Merge "Add release-staging phase"
diff --git a/sdc-os-chef/sdc-backend/Dockerfile b/sdc-os-chef/sdc-backend/Dockerfile
index 053c403..47ca00e 100644
--- a/sdc-os-chef/sdc-backend/Dockerfile
+++ b/sdc-os-chef/sdc-backend/Dockerfile
@@ -14,7 +14,8 @@
 RUN pip install pycurl
 # install chef-solo
-RUN curl -L | bash
+#RUN curl -L | bash
+RUN bash
 ADD onboarding-be-__SDC-RELEASE__.war          ${JETTY_BASE}/webapps/
 ADD catalog-be-__SDC-RELEASE__.war             ${JETTY_BASE}/webapps/
diff --git a/sdc-os-chef/sdc-backend/ b/sdc-os-chef/sdc-backend/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a4be8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sdc-os-chef/sdc-backend/
@@ -0,0 +1,707 @@
+# - must run on /bin/sh on solaris 9
+# - must run on /bin/sh on AIX 6.x
+# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Chef Software, Inc.
+# License:: Apache License, Version 2.0
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# This section has some helper functions to make life easier.
+# Outputs:
+# $tmp_dir: secure-ish temp directory that can be used during installation.
+# Check whether a command exists - returns 0 if it does, 1 if it does not
+exists() {
+  if command -v $1 >/dev/null 2>&1
+  then
+    return 0
+  else
+    return 1
+  fi
+# Output the instructions to report bug about this script
+report_bug() {
+  echo "Version: $version"
+  echo ""
+  echo "Please file a Bug Report at"
+  echo "Alternatively, feel free to open a Support Ticket at"
+  echo "More Chef support resources can be found at"
+  echo ""
+  echo "Please include as many details about the problem as possible i.e., how to reproduce"
+  echo "the problem (if possible), type of the Operating System and its version, etc.,"
+  echo "and any other relevant details that might help us with troubleshooting."
+  echo ""
+checksum_mismatch() {
+  echo "Package checksum mismatch!"
+  report_bug
+  exit 1
+unable_to_retrieve_package() {
+  echo "Unable to retrieve a valid package!"
+  report_bug
+  echo "Metadata URL: $metadata_url"
+  if test "x$download_url" != "x"; then
+    echo "Download URL: $download_url"
+  fi
+  if test "x$stderr_results" != "x"; then
+    echo "\nDEBUG OUTPUT FOLLOWS:\n$stderr_results"
+  fi
+  exit 1
+http_404_error() {
+  echo "Omnitruck artifact does not exist for version $version on platform $platform"
+  echo ""
+  echo "Either this means:"
+  echo "   - We do not support $platform"
+  echo "   - We do not have an artifact for $version"
+  echo ""
+  echo "This is often the latter case due to running a prerelease or RC version of chef"
+  echo "or a gem version which was only pushed to rubygems and not omnitruck."
+  echo ""
+  echo "You may be able to set your knife[:bootstrap_version] to the most recent stable"
+  echo "release of Chef to fix this problem (or the most recent stable major version number)."
+  echo ""
+  echo "In order to test the version parameter, adventurous users may take the Metadata URL"
+  echo "below and modify the '&v=<number>' parameter until you successfully get a URL that"
+  echo "does not 404 (e.g. via curl or wget).  You should be able to use '&v=11' or '&v=12'"
+  echo "succesfully."
+  echo ""
+  echo "If you cannot fix this problem by setting the bootstrap_version, it probably means"
+  echo "that $platform is not supported."
+  echo ""
+  # deliberately do not call report_bug to suppress bug report noise.
+  echo "Metadata URL: $metadata_url"
+  if test "x$download_url" != "x"; then
+    echo "Download URL: $download_url"
+  fi
+  if test "x$stderr_results" != "x"; then
+    echo "\nDEBUG OUTPUT FOLLOWS:\n$stderr_results"
+  fi
+  exit 1
+capture_tmp_stderr() {
+  # spool up /tmp/stderr from all the commands we called
+  if test -f "$tmp_dir/stderr"; then
+    output=`cat $tmp_dir/stderr`
+    stderr_results="${stderr_results}\nSTDERR from $1:\n\n$output\n"
+    rm $tmp_dir/stderr
+  fi
+# do_wget URL FILENAME
+do_wget() {
+  echo "trying wget..."
+  wget --user-agent="User-Agent: mixlib-install/2.1.8" -O "$2" "$1" 2>$tmp_dir/stderr
+  rc=$?
+  # check for 404
+  grep "ERROR 404" $tmp_dir/stderr 2>&1 >/dev/null
+  if test $? -eq 0; then
+    echo "ERROR 404"
+    http_404_error
+  fi
+  # check for bad return status or empty output
+  if test $rc -ne 0 || test ! -s "$2"; then
+    capture_tmp_stderr "wget"
+    return 1
+  fi
+  return 0
+# do_curl URL FILENAME
+do_curl() {
+  echo "trying curl..."
+  curl -A "User-Agent: mixlib-install/2.1.8" --retry 5 -sL -D $tmp_dir/stderr "$1" > "$2"
+  rc=$?
+  # check for 404
+  grep "404 Not Found" $tmp_dir/stderr 2>&1 >/dev/null
+  if test $? -eq 0; then
+    echo "ERROR 404"
+    http_404_error
+  fi
+  # check for bad return status or empty output
+  if test $rc -ne 0 || test ! -s "$2"; then
+    capture_tmp_stderr "curl"
+    return 1
+  fi
+  return 0
+# do_fetch URL FILENAME
+do_fetch() {
+  echo "trying fetch..."
+  fetch --user-agent="User-Agent: mixlib-install/2.1.8" -o "$2" "$1" 2>$tmp_dir/stderr
+  # check for bad return status
+  test $? -ne 0 && return 1
+  return 0
+# do_perl URL FILENAME
+do_perl() {
+  echo "trying perl..."
+  perl -e 'use LWP::Simple; getprint($ARGV[0]);' "$1" > "$2" 2>$tmp_dir/stderr
+  rc=$?
+  # check for 404
+  grep "404 Not Found" $tmp_dir/stderr 2>&1 >/dev/null
+  if test $? -eq 0; then
+    echo "ERROR 404"
+    http_404_error
+  fi
+  # check for bad return status or empty output
+  if test $rc -ne 0 || test ! -s "$2"; then
+    capture_tmp_stderr "perl"
+    return 1
+  fi
+  return 0
+# do_python URL FILENAME
+do_python() {
+  echo "trying python..."
+  python -c "import sys,urllib2; sys.stdout.write(urllib2.urlopen(urllib2.Request(sys.argv[1], headers={ 'User-Agent': 'mixlib-install/2.1.8' })).read())" "$1" > "$2" 2>$tmp_dir/stderr
+  rc=$?
+  # check for 404
+  grep "HTTP Error 404" $tmp_dir/stderr 2>&1 >/dev/null
+  if test $? -eq 0; then
+    echo "ERROR 404"
+    http_404_error
+  fi
+  # check for bad return status or empty output
+  if test $rc -ne 0 || test ! -s "$2"; then
+    capture_tmp_stderr "python"
+    return 1
+  fi
+  return 0
+# returns 0 if checksums match
+do_checksum() {
+  if exists sha256sum; then
+    echo "Comparing checksum with sha256sum..."
+    checksum=`sha256sum $1 | awk '{ print $1 }'`
+    return `test "x$checksum" = "x$2"`
+  elif exists shasum; then
+    echo "Comparing checksum with shasum..."
+    checksum=`shasum -a 256 $1 | awk '{ print $1 }'`
+    return `test "x$checksum" = "x$2"`
+  else
+    echo "WARNING: could not find a valid checksum program, pre-install shasum or sha256sum in your O/S image to get valdation..."
+    return 0
+  fi
+# do_download URL FILENAME
+do_download() {
+  echo "downloading $1"
+  echo "  to file $2"
+  url=`echo $1`
+  if test "x$platform" = "xsolaris2"; then
+    if test "x$platform_version" = "x5.9" -o "x$platform_version" = "x5.10"; then
+      # solaris 9 lacks openssl, solaris 10 lacks recent enough credentials - your base O/S is completely insecure, please upgrade
+      url=`echo $url | sed -e 's/https/http/'`
+    fi
+  fi
+  # we try all of these until we get success.
+  # perl, in particular may be present but LWP::Simple may not be installed
+  if exists wget; then
+    do_wget $url $2 && return 0
+  fi
+  if exists curl; then
+    do_curl $url $2 && return 0
+  fi
+  if exists fetch; then
+    do_fetch $url $2 && return 0
+  fi
+  if exists perl; then
+    do_perl $url $2 && return 0
+  fi
+  if exists python; then
+    do_python $url $2 && return 0
+  fi
+  unable_to_retrieve_package
+# install_file TYPE FILENAME
+# TYPE is "rpm", "deb", "solaris", "sh", etc.
+install_file() {
+  echo "Installing $project $version"
+  case "$1" in
+    "rpm")
+      if test "x$platform" = "xnexus" || test "x$platform" = "xios_xr"; then
+        echo "installing with yum..."
+        yum install -yv "$2"
+      else
+        echo "installing with rpm..."
+        rpm -Uvh --oldpackage --replacepkgs "$2"
+      fi
+      ;;
+    "deb")
+      echo "installing with dpkg..."
+      dpkg -i "$2"
+      ;;
+    "bff")
+      echo "installing with installp..."
+      installp -aXYgd "$2" all
+      ;;
+    "solaris")
+      echo "installing with pkgadd..."
+      echo "conflict=nocheck" > $tmp_dir/nocheck
+      echo "action=nocheck" >> $tmp_dir/nocheck
+      echo "mail=" >> $tmp_dir/nocheck
+      pkgrm -a $tmp_dir/nocheck -n $project >/dev/null 2>&1 || true
+      pkgadd -G -n -d "$2" -a $tmp_dir/nocheck $project
+      ;;
+    "pkg")
+      echo "installing with installer..."
+      cd / && /usr/sbin/installer -pkg "$2" -target /
+      ;;
+    "dmg")
+      echo "installing dmg file..."
+      hdiutil detach "/Volumes/chef_software" >/dev/null 2>&1 || true
+      hdiutil attach "$2" -mountpoint "/Volumes/chef_software"
+      cd / && /usr/sbin/installer -pkg `find "/Volumes/chef_software" -name \*.pkg` -target /
+      hdiutil detach "/Volumes/chef_software"
+      ;;
+    "sh" )
+      echo "installing with sh..."
+      sh "$2"
+      ;;
+    "p5p" )
+      echo "installing p5p package..."
+      pkg install -g "$2" $project
+      ;;
+    *)
+      echo "Unknown filetype: $1"
+      report_bug
+      exit 1
+      ;;
+  esac
+  if test $? -ne 0; then
+    echo "Installation failed"
+    report_bug
+    exit 1
+  fi
+if test "x$TMPDIR" = "x"; then
+  tmp="/tmp"
+  tmp=$TMPDIR
+# secure-ish temp dir creation without having mktemp available (DDoS-able but not expliotable)
+(umask 077 && mkdir $tmp_dir) || exit 1
+# end of
+# This section reads the CLI parameters for the install script and translates
+#   them to the local parameters to be used later by the script.
+# Outputs:
+# $version: Requested version to be installed.
+# $channel: Channel to install the product from
+# $project: Project to be installed
+# $cmdline_filename: Name of the package downloaded on local disk.
+# $cmdline_dl_dir: Name of the directory downloaded package will be saved to on local disk.
+# Defaults
+while getopts pnv:c:f:P:d: opt
+  case "$opt" in
+    v)  version="$OPTARG";;
+    c)  channel="$OPTARG";;
+    p)  channel="current";; # compat for prerelease option
+    n)  channel="current";; # compat for nightlies option
+    f)  cmdline_filename="$OPTARG";;
+    P)  project="$OPTARG";;
+    d)  cmdline_dl_dir="$OPTARG";;
+    \?)   # unknown flag
+      echo >&2 \
+      "usage: $0 [-P project] [-c release_channel] [-v version] [-f filename | -d download_dir]"
+      exit 1;;
+  esac
+shift `expr $OPTIND - 1`
+# This section makes platform detection compatible with omnitruck on the system
+#   it runs.
+# Outputs:
+# $platform: Name of the platform.
+# $platform_version: Version of the platform.
+# $machine: System's architecture.
+# Platform and Platform Version detection
+# NOTE: This should now match ohai platform and platform_version matching.
+# do not invented new platform and platform_version schemas, just make this behave
+# like what ohai returns as platform and platform_version for the server.
+# ALSO NOTE: Do not mangle platform or platform_version here.  It is less error
+# prone and more future-proof to do that in the server, and then all omnitruck clients
+# will 'inherit' the changes ( is not the only client of the omnitruck
+# endpoint out there).
+machine=`uname -m`
+os=`uname -s`
+if test -f "/etc/lsb-release" && grep -q DISTRIB_ID /etc/lsb-release && ! grep -q wrlinux /etc/lsb-release; then
+  platform=`grep DISTRIB_ID /etc/lsb-release | cut -d "=" -f 2 | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`
+  platform_version=`grep DISTRIB_RELEASE /etc/lsb-release | cut -d "=" -f 2`
+  if test "$platform" = "\"cumulus linux\""; then
+    platform="cumulus_linux"
+  elif test "$platform" = "\"cumulus networks\""; then
+    platform="cumulus_networks"
+  fi
+elif test -f "/etc/debian_version"; then
+  platform="debian"
+  platform_version=`cat /etc/debian_version`
+elif test -f "/etc/Eos-release"; then
+  # EOS may also contain /etc/redhat-release so this check must come first.
+  platform=arista_eos
+  platform_version=`awk '{print $4}' /etc/Eos-release`
+  machine="i386"
+elif test -f "/etc/redhat-release"; then
+  platform=`sed 's/^\(.\+\) release.*/\1/' /etc/redhat-release | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`
+  platform_version=`sed 's/^.\+ release \([.0-9]\+\).*/\1/' /etc/redhat-release`
+  # If /etc/redhat-release exists, we act like RHEL by default
+  if test "$platform" = "fedora"; then
+    # FIXME: stop remapping fedora to el
+    # FIXME: remove client side platform_version mangling and hard coded yolo
+    # Change platform version for use below.
