
+		Function<Boolean, Boolean> resultVerifier = isPresent -> isPresent;
+		Boolean isPresent = FunctionalInterfaces.retryMethodOnResult(supplier, resultVerifier);
+		assertTrue("The new property was not inserted to the properties table.", isPresent);
+	}
+	@Test
+	public void testCreatePropertyTypeMapForVfc() {
+		String filePath = FileHandling.getResourcesFilesPath();
+		String fileName = "VFCWithAttributes.yml";
+		ResourceUIUtils.importVfcInUI(getUser(), filePath, fileName);
+		GeneralUIUtils.moveToStep(CreateAndUpdateStepsEnum.PROPERTIES);
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.PropertiesSection.ADD_BUTTON.getValue()).click();
+		// fill in fields
+		String newPropName = "mapProperty";
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.PropertyForm.NAME_FIELD.getValue()).sendKeys(newPropName);
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.PropertyForm.DESCRIPTION_FIELD.getValue()).sendKeys("desc");
+		Select typeField = new Select(GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.PropertyForm.TYPE_FIELD.getValue()));
+		typeField.selectByVisibleText("map");
+		Select schemaTypeField = new Select(GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.PropertyForm.SCHEMA_FIELD.getValue()));
+		schemaTypeField.selectByVisibleText("string");
+		// insert item to map
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.PropertyForm.MAP_TYPE_DEFAULT_VAL_KEY_FIELD_FOR_FIRST_ITEM.getValue()).sendKeys("key1");
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.PropertyForm.MAP_TYPE_DEFAULT_VAL_VALUE_FIELD_FOR_FIRST_ITEM.getValue()).sendKeys("val1");
+		// insert item to map
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.PropertyForm.ADD_ITEM_TO_MAP_BUTTON.getValue()).click();
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.PropertyForm.MAP_TYPE_DEFAULT_VAL_KEY_FIELD_FOR_SECOND_ITEM.getValue()).sendKeys("key2");
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.PropertyForm.MAP_TYPE_DEFAULT_VAL_VALUE_FIELD_FOR_SECOND_ITEM.getValue()).sendKeys("val2");
+		// delete item from map
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.PropertyForm.DELETE_FIRST_ITEM_FROM_MAP_BUTTON.getValue()).click();
+		// save
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.PropertyForm.SAVE_BUTTON.getValue()).click();
+		Supplier<Boolean> supplier = () -> GeneralUIUtils.isElementPresent(newPropName);
+		Function<Boolean, Boolean> resultVerifier = isPresent -> isPresent;
+		Boolean isPresent = FunctionalInterfaces.retryMethodOnResult(supplier, resultVerifier);
+		assertTrue("The new property was not inserted to the properties table.", isPresent);
+	}
+	@Test
+	public void testCreatePropertyTypeDTForVfc() {
+		String filePath = FileHandling.getResourcesFilesPath();
+		String fileName = "VFCWithAttributes.yml";
+		ResourceUIUtils.importVfcInUI(getUser(), filePath, fileName);
+		GeneralUIUtils.moveToStep(CreateAndUpdateStepsEnum.PROPERTIES);
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.PropertiesSection.ADD_BUTTON.getValue()).click();
+		// fill in fields
+		String newPropName = "dt";
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.PropertyForm.NAME_FIELD.getValue()).sendKeys(newPropName);
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.PropertyForm.DESCRIPTION_FIELD.getValue()).sendKeys("desc");
+		Select typeField = new Select(GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.PropertyForm.TYPE_FIELD.getValue()));
+		typeField.selectByValue("");
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.PropertyForm.START_PORT_FIELD_FOR_PORT_PAIRS_DT.getValue()).sendKeys("first");
+		// save
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.PropertyForm.SAVE_BUTTON.getValue()).click();
+		Supplier<Boolean> supplier = () -> GeneralUIUtils.isElementPresent(newPropName);
+		Function<Boolean, Boolean> resultVerifier = isPresent -> isPresent;
+		Boolean isPresent = FunctionalInterfaces.retryMethodOnResult(supplier, resultVerifier);
+		assertTrue("The new property was not inserted to the properties table.", isPresent);
+	}
+	@Test
+	public void testViewAttributesTabForVfc() {
+		String filePath = FileHandling.getResourcesFilesPath();
+		String fileName = "VFCWithAttributes.yml";
+		ResourceReqDetails importVfcResourceInUI = ResourceUIUtils.importVfcInUI(getUser(), filePath, fileName);
+		GeneralUIUtils.moveToStep(CreateAndUpdateStepsEnum.ATTRIBUTES);
+		List<WebElement> attributesRows = GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementsListWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.AttributesSection.TABLE_ROWS.getValue());
+		assertTrue("There is not any row in the table.", !CollectionUtils.isEmpty(attributesRows));
+		// display editable buttons
+		assertTrue("The Add button is not dispaly.", GeneralUIUtils.isElementPresent(DataTestIdEnum.AttributesSection.ADD_BUTTON.getValue()));
+		assertTrue("The Edit button is not dispaly for 'network' attribute.", GeneralUIUtils.isElementPresent(DataTestIdEnum.AttributesSection.EDIT_BUTTON_FOR_NETWORK_ATTR.getValue()));
+		assertTrue("The Remove button is not dispaly for 'network' attribute.", GeneralUIUtils.isElementPresent(DataTestIdEnum.AttributesSection.DELETE_BUTTON_FOR_NETWORK_ATTR.getValue()));
+		// click checkin
+		GeneralUIUtils.checkIn();
+		// enter again
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(importVfcResourceInUI.getName()).click();
+		GeneralUIUtils.moveToStep(CreateAndUpdateStepsEnum.ATTRIBUTES);
+		// the editable buttons disappear
+		assertTrue("The Add button is not dispaly.", !GeneralUIUtils.isElementPresent(DataTestIdEnum.AttributesSection.ADD_BUTTON.getValue()));
+		assertTrue("The Edit button is not dispaly for 'network' attribute.", !GeneralUIUtils.isElementPresent(DataTestIdEnum.AttributesSection.EDIT_BUTTON_FOR_NETWORK_ATTR.getValue()));
+		assertTrue("The Remove button is not dispaly for 'network' attribute.", !GeneralUIUtils.isElementPresent(DataTestIdEnum.AttributesSection.DELETE_BUTTON_FOR_NETWORK_ATTR.getValue()));
+	}
+	@Test
+	public void testCreateAttributeForVfc() {
+		String filePath = FileHandling.getResourcesFilesPath();
+		String fileName = "VFCWithAttributes.yml";
+		ResourceReqDetails importVfcResourceInUI = ResourceUIUtils.importVfcInUI(getUser(), filePath, fileName);
+		GeneralUIUtils.moveToStep(CreateAndUpdateStepsEnum.ATTRIBUTES);
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.AttributesSection.ADD_BUTTON.getValue()).click();
+		// fill in fields
+		String newAttrName = "attr";
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.AttributeForm.NAME_FIELD.getValue()).sendKeys(newAttrName);
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.AttributeForm.DESCRIPTION_FIELD.getValue()).sendKeys("desc");
+		Select typeField = new Select(GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.AttributeForm.TYPE_FIELD.getValue()));
+		typeField.selectByVisibleText("integer");
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.AttributeForm.DEFAULT_VAL_FIELD.getValue()).sendKeys("2");
+		// click ok
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.AttributeForm.DONE_BUTTON.getValue()).click();
+		Supplier<Boolean> supplier = () -> GeneralUIUtils.isElementPresent(newAttrName);
+		Function<Boolean, Boolean> resultVerifier = isPresent -> isPresent;
+		Boolean isPresent = FunctionalInterfaces.retryMethodOnResult(supplier, resultVerifier);
+		assertTrue("The new attribute was not inserted to the attributes table.", isPresent);
+	}
+	@Test
+	public void testUpdateTypeForAttributeOfVfc() {
+		String filePath = FileHandling.getResourcesFilesPath();
+		String fileName = "VFCWithAttributes.yml";
+		ResourceReqDetails importVfcResourceInUI = ResourceUIUtils.importVfcInUI(getUser(), filePath, fileName);
+		VfVerificator.verifyResourceIsCreated(importVfcResourceInUI);
+		GeneralUIUtils.moveToStep(CreateAndUpdateStepsEnum.ATTRIBUTES);
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.AttributesSection.EDIT_BUTTON_FOR_NETWORK_ATTR.getValue()).click();
+		// fill in fields
+		Select typeField = new Select(GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.AttributeForm.TYPE_FIELD.getValue()));
+		typeField.selectByVisibleText("float");
+		// click ok
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.AttributeForm.DONE_BUTTON.getValue()).click();
+		Supplier<Boolean> supplier = () -> GeneralUIUtils.isElementPresent("float");
+		Function<Boolean, Boolean> resultVerifier = isPresent -> isPresent;
+		Boolean isPresent = FunctionalInterfaces.retryMethodOnResult(supplier, resultVerifier);
+		assertTrue("The attribute type was not updated.", isPresent);
+	}
+	@Test
+	public void testDeleteAttributeForVfc() {
+		String filePath = FileHandling.getResourcesFilesPath();
+		String fileName = "VFCWithAttributes.yml";
+		ResourceReqDetails importVfcResourceInUI = ResourceUIUtils.importVfcInUI(getUser(), filePath, fileName);
+		GeneralUIUtils.moveToStep(CreateAndUpdateStepsEnum.ATTRIBUTES);
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.AttributesSection.DELETE_BUTTON_FOR_NETWORK_ATTR.getValue()).click();
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.ModalItems.OK.getValue()).click();
+		GeneralUIUtils.waitForLoader();
+		Boolean retryResult = FunctionalInterfaces.retryMethodOnResult(() -> !GeneralUIUtils.isElementPresent("networks"), boolResult -> boolResult);
+		assertTrue("The attribute is shown in the attributes table.", retryResult);
+	}
+	@Test
+	public void testImportVfc() {
+		String filePath = FileHandling.getResourcesFilesPath();
+		String fileName = "CP.yml";
+		ResourceReqDetails importVfcResourceInUI = ResourceUIUtils.importVfcInUI(getUser(), filePath, fileName);
+		assertTrue(RestCDUtils.getResource(importVfcResourceInUI).getErrorCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK);
+	}
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/run/ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/run/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8232738
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/run/
@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
+import java.lang.reflect.Method;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Enumeration;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
+import java.util.jar.JarEntry;
+import java.util.jar.JarFile;
+import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
+import org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator;
+import org.testng.TestNG;
+public class StartTest {
+	public static long timeOfTest = 0;
+	public static boolean debug = false;
+	public static AtomicBoolean loggerInitialized = new AtomicBoolean(false);
+	protected static Logger logger = null;
+	public static void main(String[] args) {
+		// TODO ui-ci add jar building
+		String debugEnabled = System.getProperty("debug");
+		if (debugEnabled != null && debugEnabled.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
+			debug = true;
+		}
+		System.out.println("Debug mode is " + (debug ? "enabled" : "disabled"));
+		enableLogger();
+		Config config = null;
+		try {
+			config = Utils.getConfig();
+		} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
+			// TODO Auto-generated catch block
+			e.printStackTrace();
+		}
+		if (config == null) {
+			logger.error("Failed to configuration file of ci tests.");
+			System.exit(1);
+		}
+		TestNG testng = new TestNG();
+		List<String> suites = new ArrayList<String>();
+		suites.add("testSuites/" + args[0]);
+		testng.setTestSuites(suites);
+		// testng.setUseDefaultListeners(true);
+		testng.setOutputDirectory("target/");
+	}
+	public StartTest() {
+		logger = Logger.getLogger(StartTest.class.getName());
+	}
+	public static void enableLogger() {
+		if (false == loggerInitialized.get()) {
+			loggerInitialized.set(true);
+			String log4jPropsFile = System.getProperty("log4j.configuration");
+			if (System.getProperty("").contains("Windows")) {
+				String logProps = "src/main/resources/ci/conf/";
+				if (log4jPropsFile == null) {
+					System.setProperty("targetlog", "target/");
+					log4jPropsFile = logProps;
+				}
+			}
+			PropertyConfigurator.configureAndWatch(log4jPropsFile);
+		}
+	}
+	// public void start(List<String> packages, boolean exitOnFailure) {
+	//
+	// boolean success = true;
+	// StringBuilder results = new StringBuilder();
+	//// Result result;
+	//
+	// if (packages == null) {
+	// return;
+	// }
+	//
+	//// for (String packageName : packages) {
+	//// //List<Class> classesForPackage =
+	// getClassesForPackage("");
+	//// List<Class> classesForPackage = getClassesForPackage(packageName);
+	//// if (classesForPackage != null && false == classesForPackage.isEmpty())
+	// {
+	//// for (Class testUnit : classesForPackage) {
+	//// testClasses.add(testUnit);
+	//// }
+	//// }
+	//// }
+	////
+	//// System.out.println(testClasses);
+	//
+	// // tsetClasses.add(LogValidatorTest.class);
+	// // tsetClasses.add(AttNorthboundTest.class);
+	//
+	//// results.append("<Html><head><style>th{background-color: gray;color:
+	// white;height: 30px;}td {color: black;height: 30px;}.fail
+	// {background-color: #FF5555;width: 100px;text-align: center;}.success
+	// {background-color: #00FF00;width: 100px;text-align: center;}.name {width:
+	// 200px;background-color: #F0F0F0;}.message {width: 300px;background-color:
+	// #F0F0F0;}</style></head><body>");
+	//
+	// Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
+	// timeOfTest = calendar.getTimeInMillis();
+	// SimpleDateFormat date_format = new SimpleDateFormat(
+	// "MMM dd yyyy HH:mm:ss");
+	// results.append("<br/><h2> This report generated on "
+	// + date_format.format(calendar.getTime()) + "</h2><br/>");
+	//
+	// results.append("<table>");
+	// addTableHead(results);
+	//
+	//// int size = testClasses.size();
+	// int index = 0;
+	//
+	// int totalRunTests = 0;
+	// int totalFailureTests = 0;
+	// int totalIgnoreTests = 0;
+	// int numOfFailureClasses = 0;
+	// for (Class<? extends AttSdcTest> testClass : testClasses) {
+	//
+	// index ++;
+	//
+	// StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
+	// String str =
+	// "***************************************************************************";
+	// builder.append(str + "\n");
+	// String current = "class " + index + "/" + size + " failure("
+	// + numOfFailureClasses + ") + RUNS(" + totalRunTests + ")"
+	// + " FAILURES(" + totalFailureTests + ") IGNORED("
+	// + totalIgnoreTests + ")";
+	// int interval = ((str.length() - current.length() - 2)/ 2);
+	// String substring = str.substring(0, interval);
+	// builder.append(substring + " " + current + " " + substring + "\n");
+	// builder.append(str + "\n");
+	//
+	// System.out.println(builder.toString());
+	//
+	// logger.debug(builder.toString());
+	// logger.debug("Going to run test class " + testClass.getName());
+	//
+	// result = JUnitCore.runClasses(testClass);
+	// if (result.wasSuccessful() == false) {
+	// numOfFailureClasses++;
+	// }
+	// logger.debug("Test class " + testClass.getName() + " finished " +
+	// (result.wasSuccessful() ? "OK." : " WITH ERROR."));
+	// List<Failure> failures = result.getFailures();
+	// if (failures != null) {
+	// for (Failure failure : failures) {
+	// logger.error("Test class " + testClass.getName() + " failure test " +
+	// failure.getTestHeader() + "-" + failure.getTrace());
+	// }
+	// }
+	// int runsPerClass = result.getRunCount();
+	// int failuresPerClass = result.getFailureCount();
+	// int ignoredPerClass = result.getIgnoreCount();
+	//
+	// totalRunTests += runsPerClass;
+	// totalFailureTests += failuresPerClass;
+	// totalIgnoreTests += ignoredPerClass;
+	//
+	// logger.debug("class " + testClass.getName() + " Failed tests " +
+	// (failuresPerClass * 1.0) / runsPerClass * 100 + " %");
+	// logger.debug("class " + testClass.getName() + " Ignored tests " +
+	// (ignoredPerClass * 1.0) / runsPerClass * 100 + " %");
+	//
+	//
+	//// List<Failure> failures = result.getFailures();
+	//// if (failures != null) {
+	//// for (Failure failure : failures) {
+	//// System.err.println("9999999999" + failure.getTestHeader());
+	//// }
+	//// }
+	//
+	// addUnitTestResult(results, testClass, result);
+	// success &= result.wasSuccessful();
+	//
+	// if (numOfFailureClasses > 0) {
+	// //if (exitOnFailure) {
+	// if (exitOnFailure) {
+	// break;
+	// }
+	// }
+	// }
+	//
+	// results.append("</table>");
+	// results.append("<br/><h2> Tests Summary: </h2><br/>");
+	// results.append("Total Runs : " + totalRunTests + "<br/>");
+	// results.append("Total Failure : " + totalFailureTests + "<br/>");
+	// results.append("Total: " + totalFailureTests + "/" + totalRunTests +
+	// "<br/>");
+	// results.append("</html>");
+	//
+	// FileUtils.writeToFile(Config.instance().getOutputFolder()
+	// + File.separator + Config.instance().getReportName(),
+	// results.toString());
+	//
+	// if (!success) {
+	// System.out.println("FAILURE");
+	// logger.error("Failure tests : " + ((totalFailureTests + totalIgnoreTests)
+	// * 1.0)/ (totalRunTests + totalIgnoreTests) + " %");
+	// logger.error("Ignored tests : " + (totalIgnoreTests * 1.0)/
+	// (totalRunTests + totalIgnoreTests) + " %");
+	// System.exit(1);
+	// }
+	//
+	// System.out.println("SUCCESS");
+	// }
+	private List<Class> getClassesForPackage(String pkgname) {
+		List<Class> classes = new ArrayList<Class>();
+		// Get a File object for the package
+		File directory = null;
+		String fullPath;
+		String relPath = pkgname.replace('.', '/');
+		// System.out.println("ClassDiscovery: Package: " + pkgname +
+		// " becomes Path:" + relPath);
+		URL resource = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().getResource(relPath);
+		// System.out.println("ClassDiscovery: Resource = " + resource);
+		if (resource == null) {
+			throw new RuntimeException("No resource for " + relPath);
+		}
+		fullPath = resource.getFile();
+		// System.out.println("ClassDiscovery: FullPath = " + resource);
+		if (debug) {
+			System.out.println("fullPath is " + fullPath);
+		}
+		try {
+			directory = new File(resource.toURI());
+		} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
+			throw new RuntimeException(
+					pkgname + " (" + resource
+							+ ") does not appear to be a valid URL / URI.  Strange, since we got it from the system...",
+					e);
+		} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
+			directory = null;
+		}
+		// System.out.println("ClassDiscovery: Directory = " + directory);
+		if (directory != null && directory.exists()) {
+			// Get the list of the files contained in the package
+			String[] files = directory.list();
+			for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
+				// we are only interested in .class files
+				if (files[i].endsWith(".class") && false == files[i].contains("$")) {
+					// removes the .class extension
+					String className = pkgname + '.' + files[i].substring(0, files[i].length() - 6);
+					// System.out.println("ClassDiscovery: className = " +
+					// className);
+					if (debug) {
+						System.out.println("ClassDiscovery: className = " + className);
+					}
+					try {
+						Class clas = Class.forName(className);
+						boolean isAddToRun = false;
+						Method[] methods = clas.getMethods();
+						for (Method method : methods) {
+							Annotation[] anns = method.getAnnotations();
+							for (Annotation an : anns) {
+								if (an.annotationType().getSimpleName().equalsIgnoreCase("Test")) {
+									isAddToRun = true;
+									break;
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						if (isAddToRun)
+							classes.add(clas);
+					} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
+						throw new RuntimeException("ClassNotFoundException loading " + className);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		} else {
+			try {
+				String jarPath = fullPath.replaceFirst("[.]jar[!].*", ".jar").replaceFirst("file:", "");
+				if (debug) {
+					System.out.println("jarPath is " + jarPath);
+				}
+				JarFile jarFile = new JarFile(jarPath);
+				Enumeration<JarEntry> entries = jarFile.entries();
+				while (entries.hasMoreElements()) {
+					JarEntry entry = entries.nextElement();
+					String entryName = entry.getName();
+					if (entryName.startsWith(relPath) && entryName.length() > (relPath.length() + "/".length())) {
+						// System.out.println("ClassDiscovery: JarEntry: " +
+						// entryName);
+						String className = entryName.replace('/', '.').replace('\\', '.').replace(".class", "");
+						// System.out.println("ClassDiscovery: className = " +
+						// className);
+						if (false == className.contains("$")) {
+							if (debug) {
+								System.out.println("ClassDiscovery: className = " + className);
+							}
+							try {
+								Class clas = Class.forName(className);
+								boolean isAddToRun = false;
+								Method[] methods = clas.getMethods();
+								for (Method method : methods) {
+									Annotation[] anns = method.getAnnotations();
+									for (Annotation an : anns) {
+										if (an.annotationType().getSimpleName().equalsIgnoreCase("Test")) {
+											isAddToRun = true;
+											break;
+										}
+									}
+								}
+								if (isAddToRun)
+									classes.add(clas);
+							} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
+								throw new RuntimeException("ClassNotFoundException loading " + className);
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				jarFile.close();
+			} catch (IOException e) {
+				throw new RuntimeException(pkgname + " (" + directory + ") does not appear to be a valid package", e);
+			}
+		}
+		return classes;
+	}
+	private void addTableHead(StringBuilder results) {
+		results.append("<tr>");
+		results.append("<th>").append("Unit Test").append("</th>");
+		results.append("<th>").append("Result").append("</th>");
+		results.append("</tr>");
+	}
+	// private void addUnitTestResult(StringBuilder results,
+	// Class<? extends AttSdcTest> testClass, Result unitTestResult) {
+	//
+	// boolean isSuccess = unitTestResult.wasSuccessful();
+	//
+	// String result = (isSuccess) ? "success" : "fail";
+	// String fileName = FileUtils.getFileName(testClass.getName());
+	// results.append("<tr>");
+	// //
+	// results.append("<td>").append(FileUtils.getFileName(testClass.getName())).append("</td>");
+	// results.append("<td class=\"name\">")
+	// .append("<a href=\"" + fileName + timeOfTest + ".html\">"
+	// + fileName + "</a>").append("</td>");
+	// results.append("<td class=\"" + result + "\">").append(result)
+	// .append("</td>");
+	// results.append("</tr>");
+	// }
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index 0000000..91c9c07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/utilities/
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+package org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.utilities;
+import static org.openecomp.sdc.common.datastructure.FunctionalInterfaces.retryMethodOnException;
+import java.util.Map;
+import org.json.simple.JSONObject;
+import org.json.simple.JSONValue;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.datatypes.CreateAndUpdateStepsEnum;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.datatypes.DataTestIdEnum;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.datatypes.DataTestIdEnum.Artifatcs;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.datatypes.DataTestIdEnum.InformationalArtifatcs;
+import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.common.api.ArtifactTypeEnum;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.common.datastructure.FunctionalInterfaces;
+public final class ArtifactUIUtils {
+	private ArtifactUIUtils() {
+		throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
+	}
+	public static void addInformationArtifact(ArtifactReqDetails artifact, String filePath,
+			final InformationalArtifatcs dataTestEnum) {
+		GeneralUIUtils.waitForLoader();
+		GeneralUIUtils.sleep(2000);
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(dataTestEnum.getValue()).click();
+		final WebElement browseWebElement = FunctionalInterfaces.retryMethodOnException(
+				() -> GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.ModalItems.BROWSE_BUTTON.getValue()));
+		browseWebElement.sendKeys(filePath);
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.ModalItems.DESCRIPTION.getValue())
+				.sendKeys(artifact.getDescription());
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.ModalItems.DONE.getValue()).click();
+	}
+	public static Map<String, Map<String, Object>> getArtifactsListFromResponse(String jsonResponse,
+			String fieldOfArtifactList) {
+		JSONObject object = (JSONObject) JSONValue.parse(jsonResponse);
+		Map<String, Map<String, Object>> map = (Map<String, Map<String, Object>>) object.get(fieldOfArtifactList);
+		return map;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Creates a deployment artifact on the vf. <br>
+	 * Moves automatically to DeploymentArtifact Section
+	 * 
+	 * @param artifactPayloadPath
+	 * @param artifactType
+	 */
+	public static void createDeploymentArtifactOnVf(final String artifactPayloadPath,
+			final ArtifactTypeEnum artifactType) {
+		GeneralUIUtils.moveToStep(CreateAndUpdateStepsEnum.DEPLOYMENT_ARTIFACT);
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForClickable(Artifatcs.ADD_DEPLOYMENT_ARTIFACT.getValue()).click();
+		GeneralUIUtils.getSelectList("Create New Artifact", Artifatcs.SELECT_ARTIFACT_DROPDOWN.getValue());
+		GeneralUIUtils.getSelectList(artifactType.getType(), Artifatcs.ARTIFACT_TYPE_DROPDOWN.getValue());
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(Artifatcs.ARTIFACT_DESCRIPTION.getValue())
+				.sendKeys("Artifact Description");
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(Artifatcs.ARTIFACT_LABEL.getValue()).sendKeys("MyArtifactLabel");
+		retryMethodOnException(() -> GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementByDataTestId(Artifatcs.BROWSE_BUTTON.getValue())
+				.sendKeys(artifactPayloadPath));
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(Artifatcs.ADD_BUTTON.getValue()).click();
+		GeneralUIUtils.waitForLoader();
+	}
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index 0000000..b154974
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+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/utilities/
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+package org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.utilities;
+import java.util.Map;
+import org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml;
+public class FileHandling {
+	public static Map<?, ?> parseYamlFile(String filePath) throws FileNotFoundException {
+		Yaml yaml = new Yaml();
+		File file = new File(filePath);
+		InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(file);
+		Map<?, ?> map = (Map<?, ?>) yaml.load(inputStream);
+		return map;
+	}
+	public static String getBasePath() {
+		return System.getProperty("user.dir");
+	}
+	public static String getResourcesFilesPath() {
+		return getBasePath() + File.separator + "src" + File.separator + "main" + File.separator + "resources"
+				+ File.separator + "Files" + File.separator;
+	}
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+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/utilities/
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+package org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.utilities;
+import static org.openecomp.sdc.common.datastructure.FunctionalInterfaces.retryMethodOnException;
+import static org.openecomp.sdc.common.datastructure.FunctionalInterfaces.retryMethodOnResult;
+import static org.openecomp.sdc.common.datastructure.FunctionalInterfaces.swallowException;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.function.Function;
+import java.util.function.Supplier;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.datatypes.CreateAndUpdateStepsEnum;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.datatypes.DataTestIdEnum;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.datatypes.DataTestIdEnum.Dashboard;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.execute.base.SetupCDTest;
+import org.openqa.selenium.By;
+import org.openqa.selenium.Platform;
+import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
+import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
+import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;
+import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions;
+import org.openqa.selenium.remote.DesiredCapabilities;
+import org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebDriver;
+import org.testng.Assert;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.common.datastructure.FunctionalInterfaces;
+public final class GeneralUIUtils {
+	private static final int DEFAULT_WAIT_TIME_IN_SECONDS = 10;
+	/**************** DRIVERS ****************/
+	private static WebDriver driver;
+	private GeneralUIUtils() {
+		throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Finding a component in the home screen by name and clicks on it
+	 * Uses the search 
+	 * 
+	 * @param componentName
+	 * @throws Exception
+	 */
+	public static void findComponentAndClick(String componentName) throws Exception {
+		getWebElementWaitForVisible("main-menu-input-search").sendKeys(componentName);
+		try {
+			getWebElementWaitForClickable(componentName).click();
+			GeneralUIUtils.waitForLoader();
+			getWebElementWaitForVisible("formlifecyclestate");
+		} catch (Exception e) {
+			String msg = String.format("DID NOT FIND A COMPONENT NAMED %s", componentName);
+			System.out.println(msg);
+		}
+	}
+	public static WebElement getWebElementWaitForVisible(String dataTestId) {
+		return getWebElementWaitForVisible(dataTestId, DEFAULT_WAIT_TIME_IN_SECONDS);
+	}
+	public static WebElement getWebElementWaitForVisible(String dataTestId, int time) {
+		WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(getDriver(), time);
+		ExpectedCondition<WebElement> visibilityOfElementLocated = ExpectedConditions
+				.visibilityOfElementLocated(builDataTestIdLocator(dataTestId));
+		WebElement webElement = wait.until(visibilityOfElementLocated);
+		return webElement;
+	}
+	public static WebElement getWebElementWaitForClickable(String dataTestId) {
+		WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(getDriver(), DEFAULT_WAIT_TIME_IN_SECONDS);
+		ExpectedCondition<WebElement> condition = ExpectedConditions
+				.elementToBeClickable(builDataTestIdLocator(dataTestId));
+		WebElement webElement = wait.until(condition);
+		return webElement;
+	}
+	private static By builDataTestIdLocator(String dataTestId) {
+		return By.xpath("//*[@data-tests-id='" + dataTestId + "']");
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Returns A list of Web Elements When they are all visible
+	 * 
+	 * @param dataTestId
+	 * @return
+	 */
+	public static List<WebElement> getWebElementsListWaitForVisible(String dataTestId) {
+		WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(getDriver(), DEFAULT_WAIT_TIME_IN_SECONDS);
+		ExpectedCondition<List<WebElement>> visibilityOfAllElementsLocatedBy = ExpectedConditions
+				.visibilityOfAllElementsLocatedBy(builDataTestIdLocator(dataTestId));
+		return wait.until(visibilityOfAllElementsLocatedBy);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * @deprecated Do not use. use {@link #getWebElementWaitForVisible(String)}
+	 * @param dataTestId
+	 * @return
+	 */
+	public static WebElement getWebElementByDataTestId(String dataTestId) {
+		return driver.findElement(builDataTestIdLocator(dataTestId));
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Checks if element is present with given dataTestsId
+	 * 
+	 * @param dataTestId
+	 * @return
+	 */
+	public static boolean isElementPresent(String dataTestId) {
+		final boolean isPresent = !driver.findElements(builDataTestIdLocator(dataTestId)).isEmpty();
+		return isPresent;
+	}
+	public static void clickOnCreateEntityFromDashboard(String buttonId) {
+		Supplier<WebElement> addVfButtonSipplier = () -> {
+			// TODO ui-ci replace with data-test-id
+			GeneralUIUtils.moveToHTMLElementByClassName("w-sdc-dashboard-card-new");
+			return GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementByDataTestId(buttonId);
+		};
+		WebElement addVfButton = FunctionalInterfaces.retryMethodOnException(addVfButtonSipplier);
+	}
+	// this function located select list by the data-test-id value and the item
+	// to be selected..
