Adding Prettier and fixing up eslint version

Issue-ID: SDC-1094
Change-Id: Ie83ad95a03899345dd90235daf0323cbe3bc6afd
Signed-off-by: Einav Weiss Keidar <>
diff --git a/openecomp-ui/src/sdc-app/onboarding/userNotifications/NotificationsReducer.js b/openecomp-ui/src/sdc-app/onboarding/userNotifications/NotificationsReducer.js
index 2c3442e..a300499 100644
--- a/openecomp-ui/src/sdc-app/onboarding/userNotifications/NotificationsReducer.js
+++ b/openecomp-ui/src/sdc-app/onboarding/userNotifications/NotificationsReducer.js
@@ -14,59 +14,66 @@
  * permissions and limitations under the License.
-import {actionTypes} from './UserNotificationsConstants.js';
+import { actionTypes } from './UserNotificationsConstants.js';
 export default (state = {}, action) => {
-	switch (action.type) {
-		case actionTypes.NOTIFICATION:
-			let list = (state.notificationsList) ? state.notificationsList : [];
-			const {notifications, lastScanned} =;
-			return {
-				...state,
-				lastScanned,
-				notificationsList: [...notifications, ...list],
-				numOfNotSeenNotifications: state.numOfNotSeenNotifications + notifications.length
-			};
-		case actionTypes.LOAD_NOTIFICATIONS:
-			return {
-				...state,
-				...action.result,
-				notificationsList: action.result.notifications,
-				notifications: undefined
-			};
-		case actionTypes.LOAD_PREV_NOTIFICATIONS:
-			const {notifications: prevNotifications, endOfPage: newEndOfPage} = action.result;
-			return {
-				...state,
-				notificationsList: [
-					...state.notificationsList,
-					...prevNotifications
-				],
-				endOfPage: newEndOfPage
-			};
-			let {notificationForUpdate} = action;
-			notificationForUpdate = {...notificationForUpdate, read: true};
-			const indexForEdit = state.notificationsList.findIndex(notification => notification.eventId === notificationForUpdate.eventId);
-			return {
-				...state,
-				notificationsList: [
-					...state.notificationsList.slice(0, indexForEdit),
-					notificationForUpdate,
-					...state.notificationsList.slice(indexForEdit + 1)
-				]
-			};
-		case actionTypes.RESET_NEW_NOTIFICATIONS:
-			return {
-				...state,
-				numOfNotSeenNotifications: 0
-			};
-		case actionTypes.TOGGLE_OVERLAY:
-			return {
-				...state,
-				showNotificationsOverlay: action.showNotificationsOverlay
-			};
-		default:
-			return state;
-	}
+    switch (action.type) {
+        case actionTypes.NOTIFICATION:
+            let list = state.notificationsList ? state.notificationsList : [];
+            const { notifications, lastScanned } =;
+            return {
+                ...state,
+                lastScanned,
+                notificationsList: [...notifications, ...list],
+                numOfNotSeenNotifications:
+                    state.numOfNotSeenNotifications + notifications.length
+            };
+        case actionTypes.LOAD_NOTIFICATIONS:
+            return {
+                ...state,
+                ...action.result,
+                notificationsList: action.result.notifications,
+                notifications: undefined
+            };
+        case actionTypes.LOAD_PREV_NOTIFICATIONS:
+            const {
+                notifications: prevNotifications,
+                endOfPage: newEndOfPage
+            } = action.result;
+            return {
+                ...state,
+                notificationsList: [
+                    ...state.notificationsList,
+                    ...prevNotifications
+                ],
+                endOfPage: newEndOfPage
+            };
+        case actionTypes.UPDATE_READ_NOTIFICATION:
+            let { notificationForUpdate } = action;
+            notificationForUpdate = { ...notificationForUpdate, read: true };
+            const indexForEdit = state.notificationsList.findIndex(
+                notification =>
+                    notification.eventId === notificationForUpdate.eventId
+            );
+            return {
+                ...state,
+                notificationsList: [
+                    ...state.notificationsList.slice(0, indexForEdit),
+                    notificationForUpdate,
+                    ...state.notificationsList.slice(indexForEdit + 1)
+                ]
+            };
+        case actionTypes.RESET_NEW_NOTIFICATIONS:
+            return {
+                ...state,
+                numOfNotSeenNotifications: 0
+            };
+        case actionTypes.TOGGLE_OVERLAY:
+            return {
+                ...state,
+                showNotificationsOverlay: action.showNotificationsOverlay
+            };
+        default:
+            return state;
+    }
diff --git a/openecomp-ui/src/sdc-app/onboarding/userNotifications/NotificationsView.jsx b/openecomp-ui/src/sdc-app/onboarding/userNotifications/NotificationsView.jsx