+    platform_version="6.0"
+  fi
+  if test "$platform" = "xenserver"; then
+    # Current XenServer 6.2 is based on CentOS 5, platform is not reset to "el" server should hanlde response
+    platform="xenserver"
+  else
+    # FIXME: use "redhat"
+    platform="el"
+  fi
+elif test -f "/etc/system-release"; then
+  platform=`sed 's/^\(.\+\) release.\+/\1/' /etc/system-release | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`
+  platform_version=`sed 's/^.\+ release \([.0-9]\+\).*/\1/' /etc/system-release | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`
+  # amazon is built off of fedora, so act like RHEL
+  if test "$platform" = "amazon linux ami"; then
+    # FIXME: remove client side platform_version mangling and hard coded yolo, and remapping to deprecated "el"
+    platform="el"
+    platform_version="6.0"
+  fi
+# Apple OS X
+elif test -f "/usr/bin/sw_vers"; then
+  platform="mac_os_x"
+  # Matching the tab-space with sed is error-prone
+  platform_version=`sw_vers | awk '/^ProductVersion:/ { print $2 }' | cut -d. -f1,2`
+  # x86_64 Apple hardware often runs 32-bit kernels (see OHAI-63)
+  x86_64=`sysctl -n hw.optional.x86_64`
+  if test $x86_64 -eq 1; then
+    machine="x86_64"
+  fi
+elif test -f "/etc/release"; then
+  machine=`/usr/bin/uname -p`
+  if grep -q SmartOS /etc/release; then
+    platform="smartos"
+    platform_version=`grep ^Image /etc/product | awk '{ print $3 }'`
+  else
+    platform="solaris2"
+    platform_version=`/usr/bin/uname -r`
+  fi
+elif test -f "/etc/SuSE-release"; then
+  if grep -q 'Enterprise' /etc/SuSE-release;
+  then
+      platform="sles"
+      platform_version=`awk '/^VERSION/ {V = $3}; /^PATCHLEVEL/ {P = $3}; END {print V "." P}' /etc/SuSE-release`
+  else
+      platform="suse"
+      platform_version=`awk '/^VERSION =/ { print $3 }' /etc/SuSE-release`
+  fi
+elif test "x$os" = "xFreeBSD"; then
+  platform="freebsd"
+  platform_version=`uname -r | sed 's/-.*//'`
+elif test "x$os" = "xAIX"; then
+  platform="aix"
+  platform_version="`uname -v`.`uname -r`"
+  machine="powerpc"
+elif test -f "/etc/os-release"; then
+  . /etc/os-release
+  if test "x$CISCO_RELEASE_INFO" != "x"; then
+  fi
+  platform=$ID
+  platform_version=$VERSION
+if test "x$platform" = "x"; then
+  echo "Unable to determine platform version!"
+  report_bug
+  exit 1
+# NOTE: platform manging in the is DEPRECATED
+# - should be true to ohai and should not remap
+#   platform or platform versions.
+# - remapping platform and mangling platform version numbers is
+#   now the complete responsibility of the server-side endpoints
+major_version=`echo $platform_version | cut -d. -f1`
+case $platform in
+  # FIXME: should remove this case statement completely
+  "el")
+    # FIXME:  "el" is deprecated, should use "redhat"
+    platform_version=$major_version
+    ;;
+  "debian")
+    if test "x$major_version" = "x5"; then
+      # This is here for potential back-compat.
+      # We do not have 5 in versions we publish for anymore but we
+      # might have it for earlier versions.
+      platform_version="6"
+    else
+      platform_version=$major_version
+    fi
+    ;;
+  "freebsd")
+    platform_version=$major_version
+    ;;
+  "sles")
+    platform_version=$major_version
+    ;;
+  "suse")
+    platform_version=$major_version
+    ;;
+# normalize the architecture we detected
+case $machine in
+  "x86_64"|"amd64"|"x64")
+    machine="x86_64"
+    ;;
+  "i386"|"i86pc"|"x86"|"i686")
+    machine="i386"
+    ;;
+  "sparc"|"sun4u"|"sun4v")
+    machine="sparc"
+    ;;
+if test "x$platform_version" = "x"; then
+  echo "Unable to determine platform version!"
+  report_bug
+  exit 1
+if test "x$platform" = "xsolaris2"; then
+  # hack up the path on Solaris to find wget, pkgadd
+  PATH=/usr/sfw/bin:/usr/sbin:$PATH
+  export PATH
+echo "$platform $platform_version $machine"
+# end of
+# This section calls omnitruck to get the information about the build to be
+#   installed.
+# Inputs:
+# $channel:
+# $project:
+# $version:
+# $platform:
+# $platform_version:
+# $machine:
+# $tmp_dir:
+# Outputs:
+# $download_url:
+# $sha256:
+echo "Getting information for $project $channel $version for $platform..."
+do_download "$metadata_url"  "$metadata_filename"
+cat "$metadata_filename"
+echo ""
+# check that all the mandatory fields in the downloaded metadata are there
+if grep '^url' $metadata_filename > /dev/null && grep '^sha256' $metadata_filename > /dev/null; then
+  echo "downloaded metadata file looks valid..."
+  echo "downloaded metadata file is corrupted or an uncaught error was encountered in downloading the file..."
+  # this generally means one of the download methods downloaded a 404 or something like that and then reported a successful exit code,
+  # and this should be fixed in the function that was doing the download.
+  report_bug
+  exit 1
+download_url=`awk '$1 == "url" { print $2 }' "$metadata_filename"`
+sha256=`awk '$1 == "sha256" { print $2 }' "$metadata_filename"`
+# end of
+# This section fetchs a package from $download_url and verifies its metadata.
+# Inputs:
+# $download_url:
+# $tmp_dir:
+# Optional Inputs:
+# $cmdline_filename: Name of the package downloaded on local disk.
+# $cmdline_dl_dir: Name of the directory downloaded package will be saved to on local disk.
+# Outputs:
+# $download_filename: Name of the downloaded file on local disk.
+# $filetype: Type of the file downloaded.
+filename=`echo $download_url | sed -e 's/^.*\///'`
+filetype=`echo $filename | sed -e 's/^.*\.//'`
+# use either $tmp_dir, the provided directory (-d) or the provided filename (-f)
+if test "x$cmdline_filename" != "x"; then
+  download_filename="$cmdline_filename"
+elif test "x$cmdline_dl_dir" != "x"; then
+  download_filename="$cmdline_dl_dir/$filename"
+  download_filename="$tmp_dir/$filename"
+# ensure the parent directory where to download the installer always exists
+download_dir=`dirname $download_filename`
+(umask 077 && mkdir -p $download_dir) || exit 1
+# check if we have that file locally available and if so verify the checksum
+if test -f $download_filename; then
+  echo "$download_filename already exists, verifiying checksum..."
+  if do_checksum "$download_filename" "$sha256"; then
+    echo "checksum compare succeeded, using existing file!"
+    cached_file_available="true"
+  else
+    echo "checksum mismatch, downloading latest version of the file"
+  fi
+# download if no local version of the file available
+if test "x$cached_file_available" != "xtrue"; then
+  do_download "$download_url"  "$download_filename"
+  do_checksum "$download_filename" "$sha256" || checksum_mismatch
+# end of
+# Installs a package and removed the temp directory.
+# Inputs:
+# $download_filename: Name of the file to be installed.
+# $filetype: Type of the file to be installed.
+# $version: The version requested. Used only for warning user if not set.
+if test "x$version" = "x"; then
+  echo
+  echo
+  echo "You are installing an omnibus package without a version pin.  If you are installing"
+  echo "on production servers via an automated process this is DANGEROUS and you will"
+  echo "be upgraded without warning on new releases, even to new major releases."
+  echo "Letting the version float is only appropriate in desktop, test, development or"
+  echo "CI/CD environments."
+  echo
+  echo
+install_file $filetype "$download_filename"
+if test "x$tmp_dir" != "x"; then
+  rm -r "$tmp_dir"
+# end of
diff --git a/sdc-os-chef/sdc-backend/chef-repo/cookbooks/sdc-normatives/files/default/normatives.tar.gz b/sdc-os-chef/sdc-backend/chef-repo/cookbooks/sdc-normatives/files/default/normatives.tar.gz
deleted file mode 100644
index 0962975..0000000
--- a/sdc-os-chef/sdc-backend/chef-repo/cookbooks/sdc-normatives/files/default/normatives.tar.gz
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/sdc-os-chef/sdc-cassandra/Dockerfile b/sdc-os-chef/sdc-cassandra/Dockerfile
index 7610ecb..e2aca80 100644
--- a/sdc-os-chef/sdc-cassandra/Dockerfile
+++ b/sdc-os-chef/sdc-cassandra/Dockerfile
@@ -34,8 +34,8 @@
 COPY chef-repo/cookbooks /root/chef-solo/cookbooks/
 # install chef-solo
-RUN curl -L | bash
+#RUN curl -L | bash
+RUN bash
 COPY /root/
 RUN chmod 770 /root/
diff --git a/sdc-os-chef/sdc-cassandra/ b/sdc-os-chef/sdc-cassandra/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a4be8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sdc-os-chef/sdc-cassandra/
@@ -0,0 +1,707 @@
+# - must run on /bin/sh on solaris 9
+# - must run on /bin/sh on AIX 6.x
+# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Chef Software, Inc.
+# License:: Apache License, Version 2.0
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# This section has some helper functions to make life easier.
+# Outputs:
+# $tmp_dir: secure-ish temp directory that can be used during installation.
+# Check whether a command exists - returns 0 if it does, 1 if it does not
+exists() {
+  if command -v $1 >/dev/null 2>&1
+  then
+    return 0
+  else
+    return 1
+  fi
+# Output the instructions to report bug about this script
+report_bug() {
+  echo "Version: $version"
+  echo ""
+  echo "Please file a Bug Report at"
+  echo "Alternatively, feel free to open a Support Ticket at"
+  echo "More Chef support resources can be found at"
+  echo ""
+  echo "Please include as many details about the problem as possible i.e., how to reproduce"
+  echo "the problem (if possible), type of the Operating System and its version, etc.,"
+  echo "and any other relevant details that might help us with troubleshooting."
+  echo ""
+checksum_mismatch() {
+  echo "Package checksum mismatch!"
+  report_bug
+  exit 1
+unable_to_retrieve_package() {
+  echo "Unable to retrieve a valid package!"
+  report_bug
+  echo "Metadata URL: $metadata_url"
+  if test "x$download_url" != "x"; then
+    echo "Download URL: $download_url"
+  fi
+  if test "x$stderr_results" != "x"; then
+    echo "\nDEBUG OUTPUT FOLLOWS:\n$stderr_results"
+  fi
+  exit 1
+http_404_error() {
+  echo "Omnitruck artifact does not exist for version $version on platform $platform"
+  echo ""
+  echo "Either this means:"
+  echo "   - We do not support $platform"
+  echo "   - We do not have an artifact for $version"
+  echo ""
+  echo "This is often the latter case due to running a prerelease or RC version of chef"
+  echo "or a gem version which was only pushed to rubygems and not omnitruck."
+  echo ""
+  echo "You may be able to set your knife[:bootstrap_version] to the most recent stable"
+  echo "release of Chef to fix this problem (or the most recent stable major version number)."
+  echo ""
+  echo "In order to test the version parameter, adventurous users may take the Metadata URL"
+  echo "below and modify the '&v=<number>' parameter until you successfully get a URL that"
+  echo "does not 404 (e.g. via curl or wget).  You should be able to use '&v=11' or '&v=12'"
+  echo "succesfully."
+  echo ""
+  echo "If you cannot fix this problem by setting the bootstrap_version, it probably means"
+  echo "that $platform is not supported."
+  echo ""
+  # deliberately do not call report_bug to suppress bug report noise.
+  echo "Metadata URL: $metadata_url"
+  if test "x$download_url" != "x"; then
+    echo "Download URL: $download_url"
+  fi
+  if test "x$stderr_results" != "x"; then
+    echo "\nDEBUG OUTPUT FOLLOWS:\n$stderr_results"
+  fi
+  exit 1
+capture_tmp_stderr() {
+  # spool up /tmp/stderr from all the commands we called
+  if test -f "$tmp_dir/stderr"; then
+    output=`cat $tmp_dir/stderr`
+    stderr_results="${stderr_results}\nSTDERR from $1:\n\n$output\n"
+    rm $tmp_dir/stderr
+  fi
+# do_wget URL FILENAME
+do_wget() {
+  echo "trying wget..."
+  wget --user-agent="User-Agent: mixlib-install/2.1.8" -O "$2" "$1" 2>$tmp_dir/stderr
+  rc=$?
+  # check for 404
+  grep "ERROR 404" $tmp_dir/stderr 2>&1 >/dev/null
+  if test $? -eq 0; then
+    echo "ERROR 404"
+    http_404_error
+  fi
+  # check for bad return status or empty output
+  if test $rc -ne 0 || test ! -s "$2"; then
+    capture_tmp_stderr "wget"
+    return 1
+  fi
+  return 0
+# do_curl URL FILENAME
+do_curl() {
+  echo "trying curl..."
+  curl -A "User-Agent: mixlib-install/2.1.8" --retry 5 -sL -D $tmp_dir/stderr "$1" > "$2"
+  rc=$?
+  # check for 404
+  grep "404 Not Found" $tmp_dir/stderr 2>&1 >/dev/null
+  if test $? -eq 0; then
+    echo "ERROR 404"
+    http_404_error
+  fi
+  # check for bad return status or empty output
+  if test $rc -ne 0 || test ! -s "$2"; then
+    capture_tmp_stderr "curl"
+    return 1
+  fi
+  return 0
+# do_fetch URL FILENAME
+do_fetch() {
+  echo "trying fetch..."
+  fetch --user-agent="User-Agent: mixlib-install/2.1.8" -o "$2" "$1" 2>$tmp_dir/stderr
+  # check for bad return status
+  test $? -ne 0 && return 1
+  return 0
+# do_perl URL FILENAME
+do_perl() {
+  echo "trying perl..."
+  perl -e 'use LWP::Simple; getprint($ARGV[0]);' "$1" > "$2" 2>$tmp_dir/stderr
+  rc=$?
+  # check for 404
+  grep "404 Not Found" $tmp_dir/stderr 2>&1 >/dev/null
+  if test $? -eq 0; then
+    echo "ERROR 404"
+    http_404_error
+  fi
+  # check for bad return status or empty output
+  if test $rc -ne 0 || test ! -s "$2"; then
+    capture_tmp_stderr "perl"
+    return 1
+  fi
+  return 0
+# do_python URL FILENAME
+do_python() {
+  echo "trying python..."
+  python -c "import sys,urllib2; sys.stdout.write(urllib2.urlopen(urllib2.Request(sys.argv[1], headers={ 'User-Agent': 'mixlib-install/2.1.8' })).read())" "$1" > "$2" 2>$tmp_dir/stderr
+  rc=$?
+  # check for 404
+  grep "HTTP Error 404" $tmp_dir/stderr 2>&1 >/dev/null
+  if test $? -eq 0; then
+    echo "ERROR 404"
+    http_404_error
+  fi
+  # check for bad return status or empty output
+  if test $rc -ne 0 || test ! -s "$2"; then
+    capture_tmp_stderr "python"
+    return 1
+  fi
+  return 0
+# returns 0 if checksums match
+do_checksum() {
+  if exists sha256sum; then
+    echo "Comparing checksum with sha256sum..."
+    checksum=`sha256sum $1 | awk '{ print $1 }'`
+    return `test "x$checksum" = "x$2"`
+  elif exists shasum; then
+    echo "Comparing checksum with shasum..."
