Correct the incorrect

Change-Id: I6b436d9babbe8ebff17fefc5126d7948fedc20a7
Issue-ID: SDC-1770
Signed-off-by: seshukm <>
diff --git a/docs/release-notes.rst b/docs/release-notes.rst
index fe24f76..08adeed 100644
--- a/docs/release-notes.rst
+++ b/docs/release-notes.rst
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
 -  [`SDC-686 <>`__\ ] - code sync
 -  [`SDC-687 <>`__\ ] - sdc designer integration part 1
 -  [`SDC-712 <>`__\ ] - import normative superation
--  [`SDC-713 <>`__\ ] - Amsterdam branch
+-  [`SDC-713 <>`__\ ] - amsterdam branch
 -  [`SDC-728 <>`__\ ] - sdc designer integration part 2
 -  [`SDC-732 <>`__\ ] - sdc designer integration part 3
 -  [`SDC-740 <>`__\ ] - converter support IntermediateCatchEvent
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@
 -  [`SDC-952 <>`__\ ] - update SDC-DISTRIBUTION-CLIENT packages
 -  [`SDC-953 <>`__\ ] - update SDC-DOCKER-BASE packages
 -  [`SDC-954 <>`__\ ] - update SDC-TITAN-CASSANDRA packages
--  [`SDC-955 <>`__\ ] - configuration overriding capabilities.
+-  [`SDC-955 <>`__\ ] - configuration ovriding capabilities.
 -  [`SDC-957 <>`__\ ] - add ignore conformance level option
 -  [`SDC-969 <>`__\ ] - sync1802E to ONAP part 1
 -  [`SDC-972 <>`__\ ] - sdc designer integration part 4 design alignment
@@ -201,9 +201,9 @@
 -  [`SDC-1131 <>`__\ ] - Use Extend Activities to Design Workflow and Save
 -  [`SDC-1164 <>`__\ ] - SDC designer Integration part 8 - Add promise logic to the SDC pub-sub notify
 -  [`SDC-1165 <>`__\ ] - SDC designer Integration part 9 - Create component that disables selected layouts
--  [`SDC-1169 <>`__\ ] - CII passing bage
+-  [`SDC-1169 <>`__\ ] - CII passing badge
 -  [`SDC-1172 <>`__\ ] - reach 50% unit test coverage sdc workflow
--  [`SDC-1174 <>`__\ ] - Support unified Tosca pattern 1C2 for vlan sub-interface
+-  [`SDC-1174 <>`__\ ] - Support unified Tosca pattern 1C2 for vlan subinterface
 -  [`SDC-1197 <>`__\ ] - Enhance SDC Parser to support Interface and Operations
 -  [`SDC-1221 <>`__\ ] - Fix library CVEs in sdc-cassandra
 -  [`SDC-1310 <>`__\ ] - Fix additional library CVEs in sdc-docker-base
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@
 -  [`SDC-434 <>`__\ ] - Healing should be added to the resubmitAll utility REST
 -  [`SDC-438 <>`__\ ] - Unable to Access SDC from Portal
 -  [`SDC-440 <>`__\ ] - When creating a new VSP "HSS_FE_test_100617", HEAT validation failed with 2 errors
--  [`SDC-458 <>`__\ ] - Onboard questionnaire-component missing enum AIC
+-  [`SDC-458 <>`__\ ] - Onboard questionaire-component missing enum AIC
 -  [`SDC-459 <>`__\ ] - Month navigation does not work in firefox
 -  [`SDC-466 <>`__\ ] - Submit failed for existing VSP "Nimbus 3.1 PCRF 0717"
 -  [`SDC-468 <>`__\ ] - add check for flat node type, in case of port mirroring
@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@
 -  [`SDC-773 <>`__\ ] - SDC Import Export Executors should be supported.