index de105d2..7f5b334 100644
--- a/openecomp-ui/src/sdc-app/onboarding/userNotifications/NotificationsView.jsx
+++ b/openecomp-ui/src/sdc-app/onboarding/userNotifications/NotificationsView.jsx
@@ -18,89 +18,155 @@
 import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
 import enhanceWithClickOutside from 'react-click-outside';
 import classnames from 'classnames';
-import {connect} from 'react-redux';
+import { connect } from 'react-redux';
 import SVGIcon from 'sdc-ui/lib/react/SVGIcon.js';
 import Overlay from 'nfvo-components/overlay/Overlay.jsx';
 import UserNotifications from 'sdc-app/onboarding/userNotifications/UserNotifications.jsx';
 import UserNotificationsActionHelper from 'sdc-app/onboarding/userNotifications/UserNotificationsActionHelper.js';
-import {actionTypes} from './UserNotificationsConstants.js';
+import { actionTypes } from './UserNotificationsConstants.js';
 import OnboardingActionHelper from 'sdc-app/onboarding/OnboardingActionHelper.js';
-const mapStateToProps = ({currentScreen, notifications, users: {usersList}}) => {
-	return {currentScreen, notifications, usersList};
+const mapStateToProps = ({
+    currentScreen,
+    notifications,
+    users: { usersList }
+}) => {
+    return { currentScreen, notifications, usersList };
-const mapActionToProps = (dispatch) => {
-	return {
-		resetNewNotifications: notificationId => UserNotificationsActionHelper.updateLastSeenNotification(dispatch, {notificationId}),
-		toggleOverlay: ({showNotificationsOverlay}) => dispatch({type: actionTypes.TOGGLE_OVERLAY, showNotificationsOverlay}),
-		onLoadPrevNotifications: (lastScanned, endOfPage) => UserNotificationsActionHelper.loadPreviousNotifications(dispatch, {lastScanned, endOfPage}),
-		onSync: ({itemId, itemName, versionId, versionName, currentScreen}) =>  UserNotificationsActionHelper.syncItem(dispatch, {itemId, itemName, versionId, versionName, currentScreen}),
-		updateNotification: notificationForUpdate => UserNotificationsActionHelper.updateNotification(dispatch, {notificationForUpdate}),
-		onLoadItemsLists: () => OnboardingActionHelper.loadItemsLists(dispatch)
-	};
+const mapActionToProps = dispatch => {
+    return {
+        resetNewNotifications: notificationId =>
+            UserNotificationsActionHelper.updateLastSeenNotification(dispatch, {
+                notificationId
+            }),
+        toggleOverlay: ({ showNotificationsOverlay }) =>
+            dispatch({
+                type: actionTypes.TOGGLE_OVERLAY,
+                showNotificationsOverlay
+            }),
+        onLoadPrevNotifications: (lastScanned, endOfPage) =>
+            UserNotificationsActionHelper.loadPreviousNotifications(dispatch, {
+                lastScanned,
+                endOfPage
+            }),
+        onSync: ({ itemId, itemName, versionId, versionName, currentScreen }) =>
+            UserNotificationsActionHelper.syncItem(dispatch, {
+                itemId,
+                itemName,
+                versionId,
+                versionName,
+                currentScreen
+            }),
+        updateNotification: notificationForUpdate =>
+            UserNotificationsActionHelper.updateNotification(dispatch, {
+                notificationForUpdate
+            }),
+        onLoadItemsLists: () => OnboardingActionHelper.loadItemsLists(dispatch)
+    };
 class NotificationsView extends React.Component {
+    static propTypes = {
+        currentScreen: PropTypes.object,
+        notifications: PropTypes.object,
+        resetNewNotifications: PropTypes.func,
+        toggleOverlay: PropTypes.func,
+        onLoadPrevNotifications: PropTypes.func,
+        onSync: PropTypes.func,
+        updateNotification: PropTypes.func,
+        onLoadItemsLists: PropTypes.func
+    };
-	static propTypes = {
-		currentScreen: PropTypes.object,
-		notifications: PropTypes.object,
-		resetNewNotifications: PropTypes.func,
-		toggleOverlay: PropTypes.func,
-		onLoadPrevNotifications: PropTypes.func,
-		onSync: PropTypes.func,
-		updateNotification: PropTypes.func,
-		onLoadItemsLists: PropTypes.func
-	};
+    render() {
+        const {
+            usersList,
+            notifications,
+            onLoadPrevNotifications,
+            onSync,
+            updateNotification,
+            onLoadItemsLists,
+            currentScreen
+        } = this.props;
+        const {
+            notificationsList,
+            numOfNotSeenNotifications,
+            showNotificationsOverlay,
+            lastScanned,
+            endOfPage
+        } = notifications;
-	render() {
-		const {usersList, notifications, onLoadPrevNotifications, onSync, updateNotification, onLoadItemsLists, currentScreen} = this.props;