+    checksum=`shasum -a 256 $1 | awk '{ print $1 }'`
+    return `test "x$checksum" = "x$2"`
+  else
+    echo "WARNING: could not find a valid checksum program, pre-install shasum or sha256sum in your O/S image to get valdation..."
+    return 0
+  fi
+# do_download URL FILENAME
+do_download() {
+  echo "downloading $1"
+  echo "  to file $2"
+  url=`echo $1`
+  if test "x$platform" = "xsolaris2"; then
+    if test "x$platform_version" = "x5.9" -o "x$platform_version" = "x5.10"; then
+      # solaris 9 lacks openssl, solaris 10 lacks recent enough credentials - your base O/S is completely insecure, please upgrade
+      url=`echo $url | sed -e 's/https/http/'`
+    fi
+  fi
+  # we try all of these until we get success.
+  # perl, in particular may be present but LWP::Simple may not be installed
+  if exists wget; then
+    do_wget $url $2 && return 0
+  fi
+  if exists curl; then
+    do_curl $url $2 && return 0
+  fi
+  if exists fetch; then
+    do_fetch $url $2 && return 0
+  fi
+  if exists perl; then
+    do_perl $url $2 && return 0
+  fi
+  if exists python; then
+    do_python $url $2 && return 0
+  fi
+  unable_to_retrieve_package
+# install_file TYPE FILENAME
+# TYPE is "rpm", "deb", "solaris", "sh", etc.
+install_file() {
+  echo "Installing $project $version"
+  case "$1" in
+    "rpm")
+      if test "x$platform" = "xnexus" || test "x$platform" = "xios_xr"; then
+        echo "installing with yum..."
+        yum install -yv "$2"
+      else
+        echo "installing with rpm..."
+        rpm -Uvh --oldpackage --replacepkgs "$2"
+      fi
+      ;;
+    "deb")
+      echo "installing with dpkg..."
+      dpkg -i "$2"
+      ;;
+    "bff")
+      echo "installing with installp..."
+      installp -aXYgd "$2" all
+      ;;
+    "solaris")
+      echo "installing with pkgadd..."
+      echo "conflict=nocheck" > $tmp_dir/nocheck
+      echo "action=nocheck" >> $tmp_dir/nocheck
+      echo "mail=" >> $tmp_dir/nocheck
+      pkgrm -a $tmp_dir/nocheck -n $project >/dev/null 2>&1 || true
+      pkgadd -G -n -d "$2" -a $tmp_dir/nocheck $project
+      ;;
+    "pkg")
+      echo "installing with installer..."
+      cd / && /usr/sbin/installer -pkg "$2" -target /
+      ;;
+    "dmg")
+      echo "installing dmg file..."
+      hdiutil detach "/Volumes/chef_software" >/dev/null 2>&1 || true
+      hdiutil attach "$2" -mountpoint "/Volumes/chef_software"
+      cd / && /usr/sbin/installer -pkg `find "/Volumes/chef_software" -name \*.pkg` -target /
+      hdiutil detach "/Volumes/chef_software"
+      ;;
+    "sh" )
+      echo "installing with sh..."
+      sh "$2"
+      ;;
+    "p5p" )
+      echo "installing p5p package..."
+      pkg install -g "$2" $project
+      ;;
+    *)
+      echo "Unknown filetype: $1"
+      report_bug
+      exit 1
+      ;;
+  esac
+  if test $? -ne 0; then
+    echo "Installation failed"
+    report_bug
+    exit 1
+  fi
+if test "x$TMPDIR" = "x"; then
+  tmp="/tmp"
+  tmp=$TMPDIR
+# secure-ish temp dir creation without having mktemp available (DDoS-able but not expliotable)
+(umask 077 && mkdir $tmp_dir) || exit 1
+# end of
+# This section reads the CLI parameters for the install script and translates
+#   them to the local parameters to be used later by the script.
+# Outputs:
+# $version: Requested version to be installed.
+# $channel: Channel to install the product from
+# $project: Project to be installed
+# $cmdline_filename: Name of the package downloaded on local disk.
+# $cmdline_dl_dir: Name of the directory downloaded package will be saved to on local disk.
+# Defaults
+while getopts pnv:c:f:P:d: opt
+  case "$opt" in
+    v)  version="$OPTARG";;
+    c)  channel="$OPTARG";;
+    p)  channel="current";; # compat for prerelease option
+    n)  channel="current";; # compat for nightlies option
+    f)  cmdline_filename="$OPTARG";;
+    P)  project="$OPTARG";;
+    d)  cmdline_dl_dir="$OPTARG";;
+    \?)   # unknown flag
+      echo >&2 \
+      "usage: $0 [-P project] [-c release_channel] [-v version] [-f filename | -d download_dir]"
+      exit 1;;
+  esac
+shift `expr $OPTIND - 1`
+# This section makes platform detection compatible with omnitruck on the system
+#   it runs.
+# Outputs:
+# $platform: Name of the platform.
+# $platform_version: Version of the platform.
+# $machine: System's architecture.
+# Platform and Platform Version detection
+# NOTE: This should now match ohai platform and platform_version matching.
+# do not invented new platform and platform_version schemas, just make this behave
+# like what ohai returns as platform and platform_version for the server.
+# ALSO NOTE: Do not mangle platform or platform_version here.  It is less error
+# prone and more future-proof to do that in the server, and then all omnitruck clients
+# will 'inherit' the changes ( is not the only client of the omnitruck
+# endpoint out there).
+machine=`uname -m`
+os=`uname -s`
+if test -f "/etc/lsb-release" && grep -q DISTRIB_ID /etc/lsb-release && ! grep -q wrlinux /etc/lsb-release; then
+  platform=`grep DISTRIB_ID /etc/lsb-release | cut -d "=" -f 2 | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`
+  platform_version=`grep DISTRIB_RELEASE /etc/lsb-release | cut -d "=" -f 2`
+  if test "$platform" = "\"cumulus linux\""; then
+    platform="cumulus_linux"
+  elif test "$platform" = "\"cumulus networks\""; then
+    platform="cumulus_networks"
+  fi
+elif test -f "/etc/debian_version"; then
+  platform="debian"
+  platform_version=`cat /etc/debian_version`
+elif test -f "/etc/Eos-release"; then
+  # EOS may also contain /etc/redhat-release so this check must come first.
+  platform=arista_eos
+  platform_version=`awk '{print $4}' /etc/Eos-release`
+  machine="i386"
+elif test -f "/etc/redhat-release"; then
+  platform=`sed 's/^\(.\+\) release.*/\1/' /etc/redhat-release | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`
+  platform_version=`sed 's/^.\+ release \([.0-9]\+\).*/\1/' /etc/redhat-release`
+  # If /etc/redhat-release exists, we act like RHEL by default
+  if test "$platform" = "fedora"; then
+    # FIXME: stop remapping fedora to el
+    # FIXME: remove client side platform_version mangling and hard coded yolo
+    # Change platform version for use below.
+    platform_version="6.0"
+  fi
+  if test "$platform" = "xenserver"; then
+    # Current XenServer 6.2 is based on CentOS 5, platform is not reset to "el" server should hanlde response
+    platform="xenserver"
+  else
+    # FIXME: use "redhat"
+    platform="el"
+  fi
+elif test -f "/etc/system-release"; then
+  platform=`sed 's/^\(.\+\) release.\+/\1/' /etc/system-release | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`
+  platform_version=`sed 's/^.\+ release \([.0-9]\+\).*/\1/' /etc/system-release | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`
+  # amazon is built off of fedora, so act like RHEL
+  if test "$platform" = "amazon linux ami"; then
+    # FIXME: remove client side platform_version mangling and hard coded yolo, and remapping to deprecated "el"
+    platform="el"
+    platform_version="6.0"
+  fi
+# Apple OS X
+elif test -f "/usr/bin/sw_vers"; then
+  platform="mac_os_x"
+  # Matching the tab-space with sed is error-prone
+  platform_version=`sw_vers | awk '/^ProductVersion:/ { print $2 }' | cut -d. -f1,2`
+  # x86_64 Apple hardware often runs 32-bit kernels (see OHAI-63)
+  x86_64=`sysctl -n hw.optional.x86_64`
+  if test $x86_64 -eq 1; then
+    machine="x86_64"
+  fi
+elif test -f "/etc/release"; then
+  machine=`/usr/bin/uname -p`
+  if grep -q SmartOS /etc/release; then
+    platform="smartos"
+    platform_version=`grep ^Image /etc/product | awk '{ print $3 }'`
+  else
+    platform="solaris2"
+    platform_version=`/usr/bin/uname -r`
+  fi
+elif test -f "/etc/SuSE-release"; then
+  if grep -q 'Enterprise' /etc/SuSE-release;
+  then
+      platform="sles"
+      platform_version=`awk '/^VERSION/ {V = $3}; /^PATCHLEVEL/ {P = $3}; END {print V "." P}' /etc/SuSE-release`
+  else
+      platform="suse"
+      platform_version=`awk '/^VERSION =/ { print $3 }' /etc/SuSE-release`
+  fi
+elif test "x$os" = "xFreeBSD"; then
+  platform="freebsd"
+  platform_version=`uname -r | sed 's/-.*//'`
+elif test "x$os" = "xAIX"; then
+  platform="aix"
+  platform_version="`uname -v`.`uname -r`"
+  machine="powerpc"
+elif test -f "/etc/os-release"; then
+  . /etc/os-release
+  if test "x$CISCO_RELEASE_INFO" != "x"; then
+  fi
+  platform=$ID
+  platform_version=$VERSION
+if test "x$platform" = "x"; then
+  echo "Unable to determine platform version!"
+  report_bug
+  exit 1
+# NOTE: platform manging in the is DEPRECATED
+# - should be true to ohai and should not remap
+#   platform or platform versions.
+# - remapping platform and mangling platform version numbers is
+#   now the complete responsibility of the server-side endpoints
+major_version=`echo $platform_version | cut -d. -f1`
+case $platform in
+  # FIXME: should remove this case statement completely
+  "el")
+    # FIXME:  "el" is deprecated, should use "redhat"
+    platform_version=$major_version
+    ;;
+  "debian")
+    if test "x$major_version" = "x5"; then
+      # This is here for potential back-compat.
+      # We do not have 5 in versions we publish for anymore but we
+      # might have it for earlier versions.
+      platform_version="6"
+    else
+      platform_version=$major_version
+    fi
+    ;;
+  "freebsd")
+    platform_version=$major_version
+    ;;
+  "sles")
+    platform_version=$major_version
+    ;;
+  "suse")
+    platform_version=$major_version
+    ;;
+# normalize the architecture we detected
+case $machine in
+  "x86_64"|"amd64"|"x64")
+    machine="x86_64"
+    ;;
+  "i386"|"i86pc"|"x86"|"i686")
+    machine="i386"
+    ;;
+  "sparc"|"sun4u"|"sun4v")
+    machine="sparc"
+    ;;
+if test "x$platform_version" = "x"; then
+  echo "Unable to determine platform version!"
+  report_bug
+  exit 1
+if test "x$platform" = "xsolaris2"; then
+  # hack up the path on Solaris to find wget, pkgadd
+  PATH=/usr/sfw/bin:/usr/sbin:$PATH
+  export PATH
+echo "$platform $platform_version $machine"
+# end of
+# This section calls omnitruck to get the information about the build to be
+#   installed.
+# Inputs:
+# $channel:
+# $project:
+# $version:
+# $platform:
+# $platform_version:
+# $machine:
+# $tmp_dir:
+# Outputs:
+# $download_url:
+# $sha256:
+echo "Getting information for $project $channel $version for $platform..."
+do_download "$metadata_url"  "$metadata_filename"
+cat "$metadata_filename"
+echo ""
+# check that all the mandatory fields in the downloaded metadata are there
+if grep '^url' $metadata_filename > /dev/null && grep '^sha256' $metadata_filename > /dev/null; then
+  echo "downloaded metadata file looks valid..."
+  echo "downloaded metadata file is corrupted or an uncaught error was encountered in downloading the file..."
+  # this generally means one of the download methods downloaded a 404 or something like that and then reported a successful exit code,
+  # and this should be fixed in the function that was doing the download.
+  report_bug
+  exit 1
+download_url=`awk '$1 == "url" { print $2 }' "$metadata_filename"`
+sha256=`awk '$1 == "sha256" { print $2 }' "$metadata_filename"`
+# end of
+# This section fetchs a package from $download_url and verifies its metadata.
+# Inputs:
+# $download_url:
+# $tmp_dir:
+# Optional Inputs:
+# $cmdline_filename: Name of the package downloaded on local disk.
+# $cmdline_dl_dir: Name of the directory downloaded package will be saved to on local disk.
+# Outputs:
+# $download_filename: Name of the downloaded file on local disk.
+# $filetype: Type of the file downloaded.
+filename=`echo $download_url | sed -e 's/^.*\///'`
+filetype=`echo $filename | sed -e 's/^.*\.//'`
+# use either $tmp_dir, the provided directory (-d) or the provided filename (-f)
+if test "x$cmdline_filename" != "x"; then
+  download_filename="$cmdline_filename"
+elif test "x$cmdline_dl_dir" != "x"; then
+  download_filename="$cmdline_dl_dir/$filename"
+  download_filename="$tmp_dir/$filename"
+# ensure the parent directory where to download the installer always exists
+download_dir=`dirname $download_filename`
+(umask 077 && mkdir -p $download_dir) || exit 1
+# check if we have that file locally available and if so verify the checksum
+if test -f $download_filename; then
+  echo "$download_filename already exists, verifiying checksum..."
+  if do_checksum "$download_filename" "$sha256"; then
+    echo "checksum compare succeeded, using existing file!"
+    cached_file_available="true"
+  else
+    echo "checksum mismatch, downloading latest version of the file"
+  fi
+# download if no local version of the file available
+if test "x$cached_file_available" != "xtrue"; then
+  do_download "$download_url"  "$download_filename"
+  do_checksum "$download_filename" "$sha256" || checksum_mismatch
+# end of
+# Installs a package and removed the temp directory.
+# Inputs:
+# $download_filename: Name of the file to be installed.
+# $filetype: Type of the file to be installed.
+# $version: The version requested. Used only for warning user if not set.
+if test "x$version" = "x"; then
+  echo
+  echo
+  echo "You are installing an omnibus package without a version pin.  If you are installing"
+  echo "on production servers via an automated process this is DANGEROUS and you will"
+  echo "be upgraded without warning on new releases, even to new major releases."
+  echo "Letting the version float is only appropriate in desktop, test, development or"
+  echo "CI/CD environments."