+	public static Select getSelectList(String item, String dataTestId) {
+		Select selectlist = new Select(driver.findElement(builDataTestIdLocator(dataTestId)));
+		if (item != null) {
+			selectlist.selectByVisibleText(item);
+		}
+		return selectlist;
+	}
+	// Define description area .
+	public static String defineDescription(String descriptionText) {
+		WebElement resourceDescriptionTextbox = GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible("description");
+		resourceDescriptionTextbox.clear();
+		resourceDescriptionTextbox.sendKeys(descriptionText);
+		return descriptionText;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Clicks on the create button waits for the create to finish and the check
+	 * in button to appear
+	 */
+	public static void clickCreateButton() {
+		GeneralUIUtils.waitForLoader();
+		getWebElementWaitForClickable(DataTestIdEnum.LifeCyleChangeButtons.CREATE.getValue()).click();
+		GeneralUIUtils.waitForLoader();
+		WebElement successNotification = driver.findElement(By.className("ui-notification"));
+		if (successNotification != null) {
+		}
+		getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.LifeCyleChangeButtons.CHECK_IN.getValue());
+	}
+	public static void clickSaveButton() {
+		WebElement createButton = getWebElementWaitForClickable(DataTestIdEnum.LifeCyleChangeButtons.CREATE.getValue());
+	}
+	public static void closeNotificatin() {
+		WebElement notification = driver.findElement(By.className("ui-notification"));
+		if (notification != null) {
+		}
+	}
+	public static void checkIn() {
+		waitForLoader();
+		getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.LifeCyleChangeButtons.CHECK_IN.getValue()).click();
+		getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.ModalItems.ACCEP_TESTING_MESSAGE.getValue()).sendKeys("Check in !");
+		getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.ModalItems.OK.getValue()).click();
+		waitForLoader();
+	}
+	public static void moveToStep(CreateAndUpdateStepsEnum Stepname) {
+		waitForLoader();
+		getWebElementWaitForClickable(Stepname.getValue()).click();
+		waitForLoader();
+	}
+	public static void sleep(int duration) {
+		swallowException(() -> Thread.sleep(duration));
+	}
+	public static WebDriver getDriver() {
+		return driver;
+	}
+	public static void initDriver() {
+		try {
+			System.out.println("opening browser");
+			WebDriver webDriver;
+			boolean remoteTesting = SetupCDTest.config.isRemoteTesting();
+			if (!remoteTesting) {
+				webDriver = new FirefoxDriver();
+			} else {
+				String remoteEnvIP = SetupCDTest.config.getRemoteTestingMachineIP();
+				String remoteEnvPort = SetupCDTest.config.getRemoteTestingMachinePort();
+				DesiredCapabilities cap = new DesiredCapabilities();
+				cap = DesiredCapabilities.firefox();
+				cap.setPlatform(Platform.WINDOWS);
+				cap.setBrowserName("firefox");
+				String remoteNodeUrl = String.format(SetupCDTest.SELENIUM_NODE_URL, remoteEnvIP, remoteEnvPort);
+				webDriver = new RemoteWebDriver(new URL(remoteNodeUrl), cap);
+			}
+			driver = webDriver;
+		} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
+			throw new RuntimeException(e);
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * waits until either loader finishes or 10 seconds has passed.<br>
+	 * If 10 seconds has passed and loader didn't finish throws
+	 * LoaderStuckException.<br>
+	 */
+	public static void waitForLoader() {
+		waitForLoader(10);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * waits until either loader finishes or maxWaitTimeInSeconds has
+	 * passed.<br>
+	 * If maxWaitTimeInSeconds has passed and loader didn't finish throws
+	 * LoaderStuckException.<br>
+	 * 
+	 * @param maxWaitTimeInSeconds
+	 */
+	public static void waitForLoader(int maxWaitTimeInSeconds) {
+		long maxWaitTimeMS = maxWaitTimeInSeconds * 1000L;
+		Boolean loaderIsRunning = retryMethodOnResult(
+				() -> isElementPresent(DataTestIdEnum.GeneralSection.LOADER.getValue()),
+				isLoaderPresent -> !isLoaderPresent, maxWaitTimeMS, 50);
+		if (loaderIsRunning) {
+			throw new LoaderStuckException(
+					"UI Loader is stuck, max wait time of " + maxWaitTimeInSeconds + " seconds has passed.");
+		}
+	}
+	private static class LoaderStuckException extends RuntimeException {
+		private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
+		private LoaderStuckException(String message) {
+			super(message);
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Move to HTML element by class name. When moving to the HTML element, it
+	 * will raise hover event.
+	 * 
+	 * @param className
+	 */
+	public static void moveToHTMLElementByClassName(String className) {
+		Actions actions = new Actions(getDriver());
+		final WebElement createButtonsArea = getDriver().findElement(By.className(className));
+		actions.moveToElement(createButtonsArea).perform();
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Move to HTML element by element id. When moving to the HTML element, it
+	 * will raise hover event.
+	 * 
+	 * @param className
+	 */
+	public static void moveToHTMLElementByDataTestId(String dataTestId) {
+		Actions actions = new Actions(getDriver());
+		final WebElement createButtonsArea = getWebElementByDataTestId(dataTestId);
+		actions.moveToElement(createButtonsArea).perform();
+	}
+	public static void defineVendorName(String resourceVendorName) {
+		// TODO ui-ci replace with Enum
+		WebElement resourceVendorNameTextbox = getWebElementWaitForVisible("vendorName");
+		resourceVendorNameTextbox.clear();
+		resourceVendorNameTextbox.sendKeys(resourceVendorName);
+	}
+	public static String defineUserId(String userId) {
+		// TODO ui-ci replace with Enum
+		WebElement resourceTagsTextbox = getWebElementWaitForVisible("userId");
+		resourceTagsTextbox.clear();
+		resourceTagsTextbox.sendKeys(userId);
+		return userId;
+	}
+	public static void clickAddComponent(Dashboard componentType) {
+		Runnable clickAddTask = () -> {
+			// TODO ui-ci replace with data-test-id
+			moveToHTMLElementByClassName("w-sdc-dashboard-card-new");
+			WebElement addVfButton = getWebElementByDataTestId(componentType.getValue());
+		};
+		retryMethodOnException(clickAddTask);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * This method perform submit for testing process for existing service or
+	 * resource.<br>
+	 * It assumes it is activated when in the resource screen and the Submit For
+	 * Testing button is available.
+	 * 
+	 * @param componentNameForMessage
+	 *            TODO
+	 */
+	public static void submitForTestingElement(String componentNameForMessage) {
+		waitForLoader();
+		getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.LifeCyleChangeButtons.SUBMIT_FOR_TESTING.getValue()).click();
+		waitForLoader();
+		getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.ModalItems.SUMBIT_FOR_TESTING_MESSAGE.getValue())
+				.sendKeys("Submit for testing for " + componentNameForMessage);
+		waitForLoader();
+		getWebElementWaitForClickable(DataTestIdEnum.ModalItems.OK.getValue()).click();
+		waitForLoader();
+		waitForElementToDisappear(DataTestIdEnum.ModalItems.OK.getValue());
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Waits Until elements disappears or until 10 seconds pass
+	 * 
+	 * @param dataTestId
+	 */
+	public static void waitForElementToDisappear(String dataTestId) {
+		Supplier<Boolean> elementPresenseChecker = () -> GeneralUIUtils.isElementPresent(dataTestId);
+		Function<Boolean, Boolean> verifier = isElementPresent -> !isElementPresent;
+		FunctionalInterfaces.retryMethodOnResult(elementPresenseChecker, verifier);
+	}
\ No newline at end of file
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/utilities/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+package org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.utilities;
+ * Class For manipulations on method
+ * 
+ * @author mshitrit
+ *
+ */
+public final class MethodManipulationUtils {
+	private MethodManipulationUtils() {
+		throw new IllegalAccessError();
+	}
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index 0000000..3d21539
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/utilities/
@@ -0,0 +1,477 @@
+package org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.utilities;
+import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertTrue;
+import java.nio.file.FileSystems;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.UUID;
+import javax.validation.constraints.AssertTrue;
+import org.apache.http.HttpEntity;
+import org.apache.http.HttpStatus;
+import org.apache.http.client.methods.CloseableHttpResponse;
+import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost;
+import org.apache.http.entity.mime.MultipartEntityBuilder;
+import org.apache.http.entity.mime.content.FileBody;
+import org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient;
+import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClients;
+import org.json.JSONObject;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.datatypes.DataTestIdEnum;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.common.datastructure.FunctionalInterfaces;
+ * Utility Class For Onboarding
+ * 
+ * @author mshitrit
+ *
+ */
+public final class OnboardUtility {
+	private OnboardUtility() {
+		throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
+	}
+	private static final class Constants {
+		private static final String VENDOR_SOFTWARE_PRODUCTS = "vendor-software-products";
+		private static final String VENDOR_LICENSE_MODELS = "vendor-license-models";
+		private static final String VSP_ID = "vspId";
+		private static final String VALUE = "value";
+		enum Actions {
+			CHECK_IN("Checkin"), SUBMIT("Submit"), CREATE_PACKAGE("Create_Package");
+			private String value;
+			private Actions(String value) {
+				this.value = value;
+			}
+			public String getValue() {
+				return value;
+			}
+		};
+	}
+	/**
+	 * @param heatFileName
+	 * @param filepath
+	 * @param userId
+	 * @param vld
+	 * @return
+	 * @throws Exception
+	 */
+	public static void createVendorSoftwareProduct(String heatFileName, String filepath, String userId,
+			VendorLicenseDetails vld) {
+		RestResponse createNewVendorSoftwareProduct = FunctionalInterfaces
+				.swallowException(() -> createNewVendorSoftwareProduct(vld, userId));
+		assertTrue(createNewVendorSoftwareProduct.getErrorCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK);
+		String vspid = ResponseParser.getValueFromJsonResponse(createNewVendorSoftwareProduct.getResponse(),
+				Constants.VSP_ID);
+		RestResponse response = FunctionalInterfaces
+				.swallowException(() -> uploadHeatPackage(filepath, heatFileName, vspid, userId));
+		assertTrue(response.getErrorCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK);
+		response = actionOnComponent(vspid, Constants.Actions.CHECK_IN.getValue(), Constants.VENDOR_SOFTWARE_PRODUCTS,
+				userId);
+		assertTrue(response.getErrorCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK);
+		response = actionOnComponent(vspid, Constants.Actions.SUBMIT.getValue(), Constants.VENDOR_SOFTWARE_PRODUCTS,
+				userId);
+		assertTrue(response.getErrorCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK);
+		response = actionOnComponent(vspid, Constants.Actions.CREATE_PACKAGE.getValue(),
+				Constants.VENDOR_SOFTWARE_PRODUCTS, userId);
+		assertTrue(response.getErrorCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Contains Details Relevant to Vendor License
+	 * 
+	 * @author mshitrit
+	 *
+	 */
+	public static final class VendorLicenseDetails {
+		private final String vendorId;
+		private final String vendorLicenseName;
+		private final String vendorLicenseAgreementId;
+		private final String featureGroupId;
+		private final String vendorSoftwareProduct;
+		private VendorLicenseDetails(String vendorId, String vendorLicenseName, String vendorLicenseAgreementId,
+				String featureGroupId) {
+			super();
+			this.vendorId = vendorId;
+			this.vendorLicenseName = vendorLicenseName;
+			this.vendorLicenseAgreementId = vendorLicenseAgreementId;
+			this.featureGroupId = featureGroupId;
+			vendorSoftwareProduct = UUID.randomUUID().toString().split("-")[0];
+		}
+		public String getVendorId() {
+			return vendorId;
+		}
+		public String getVendorLicenseName() {
+			return vendorLicenseName;
+		}
+		public String getVendorLicenseAgreementId() {
+			return vendorLicenseAgreementId;
+		}
+		public String getFeatureGroupId() {
+			return featureGroupId;
+		}
+		public String getVendorSoftwareProduct() {
+			return vendorSoftwareProduct;
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Creates Vendor License
+	 * 
+	 * @param userId
+	 * @return
+	 * @throws Exception
+	 */
+	public static VendorLicenseDetails createVendorLicense(String userId) {
+		final String fieldNameValue = Constants.VALUE;
+		String vendorLicenseName = UUID.randomUUID().toString().split("-")[0];
+		RestResponse vendorLicenseResponse = FunctionalInterfaces
+				.swallowException(() -> createVendorLicenseModels(vendorLicenseName, userId));
+		assertTrue(vendorLicenseResponse.getErrorCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK);
+		String vendorId = ResponseParser.getValueFromJsonResponse(vendorLicenseResponse.getResponse(), fieldNameValue);
+		RestResponse vendorKeyGroupsResponse = FunctionalInterfaces
+				.swallowException(() -> createVendorKeyGroups(vendorId, userId));
+		assertTrue(vendorKeyGroupsResponse.getErrorCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK);
+		String keyGroupId = ResponseParser.getValueFromJsonResponse(vendorKeyGroupsResponse.getResponse(),
+				fieldNameValue);
+		RestResponse vendorEntitlementPool = FunctionalInterfaces
+				.swallowException(() -> createVendorEntitlementPool(vendorId, userId));
+		assertTrue(vendorEntitlementPool.getErrorCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK);
+		String entitlementPoolId = ResponseParser.getValueFromJsonResponse(vendorEntitlementPool.getResponse(),
+				fieldNameValue);
+		RestResponse vendorLicenseFeatureGroups = FunctionalInterfaces.swallowException(
+				() -> createVendorLicenseFeatureGroups(vendorId, keyGroupId, entitlementPoolId, userId));
+		assertTrue(vendorLicenseFeatureGroups.getErrorCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK);
+		String featureGroupId = ResponseParser.getValueFromJsonResponse(vendorLicenseFeatureGroups.getResponse(),
+				fieldNameValue);
+		RestResponse vendorLicenseAgreement = FunctionalInterfaces
+				.swallowException(() -> createVendorLicenseAgreement(vendorId, featureGroupId, userId));
+		assertTrue(vendorLicenseAgreement.getErrorCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK);
+		String vendorLicenseAgreementId = ResponseParser.getValueFromJsonResponse(vendorLicenseAgreement.getResponse(),
+				fieldNameValue);
+		RestResponse actionOnComponent = actionOnComponent(vendorId, Constants.Actions.CHECK_IN.getValue(),
+				Constants.VENDOR_LICENSE_MODELS, userId);
+		assertTrue(actionOnComponent.getErrorCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK);
+		actionOnComponent = actionOnComponent(vendorId, Constants.Actions.SUBMIT.getValue(),
+				Constants.VENDOR_LICENSE_MODELS, userId);
+		assertTrue(actionOnComponent.getErrorCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK);
+		return new VendorLicenseDetails(vendorId, vendorLicenseName, vendorLicenseAgreementId, featureGroupId);
+	}
+	private static RestResponse actionOnComponent(String vspid, String action, String onboardComponent, String userId) {
+		Config config = FunctionalInterfaces.swallowException(() -> Utils.getConfig());
+		String url = String.format("http://%s:%s/onboarding-api/v1.0/%s/%s/actions", config.getCatalogBeHost(),
+				config.getCatalogBePort(), onboardComponent, vspid);
+		JSONObject jObject = new JSONObject();
+		FunctionalInterfaces.swallowException(() -> jObject.put("action", action));
+		Map<String, String> headersMap = prepareHeadersMap(userId);
+		HttpRequest http = new HttpRequest();
+		RestResponse response = FunctionalInterfaces
+				.swallowException(() -> http.httpSendPut(url, jObject.toString(), headersMap));
+		return response;
+	}
+	private static RestResponse createVendorLicenseModels(String name, String userId) throws Exception {
+		Config config = Utils.getConfig();
+		String url = String.format("http://%s:%s/onboarding-api/v1.0/vendor-license-models", config.getCatalogBeHost(),
+				config.getCatalogBePort());
+		JSONObject jObject = new JSONObject();
+		jObject.put("vendorName", name);
+		jObject.put("description", "new vendor license model");
+		jObject.put("iconRef", "icon");
+		Map<String, String> headersMap = prepareHeadersMap(userId);
+		HttpRequest http = new HttpRequest();
+		RestResponse response = http.httpSendPost(url, jObject.toString(), headersMap);
+		return response;
+	}
+	private static RestResponse createVendorLicenseAgreement(String vspid, String featureGroupId, String userId)
+			throws Exception {
+		Config config = Utils.getConfig();
+		String url = String.format("http://%s:%s/onboarding-api/v1.0/vendor-license-models/%s/license-agreements",
+				config.getCatalogBeHost(), config.getCatalogBePort(), vspid);
+		JSONObject licenseTermpObject = new JSONObject();
+		licenseTermpObject.put("choice", "Fixed_Term");
+		licenseTermpObject.put("other", "");
+		JSONObject jObjectBody = new JSONObject();
+		jObjectBody.put("name", "abc");
+		jObjectBody.put("description", "new vendor license agreement");
+		jObjectBody.put("requirementsAndConstrains", "abc");
+		jObjectBody.put("licenseTerm", licenseTermpObject);
+		jObjectBody.put("addedFeatureGroupsIds", Arrays.asList(featureGroupId).toArray());
+		Map<String, String> headersMap = prepareHeadersMap(userId);
+		HttpRequest http = new HttpRequest();
+		RestResponse response = http.httpSendPost(url, jObjectBody.toString(), headersMap);
+		return response;
+	}
+	private static RestResponse createVendorLicenseFeatureGroups(String vspid, String licenseKeyGroupId,
+			String entitlementPoolId, String userId) throws Exception {
+		Config config = Utils.getConfig();
+		String url = String.format("http://%s:%s/onboarding-api/v1.0/vendor-license-models/%s/feature-groups",
+				config.getCatalogBeHost(), config.getCatalogBePort(), vspid);
+		JSONObject jObject = new JSONObject();
+		jObject.put("name", "xyz");
+		jObject.put("description", "new vendor license feature groups");
+		jObject.put("partNumber", "123abc456");
+		jObject.put("addedLicenseKeyGroupsIds", Arrays.asList(licenseKeyGroupId).toArray());
+		jObject.put("addedEntitlementPoolsIds", Arrays.asList(entitlementPoolId).toArray());
+		Map<String, String> headersMap = prepareHeadersMap(userId);
+		HttpRequest http = new HttpRequest();
+		RestResponse response = http.httpSendPost(url, jObject.toString(), headersMap);
+		return response;
+	}
+	private static RestResponse createVendorEntitlementPool(String vspid, String userId) throws Exception {
+		Config config = Utils.getConfig();
+		String url = String.format("http://%s:%s/onboarding-api/v1.0/vendor-license-models/%s/entitlement-pools",
+				config.getCatalogBeHost(), config.getCatalogBePort(), vspid);
+		JSONObject jEntitlementMetricObject = new JSONObject();
+		jEntitlementMetricObject.put("choice", "CPU");
+		jEntitlementMetricObject.put("other", "");
+		JSONObject jAggregationFunctionObject = new JSONObject();
+		jAggregationFunctionObject.put("choice", "Peak");
+		jAggregationFunctionObject.put("other", "");
+		JSONObject jOperationalScope = new JSONObject();
+		jOperationalScope.put("choices", Arrays.asList("Availability_Zone").toArray());
+		jOperationalScope.put("other", "");
+		JSONObject jTimeObject = new JSONObject();
+		jTimeObject.put("choice", "Hour");
+		jTimeObject.put("other", "");
+		JSONObject jObjectBody = new JSONObject();
+		jObjectBody.put("name", "def");
+		jObjectBody.put("description", "new vendor license entitlement pool");
+		jObjectBody.put("thresholdValue", "23");
+		jObjectBody.put("thresholdUnits", "Absolute");
+		jObjectBody.put("entitlementMetric", jEntitlementMetricObject);
+		jObjectBody.put("increments", "abcd");
+		jObjectBody.put("aggregationFunction", jAggregationFunctionObject);
+		jObjectBody.put("operationalScope", jOperationalScope);
+		jObjectBody.put("time", jTimeObject);
+		jObjectBody.put("manufacturerReferenceNumber", "123aaa");
+		Map<String, String> headersMap = prepareHeadersMap(userId);
+		HttpRequest http = new HttpRequest();
+		RestResponse response = http.httpSendPost(url, jObjectBody.toString(), headersMap);
+		return response;
+	}
+	private static RestResponse createVendorKeyGroups(String vspid, String userId) throws Exception {
+		Config config = Utils.getConfig();
+		String url = String.format("http://%s:%s/onboarding-api/v1.0/vendor-license-models/%s/license-key-groups",
+				config.getCatalogBeHost(), config.getCatalogBePort(), vspid);
+		JSONObject jOperationalScope = new JSONObject();
+		jOperationalScope.put("choices", Arrays.asList("Tenant").toArray());
+		jOperationalScope.put("other", "");
+		JSONObject jObjectBody = new JSONObject();
+		jObjectBody.put("name", "keyGroup");
+		jObjectBody.put("description", "new vendor license key group");
+		jObjectBody.put("operationalScope", jOperationalScope);
+		jObjectBody.put("type", "Universal");
+		Map<String, String> headersMap = prepareHeadersMap(userId);
+		HttpRequest http = new HttpRequest();
+		RestResponse response = http.httpSendPost(url, jObjectBody.toString(), headersMap);
+		return response;
+	}
+	private static RestResponse createNewVendorSoftwareProduct(VendorLicenseDetails vld, String userId)
+			throws Exception {
+		Config config = Utils.getConfig();
+		String url = String.format("http://%s:%s/onboarding-api/v1.0/vendor-software-products",
+				config.getCatalogBeHost(), config.getCatalogBePort());
+		JSONObject jlicensingDataObj = new JSONObject();
+		jlicensingDataObj.put("licenseAgreement", vld.getVendorLicenseAgreementId());
+		jlicensingDataObj.put("featureGroups", Arrays.asList(vld.getFeatureGroupId()).toArray());
+		JSONObject jObject = new JSONObject();
+		jObject.put("name", vld.getVendorSoftwareProduct());
+		jObject.put("description", "new VSP description");
+		jObject.put("category", "resourceNewCategory.generic");
+		jObject.put("subCategory", "resourceNewCategory.generic.database");
+		jObject.put("licensingVersion", "1.0");
+		jObject.put("vendorName", vld.getVendorLicenseName());
+		jObject.put("vendorId", vld.getVendorId());
+		jObject.put("icon", "icon");
+		jObject.put("licensingData", jlicensingDataObj);
+		Map<String, String> headersMap = prepareHeadersMap(userId);
+		HttpRequest http = new HttpRequest();
+		RestResponse response = http.httpSendPost(url, jObject.toString(), headersMap);
+		return response;
+	}
+	private static RestResponse uploadHeatPackage(String filepath, String filename, String vspid, String userId)
+			throws Exception {
+		Config config = Utils.getConfig();
+		CloseableHttpResponse response = null;
+		MultipartEntityBuilder mpBuilder = MultipartEntityBuilder.create();
+		mpBuilder.addPart("resourceZip", new FileBody(getTestZipFile(filepath, filename)));
+		String url = String.format("http://%s:%s/onboarding-api/v1.0/vendor-software-products/%s/upload",
+				config.getCatalogBeHost(), config.getCatalogBePort(), vspid);
+		Map<String, String> headersMap = prepareHeadersMap(userId);
+		headersMap.put(HttpHeaderEnum.CONTENT_TYPE.getValue(), "multipart/form-data");
+		CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClients.createDefault();
+		try {
+			HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(url);
+			RestResponse restResponse = new RestResponse();
+			Iterator<String> iterator = headersMap.keySet().iterator();
+			while (iterator.hasNext()) {
+				String key =;
+				String value = headersMap.get(key);
+				httpPost.addHeader(key, value);
+			}
+			httpPost.setEntity(;
+			response = client.execute(httpPost);
+			HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
+			String responseBody = null;
+			if (entity != null) {
+				InputStream instream = entity.getContent();
+				StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
+				IOUtils.copy(instream, writer);
+				responseBody = writer.toString();
+				try {
+				} finally {
+					instream.close();
+				}
+			}
+			restResponse.setErrorCode(response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode());
+			restResponse.setResponse(responseBody);
+			return restResponse;
+		} finally {
+			closeResponse(response);
+			closeHttpClient(client);
+		}
+	}
+	private static void closeResponse(CloseableHttpResponse response) {
+		try {
+			if (response != null) {
+				response.close();
+			}
+		} catch (IOException e) {
+			System.out.println(String.format("failed to close client or response: %s", e.getMessage()));
+		}
+	}
+	private static void closeHttpClient(CloseableHttpClient client) {
+		try {
+			if (client != null) {
+				client.close();
+			}
+		} catch (IOException e) {
+			System.out.println(String.format("failed to close client or response: %s", e.getMessage()));
+		}
+	}
+	private static File getTestZipFile(String filepath, String filename) throws IOException {
+		Config config = Utils.getConfig();
+		String sourceDir = config.getImportResourceTestsConfigDir();
+		java.nio.file.Path filePath = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(filepath + File.separator + filename);
+		return filePath.toFile();
+	}
+	protected static Map<String, String> prepareHeadersMap(String userId) {
+		Map<String, String> headersMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
+		headersMap.put(HttpHeaderEnum.CONTENT_TYPE.getValue(), "application/json");
+		headersMap.put(HttpHeaderEnum.ACCEPT.getValue(), "application/json");
+		headersMap.put(HttpHeaderEnum.USER_ID.getValue(), userId);
+		return headersMap;
+	}
+	public static void createVfFromOnboarding(String userID, String zipFile, String filepath) {
+		VendorLicenseDetails vld = createVendorLicense(userID);
+		createVendorSoftwareProduct(zipFile, filepath, userID, vld);
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.OnBoardingTable.OPEN_MODAL_BUTTON.getValue()).click();
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.OnBoardingTable.ONBOARDING_SEARCH.getValue())
+				.sendKeys(vld.getVendorSoftwareProduct());
+		GeneralUIUtils.waitForLoader();
+		GeneralUIUtils.sleep(1000);
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForClickable(vld.getVendorSoftwareProduct()).click();
+		GeneralUIUtils.waitForLoader();
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.OnBoardingTable.IMPORT_ICON.getValue()).click();
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForClickable(DataTestIdEnum.LifeCyleChangeButtons.CREATE.getValue()).click();
+		GeneralUIUtils.waitForLoader(300);
+	}
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/utilities/ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/utilities/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..477cc0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/utilities/
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+package org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.utilities;
+import static org.openecomp.sdc.common.datastructure.FunctionalInterfaces.retryMethodOnException;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Random;
+import java.util.function.Function;
+import java.util.function.Supplier;
+import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.ImmutablePair;
+import org.json.simple.JSONArray;
+import org.json.simple.JSONObject;
+import org.json.simple.JSONValue;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.datatypes.DataTestIdEnum;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.datatypes.DataTestIdEnum.Dashboard;
+import org.openqa.selenium.By;
+import org.openqa.selenium.Keys;
+import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.common.datastructure.FunctionalInterfaces;
+public final class ResourceUIUtils {
+	public static final String RESOURCE_NAME_PREFIX = "ResourceCDTest-";
+	protected static final boolean IS_BEFORE_TEST = true;
+	public static final String INITIAL_VERSION = "0.1";
+	public static final String ICON_RESOURCE_NAME = "call_controll";
+	protected static final String UPDATED_RESOURCE_ICON_NAME = "objectStorage";
+	private ResourceUIUtils() {
+	}
+	public static void defineResourceName(String resourceName) {
+		WebElement resourceNameTextbox = GeneralUIUtils.getDriver().findElement("componentName"));
+		resourceNameTextbox.clear();
+		resourceNameTextbox.sendKeys(resourceName);
+	}
+	public static void defineResourceCategory(String category, String datatestsid) {
+		GeneralUIUtils.getSelectList(category, datatestsid);
+	}
+	public static void importFileWithSendKeyBrowse(String FilePath, String FileName) throws Exception {
+		WebElement browsebutton = GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible("browseButton");
+		browsebutton.sendKeys(FilePath + FileName);
+	}
+	public static void defineTagsList(ResourceReqDetails resource, String[] resourceTags) {
+		List<String> taglist = new ArrayList<String>();
+		;
+		WebElement resourceTagsTextbox = GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible("i-sdc-tag-input");
+		for (String tag : resourceTags) {
+			resourceTagsTextbox.clear();
+			resourceTagsTextbox.sendKeys(tag);
+			resourceTagsTextbox.sendKeys(Keys.ENTER);
+			taglist.add(tag);
+		}
+		resource.setTags(taglist);
+	}
+	public static void defineVendorRelease(String resourceVendorRelease) {
+		WebElement resourceVendorReleaseTextbox = GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible("vendorRelease");
+		resourceVendorReleaseTextbox.clear();
+		resourceVendorReleaseTextbox.sendKeys(resourceVendorRelease);
+	}
+	public static void defineProjectCode(String projectCode) {
+		WebElement resourceNameTextbox = GeneralUIUtils.getDriver().findElement("projectCode"));
+		resourceNameTextbox.clear();
+		resourceNameTextbox.sendKeys(projectCode);
+	}
+	public static void clickButton(String selectButton) {
+		WebElement clickButton = GeneralUIUtils.getDriver()
+				.findElement(By.xpath("//*[@data-tests-id='" + selectButton + "']"));
+	}
+	public static WebElement Waitfunctionforbuttons(String element, int timeout) {
+		WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(GeneralUIUtils.getDriver(), timeout);
+		return wait.until(ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(By.xpath(element)));
+	}
+	// coded by teddy
+	public static void fillGeneralInformationPage(ResourceReqDetails resource, User user) {
+		try {
+			resource.setContactId(user.getUserId());
+			resource.setCreatorUserId(user.getUserId());
+			resource.setCreatorFullName(user.getFullName());
+			defineResourceName(resource.getName());
+			defineResourceCategory(resource.getCategories().get(0).getSubcategories().get(0).getName(),
+					"selectGeneralCategory");
+			GeneralUIUtils.defineDescription(resource.getDescription());
+			GeneralUIUtils.defineVendorName(resource.getVendorName());
+			defineVendorRelease(resource.getVendorRelease());
+			defineTagsList(resource, new String[] { resource.getName() });
+			GeneralUIUtils.defineUserId(resource.getCreatorUserId());
+		} catch (Exception e) {
+			throw new RuntimeException(e);
+		}
+	}
+	public static ResourceReqDetails createResourceInUI(User user) {
+		ResourceReqDetails defineResourceDetails = defineResourceDetails();
+		GeneralUIUtils.clickAddComponent(DataTestIdEnum.Dashboard.BUTTON_ADD_VF);
+		GeneralUIUtils.waitForLoader();
+		fillGeneralInformationPage(defineResourceDetails, user);
+		GeneralUIUtils.clickCreateButton();
+		return defineResourceDetails;
+	}
+	@SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
+	private static void openImportWithFile(String filePath, String fileName, Dashboard elementType) {
+		Runnable openImportTask = () -> {
+			GeneralUIUtils.moveToHTMLElementByDataTestId(Dashboard.IMPORT_AREA.getValue());
+			WebElement imoprtVFButton = GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementByDataTestId(elementType.getValue());
+			imoprtVFButton.sendKeys(filePath + fileName);
+		};
+		retryMethodOnException(openImportTask);
+	}
+	public static ResourceReqDetails importVfcInUI(User user, String filePath, String fileName) {
+		ResourceReqDetails defineResourceDetails = defineResourceDetails();
+		openImportWithFile(filePath, fileName, DataTestIdEnum.Dashboard.IMPORT_VFC_FILE);
+		// Fill the general page fields.