-		const {notificationsList, numOfNotSeenNotifications, showNotificationsOverlay, lastScanned, endOfPage} = notifications;
+        return (
+            <div className="onboarding-notifications">
+                <div
+                    className="notifications-icon"
+                    onClick={() => this.onNotificationIconClick()}>
+                    <SVGIcon
+                        name={
+                            numOfNotSeenNotifications > 0
+                                ? 'notificationFullBell'
+                                : 'notificationBell'
+                        }
+                        color={numOfNotSeenNotifications > 0 ? 'primary' : ''}
+                    />
+                    <div
+                        className={classnames('notifications-count', {
+                            'hidden-count': numOfNotSeenNotifications === 0
+                        })}>
+                        {numOfNotSeenNotifications}
+                    </div>
+                </div>
+                {showNotificationsOverlay && (
+                    <Overlay>
+                        <UserNotifications
+                            notificationsList={notificationsList}
+                            usersList={usersList}
+                            lastScanned={lastScanned}
+                            endOfPage={endOfPage}
+                            onLoadPrevNotifications={onLoadPrevNotifications}
+                            onSync={onSync}
+                            updateNotification={updateNotification}
+                            onLoadItemsLists={onLoadItemsLists}
+                            currentScreen={currentScreen}
+                        />
+                    </Overlay>
+                )}
+            </div>
+        );
+    }
-		return (
-			<div className='onboarding-notifications'>
-				<div className='notifications-icon' onClick={() => this.onNotificationIconClick()}>
-					<SVGIcon name={numOfNotSeenNotifications > 0 ? 'notificationFullBell' : 'notificationBell'} color={numOfNotSeenNotifications > 0 ? 'primary' : ''}/>
-					<div className={classnames('notifications-count', {'hidden-count': numOfNotSeenNotifications === 0})}>
-							{numOfNotSeenNotifications}
-					</div>
-				</div>
-				{showNotificationsOverlay &&
-					<Overlay>
-						<UserNotifications notificationsList={notificationsList} usersList={usersList} lastScanned={lastScanned} endOfPage={endOfPage}
-							onLoadPrevNotifications={onLoadPrevNotifications} onSync={onSync} updateNotification={updateNotification} onLoadItemsLists={onLoadItemsLists}
-							currentScreen={currentScreen}/>
-					</Overlay>
-				}
-			</div>
-		);
-	}
+    handleClickOutside() {
+        const { notifications: { showNotificationsOverlay } } = this.props;
+        if (showNotificationsOverlay) {
+            this.onCloseOverlay();
+        }
+    }
-	handleClickOutside() {
-		const {notifications: {showNotificationsOverlay}} = this.props;
-		if(showNotificationsOverlay) {
-			this.onCloseOverlay();
-		}
-	}
+    onNotificationIconClick() {
+        const {
+            notifications: { showNotificationsOverlay },
+            toggleOverlay
+        } = this.props;
+        if (showNotificationsOverlay) {
+            this.onCloseOverlay();
+        } else {
+            toggleOverlay({ showNotificationsOverlay: true });
+        }
+    }
-	onNotificationIconClick() {
-		const {notifications: {showNotificationsOverlay}, toggleOverlay} = this.props;
-		if (showNotificationsOverlay) {
-			this.onCloseOverlay();
-		} else {
-			toggleOverlay({showNotificationsOverlay: true});
-		}
-	}
-	onCloseOverlay() {
-		const {notifications: {numOfNotSeenNotifications, lastScanned}, resetNewNotifications, toggleOverlay} = this.props;
-		if (numOfNotSeenNotifications) {
-			resetNewNotifications(lastScanned);
-		}
-		toggleOverlay({showNotificationsOverlay: false});
-	}
+    onCloseOverlay() {
+        const {
+            notifications: { numOfNotSeenNotifications, lastScanned },
+            resetNewNotifications,
+            toggleOverlay
+        } = this.props;
+        if (numOfNotSeenNotifications) {
+            resetNewNotifications(lastScanned);
+        }
+        toggleOverlay({ showNotificationsOverlay: false });
+    }
-export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapActionToProps)(enhanceWithClickOutside(NotificationsView));
+export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapActionToProps)(
+    enhanceWithClickOutside(NotificationsView)
diff --git a/openecomp-ui/src/sdc-app/onboarding/userNotifications/UserNotifications.jsx b/openecomp-ui/src/sdc-app/onboarding/userNotifications/UserNotifications.jsx
index fd5c04d..01ca50c 100644
--- a/openecomp-ui/src/sdc-app/onboarding/userNotifications/UserNotifications.jsx