+  echo
+  echo
+install_file $filetype "$download_filename"
+if test "x$tmp_dir" != "x"; then
+  rm -r "$tmp_dir"
+# end of
diff --git a/sdc-os-chef/sdc-elasticsearch/Dockerfile b/sdc-os-chef/sdc-elasticsearch/Dockerfile
index ec0e7f7..192c728 100644
--- a/sdc-os-chef/sdc-elasticsearch/Dockerfile
+++ b/sdc-os-chef/sdc-elasticsearch/Dockerfile
@@ -12,7 +12,8 @@
 ENV BASE_NEXUS zl999y:ChangeMe@
 # install chef-solo
-RUN curl -L | bash
+#RUN curl -L | bash
+RUN bash
 COPY /root/
diff --git a/sdc-os-chef/sdc-elasticsearch/ b/sdc-os-chef/sdc-elasticsearch/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a4be8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sdc-os-chef/sdc-elasticsearch/
@@ -0,0 +1,707 @@
+# - must run on /bin/sh on solaris 9
+# - must run on /bin/sh on AIX 6.x
+# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Chef Software, Inc.
+# License:: Apache License, Version 2.0
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# This section has some helper functions to make life easier.
+# Outputs:
+# $tmp_dir: secure-ish temp directory that can be used during installation.
+# Check whether a command exists - returns 0 if it does, 1 if it does not
+exists() {
+  if command -v $1 >/dev/null 2>&1
+  then
+    return 0
+  else
+    return 1
+  fi
+# Output the instructions to report bug about this script
+report_bug() {
+  echo "Version: $version"
+  echo ""
+  echo "Please file a Bug Report at"
+  echo "Alternatively, feel free to open a Support Ticket at"
+  echo "More Chef support resources can be found at"
+  echo ""
+  echo "Please include as many details about the problem as possible i.e., how to reproduce"
+  echo "the problem (if possible), type of the Operating System and its version, etc.,"
+  echo "and any other relevant details that might help us with troubleshooting."
+  echo ""
+checksum_mismatch() {
+  echo "Package checksum mismatch!"
+  report_bug
+  exit 1
+unable_to_retrieve_package() {
+  echo "Unable to retrieve a valid package!"
+  report_bug
+  echo "Metadata URL: $metadata_url"
+  if test "x$download_url" != "x"; then
+    echo "Download URL: $download_url"
+  fi
+  if test "x$stderr_results" != "x"; then
+    echo "\nDEBUG OUTPUT FOLLOWS:\n$stderr_results"
+  fi
+  exit 1
+http_404_error() {
+  echo "Omnitruck artifact does not exist for version $version on platform $platform"
+  echo ""
+  echo "Either this means:"
+  echo "   - We do not support $platform"
+  echo "   - We do not have an artifact for $version"
+  echo ""
+  echo "This is often the latter case due to running a prerelease or RC version of chef"
+  echo "or a gem version which was only pushed to rubygems and not omnitruck."
+  echo ""
+  echo "You may be able to set your knife[:bootstrap_version] to the most recent stable"
+  echo "release of Chef to fix this problem (or the most recent stable major version number)."
+  echo ""
+  echo "In order to test the version parameter, adventurous users may take the Metadata URL"
+  echo "below and modify the '&v=<number>' parameter until you successfully get a URL that"
+  echo "does not 404 (e.g. via curl or wget).  You should be able to use '&v=11' or '&v=12'"
+  echo "succesfully."
+  echo ""
+  echo "If you cannot fix this problem by setting the bootstrap_version, it probably means"
+  echo "that $platform is not supported."
+  echo ""
+  # deliberately do not call report_bug to suppress bug report noise.
+  echo "Metadata URL: $metadata_url"
+  if test "x$download_url" != "x"; then
+    echo "Download URL: $download_url"
+  fi
+  if test "x$stderr_results" != "x"; then
+    echo "\nDEBUG OUTPUT FOLLOWS:\n$stderr_results"
+  fi
+  exit 1
+capture_tmp_stderr() {
+  # spool up /tmp/stderr from all the commands we called
+  if test -f "$tmp_dir/stderr"; then
+    output=`cat $tmp_dir/stderr`
+    stderr_results="${stderr_results}\nSTDERR from $1:\n\n$output\n"
+    rm $tmp_dir/stderr
+  fi
+# do_wget URL FILENAME
+do_wget() {
+  echo "trying wget..."
+  wget --user-agent="User-Agent: mixlib-install/2.1.8" -O "$2" "$1" 2>$tmp_dir/stderr
+  rc=$?
+  # check for 404
+  grep "ERROR 404" $tmp_dir/stderr 2>&1 >/dev/null
+  if test $? -eq 0; then
+    echo "ERROR 404"
+    http_404_error
+  fi
+  # check for bad return status or empty output
+  if test $rc -ne 0 || test ! -s "$2"; then
+    capture_tmp_stderr "wget"
+    return 1
+  fi
+  return 0
+# do_curl URL FILENAME
+do_curl() {
+  echo "trying curl..."
+  curl -A "User-Agent: mixlib-install/2.1.8" --retry 5 -sL -D $tmp_dir/stderr "$1" > "$2"
+  rc=$?
+  # check for 404
+  grep "404 Not Found" $tmp_dir/stderr 2>&1 >/dev/null
+  if test $? -eq 0; then
+    echo "ERROR 404"
+    http_404_error
+  fi
+  # check for bad return status or empty output
+  if test $rc -ne 0 || test ! -s "$2"; then
+    capture_tmp_stderr "curl"
+    return 1
+  fi
+  return 0
+# do_fetch URL FILENAME
+do_fetch() {
+  echo "trying fetch..."
+  fetch --user-agent="User-Agent: mixlib-install/2.1.8" -o "$2" "$1" 2>$tmp_dir/stderr
+  # check for bad return status
+  test $? -ne 0 && return 1
+  return 0
+# do_perl URL FILENAME
+do_perl() {
+  echo "trying perl..."
+  perl -e 'use LWP::Simple; getprint($ARGV[0]);' "$1" > "$2" 2>$tmp_dir/stderr
+  rc=$?
+  # check for 404
+  grep "404 Not Found" $tmp_dir/stderr 2>&1 >/dev/null
+  if test $? -eq 0; then
+    echo "ERROR 404"
+    http_404_error
+  fi
+  # check for bad return status or empty output
+  if test $rc -ne 0 || test ! -s "$2"; then
+    capture_tmp_stderr "perl"
+    return 1
+  fi
+  return 0
+# do_python URL FILENAME
+do_python() {
+  echo "trying python..."
+  python -c "import sys,urllib2; sys.stdout.write(urllib2.urlopen(urllib2.Request(sys.argv[1], headers={ 'User-Agent': 'mixlib-install/2.1.8' })).read())" "$1" > "$2" 2>$tmp_dir/stderr
+  rc=$?
+  # check for 404
+  grep "HTTP Error 404" $tmp_dir/stderr 2>&1 >/dev/null
+  if test $? -eq 0; then
+    echo "ERROR 404"
+    http_404_error
+  fi
+  # check for bad return status or empty output
+  if test $rc -ne 0 || test ! -s "$2"; then
+    capture_tmp_stderr "python"
+    return 1
+  fi
+  return 0
+# returns 0 if checksums match
+do_checksum() {
+  if exists sha256sum; then
+    echo "Comparing checksum with sha256sum..."
+    checksum=`sha256sum $1 | awk '{ print $1 }'`
+    return `test "x$checksum" = "x$2"`
+  elif exists shasum; then
+    echo "Comparing checksum with shasum..."
+    checksum=`shasum -a 256 $1 | awk '{ print $1 }'`
+    return `test "x$checksum" = "x$2"`
+  else
+    echo "WARNING: could not find a valid checksum program, pre-install shasum or sha256sum in your O/S image to get valdation..."
+    return 0
+  fi
+# do_download URL FILENAME
+do_download() {
+  echo "downloading $1"
+  echo "  to file $2"
+  url=`echo $1`
+  if test "x$platform" = "xsolaris2"; then
+    if test "x$platform_version" = "x5.9" -o "x$platform_version" = "x5.10"; then
+      # solaris 9 lacks openssl, solaris 10 lacks recent enough credentials - your base O/S is completely insecure, please upgrade
+      url=`echo $url | sed -e 's/https/http/'`
+    fi
+  fi
+  # we try all of these until we get success.
+  # perl, in particular may be present but LWP::Simple may not be installed
+  if exists wget; then
+    do_wget $url $2 && return 0
+  fi
+  if exists curl; then
+    do_curl $url $2 && return 0
+  fi
+  if exists fetch; then
+    do_fetch $url $2 && return 0
+  fi
+  if exists perl; then
+    do_perl $url $2 && return 0
+  fi
+  if exists python; then
+    do_python $url $2 && return 0
+  fi
+  unable_to_retrieve_package
+# install_file TYPE FILENAME
+# TYPE is "rpm", "deb", "solaris", "sh", etc.
+install_file() {
+  echo "Installing $project $version"
+  case "$1" in
+    "rpm")
+      if test "x$platform" = "xnexus" || test "x$platform" = "xios_xr"; then
+        echo "installing with yum..."
+        yum install -yv "$2"
+      else
+        echo "installing with rpm..."
+        rpm -Uvh --oldpackage --replacepkgs "$2"
+      fi
+      ;;
+    "deb")
+      echo "installing with dpkg..."
+      dpkg -i "$2"
+      ;;
+    "bff")
+      echo "installing with installp..."
+      installp -aXYgd "$2" all
+      ;;
+    "solaris")
+      echo "installing with pkgadd..."
+      echo "conflict=nocheck" > $tmp_dir/nocheck
+      echo "action=nocheck" >> $tmp_dir/nocheck
+      echo "mail=" >> $tmp_dir/nocheck
+      pkgrm -a $tmp_dir/nocheck -n $project >/dev/null 2>&1 || true
+      pkgadd -G -n -d "$2" -a $tmp_dir/nocheck $project
+      ;;
+    "pkg")
+      echo "installing with installer..."
+      cd / && /usr/sbin/installer -pkg "$2" -target /
+      ;;
+    "dmg")
+      echo "installing dmg file..."
+      hdiutil detach "/Volumes/chef_software" >/dev/null 2>&1 || true
+      hdiutil attach "$2" -mountpoint "/Volumes/chef_software"
+      cd / && /usr/sbin/installer -pkg `find "/Volumes/chef_software" -name \*.pkg` -target /
+      hdiutil detach "/Volumes/chef_software"
+      ;;
+    "sh" )
+      echo "installing with sh..."
+      sh "$2"
+      ;;
+    "p5p" )
+      echo "installing p5p package..."
+      pkg install -g "$2" $project
+      ;;
+    *)
+      echo "Unknown filetype: $1"
+      report_bug
+      exit 1
+      ;;
+  esac
+  if test $? -ne 0; then
+    echo "Installation failed"
+    report_bug
+    exit 1
+  fi
+if test "x$TMPDIR" = "x"; then
+  tmp="/tmp"
+  tmp=$TMPDIR
+# secure-ish temp dir creation without having mktemp available (DDoS-able but not expliotable)
+(umask 077 && mkdir $tmp_dir) || exit 1
+# end of
+# This section reads the CLI parameters for the install script and translates
+#   them to the local parameters to be used later by the script.
+# Outputs:
+# $version: Requested version to be installed.
+# $channel: Channel to install the product from
+# $project: Project to be installed
+# $cmdline_filename: Name of the package downloaded on local disk.
+# $cmdline_dl_dir: Name of the directory downloaded package will be saved to on local disk.
+# Defaults
+while getopts pnv:c:f:P:d: opt
+  case "$opt" in
+    v)  version="$OPTARG";;
+    c)  channel="$OPTARG";;
+    p)  channel="current";; # compat for prerelease option
+    n)  channel="current";; # compat for nightlies option
+    f)  cmdline_filename="$OPTARG";;
+    P)  project="$OPTARG";;
+    d)  cmdline_dl_dir="$OPTARG";;
+    \?)   # unknown flag
+      echo >&2 \
+      "usage: $0 [-P project] [-c release_channel] [-v version] [-f filename | -d download_dir]"
+      exit 1;;
+  esac
+shift `expr $OPTIND - 1`
+# This section makes platform detection compatible with omnitruck on the system
+#   it runs.
+# Outputs:
+# $platform: Name of the platform.
+# $platform_version: Version of the platform.
+# $machine: System's architecture.
+# Platform and Platform Version detection
+# NOTE: This should now match ohai platform and platform_version matching.
+# do not invented new platform and platform_version schemas, just make this behave
+# like what ohai returns as platform and platform_version for the server.
+# ALSO NOTE: Do not mangle platform or platform_version here.  It is less error
+# prone and more future-proof to do that in the server, and then all omnitruck clients
+# will 'inherit' the changes ( is not the only client of the omnitruck
+# endpoint out there).
+machine=`uname -m`
+os=`uname -s`
+if test -f "/etc/lsb-release" && grep -q DISTRIB_ID /etc/lsb-release && ! grep -q wrlinux /etc/lsb-release; then
+  platform=`grep DISTRIB_ID /etc/lsb-release | cut -d "=" -f 2 | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`
+  platform_version=`grep DISTRIB_RELEASE /etc/lsb-release | cut -d "=" -f 2`
+  if test "$platform" = "\"cumulus linux\""; then
+    platform="cumulus_linux"
+  elif test "$platform" = "\"cumulus networks\""; then
+    platform="cumulus_networks"
+  fi
+elif test -f "/etc/debian_version"; then
+  platform="debian"
+  platform_version=`cat /etc/debian_version`
+elif test -f "/etc/Eos-release"; then
+  # EOS may also contain /etc/redhat-release so this check must come first.
+  platform=arista_eos
+  platform_version=`awk '{print $4}' /etc/Eos-release`
+  machine="i386"
+elif test -f "/etc/redhat-release"; then
+  platform=`sed 's/^\(.\+\) release.*/\1/' /etc/redhat-release | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`
+  platform_version=`sed 's/^.\+ release \([.0-9]\+\).*/\1/' /etc/redhat-release`
+  # If /etc/redhat-release exists, we act like RHEL by default
+  if test "$platform" = "fedora"; then
+    # FIXME: stop remapping fedora to el
+    # FIXME: remove client side platform_version mangling and hard coded yolo
+    # Change platform version for use below.