+		GeneralUIUtils.waitForLoader();
+		fillGeneralInformationPage(defineResourceDetails, user);
+		GeneralUIUtils.clickCreateButton();
+		return defineResourceDetails;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Import VF
+	 * 
+	 * @param user
+	 * @param filePath
+	 * @param fileName
+	 * @return
+	 */
+	public static ResourceReqDetails importVfInUI(User user, String filePath, String fileName) {
+		ResourceReqDetails defineResourceDetails = defineResourceDetails();
+		openImportWithFile(filePath, fileName, DataTestIdEnum.Dashboard.IMPORT_VF_FILE);
+		// Fill the general page fields.
+		GeneralUIUtils.waitForLoader();
+		fillGeneralInformationPage(defineResourceDetails, user);
+		GeneralUIUtils.clickSaveButton();
+		return defineResourceDetails;
+	}
+	public static ResourceReqDetails importVfInUIWithoutCheckin(User user, String filePath, String fileName) {
+		ResourceReqDetails defineResourceDetails = defineResourceDetails();
+		openImportWithFile(filePath, fileName, DataTestIdEnum.Dashboard.IMPORT_VF_FILE);
+		// Fill the general page fields.
+		GeneralUIUtils.waitForLoader();
+		fillGeneralInformationPage(defineResourceDetails, user);
+		GeneralUIUtils.clickSaveButton();
+		GeneralUIUtils.waitForLoader();
+		// String okButtonId=DataTestIdEnum.ModalItems.OK.getValue();
+		// ResourceUIUtils.clickButton(okButtonId);
+		// ResourceUIUtils.Waitfunctionforbuttons("//*[@data-tests-id='"+okButtonId+"']",10);
+		// ResourceUIUtils.clickButton(okButtonId);
+		return defineResourceDetails;
+	}
+	public static ResourceReqDetails importVfFromOnBoardingModalWithoutCheckin(User user, String fileName) {
+		ResourceReqDetails defineResourceDetails = defineResourceDetails();
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.OnBoardingTable.OPEN_MODAL_BUTTON.getValue()).click();
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(fileName).click();
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.OnBoardingTable.IMPORT_ICON.getValue()).click();
+		// Fill the general page fields.
+		GeneralUIUtils.waitForLoader();
+		GeneralUIUtils.clickSaveButton();
+		GeneralUIUtils.waitForLoader();
+		return defineResourceDetails;
+	}
+	@SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
+	public static void updateVfCsar(String filePath, String fileName) {
+		retryMethodOnException(
+				() -> GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementByDataTestId(DataTestIdEnum.GeneralSection.BROWSE_BUTTON.getValue())
+						.sendKeys(filePath + fileName));
+		GeneralUIUtils.clickSaveButton();
+		GeneralUIUtils.waitForLoader();
+	}
+	public static void updateVfCsarFromOnBoarding() {
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.GeneralSection.BROWSE_BUTTON.getValue()).click();
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementsListWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.OnBoardingTable.CSAR_ROW.getValue()).get(0)
+				.click();
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.OnBoardingTable.UPDATE_ICON.getValue()).click();
+		GeneralUIUtils.clickSaveButton();
+		GeneralUIUtils.waitForLoader();
+	}
+	public static ResourceReqDetails defineResourceDetails() {
+		ResourceReqDetails resource = new ResourceReqDetails();
+		resource = ElementFactory.getDefaultResource(NormativeTypesEnum.ROOT,
+				ResourceCategoryEnum.GENERIC_NETWORK_ELEMENTS);
+		resource.setVersion(INITIAL_VERSION);
+		resource.setIcon(ICON_RESOURCE_NAME);
+		resource.setResourceType(ResourceTypeEnum.VF.toString());
+		resource.setName(getRandomComponentName(RESOURCE_NAME_PREFIX));
+		return resource;
+	}
+	protected static String getRandomComponentName(String prefix) {
+		return prefix + new Random().nextInt(10000);
+	}
+	public static ImmutablePair<String, String> getRIPosition(ResourceReqDetails createResourceInUI, User user) {
+		GeneralUIUtils.sleep(1000);
+		String responseAfterDrag = RestCDUtils.getResource(createResourceInUI).getResponse();
+		JSONObject jsonResource = (JSONObject) JSONValue.parse(responseAfterDrag);
+		String xPosPostDrag = (String) ((JSONObject) ((JSONArray) jsonResource.get("componentInstances")).get(0))
+				.get("posX");
+		String yPosPostDrag = (String) ((JSONObject) ((JSONArray) jsonResource.get("componentInstances")).get(0))
+				.get("posY");
+		return new ImmutablePair<String, String>(xPosPostDrag, yPosPostDrag);
+	}
+	public static void fillinDeploymentArtifactFormAndClickDone(
+ details, String filePath) {
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.ArtifactModal.LABEL.getValue())
+				.sendKeys(details.getArtifactLabel());
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.ModalItems.DESCRIPTION.getValue())
+				.sendKeys(details.getDescription());
+		GeneralUIUtils.getSelectList(details.getArtifactType(), DataTestIdEnum.ArtifactModal.TYPE.getValue());
+		retryMethodOnException(() -> GeneralUIUtils
+				.getWebElementByDataTestId(DataTestIdEnum.GeneralSection.BROWSE_BUTTON.getValue()).sendKeys(filePath));
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.ModalItems.DONE.getValue()).click();
+		GeneralUIUtils.waitForLoader();
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Tests and Accept resource or service
+	 * 
+	 * @param createResourceInUI
+	 */
+	public static void testAndAcceptElement(ComponentReqDetails createResourceInUI) {
+		GeneralUIUtils.waitForLoader();
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(createResourceInUI.getName()).click();
+		GeneralUIUtils.waitForLoader();
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.LifeCyleChangeButtons.START_TESTING.getValue())
+				.click();
+		GeneralUIUtils.waitForLoader();
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.LifeCyleChangeButtons.ACCEPT.getValue()).click();
+		GeneralUIUtils.waitForLoader();
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.ModalItems.ACCEP_TESTING_MESSAGE.getValue())
+				.sendKeys("resource " + createResourceInUI.getName() + " tested successfuly");
+		GeneralUIUtils.waitForLoader();
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.ModalItems.OK.getValue()).click();
+		GeneralUIUtils.waitForLoader();
+		GeneralUIUtils.waitForElementToDisappear(DataTestIdEnum.ModalItems.OK.getValue());
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Waits Until resource changed to requested lifeCycle State
+	 * 
+	 * @param createResourceInUI
+	 * @param requestedLifeCycleState
+	 * @return
+	 */
+	public static Resource waitForState(ResourceReqDetails createResourceInUI,
+			LifecycleStateEnum requestedLifeCycleState) {
+		Supplier<Resource> resourceGetter = () -> {
+			String resourceString = RestCDUtils.getResource(createResourceInUI).getResponse();
+			return ResponseParser.convertResourceResponseToJavaObject(resourceString);
+		};
+		Function<Resource, Boolean> verifier = res -> res.getLifecycleState() == requestedLifeCycleState;
+		return FunctionalInterfaces.retryMethodOnResult(resourceGetter, verifier);
+	}
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/utilities/ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/utilities/
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index 0000000..8b602e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/utilities/
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+package org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.utilities;
+import static org.openecomp.sdc.common.datastructure.FunctionalInterfaces.retryMethodOnResult;
+import static org.openecomp.sdc.common.datastructure.FunctionalInterfaces.swallowException;
+import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertTrue;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.function.Function;
+import java.util.function.Supplier;
+import org.apache.http.HttpStatus;
+import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONArray;
+import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONObject;
+public class RestCDUtils {
+	private static void setResourceUniqueIdAndUUID(ComponentReqDetails element, RestResponse getResourceResponse) {
+		element.setUniqueId(ResponseParser.getUniqueIdFromResponse(getResourceResponse));
+		element.setUUID(ResponseParser.getUuidFromResponse(getResourceResponse));
+	}
+	public static RestResponse getResourceByNameAndVersionRetryOnFail(String userId, String resourceName,
+			String resourceVersion) {
+		Supplier<RestResponse> resourceGetter = () -> swallowException(
+				() -> ResourceRestUtils.getResourceByNameAndVersion(userId, resourceName, resourceVersion));
+		Function<RestResponse, Boolean> validator = restRes -> restRes.getErrorCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK;
+		return retryMethodOnResult(resourceGetter, validator);
+	}
+	public static RestResponse getResource(ResourceReqDetails resource) {
+		try {
+			System.out.println("trying to get resource");
+			RestResponse getResourceResponse = null;
+			String reourceUniqueId = resource.getUniqueId();
+			if (reourceUniqueId != null) {
+				GeneralUIUtils.sleep(1000);
+				getResourceResponse = ResourceRestUtils.getResource(reourceUniqueId);
+				if (getResourceResponse.getErrorCode().intValue() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
+					System.out.println("succeeded to get resource");
+				}
+				return getResourceResponse;
+			}
+			JSONObject getResourceJSONObject = null;
+			getResourceResponse = getResourceByNameAndVersionRetryOnFail(UserRoleEnum.ADMIN.getUserId(),
+					resource.getName(), resource.getVersion());
+			if (getResourceResponse.getErrorCode().intValue() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
+				JSONArray jArray = new JSONArray(getResourceResponse.getResponse());
+				for (int i = 0; i < jArray.length(); i++) {
+					getResourceJSONObject = jArray.getJSONObject(i);
+					String resourceType = ResponseParser.getValueFromJsonResponse(getResourceJSONObject.toString(),
+							"resourceType");
+					if (resourceType.equals(resource.getResourceType())) {
+						getResourceResponse.setResponse(getResourceJSONObject.toString());
+						setResourceUniqueIdAndUUID(resource, getResourceResponse);
+						System.out.println("succeeded to get resource");
+						return getResourceResponse;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			return getResourceResponse;
+		} catch (Exception e) {
+			throw new RuntimeException(e);
+		}
+	}
+	public static RestResponse getService(ServiceReqDetails service, User user) {
+		Supplier<RestResponse> serviceFetcher = () -> swallowException(
+				() -> ServiceRestUtils.getServiceByNameAndVersion(user, service.getName(), service.getVersion()));
+		Function<RestResponse, Boolean> verifier = restResponse -> restResponse.getErrorCode()
+				.intValue() == HttpStatus.SC_OK;
+		RestResponse getServiceResponse = retryMethodOnResult(serviceFetcher, verifier);
+		if (getServiceResponse.getErrorCode().intValue() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
+			setResourceUniqueIdAndUUID(service, getServiceResponse);
+		}
+		return getServiceResponse;
+	}
+	public static RestResponse getProduct(ProductReqDetails product, User user) throws Exception {
+		Thread.sleep(3500);
+		RestResponse getProductResponse = ProductRestUtils.getProductByNameAndVersion(product.getName(),
+				product.getVersion(), user.getUserId());
+		if (getProductResponse.getErrorCode().intValue() == 200) {
+			setResourceUniqueIdAndUUID(product, getProductResponse);
+		}
+		return getProductResponse;
+	}
+	public static Map<String, String> getAllElementVersionsFromResponse(RestResponse getResource) throws Exception {
+		Map<String, String> versionsMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
+		try {
+			ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
+			JSONObject object = new JSONObject(getResource.getResponse());
+			versionsMap = mapper.readValue(object.get("allVersions").toString(), Map.class);
+		} catch (Exception e) {
+			e.printStackTrace();
+			return versionsMap;
+		}
+		return versionsMap;
+	}
+	public static void deleteElementVersions(Map<String, String> elementVersions, boolean isBeforeTest, Object clazz,
+			User user) throws Exception {
+		Iterator<String> iterator = elementVersions.keySet().iterator();
+		while (iterator.hasNext()) {
+			String singleVersion =;
+			String uniqueId = elementVersions.get(singleVersion);
+			RestResponse deleteResponse = null;
+			if (clazz instanceof ServiceReqDetails) {
+				deleteResponse = ServiceRestUtils.deleteServiceById(uniqueId, user.getUserId());
+			} else if (clazz instanceof ResourceReqDetails) {
+				deleteResponse = ResourceRestUtils.deleteResource(uniqueId, user.getUserId());
+			} else if (clazz instanceof ProductReqDetails) {
+				deleteResponse = ProductRestUtils.deleteProduct(uniqueId, user.getUserId());
+			}
+			if (isBeforeTest) {
+				assertTrue(deleteResponse.getErrorCode().intValue() == 204
+						|| deleteResponse.getErrorCode().intValue() == 404);
+			} else {
+				assertTrue(deleteResponse.getErrorCode().intValue() == 204);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	public static void deleteAllResourceVersionsAfterTest(ComponentReqDetails componentDetails,
+			RestResponse getObjectResponse, User user) throws Exception {
+		deleteAllComponentVersion(false, componentDetails, getObjectResponse, user);
+	}
+	public static void deleteAllResourceVersionsBeforeTest(ComponentReqDetails componentDetails,
+			RestResponse getObjectResponse, User user) throws Exception {
+		deleteAllComponentVersion(true, componentDetails, getObjectResponse, user);
+	}
+	public static void deleteAllComponentVersion(boolean isBeforeTest, ComponentReqDetails componentDetails,
+			RestResponse getObjectResponse, User user) throws Exception {
+		if (getObjectResponse.getErrorCode().intValue() == 404)
+			return;
+		Map<String, String> componentVersionsMap = getAllElementVersionsFromResponse(getObjectResponse);
+		System.out.println("deleting...");
+		deleteElementVersions(componentVersionsMap, isBeforeTest, componentDetails, user);
+		componentDetails.setUniqueId(null);
+	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/utilities/ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/utilities/
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index 0000000..abcc3b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/utilities/
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+package org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.utilities;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Random;
+import java.util.function.Function;
+import java.util.function.Supplier;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.datatypes.DataTestIdEnum;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.datatypes.DataTestIdEnum.GeneralSection;
+import org.openqa.selenium.Keys;
+import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.common.datastructure.FunctionalInterfaces;
+public final class ServiceUIUtils {
+	public static final String SERVICE_NAME_PREFIX = "ServiceCDTest-";
+	public static final String INITIAL_VERSION = "0.1";
+	public static final String ICON_SERVICE_NAME = "mobility";
+	private ServiceUIUtils() {
+		throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
+	}
+	public static String defineServiceName(String serviceName) {
+		WebElement serviceNameElement = GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(GeneralSection.NAME.getValue());
+		serviceNameElement.clear();
+		serviceNameElement.sendKeys(serviceName);
+		return serviceName;
+	}
+	public static void defineTagsList(ServiceReqDetails service, String[] serviceTags) {
+		List<String> taglist = new ArrayList<String>();
+		;
+		WebElement serviceTagsTextbox = GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible("i-sdc-tag-input");
+		for (String tag : serviceTags) {
+			serviceTagsTextbox.clear();
+			serviceTagsTextbox.sendKeys(tag);
+			serviceTagsTextbox.sendKeys(Keys.ENTER);
+			taglist.add(tag);
+		}
+		taglist.add(0, service.getName());
+		service.setTags(taglist);
+	}
+	public static Select defineServiceCategory(String category) {
+		return GeneralUIUtils.getSelectList(category, "selectGeneralCategory");
+	}
+	private static void defineServiceProjectCode(String projectCode) {
+		WebElement projectCodeTextbox = GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible("projectCode");
+		projectCodeTextbox.clear();
+		projectCodeTextbox.sendKeys(projectCode);
+	}
+	private static void fillServiceGeneralPage(ServiceReqDetails service, User user) {
+		service.setContactId(user.getUserId());
+		service.setCreatorUserId(user.getUserId());
+		service.setCreatorFullName(user.getFullName());
+		defineServiceName(service.getName());
+		defineServiceCategory(service.getCategories().get(0).getName());
+		GeneralUIUtils.defineDescription(service.getDescription());
+		defineTagsList(service,
+				new String[] { service.getName(), "This-is-tag", "another-tag", "Test-automation-tag" });
+		GeneralUIUtils.defineUserId(service.getCreatorUserId());
+		defineServiceProjectCode(service.getProjectCode());
+	}
+	public static ServiceReqDetails createServiceInUI(User user) {
+		ServiceReqDetails defineServiceetails = defineServiceDetails(user);
+		GeneralUIUtils.clickAddComponent(DataTestIdEnum.Dashboard.BUTTON_ADD_SERVICE);
+		GeneralUIUtils.waitForLoader();
+		fillServiceGeneralPage(defineServiceetails, user);
+		GeneralUIUtils.clickCreateButton();
+		return defineServiceetails;
+	}
+	public static ServiceReqDetails defineServiceDetails(User user) {
+		ServiceReqDetails service = new ServiceReqDetails();
+		service = ElementFactory.getDefaultService(ServiceCategoriesEnum.MOBILITY, user);
+		service.setVersion(INITIAL_VERSION);
+		service.setIcon(ICON_SERVICE_NAME);
+		service.setName(getRandomComponentName(SERVICE_NAME_PREFIX));
+		return service;
+	}
+	protected static String getRandomComponentName(String prefix) {
+		return prefix + new Random().nextInt(10000);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Waits Until service changed to requested lifeCycle State
+	 * 
+	 * @param createServiceInUI
+	 * @param requestedLifeCycleState
+	 * @param user
+	 * @return
+	 */
+	public static Service waitForState(ServiceReqDetails createServiceInUI, LifecycleStateEnum requestedLifeCycleState,
+			User user) {
+		Supplier<Service> serviceGetter = () -> {
+			String resourceString = RestCDUtils.getService(createServiceInUI, user).getResponse();
+			return ResponseParser.convertServiceResponseToJavaObject(resourceString);
+		};
+		Function<Service, Boolean> verifier = res -> res.getLifecycleState() == requestedLifeCycleState;
+		return FunctionalInterfaces.retryMethodOnResult(serviceGetter, verifier);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * This Method Approves service for distribution<br>
+	 * It assumes governor role is already logged in
+	 * 
+	 * @param createServiceInUI
+	 */
+	public static void approveServiceForDistribution(ServiceReqDetails createServiceInUI) {
+		GeneralUIUtils.waitForLoader();
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(createServiceInUI.getName()).click();
+		GeneralUIUtils.waitForLoader();
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.LifeCyleChangeButtons.APPROVE.getValue()).click();
+		GeneralUIUtils.waitForLoader();
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.ModalItems.ACCEP_TESTING_MESSAGE.getValue())
+				.sendKeys("Service " + createServiceInUI.getName() + " Approved For Distribution");
+		GeneralUIUtils.waitForLoader();
+		GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementWaitForVisible(DataTestIdEnum.ModalItems.OK.getValue()).click();
+		GeneralUIUtils.waitForLoader();
+		GeneralUIUtils.waitForElementToDisappear(DataTestIdEnum.ModalItems.OK.getValue());
+	}
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/verificator/ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/verificator/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0306df0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/verificator/
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+package org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.verificator;
+import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertTrue;
+import java.util.function.Function;
+import java.util.function.Supplier;
+import org.apache.http.HttpStatus;
+import org.json.simple.JSONArray;
+import org.json.simple.JSONObject;
+import org.json.simple.JSONValue;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.utilities.RestCDUtils;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.common.datastructure.FunctionalInterfaces;
+public class ServiceVerificator {
+	public static void verifyNumOfComponentInstances(ServiceReqDetails createServiceInUI, int numOfVFC, User user) {
+		String responseAfterDrag = RestCDUtils.getService(createServiceInUI, user).getResponse();
+		JSONObject jsonResource = (JSONObject) JSONValue.parse(responseAfterDrag);
+		int size = ((JSONArray) jsonResource.get("componentInstances")).size();
+		assertTrue(size == numOfVFC);
+	}
+	public static void verifyLinkCreated(ServiceReqDetails createServiceInUI, User user) {
+		String responseAfterDrag = RestCDUtils.getService(createServiceInUI, user).getResponse();
+		JSONObject jsonService = (JSONObject) JSONValue.parse(responseAfterDrag);
+		assertTrue(((JSONArray) jsonService.get("componentInstancesRelations")).size() == 1);
+	}
+	public static void verifyServiceCreated(ServiceReqDetails createServiceInUI, User user) {
+		assertTrue(RestCDUtils.getService(createServiceInUI, user).getErrorCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Verifies service is certified with version 1.0
+	 * 
+	 * @param createServiceInUI
+	 * @param user
+	 */
+	public static void verifyServiceCertified(ServiceReqDetails createServiceInUI, User user) {
+		Supplier<RestResponse> serviceGetter = () -> FunctionalInterfaces.swallowException(
+				() -> ServiceRestUtils.getServiceByNameAndVersion(user, createServiceInUI.getName(), "1.0"));
+		Function<RestResponse, Boolean> serviceVerificator = restResp -> restResp.getErrorCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK;
+		RestResponse certifiedResourceResopnse = FunctionalInterfaces.retryMethodOnResult(serviceGetter,
+				serviceVerificator);
+		assertTrue(certifiedResourceResopnse.getErrorCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK);
+	}
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/verificator/ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/verificator/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e983b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/verificator/
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+package org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.verificator;
+import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertTrue;
+import java.util.function.Function;
+import java.util.function.Supplier;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.common.datastructure.FunctionalInterfaces;
+ * Util Class For Verificators
+ * 
+ * @author mshitrit
+ *
+ */
+public final class VerificatorUtil {
+	private VerificatorUtil() {
+		throw new IllegalAccessError();
+	}
+	public static void verifyWithRetry(Supplier<Boolean> verificator) {
+		Function<Boolean, Boolean> retryVerificationLogic = isVerified -> isVerified;
+		Boolean isVerifiedAfterRetries = FunctionalInterfaces.retryMethodOnResult(verificator, retryVerificationLogic);
+		assertTrue(isVerifiedAfterRetries);
+	}
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/verificator/ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/verificator/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1c7ca0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdc/uici/tests/verificator/
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+package org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.verificator;
+import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertTrue;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.function.Function;
+import java.util.function.Supplier;
+import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.ImmutablePair;
+import org.apache.http.HttpStatus;
+import org.json.simple.JSONArray;
+import org.json.simple.JSONObject;
+import org.json.simple.JSONValue;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.utilities.ResourceUIUtils;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.utilities.RestCDUtils;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.common.api.ArtifactTypeEnum;
+import org.openecomp.sdc.common.datastructure.FunctionalInterfaces;
+ * Class to hold Test Verifications relevant for VF
+ * 
+ * @author mshitrit
+ *
+ */
+public final class VfVerificator {
+	private VfVerificator() {
+		throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Verifies that the resource contains a certain number of component
+	 * instances
+	 * 
+	 * @param createResourceInUI
+	 * @param numOfVFC
+	 */
+	public static void verifyNumOfComponentInstances(ResourceReqDetails createResourceInUI, int numOfVFC) {
+		Supplier<Boolean> verificator = () -> {
+			String responseAfterDrag = RestCDUtils.getResource(createResourceInUI).getResponse();
+			JSONObject jsonResource = (JSONObject) JSONValue.parse(responseAfterDrag);
+			int size = ((JSONArray) jsonResource.get("componentInstances")).size();
+			return size == numOfVFC;
+		};
+		VerificatorUtil.verifyWithRetry(verificator);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Verifies That the createResourceInUI is different that prevRIPos.