+++ b/openecomp-ui/src/sdc-app/onboarding/userNotifications/UserNotifications.jsx
@@ -19,126 +19,193 @@
 import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
 import classnames from 'classnames';
 import i18n from 'nfvo-utils/i18n/i18n.js';
-import {notificationType} from './UserNotificationsConstants.js';
+import { notificationType } from './UserNotificationsConstants.js';
 import ShowMore from 'react-show-more';
-const Notification = ({notification, users, onActionClicked, getNotificationTypeDesc}) => {
-	const {eventType, read, eventAttributes, dateTime} = notification;
-	const {itemName, userId, description, versionName, permission, granted} = eventAttributes;
-	const {fullName: userName} = users.find(user => user.userId === userId);
-	return (
-		<div className={classnames('notification', {'unread': !read})}>
-			<div className='notification-data'>
-				<div className='item-name'>
-					{itemName}
-					{versionName && <span>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;v{versionName}</span>}
-					{!read && <div className='unread-circle-icon'></div> }
-				</div>
-				<div className='flex-items'>
-					<div className='type'>{getNotificationTypeDesc(eventType, permission, granted)}</div>
-					<div className='separator'/>
-					<div className='user-name'>{`${i18n('By')} ${userName}`}</div>
-				</div>
-				{(description || versionName) && <div className='description'>
-					{description && <ShowMore anchorClass='more-less' lines={2} more={i18n('More')} less={i18n('Less')}>
-						{description}
-					</ShowMore>}
-					{eventType === notificationType.ITEM_CHANGED.SUBMIT &&
-						<div>
-							<div>{i18n('Version {versionName} was submitted.', {versionName: versionName})}</div>
-						</div>
-					}
-				</div>
-				}
-				<div className='date'>{dateTime}</div>
-			</div>
-			<div className='notification-action'>
-				<div className={classnames('action-button', {'hidden': read})} onClick={() => onActionClicked(notification)}>
-					{eventType === notificationType.PERMISSION_CHANGED
-						|| eventType === notificationType.ITEM_DELETED
-						|| eventType === notificationType.ITEM_ARCHIVED
-						|| eventType === notificationType.ITEM_RESTORED ? i18n('OK') : i18n('Sync')}
-				</div>
-			</div>
-		</div>
-	);
+const Notification = ({
+    notification,
+    users,
+    onActionClicked,
+    getNotificationTypeDesc
+}) => {
+    const { eventType, read, eventAttributes, dateTime } = notification;
+    const {
+        itemName,
+        userId,
+        description,
+        versionName,
+        permission,
+        granted
+    } = eventAttributes;
+    const { fullName: userName } = users.find(user => user.userId === userId);
+    return (
+        <div className={classnames('notification', { unread: !read })}>
+            <div className="notification-data">
+                <div className="item-name">
+                    {itemName}
+                    {versionName && (
+                        <span>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;v{versionName}</span>
+                    )}
+                    {!read && <div className="unread-circle-icon" />}
+                </div>
+                <div className="flex-items">
+                    <div className="type">
+                        {getNotificationTypeDesc(
+                            eventType,
+                            permission,
+                            granted
+                        )}
+                    </div>
+                    <div className="separator" />
+                    <div className="user-name">{`${i18n(
+                        'By'
+                    )} ${userName}`}</div>
+                </div>
+                {(description || versionName) && (
+                    <div className="description">
+                        {description && (
+                            <ShowMore
+                                anchorClass="more-less"
+                                lines={2}
+                                more={i18n('More')}
+                                less={i18n('Less')}>
+                                {description}
+                            </ShowMore>
+                        )}
+                        {eventType === notificationType.ITEM_CHANGED.SUBMIT && (
+                            <div>
+                                <div>
+                                    {i18n(
+                                        'Version {versionName} was submitted.',
+                                        { versionName: versionName }
+                                    )}
+                                </div>
+                            </div>
+                        )}
+                    </div>