+    platform_version="6.0"
+  fi
+  if test "$platform" = "xenserver"; then
+    # Current XenServer 6.2 is based on CentOS 5, platform is not reset to "el" server should hanlde response
+    platform="xenserver"
+  else
+    # FIXME: use "redhat"
+    platform="el"
+  fi
+elif test -f "/etc/system-release"; then
+  platform=`sed 's/^\(.\+\) release.\+/\1/' /etc/system-release | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`
+  platform_version=`sed 's/^.\+ release \([.0-9]\+\).*/\1/' /etc/system-release | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`
+  # amazon is built off of fedora, so act like RHEL
+  if test "$platform" = "amazon linux ami"; then
+    # FIXME: remove client side platform_version mangling and hard coded yolo, and remapping to deprecated "el"
+    platform="el"
+    platform_version="6.0"
+  fi
+# Apple OS X
+elif test -f "/usr/bin/sw_vers"; then
+  platform="mac_os_x"
+  # Matching the tab-space with sed is error-prone
+  platform_version=`sw_vers | awk '/^ProductVersion:/ { print $2 }' | cut -d. -f1,2`
+  # x86_64 Apple hardware often runs 32-bit kernels (see OHAI-63)
+  x86_64=`sysctl -n hw.optional.x86_64`
+  if test $x86_64 -eq 1; then
+    machine="x86_64"
+  fi
+elif test -f "/etc/release"; then
+  machine=`/usr/bin/uname -p`
+  if grep -q SmartOS /etc/release; then
+    platform="smartos"
+    platform_version=`grep ^Image /etc/product | awk '{ print $3 }'`
+  else
+    platform="solaris2"
+    platform_version=`/usr/bin/uname -r`
+  fi
+elif test -f "/etc/SuSE-release"; then
+  if grep -q 'Enterprise' /etc/SuSE-release;
+  then
+      platform="sles"
+      platform_version=`awk '/^VERSION/ {V = $3}; /^PATCHLEVEL/ {P = $3}; END {print V "." P}' /etc/SuSE-release`
+  else
+      platform="suse"
+      platform_version=`awk '/^VERSION =/ { print $3 }' /etc/SuSE-release`
+  fi
+elif test "x$os" = "xFreeBSD"; then
+  platform="freebsd"
+  platform_version=`uname -r | sed 's/-.*//'`
+elif test "x$os" = "xAIX"; then
+  platform="aix"
+  platform_version="`uname -v`.`uname -r`"
+  machine="powerpc"
+elif test -f "/etc/os-release"; then
+  . /etc/os-release
+  if test "x$CISCO_RELEASE_INFO" != "x"; then
+  fi
+  platform=$ID
+  platform_version=$VERSION
+if test "x$platform" = "x"; then
+  echo "Unable to determine platform version!"
+  report_bug
+  exit 1
+# NOTE: platform manging in the is DEPRECATED
+# - should be true to ohai and should not remap
+#   platform or platform versions.
+# - remapping platform and mangling platform version numbers is
+#   now the complete responsibility of the server-side endpoints
+major_version=`echo $platform_version | cut -d. -f1`
+case $platform in
+  # FIXME: should remove this case statement completely
+  "el")
+    # FIXME:  "el" is deprecated, should use "redhat"
+    platform_version=$major_version
+    ;;
+  "debian")
+    if test "x$major_version" = "x5"; then
+      # This is here for potential back-compat.
+      # We do not have 5 in versions we publish for anymore but we
+      # might have it for earlier versions.
+      platform_version="6"
+    else
+      platform_version=$major_version
+    fi
+    ;;
+  "freebsd")
+    platform_version=$major_version
+    ;;
+  "sles")
+    platform_version=$major_version
+    ;;
+  "suse")
+    platform_version=$major_version
+    ;;
+# normalize the architecture we detected
+case $machine in
+  "x86_64"|"amd64"|"x64")
+    machine="x86_64"
+    ;;
+  "i386"|"i86pc"|"x86"|"i686")
+    machine="i386"
+    ;;
+  "sparc"|"sun4u"|"sun4v")
+    machine="sparc"
+    ;;
+if test "x$platform_version" = "x"; then
+  echo "Unable to determine platform version!"
+  report_bug
+  exit 1
+if test "x$platform" = "xsolaris2"; then
+  # hack up the path on Solaris to find wget, pkgadd
+  PATH=/usr/sfw/bin:/usr/sbin:$PATH
+  export PATH
+echo "$platform $platform_version $machine"
+# end of
+# This section calls omnitruck to get the information about the build to be
+#   installed.
+# Inputs:
+# $channel:
+# $project:
+# $version:
+# $platform:
+# $platform_version:
+# $machine:
+# $tmp_dir:
+# Outputs:
+# $download_url:
+# $sha256:
+echo "Getting information for $project $channel $version for $platform..."
+do_download "$metadata_url"  "$metadata_filename"
+cat "$metadata_filename"
+echo ""
+# check that all the mandatory fields in the downloaded metadata are there
+if grep '^url' $metadata_filename > /dev/null && grep '^sha256' $metadata_filename > /dev/null; then
+  echo "downloaded metadata file looks valid..."
+  echo "downloaded metadata file is corrupted or an uncaught error was encountered in downloading the file..."
+  # this generally means one of the download methods downloaded a 404 or something like that and then reported a successful exit code,
+  # and this should be fixed in the function that was doing the download.
+  report_bug
+  exit 1
+download_url=`awk '$1 == "url" { print $2 }' "$metadata_filename"`
+sha256=`awk '$1 == "sha256" { print $2 }' "$metadata_filename"`
+# end of
+# This section fetchs a package from $download_url and verifies its metadata.
+# Inputs:
+# $download_url:
+# $tmp_dir:
+# Optional Inputs:
+# $cmdline_filename: Name of the package downloaded on local disk.
+# $cmdline_dl_dir: Name of the directory downloaded package will be saved to on local disk.
+# Outputs:
+# $download_filename: Name of the downloaded file on local disk.
+# $filetype: Type of the file downloaded.
+filename=`echo $download_url | sed -e 's/^.*\///'`
+filetype=`echo $filename | sed -e 's/^.*\.//'`
+# use either $tmp_dir, the provided directory (-d) or the provided filename (-f)
+if test "x$cmdline_filename" != "x"; then
+  download_filename="$cmdline_filename"
+elif test "x$cmdline_dl_dir" != "x"; then
+  download_filename="$cmdline_dl_dir/$filename"
+  download_filename="$tmp_dir/$filename"
+# ensure the parent directory where to download the installer always exists
+download_dir=`dirname $download_filename`
+(umask 077 && mkdir -p $download_dir) || exit 1
+# check if we have that file locally available and if so verify the checksum
+if test -f $download_filename; then
+  echo "$download_filename already exists, verifiying checksum..."
+  if do_checksum "$download_filename" "$sha256"; then
+    echo "checksum compare succeeded, using existing file!"
+    cached_file_available="true"
+  else
+    echo "checksum mismatch, downloading latest version of the file"
+  fi
+# download if no local version of the file available
+if test "x$cached_file_available" != "xtrue"; then
+  do_download "$download_url"  "$download_filename"
+  do_checksum "$download_filename" "$sha256" || checksum_mismatch
+# end of
+# Installs a package and removed the temp directory.
+# Inputs:
+# $download_filename: Name of the file to be installed.
+# $filetype: Type of the file to be installed.
+# $version: The version requested. Used only for warning user if not set.
+if test "x$version" = "x"; then
+  echo
+  echo
+  echo "You are installing an omnibus package without a version pin.  If you are installing"
+  echo "on production servers via an automated process this is DANGEROUS and you will"
+  echo "be upgraded without warning on new releases, even to new major releases."
+  echo "Letting the version float is only appropriate in desktop, test, development or"
+  echo "CI/CD environments."
+  echo
+  echo
+install_file $filetype "$download_filename"
+if test "x$tmp_dir" != "x"; then
+  rm -r "$tmp_dir"
+# end of
diff --git a/sdc-os-chef/sdc-frontend/Dockerfile b/sdc-os-chef/sdc-frontend/Dockerfile
index 2629864..3ce093e 100644
--- a/sdc-os-chef/sdc-frontend/Dockerfile
+++ b/sdc-os-chef/sdc-frontend/Dockerfile
@@ -9,7 +9,8 @@
 COPY chef-repo/cookbooks /root/chef-solo/cookbooks/
 # install chef-solo
-RUN curl -L | bash
+#RUN curl -L | bash
+RUN bash
 RUN cp ${JETTY_HOME}/resources/ ${JETTY_BASE}/resources/
diff --git a/sdc-os-chef/sdc-frontend/ b/sdc-os-chef/sdc-frontend/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a4be8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sdc-os-chef/sdc-frontend/
@@ -0,0 +1,707 @@
+# - must run on /bin/sh on solaris 9
+# - must run on /bin/sh on AIX 6.x
+# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Chef Software, Inc.
+# License:: Apache License, Version 2.0
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# This section has some helper functions to make life easier.
+# Outputs:
+# $tmp_dir: secure-ish temp directory that can be used during installation.
+# Check whether a command exists - returns 0 if it does, 1 if it does not
+exists() {
+  if command -v $1 >/dev/null 2>&1
+  then
+    return 0
+  else
+    return 1
+  fi
+# Output the instructions to report bug about this script
+report_bug() {
+  echo "Version: $version"
+  echo ""
+  echo "Please file a Bug Report at"
+  echo "Alternatively, feel free to open a Support Ticket at"
+  echo "More Chef support resources can be found at"
+  echo ""
+  echo "Please include as many details about the problem as possible i.e., how to reproduce"
+  echo "the problem (if possible), type of the Operating System and its version, etc.,"
+  echo "and any other relevant details that might help us with troubleshooting."
+  echo ""
+checksum_mismatch() {
+  echo "Package checksum mismatch!"
+  report_bug
+  exit 1
+unable_to_retrieve_package() {
+  echo "Unable to retrieve a valid package!"
+  report_bug
+  echo "Metadata URL: $metadata_url"
+  if test "x$download_url" != "x"; then
+    echo "Download URL: $download_url"
+  fi
+  if test "x$stderr_results" != "x"; then
+    echo "\nDEBUG OUTPUT FOLLOWS:\n$stderr_results"
+  fi
+  exit 1
+http_404_error() {
+  echo "Omnitruck artifact does not exist for version $version on platform $platform"
+  echo ""
+  echo "Either this means:"
+  echo "   - We do not support $platform"
+  echo "   - We do not have an artifact for $version"
+  echo ""
+  echo "This is often the latter case due to running a prerelease or RC version of chef"
+  echo "or a gem version which was only pushed to rubygems and not omnitruck."
+  echo ""
+  echo "You may be able to set your knife[:bootstrap_version] to the most recent stable"
+  echo "release of Chef to fix this problem (or the most recent stable major version number)."
+  echo ""
+  echo "In order to test the version parameter, adventurous users may take the Metadata URL"
+  echo "below and modify the '&v=<number>' parameter until you successfully get a URL that"
+  echo "does not 404 (e.g. via curl or wget).  You should be able to use '&v=11' or '&v=12'"
+  echo "succesfully."
+  echo ""
+  echo "If you cannot fix this problem by setting the bootstrap_version, it probably means"
+  echo "that $platform is not supported."
+  echo ""
+  # deliberately do not call report_bug to suppress bug report noise.
+  echo "Metadata URL: $metadata_url"
+  if test "x$download_url" != "x"; then
+    echo "Download URL: $download_url"
+  fi
+  if test "x$stderr_results" != "x"; then
+    echo "\nDEBUG OUTPUT FOLLOWS:\n$stderr_results"
+  fi
+  exit 1
+capture_tmp_stderr() {
+  # spool up /tmp/stderr from all the commands we called
+  if test -f "$tmp_dir/stderr"; then
+    output=`cat $tmp_dir/stderr`
+    stderr_results="${stderr_results}\nSTDERR from $1:\n\n$output\n"
+    rm $tmp_dir/stderr
+  fi
+# do_wget URL FILENAME
+do_wget() {
+  echo "trying wget..."
+  wget --user-agent="User-Agent: mixlib-install/2.1.8" -O "$2" "$1" 2>$tmp_dir/stderr
+  rc=$?
+  # check for 404
+  grep "ERROR 404" $tmp_dir/stderr 2>&1 >/dev/null
+  if test $? -eq 0; then
+    echo "ERROR 404"
+    http_404_error
+  fi
+  # check for bad return status or empty output
+  if test $rc -ne 0 || test ! -s "$2"; then
+    capture_tmp_stderr "wget"
+    return 1
+  fi
+  return 0
+# do_curl URL FILENAME
+do_curl() {
+  echo "trying curl..."
+  curl -A "User-Agent: mixlib-install/2.1.8" --retry 5 -sL -D $tmp_dir/stderr "$1" > "$2"
+  rc=$?
+  # check for 404
+  grep "404 Not Found" $tmp_dir/stderr 2>&1 >/dev/null
+  if test $? -eq 0; then
+    echo "ERROR 404"
+    http_404_error
+  fi
+  # check for bad return status or empty output
+  if test $rc -ne 0 || test ! -s "$2"; then
+    capture_tmp_stderr "curl"
+    return 1
+  fi
+  return 0
+# do_fetch URL FILENAME
+do_fetch() {
+  echo "trying fetch..."
+  fetch --user-agent="User-Agent: mixlib-install/2.1.8" -o "$2" "$1" 2>$tmp_dir/stderr
+  # check for bad return status
+  test $? -ne 0 && return 1
+  return 0
+# do_perl URL FILENAME
+do_perl() {
+  echo "trying perl..."
+  perl -e 'use LWP::Simple; getprint($ARGV[0]);' "$1" > "$2" 2>$tmp_dir/stderr
+  rc=$?
+  # check for 404
+  grep "404 Not Found" $tmp_dir/stderr 2>&1 >/dev/null
+  if test $? -eq 0; then
+    echo "ERROR 404"
+    http_404_error
+  fi
+  # check for bad return status or empty output
+  if test $rc -ne 0 || test ! -s "$2"; then
+    capture_tmp_stderr "perl"
+    return 1
+  fi
+  return 0
+# do_python URL FILENAME
+do_python() {
+  echo "trying python..."
+  python -c "import sys,urllib2; sys.stdout.write(urllib2.urlopen(urllib2.Request(sys.argv[1], headers={ 'User-Agent': 'mixlib-install/2.1.8' })).read())" "$1" > "$2" 2>$tmp_dir/stderr
+  rc=$?
+  # check for 404
+  grep "HTTP Error 404" $tmp_dir/stderr 2>&1 >/dev/null
+  if test $? -eq 0; then
+    echo "ERROR 404"
+    http_404_error
+  fi
+  # check for bad return status or empty output
+  if test $rc -ne 0 || test ! -s "$2"; then
+    capture_tmp_stderr "python"
+    return 1
+  fi
+  return 0
+# returns 0 if checksums match
+do_checksum() {
+  if exists sha256sum; then
+    echo "Comparing checksum with sha256sum..."
+    checksum=`sha256sum $1 | awk '{ print $1 }'`
+    return `test "x$checksum" = "x$2"`
+  elif exists shasum; then
+    echo "Comparing checksum with shasum..."
+    checksum=`shasum -a 256 $1 | awk '{ print $1 }'`
+    return `test "x$checksum" = "x$2"`
+  else
+    echo "WARNING: could not find a valid checksum program, pre-install shasum or sha256sum in your O/S image to get valdation..."
+    return 0
+  fi
+# do_download URL FILENAME
+do_download() {
+  echo "downloading $1"
+  echo "  to file $2"
+  url=`echo $1`
+  if test "x$platform" = "xsolaris2"; then
+    if test "x$platform_version" = "x5.9" -o "x$platform_version" = "x5.10"; then
+      # solaris 9 lacks openssl, solaris 10 lacks recent enough credentials - your base O/S is completely insecure, please upgrade
+      url=`echo $url | sed -e 's/https/http/'`
+    fi
+  fi
+  # we try all of these until we get success.