+	 * 
+	 * @param createResourceInUI
+	 * @param prevRIPos
+	 * @param user
+	 */
+	public static void verifyRILocationChanged(ResourceReqDetails createResourceInUI,
+			ImmutablePair<String, String> prevRIPos, User user) {
+		Supplier<Boolean> verificator = () -> {
+			ImmutablePair<String, String> currRIPos = ResourceUIUtils.getRIPosition(createResourceInUI, user);
+			final boolean isXLocationChanged = !prevRIPos.left.equals(currRIPos.left);
+			final boolean isYLocationChange = !prevRIPos.right.equals(currRIPos.right);
+			return isXLocationChanged || isYLocationChange;
+		};
+		VerificatorUtil.verifyWithRetry(verificator);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Verifies That resource contains two connected instances
+	 * 
+	 * @param createResourceInUI
+	 */
+	public static void verifyLinkCreated(ResourceReqDetails createResourceInUI) {
+		Supplier<Boolean> verificator = () -> {
+			String responseAfterDrag = RestCDUtils.getResource(createResourceInUI).getResponse();
+			JSONObject jsonResource = (JSONObject) JSONValue.parse(responseAfterDrag);
+			return ((JSONArray) jsonResource.get("componentInstancesRelations")).size() == 1;
+		};
+		VerificatorUtil.verifyWithRetry(verificator);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Verifies That the VF is certified to version 1.0
+	 * 
+	 * @param vfToVerify
+	 */
+	public static void verifyResourceIsCertified(ResourceReqDetails vfToVerify) {
+		RestResponse certifiedResourceResopnse = RestCDUtils
+				.getResourceByNameAndVersionRetryOnFail(UserRoleEnum.ADMIN.getUserId(), vfToVerify.getName(), "1.0");
+		assertTrue(certifiedResourceResopnse.getErrorCode().equals(HttpStatus.SC_OK));
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Verifies That the VF exist
+	 * 
+	 * @param vfToVerify
+	 */
+	public static void verifyResourceIsCreated(ResourceReqDetails vfToVerify) {
+		assertTrue(RestCDUtils.getResource(vfToVerify).getErrorCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Verify the resource contains the deployment artifacts in the list
+	 * 
+	 * @param vfToVerify
+	 * @param artifactTypeEnums
+	 */
+	public static void verifyResourceContainsDeploymentArtifacts(ResourceReqDetails vfToVerify,
+			List<ArtifactTypeEnum> artifactTypeEnums) {
+		String resourceString = RestCDUtils.getResource(vfToVerify).getResponse();
+		Resource resource = ResponseParser.convertResourceResponseToJavaObject(resourceString);
+		List<String> foundArtifacts = new ArrayList<>();
+		if (resource.getDeploymentArtifacts() != null) {
+			foundArtifacts = resource.getDeploymentArtifacts().values().stream()
+					.map(artifact -> artifact.getArtifactType()).collect(Collectors.toList());
+		}
+		List<String> excpectedArtifacts = -> e.getType()).collect(Collectors.toList());
+		assertTrue(foundArtifacts.containsAll(excpectedArtifacts));
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Verifies The life cycle State of the resource
+	 * 
+	 * @param createResourceInUI
+	 * @param requestedLifeCycleState
+	 */
+	public static void verifyState(ResourceReqDetails createResourceInUI, LifecycleStateEnum requestedLifeCycleState) {
+		Resource resource = ResourceUIUtils.waitForState(createResourceInUI, requestedLifeCycleState);
+		assertTrue(resource.getLifecycleState() == requestedLifeCycleState);
+	}
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/CP.yml b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/CP.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48b5922
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/CP.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_0_0
+  org.openecomp.resource.cp.CP:
+    derived_from: tosca.nodes.Root
+    properties: 
+      att-ucpe-part-number:
+        type: string                
+      vendor-name:
+        type: string                
+        required: true
+      vendor-model:
+        type: string                
+        required: true
+      total-vcpu:
+        type: integer              
+        description: number of vCPUs
+      total-memory:
+        type: integer               
+        description: GB
+      total-disk:
+        type: integer                
+        description: GB
+      base-system-image-file-name: 
+        type: string
+      linux-host-vendor:
+        type: string
+      linux-host-os-version:
+        type: version
+      base-system-software:
+        type: string
+      jdm-vcpu:
+        type: integer
+      jdm-memory:
+        type: integer
+        description: GB
+      jdm-disk:
+        type: integer
+        description: GB
+      jdm-version:
+        type: string
+      jcp-vcpu:
+        type: integer
+      jcp-memory:
+        type: integer
+        description: GB
+      jcp-disk:
+        type: integer
+        description: GB
+      jcp-version:
+        type: version
+    capabilities: 
+      vnf_hosting: 
+        type: tosca.capabilities.Container
+        description: Provides hosting capability for VNFs   
+      WAN_connectivity:
+        type:
+        valid_source_types: [org.openecomp.cp.Wan]
+        description: external WAN1 n/w interface
+        occurrences: [1,2]
+      LAN_connectivity:
+        type:
+        valid_source_types: [org.openecomp.cp.Lan]
+        description: external LAN n/w interface
+        occurrences: [1,8]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/CP_LAN - Copy.yml b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/CP_LAN - Copy.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..224d61f2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/CP_LAN - Copy.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_0_0
+  org.openecomp.resource.vfc.uCPE:
+    derived_from: tosca.nodes.Root
+    properties:
+      type:
+        type: string
+        required: false
+    requirements:
+      - virtualLink:
+          capability:
+          relationship:
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/CP_LAN.yml b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/CP_LAN.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a96084b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/CP_LAN.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_0_0
+  org.openecomp.resource.cp.LAN:
+    derived_from: org.openecomp.resource.cp.CP
+    properties:
+      type:
+        type: string
+        required: false
+    requirements:
+      - virtualLink_in:
+          capability:
+          relationship:
+      - virtualLink_out:
+          capability:
+          relationship:
+      - virtualbinding:
+          capability:
+          relationship:          
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/CP_WAN.yml b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/CP_WAN.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1bce457
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/CP_WAN.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_0_0
+  org.openecomp.resource.cp.WAN:
+    derived_from: org.openecomp.resource.cp.CP
+    properties:
+      type:
+        type: string
+        required: false
+    requirements:
+      - virtualLink_in:
+          capability:
+          relationship:
+      - virtualLink_out:
+          capability:
+          relationship:
+      - virtualbinding:
+          capability:
+          relationship:
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/Heat-File 1.yaml b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/Heat-File 1.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d332078
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/Heat-File 1.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,791 @@
+heat_template_version: 2013-05-23
+#  Changes in v0.2:
+#  - Unique availability zone for each VM
+#  - LAN8 and SLAN networks removed according to latest Prod/Type I diagram
+#  - 2 DB VMs added
+#  - Images corrected
+#  - VM start-up order: SMP->DB->BE->FE (no error handling yet)
+#  - Provisioning scripts placeholders
+description: ASC Template
+#  availability_zone_smp0:
+#    type: string
+#    default: nova
+#  availability_zone_smp1:
+#    type: string
+#    default: nova
+#  availability_zone_fe0:
+#    type: string
+#    default: nova
+#  availability_zone_fe1:
+#    type: string
+#    default: nova
+#  availability_zone_db0:
+#    type: string
+#    default: nova
+#  availability_zone_db1:
+#    type: string
+#    default: nova
+#  availability_zone_be0:
+#    type: string
+#    default: nova
+#  availability_zone_be1:
+#    type: string
+#    default: nova
+#  availability_zone_be2:
+#    type: string
+#    default: nova
+#  availability_zone_be3:
+#    type: string
+#    default: nova
+#  availability_zone_be4:
+#    type: string
+#    default: nova
+  vnf_name:
+    type: string
+    description: Unique name for this VNF instance
+    default: This_is_the_SCP_name
+  vnf_id:
+    type: string
+    description: Unique ID for this VNF instance
+    default: This_is_ths_SCP_id
+  flavor_scp_be_id:
+    type: string
+    description: flavor type
+    default: a1.Small
+  flavor_scp_fe_id:
+    type: string
+    description: flavor type
+    default: a1.Small
+  flavor_smp_id:
+    type: string
+    description: flavor type
+    default: a1.Small
+  flavor_db_id:
+    type: string
+    description: flavor type
+    default: a1.Small
+  image_scp_be_id:
+    type: string
+    description: Image use to boot a server
+    default: asc_base_image_be
+  image_scp_fe_id:
+    type: string
+    description: Image use to boot a server
+    default: asc_base_image_fe    
+  image_smp_id:
+    type: string
+    description: Image use to boot a server
+    default: asc_base_image_smp
+  image_db_id:
+    type: string
+    description: Image use to boot a server
+    default: asc_base_image_db
+  int_vscp_fe_cluster_net_id:
+    type: string
+    description: LAN2 FE Cluster/KA
+  int_vscp_fe_cluster_cidr:
+    type: string
+    description: Private Network2 Address (CIDR notation)
+  int_vscp_cluster_net_id:
+    type: string
+    description: LAN3 Cluster
+  int_vscp_cluster_cidr:
+    type: string
+    description: Private Network3 Address (CIDR notation)
+  int_vscp_db_network_net_id:
+    type: string
+    description: LAN4 DB
+  int_vscp_db_network_cidr:
+    type: string
+    description: Private Network4 Address (CIDR notation)
+  SIGNET_vrf_A1_direct_net_id:
+    type: string
+    description: Network name for SIGTRAN_A
+  SIGNET_vrf_B1_direct_net_id:
+    type: string
+    description: Network name for SIGTRAN_B
+  Cricket_OCS_protected_net_id:
+    type: string
+    description: Network name for CRICKET_OCS
+  OAM_direct_net_id:
+    type: string
+    description: Network name for OAM
+  be0_Cricket_OCS_protected_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: be0 port 5 OAM ip address
+    description: be0 port 5 OAM ip address
+  be1_Cricket_OCS_protected_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: be1 port 5 OAM ip address
+    description: be1 port 5 OAM ip address
+  be2_Cricket_OCS_protected_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: be2 port 5 OAM ip address
+    description: be2 port 5 OAM ip address
+  be3_Cricket_OCS_protected_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: be3 port 5 OAM ip address
+    description: be3 port 5 OAM ip address
+  be4_Cricket_OCS_protected_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: be4 port 5 OAM ip address
+    description: be4 port 5 OAM ip address
+  be0_OAM_direct_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: be0 port 7 OAM ip address
+    description: be0 port 7 OAM ip address
+  be1_OAM_direct_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: be1 port 7 OAM ip address
+    description: be1 port 7 OAM ip address
+  be2_OAM_direct_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: be2 port 7 OAM ip address
+    description: be2 port 7 OAM ip address
+  be3_OAM_direct_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: be3 port 7 OAM ip address
+    description: be3 port 7 OAM ip address
+  be4_OAM_direct_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: be4 port 7 OAM ip address
+    description: be4 port 7 OAM ip address
+  fe0_SIGNET_vrf_A1_direct_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: fe0 port 0 SIGTRAN ip address
+    description: fe0 port 0 SIGTRAN ip address
+  fe0_OAM_direct_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: fe0 port 7 OAM ip address
+    description: fe0 port 7 OAM ip address
+  fe1_SIGNET_vrf_B1_direct_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: fe1 port 1 SIGTRAN ip address
+    description: fe1 port 1 SIGTRAN ip address
+  fe1_OAM_direct_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: fe1 port 7 OAM ip address
+    description: fe1 port 7 OAM ip address
+  smp0_OAM_direct_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: smp0 port 7 OAM ip address
+    description: smp0 port 7 OAM ip address
+  smp1_OAM_direct_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: smp1 port 7 OAM ip address
+    description: smp1 port 7 OAM ip address
+  db0_OAM_direct_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: db0 port 7 OAM ip address
+    description: smp0 port 7 OAM ip address
+  db1_OAM_direct_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: smp1 port 7 OAM ip address
+    description: db1 port 7 OAM ip address
+  vm_scp_be0_name:
+    type: string
+    default: vSCP_BE0
+    description: name of VM
+  vm_scp_be1_name:
+    type: string
+    default: vSCP_BE1
+    description: name of VM    
+  vm_scp_be2_name:
+    type: string
+    default: vSCP_BE2
+    description: name of VM
+  vm_scp_be3_name:
+    type: string
+    default: vSCP_BE3
+    description: name of VM
+  vm_scp_be4_name:
+    type: string
+    default: vSCP_BE4
+    description: name of VM
+  vm_scp_fe0_name:
+    type: string
+    default: vSCP_FE0
+    description: name of VM
+  vm_scp_fe1_name:
+    type: string
+    default: vSCP_FE1
+    description: name of VM
+  vm_smp0_name:
+    type: string
+    default: vSMP0
+    description: name of VM
+  vm_smp1_name:
+    type: string
+    default: vSMP1
+    description: name of VM
+  vm_db0_name:
+    type: string
+    default: vDB0
+    description: name of VM
+  vm_db1_name:
+    type: string
+    default: vDB1
+    description: name of VM
+#  scp_be_wait_condition:
+#    type: OS::Heat::WaitCondition
+#    properties:
+#      handle: { get_resource: scp_be_wait_handle }
+#      count: 5
+#      timeout: 300
+#  scp_be_wait_handle:
+#    type: OS::Heat::WaitConditionHandle
+#  scp_fe_wait_condition:
+#    type: OS::Heat::WaitCondition
+#    properties:
+#      handle: { get_resource: scp_fe_wait_handle }
+#      count: 2
+#      timeout: 300
+#  scp_fe_wait_handle:
+#    type: OS::Heat::WaitConditionHandle
+#  smp_wait_condition:
+#    type: OS::Heat::WaitCondition
+#    properties:
+#      handle: { get_resource: smp_wait_handle }
+#      count: 2
+#      timeout: 300
+#  smp_wait_handle:
+#    type: OS::Heat::WaitConditionHandle
+#  db_wait_condition:
+#    type: OS::Heat::WaitCondition
+#    properties:
+#      handle: { get_resource: db_wait_handle }
+#      count: 2
+#      timeout: 300
+#  db_wait_handle:
+#    type: OS::Heat::WaitConditionHandle
+  FE_Affinity:
+    type: OS::Nova::ServerGroup
+    properties:
+      policies: ["anti-affinity"] 
+  BE_Affinity:
+    type: OS::Nova::ServerGroup
+    properties:
+      policies: ["anti-affinity"]
+  SMP_Affinity:
+    type: OS::Nova::ServerGroup
+    properties:
+      policies: ["anti-affinity"]
+  DB_Affinity:
+    type: OS::Nova::ServerGroup
+    properties:
+      policies: ["anti-affinity"]
+  FE_Clustering_KA:
+    type: OS::Contrail::VirtualNetwork
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: int_vscp_fe_cluster_net_id }
+  FE_Clustering_subnet:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Subnet
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: FE_Clustering_KA }
+      cidr: { get_param: int_vscp_fe_cluster_cidr }
+  Clustering_Network:
+    type: OS::Contrail::VirtualNetwork
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: int_vscp_cluster_net_id }
+  Clustering_Network_subnet:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Subnet
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: Clustering_Network }
+      cidr: { get_param: int_vscp_cluster_cidr }
+  DB_Network:
+    type: OS::Contrail::VirtualNetwork
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: int_vscp_db_network_net_id }
+  DB_Network_subnet:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Subnet
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: DB_Network }
+      cidr: { get_param: int_vscp_db_network_cidr }
+  server_scp_be0:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+#    depends on: db_wait_condition
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: vm_scp_be0_name }
+      image: { get_param: image_scp_be_id }
+#      availability_zone: { get_param: availability_zone_be0 }
+      flavor: { get_param: flavor_scp_be_id }
+      scheduler_hints: { group: { get_resource: BE_Affinity } }
+      networks:
+      - port: { get_resource: be0_port_3 }
+      - port: { get_resource: be0_port_4 }
+      - port: { get_resource: be0_port_5 }
+      - port: { get_resource: be0_port_7 }
+      metadata:
+        vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id }
+      user_data:
+        str_replace:
+          template: |
+            #!/bin/bash
+            #todo: provision $vm_name
+            wc_notify --data-binary '{"status": "SUCCESS"}'
+          params:
+            $vm_name: {get_param: vm_scp_be0_name}
+#            wc_notify: { get_attr: ['scp_be_wait_handle', 'curl_cli'] }
+  be0_port_2:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: Clustering_Network }
+  be0_port_3:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: Clustering_Network }
+  be0_port_4:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: DB_Network }
+  be0_port_5:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: Cricket_OCS_protected_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: be0_Cricket_OCS_protected_ips}}]
+  be0_port_7:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: OAM_direct_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: be0_OAM_direct_ips}}]
+  server_scp_be1:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+#    depends on: db_wait_condition
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: vm_scp_be1_name }
+      image: { get_param: image_scp_be_id }
+#      availability_zone: { get_param: availability_zone_be1 }
+      flavor: { get_param: flavor_scp_be_id }
+      scheduler_hints: { group: { get_resource: BE_Affinity } }
+      networks:
+      - port: { get_resource: be1_port_3 }
+      - port: { get_resource: be1_port_4 }
+      - port: { get_resource: be1_port_5 }
+      - port: { get_resource: be1_port_7 }
+      metadata:
+        vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id }
+      user_data:
+        str_replace:
+          template: |
+            #!/bin/bash
+            #todo: provision $vm_name
+            wc_notify --data-binary '{"status": "SUCCESS"}'
+          params:
+            $vm_name: {get_param: vm_scp_be1_name}
+#            wc_notify: { get_attr: ['scp_be_wait_handle', 'curl_cli'] }
+  be1_port_3:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: Clustering_Network }
+  be1_port_4:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: DB_Network }
+  be1_port_5:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: Cricket_OCS_protected_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: be1_Cricket_OCS_protected_ips}}]
+  be1_port_7:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: OAM_direct_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: be1_OAM_direct_ips}}]
+  server_scp_be2:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+#    depends on: db_wait_condition
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: vm_scp_be2_name }
+      image: { get_param: image_scp_be_id }
+#      availability_zone: { get_param: availability_zone_be2 }
+      flavor: { get_param: flavor_scp_be_id }
+      scheduler_hints: { group: { get_resource: BE_Affinity } }
+      networks:
+      - port: { get_resource: be2_port_3 }
+      - port: { get_resource: be2_port_4 }
+      - port: { get_resource: be2_port_5 }
+      - port: { get_resource: be2_port_7 }
+      metadata:
+        vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id }
+      user_data:
+        str_replace:
+          template: |
+            #!/bin/bash
+            #todo: provision $vm_name
+            wc_notify --data-binary '{"status": "SUCCESS"}'
+          params:
+            $vm_name: {get_param: vm_scp_be2_name}
+#            wc_notify: { get_attr: ['scp_be_wait_handle', 'curl_cli'] }
+  be2_port_3:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: Clustering_Network }
+  be2_port_4:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: DB_Network }
+  be2_port_5:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: Cricket_OCS_protected_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: be2_Cricket_OCS_protected_ips}}]
+  be2_port_7:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: OAM_direct_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: be2_OAM_direct_ips}}]
+  server_scp_be3:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+#    depends on: db_wait_condition
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: vm_scp_be3_name }
+      image: { get_param: image_scp_be_id }
+#      availability_zone: { get_param: availability_zone_be3 }
+      flavor: { get_param: flavor_scp_be_id }
+      scheduler_hints: { group: { get_resource: BE_Affinity } }
+      networks:
+      - port: { get_resource: be3_port_3 }
+      - port: { get_resource: be3_port_4 }
+      - port: { get_resource: be3_port_5 }
+      - port: { get_resource: be3_port_7 }
+      metadata:
+        vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id }
+      user_data:
+        str_replace:
+          template: |
+            #!/bin/bash
+            #todo: provision $vm_name
+            wc_notify --data-binary '{"status": "SUCCESS"}'
+          params:
+            $vm_name: {get_param: vm_scp_be3_name}
+#            wc_notify: { get_attr: ['scp_be_wait_handle', 'curl_cli'] }
+  be3_port_3:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: Clustering_Network }
+  be3_port_4:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: DB_Network }
+  be3_port_5:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: Cricket_OCS_protected_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: be3_Cricket_OCS_protected_ips}}]
+  be3_port_7:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: OAM_direct_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: be3_OAM_direct_ips}}]
+  server_scp_be4:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+#    depends on: db_wait_condition
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: vm_scp_be4_name }
+      image: { get_param: image_scp_be_id }
+#      availability_zone: { get_param: availability_zone_be4 }
+      flavor: { get_param: flavor_scp_be_id }
+      scheduler_hints: { group: { get_resource: BE_Affinity } }
+      networks:
+      - port: { get_resource: be4_port_3 }
+      - port: { get_resource: be4_port_4 }
+      - port: { get_resource: be4_port_5 }
+      - port: { get_resource: be4_port_7 }
+      metadata:
+        vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id }
+      user_data:
+        str_replace:
+          template: |
+            #!/bin/bash
+            #todo: provision $vm_name
+            wc_notify --data-binary '{"status": "SUCCESS"}'
+          params:
+            $vm_name: {get_param: vm_scp_be4_name}
+#            wc_notify: { get_attr: ['scp_be_wait_handle', 'curl_cli'] }
+  be4_port_3:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: Clustering_Network }
+  be4_port_4:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: DB_Network }
+  be4_port_5:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: Cricket_OCS_protected_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: be4_Cricket_OCS_protected_ips}}]
+  be4_port_7:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: OAM_direct_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: be4_OAM_direct_ips}}]
+  server_scp_fe0:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+#    depends on: scp_be_wait_condition
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: vm_scp_fe0_name }
+      image: { get_param: image_scp_fe_id }
+#      availability_zone: { get_param: availability_zone_fe0 }
+      flavor: { get_param: flavor_scp_fe_id }
+      scheduler_hints: { group: { get_resource: FE_Affinity } }
+      networks:
+      - port: { get_resource: fe0_port_0 }
+      - port: { get_resource: fe0_port_2 }
+      - port: { get_resource: fe0_port_3 }
+      - port: { get_resource: fe0_port_7 }
+      metadata:
+        vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id }
+      user_data:
+        str_replace:
+          template: |
+            #!/bin/bash
+            #todo: provision $vm_name
+            wc_notify --data-binary '{"status": "SUCCESS"}'
+          params:
+            $vm_name: {get_param: vm_scp_fe0_name}
+#            wc_notify: { get_attr: ['scp_fe_wait_handle', 'curl_cli'] }
+  fe0_port_0:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: SIGNET_vrf_A1_direct_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: fe0_SIGNET_vrf_A1_direct_ips}}]
+  fe0_port_2:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: FE_Clustering_KA }
+  fe0_port_3:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: Clustering_Network }
+  fe0_port_7:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: OAM_direct_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: fe0_OAM_direct_ips}}]
+  server_scp_fe1:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+#    depends on: scp_be_wait_condition
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: vm_scp_fe1_name }
+      image: { get_param: image_scp_fe_id }
+#      availability_zone: { get_param: availability_zone_fe1 }
+      flavor: { get_param: flavor_scp_fe_id }
+      scheduler_hints: { group: { get_resource: FE_Affinity } }
+      networks:
+      - port: { get_resource: fe1_port_1 }
+      - port: { get_resource: fe1_port_2 }
+      - port: { get_resource: fe1_port_3 }
+      - port: { get_resource: fe1_port_7 }
+      metadata:
+        vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id }
+      user_data:
+        str_replace:
+          template: |
+            #!/bin/bash
+            #todo: provision $vm_name
+            wc_notify --data-binary '{"status": "SUCCESS"}'
+          params:
+            $vm_name: {get_param: vm_scp_fe1_name}
+#            wc_notify: { get_attr: ['scp_fe_wait_handle', 'curl_cli'] }
+  fe1_port_1:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: SIGNET_vrf_B1_direct_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: fe1_SIGNET_vrf_B1_direct_ips}}]
+  fe1_port_2:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: FE_Clustering_KA }
+  fe1_port_3:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: Clustering_Network }
+  fe1_port_7:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: OAM_direct_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: fe1_OAM_direct_ips}}]
+  server_smp0:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: vm_smp0_name }
+      image: { get_param: image_smp_id }
+#      availability_zone: { get_param: availability_zone_smp0 }
+      flavor: { get_param: flavor_smp_id }
+      scheduler_hints: { group: { get_resource: SMP_Affinity } }
+      networks:
+      - port: { get_resource: smp0_port_7 }
+      metadata:
+        vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id }
+      user_data:
+        str_replace:
+          template: |
+            #!/bin/bash
+            #todo: provision $vm_name
+            wc_notify --data-binary '{"status": "SUCCESS"}'
+          params:
+            $vm_name: {get_param: vm_smp0_name}
+#            wc_notify: { get_attr: ['smp_wait_handle', 'curl_cli'] }
+  smp0_port_7:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: OAM_direct_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: smp0_OAM_direct_ips}}]
+  server_smp1:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: vm_smp1_name }
+      image: { get_param: image_smp_id }
+#      availability_zone: { get_param: availability_zone_smp1 }
+      flavor: { get_param: flavor_smp_id }
+      scheduler_hints: { group: { get_resource: SMP_Affinity } }
+      networks:
+      - port: { get_resource: smp1_port_7 }
+      metadata:
+        vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id }
+      user_data:
+        str_replace:
+          template: |
+            #!/bin/bash
+            #todo: provision $vm_name
+            wc_notify --data-binary '{"status": "SUCCESS"}'
+          params:
+            $vm_name: {get_param: vm_smp1_name}
+#            wc_notify: { get_attr: ['smp_wait_handle', 'curl_cli'] }
+  smp1_port_7:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: OAM_direct_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: smp1_OAM_direct_ips}}]
+  server_db0:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+#    depends_on: smp_wait_condition
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: vm_db0_name }
+      image: { get_param: image_db_id }
+#      availability_zone: { get_param: availability_zone_db0 }
+      flavor: { get_param: flavor_db_id }
+      scheduler_hints: { group: { get_resource: DB_Affinity } }
+      networks:
+      - port: { get_resource: db0_port_4 }
+      - port: { get_resource: db0_port_7 }
+      metadata:
+        vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id }
+      user_data:
+        str_replace:
+          template: |
+            #!/bin/bash
+            #todo: provision $vm_name
+            wc_notify --data-binary '{"status": "SUCCESS"}'
+          params:
+            $vm_name: {get_param: vm_db0_name}
+#            wc_notify: { get_attr: ['db_wait_handle', 'curl_cli'] }
+  db0_port_4:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: DB_Network }
+  db0_port_7:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: OAM_direct_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: db0_OAM_direct_ips}}]