+                )}
+                <div className="date">{dateTime}</div>
+            </div>
+            <div className="notification-action">
+                <div
+                    className={classnames('action-button', { hidden: read })}
+                    onClick={() => onActionClicked(notification)}>
+                    {eventType === notificationType.PERMISSION_CHANGED ||
+                    eventType === notificationType.ITEM_DELETED ||
+                    eventType === notificationType.ITEM_ARCHIVED ||
+                    eventType === notificationType.ITEM_RESTORED
+                        ? i18n('OK')
+                        : i18n('Sync')}
+                </div>
+            </div>
+        </div>
+    );
 function getNotificationTypeDesc(eventType, permission, granted) {
-	switch (eventType) {
-		case notificationType.PERMISSION_CHANGED:
-			const grantedStr = granted ? i18n('Granted') : i18n('Taken');
-			return `${i18n('Permission')} ${grantedStr}: ${permission}`;			
-		case notificationType.ITEM_CHANGED.COMMIT:
-			return i18n('Your Copy Is Out Of Sync');
-		case notificationType.ITEM_CHANGED.SUBMIT:
-			return i18n('Version Submitted');
-		case notificationType.ITEM_DELETED:
-			return i18n('Item was deleted');
-		case notificationType.ITEM_ARCHIVED:
-			return i18n('Item was archived');
-		case notificationType.ITEM_RESTORED:
-			return i18n('Item was restored from archive');
-	}
+    switch (eventType) {
+        case notificationType.PERMISSION_CHANGED:
+            const grantedStr = granted ? i18n('Granted') : i18n('Taken');
+            return `${i18n('Permission')} ${grantedStr}: ${permission}`;
+        case notificationType.ITEM_CHANGED.COMMIT:
+            return i18n('Your Copy Is Out Of Sync');
+        case notificationType.ITEM_CHANGED.SUBMIT:
+            return i18n('Version Submitted');
+        case notificationType.ITEM_DELETED:
+            return i18n('Item was deleted');
+        case notificationType.ITEM_ARCHIVED:
+            return i18n('Item was archived');
+        case notificationType.ITEM_RESTORED:
+            return i18n('Item was restored from archive');
+    }
 class UserNotifications extends React.Component {
+    static propTypes = {
+        currentScreen: PropTypes.object,
+        notificationsList: PropTypes.array,
+        usersList: PropTypes.array,
+        lastScanned: PropTypes.string,
+        endOfPage: PropTypes.string,
+        onLoadPrevNotifications: PropTypes.func,
+        onSync: PropTypes.func,
+        updateNotification: PropTypes.func,
+        onLoadItemsLists: PropTypes.func
+    };
-	static propTypes = {
-		currentScreen: PropTypes.object,
-		notificationsList: PropTypes.array,
-		usersList: PropTypes.array,
-		lastScanned: PropTypes.string,
-		endOfPage:PropTypes.string,
-		onLoadPrevNotifications: PropTypes.func,
-		onSync: PropTypes.func,
-		updateNotification: PropTypes.func,
-		onLoadItemsLists: PropTypes.func
-	};
+    render() {
+        const {
+            notificationsList = [],
+            usersList,
+            lastScanned,
+            endOfPage
+        } = this.props;
-	render() {
-		const {notificationsList = [], usersList, lastScanned, endOfPage} = this.props;
+        return (
+            <div className="user-notifications">
+                <div className="notifications-title">
+                    {i18n('Notifications')}
+                </div>
+                <div
+                    className="notifications-list"
+                    ref="notificationList"
+                    onScroll={() =>
+                        this.loadPrevNotifications(lastScanned, endOfPage)
+                    }>
+                    { => (
+                        <Notification
+                            key={notification.eventId}
+                            notification={notification}
+                            users={usersList}
+                            onActionClicked={notification =>
+                                this.onActionClicked(notification)
+                            }
+                            getNotificationTypeDesc={getNotificationTypeDesc}
+                        />
+                    ))}
+                </div>
+            </div>
+        );
+    }
-		return (
-			<div className='user-notifications'>
-				<div className='notifications-title'>{i18n('Notifications')}</div>
-				<div className='notifications-list' ref='notificationList' onScroll={() => this.loadPrevNotifications(lastScanned, endOfPage)}>
-				{
- => (
-						<Notification key={notification.eventId} notification={notification} users={usersList}
-							onActionClicked={notification => this.onActionClicked(notification)}
-							getNotificationTypeDesc={getNotificationTypeDesc}/>))