+  # perl, in particular may be present but LWP::Simple may not be installed
+  if exists wget; then
+    do_wget $url $2 && return 0
+  fi
+  if exists curl; then
+    do_curl $url $2 && return 0
+  fi
+  if exists fetch; then
+    do_fetch $url $2 && return 0
+  fi
+  if exists perl; then
+    do_perl $url $2 && return 0
+  fi
+  if exists python; then
+    do_python $url $2 && return 0
+  fi
+  unable_to_retrieve_package
+# install_file TYPE FILENAME
+# TYPE is "rpm", "deb", "solaris", "sh", etc.
+install_file() {
+  echo "Installing $project $version"
+  case "$1" in
+    "rpm")
+      if test "x$platform" = "xnexus" || test "x$platform" = "xios_xr"; then
+        echo "installing with yum..."
+        yum install -yv "$2"
+      else
+        echo "installing with rpm..."
+        rpm -Uvh --oldpackage --replacepkgs "$2"
+      fi
+      ;;
+    "deb")
+      echo "installing with dpkg..."
+      dpkg -i "$2"
+      ;;
+    "bff")
+      echo "installing with installp..."
+      installp -aXYgd "$2" all
+      ;;
+    "solaris")
+      echo "installing with pkgadd..."
+      echo "conflict=nocheck" > $tmp_dir/nocheck
+      echo "action=nocheck" >> $tmp_dir/nocheck
+      echo "mail=" >> $tmp_dir/nocheck
+      pkgrm -a $tmp_dir/nocheck -n $project >/dev/null 2>&1 || true
+      pkgadd -G -n -d "$2" -a $tmp_dir/nocheck $project
+      ;;
+    "pkg")
+      echo "installing with installer..."
+      cd / && /usr/sbin/installer -pkg "$2" -target /
+      ;;
+    "dmg")
+      echo "installing dmg file..."
+      hdiutil detach "/Volumes/chef_software" >/dev/null 2>&1 || true
+      hdiutil attach "$2" -mountpoint "/Volumes/chef_software"
+      cd / && /usr/sbin/installer -pkg `find "/Volumes/chef_software" -name \*.pkg` -target /
+      hdiutil detach "/Volumes/chef_software"
+      ;;
+    "sh" )
+      echo "installing with sh..."
+      sh "$2"
+      ;;
+    "p5p" )
+      echo "installing p5p package..."
+      pkg install -g "$2" $project
+      ;;
+    *)
+      echo "Unknown filetype: $1"
+      report_bug
+      exit 1
+      ;;
+  esac
+  if test $? -ne 0; then
+    echo "Installation failed"
+    report_bug
+    exit 1
+  fi
+if test "x$TMPDIR" = "x"; then
+  tmp="/tmp"
+  tmp=$TMPDIR
+# secure-ish temp dir creation without having mktemp available (DDoS-able but not expliotable)
+(umask 077 && mkdir $tmp_dir) || exit 1
+# end of
+# This section reads the CLI parameters for the install script and translates
+#   them to the local parameters to be used later by the script.
+# Outputs:
+# $version: Requested version to be installed.
+# $channel: Channel to install the product from
+# $project: Project to be installed
+# $cmdline_filename: Name of the package downloaded on local disk.
+# $cmdline_dl_dir: Name of the directory downloaded package will be saved to on local disk.
+# Defaults
+while getopts pnv:c:f:P:d: opt
+  case "$opt" in
+    v)  version="$OPTARG";;
+    c)  channel="$OPTARG";;
+    p)  channel="current";; # compat for prerelease option
+    n)  channel="current";; # compat for nightlies option
+    f)  cmdline_filename="$OPTARG";;
+    P)  project="$OPTARG";;
+    d)  cmdline_dl_dir="$OPTARG";;
+    \?)   # unknown flag
+      echo >&2 \
+      "usage: $0 [-P project] [-c release_channel] [-v version] [-f filename | -d download_dir]"
+      exit 1;;
+  esac
+shift `expr $OPTIND - 1`
+# This section makes platform detection compatible with omnitruck on the system
+#   it runs.
+# Outputs:
+# $platform: Name of the platform.
+# $platform_version: Version of the platform.
+# $machine: System's architecture.
+# Platform and Platform Version detection
+# NOTE: This should now match ohai platform and platform_version matching.
+# do not invented new platform and platform_version schemas, just make this behave
+# like what ohai returns as platform and platform_version for the server.
+# ALSO NOTE: Do not mangle platform or platform_version here.  It is less error
+# prone and more future-proof to do that in the server, and then all omnitruck clients
+# will 'inherit' the changes ( is not the only client of the omnitruck
+# endpoint out there).
+machine=`uname -m`
+os=`uname -s`
+if test -f "/etc/lsb-release" && grep -q DISTRIB_ID /etc/lsb-release && ! grep -q wrlinux /etc/lsb-release; then
+  platform=`grep DISTRIB_ID /etc/lsb-release | cut -d "=" -f 2 | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`
+  platform_version=`grep DISTRIB_RELEASE /etc/lsb-release | cut -d "=" -f 2`
+  if test "$platform" = "\"cumulus linux\""; then
+    platform="cumulus_linux"
+  elif test "$platform" = "\"cumulus networks\""; then
+    platform="cumulus_networks"
+  fi
+elif test -f "/etc/debian_version"; then
+  platform="debian"
+  platform_version=`cat /etc/debian_version`
+elif test -f "/etc/Eos-release"; then
+  # EOS may also contain /etc/redhat-release so this check must come first.
+  platform=arista_eos
+  platform_version=`awk '{print $4}' /etc/Eos-release`
+  machine="i386"
+elif test -f "/etc/redhat-release"; then
+  platform=`sed 's/^\(.\+\) release.*/\1/' /etc/redhat-release | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`
+  platform_version=`sed 's/^.\+ release \([.0-9]\+\).*/\1/' /etc/redhat-release`
+  # If /etc/redhat-release exists, we act like RHEL by default
+  if test "$platform" = "fedora"; then
+    # FIXME: stop remapping fedora to el
+    # FIXME: remove client side platform_version mangling and hard coded yolo
+    # Change platform version for use below.
+    platform_version="6.0"
+  fi
+  if test "$platform" = "xenserver"; then
+    # Current XenServer 6.2 is based on CentOS 5, platform is not reset to "el" server should hanlde response
+    platform="xenserver"
+  else
+    # FIXME: use "redhat"
+    platform="el"
+  fi
+elif test -f "/etc/system-release"; then
+  platform=`sed 's/^\(.\+\) release.\+/\1/' /etc/system-release | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`
+  platform_version=`sed 's/^.\+ release \([.0-9]\+\).*/\1/' /etc/system-release | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`
+  # amazon is built off of fedora, so act like RHEL
+  if test "$platform" = "amazon linux ami"; then
+    # FIXME: remove client side platform_version mangling and hard coded yolo, and remapping to deprecated "el"
+    platform="el"
+    platform_version="6.0"
+  fi
+# Apple OS X
+elif test -f "/usr/bin/sw_vers"; then
+  platform="mac_os_x"
+  # Matching the tab-space with sed is error-prone
+  platform_version=`sw_vers | awk '/^ProductVersion:/ { print $2 }' | cut -d. -f1,2`
+  # x86_64 Apple hardware often runs 32-bit kernels (see OHAI-63)
+  x86_64=`sysctl -n hw.optional.x86_64`
+  if test $x86_64 -eq 1; then
+    machine="x86_64"
+  fi
+elif test -f "/etc/release"; then
+  machine=`/usr/bin/uname -p`
+  if grep -q SmartOS /etc/release; then
+    platform="smartos"
+    platform_version=`grep ^Image /etc/product | awk '{ print $3 }'`
+  else
+    platform="solaris2"
+    platform_version=`/usr/bin/uname -r`
+  fi
+elif test -f "/etc/SuSE-release"; then
+  if grep -q 'Enterprise' /etc/SuSE-release;
+  then
+      platform="sles"
+      platform_version=`awk '/^VERSION/ {V = $3}; /^PATCHLEVEL/ {P = $3}; END {print V "." P}' /etc/SuSE-release`
+  else
+      platform="suse"
+      platform_version=`awk '/^VERSION =/ { print $3 }' /etc/SuSE-release`
+  fi
+elif test "x$os" = "xFreeBSD"; then
+  platform="freebsd"
+  platform_version=`uname -r | sed 's/-.*//'`
+elif test "x$os" = "xAIX"; then
+  platform="aix"
+  platform_version="`uname -v`.`uname -r`"
+  machine="powerpc"
+elif test -f "/etc/os-release"; then
+  . /etc/os-release
+  if test "x$CISCO_RELEASE_INFO" != "x"; then
+  fi
+  platform=$ID
+  platform_version=$VERSION
+if test "x$platform" = "x"; then
+  echo "Unable to determine platform version!"
+  report_bug
+  exit 1
+# NOTE: platform manging in the is DEPRECATED
+# - should be true to ohai and should not remap
+#   platform or platform versions.
+# - remapping platform and mangling platform version numbers is
+#   now the complete responsibility of the server-side endpoints
+major_version=`echo $platform_version | cut -d. -f1`
+case $platform in
+  # FIXME: should remove this case statement completely
+  "el")
+    # FIXME:  "el" is deprecated, should use "redhat"
+    platform_version=$major_version
+    ;;
+  "debian")
+    if test "x$major_version" = "x5"; then
+      # This is here for potential back-compat.
+      # We do not have 5 in versions we publish for anymore but we
+      # might have it for earlier versions.
+      platform_version="6"
+    else
+      platform_version=$major_version
+    fi
+    ;;
+  "freebsd")
+    platform_version=$major_version
+    ;;
+  "sles")
+    platform_version=$major_version
+    ;;
+  "suse")
+    platform_version=$major_version
+    ;;
+# normalize the architecture we detected
+case $machine in
+  "x86_64"|"amd64"|"x64")
+    machine="x86_64"
+    ;;
+  "i386"|"i86pc"|"x86"|"i686")
+    machine="i386"
+    ;;
+  "sparc"|"sun4u"|"sun4v")
+    machine="sparc"
+    ;;
+if test "x$platform_version" = "x"; then
+  echo "Unable to determine platform version!"
+  report_bug
+  exit 1
+if test "x$platform" = "xsolaris2"; then
+  # hack up the path on Solaris to find wget, pkgadd
+  PATH=/usr/sfw/bin:/usr/sbin:$PATH
+  export PATH
+echo "$platform $platform_version $machine"
+# end of
+# This section calls omnitruck to get the information about the build to be
+#   installed.
+# Inputs:
+# $channel:
+# $project:
+# $version:
+# $platform:
+# $platform_version:
+# $machine:
+# $tmp_dir:
+# Outputs:
+# $download_url:
+# $sha256:
+echo "Getting information for $project $channel $version for $platform..."
+do_download "$metadata_url"  "$metadata_filename"
+cat "$metadata_filename"
+echo ""
+# check that all the mandatory fields in the downloaded metadata are there
+if grep '^url' $metadata_filename > /dev/null && grep '^sha256' $metadata_filename > /dev/null; then
+  echo "downloaded metadata file looks valid..."
+  echo "downloaded metadata file is corrupted or an uncaught error was encountered in downloading the file..."
+  # this generally means one of the download methods downloaded a 404 or something like that and then reported a successful exit code,
+  # and this should be fixed in the function that was doing the download.
+  report_bug
+  exit 1
+download_url=`awk '$1 == "url" { print $2 }' "$metadata_filename"`
+sha256=`awk '$1 == "sha256" { print $2 }' "$metadata_filename"`
+# end of
+# This section fetchs a package from $download_url and verifies its metadata.
+# Inputs:
+# $download_url:
+# $tmp_dir:
+# Optional Inputs:
+# $cmdline_filename: Name of the package downloaded on local disk.
+# $cmdline_dl_dir: Name of the directory downloaded package will be saved to on local disk.
+# Outputs:
+# $download_filename: Name of the downloaded file on local disk.
+# $filetype: Type of the file downloaded.
+filename=`echo $download_url | sed -e 's/^.*\///'`
+filetype=`echo $filename | sed -e 's/^.*\.//'`
+# use either $tmp_dir, the provided directory (-d) or the provided filename (-f)
+if test "x$cmdline_filename" != "x"; then
+  download_filename="$cmdline_filename"
+elif test "x$cmdline_dl_dir" != "x"; then
+  download_filename="$cmdline_dl_dir/$filename"
+  download_filename="$tmp_dir/$filename"
+# ensure the parent directory where to download the installer always exists
+download_dir=`dirname $download_filename`
+(umask 077 && mkdir -p $download_dir) || exit 1
+# check if we have that file locally available and if so verify the checksum
+if test -f $download_filename; then
+  echo "$download_filename already exists, verifiying checksum..."
+  if do_checksum "$download_filename" "$sha256"; then
+    echo "checksum compare succeeded, using existing file!"
+    cached_file_available="true"
+  else
+    echo "checksum mismatch, downloading latest version of the file"
+  fi
+# download if no local version of the file available
+if test "x$cached_file_available" != "xtrue"; then
+  do_download "$download_url"  "$download_filename"
+  do_checksum "$download_filename" "$sha256" || checksum_mismatch
+# end of
+# Installs a package and removed the temp directory.
+# Inputs:
+# $download_filename: Name of the file to be installed.
+# $filetype: Type of the file to be installed.
+# $version: The version requested. Used only for warning user if not set.
+if test "x$version" = "x"; then
+  echo
+  echo
+  echo "You are installing an omnibus package without a version pin.  If you are installing"
+  echo "on production servers via an automated process this is DANGEROUS and you will"
+  echo "be upgraded without warning on new releases, even to new major releases."
+  echo "Letting the version float is only appropriate in desktop, test, development or"
+  echo "CI/CD environments."
+  echo
+  echo
+install_file $filetype "$download_filename"
+if test "x$tmp_dir" != "x"; then
+  rm -r "$tmp_dir"
+# end of
diff --git a/sdc-os-chef/sdc-kibana/Dockerfile b/sdc-os-chef/sdc-kibana/Dockerfile
index 7ff6e9a..87fb26d 100644
--- a/sdc-os-chef/sdc-kibana/Dockerfile
+++ b/sdc-os-chef/sdc-kibana/Dockerfile
@@ -9,7 +9,9 @@
 # install chef-solo
-RUN curl -L | bash
+#RUN curl -L | bash
+run bash
 COPY /root/
diff --git a/sdc-os-chef/sdc-kibana/ b/sdc-os-chef/sdc-kibana/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a4be8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sdc-os-chef/sdc-kibana/
@@ -0,0 +1,707 @@
+# - must run on /bin/sh on solaris 9
+# - must run on /bin/sh on AIX 6.x
+# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Chef Software, Inc.
+# License:: Apache License, Version 2.0
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# This section has some helper functions to make life easier.
+# Outputs:
+# $tmp_dir: secure-ish temp directory that can be used during installation.