 -  [`SDC-774 <>`__\ ] - fix parameter value check in vm grouping
 -  [`SDC-776 <>`__\ ] - Sonar coverage drop onboarding
--  [`SDC-777 <>`__\ ] - sonar scan alignment
+-  [`SDC-777 <>`__\ ] - sonar scan alignement
 -  [`SDC-792 <>`__\ ] - Add a private constructor to hide the implicit public one to ConfigurationUtils
 -  [`SDC-811 <>`__\ ] - Assign Mib to Component
 -  [`SDC-830 <>`__\ ] - Broken mapping of ChoiceOrOther because of missing default constructor
@@ -393,7 +393,7 @@
 -  [`SDC-1239 <>`__\ ] - ui-attachments-page-bug-fix
 -  [`SDC-1241 <>`__\ ] - SDC-BE pod started but it's responding with 503 HTTP code
 -  [`SDC-1244 <>`__\ ] - Issue in healing zusammen MainTool
--  [`SDC-1245 <>`__\ ] - jenkins relase jobs are failing
+-  [`SDC-1245 <>`__\ ] - jenkins release jobs are failing
 -  [`SDC-1247 <>`__\ ] - SDC tester page hangs when clicking on Accept button
 -  [`SDC-1248 <>`__\ ] - support 5 digit port number
 -  [`SDC-1249 <>`__\ ] - not able to get the value fromProperty node
@@ -426,13 +426,13 @@
 -  [`SDC-1309 <>`__\ ] - SDC fails health check on HEAT deployment
 -  [`SDC-1315 <>`__\ ] - Nested Dependency Issue
 -  [`SDC-1321 <>`__\ ] - Catalog Docker swagger not loading
--  [`SDC-1328 <>`__\ ] - plugin Iframe changes size on WINDOW_OUT event to composition page
+-  [`SDC-1328 <>`__\ ] - plug-in Iframe changes size on WINDOW_OUT event to composition page
 -  [`SDC-1329 <>`__\ ] - Warning in generated CSAR
 -  [`SDC-1332 <>`__\ ] - Enable VNF market place in sdc deployment
 -  [`SDC-1336 <>`__\ ] - SDC service category missing Network Service and E2E Service types
 -  [`SDC-1337 <>`__\ ] - Unexpected entry for interfaces + interface_types when no operation is defined
 -  [`SDC-1341 <>`__\ ] - SDC-DMAAP connection fails in multi-node cluster
--  [`SDC-1347 <>`__\ ] - Wrap plugins API call in a promise to prevent loading issues of SDC UI
+-  [`SDC-1347 <>`__\ ] - Wrap plug-ins API call in a promise to prevent loading issues of SDC UI
 -  [`SDC-1349 <>`__\ ] - Filter By vendor view - list of vsp is not closed
 -  [`SDC-1351 <>`__\ ] - Viewer can archive and restore
 -  [`SDC-1352 <>`__\ ] - SDC service design Properties Assignment page doesn't function properly
@@ -627,7 +627,7 @@
 -  [`SDC-232 <>`__\ ] - Import TOSCA
 -  [`SDC-240 <>`__\ ] - WorkFlow
-   Designer seed code
+   Deisigner seed code
 -  [`SDC-248 <>`__\ ] - add verify
    job for workflow-designer in ci-manager
 -  [`SDC-255 <>`__\ ] - support add
@@ -647,7 +647,7 @@
 -  [`SDC-295 <>`__\ ] - delete node
    or connection by keyboard
 -  [`SDC-299 <>`__\ ] - Port
-   mirorring
+   mirroring
 -  [`SDC-306 <>`__\ ] - Replace
    Dockefiles with new baselines
 -  [`SDC-318 <>`__\ ] - Provide
@@ -673,7 +673,7 @@
 -  [`SDC-476 <>`__\ ] - add sonar
    branch to sdc project pom
 -  [`SDC-481 <>`__\ ] - update
-   swager
+   swagger
 -  [`SDC-498 <>`__\ ] - Support and
    align CSAR's for VOLTE
 -  [`SDC-506 <>`__\ ] - Fill SDC
@@ -682,7 +682,7 @@
 -  [`SDC-521 <>`__\ ] - CSIT and
    sanity stabilization
 -  [`SDC-522 <>`__\ ] - sync 1710
-   defacts into ONAP
+   defects into ONAP
 -  [`SDC-586 <>`__\ ] - Support and
    align CSAR's for VOLTE
 -  [`SDC-594 <>`__\ ] - Fill SDC
@@ -756,7 +756,7 @@
    SDC distributions failing in ORD - Add Software Product - Status 500
 -  [`SDC-363 <>`__\ ] - data convert
    error for tree node
--  [`SDC-369 <>`__\ ] - invalide tag
+-  [`SDC-369 <>`__\ ] - invalid tag
    defined for docker
 -  [`SDC-375 <>`__\ ] - Onboarding
    build time