-				}
-				</div>
-			</div>
-		);
-	}
+    onActionClicked(notification) {
+        const {
+            onSync,
+            updateNotification,
+            currentScreen,
+            onLoadItemsLists
+        } = this.props;
+        const {
+            eventType,
+            eventAttributes: { itemId, itemName, versionId, versionName }
+        } = notification;
+        if (
+            eventType !== notificationType.PERMISSION_CHANGED &&
+            eventType !== notificationType.ITEM_DELETED &&
+            eventType !== notificationType.ITEM_ARCHIVED &&
+            eventType !== notificationType.ITEM_RESTORED
+        ) {
+            onSync({ itemId, itemName, versionId, versionName, currentScreen });
+        } else {
+            onLoadItemsLists();
+        }
+        updateNotification(notification);
+    }
-	onActionClicked(notification) {
-		const {onSync, updateNotification, currentScreen, onLoadItemsLists} = this.props;
-		const {eventType, eventAttributes: {itemId, itemName, versionId, versionName}} = notification;		
-		if(eventType !== notificationType.PERMISSION_CHANGED &&
-			eventType !== notificationType.ITEM_DELETED &&
-			eventType !== notificationType.ITEM_ARCHIVED &&
-			eventType !== notificationType.ITEM_RESTORED) {
-			onSync({itemId, itemName, versionId, versionName, currentScreen});
-		}
-		else {
-			onLoadItemsLists();
-		}
-		updateNotification(notification);
-	}
+    loadPrevNotifications(lastScanned, endOfPage) {
+        if (endOfPage && lastScanned) {
+            let element = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this.refs['notificationList']);
+            const { onLoadPrevNotifications } = this.props;
-	loadPrevNotifications(lastScanned, endOfPage) {
-		if(endOfPage && lastScanned) {
-			let element = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this.refs['notificationList']);
-			const {onLoadPrevNotifications} = this.props;
-			if (element && element.clientHeight + element.scrollTop === element.scrollHeight) {
-				onLoadPrevNotifications(lastScanned, endOfPage);
-			}
-		}
-	}
+            if (
+                element &&
+                element.clientHeight + element.scrollTop ===
+                    element.scrollHeight
+            ) {
+                onLoadPrevNotifications(lastScanned, endOfPage);
+            }
+        }
+    }
-export default UserNotifications;
\ No newline at end of file
+export default UserNotifications;
diff --git a/openecomp-ui/src/sdc-app/onboarding/userNotifications/UserNotificationsActionHelper.js b/openecomp-ui/src/sdc-app/onboarding/userNotifications/UserNotificationsActionHelper.js
index 574aa0f..f8693e1 100644
--- a/openecomp-ui/src/sdc-app/onboarding/userNotifications/UserNotificationsActionHelper.js
+++ b/openecomp-ui/src/sdc-app/onboarding/userNotifications/UserNotificationsActionHelper.js
@@ -1,123 +1,175 @@
-import {actionTypes} from './UserNotificationsConstants.js';
+import { actionTypes } from './UserNotificationsConstants.js';
 import i18n from 'nfvo-utils/i18n/i18n.js';
 import Configuration from 'sdc-app/config/Configuration.js';
 import RestAPIUtil from 'nfvo-utils/RestAPIUtil.js';
-import WebSocketUtil, {websocketUrl} from 'nfvo-utils/WebSocketUtil.js';
-import {actionsEnum as VersionControllerActionsEnum} from 'nfvo-components/panel/versionController/VersionControllerConstants.js';
+import WebSocketUtil, { websocketUrl } from 'nfvo-utils/WebSocketUtil.js';
+import { actionsEnum as VersionControllerActionsEnum } from 'nfvo-components/panel/versionController/VersionControllerConstants.js';
 import ItemsHelper from 'sdc-app/common/helpers/ItemsHelper.js';
 import ScreensHelper from 'sdc-app/common/helpers/ScreensHelper.js';
 import MergeEditorActionHelper from 'sdc-app/common/merge/MergeEditorActionHelper.js';
-import {actionTypes as modalActionTypes} from 'nfvo-components/modal/GlobalModalConstants.js';
-import {SyncStates} from 'sdc-app/common/merge/MergeEditorConstants.js';
+import { actionTypes as modalActionTypes } from 'nfvo-components/modal/GlobalModalConstants.js';
+import { SyncStates } from 'sdc-app/common/merge/MergeEditorConstants.js';
 function baseUrl() {
-	const restPrefix = Configuration.get('restPrefix');
-	return `${restPrefix}/v1.0/notifications`;
+    const restPrefix = Configuration.get('restPrefix');
+    return `${restPrefix}/v1.0/notifications`;
 function fetch() {
-	return RestAPIUtil.fetch(baseUrl());
+    return RestAPIUtil.fetch(baseUrl());
 function updateNotification(notificationId) {
-	return RestAPIUtil.put(`${baseUrl()}/${notificationId}`);
+    return RestAPIUtil.put(`${baseUrl()}/${notificationId}`);
 function updateLastSeenNotification(notificationId) {
-	return RestAPIUtil.put(`${baseUrl()}/last-seen/${notificationId}`);
