Add K8S deployment above Vagrant
Set deployment manifest files and scripts
for deploy SDC over Kubernetes inside
Preparation for OOM integration
Change-Id: I1f54b95067538f42d2d68fa3366b512dc9134f43
Issue-ID: SDC-907
Signed-off-by: Areli Fuss <>
diff --git a/sdc-os-chef/scripts/k8s/ b/sdc-os-chef/scripts/k8s/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd9de2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sdc-os-chef/scripts/k8s/
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+# Functions #
+ local rc=$1
+ if [ ${rc} != 0 ]; then
+ echo "[ERR] Failure detected. Aborting !"
+ exit 255
+ else
+ echo "[INFO] Done "
+ fi
+ header=$*
+ echo ""
+ echo "-------------------------"
+ echo " ${header}"
+ echo "-------------------------"
+ echo ""
+ }
+# Main #
+# kubectl #
+print_header "Kubelet - Install ..."
+sh ./
+status $?
+# minikube #
+print_header "Minikube - Install ..."
+sh ./
+status $?
+# dependencies #
+print_header "Dependency - Install ..."
+echo "[INFO] Install - nsenter"
+# Use pre compiled nsenter:
+sudo cp bin/nsenter /usr/local/bin/nsenter
+sudo cp etc/bash_completion.d/nsenter /etc/bash_completion.d/nsenter
+## In order to build the nsenter use the below instructions:
+echo "[INFO] Install - socat"
+sudo apt-get install -y socat jq
+# helm #
+print_header "Helm - Install ..."
+sh ./
+status $? "$action"
+# K8s #
+print_header "SDC - Deploy Pods ..."
+sh ./
+status $?