+  server_db1:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+#    depends_on: smp_wait_condition
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: vm_db1_name }
+      image: { get_param: image_db_id }
+#      availability_zone: { get_param: availability_zone_db1 }
+      flavor: { get_param: flavor_db_id }
+      scheduler_hints: { group: { get_resource: DB_Affinity } }
+      networks:
+      - port: { get_resource: db1_port_4 }
+      - port: { get_resource: db1_port_7 }
+      metadata:
+        vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id }
+      user_data:
+        str_replace:
+          template: |
+            #!/bin/bash
+            #todo: provision $vm_name
+            wc_notify --data-binary '{"status": "SUCCESS"}'
+          params:
+            $vm_name: {get_param: vm_db1_name}
+#            wc_notify: { get_attr: ['db_wait_handle', 'curl_cli'] }
+  db1_port_4:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: DB_Network }
+  db1_port_7:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: OAM_direct_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: db1_OAM_direct_ips}}]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/Heat-File 2.yaml b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/Heat-File 2.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d332078
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/Heat-File 2.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,791 @@
+heat_template_version: 2013-05-23
+#  Changes in v0.2:
+#  - Unique availability zone for each VM
+#  - LAN8 and SLAN networks removed according to latest Prod/Type I diagram
+#  - 2 DB VMs added
+#  - Images corrected
+#  - VM start-up order: SMP->DB->BE->FE (no error handling yet)
+#  - Provisioning scripts placeholders
+description: ASC Template
+#  availability_zone_smp0:
+#    type: string
+#    default: nova
+#  availability_zone_smp1:
+#    type: string
+#    default: nova
+#  availability_zone_fe0:
+#    type: string
+#    default: nova
+#  availability_zone_fe1:
+#    type: string
+#    default: nova
+#  availability_zone_db0:
+#    type: string
+#    default: nova
+#  availability_zone_db1:
+#    type: string
+#    default: nova
+#  availability_zone_be0:
+#    type: string
+#    default: nova
+#  availability_zone_be1:
+#    type: string
+#    default: nova
+#  availability_zone_be2:
+#    type: string
+#    default: nova
+#  availability_zone_be3:
+#    type: string
+#    default: nova
+#  availability_zone_be4:
+#    type: string
+#    default: nova
+  vnf_name:
+    type: string
+    description: Unique name for this VNF instance
+    default: This_is_the_SCP_name
+  vnf_id:
+    type: string
+    description: Unique ID for this VNF instance
+    default: This_is_ths_SCP_id
+  flavor_scp_be_id:
+    type: string
+    description: flavor type
+    default: a1.Small
+  flavor_scp_fe_id:
+    type: string
+    description: flavor type
+    default: a1.Small
+  flavor_smp_id:
+    type: string
+    description: flavor type
+    default: a1.Small
+  flavor_db_id:
+    type: string
+    description: flavor type
+    default: a1.Small
+  image_scp_be_id:
+    type: string
+    description: Image use to boot a server
+    default: asc_base_image_be
+  image_scp_fe_id:
+    type: string
+    description: Image use to boot a server
+    default: asc_base_image_fe    
+  image_smp_id:
+    type: string
+    description: Image use to boot a server
+    default: asc_base_image_smp
+  image_db_id:
+    type: string
+    description: Image use to boot a server
+    default: asc_base_image_db
+  int_vscp_fe_cluster_net_id:
+    type: string
+    description: LAN2 FE Cluster/KA
+  int_vscp_fe_cluster_cidr:
+    type: string
+    description: Private Network2 Address (CIDR notation)
+  int_vscp_cluster_net_id:
+    type: string
+    description: LAN3 Cluster
+  int_vscp_cluster_cidr:
+    type: string
+    description: Private Network3 Address (CIDR notation)
+  int_vscp_db_network_net_id:
+    type: string
+    description: LAN4 DB
+  int_vscp_db_network_cidr:
+    type: string
+    description: Private Network4 Address (CIDR notation)
+  SIGNET_vrf_A1_direct_net_id:
+    type: string
+    description: Network name for SIGTRAN_A
+  SIGNET_vrf_B1_direct_net_id:
+    type: string
+    description: Network name for SIGTRAN_B
+  Cricket_OCS_protected_net_id:
+    type: string
+    description: Network name for CRICKET_OCS
+  OAM_direct_net_id:
+    type: string
+    description: Network name for OAM
+  be0_Cricket_OCS_protected_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: be0 port 5 OAM ip address
+    description: be0 port 5 OAM ip address
+  be1_Cricket_OCS_protected_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: be1 port 5 OAM ip address
+    description: be1 port 5 OAM ip address
+  be2_Cricket_OCS_protected_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: be2 port 5 OAM ip address
+    description: be2 port 5 OAM ip address
+  be3_Cricket_OCS_protected_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: be3 port 5 OAM ip address
+    description: be3 port 5 OAM ip address
+  be4_Cricket_OCS_protected_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: be4 port 5 OAM ip address
+    description: be4 port 5 OAM ip address
+  be0_OAM_direct_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: be0 port 7 OAM ip address
+    description: be0 port 7 OAM ip address
+  be1_OAM_direct_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: be1 port 7 OAM ip address
+    description: be1 port 7 OAM ip address
+  be2_OAM_direct_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: be2 port 7 OAM ip address
+    description: be2 port 7 OAM ip address
+  be3_OAM_direct_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: be3 port 7 OAM ip address
+    description: be3 port 7 OAM ip address
+  be4_OAM_direct_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: be4 port 7 OAM ip address
+    description: be4 port 7 OAM ip address
+  fe0_SIGNET_vrf_A1_direct_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: fe0 port 0 SIGTRAN ip address
+    description: fe0 port 0 SIGTRAN ip address
+  fe0_OAM_direct_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: fe0 port 7 OAM ip address
+    description: fe0 port 7 OAM ip address
+  fe1_SIGNET_vrf_B1_direct_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: fe1 port 1 SIGTRAN ip address
+    description: fe1 port 1 SIGTRAN ip address
+  fe1_OAM_direct_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: fe1 port 7 OAM ip address
+    description: fe1 port 7 OAM ip address
+  smp0_OAM_direct_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: smp0 port 7 OAM ip address
+    description: smp0 port 7 OAM ip address
+  smp1_OAM_direct_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: smp1 port 7 OAM ip address
+    description: smp1 port 7 OAM ip address
+  db0_OAM_direct_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: db0 port 7 OAM ip address
+    description: smp0 port 7 OAM ip address
+  db1_OAM_direct_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: smp1 port 7 OAM ip address
+    description: db1 port 7 OAM ip address
+  vm_scp_be0_name:
+    type: string
+    default: vSCP_BE0
+    description: name of VM
+  vm_scp_be1_name:
+    type: string
+    default: vSCP_BE1
+    description: name of VM    
+  vm_scp_be2_name:
+    type: string
+    default: vSCP_BE2
+    description: name of VM
+  vm_scp_be3_name:
+    type: string
+    default: vSCP_BE3
+    description: name of VM
+  vm_scp_be4_name:
+    type: string
+    default: vSCP_BE4
+    description: name of VM
+  vm_scp_fe0_name:
+    type: string
+    default: vSCP_FE0
+    description: name of VM
+  vm_scp_fe1_name:
+    type: string
+    default: vSCP_FE1
+    description: name of VM
+  vm_smp0_name:
+    type: string
+    default: vSMP0
+    description: name of VM
+  vm_smp1_name:
+    type: string
+    default: vSMP1
+    description: name of VM
+  vm_db0_name:
+    type: string
+    default: vDB0
+    description: name of VM
+  vm_db1_name:
+    type: string
+    default: vDB1
+    description: name of VM
+#  scp_be_wait_condition:
+#    type: OS::Heat::WaitCondition
+#    properties:
+#      handle: { get_resource: scp_be_wait_handle }
+#      count: 5
+#      timeout: 300
+#  scp_be_wait_handle:
+#    type: OS::Heat::WaitConditionHandle
+#  scp_fe_wait_condition:
+#    type: OS::Heat::WaitCondition
+#    properties:
+#      handle: { get_resource: scp_fe_wait_handle }
+#      count: 2
+#      timeout: 300
+#  scp_fe_wait_handle:
+#    type: OS::Heat::WaitConditionHandle
+#  smp_wait_condition:
+#    type: OS::Heat::WaitCondition
+#    properties:
+#      handle: { get_resource: smp_wait_handle }
+#      count: 2
+#      timeout: 300
+#  smp_wait_handle:
+#    type: OS::Heat::WaitConditionHandle
+#  db_wait_condition:
+#    type: OS::Heat::WaitCondition
+#    properties:
+#      handle: { get_resource: db_wait_handle }
+#      count: 2
+#      timeout: 300
+#  db_wait_handle:
+#    type: OS::Heat::WaitConditionHandle
+  FE_Affinity:
+    type: OS::Nova::ServerGroup
+    properties:
+      policies: ["anti-affinity"] 
+  BE_Affinity:
+    type: OS::Nova::ServerGroup
+    properties:
+      policies: ["anti-affinity"]
+  SMP_Affinity:
+    type: OS::Nova::ServerGroup
+    properties:
+      policies: ["anti-affinity"]
+  DB_Affinity:
+    type: OS::Nova::ServerGroup
+    properties:
+      policies: ["anti-affinity"]
+  FE_Clustering_KA:
+    type: OS::Contrail::VirtualNetwork
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: int_vscp_fe_cluster_net_id }
+  FE_Clustering_subnet:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Subnet
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: FE_Clustering_KA }
+      cidr: { get_param: int_vscp_fe_cluster_cidr }
+  Clustering_Network:
+    type: OS::Contrail::VirtualNetwork
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: int_vscp_cluster_net_id }
+  Clustering_Network_subnet:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Subnet
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: Clustering_Network }
+      cidr: { get_param: int_vscp_cluster_cidr }
+  DB_Network:
+    type: OS::Contrail::VirtualNetwork
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: int_vscp_db_network_net_id }
+  DB_Network_subnet:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Subnet
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: DB_Network }
+      cidr: { get_param: int_vscp_db_network_cidr }
+  server_scp_be0:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+#    depends on: db_wait_condition
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: vm_scp_be0_name }
+      image: { get_param: image_scp_be_id }
+#      availability_zone: { get_param: availability_zone_be0 }
+      flavor: { get_param: flavor_scp_be_id }
+      scheduler_hints: { group: { get_resource: BE_Affinity } }
+      networks:
+      - port: { get_resource: be0_port_3 }
+      - port: { get_resource: be0_port_4 }
+      - port: { get_resource: be0_port_5 }
+      - port: { get_resource: be0_port_7 }
+      metadata:
+        vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id }
+      user_data:
+        str_replace:
+          template: |
+            #!/bin/bash
+            #todo: provision $vm_name
+            wc_notify --data-binary '{"status": "SUCCESS"}'
+          params:
+            $vm_name: {get_param: vm_scp_be0_name}
+#            wc_notify: { get_attr: ['scp_be_wait_handle', 'curl_cli'] }
+  be0_port_2:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: Clustering_Network }
+  be0_port_3:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: Clustering_Network }
+  be0_port_4:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: DB_Network }
+  be0_port_5:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: Cricket_OCS_protected_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: be0_Cricket_OCS_protected_ips}}]
+  be0_port_7:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: OAM_direct_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: be0_OAM_direct_ips}}]
+  server_scp_be1:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+#    depends on: db_wait_condition
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: vm_scp_be1_name }
+      image: { get_param: image_scp_be_id }
+#      availability_zone: { get_param: availability_zone_be1 }
+      flavor: { get_param: flavor_scp_be_id }
+      scheduler_hints: { group: { get_resource: BE_Affinity } }
+      networks:
+      - port: { get_resource: be1_port_3 }
+      - port: { get_resource: be1_port_4 }
+      - port: { get_resource: be1_port_5 }
+      - port: { get_resource: be1_port_7 }
+      metadata:
+        vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id }
+      user_data:
+        str_replace:
+          template: |
+            #!/bin/bash
+            #todo: provision $vm_name
+            wc_notify --data-binary '{"status": "SUCCESS"}'
+          params:
+            $vm_name: {get_param: vm_scp_be1_name}
+#            wc_notify: { get_attr: ['scp_be_wait_handle', 'curl_cli'] }
+  be1_port_3:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: Clustering_Network }
+  be1_port_4:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: DB_Network }
+  be1_port_5:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: Cricket_OCS_protected_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: be1_Cricket_OCS_protected_ips}}]
+  be1_port_7:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: OAM_direct_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: be1_OAM_direct_ips}}]
+  server_scp_be2:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+#    depends on: db_wait_condition
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: vm_scp_be2_name }
+      image: { get_param: image_scp_be_id }
+#      availability_zone: { get_param: availability_zone_be2 }
+      flavor: { get_param: flavor_scp_be_id }
+      scheduler_hints: { group: { get_resource: BE_Affinity } }
+      networks:
+      - port: { get_resource: be2_port_3 }
+      - port: { get_resource: be2_port_4 }
+      - port: { get_resource: be2_port_5 }
+      - port: { get_resource: be2_port_7 }
+      metadata:
+        vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id }
+      user_data:
+        str_replace:
+          template: |
+            #!/bin/bash
+            #todo: provision $vm_name
+            wc_notify --data-binary '{"status": "SUCCESS"}'
+          params:
+            $vm_name: {get_param: vm_scp_be2_name}
+#            wc_notify: { get_attr: ['scp_be_wait_handle', 'curl_cli'] }
+  be2_port_3:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: Clustering_Network }
+  be2_port_4:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: DB_Network }
+  be2_port_5:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: Cricket_OCS_protected_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: be2_Cricket_OCS_protected_ips}}]
+  be2_port_7:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: OAM_direct_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: be2_OAM_direct_ips}}]
+  server_scp_be3:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+#    depends on: db_wait_condition
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: vm_scp_be3_name }
+      image: { get_param: image_scp_be_id }
+#      availability_zone: { get_param: availability_zone_be3 }
+      flavor: { get_param: flavor_scp_be_id }
+      scheduler_hints: { group: { get_resource: BE_Affinity } }
+      networks:
+      - port: { get_resource: be3_port_3 }
+      - port: { get_resource: be3_port_4 }
+      - port: { get_resource: be3_port_5 }
+      - port: { get_resource: be3_port_7 }
+      metadata:
+        vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id }
+      user_data:
+        str_replace:
+          template: |
+            #!/bin/bash
+            #todo: provision $vm_name
+            wc_notify --data-binary '{"status": "SUCCESS"}'
+          params:
+            $vm_name: {get_param: vm_scp_be3_name}
+#            wc_notify: { get_attr: ['scp_be_wait_handle', 'curl_cli'] }
+  be3_port_3:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: Clustering_Network }
+  be3_port_4:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: DB_Network }
+  be3_port_5:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: Cricket_OCS_protected_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: be3_Cricket_OCS_protected_ips}}]
+  be3_port_7:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: OAM_direct_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: be3_OAM_direct_ips}}]
+  server_scp_be4:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+#    depends on: db_wait_condition
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: vm_scp_be4_name }
+      image: { get_param: image_scp_be_id }
+#      availability_zone: { get_param: availability_zone_be4 }
+      flavor: { get_param: flavor_scp_be_id }
+      scheduler_hints: { group: { get_resource: BE_Affinity } }
+      networks:
+      - port: { get_resource: be4_port_3 }
+      - port: { get_resource: be4_port_4 }
+      - port: { get_resource: be4_port_5 }
+      - port: { get_resource: be4_port_7 }
+      metadata:
+        vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id }
+      user_data:
+        str_replace:
+          template: |
+            #!/bin/bash
+            #todo: provision $vm_name
+            wc_notify --data-binary '{"status": "SUCCESS"}'
+          params:
+            $vm_name: {get_param: vm_scp_be4_name}
+#            wc_notify: { get_attr: ['scp_be_wait_handle', 'curl_cli'] }
+  be4_port_3:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: Clustering_Network }
+  be4_port_4:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: DB_Network }
+  be4_port_5:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: Cricket_OCS_protected_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: be4_Cricket_OCS_protected_ips}}]
+  be4_port_7:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: OAM_direct_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: be4_OAM_direct_ips}}]
+  server_scp_fe0:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+#    depends on: scp_be_wait_condition
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: vm_scp_fe0_name }
+      image: { get_param: image_scp_fe_id }
+#      availability_zone: { get_param: availability_zone_fe0 }
+      flavor: { get_param: flavor_scp_fe_id }
+      scheduler_hints: { group: { get_resource: FE_Affinity } }
+      networks:
+      - port: { get_resource: fe0_port_0 }
+      - port: { get_resource: fe0_port_2 }
+      - port: { get_resource: fe0_port_3 }
+      - port: { get_resource: fe0_port_7 }
+      metadata:
+        vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id }
+      user_data:
+        str_replace:
+          template: |
+            #!/bin/bash
+            #todo: provision $vm_name
+            wc_notify --data-binary '{"status": "SUCCESS"}'
+          params:
+            $vm_name: {get_param: vm_scp_fe0_name}
+#            wc_notify: { get_attr: ['scp_fe_wait_handle', 'curl_cli'] }
+  fe0_port_0:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: SIGNET_vrf_A1_direct_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: fe0_SIGNET_vrf_A1_direct_ips}}]
+  fe0_port_2:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: FE_Clustering_KA }
+  fe0_port_3:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: Clustering_Network }
+  fe0_port_7:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: OAM_direct_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: fe0_OAM_direct_ips}}]
+  server_scp_fe1:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+#    depends on: scp_be_wait_condition
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: vm_scp_fe1_name }
+      image: { get_param: image_scp_fe_id }
+#      availability_zone: { get_param: availability_zone_fe1 }
+      flavor: { get_param: flavor_scp_fe_id }
+      scheduler_hints: { group: { get_resource: FE_Affinity } }
+      networks:
+      - port: { get_resource: fe1_port_1 }
+      - port: { get_resource: fe1_port_2 }
+      - port: { get_resource: fe1_port_3 }
+      - port: { get_resource: fe1_port_7 }
+      metadata:
+        vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id }
+      user_data:
+        str_replace:
+          template: |
+            #!/bin/bash
+            #todo: provision $vm_name
+            wc_notify --data-binary '{"status": "SUCCESS"}'
+          params:
+            $vm_name: {get_param: vm_scp_fe1_name}
+#            wc_notify: { get_attr: ['scp_fe_wait_handle', 'curl_cli'] }
+  fe1_port_1:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: SIGNET_vrf_B1_direct_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: fe1_SIGNET_vrf_B1_direct_ips}}]
+  fe1_port_2:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: FE_Clustering_KA }
+  fe1_port_3:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: Clustering_Network }
+  fe1_port_7:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: OAM_direct_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: fe1_OAM_direct_ips}}]
+  server_smp0:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: vm_smp0_name }
+      image: { get_param: image_smp_id }
+#      availability_zone: { get_param: availability_zone_smp0 }
+      flavor: { get_param: flavor_smp_id }
+      scheduler_hints: { group: { get_resource: SMP_Affinity } }
+      networks:
+      - port: { get_resource: smp0_port_7 }
+      metadata:
+        vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id }
+      user_data:
+        str_replace:
+          template: |
+            #!/bin/bash
+            #todo: provision $vm_name
+            wc_notify --data-binary '{"status": "SUCCESS"}'
+          params:
+            $vm_name: {get_param: vm_smp0_name}
+#            wc_notify: { get_attr: ['smp_wait_handle', 'curl_cli'] }
+  smp0_port_7:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: OAM_direct_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: smp0_OAM_direct_ips}}]
+  server_smp1:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: vm_smp1_name }
+      image: { get_param: image_smp_id }
+#      availability_zone: { get_param: availability_zone_smp1 }
+      flavor: { get_param: flavor_smp_id }
+      scheduler_hints: { group: { get_resource: SMP_Affinity } }
+      networks:
+      - port: { get_resource: smp1_port_7 }
+      metadata:
+        vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id }
+      user_data:
+        str_replace:
+          template: |
+            #!/bin/bash
+            #todo: provision $vm_name
+            wc_notify --data-binary '{"status": "SUCCESS"}'
+          params:
+            $vm_name: {get_param: vm_smp1_name}
+#            wc_notify: { get_attr: ['smp_wait_handle', 'curl_cli'] }
+  smp1_port_7:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: OAM_direct_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: smp1_OAM_direct_ips}}]
+  server_db0:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+#    depends_on: smp_wait_condition
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: vm_db0_name }
+      image: { get_param: image_db_id }
+#      availability_zone: { get_param: availability_zone_db0 }
+      flavor: { get_param: flavor_db_id }
+      scheduler_hints: { group: { get_resource: DB_Affinity } }
+      networks:
+      - port: { get_resource: db0_port_4 }
+      - port: { get_resource: db0_port_7 }
+      metadata:
+        vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id }
+      user_data:
+        str_replace:
+          template: |
+            #!/bin/bash
+            #todo: provision $vm_name
+            wc_notify --data-binary '{"status": "SUCCESS"}'
+          params:
+            $vm_name: {get_param: vm_db0_name}
+#            wc_notify: { get_attr: ['db_wait_handle', 'curl_cli'] }
+  db0_port_4:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: DB_Network }
+  db0_port_7:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: OAM_direct_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: db0_OAM_direct_ips}}]
+  server_db1:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+#    depends_on: smp_wait_condition
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: vm_db1_name }
+      image: { get_param: image_db_id }
+#      availability_zone: { get_param: availability_zone_db1 }
+      flavor: { get_param: flavor_db_id }
+      scheduler_hints: { group: { get_resource: DB_Affinity } }
+      networks:
+      - port: { get_resource: db1_port_4 }
+      - port: { get_resource: db1_port_7 }
+      metadata:
+        vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id }
+      user_data:
+        str_replace:
+          template: |
+            #!/bin/bash
+            #todo: provision $vm_name
+            wc_notify --data-binary '{"status": "SUCCESS"}'
+          params:
+            $vm_name: {get_param: vm_db1_name}
+#            wc_notify: { get_attr: ['db_wait_handle', 'curl_cli'] }
+  db1_port_4:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: DB_Network }
+  db1_port_7:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: OAM_direct_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: db1_OAM_direct_ips}}]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/Heat-File.yaml b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/Heat-File.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d332078
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/Heat-File.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,791 @@
+heat_template_version: 2013-05-23
+#  Changes in v0.2:
+#  - Unique availability zone for each VM
+#  - LAN8 and SLAN networks removed according to latest Prod/Type I diagram
+#  - 2 DB VMs added
+#  - Images corrected
+#  - VM start-up order: SMP->DB->BE->FE (no error handling yet)
+#  - Provisioning scripts placeholders
+description: ASC Template
+#  availability_zone_smp0:
+#    type: string
+#    default: nova
+#  availability_zone_smp1:
+#    type: string
+#    default: nova
+#  availability_zone_fe0:
+#    type: string
+#    default: nova
+#  availability_zone_fe1:
+#    type: string
+#    default: nova
+#  availability_zone_db0:
+#    type: string
+#    default: nova
+#  availability_zone_db1:
+#    type: string
+#    default: nova
+#  availability_zone_be0:
+#    type: string
+#    default: nova
+#  availability_zone_be1:
+#    type: string
+#    default: nova
+#  availability_zone_be2:
+#    type: string
+#    default: nova
+#  availability_zone_be3:
+#    type: string
+#    default: nova
+#  availability_zone_be4:
+#    type: string
+#    default: nova
+  vnf_name:
+    type: string
+    description: Unique name for this VNF instance
+    default: This_is_the_SCP_name
+  vnf_id:
+    type: string
+    description: Unique ID for this VNF instance
+    default: This_is_ths_SCP_id
+  flavor_scp_be_id:
+    type: string
+    description: flavor type
+    default: a1.Small
+  flavor_scp_fe_id:
+    type: string
+    description: flavor type
+    default: a1.Small
+  flavor_smp_id:
+    type: string
+    description: flavor type
+    default: a1.Small
+  flavor_db_id:
+    type: string
+    description: flavor type
+    default: a1.Small
+  image_scp_be_id:
+    type: string
+    description: Image use to boot a server
+    default: asc_base_image_be
+  image_scp_fe_id:
+    type: string
+    description: Image use to boot a server
+    default: asc_base_image_fe    
+  image_smp_id:
+    type: string
+    description: Image use to boot a server
+    default: asc_base_image_smp
+  image_db_id:
+    type: string
+    description: Image use to boot a server
+    default: asc_base_image_db
+  int_vscp_fe_cluster_net_id:
+    type: string
+    description: LAN2 FE Cluster/KA
+  int_vscp_fe_cluster_cidr:
+    type: string
+    description: Private Network2 Address (CIDR notation)
+  int_vscp_cluster_net_id:
+    type: string
+    description: LAN3 Cluster
+  int_vscp_cluster_cidr:
+    type: string
+    description: Private Network3 Address (CIDR notation)
+  int_vscp_db_network_net_id:
+    type: string
+    description: LAN4 DB
+  int_vscp_db_network_cidr:
+    type: string
+    description: Private Network4 Address (CIDR notation)
+  SIGNET_vrf_A1_direct_net_id:
+    type: string
+    description: Network name for SIGTRAN_A
+  SIGNET_vrf_B1_direct_net_id:
+    type: string
+    description: Network name for SIGTRAN_B
+  Cricket_OCS_protected_net_id:
+    type: string
+    description: Network name for CRICKET_OCS
+  OAM_direct_net_id:
+    type: string
+    description: Network name for OAM
+  be0_Cricket_OCS_protected_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: be0 port 5 OAM ip address
+    description: be0 port 5 OAM ip address
+  be1_Cricket_OCS_protected_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: be1 port 5 OAM ip address
+    description: be1 port 5 OAM ip address
+  be2_Cricket_OCS_protected_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: be2 port 5 OAM ip address
+    description: be2 port 5 OAM ip address
+  be3_Cricket_OCS_protected_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: be3 port 5 OAM ip address
+    description: be3 port 5 OAM ip address
+  be4_Cricket_OCS_protected_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: be4 port 5 OAM ip address
+    description: be4 port 5 OAM ip address
+  be0_OAM_direct_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: be0 port 7 OAM ip address
+    description: be0 port 7 OAM ip address
+  be1_OAM_direct_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: be1 port 7 OAM ip address
+    description: be1 port 7 OAM ip address
+  be2_OAM_direct_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: be2 port 7 OAM ip address
+    description: be2 port 7 OAM ip address
+  be3_OAM_direct_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: be3 port 7 OAM ip address
+    description: be3 port 7 OAM ip address
+  be4_OAM_direct_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: be4 port 7 OAM ip address
+    description: be4 port 7 OAM ip address
+  fe0_SIGNET_vrf_A1_direct_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: fe0 port 0 SIGTRAN ip address
+    description: fe0 port 0 SIGTRAN ip address
+  fe0_OAM_direct_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: fe0 port 7 OAM ip address