+    return RestAPIUtil.put(`${baseUrl()}/last-seen/${notificationId}`);
 function loadPrevNotifications(lastScanned, endOfPage) {
-	return RestAPIUtil.fetch(`${baseUrl()}?LAST_DELIVERED_EVENT_ID=${lastScanned}&END_OF_PAGE_EVENT_ID=${endOfPage}`);
+    return RestAPIUtil.fetch(
+        `${baseUrl()}?LAST_DELIVERED_EVENT_ID=${lastScanned}&END_OF_PAGE_EVENT_ID=${endOfPage}`
+    );
 const INITIAL_LAST_SCANNED = '00000000-0000-1000-8080-808080808080';
 const UserNotificationsActionHelper = {
-	notificationsFirstHandling(dispatch) {
-		console.log('Websocket Url: ', websocketUrl);
-		UserNotificationsActionHelper.fetchUserNotificationsList(dispatch).then(({lastScanned}) => {
-, {lastScanned: lastScanned || INITIAL_LAST_SCANNED});
-		});
-	},
+    notificationsFirstHandling(dispatch) {
+        console.log('Websocket Url: ', websocketUrl);
+        UserNotificationsActionHelper.fetchUserNotificationsList(dispatch).then(
+            ({ lastScanned }) => {
+      , {
+                    lastScanned: lastScanned || INITIAL_LAST_SCANNED
+                });
+            }
+        );
+    },
-	fetchUserNotificationsList(dispatch) {
-		return fetch().then(result => {
-			dispatch({
-				type: actionTypes.LOAD_NOTIFICATIONS,
-				result
-			});
-			return Promise.resolve({lastScanned: result.lastScanned});
-		});
-	},
+    fetchUserNotificationsList(dispatch) {
+        return fetch().then(result => {
+            dispatch({
+                type: actionTypes.LOAD_NOTIFICATIONS,
+                result
+            });
+            return Promise.resolve({ lastScanned: result.lastScanned });
+        });
+    },
-	loadPreviousNotifications(dispatch, {lastScanned, endOfPage}) {
-		loadPrevNotifications(lastScanned, endOfPage).then(result => dispatch({
-			type: actionTypes.LOAD_PREV_NOTIFICATIONS,
-			result
-		}));
-	},
+    loadPreviousNotifications(dispatch, { lastScanned, endOfPage }) {
+        loadPrevNotifications(lastScanned, endOfPage).then(result =>
+            dispatch({
+                type: actionTypes.LOAD_PREV_NOTIFICATIONS,
+                result
+            })
+        );
+    },
-	notifyAboutConflicts(dispatch, {itemId, itemName, version, currentScreen}) {
-		let {props} = currentScreen;
-		let currentItemId = props.softwareProductId || props.licenseModelId;
-		let currentVersion = props.version;
-		if(currentItemId === itemId && === {
-			MergeEditorActionHelper.analyzeSyncResult(dispatch, {itemId, version}).then(() => ScreensHelper.loadScreen(dispatch, currentScreen));
-		}
-		else {
-			dispatch({
-				type: modalActionTypes.GLOBAL_MODAL_WARNING,
-				data: {
-					title: i18n('Conflicts'),
-					msg: i18n('There are conflicts in {itemName} version {versionName} that you have to resolve', {itemName: itemName.toUpperCase(), versionName: version.versionName}),
-					cancelButtonText: i18n('OK')
-				}
-			});
-		}
-	},
+    notifyAboutConflicts(
+        dispatch,
+        { itemId, itemName, version, currentScreen }
+    ) {
+        let { props } = currentScreen;
+        let currentItemId = props.softwareProductId || props.licenseModelId;
+        let currentVersion = props.version;
+        if (currentItemId === itemId && === {
+            MergeEditorActionHelper.analyzeSyncResult(dispatch, {
+                itemId,
+                version
+            }).then(() => ScreensHelper.loadScreen(dispatch, currentScreen));
+        } else {
+            dispatch({
+                type: modalActionTypes.GLOBAL_MODAL_WARNING,
+                data: {
+                    title: i18n('Conflicts'),
+                    msg: i18n(
+                        'There are conflicts in {itemName} version {versionName} that you have to resolve',
+                        {
+                            itemName: itemName.toUpperCase(),
+                            versionName: version.versionName
+                        }
+                    ),
+                    cancelButtonText: i18n('OK')
+                }
+            });
+        }
+    },
-	syncItem(dispatch, {itemId, itemName, versionId, versionName, currentScreen}) {
-		let version = {id: versionId, versionName};
-		ItemsHelper.fetchVersion({itemId, versionId}).then(response => {
-			let inMerge = response && response.state && response.state.synchronizationState === SyncStates.MERGE;
-			if (!inMerge) {
-				ItemsHelper.performVCAction({itemId, version, action: VersionControllerActionsEnum.SYNC}).then(() => {
-					return ItemsHelper.fetchVersion({itemId, versionId}).then(response => {
-						let inMerge = response && response.state && response.state.synchronizationState === SyncStates.MERGE;
-						if (!inMerge) {
-							return ScreensHelper.loadScreen(dispatch, currentScreen);