+# Check whether a command exists - returns 0 if it does, 1 if it does not
+exists() {
+  if command -v $1 >/dev/null 2>&1
+  then
+    return 0
+  else
+    return 1
+  fi
+# Output the instructions to report bug about this script
+report_bug() {
+  echo "Version: $version"
+  echo ""
+  echo "Please file a Bug Report at"
+  echo "Alternatively, feel free to open a Support Ticket at"
+  echo "More Chef support resources can be found at"
+  echo ""
+  echo "Please include as many details about the problem as possible i.e., how to reproduce"
+  echo "the problem (if possible), type of the Operating System and its version, etc.,"
+  echo "and any other relevant details that might help us with troubleshooting."
+  echo ""
+checksum_mismatch() {
+  echo "Package checksum mismatch!"
+  report_bug
+  exit 1
+unable_to_retrieve_package() {
+  echo "Unable to retrieve a valid package!"
+  report_bug
+  echo "Metadata URL: $metadata_url"
+  if test "x$download_url" != "x"; then
+    echo "Download URL: $download_url"
+  fi
+  if test "x$stderr_results" != "x"; then
+    echo "\nDEBUG OUTPUT FOLLOWS:\n$stderr_results"
+  fi
+  exit 1
+http_404_error() {
+  echo "Omnitruck artifact does not exist for version $version on platform $platform"
+  echo ""
+  echo "Either this means:"
+  echo "   - We do not support $platform"
+  echo "   - We do not have an artifact for $version"
+  echo ""
+  echo "This is often the latter case due to running a prerelease or RC version of chef"
+  echo "or a gem version which was only pushed to rubygems and not omnitruck."
+  echo ""
+  echo "You may be able to set your knife[:bootstrap_version] to the most recent stable"
+  echo "release of Chef to fix this problem (or the most recent stable major version number)."
+  echo ""
+  echo "In order to test the version parameter, adventurous users may take the Metadata URL"
+  echo "below and modify the '&v=<number>' parameter until you successfully get a URL that"
+  echo "does not 404 (e.g. via curl or wget).  You should be able to use '&v=11' or '&v=12'"
+  echo "succesfully."
+  echo ""
+  echo "If you cannot fix this problem by setting the bootstrap_version, it probably means"
+  echo "that $platform is not supported."
+  echo ""
+  # deliberately do not call report_bug to suppress bug report noise.
+  echo "Metadata URL: $metadata_url"
+  if test "x$download_url" != "x"; then
+    echo "Download URL: $download_url"
+  fi
+  if test "x$stderr_results" != "x"; then
+    echo "\nDEBUG OUTPUT FOLLOWS:\n$stderr_results"
+  fi
+  exit 1
+capture_tmp_stderr() {
+  # spool up /tmp/stderr from all the commands we called
+  if test -f "$tmp_dir/stderr"; then
+    output=`cat $tmp_dir/stderr`
+    stderr_results="${stderr_results}\nSTDERR from $1:\n\n$output\n"
+    rm $tmp_dir/stderr
+  fi
+# do_wget URL FILENAME
+do_wget() {
+  echo "trying wget..."
+  wget --user-agent="User-Agent: mixlib-install/2.1.8" -O "$2" "$1" 2>$tmp_dir/stderr
+  rc=$?
+  # check for 404
+  grep "ERROR 404" $tmp_dir/stderr 2>&1 >/dev/null
+  if test $? -eq 0; then
+    echo "ERROR 404"
+    http_404_error
+  fi
+  # check for bad return status or empty output
+  if test $rc -ne 0 || test ! -s "$2"; then
+    capture_tmp_stderr "wget"
+    return 1
+  fi
+  return 0
+# do_curl URL FILENAME
+do_curl() {
+  echo "trying curl..."
+  curl -A "User-Agent: mixlib-install/2.1.8" --retry 5 -sL -D $tmp_dir/stderr "$1" > "$2"
+  rc=$?
+  # check for 404
+  grep "404 Not Found" $tmp_dir/stderr 2>&1 >/dev/null
+  if test $? -eq 0; then
+    echo "ERROR 404"
+    http_404_error
+  fi
+  # check for bad return status or empty output
+  if test $rc -ne 0 || test ! -s "$2"; then
+    capture_tmp_stderr "curl"
+    return 1
+  fi
+  return 0
+# do_fetch URL FILENAME
+do_fetch() {
+  echo "trying fetch..."
+  fetch --user-agent="User-Agent: mixlib-install/2.1.8" -o "$2" "$1" 2>$tmp_dir/stderr
+  # check for bad return status
+  test $? -ne 0 && return 1
+  return 0
+# do_perl URL FILENAME
+do_perl() {
+  echo "trying perl..."
+  perl -e 'use LWP::Simple; getprint($ARGV[0]);' "$1" > "$2" 2>$tmp_dir/stderr
+  rc=$?
+  # check for 404
+  grep "404 Not Found" $tmp_dir/stderr 2>&1 >/dev/null
+  if test $? -eq 0; then
+    echo "ERROR 404"
+    http_404_error
+  fi
+  # check for bad return status or empty output
+  if test $rc -ne 0 || test ! -s "$2"; then
+    capture_tmp_stderr "perl"
+    return 1
+  fi
+  return 0
+# do_python URL FILENAME
+do_python() {
+  echo "trying python..."
+  python -c "import sys,urllib2; sys.stdout.write(urllib2.urlopen(urllib2.Request(sys.argv[1], headers={ 'User-Agent': 'mixlib-install/2.1.8' })).read())" "$1" > "$2" 2>$tmp_dir/stderr
+  rc=$?
+  # check for 404
+  grep "HTTP Error 404" $tmp_dir/stderr 2>&1 >/dev/null
+  if test $? -eq 0; then
+    echo "ERROR 404"
+    http_404_error
+  fi
+  # check for bad return status or empty output
+  if test $rc -ne 0 || test ! -s "$2"; then
+    capture_tmp_stderr "python"
+    return 1
+  fi
+  return 0
+# returns 0 if checksums match
+do_checksum() {
+  if exists sha256sum; then
+    echo "Comparing checksum with sha256sum..."
+    checksum=`sha256sum $1 | awk '{ print $1 }'`
+    return `test "x$checksum" = "x$2"`
+  elif exists shasum; then
+    echo "Comparing checksum with shasum..."
+    checksum=`shasum -a 256 $1 | awk '{ print $1 }'`
+    return `test "x$checksum" = "x$2"`
+  else
+    echo "WARNING: could not find a valid checksum program, pre-install shasum or sha256sum in your O/S image to get valdation..."
+    return 0
+  fi
+# do_download URL FILENAME
+do_download() {
+  echo "downloading $1"
+  echo "  to file $2"
+  url=`echo $1`
+  if test "x$platform" = "xsolaris2"; then
+    if test "x$platform_version" = "x5.9" -o "x$platform_version" = "x5.10"; then
+      # solaris 9 lacks openssl, solaris 10 lacks recent enough credentials - your base O/S is completely insecure, please upgrade
+      url=`echo $url | sed -e 's/https/http/'`
+    fi
+  fi
+  # we try all of these until we get success.
+  # perl, in particular may be present but LWP::Simple may not be installed
+  if exists wget; then
+    do_wget $url $2 && return 0
+  fi
+  if exists curl; then
+    do_curl $url $2 && return 0
+  fi
+  if exists fetch; then
+    do_fetch $url $2 && return 0
+  fi
+  if exists perl; then
+    do_perl $url $2 && return 0
+  fi
+  if exists python; then
+    do_python $url $2 && return 0
+  fi
+  unable_to_retrieve_package
+# install_file TYPE FILENAME
+# TYPE is "rpm", "deb", "solaris", "sh", etc.
+install_file() {
+  echo "Installing $project $version"
+  case "$1" in
+    "rpm")
+      if test "x$platform" = "xnexus" || test "x$platform" = "xios_xr"; then
+        echo "installing with yum..."
+        yum install -yv "$2"
+      else
+        echo "installing with rpm..."
+        rpm -Uvh --oldpackage --replacepkgs "$2"
+      fi
+      ;;
+    "deb")
+      echo "installing with dpkg..."
+      dpkg -i "$2"
+      ;;
+    "bff")
+      echo "installing with installp..."
+      installp -aXYgd "$2" all
+      ;;
+    "solaris")
+      echo "installing with pkgadd..."
+      echo "conflict=nocheck" > $tmp_dir/nocheck
+      echo "action=nocheck" >> $tmp_dir/nocheck
+      echo "mail=" >> $tmp_dir/nocheck
+      pkgrm -a $tmp_dir/nocheck -n $project >/dev/null 2>&1 || true
+      pkgadd -G -n -d "$2" -a $tmp_dir/nocheck $project
+      ;;
+    "pkg")
+      echo "installing with installer..."
+      cd / && /usr/sbin/installer -pkg "$2" -target /
+      ;;
+    "dmg")
+      echo "installing dmg file..."
+      hdiutil detach "/Volumes/chef_software" >/dev/null 2>&1 || true
+      hdiutil attach "$2" -mountpoint "/Volumes/chef_software"
+      cd / && /usr/sbin/installer -pkg `find "/Volumes/chef_software" -name \*.pkg` -target /
+      hdiutil detach "/Volumes/chef_software"
+      ;;
+    "sh" )
+      echo "installing with sh..."
+      sh "$2"
+      ;;
+    "p5p" )
+      echo "installing p5p package..."
+      pkg install -g "$2" $project
+      ;;
+    *)
+      echo "Unknown filetype: $1"
+      report_bug
+      exit 1
+      ;;
+  esac
+  if test $? -ne 0; then
+    echo "Installation failed"
+    report_bug
+    exit 1
+  fi
+if test "x$TMPDIR" = "x"; then
+  tmp="/tmp"
+  tmp=$TMPDIR
+# secure-ish temp dir creation without having mktemp available (DDoS-able but not expliotable)
+(umask 077 && mkdir $tmp_dir) || exit 1
+# end of
+# This section reads the CLI parameters for the install script and translates
+#   them to the local parameters to be used later by the script.
+# Outputs:
+# $version: Requested version to be installed.
+# $channel: Channel to install the product from
+# $project: Project to be installed
+# $cmdline_filename: Name of the package downloaded on local disk.
+# $cmdline_dl_dir: Name of the directory downloaded package will be saved to on local disk.
+# Defaults
+while getopts pnv:c:f:P:d: opt
+  case "$opt" in
+    v)  version="$OPTARG";;
+    c)  channel="$OPTARG";;
+    p)  channel="current";; # compat for prerelease option
+    n)  channel="current";; # compat for nightlies option
+    f)  cmdline_filename="$OPTARG";;
+    P)  project="$OPTARG";;
+    d)  cmdline_dl_dir="$OPTARG";;
+    \?)   # unknown flag
+      echo >&2 \
+      "usage: $0 [-P project] [-c release_channel] [-v version] [-f filename | -d download_dir]"
+      exit 1;;
+  esac
+shift `expr $OPTIND - 1`
+# This section makes platform detection compatible with omnitruck on the system
+#   it runs.
+# Outputs:
+# $platform: Name of the platform.
+# $platform_version: Version of the platform.
+# $machine: System's architecture.
+# Platform and Platform Version detection
+# NOTE: This should now match ohai platform and platform_version matching.
+# do not invented new platform and platform_version schemas, just make this behave
+# like what ohai returns as platform and platform_version for the server.
+# ALSO NOTE: Do not mangle platform or platform_version here.  It is less error
+# prone and more future-proof to do that in the server, and then all omnitruck clients
+# will 'inherit' the changes ( is not the only client of the omnitruck
+# endpoint out there).
+machine=`uname -m`
+os=`uname -s`
+if test -f "/etc/lsb-release" && grep -q DISTRIB_ID /etc/lsb-release && ! grep -q wrlinux /etc/lsb-release; then
+  platform=`grep DISTRIB_ID /etc/lsb-release | cut -d "=" -f 2 | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`
+  platform_version=`grep DISTRIB_RELEASE /etc/lsb-release | cut -d "=" -f 2`
+  if test "$platform" = "\"cumulus linux\""; then
+    platform="cumulus_linux"
+  elif test "$platform" = "\"cumulus networks\""; then
+    platform="cumulus_networks"
+  fi
+elif test -f "/etc/debian_version"; then
+  platform="debian"
+  platform_version=`cat /etc/debian_version`
+elif test -f "/etc/Eos-release"; then
+  # EOS may also contain /etc/redhat-release so this check must come first.
+  platform=arista_eos
+  platform_version=`awk '{print $4}' /etc/Eos-release`
+  machine="i386"
+elif test -f "/etc/redhat-release"; then
+  platform=`sed 's/^\(.\+\) release.*/\1/' /etc/redhat-release | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`
+  platform_version=`sed 's/^.\+ release \([.0-9]\+\).*/\1/' /etc/redhat-release`
+  # If /etc/redhat-release exists, we act like RHEL by default
+  if test "$platform" = "fedora"; then
+    # FIXME: stop remapping fedora to el
+    # FIXME: remove client side platform_version mangling and hard coded yolo
+    # Change platform version for use below.
+    platform_version="6.0"
+  fi
+  if test "$platform" = "xenserver"; then
+    # Current XenServer 6.2 is based on CentOS 5, platform is not reset to "el" server should hanlde response
+    platform="xenserver"
+  else
+    # FIXME: use "redhat"
+    platform="el"
+  fi
+elif test -f "/etc/system-release"; then
+  platform=`sed 's/^\(.\+\) release.\+/\1/' /etc/system-release | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`
+  platform_version=`sed 's/^.\+ release \([.0-9]\+\).*/\1/' /etc/system-release | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`
+  # amazon is built off of fedora, so act like RHEL
+  if test "$platform" = "amazon linux ami"; then
+    # FIXME: remove client side platform_version mangling and hard coded yolo, and remapping to deprecated "el"
+    platform="el"
+    platform_version="6.0"
+  fi
+# Apple OS X
+elif test -f "/usr/bin/sw_vers"; then
+  platform="mac_os_x"
+  # Matching the tab-space with sed is error-prone
+  platform_version=`sw_vers | awk '/^ProductVersion:/ { print $2 }' | cut -d. -f1,2`
+  # x86_64 Apple hardware often runs 32-bit kernels (see OHAI-63)
+  x86_64=`sysctl -n hw.optional.x86_64`
+  if test $x86_64 -eq 1; then
+    machine="x86_64"
+  fi
+elif test -f "/etc/release"; then
+  machine=`/usr/bin/uname -p`
+  if grep -q SmartOS /etc/release; then
+    platform="smartos"
+    platform_version=`grep ^Image /etc/product | awk '{ print $3 }'`
+  else
+    platform="solaris2"
+    platform_version=`/usr/bin/uname -r`
+  fi
+elif test -f "/etc/SuSE-release"; then
+  if grep -q 'Enterprise' /etc/SuSE-release;
+  then
+      platform="sles"
+      platform_version=`awk '/^VERSION/ {V = $3}; /^PATCHLEVEL/ {P = $3}; END {print V "." P}' /etc/SuSE-release`
+  else
+      platform="suse"
+      platform_version=`awk '/^VERSION =/ { print $3 }' /etc/SuSE-release`
+  fi
+elif test "x$os" = "xFreeBSD"; then
+  platform="freebsd"
+  platform_version=`uname -r | sed 's/-.*//'`
+elif test "x$os" = "xAIX"; then
+  platform="aix"
+  platform_version="`uname -v`.`uname -r`"
+  machine="powerpc"
+elif test -f "/etc/os-release"; then
+  . /etc/os-release
+  if test "x$CISCO_RELEASE_INFO" != "x"; then
+  fi
+  platform=$ID
+  platform_version=$VERSION
+if test "x$platform" = "x"; then
+  echo "Unable to determine platform version!"