+    description: fe0 port 7 OAM ip address
+  fe1_SIGNET_vrf_B1_direct_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: fe1 port 1 SIGTRAN ip address
+    description: fe1 port 1 SIGTRAN ip address
+  fe1_OAM_direct_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: fe1 port 7 OAM ip address
+    description: fe1 port 7 OAM ip address
+  smp0_OAM_direct_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: smp0 port 7 OAM ip address
+    description: smp0 port 7 OAM ip address
+  smp1_OAM_direct_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: smp1 port 7 OAM ip address
+    description: smp1 port 7 OAM ip address
+  db0_OAM_direct_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: db0 port 7 OAM ip address
+    description: smp0 port 7 OAM ip address
+  db1_OAM_direct_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: smp1 port 7 OAM ip address
+    description: db1 port 7 OAM ip address
+  vm_scp_be0_name:
+    type: string
+    default: vSCP_BE0
+    description: name of VM
+  vm_scp_be1_name:
+    type: string
+    default: vSCP_BE1
+    description: name of VM    
+  vm_scp_be2_name:
+    type: string
+    default: vSCP_BE2
+    description: name of VM
+  vm_scp_be3_name:
+    type: string
+    default: vSCP_BE3
+    description: name of VM
+  vm_scp_be4_name:
+    type: string
+    default: vSCP_BE4
+    description: name of VM
+  vm_scp_fe0_name:
+    type: string
+    default: vSCP_FE0
+    description: name of VM
+  vm_scp_fe1_name:
+    type: string
+    default: vSCP_FE1
+    description: name of VM
+  vm_smp0_name:
+    type: string
+    default: vSMP0
+    description: name of VM
+  vm_smp1_name:
+    type: string
+    default: vSMP1
+    description: name of VM
+  vm_db0_name:
+    type: string
+    default: vDB0
+    description: name of VM
+  vm_db1_name:
+    type: string
+    default: vDB1
+    description: name of VM
+#  scp_be_wait_condition:
+#    type: OS::Heat::WaitCondition
+#    properties:
+#      handle: { get_resource: scp_be_wait_handle }
+#      count: 5
+#      timeout: 300
+#  scp_be_wait_handle:
+#    type: OS::Heat::WaitConditionHandle
+#  scp_fe_wait_condition:
+#    type: OS::Heat::WaitCondition
+#    properties:
+#      handle: { get_resource: scp_fe_wait_handle }
+#      count: 2
+#      timeout: 300
+#  scp_fe_wait_handle:
+#    type: OS::Heat::WaitConditionHandle
+#  smp_wait_condition:
+#    type: OS::Heat::WaitCondition
+#    properties:
+#      handle: { get_resource: smp_wait_handle }
+#      count: 2
+#      timeout: 300
+#  smp_wait_handle:
+#    type: OS::Heat::WaitConditionHandle
+#  db_wait_condition:
+#    type: OS::Heat::WaitCondition
+#    properties:
+#      handle: { get_resource: db_wait_handle }
+#      count: 2
+#      timeout: 300
+#  db_wait_handle:
+#    type: OS::Heat::WaitConditionHandle
+  FE_Affinity:
+    type: OS::Nova::ServerGroup
+    properties:
+      policies: ["anti-affinity"] 
+  BE_Affinity:
+    type: OS::Nova::ServerGroup
+    properties:
+      policies: ["anti-affinity"]
+  SMP_Affinity:
+    type: OS::Nova::ServerGroup
+    properties:
+      policies: ["anti-affinity"]
+  DB_Affinity:
+    type: OS::Nova::ServerGroup
+    properties:
+      policies: ["anti-affinity"]
+  FE_Clustering_KA:
+    type: OS::Contrail::VirtualNetwork
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: int_vscp_fe_cluster_net_id }
+  FE_Clustering_subnet:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Subnet
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: FE_Clustering_KA }
+      cidr: { get_param: int_vscp_fe_cluster_cidr }
+  Clustering_Network:
+    type: OS::Contrail::VirtualNetwork
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: int_vscp_cluster_net_id }
+  Clustering_Network_subnet:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Subnet
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: Clustering_Network }
+      cidr: { get_param: int_vscp_cluster_cidr }
+  DB_Network:
+    type: OS::Contrail::VirtualNetwork
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: int_vscp_db_network_net_id }
+  DB_Network_subnet:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Subnet
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: DB_Network }
+      cidr: { get_param: int_vscp_db_network_cidr }
+  server_scp_be0:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+#    depends on: db_wait_condition
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: vm_scp_be0_name }
+      image: { get_param: image_scp_be_id }
+#      availability_zone: { get_param: availability_zone_be0 }
+      flavor: { get_param: flavor_scp_be_id }
+      scheduler_hints: { group: { get_resource: BE_Affinity } }
+      networks:
+      - port: { get_resource: be0_port_3 }
+      - port: { get_resource: be0_port_4 }
+      - port: { get_resource: be0_port_5 }
+      - port: { get_resource: be0_port_7 }
+      metadata:
+        vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id }
+      user_data:
+        str_replace:
+          template: |
+            #!/bin/bash
+            #todo: provision $vm_name
+            wc_notify --data-binary '{"status": "SUCCESS"}'
+          params:
+            $vm_name: {get_param: vm_scp_be0_name}
+#            wc_notify: { get_attr: ['scp_be_wait_handle', 'curl_cli'] }
+  be0_port_2:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: Clustering_Network }
+  be0_port_3:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: Clustering_Network }
+  be0_port_4:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: DB_Network }
+  be0_port_5:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: Cricket_OCS_protected_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: be0_Cricket_OCS_protected_ips}}]
+  be0_port_7:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: OAM_direct_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: be0_OAM_direct_ips}}]
+  server_scp_be1:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+#    depends on: db_wait_condition
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: vm_scp_be1_name }
+      image: { get_param: image_scp_be_id }
+#      availability_zone: { get_param: availability_zone_be1 }
+      flavor: { get_param: flavor_scp_be_id }
+      scheduler_hints: { group: { get_resource: BE_Affinity } }
+      networks:
+      - port: { get_resource: be1_port_3 }
+      - port: { get_resource: be1_port_4 }
+      - port: { get_resource: be1_port_5 }
+      - port: { get_resource: be1_port_7 }
+      metadata:
+        vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id }
+      user_data:
+        str_replace:
+          template: |
+            #!/bin/bash
+            #todo: provision $vm_name
+            wc_notify --data-binary '{"status": "SUCCESS"}'
+          params:
+            $vm_name: {get_param: vm_scp_be1_name}
+#            wc_notify: { get_attr: ['scp_be_wait_handle', 'curl_cli'] }
+  be1_port_3:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: Clustering_Network }
+  be1_port_4:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: DB_Network }
+  be1_port_5:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: Cricket_OCS_protected_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: be1_Cricket_OCS_protected_ips}}]
+  be1_port_7:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: OAM_direct_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: be1_OAM_direct_ips}}]
+  server_scp_be2:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+#    depends on: db_wait_condition
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: vm_scp_be2_name }
+      image: { get_param: image_scp_be_id }
+#      availability_zone: { get_param: availability_zone_be2 }
+      flavor: { get_param: flavor_scp_be_id }
+      scheduler_hints: { group: { get_resource: BE_Affinity } }
+      networks:
+      - port: { get_resource: be2_port_3 }
+      - port: { get_resource: be2_port_4 }
+      - port: { get_resource: be2_port_5 }
+      - port: { get_resource: be2_port_7 }
+      metadata:
+        vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id }
+      user_data:
+        str_replace:
+          template: |
+            #!/bin/bash
+            #todo: provision $vm_name
+            wc_notify --data-binary '{"status": "SUCCESS"}'
+          params:
+            $vm_name: {get_param: vm_scp_be2_name}
+#            wc_notify: { get_attr: ['scp_be_wait_handle', 'curl_cli'] }
+  be2_port_3:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: Clustering_Network }
+  be2_port_4:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: DB_Network }
+  be2_port_5:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: Cricket_OCS_protected_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: be2_Cricket_OCS_protected_ips}}]
+  be2_port_7:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: OAM_direct_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: be2_OAM_direct_ips}}]
+  server_scp_be3:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+#    depends on: db_wait_condition
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: vm_scp_be3_name }
+      image: { get_param: image_scp_be_id }
+#      availability_zone: { get_param: availability_zone_be3 }
+      flavor: { get_param: flavor_scp_be_id }
+      scheduler_hints: { group: { get_resource: BE_Affinity } }
+      networks:
+      - port: { get_resource: be3_port_3 }
+      - port: { get_resource: be3_port_4 }
+      - port: { get_resource: be3_port_5 }
+      - port: { get_resource: be3_port_7 }
+      metadata:
+        vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id }
+      user_data:
+        str_replace:
+          template: |
+            #!/bin/bash
+            #todo: provision $vm_name
+            wc_notify --data-binary '{"status": "SUCCESS"}'
+          params:
+            $vm_name: {get_param: vm_scp_be3_name}
+#            wc_notify: { get_attr: ['scp_be_wait_handle', 'curl_cli'] }
+  be3_port_3:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: Clustering_Network }
+  be3_port_4:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: DB_Network }
+  be3_port_5:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: Cricket_OCS_protected_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: be3_Cricket_OCS_protected_ips}}]
+  be3_port_7:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: OAM_direct_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: be3_OAM_direct_ips}}]
+  server_scp_be4:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+#    depends on: db_wait_condition
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: vm_scp_be4_name }
+      image: { get_param: image_scp_be_id }
+#      availability_zone: { get_param: availability_zone_be4 }
+      flavor: { get_param: flavor_scp_be_id }
+      scheduler_hints: { group: { get_resource: BE_Affinity } }
+      networks:
+      - port: { get_resource: be4_port_3 }
+      - port: { get_resource: be4_port_4 }
+      - port: { get_resource: be4_port_5 }
+      - port: { get_resource: be4_port_7 }
+      metadata:
+        vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id }
+      user_data:
+        str_replace:
+          template: |
+            #!/bin/bash
+            #todo: provision $vm_name
+            wc_notify --data-binary '{"status": "SUCCESS"}'
+          params:
+            $vm_name: {get_param: vm_scp_be4_name}
+#            wc_notify: { get_attr: ['scp_be_wait_handle', 'curl_cli'] }
+  be4_port_3:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: Clustering_Network }
+  be4_port_4:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: DB_Network }
+  be4_port_5:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: Cricket_OCS_protected_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: be4_Cricket_OCS_protected_ips}}]
+  be4_port_7:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: OAM_direct_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: be4_OAM_direct_ips}}]
+  server_scp_fe0:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+#    depends on: scp_be_wait_condition
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: vm_scp_fe0_name }
+      image: { get_param: image_scp_fe_id }
+#      availability_zone: { get_param: availability_zone_fe0 }
+      flavor: { get_param: flavor_scp_fe_id }
+      scheduler_hints: { group: { get_resource: FE_Affinity } }
+      networks:
+      - port: { get_resource: fe0_port_0 }
+      - port: { get_resource: fe0_port_2 }
+      - port: { get_resource: fe0_port_3 }
+      - port: { get_resource: fe0_port_7 }
+      metadata:
+        vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id }
+      user_data:
+        str_replace:
+          template: |
+            #!/bin/bash
+            #todo: provision $vm_name
+            wc_notify --data-binary '{"status": "SUCCESS"}'
+          params:
+            $vm_name: {get_param: vm_scp_fe0_name}
+#            wc_notify: { get_attr: ['scp_fe_wait_handle', 'curl_cli'] }
+  fe0_port_0:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: SIGNET_vrf_A1_direct_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: fe0_SIGNET_vrf_A1_direct_ips}}]
+  fe0_port_2:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: FE_Clustering_KA }
+  fe0_port_3:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: Clustering_Network }
+  fe0_port_7:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: OAM_direct_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: fe0_OAM_direct_ips}}]
+  server_scp_fe1:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+#    depends on: scp_be_wait_condition
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: vm_scp_fe1_name }
+      image: { get_param: image_scp_fe_id }
+#      availability_zone: { get_param: availability_zone_fe1 }
+      flavor: { get_param: flavor_scp_fe_id }
+      scheduler_hints: { group: { get_resource: FE_Affinity } }
+      networks:
+      - port: { get_resource: fe1_port_1 }
+      - port: { get_resource: fe1_port_2 }
+      - port: { get_resource: fe1_port_3 }
+      - port: { get_resource: fe1_port_7 }
+      metadata:
+        vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id }
+      user_data:
+        str_replace:
+          template: |
+            #!/bin/bash
+            #todo: provision $vm_name
+            wc_notify --data-binary '{"status": "SUCCESS"}'
+          params:
+            $vm_name: {get_param: vm_scp_fe1_name}
+#            wc_notify: { get_attr: ['scp_fe_wait_handle', 'curl_cli'] }
+  fe1_port_1:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: SIGNET_vrf_B1_direct_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: fe1_SIGNET_vrf_B1_direct_ips}}]
+  fe1_port_2:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: FE_Clustering_KA }
+  fe1_port_3:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: Clustering_Network }
+  fe1_port_7:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: OAM_direct_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: fe1_OAM_direct_ips}}]
+  server_smp0:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: vm_smp0_name }
+      image: { get_param: image_smp_id }
+#      availability_zone: { get_param: availability_zone_smp0 }
+      flavor: { get_param: flavor_smp_id }
+      scheduler_hints: { group: { get_resource: SMP_Affinity } }
+      networks:
+      - port: { get_resource: smp0_port_7 }
+      metadata:
+        vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id }
+      user_data:
+        str_replace:
+          template: |
+            #!/bin/bash
+            #todo: provision $vm_name
+            wc_notify --data-binary '{"status": "SUCCESS"}'
+          params:
+            $vm_name: {get_param: vm_smp0_name}
+#            wc_notify: { get_attr: ['smp_wait_handle', 'curl_cli'] }
+  smp0_port_7:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: OAM_direct_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: smp0_OAM_direct_ips}}]
+  server_smp1:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: vm_smp1_name }
+      image: { get_param: image_smp_id }
+#      availability_zone: { get_param: availability_zone_smp1 }
+      flavor: { get_param: flavor_smp_id }
+      scheduler_hints: { group: { get_resource: SMP_Affinity } }
+      networks:
+      - port: { get_resource: smp1_port_7 }
+      metadata:
+        vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id }
+      user_data:
+        str_replace:
+          template: |
+            #!/bin/bash
+            #todo: provision $vm_name
+            wc_notify --data-binary '{"status": "SUCCESS"}'
+          params:
+            $vm_name: {get_param: vm_smp1_name}
+#            wc_notify: { get_attr: ['smp_wait_handle', 'curl_cli'] }
+  smp1_port_7:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: OAM_direct_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: smp1_OAM_direct_ips}}]
+  server_db0:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+#    depends_on: smp_wait_condition
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: vm_db0_name }
+      image: { get_param: image_db_id }
+#      availability_zone: { get_param: availability_zone_db0 }
+      flavor: { get_param: flavor_db_id }
+      scheduler_hints: { group: { get_resource: DB_Affinity } }
+      networks:
+      - port: { get_resource: db0_port_4 }
+      - port: { get_resource: db0_port_7 }
+      metadata:
+        vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id }
+      user_data:
+        str_replace:
+          template: |
+            #!/bin/bash
+            #todo: provision $vm_name
+            wc_notify --data-binary '{"status": "SUCCESS"}'
+          params:
+            $vm_name: {get_param: vm_db0_name}
+#            wc_notify: { get_attr: ['db_wait_handle', 'curl_cli'] }
+  db0_port_4:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: DB_Network }
+  db0_port_7:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: OAM_direct_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: db0_OAM_direct_ips}}]
+  server_db1:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+#    depends_on: smp_wait_condition
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: vm_db1_name }
+      image: { get_param: image_db_id }
+#      availability_zone: { get_param: availability_zone_db1 }
+      flavor: { get_param: flavor_db_id }
+      scheduler_hints: { group: { get_resource: DB_Affinity } }
+      networks:
+      - port: { get_resource: db1_port_4 }
+      - port: { get_resource: db1_port_7 }
+      metadata:
+        vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id }
+      user_data:
+        str_replace:
+          template: |
+            #!/bin/bash
+            #todo: provision $vm_name
+            wc_notify --data-binary '{"status": "SUCCESS"}'
+          params:
+            $vm_name: {get_param: vm_db1_name}
+#            wc_notify: { get_attr: ['db_wait_handle', 'curl_cli'] }
+  db1_port_4:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: DB_Network }
+  db1_port_7:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: OAM_direct_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: db1_OAM_direct_ips}}]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/InValid_tosca_File .yml b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/InValid_tosca_File .yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4eea0a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/InValid_tosca_File .yml
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+  org.openecomp.resource.MyCompute:
+    derived_from: tosca.nodes.Root
+    attributes:
+      private_address:
+        type: string
+      public_address:
+        type: string
+      networks:
+        type: map
+        entry_schema:
+          type:
+      ports:
+        type: map
+        entry_schema:
+          type:
+    requirements:
+      - local_storage: 
+          capability: tosca.capabilities.Attachment
+          node: tosca.nodes.BlockStorage
+          relationship: tosca.relationships.AttachesTo
+          occurrences: [0, UNBOUNDED]  
+    capabilities:
+      host: 
+        type: tosca.capabilities.Container
+        valid_source_types: [tosca.nodes.SoftwareComponent] 
+      endpoint :
+        type: tosca.capabilities.Endpoint.Admin 
+      os: 
+        type: tosca.capabilities.OperatingSystem
+      scalable:
+        type: tosca.capabilities.Scalable
+      binding:
+        type:
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/JDM_vf.yml b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/JDM_vf.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a7edd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/JDM_vf.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_0_0
+  org.openecomp.resource.vf.JDM: 
+    derived_from: tosca.nodes.Root
+    properties: 
+      att-part-number:
+        type: string
+      vendor-name:
+        type: string
+      vendor-part-number:
+        type: string
+      vendor-model:
+        type: string
+      vendor-model-description:
+        type: string
+      vcpu-default:
+        type: integer
+      vcpu-min:
+        type: integer
+      vcpu-max:
+        type: integer
+      vmemory-default:
+        type: integer        
+      vmemory-units:
+        type: string
+        default: "GB"
+      vmemory-min:
+        type: integer
+      vmemory-max:
+        type: integer
+      vdisk-default:
+        type: integer
+      vdisk-units:
+        type: string
+        default: "GB"
+      vdisk-min:
+        type: integer
+      vdisk-max:
+        type: integer
+      vnf-type: 
+        type: string
+      software-version: 
+        type: string
+      software-version-state:
+        type: integer
+      software-file-name: 
+        type: string
+      vnf-feature: 
+        type: string
+    requirements: 
+      - host:
+          capability: tosca.capabilities.Container
+          relationship: tosca.relationships.HostedOn
+    capabilities:
+      binding:
+        type:
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/JDM_vfc.yml b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/JDM_vfc.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9c9ca0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/JDM_vfc.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_0_0
+  org.openecomp.resource.vfc.JDM: 
+    derived_from: tosca.nodes.Root
+    properties: 
+      att-part-number:
+        type: string
+      vendor-name:
+        type: string
+      vendor-part-number:
+        type: string
+      vendor-model:
+        type: string
+      vendor-model-description:
+        type: string
+      vcpu-default:
+        type: integer
+      vcpu-min:
+        type: integer
+      vcpu-max:
+        type: integer
+      vmemory-default:
+        type: integer        
+      vmemory-units:
+        type: string
+        default: "GB"
+      vmemory-min:
+        type: integer
+      vmemory-max:
+        type: integer
+      vdisk-default:
+        type: integer
+      vdisk-units:
+        type: string
+        default: "GB"
+      vdisk-min:
+        type: integer
+      vdisk-max:
+        type: integer
+      vnf-type: 
+        type: string
+      software-version: 
+        type: string
+      software-version-state:
+        type: integer
+      software-file-name: 
+        type: string
+      vnf-feature: 
+        type: string
+    requirements: 
+      - host:
+          capability: tosca.capabilities.Container
+          relationship: tosca.relationships.HostedOn
+    capabilities:
+      binding:
+        type:
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/Sample_CSAR.csar b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/Sample_CSAR.csar
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe95e79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/Sample_CSAR.csar
Binary files differ
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/Sample_CSAR2.csar b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/Sample_CSAR2.csar
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3001fe8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/Sample_CSAR2.csar
Binary files differ
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/UCPE_VFC.yml b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/UCPE_VFC.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef3966b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/UCPE_VFC.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_0_0
+  org.openecomp.resource.vfc.uCPE:
+    derived_from: tosca.nodes.Root
+    properties: 
+      att-ucpe-part-number:
+        type: string                
+      vendor-name:
+        type: string                
+        required: true
+      vendor-model:
+        type: string                
+        required: true
+      total-vcpu:
+        type: integer              
+        description: number of vCPUs
+      total-memory:
+        type: integer               
+        description: GB
+      total-disk:
+        type: integer                
+        description: GB
+      base-system-image-file-name: 
+        type: string
+      linux-host-vendor:
+        type: string
+      linux-host-os-version:
+        type: version
+      base-system-software:
+        type: string
+      jdm-vcpu:
+        type: integer
+      jdm-memory:
+        type: integer
+        description: GB
+      jdm-disk:
+        type: integer
+        description: GB
+      jdm-version:
+        type: string
+      jcp-vcpu:
+        type: integer
+      jcp-memory:
+        type: integer
+        description: GB
+      jcp-disk:
+        type: integer
+        description: GB
+      jcp-version:
+        type: version
+    capabilities: 
+      vnf_hosting: 
+        type: tosca.capabilities.Container
+        description: Provides hosting capability for VNFs   
+      WAN_connectivity:
+        type:
+        valid_source_types: [org.openecomp.cp.Wan]
+        description: external WAN1 n/w interface
+        occurrences: [1,2]
+      LAN_connectivity:
+        type:
+        valid_source_types: [org.openecomp.cp.Lan]
+        description: external LAN n/w interface
+        occurrences: [1,8]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/VF.yml b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/VF.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec08990
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/VF.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_0_0
+  org.openecomp.resource.vf.VFF:
+    derived_from: tosca.nodes.Root
+    properties:
+      vendor:
+        type: string
+        required: false
+      vl_name:
+        type: string
+        required: false
+    capabilities:
+       virtual_linkable:
+        type:
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/VFC.yml b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/VFC.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..853ed35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/VFC.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_0_0
+  org.openecomp.resource.vfc.vRouter: 
+    derived_from: tosca.nodes.Root
+    properties: 
+      att-part-number:
+        type: string
+      vendor-name:
+        type: string
+      vendor-part-number:
+        type: string
+      vendor-model:
+        type: string
+      vendor-model-description:
+        type: string
+      vcpu-default:
+        type: integer
+      vcpu-min:
+        type: integer
+      vcpu-max:
+        type: integer
+      vmemory-default:
+        type: integer        
+      vmemory-units:
+        type: string
+        default: "GB"
+      vmemory-min:
+        type: integer
+      vmemory-max:
+        type: integer
+      vdisk-default:
+        type: integer
+      vdisk-units:
+        type: string
+        default: "GB"
+      vdisk-min:
+        type: integer
+      vdisk-max:
+        type: integer
+      vnf-type: 
+        type: string
+      software-version: 
+        type: string
+      software-version-state:
+        type: integer
+      software-file-name: 
+        type: string
+      vnf-feature: 
+        type: string
+      management-v6-address:
+        type: string
+      nm-lan-v6-address: 
+        type: string
+      nm-lan-v6-prefix-length:
+        type: string
+      management-v4-address:
+        type: string
+      nm-lan-v4-address:
+        type: string
+      nm-lan-v4-prefix-length:
+        type: string
+      routing-instance-name:
+        type: string
+      routing-instances:                   
+        type: map
+      entry_schema:                   
+        type: string
+    requirements: 
+      - host:
+          capability: tosca.capabilities.Container
+          relationship: tosca.relationships.HostedOn
+    capabilities:
+      binding:
+        type:
+        occurrences: [1,UNBOUNDED]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/VFCWithAttributes.yml b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/VFCWithAttributes.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..133fd02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/VFCWithAttributes.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_0_0
+  org.openecomp.resource.vfc.VFC:
+    derived_from: tosca.nodes.Root
+    properties: 
+      jcp-memory:
+        type: integer
+        description: GB
+      jcp-disk:
+        type: integer
+        description: GB
+      jcp-version:
+        type: version
+    attributes:
+      my_attr:
+        type: integer
+      private_address:
+        type: string
+      public_address:
+        type: string
+      networks:
+        type: map
+        entry_schema:
+          type:
+      ports:
+        type: map
+        entry_schema:
+          type:
+    capabilities: 
+      vnf_hosting: 
+        type: tosca.capabilities.Container
+        description: Provides hosting capability for VNFs   
+      WAN_connectivity:
+        type:
+        valid_source_types: [org.openecomp.cp.Wan]
+        description: external WAN1 n/w interface
+        occurrences: [1,2]
+      LAN_connectivity:
+        type:
+        valid_source_types: [org.openecomp.cp.Lan]
+        description: external LAN n/w interface
+        occurrences: [1,8]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/VL.yml b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/VL.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74a2405