-						}
-						else {
-							return this.notifyAboutConflicts(dispatch, {itemId, itemName, version, currentScreen});
-						}
-					});
-				});
-			}
-			else {
-				this.notifyAboutConflicts(dispatch, {itemId, itemName, version, currentScreen});
-			}
-		});
-	},
+    syncItem(
+        dispatch,
+        { itemId, itemName, versionId, versionName, currentScreen }
+    ) {
+        let version = { id: versionId, versionName };
+        ItemsHelper.fetchVersion({ itemId, versionId }).then(response => {
+            let inMerge =
+                response &&
+                response.state &&
+                response.state.synchronizationState === SyncStates.MERGE;
+            if (!inMerge) {
+                ItemsHelper.performVCAction({
+                    itemId,
+                    version,
+                    action: VersionControllerActionsEnum.SYNC
+                }).then(() => {
+                    return ItemsHelper.fetchVersion({ itemId, versionId }).then(
+                        response => {
+                            let inMerge =
+                                response &&
+                                response.state &&
+                                response.state.synchronizationState ===
+                                    SyncStates.MERGE;
+                            if (!inMerge) {
+                                return ScreensHelper.loadScreen(
+                                    dispatch,
+                                    currentScreen
+                                );
+                            } else {
+                                return this.notifyAboutConflicts(dispatch, {
+                                    itemId,
+                                    itemName,
+                                    version,
+                                    currentScreen
+                                });
+                            }
+                        }
+                    );
+                });
+            } else {
+                this.notifyAboutConflicts(dispatch, {
+                    itemId,
+                    itemName,
+                    version,
+                    currentScreen
+                });
+            }
+        });
+    },
-	updateNotification(dispatch, {notificationForUpdate}) {
-		updateNotification(notificationForUpdate.eventId).then(response => {
-			if(response.status === 'Success' && Object.keys(response.errors).length === 0) {
-				dispatch({
-					type: actionTypes.UPDATE_READ_NOTIFICATION,
-					notificationForUpdate
-				});
-			}
-		});
-	},
+    updateNotification(dispatch, { notificationForUpdate }) {
+        updateNotification(notificationForUpdate.eventId).then(response => {
+            if (
+                response.status === 'Success' &&
+                Object.keys(response.errors).length === 0
+            ) {
+                dispatch({
+                    type: actionTypes.UPDATE_READ_NOTIFICATION,
+                    notificationForUpdate
+                });
+            }
+        });
+    },
-	updateLastSeenNotification(dispatch, {notificationId}) {
-		updateLastSeenNotification(notificationId).then(response => {
-			if (response.status === 'Success' && Object.keys(response.errors).length === 0) {
-				dispatch({type: actionTypes.RESET_NEW_NOTIFICATIONS});
-			}
-		});
-	}
+    updateLastSeenNotification(dispatch, { notificationId }) {
+        updateLastSeenNotification(notificationId).then(response => {
+            if (
+                response.status === 'Success' &&
+                Object.keys(response.errors).length === 0
+            ) {
+                dispatch({ type: actionTypes.RESET_NEW_NOTIFICATIONS });
+            }
+        });
+    }
 export default UserNotificationsActionHelper;
diff --git a/openecomp-ui/src/sdc-app/onboarding/userNotifications/UserNotificationsConstants.js b/openecomp-ui/src/sdc-app/onboarding/userNotifications/UserNotificationsConstants.js
index a8e92e2..b2466f1 100644
--- a/openecomp-ui/src/sdc-app/onboarding/userNotifications/UserNotificationsConstants.js
+++ b/openecomp-ui/src/sdc-app/onboarding/userNotifications/UserNotificationsConstants.js
@@ -1,22 +1,21 @@
 import keyMirror from 'nfvo-utils/KeyMirror.js';
 export const actionTypes = keyMirror({
+    NOTIFICATION: null,
 export const notificationType = keyMirror({
-	PERMISSION_CHANGED: 'PermissionChanged',
-		COMMIT: 'commit',
-		SUBMIT: 'submit'
-	},
-	ITEM_DELETED: 'delete',
-	ITEM_ARCHIVED: 'archive',
-	ITEM_RESTORED: 'restore'
\ No newline at end of file
+    PERMISSION_CHANGED: 'PermissionChanged',
+        COMMIT: 'commit',
+        SUBMIT: 'submit'
+    },
+    ITEM_DELETED: 'delete',
+    ITEM_ARCHIVED: 'archive',
+    ITEM_RESTORED: 'restore'