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/VL.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_0_0
+  org.openecomp.resource.vl.VL1we23:
+    derived_from: tosca.nodes.Root
+    properties:
+      vendor:
+        type: string
+        required: false
+      vl_name:
+        type: string
+        required: false
+    capabilities:
+       virtual_linkable:
+        type:
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/Valid xml.xml b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/Valid xml.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d67e48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/Valid xml.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<entry loc="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_79" stamp="1449076618518"/>
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/Valid_tosca_Mycompute.yml b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/Valid_tosca_Mycompute.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8fac5e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/Valid_tosca_Mycompute.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_0_0
+  org.openecomp.resource.vf.Database:
+    derived_from: tosca.nodes.Root
+    attributes:
+      private_address:
+        type: string
+      public_address:
+        type: string
+      networks:
+        type: map
+        entry_schema:
+          type:
+      ports:
+        type: map
+        entry_schema:
+          type:
+    requirements:
+      - local_storage: 
+          capability: tosca.capabilities.Attachment
+          node: tosca.nodes.BlockStorage
+          relationship: tosca.relationships.AttachesTo
+          occurrences: [0, UNBOUNDED]  
+    capabilities:
+      host: 
+        type: tosca.capabilities.Container
+        valid_source_types: [tosca.nodes.SoftwareComponent] 
+      endpoint :
+        type: tosca.capabilities.Endpoint.Admin 
+      os: 
+        type: tosca.capabilities.OperatingSystem
+      scalable:
+        type: tosca.capabilities.Scalable
+      binding:
+        type:
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/Valid_tosca_ReplaceTest.yml b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/Valid_tosca_ReplaceTest.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90e771d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/Valid_tosca_ReplaceTest.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_0_0
+  org.openecomp.resource.VF.MyCompute:
+    derived_from: tosca.nodes.Root
+    attributes:
+      private_address:
+        type: string
+      public_address:
+        type: string
+      networks:
+        type: map
+        entry_schema:
+          type:
+      ports:
+        type: map
+        entry_schema:
+          type:
+    requirements:
+      - local_storage: 
+          capability: tosca.capabilities.Attachment
+          node: tosca.nodes.BlockStorage
+          relationship: tosca.relationships.AttachesTo
+          occurrences: [0, UNBOUNDED]  
+    capabilities:
+      host: 
+        type: tosca.capabilities.Container
+        valid_source_types: [tosca.nodes.SoftwareComponent] 
+      endpoint :
+        type: tosca.capabilities.Endpoint.Admin 
+      os: 
+        type: tosca.capabilities.OperatingSystem
+      scalable:
+        type: tosca.capabilities.Scalable
+      binding:
+        type:
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/hot-nimbus-oam-volumes_v0.3.env b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/hot-nimbus-oam-volumes_v0.3.env
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b494d8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/hot-nimbus-oam-volumes_v0.3.env
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+  pcrf_oam_vol_size: 500
+  pcrf_oam_volume_silver-1: Silver
+  pcrf_oam_volume_silver-2: Silver
+  pcrf_oam_vol_name_1: sde1-pcrfx01-oam001-vol-1
+  pcrf_oam_vol_name_2: sde1-pcrfx01-oam001-vol-2
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/hot-nimbus-oam_v0.6.env b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/hot-nimbus-oam_v0.6.env
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf7cf71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/hot-nimbus-oam_v0.6.env
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+  pcrf_oam_server_names: ZRDM1PCRF01OAM001,ZRDM1PCRF01OAM002
+  pcrf_oam_image_name: PCRF_8.995-ATTM1.0.3.qcow2
+  pcrf_oam_flavor_name: lc.4xlarge4
+  availabilityzone_name: nova
+  pcrf_cps_net_name: int_pcrf_net_0
+  pcrf_cps_net_ips:,
+  pcrf_arbiter_vip:
+  pcrf_cps_net_mask:
+  pcrf_oam_net_name: oam_protected_net_0
+  pcrf_oam_net_ips:,
+  pcrf_oam_net_gw:
+  pcrf_oam_net_mask:
+  pcrf_oam_volume_id_1: a4aa05fb-fcdc-457b-8077-6845fdfc3257
+  pcrf_oam_volume_id_2: 93d8fc1f-f1c3-4933-86b2-039881ee910f
+  pcrf_security_group_name: nimbus_security_group
+  pcrf_vnf_id: 730797234b4a40aa99335157b02871cd
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/hot-nimbus-oam_v0.6.yaml b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/hot-nimbus-oam_v0.6.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6636eba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/hot-nimbus-oam_v0.6.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+heat_template_version: 2013-05-23
+description: heat template that creates multiple PCRF OAM nodes stack
+  pcrf_oam_server_names:
+    type: comma_delimited_list
+    label: PCRF OAM server names
+    description: name of the PCRF OAM instance
+  pcrf_oam_image_name:
+    type: string
+    label: PCRF OAM image name
+    description: PCRF OAM image name
+  pcrf_oam_flavor_name:
+    type: string
+    label: PCRF OAM flavor name
+    description: flavor name of PCRF OAM instance
+  availabilityzone_name:
+    type: string
+    label: availabilityzone name
+    description: availabilityzone name
+  pcrf_cps_net_name:
+    type: string
+    label: CPS network name
+    description: CPS network name
+  pcrf_cps_net_ips:
+    type: comma_delimited_list
+    label: CPS network ips
+    description: CPS network ips
+  pcrf_cps_net_mask:
+    type: string
+    label: CPS network mask
+    description: CPS network mask
+  pcrf_arbiter_vip:
+    type: string
+    label: OAM Arbiter LB VIP
+    description: OAM Arbiter LB VIP
+  pcrf_oam_net_name:
+    type: string
+    label: OAM network name
+    description: OAM network name
+  pcrf_oam_net_ips:
+    type: comma_delimited_list
+    label: OAM network ips
+    description: OAM network ips
+  pcrf_oam_net_gw:
+    type: string
+    label: CPS network gateway
+    description: CPS network gateway
+  pcrf_oam_net_mask:
+    type: string
+    label: CPS network mask
+    description: CPS network mask
+  pcrf_oam_volume_id_1:
+    type: string
+    label: CPS OAM 001 Cinder Volume
+    description: CPS OAM 001 Cinder Volumes
+  pcrf_oam_volume_id_2:
+    type: string
+    label: CPS OAM 002 Cinder Volume
+    description: CPS OAM 002 Cinder Volumes
+  pcrf_security_group_name:
+    type: string
+    label: security group name
+    description: the name of security group
+  pcrf_vnf_id:
+    type: string
+    label: PCRF VNF Id
+    description: PCRF VNF Id
+  server_pcrf_oam_001:
+    type: nested-oam_v0.2.yaml
+    properties:
+      pcrf_oam_server_name: { get_param: [pcrf_oam_server_names, 0] }
+      pcrf_oam_image_name: { get_param: pcrf_oam_image_name }
+      pcrf_oam_flavor_name: { get_param: pcrf_oam_flavor_name }
+      availabilityzone_name: { get_param: availabilityzone_name }
+      pcrf_security_group_name: { get_param: pcrf_security_group_name }
+      pcrf_oam_volume_id: { get_param: pcrf_oam_volume_id_1 }
+      pcrf_cps_net_name: { get_param: pcrf_cps_net_name }
+      pcrf_cps_net_ip: { get_param: [pcrf_cps_net_ips, 0] }
+      pcrf_cps_net_mask: { get_param: pcrf_cps_net_mask }
+      pcrf_oam_net_name: { get_param: pcrf_oam_net_name }
+      pcrf_oam_net_ip: { get_param: [pcrf_oam_net_ips, 0] }
+      pcrf_oam_net_mask: { get_param: pcrf_oam_net_mask }
+      pcrf_oam_net_gw: { get_param: pcrf_oam_net_gw }
+      pcrf_arbiter_vip: { get_param: pcrf_arbiter_vip }
+      pcrf_vnf_id: {get_param: pcrf_vnf_id}
+  server_pcrf_oam_002:
+    type: nested-oam_v0.2.yaml
+    properties:
+      pcrf_oam_server_name: { get_param: [pcrf_oam_server_names, 1] }
+      pcrf_oam_image_name: { get_param: pcrf_oam_image_name }
+      pcrf_oam_flavor_name: { get_param: pcrf_oam_flavor_name }
+      availabilityzone_name: { get_param: availabilityzone_name }
+      pcrf_security_group_name: { get_param: pcrf_security_group_name }
+      pcrf_oam_volume_id: { get_param: pcrf_oam_volume_id_2 }
+      pcrf_cps_net_name: { get_param: pcrf_cps_net_name }
+      pcrf_cps_net_ip: { get_param: [pcrf_cps_net_ips, 1] }
+      pcrf_cps_net_mask: { get_param: pcrf_cps_net_mask }
+      pcrf_oam_net_name: { get_param: pcrf_oam_net_name }
+      pcrf_oam_net_ip: { get_param: [pcrf_oam_net_ips, 1] }
+      pcrf_oam_net_mask: { get_param: pcrf_oam_net_mask }
+      pcrf_oam_net_gw: { get_param: pcrf_oam_net_gw }
+      pcrf_arbiter_vip: { get_param: pcrf_arbiter_vip }
+      pcrf_vnf_id: {get_param: pcrf_vnf_id}
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/hot-nimbus-pcm_v0.6.yaml b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/hot-nimbus-pcm_v0.6.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5641041
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/hot-nimbus-pcm_v0.6.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+heat_template_version: 2013-05-23
+description: heat template that creates PCRF Cluman stack
+  pcrf_pcm_server_names:
+    type: comma_delimited_list
+    label: PCRF CM server names
+    description: name of the PCRF CM instance
+  pcrf_pcm_image_name:
+    type: string
+    label: PCRF CM image name
+    description: PCRF CM image name
+  pcrf_pcm_flavor_name:
+    type: string
+    label: PCRF CM flavor name
+    description: flavor name of PCRF CM instance
+  availabilityzone_name:
+    type: string
+    label: availabilityzone name
+    description: availabilityzone name
+  pcrf_cps_net_name:
+    type: string
+    label: CPS network name
+    description: CPS network name
+  pcrf_cps_net_ips:
+    type: comma_delimited_list
+    label: CPS network ips
+    description: CPS network ips
+  pcrf_cps_net_mask:
+    type: string
+    label: CPS network mask
+    description: CPS network mask
+  pcrf_oam_net_name:
+    type: string
+    label: OAM network name
+    description: OAM network name
+  pcrf_oam_net_ips:
+    type: comma_delimited_list
+    label: OAM network ips
+    description: OAM network ips
+  pcrf_oam_net_gw:
+    type: string
+    label: CPS network gateway
+    description: CPS network gateway
+  pcrf_oam_net_mask:
+    type: string
+    label: CPS network mask
+    description: CPS network mask
+  pcrf_pcm_volume_id_1:
+    type: string
+    label: CPS Cluman Cinder Volume
+    description: CPS Cluman Cinder Volume
+  pcrf_security_group_name:
+    type: string
+    label: security group name
+    description: the name of security group
+  pcrf_vnf_id:
+    type: string
+    label: PCRF VNF Id
+    description: PCRF VNF Id
+  server_pcrf_pcm_001:
+    type: nested-pcm_v0.2.yaml
+    properties:
+      pcrf_pcm_server_name: { get_param: [pcrf_pcm_server_names, 0] }
+      pcrf_pcm_image_name: { get_param: pcrf_pcm_image_name }
+      pcrf_pcm_flavor_name: { get_param: pcrf_pcm_flavor_name }
+      availabilityzone_name: { get_param: availabilityzone_name }
+      pcrf_security_group_name: { get_param: pcrf_security_group_name }
+      pcrf_pcm_volume_id: { get_param: pcrf_pcm_volume_id_1 }
+      pcrf_cps_net_name: { get_param: pcrf_cps_net_name }
+      pcrf_cps_net_ip: { get_param: [pcrf_cps_net_ips, 0] }
+      pcrf_cps_net_mask: { get_param: pcrf_cps_net_mask }
+      pcrf_oam_net_name: { get_param: pcrf_oam_net_name }
+      pcrf_oam_net_ip: { get_param: [pcrf_oam_net_ips, 0] }
+      pcrf_oam_net_mask: { get_param: pcrf_oam_net_mask }
+      pcrf_oam_net_gw: { get_param: pcrf_oam_net_gw }
+      pcrf_vnf_id: {get_param: pcrf_vnf_id}
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/myYang.xml b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/myYang.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d86d21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/myYang.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<beans xmlns=""
+	xmlns:xsi=""
+	xsi:schemaLocation="
+	<bean id="muranoLogic" class="org.openecomp.sdc.impl.MuranoLogic"> </bean>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/mycompute.yml b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/mycompute.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8a0c03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/mycompute.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_0_0
+  org.openecomp.resource.vfc.mycompute:
+    derived_from: tosca.nodes.Compute
+    capabilities:
+      scalable:
+        type: tosca.capabilities.Scalable 
+        properties:
+          propertyForTest:
+            type: string
+            description: test
+            required: true
+            default: success
+          # min_instances property should override property from tosca.capabilities.Scalable 
+          min_instances: 
+            type: integer
+            default: 3
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/service_with_inputs.csar b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/service_with_inputs.csar
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4d4881
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/service_with_inputs.csar
Binary files differ
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ecde2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51e654a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/vFW_VF.yml b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/vFW_VF.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..100883e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/vFW_VF.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_0_0
+  org.openecomp.resource.vf.vFW: 
+    derived_from: tosca.nodes.Root
+    properties: 
+      att-part-number:
+        type: string
+      vendor-name:
+        type: string
+      vendor-part-number:
+        type: string
+      vendor-model:
+        type: string
+      vendor-model-description:
+        type: string
+      vcpu-default:
+        type: integer
+      vcpu-min:
+        type: integer
+      vcpu-max:
+        type: integer
+      vmemory-default:
+        type: integer        
+      vmemory-units:
+        type: string
+        default: "GB"
+      vmemory-min:
+        type: integer
+      vmemory-max:
+        type: integer
+      vdisk-default:
+        type: integer
+      vdisk-units:
+        type: string
+        default: "GB"
+      vdisk-min:
+        type: integer
+      vdisk-max:
+        type: integer
+      vnf-type: 
+        type: string
+      software-version: 
+        type: version
+      software-version-state:
+        type: integer
+      software-file-name: 
+        type: string
+      vnf-feature: 
+        type: string
+    requirements: 
+      - host:
+          capability: tosca.capabilities.Container
+          relationship: tosca.relationships.HostedOn
+    capabilities:
+      binding:
+        type:
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/vFW_VFC.yml b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/vFW_VFC.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0814c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/vFW_VFC.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_0_0
+  org.openecomp.resource.vfc.vFW: 
+    derived_from: tosca.nodes.Root
+    properties: 
+      att-part-number:
+        type: string
+      vendor-name:
+        type: string
+      vendor-part-number:
+        type: string
+      vendor-model:
+        type: string
+      vendor-model-description:
+        type: string
+      vcpu-default:
+        type: integer
+      vcpu-min:
+        type: integer
+      vcpu-max:
+        type: integer
+      vmemory-default:
+        type: integer        
+      vmemory-units:
+        type: string
+        default: "GB"
+      vmemory-min:
+        type: integer
+      vmemory-max:
+        type: integer
+      vdisk-default:
+        type: integer
+      vdisk-units:
+        type: string
+        default: "GB"
+      vdisk-min:
+        type: integer
+      vdisk-max:
+        type: integer
+      vnf-type: 
+        type: string
+      software-version: 
+        type: version
+      software-version-state:
+        type: integer
+      software-file-name: 
+        type: string
+      vnf-feature: 
+        type: string
+    requirements: 
+      - host:
+          capability: tosca.capabilities.Container
+          relationship: tosca.relationships.HostedOn
+    capabilities:
+      binding:
+        type:
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/vRouter_vfc.yml b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/vRouter_vfc.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95ffe95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/vRouter_vfc.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_0_0
+  org.openecomp.resource.vfc.vRouter: 
+    derived_from: tosca.nodes.Root
+    properties: 
+      att-part-number:
+        type: string
+      vendor-name:
+        type: string
+      vendor-part-number:
+        type: string
+      vendor-model:
+        type: string
+      vendor-model-description:
+        type: string
+      vcpu-default:
+        type: integer
+      vcpu-min:
+        type: integer
+      vcpu-max:
+        type: integer
+      vmemory-default:
+        type: integer        
+      vmemory-units:
+        type: string
+        default: "GB"
+      vmemory-min:
+        type: integer
+      vmemory-max:
+        type: integer
+      vdisk-default:
+        type: integer
+      vdisk-units:
+        type: string
+        default: "GB"
+      vdisk-min:
+        type: integer
+      vdisk-max:
+        type: integer
+      vnf-type: 
+        type: string
+      software-version: 
+        type: string
+      software-version-state:
+        type: integer
+      software-file-name: 
+        type: string
+      vnf-feature: 
+        type: string
+      management-v6-address:
+        type: string
+      nm-lan-v6-address: 
+        type: string
+      nm-lan-v6-prefix-length:
+        type: string
+      management-v4-address:
+        type: string
+      nm-lan-v4-address:
+        type: string
+      nm-lan-v4-prefix-length:
+        type: string
+      routing-instance-name:
+        type: string
+      routing-instances:                   
+        type: map
+      entry_schema:                   
+        type: string
+    requirements: 
+      - host:
+          capability: tosca.capabilities.Container
+          relationship: tosca.relationships.HostedOn
+    capabilities:
+      binding:
+        type:
+        occurrences: [1,UNBOUNDED]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/valid HEAT_ENV files.env b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/valid HEAT_ENV files.env
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e576c0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/valid HEAT_ENV files.env
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+  flavor_scp_be_id: m1.small
+  flavor_scp_fe_id: m1.small
+  flavor_smp_id: m1.small
+  flavor_db_id: m1.small
+  image_scp_be_id: CCLINUX
+  image_scp_fe_id: CCLINUX
+  image_smp_id: CCLINUX
+  image_db_id: CCLINUX
+  int_vscp_fe_cluster_net_id: int_vscp_fe_cluster_net
+  int_vscp_fe_cluster_cidr:
+  int_vscp_cluster_net_id: int_vscp_cluster_net
+  int_vscp_cluster_cidr:
+  int_vscp_db_network_net_id: int_vscp_db_network_net
+  int_vscp_db_network_cidr:
+  SIGNET_vrf_A1_direct_net_id: SIGNET_vrf_A1_direct_net
+  SIGNET_vrf_B1_direct_net_id: SIGNET_vrf_B1_direct_net
+  Cricket_OCS_protected_net_id: Cricket_OCS_protected_net
+#  OAM_direct_net_id: OAM_net
+#  OAM_direct_net_id: oam-direct-net
+  OAM_direct_net_id: Marks_OAM_direct_net
+  be0_Cricket_OCS_protected_ips:
+  be1_Cricket_OCS_protected_ips:
+  be2_Cricket_OCS_protected_ips:
+  be3_Cricket_OCS_protected_ips:
+  be4_Cricket_OCS_protected_ips:
+  be0_OAM_direct_ips:
+  be1_OAM_direct_ips:
+  be2_OAM_direct_ips:
+  be3_OAM_direct_ips:
+  be4_OAM_direct_ips:
+  fe0_SIGNET_vrf_A1_direct_ips:
+  fe0_OAM_direct_ips:
+  fe1_SIGNET_vrf_B1_direct_ips:
+  fe1_OAM_direct_ips:
+  smp0_OAM_direct_ips:
+  smp1_OAM_direct_ips:
+  db0_OAM_direct_ips:
+  db1_OAM_direct_ips:
+  vm_scp_be0_name: vSCP_BE0
+  vm_scp_be1_name: vSCP_BE1
+  vm_scp_be2_name: vSCP_BE2
+  vm_scp_be3_name: vSCP_BE3
+  vm_scp_be4_name: vSCP_BE4
+  vm_scp_fe0_name: vSCP_FE0
+  vm_scp_fe1_name: vSCP_FE1
+  vm_smp0_name: vSMP0
+  vm_smp1_name: vSMP1
+  vm_db0_name: vDB0
+  vm_db1_name: vDB1
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/validHEATfiles.yaml b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/validHEATfiles.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6835485
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/validHEATfiles.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,787 @@
+heat_template_version: 2013-05-23
+#  Changes in v0.2:
+#  - Unique availability zone for each VM
+#  - LAN8 and SLAN networks removed according to latest Prod/Type I diagram
+#  - 2 DB VMs added
+#  - Images corrected
+#  - VM start-up order: SMP->DB->BE->FE (no error handling yet)
+#  - Provisioning scripts placeholders
+description: ASC Template
+#  availability_zone_smp0:
+#    type: string
+#    default: nova
+#  availability_zone_smp1:
+#    type: string
+#    default: nova
+#  availability_zone_fe0:
+#    type: string
+#    default: nova
+#  availability_zone_fe1:
+#    type: string
+#    default: nova
+#  availability_zone_db0:
+#    type: string
+#    default: nova
+#  availability_zone_db1:
+#    type: string
+#    default: nova
+#  availability_zone_be0:
+#    type: string
+#    default: nova
+#  availability_zone_be1:
+#    type: string
+#    default: nova
+#  availability_zone_be2:
+#    type: string
+#    default: nova
+#  availability_zone_be3:
+#    type: string
+#    default: nova
+#  availability_zone_be4:
+#    type: string
+#    default: nova
+  vnf_name:
+    type: string
+    description: Unique name for this VNF instance
+    default: This_is_the_SCP_name
+  vnf_id:
+    type: string
+    description: Unique ID for this VNF instance
+    default: This_is_ths_SCP_id
+  flavor_scp_be_id:
+    type: string
+    description: flavor type
+    default: a1.Small
+  flavor_scp_fe_id:
+    type: string
+    description: flavor type
+    default: a1.Small
+  flavor_smp_id:
+    type: string
+    description: flavor type
+    default: a1.Small
+  flavor_db_id:
+    type: string
+    description: flavor type
+    default: a1.Small
+  image_scp_be_id:
+    type: string
+    description: Image use to boot a server
+    default: asc_base_image_be
+  image_scp_fe_id:
+    type: string
+    description: Image use to boot a server
+    default: asc_base_image_fe    
+  image_smp_id:
+    type: string
+    description: Image use to boot a server
+    default: asc_base_image_smp
+  image_db_id:
+    type: string
+    description: Image use to boot a server
+    default: asc_base_image_db
+  int_vscp_fe_cluster_net_id:
+    type: string
+    description: LAN2 FE Cluster/KA
+  int_vscp_fe_cluster_cidr:
+    type: string
+    description: Private Network2 Address (CIDR notation)
+  int_vscp_cluster_net_id:
+    type: string
+    description: LAN3 Cluster
+  int_vscp_cluster_cidr:
+    type: string
+    description: Private Network3 Address (CIDR notation)
+  int_vscp_db_network_net_id:
+    type: string
+    description: LAN4 DB
+  int_vscp_db_network_cidr:
+    type: string
+    description: Private Network4 Address (CIDR notation)
+  SIGNET_vrf_A1_direct_net_id:
+    type: string
+    description: Network name for SIGTRAN_A
+  SIGNET_vrf_B1_direct_net_id:
+    type: string
+    description: Network name for SIGTRAN_B
+  Cricket_OCS_protected_net_id:
+    type: string
+    description: Network name for CRICKET_OCS
+  OAM_direct_net_id:
+    type: string
+    description: Network name for OAM
+  be0_Cricket_OCS_protected_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: be0 port 5 OAM ip address
+    description: be0 port 5 OAM ip address
+  be1_Cricket_OCS_protected_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: be1 port 5 OAM ip address
+    description: be1 port 5 OAM ip address
+  be2_Cricket_OCS_protected_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: be2 port 5 OAM ip address
+    description: be2 port 5 OAM ip address
+  be3_Cricket_OCS_protected_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: be3 port 5 OAM ip address
+    description: be3 port 5 OAM ip address
+  be4_Cricket_OCS_protected_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: be4 port 5 OAM ip address
+    description: be4 port 5 OAM ip address
+  be0_OAM_direct_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: be0 port 7 OAM ip address
+    description: be0 port 7 OAM ip address
+  be1_OAM_direct_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: be1 port 7 OAM ip address
+    description: be1 port 7 OAM ip address
+  be2_OAM_direct_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: be2 port 7 OAM ip address
+    description: be2 port 7 OAM ip address
+  be3_OAM_direct_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: be3 port 7 OAM ip address
+    description: be3 port 7 OAM ip address
+  be4_OAM_direct_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: be4 port 7 OAM ip address
+    description: be4 port 7 OAM ip address
+  fe0_SIGNET_vrf_A1_direct_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: fe0 port 0 SIGTRAN ip address
+    description: fe0 port 0 SIGTRAN ip address
+  fe0_OAM_direct_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: fe0 port 7 OAM ip address
+    description: fe0 port 7 OAM ip address
+  fe1_SIGNET_vrf_B1_direct_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: fe1 port 1 SIGTRAN ip address
+    description: fe1 port 1 SIGTRAN ip address
+  fe1_OAM_direct_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: fe1 port 7 OAM ip address
+    description: fe1 port 7 OAM ip address
+  smp0_OAM_direct_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: smp0 port 7 OAM ip address
+    description: smp0 port 7 OAM ip address
+  smp1_OAM_direct_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: smp1 port 7 OAM ip address
+    description: smp1 port 7 OAM ip address
+  db0_OAM_direct_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: db0 port 7 OAM ip address
+    description: smp0 port 7 OAM ip address
+  db1_OAM_direct_ips:
+    type: string
+    label: smp1 port 7 OAM ip address
+    description: db1 port 7 OAM ip address
+  vm_scp_be0_name:
+    type: string
+    default: vSCP_BE0
+    description: name of VM
+  vm_scp_be1_name:
+    type: string
+    default: vSCP_BE1
+    description: name of VM    
+  vm_scp_be2_name:
+    type: string
+    default: vSCP_BE2
+    description: name of VM
+  vm_scp_be3_name:
+    type: string
+    default: vSCP_BE3
+    description: name of VM
+  vm_scp_be4_name:
+    type: string
+    default: vSCP_BE4
+    description: name of VM
+  vm_scp_fe0_name:
+    type: string
+    default: vSCP_FE0
+    description: name of VM
+  vm_scp_fe1_name:
+    type: string
+    default: vSCP_FE1
+    description: name of VM
+  vm_smp0_name:
+    type: string
+    default: vSMP0
+    description: name of VM
+  vm_smp1_name:
+    type: string
+    default: vSMP1
+    description: name of VM
+  vm_db0_name:
+    type: string
+    default: vDB0
+    description: name of VM
+  vm_db1_name:
+    type: string
+    default: vDB1
+    description: name of VM
+#  scp_be_wait_condition:
+#    type: OS::Heat::WaitCondition
+#    properties:
+#      handle: { get_resource: scp_be_wait_handle }
+#      count: 5
+#      timeout: 300
+#  scp_be_wait_handle:
+#    type: OS::Heat::WaitConditionHandle
+#  scp_fe_wait_condition:
+#    type: OS::Heat::WaitCondition
+#    properties:
+#      handle: { get_resource: scp_fe_wait_handle }
+#      count: 2
+#      timeout: 300
+#  scp_fe_wait_handle:
+#    type: OS::Heat::WaitConditionHandle
+#  smp_wait_condition:
+#    type: OS::Heat::WaitCondition
+#    properties:
+#      handle: { get_resource: smp_wait_handle }
+#      count: 2
+#      timeout: 300
+#  smp_wait_handle:
+#    type: OS::Heat::WaitConditionHandle
+#  db_wait_condition:
+#    type: OS::Heat::WaitCondition
+#    properties:
+#      handle: { get_resource: db_wait_handle }
+#      count: 2
+#      timeout: 300
+#  db_wait_handle:
+#    type: OS::Heat::WaitConditionHandle
+  FE_Affinity:
+    type: OS::Nova::ServerGroup
+    properties:
+      policies: ["anti-affinity"] 
+  BE_Affinity:
+    type: OS::Nova::ServerGroup
+    properties:
+      policies: ["anti-affinity"]
+  SMP_Affinity:
+    type: OS::Nova::ServerGroup
+    properties:
+      policies: ["anti-affinity"]
+  DB_Affinity:
+    type: OS::Nova::ServerGroup
+    properties:
+      policies: ["anti-affinity"]
+  FE_Clustering_KA:
+    type: OS::Contrail::VirtualNetwork
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: int_vscp_fe_cluster_net_id }
+  FE_Clustering_subnet:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Subnet
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: FE_Clustering_KA }
+      cidr: { get_param: int_vscp_fe_cluster_cidr }
+  Clustering_Network:
+    type: OS::Contrail::VirtualNetwork
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: int_vscp_cluster_net_id }
+  Clustering_Network_subnet:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Subnet
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: Clustering_Network }
+      cidr: { get_param: int_vscp_cluster_cidr }
+  DB_Network:
+    type: OS::Contrail::VirtualNetwork
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: int_vscp_db_network_net_id }
+  DB_Network_subnet:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Subnet
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: DB_Network }
+      cidr: { get_param: int_vscp_db_network_cidr }
+  server_scp_be0:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+#    depends on: db_wait_condition
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: vm_scp_be0_name }
+      image: { get_param: image_scp_be_id }
+#      availability_zone: { get_param: availability_zone_be0 }
+      flavor: { get_param: flavor_scp_be_id }
+      scheduler_hints: { group: { get_resource: BE_Affinity } }
+      networks:
+      - port: { get_resource: be0_port_3 }
+      - port: { get_resource: be0_port_4 }
+      - port: { get_resource: be0_port_5 }
+      - port: { get_resource: be0_port_7 }
+      metadata:
+        vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id }
+      user_data:
+        str_replace:
+          template: |
+            #!/bin/bash
+            #todo: provision $vm_name
+            wc_notify --data-binary '{"status": "SUCCESS"}'
+          params:
+            $vm_name: {get_param: vm_scp_be0_name}
+#            wc_notify: { get_attr: ['scp_be_wait_handle', 'curl_cli'] }
+  be0_port_3:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: Clustering_Network }
+  be0_port_4:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: DB_Network }
+  be0_port_5:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: Cricket_OCS_protected_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: be0_Cricket_OCS_protected_ips}}]
+  be0_port_7:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: OAM_direct_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: be0_OAM_direct_ips}}]
+  server_scp_be1:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+#    depends on: db_wait_condition
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: vm_scp_be1_name }
+      image: { get_param: image_scp_be_id }
+#      availability_zone: { get_param: availability_zone_be1 }
+      flavor: { get_param: flavor_scp_be_id }
+      scheduler_hints: { group: { get_resource: BE_Affinity } }
+      networks:
+      - port: { get_resource: be1_port_3 }
+      - port: { get_resource: be1_port_4 }
+      - port: { get_resource: be1_port_5 }
+      - port: { get_resource: be1_port_7 }
+      metadata:
+        vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id }
+      user_data:
+        str_replace:
+          template: |
+            #!/bin/bash
+            #todo: provision $vm_name
+            wc_notify --data-binary '{"status": "SUCCESS"}'
+          params:
+            $vm_name: {get_param: vm_scp_be1_name}
+#            wc_notify: { get_attr: ['scp_be_wait_handle', 'curl_cli'] }
+  be1_port_3:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: Clustering_Network }
+  be1_port_4:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: DB_Network }
+  be1_port_5:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: Cricket_OCS_protected_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: be1_Cricket_OCS_protected_ips}}]
+  be1_port_7:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: OAM_direct_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: be1_OAM_direct_ips}}]
+  server_scp_be2:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+#    depends on: db_wait_condition
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: vm_scp_be2_name }
+      image: { get_param: image_scp_be_id }
+#      availability_zone: { get_param: availability_zone_be2 }
+      flavor: { get_param: flavor_scp_be_id }
+      scheduler_hints: { group: { get_resource: BE_Affinity } }
+      networks:
+      - port: { get_resource: be2_port_3 }
+      - port: { get_resource: be2_port_4 }
+      - port: { get_resource: be2_port_5 }
+      - port: { get_resource: be2_port_7 }
+      metadata:
+        vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id }
+      user_data:
+        str_replace:
+          template: |
+            #!/bin/bash
+            #todo: provision $vm_name
+            wc_notify --data-binary '{"status": "SUCCESS"}'
+          params:
+            $vm_name: {get_param: vm_scp_be2_name}
+#            wc_notify: { get_attr: ['scp_be_wait_handle', 'curl_cli'] }
+  be2_port_3:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: Clustering_Network }
+  be2_port_4:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: DB_Network }
+  be2_port_5:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: Cricket_OCS_protected_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: be2_Cricket_OCS_protected_ips}}]
+  be2_port_7:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: OAM_direct_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: be2_OAM_direct_ips}}]
+  server_scp_be3:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+#    depends on: db_wait_condition
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: vm_scp_be3_name }
+      image: { get_param: image_scp_be_id }
+#      availability_zone: { get_param: availability_zone_be3 }
+      flavor: { get_param: flavor_scp_be_id }
+      scheduler_hints: { group: { get_resource: BE_Affinity } }
+      networks:
+      - port: { get_resource: be3_port_3 }
+      - port: { get_resource: be3_port_4 }
+      - port: { get_resource: be3_port_5 }
+      - port: { get_resource: be3_port_7 }
+      metadata:
+        vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id }
+      user_data:
+        str_replace:
+          template: |
+            #!/bin/bash
+            #todo: provision $vm_name
+            wc_notify --data-binary '{"status": "SUCCESS"}'
+          params:
+            $vm_name: {get_param: vm_scp_be3_name}
+#            wc_notify: { get_attr: ['scp_be_wait_handle', 'curl_cli'] }
+  be3_port_3:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: Clustering_Network }
+  be3_port_4:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: DB_Network }
+  be3_port_5:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: Cricket_OCS_protected_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: be3_Cricket_OCS_protected_ips}}]
+  be3_port_7:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: OAM_direct_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: be3_OAM_direct_ips}}]
+  server_scp_be4:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+#    depends on: db_wait_condition
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: vm_scp_be4_name }
+      image: { get_param: image_scp_be_id }
+#      availability_zone: { get_param: availability_zone_be4 }
+      flavor: { get_param: flavor_scp_be_id }
+      scheduler_hints: { group: { get_resource: BE_Affinity } }
+      networks:
+      - port: { get_resource: be4_port_3 }
+      - port: { get_resource: be4_port_4 }
+      - port: { get_resource: be4_port_5 }
+      - port: { get_resource: be4_port_7 }
+      metadata:
+        vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id }
+      user_data:
+        str_replace:
+          template: |
+            #!/bin/bash
+            #todo: provision $vm_name
+            wc_notify --data-binary '{"status": "SUCCESS"}'
+          params:
+            $vm_name: {get_param: vm_scp_be4_name}
+#            wc_notify: { get_attr: ['scp_be_wait_handle', 'curl_cli'] }
+  be4_port_3:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: Clustering_Network }
+  be4_port_4:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: DB_Network }
+  be4_port_5:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: Cricket_OCS_protected_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: be4_Cricket_OCS_protected_ips}}]
+  be4_port_7:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: OAM_direct_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: be4_OAM_direct_ips}}]
+  server_scp_fe0:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+#    depends on: scp_be_wait_condition
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: vm_scp_fe0_name }
+      image: { get_param: image_scp_fe_id }
+#      availability_zone: { get_param: availability_zone_fe0 }
+      flavor: { get_param: flavor_scp_fe_id }
+      scheduler_hints: { group: { get_resource: FE_Affinity } }
+      networks:
+      - port: { get_resource: fe0_port_0 }
+      - port: { get_resource: fe0_port_2 }
+      - port: { get_resource: fe0_port_3 }
+      - port: { get_resource: fe0_port_7 }
+      metadata:
+        vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id }
+      user_data:
+        str_replace:
+          template: |
+            #!/bin/bash
+            #todo: provision $vm_name
+            wc_notify --data-binary '{"status": "SUCCESS"}'
+          params:
+            $vm_name: {get_param: vm_scp_fe0_name}
+#            wc_notify: { get_attr: ['scp_fe_wait_handle', 'curl_cli'] }
+  fe0_port_0:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: SIGNET_vrf_A1_direct_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: fe0_SIGNET_vrf_A1_direct_ips}}]
+  fe0_port_2:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: FE_Clustering_KA }
+  fe0_port_3:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: Clustering_Network }
+  fe0_port_7:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: OAM_direct_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: fe0_OAM_direct_ips}}]
+  server_scp_fe1:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+#    depends on: scp_be_wait_condition
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: vm_scp_fe1_name }
+      image: { get_param: image_scp_fe_id }
+#      availability_zone: { get_param: availability_zone_fe1 }
+      flavor: { get_param: flavor_scp_fe_id }
+      scheduler_hints: { group: { get_resource: FE_Affinity } }
+      networks:
+      - port: { get_resource: fe1_port_1 }
+      - port: { get_resource: fe1_port_2 }
+      - port: { get_resource: fe1_port_3 }
+      - port: { get_resource: fe1_port_7 }
+      metadata:
+        vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id }
+      user_data:
+        str_replace:
+          template: |
+            #!/bin/bash
+            #todo: provision $vm_name
+            wc_notify --data-binary '{"status": "SUCCESS"}'
+          params:
+            $vm_name: {get_param: vm_scp_fe1_name}
+#            wc_notify: { get_attr: ['scp_fe_wait_handle', 'curl_cli'] }
+  fe1_port_1:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: SIGNET_vrf_B1_direct_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: fe1_SIGNET_vrf_B1_direct_ips}}]
+  fe1_port_2:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: FE_Clustering_KA }
+  fe1_port_3:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: Clustering_Network }
+  fe1_port_7:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: OAM_direct_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: fe1_OAM_direct_ips}}]
+  server_smp0:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: vm_smp0_name }
+      image: { get_param: image_smp_id }
+#      availability_zone: { get_param: availability_zone_smp0 }
+      flavor: { get_param: flavor_smp_id }
+      scheduler_hints: { group: { get_resource: SMP_Affinity } }
+      networks:
+      - port: { get_resource: smp0_port_7 }
+      metadata:
+        vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id }
+      user_data:
+        str_replace:
+          template: |
+            #!/bin/bash
+            #todo: provision $vm_name
+            wc_notify --data-binary '{"status": "SUCCESS"}'
+          params:
+            $vm_name: {get_param: vm_smp0_name}
+#            wc_notify: { get_attr: ['smp_wait_handle', 'curl_cli'] }
+  smp0_port_7:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: OAM_direct_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: smp0_OAM_direct_ips}}]
+  server_smp1:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: vm_smp1_name }
+      image: { get_param: image_smp_id }
+#      availability_zone: { get_param: availability_zone_smp1 }
+      flavor: { get_param: flavor_smp_id }
+      scheduler_hints: { group: { get_resource: SMP_Affinity } }
+      networks:
+      - port: { get_resource: smp1_port_7 }
+      metadata:
+        vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id }
+      user_data:
+        str_replace:
+          template: |
+            #!/bin/bash
+            #todo: provision $vm_name
+            wc_notify --data-binary '{"status": "SUCCESS"}'
+          params:
+            $vm_name: {get_param: vm_smp1_name}
+#            wc_notify: { get_attr: ['smp_wait_handle', 'curl_cli'] }
+  smp1_port_7:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: OAM_direct_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: smp1_OAM_direct_ips}}]
+  server_db0:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+#    depends_on: smp_wait_condition
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: vm_db0_name }
+      image: { get_param: image_db_id }
+#      availability_zone: { get_param: availability_zone_db0 }
+      flavor: { get_param: flavor_db_id }
+      scheduler_hints: { group: { get_resource: DB_Affinity } }
+      networks:
+      - port: { get_resource: db0_port_4 }
+      - port: { get_resource: db0_port_7 }
+      metadata:
+        vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id }
+      user_data:
+        str_replace:
+          template: |
+            #!/bin/bash
+            #todo: provision $vm_name
+            wc_notify --data-binary '{"status": "SUCCESS"}'
+          params:
+            $vm_name: {get_param: vm_db0_name}
+#            wc_notify: { get_attr: ['db_wait_handle', 'curl_cli'] }
+  db0_port_4:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: DB_Network }
+  db0_port_7:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: OAM_direct_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: db0_OAM_direct_ips}}]
+  server_db1:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+#    depends_on: smp_wait_condition
+    properties:
+      name: { get_param: vm_db1_name }
+      image: { get_param: image_db_id }
+#      availability_zone: { get_param: availability_zone_db1 }
+      flavor: { get_param: flavor_db_id }
+      scheduler_hints: { group: { get_resource: DB_Affinity } }
+      networks:
+      - port: { get_resource: db1_port_4 }
+      - port: { get_resource: db1_port_7 }
+      metadata:
+        vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id }
+      user_data:
+        str_replace:
+          template: |
+            #!/bin/bash
+            #todo: provision $vm_name
+            wc_notify --data-binary '{"status": "SUCCESS"}'
+          params:
+            $vm_name: {get_param: vm_db1_name}
+#            wc_notify: { get_attr: ['db_wait_handle', 'curl_cli'] }
+  db1_port_4:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network_id: { get_resource: DB_Network }
+  db1_port_7:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: OAM_direct_net_id }
+      fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: db1_OAM_direct_ips}}]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/valid_vf.csar b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/valid_vf.csar
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01bf159
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/valid_vf.csar
Binary files differ
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/vf_with_groups.csar b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/vf_with_groups.csar
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61ea8ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/vf_with_groups.csar
Binary files differ
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/yamlSample.yml b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/yamlSample.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10ccf71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/yamlSample.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_0_0
+  org.openecomp.resource.cp.CP:
+    derived_from: org.openecomp.resource.cp.root
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/yamlSample2.yml b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/yamlSample2.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10ccf71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/Files/yamlSample2.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_0_0
+  org.openecomp.resource.cp.CP:
+    derived_from: org.openecomp.resource.cp.root
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/ci/conf/credentials.yaml b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/ci/conf/credentials.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63a4280
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/ci/conf/credentials.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+    designer: {
+        username: m99121,
+        password: 66-Percent,
+        firstname: ASDC,
+        lastname: KASPIN
+    }
+    admin: {
+        username: m99122,
+        password: 98-Degrees,
+        firstname: ASDC,
+        lastname: KASPIN
+    }
+    ops: {
+        username: m99123,
+        password: 17-Diameter,
+        firstname: ASDC,
+        lastname: KASPIN
+    }
+    tester: {
+        username: m99124,
+        password: 802-NotaGroup,
+        firstname: ASDC,
+        lastname: KASPIN
+    }
+    governor: {
+        username: m99125,
+        password: 142-Officiant,
+        firstname: ASDC,
+        lastname: KASPIN
+    }
+    product_strategist: {
+        username: m99126,
+        password: 1910-FruitGum,
+        firstname: ASDC,
+        lastname: KASPIN
+    }
+    product_manager: {
+        username: m99127,
+        password: 747-Airplane,
+        firstname: ASDC,
+        lastname: KASPIN
+    }
+    product_local: {
+        username: pm0001,
+        password: 123123a,
+        firstname: ASDC,
+        lastname: KASPIN
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/ci/conf/ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/ci/conf/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e159ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/ci/conf/
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# Define the root logger with appender file
+log4j.rootLogger = DEBUG, FILE, stdout
+# Define the file appender
+# Define the layout for file appender
+log4j.appender.FILE.layout.conversionPattern=%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} %5p [%10c] : %m%n
+# Set the maximum file size before rollover
+# Set the the backup index
+# Direct log messages to stdout
+#log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} %-5p %c{1}:%L - %m%n
+log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} %5p %10c:%L - %m%n
+, FILE, stdout
+, FILE, stdout
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/ci/conf/sdc-packages.yaml b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/ci/conf/sdc-packages.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dcb78ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/ci/conf/sdc-packages.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+ -
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/ci/conf/sdc.yaml b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/ci/conf/sdc.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bdca2ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/ci/conf/sdc.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+outputFolder: target
+reportName: index.html
+catalogBeHost: behost
+catalogFeHost: fehost
+esHost: eshost
+disributionClientHost: disClient
+catalogFePort: 8181
+catalogBePort: 8080
+disributionClientPort: 8181
+esPort: 9200
+neoHost: neoHost
+neoPort: 7474
+neoDBusername: neo4j	
+neoDBpassword: 123456
+#url: http://localhost:9000/#/dashboard
+url: http://localhost:8181/sdc1/proxy-designer1#/dashboard
+webSealSimulatorUrl: http://localhost:8285/sdc1
+remoteTestingMachinePort: 5555
+remoteTesting: false
+resourceConfigDir: src/test/resources/CI/tests
+componentsConfigDir: src/test/resources/CI/components
+importResourceConfigDir: ../catalog-be/src/main/resources/import/tosca/capability-types
+importResourceTestsConfigDir: src/test/resources/CI/importResourceTests
+errorConfigurationFile: ../catalog-be/src/main/resources/config/error-configuration.yaml
+configurationFile: ../catalog-be/src/main/resources/config/configuration.yaml
+importTypesConfigDir: src/test/resources/CI/importTypesTest
+titanPropertiesFile: src/main/resources/ci/conf/
+cassandraAuthenticate: false
+cassandraUsername: koko
+cassandraPassword: bobo
+cassandraSsl: false
+cassandraTruststorePath : /path/path
+cassandraTruststorePassword : 123123
+cassandraAuditKeySpace: sdcAudit
+cassandraArtifactKeySpace: sdcArtifact
+stopOnClassFailure: false
+#List of non-abstract resources to keep during titan cleanup between tests
+#Only 1.0 version will be kept
+     - Compute
+     - Database
+     - ObjectStorage
+     - BlockStorage
+     - LoadBalancer
+     - Port
+     - Network
+     - Root
+     - ContainerApplication
+     - ContainerRuntime
+     - DBMS
+     - SoftwareComponent
+     - WebApplication
+     - WebServer
+     - CinderVolume
+     - ContrailVirtualNetwork
+     - NeutronNet
+     - NeutronPort
+     - NovaServer
+#Resource categories to keep (including all their subcategories)
+     - Generic
+     - Network L2-3
+     - Network L4+
+     - Application L4+
+     - Network Connectivity
+#Service categories to keep
+     - Mobility
+     - Network L1-3
+     - Network L4
+     - VoIP Call Control
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/ci/conf/ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/ci/conf/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94d12cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/ci/conf/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+cache.db-cache-clean-wait = 20
+cache.db-cache-time = 180000
+cache.db-cache-size = 0.5
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/ci/scripts/ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/ci/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2793369
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/ci/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+function usage {
+	echo "Usage: $0 <jar file>"
+function exitOnError() {
+        if [ $1 -ne 0 ]
+        then
+                echo "Failed running task $2"
+                exit 2
+        fi
+if [ $# -lt 1 ]
+	usage
+	exit 2
+BASEDIR=$(dirname $0)
+if [ ${BASEDIR:0:1} = "/" ]
+#TARGET_DIR=`echo ${TARGET_DIR} | sed 's/\//\//g'`
+#echo $TARGET_DIR
+sed -i 's#\(outputFolder:\).*#\1 '${TARGET_DIR}'#g' $CONF_FILE
+sed -i 's#\(resourceConfigDir:\).*#\1 '${TESTS_DIR}'#g' $CONF_FILE
+sed -i 's#\(componentsConfigDir:\).*#\1 '${COMPONENTS_DIR}'#g' $CONF_FILE
+mkdir -p ${TARGET_DIR}
+if [ -d ${TARGET_DIR} ]
+    rm -rf ${TARGET_DIR}/*
+	exitOnError $? "Failed_to_delete_target_dir"
+case "$2" in
+	-debug) echo "Debug mode, Listen on port $debug_port"; JAVA_OPTION="-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=${debug_port}" ;;
+	"") echo "Standard mode";;
+	*) echo "USAGE: [-debug]";;
+#cmd="java $JAVA_OPTION -Dconfig.resource=attodlit.conf -Dlog4j.configuration=file:./conf/ -cp #att-odl-it_0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar"
+#cmd="java $JAVA_OPTION -Dconfig.resource=attsdc.conf -Ddebug=true -Dlog4j.configuration=file:./conf/ -cp uber-ci-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar"
+cmd="java $JAVA_OPTION -DdisplayException=true -Dtargetlog=${TARGET_LOG_DIR} -Dconfig.resource=${CONF_FILE} -Ddebug=${DEBUG} -Dlog4j.configuration=${LOGS_PROP_FILE} -cp $JAR_FILE ${MainClass}" 
+#echo $cmd
+if [ $DEBUG == "true" ]
+	$cmd
+	$cmd >> /dev/null
+status=`echo $?`
+#echo "console=$console"
+#echo "status=$status"
+#tomcat=`ps -ef | grep tomcat | grep java | wc -l`
+#if [ $tomcat == 0 ]; then
+#	echo "Bring tomcat up"
+#	apache-tomcat-7.0.41/bin/
+#`rm -rf ./html/*.html`
+#`mv *.html ./html/`
+if [ -d ${TOMCAT_DIR} ]
+	cp ${TARGET_DIR}/*.html ${TOMCAT_DIR}
+	mv ${TOMCAT_DIR}/SDC-testReport.html ${TOMCAT_DIR}/index.html
+#echo "tomcat=$tomcat"
+#ip=`ifconfig | sed -En 's/;s/.*inet (addr:)?(([0-9]*\.){3}[0-9]*).*/\2/p' | grep 172.20`
+#echo "Report url: http://$ip:8090/att-odl-it/"
+echo "##################################################"
+echo "################# status is $status " 
+echo "##################################################"
+exit $status 
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/ci/testSuites/fullTests.xml b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/ci/testSuites/fullTests.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f912e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/ci/testSuites/fullTests.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "">
+<suite name="uiFullTests" configfailurepolicy="continue" verbose="2">
+	<parameter name="clean-type" value="FULL" /> <!--Valid Values are:  PARTIAL, FULL, NONE -->
+ 	<test name="Vfc Tests">
+		<classes>
+			<class name="org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.execute.vfc.VfcBasicTests"></class>
+		</classes>
+	</test>
+	<test name="VF Tests">
+		<classes>
+			<class name="org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.execute.vf.VfBasicTests" />
+			<class name="org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.execute.vf.VfCanvasTests" />
+			<class name="org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.execute.vf.VfOnboardingTests" />
+			<class name="org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.execute.vf.VfDeploymentTests"/>			
+		</classes>
+	</test>
+	<test name="Service Tests">
+		<classes>
+			<class name="org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.execute.service.ServiceBasicTests"></class>
+			<class name="org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.execute.service.ServiceInputsTests"></class>
+		</classes>
+	</test>
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/ci/testSuites/sanity.xml b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/ci/testSuites/sanity.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99e8765
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/ci/testSuites/sanity.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "">
+<suite name="uiSanity" configfailurepolicy="continue" verbose="2">
+	<parameter name="clean-type" value="FULL" /> <!--Valid Values are:  PARTIAL, FULL, NONE -->
+	<test name="Vfc Tests">
+		<classes>
+			<class name="org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.execute.vfc.VfcBasicTests">
+				<methods>
+					<include name="testImportVfc" />
+					<include name="testUpdateTypeForAttributeOfVfc" />
+				</methods>
+			</class>
+		</classes>
+	</test> 
+	<test name="VF Tests">
+		<classes>
+			<class name="org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.execute.vf.VfBasicTests">
+				<methods>
+					<include name="testImportVf" />
+					<include name="testUpdateInstanceAttributeValue" />
+					<include name="testVfCertification" /> 
+				</methods>
+			</class>
+			<class name="org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.execute.vf.VfCanvasTests">
+				<methods>
+					<include name="testCanvasVFSanity" />
+				</methods>
+			</class>
+			<class name="org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.execute.vf.VfDeploymentTests">
+				<methods>
+					<include name="testUpdateModuleNameSanity" />
+					<include name="testTabsViewSanity"/>
+				</methods>
+			</class>
+		</classes>
+	</test>
+	<test name="Service Tests">
+		<classes>
+			<class name="org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.execute.service.ServiceBasicTests">
+				<methods>
+					<include name="testLinkTwoRI" />
+					<include name="testBuildServiceForDistribution" />
+				</methods>
+			</class>			
+			<class name="org.openecomp.sdc.uici.tests.execute.service.ServiceInputsTests">
+				<methods>
+					<include name="testInputsSanity" />
+				</methods>
+			</class>
+		</classes>
+	</test>
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/images/gizmorambo.jpg b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/images/gizmorambo.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9a8fe8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/main/resources/images/gizmorambo.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/src/test/Completetheform.js b/ui-ci-dev/src/test/Completetheform.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e8b757
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/src/test/Completetheform.js
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ * New node file
+ */
diff --git a/ui-ci-dev/tarball.xml b/ui-ci-dev/tarball.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9262e6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui-ci-dev/tarball.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+	xmlns=""
+	xmlns:xsi=""
+	xsi:schemaLocation="">
+	<id>bin</id>
+	<formats>
+		<format>tar</format>
+	</formats>
+	<files>
+		<file>
+			<source>${}/${project.artifactId}-${project.version}-jar-with-dependencies.jar</source>
+			<outputDirectory>./</outputDirectory>
+			<destName>${project.artifactId}-${project.version}-jar-with-dependencies.jar</destName>
+		</file>
+ 		<file>
+			<source>../asdc-tests/src/main/resources/ci/scripts/</source>
+			<outputDirectory>./</outputDirectory>
+			<destName></destName>
+		</file>
+		<!--file> <source>src/main/resources/ci/scripts/postinstall</source> <outputDirectory>./</outputDirectory> 
+			<destName>postinstall</destName> </file -->
+		<file>
+			<source>../asdc-tests/src/main/resources/ci/conf/sdc.yaml</source>
+			<outputDirectory>conf</outputDirectory>
+			<destName>sdc.yaml</destName>
+		</file>
+		<file>
+			<source>src/main/resources/ci/conf/sdc-packages.yaml</source>
+			<outputDirectory>conf</outputDirectory>
+			<destName>sdc-packages.yaml</destName>
+		</file>
+		<file>
+			<source>../asdc-tests/src/main/resources/ci/conf/</source>
+			<outputDirectory>conf</outputDirectory>
+			<destName></destName>
+		</file>
+<!-- 		<file>
+			<source>src/main/resources/ci/conf/</source>
+			<outputDirectory>conf</outputDirectory>
+			<destName></destName>
+		</file> -->
+<!-- 		<file>
+			<source>${project.basedir}/../catalog-be/src/main/resources/config/error-configuration.yaml</source>
+			<outputDirectory>conf</outputDirectory>
+			<destName>error-configuration.yaml</destName>
+		</file> -->
+		<file>
+			<source>src/main/resources/ci/conf/credentials.yaml</source>
+			<outputDirectory>conf</outputDirectory>
+			<destName>credentials.yaml</destName>
+		</file>
+	</files>
+	<fileSets>
+		<fileSet>
+			<directory>src/test/resources</directory>
+			<outputDirectory>./</outputDirectory>
+		</fileSet>
+		<fileSet>
+			<directory>src/main/resources/ci/testSuites</directory>
+	        <outputDirectory>./testSuites</outputDirectory>
+		</fileSet>
+	</fileSets>