+  report_bug
+  exit 1
+# NOTE: platform manging in the is DEPRECATED
+# - should be true to ohai and should not remap
+#   platform or platform versions.
+# - remapping platform and mangling platform version numbers is
+#   now the complete responsibility of the server-side endpoints
+major_version=`echo $platform_version | cut -d. -f1`
+case $platform in
+  # FIXME: should remove this case statement completely
+  "el")
+    # FIXME:  "el" is deprecated, should use "redhat"
+    platform_version=$major_version
+    ;;
+  "debian")
+    if test "x$major_version" = "x5"; then
+      # This is here for potential back-compat.
+      # We do not have 5 in versions we publish for anymore but we
+      # might have it for earlier versions.
+      platform_version="6"
+    else
+      platform_version=$major_version
+    fi
+    ;;
+  "freebsd")
+    platform_version=$major_version
+    ;;
+  "sles")
+    platform_version=$major_version
+    ;;
+  "suse")
+    platform_version=$major_version
+    ;;
+# normalize the architecture we detected
+case $machine in
+  "x86_64"|"amd64"|"x64")
+    machine="x86_64"
+    ;;
+  "i386"|"i86pc"|"x86"|"i686")
+    machine="i386"
+    ;;
+  "sparc"|"sun4u"|"sun4v")
+    machine="sparc"
+    ;;
+if test "x$platform_version" = "x"; then
+  echo "Unable to determine platform version!"
+  report_bug
+  exit 1
+if test "x$platform" = "xsolaris2"; then
+  # hack up the path on Solaris to find wget, pkgadd
+  PATH=/usr/sfw/bin:/usr/sbin:$PATH
+  export PATH
+echo "$platform $platform_version $machine"
+# end of
+# This section calls omnitruck to get the information about the build to be
+#   installed.
+# Inputs:
+# $channel:
+# $project:
+# $version:
+# $platform:
+# $platform_version:
+# $machine:
+# $tmp_dir:
+# Outputs:
+# $download_url:
+# $sha256:
+echo "Getting information for $project $channel $version for $platform..."
+do_download "$metadata_url"  "$metadata_filename"
+cat "$metadata_filename"
+echo ""
+# check that all the mandatory fields in the downloaded metadata are there
+if grep '^url' $metadata_filename > /dev/null && grep '^sha256' $metadata_filename > /dev/null; then
+  echo "downloaded metadata file looks valid..."
+  echo "downloaded metadata file is corrupted or an uncaught error was encountered in downloading the file..."
+  # this generally means one of the download methods downloaded a 404 or something like that and then reported a successful exit code,
+  # and this should be fixed in the function that was doing the download.
+  report_bug
+  exit 1
+download_url=`awk '$1 == "url" { print $2 }' "$metadata_filename"`
+sha256=`awk '$1 == "sha256" { print $2 }' "$metadata_filename"`
+# end of
+# This section fetchs a package from $download_url and verifies its metadata.
+# Inputs:
+# $download_url:
+# $tmp_dir:
+# Optional Inputs:
+# $cmdline_filename: Name of the package downloaded on local disk.
+# $cmdline_dl_dir: Name of the directory downloaded package will be saved to on local disk.
+# Outputs:
+# $download_filename: Name of the downloaded file on local disk.
+# $filetype: Type of the file downloaded.
+filename=`echo $download_url | sed -e 's/^.*\///'`
+filetype=`echo $filename | sed -e 's/^.*\.//'`
+# use either $tmp_dir, the provided directory (-d) or the provided filename (-f)
+if test "x$cmdline_filename" != "x"; then
+  download_filename="$cmdline_filename"
+elif test "x$cmdline_dl_dir" != "x"; then
+  download_filename="$cmdline_dl_dir/$filename"
+  download_filename="$tmp_dir/$filename"
+# ensure the parent directory where to download the installer always exists
+download_dir=`dirname $download_filename`
+(umask 077 && mkdir -p $download_dir) || exit 1
+# check if we have that file locally available and if so verify the checksum
+if test -f $download_filename; then
+  echo "$download_filename already exists, verifiying checksum..."
+  if do_checksum "$download_filename" "$sha256"; then
+    echo "checksum compare succeeded, using existing file!"
+    cached_file_available="true"
+  else
+    echo "checksum mismatch, downloading latest version of the file"
+  fi
+# download if no local version of the file available
+if test "x$cached_file_available" != "xtrue"; then
+  do_download "$download_url"  "$download_filename"
+  do_checksum "$download_filename" "$sha256" || checksum_mismatch
+# end of
+# Installs a package and removed the temp directory.
+# Inputs:
+# $download_filename: Name of the file to be installed.
+# $filetype: Type of the file to be installed.
+# $version: The version requested. Used only for warning user if not set.
+if test "x$version" = "x"; then
+  echo
+  echo
+  echo "You are installing an omnibus package without a version pin.  If you are installing"
+  echo "on production servers via an automated process this is DANGEROUS and you will"
+  echo "be upgraded without warning on new releases, even to new major releases."
+  echo "Letting the version float is only appropriate in desktop, test, development or"
+  echo "CI/CD environments."
+  echo
+  echo
+install_file $filetype "$download_filename"
+if test "x$tmp_dir" != "x"; then
+  rm -r "$tmp_dir"
+# end of
diff --git a/sdc-os-chef/sdc-sanity/Dockerfile b/sdc-os-chef/sdc-sanity/Dockerfile
index dae7fdc..78a8c69 100644
--- a/sdc-os-chef/sdc-sanity/Dockerfile
+++ b/sdc-os-chef/sdc-sanity/Dockerfile
@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@
 # install chef-solo
-RUN curl -L | bash
+#RUN curl -L | bash
+RUN bash
 COPY /root/
diff --git a/sdc-os-chef/sdc-sanity/ b/sdc-os-chef/sdc-sanity/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a4be8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sdc-os-chef/sdc-sanity/
@@ -0,0 +1,707 @@
+# - must run on /bin/sh on solaris 9
+# - must run on /bin/sh on AIX 6.x
+# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Chef Software, Inc.
+# License:: Apache License, Version 2.0
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# This section has some helper functions to make life easier.
+# Outputs:
+# $tmp_dir: secure-ish temp directory that can be used during installation.
+# Check whether a command exists - returns 0 if it does, 1 if it does not
+exists() {
+  if command -v $1 >/dev/null 2>&1
+  then
+    return 0
+  else
+    return 1
+  fi
+# Output the instructions to report bug about this script
+report_bug() {
+  echo "Version: $version"
+  echo ""
+  echo "Please file a Bug Report at"
+  echo "Alternatively, feel free to open a Support Ticket at"
+  echo "More Chef support resources can be found at"
+  echo ""
+  echo "Please include as many details about the problem as possible i.e., how to reproduce"
+  echo "the problem (if possible), type of the Operating System and its version, etc.,"
+  echo "and any other relevant details that might help us with troubleshooting."
+  echo ""
+checksum_mismatch() {
+  echo "Package checksum mismatch!"
+  report_bug
+  exit 1
+unable_to_retrieve_package() {
+  echo "Unable to retrieve a valid package!"
+  report_bug
+  echo "Metadata URL: $metadata_url"
+  if test "x$download_url" != "x"; then
+    echo "Download URL: $download_url"
+  fi
+  if test "x$stderr_results" != "x"; then
+    echo "\nDEBUG OUTPUT FOLLOWS:\n$stderr_results"
+  fi
+  exit 1
+http_404_error() {
+  echo "Omnitruck artifact does not exist for version $version on platform $platform"
+  echo ""
+  echo "Either this means:"
+  echo "   - We do not support $platform"
+  echo "   - We do not have an artifact for $version"
+  echo ""
+  echo "This is often the latter case due to running a prerelease or RC version of chef"
+  echo "or a gem version which was only pushed to rubygems and not omnitruck."
+  echo ""
+  echo "You may be able to set your knife[:bootstrap_version] to the most recent stable"
+  echo "release of Chef to fix this problem (or the most recent stable major version number)."
+  echo ""
+  echo "In order to test the version parameter, adventurous users may take the Metadata URL"
+  echo "below and modify the '&v=<number>' parameter until you successfully get a URL that"
+  echo "does not 404 (e.g. via curl or wget).  You should be able to use '&v=11' or '&v=12'"
+  echo "succesfully."
+  echo ""
+  echo "If you cannot fix this problem by setting the bootstrap_version, it probably means"
+  echo "that $platform is not supported."
+  echo ""
+  # deliberately do not call report_bug to suppress bug report noise.
+  echo "Metadata URL: $metadata_url"
+  if test "x$download_url" != "x"; then
+    echo "Download URL: $download_url"
+  fi
+  if test "x$stderr_results" != "x"; then
+    echo "\nDEBUG OUTPUT FOLLOWS:\n$stderr_results"
+  fi
+  exit 1
+capture_tmp_stderr() {
+  # spool up /tmp/stderr from all the commands we called
+  if test -f "$tmp_dir/stderr"; then
+    output=`cat $tmp_dir/stderr`
+    stderr_results="${stderr_results}\nSTDERR from $1:\n\n$output\n"
+    rm $tmp_dir/stderr
+  fi
+# do_wget URL FILENAME
+do_wget() {
+  echo "trying wget..."
+  wget --user-agent="User-Agent: mixlib-install/2.1.8" -O "$2" "$1" 2>$tmp_dir/stderr
+  rc=$?
+  # check for 404
+  grep "ERROR 404" $tmp_dir/stderr 2>&1 >/dev/null
+  if test $? -eq 0; then
+    echo "ERROR 404"
+    http_404_error
+  fi
+  # check for bad return status or empty output
+  if test $rc -ne 0 || test ! -s "$2"; then
+    capture_tmp_stderr "wget"
+    return 1
+  fi
+  return 0
+# do_curl URL FILENAME
+do_curl() {
+  echo "trying curl..."
+  curl -A "User-Agent: mixlib-install/2.1.8" --retry 5 -sL -D $tmp_dir/stderr "$1" > "$2"
+  rc=$?
+  # check for 404
+  grep "404 Not Found" $tmp_dir/stderr 2>&1 >/dev/null
+  if test $? -eq 0; then
+    echo "ERROR 404"
+    http_404_error
+  fi
+  # check for bad return status or empty output
+  if test $rc -ne 0 || test ! -s "$2"; then
+    capture_tmp_stderr "curl"
+    return 1
+  fi
+  return 0
+# do_fetch URL FILENAME
+do_fetch() {
+  echo "trying fetch..."
+  fetch --user-agent="User-Agent: mixlib-install/2.1.8" -o "$2" "$1" 2>$tmp_dir/stderr
+  # check for bad return status
+  test $? -ne 0 && return 1
+  return 0
+# do_perl URL FILENAME
+do_perl() {
+  echo "trying perl..."
+  perl -e 'use LWP::Simple; getprint($ARGV[0]);' "$1" > "$2" 2>$tmp_dir/stderr
+  rc=$?
+  # check for 404
+  grep "404 Not Found" $tmp_dir/stderr 2>&1 >/dev/null
+  if test $? -eq 0; then
+    echo "ERROR 404"
+    http_404_error
+  fi
+  # check for bad return status or empty output
+  if test $rc -ne 0 || test ! -s "$2"; then
+    capture_tmp_stderr "perl"
+    return 1
+  fi
+  return 0
+# do_python URL FILENAME
+do_python() {
+  echo "trying python..."
+  python -c "import sys,urllib2; sys.stdout.write(urllib2.urlopen(urllib2.Request(sys.argv[1], headers={ 'User-Agent': 'mixlib-install/2.1.8' })).read())" "$1" > "$2" 2>$tmp_dir/stderr
+  rc=$?
+  # check for 404
+  grep "HTTP Error 404" $tmp_dir/stderr 2>&1 >/dev/null
+  if test $? -eq 0; then
+    echo "ERROR 404"
+    http_404_error
+  fi
+  # check for bad return status or empty output
+  if test $rc -ne 0 || test ! -s "$2"; then
+    capture_tmp_stderr "python"
+    return 1
+  fi
+  return 0
+# returns 0 if checksums match
+do_checksum() {
+  if exists sha256sum; then
+    echo "Comparing checksum with sha256sum..."
+    checksum=`sha256sum $1 | awk '{ print $1 }'`
+    return `test "x$checksum" = "x$2"`
+  elif exists shasum; then
+    echo "Comparing checksum with shasum..."
+    checksum=`shasum -a 256 $1 | awk '{ print $1 }'`
+    return `test "x$checksum" = "x$2"`
+  else
+    echo "WARNING: could not find a valid checksum program, pre-install shasum or sha256sum in your O/S image to get valdation..."
+    return 0
+  fi
+# do_download URL FILENAME
+do_download() {
+  echo "downloading $1"
+  echo "  to file $2"
+  url=`echo $1`
+  if test "x$platform" = "xsolaris2"; then
+    if test "x$platform_version" = "x5.9" -o "x$platform_version" = "x5.10"; then
+      # solaris 9 lacks openssl, solaris 10 lacks recent enough credentials - your base O/S is completely insecure, please upgrade
+      url=`echo $url | sed -e 's/https/http/'`
+    fi
+  fi
+  # we try all of these until we get success.
+  # perl, in particular may be present but LWP::Simple may not be installed
+  if exists wget; then
+    do_wget $url $2 && return 0
+  fi
+  if exists curl; then
+    do_curl $url $2 && return 0
+  fi
+  if exists fetch; then
+    do_fetch $url $2 && return 0
+  fi
+  if exists perl; then
+    do_perl $url $2 && return 0
+  fi
+  if exists python; then
+    do_python $url $2 && return 0
+  fi
+  unable_to_retrieve_package
+# install_file TYPE FILENAME
+# TYPE is "rpm", "deb", "solaris", "sh", etc.
+install_file() {
+  echo "Installing $project $version"
+  case "$1" in
+    "rpm")
+      if test "x$platform" = "xnexus" || test "x$platform" = "xios_xr"; then
+        echo "installing with yum..."
+        yum install -yv "$2"
+      else
+        echo "installing with rpm..."
+        rpm -Uvh --oldpackage --replacepkgs "$2"
+      fi
+      ;;
+    "deb")
+      echo "installing with dpkg..."
+      dpkg -i "$2"
+      ;;
+    "bff")
+      echo "installing with installp..."
+      installp -aXYgd "$2" all
+      ;;
+    "solaris")
+      echo "installing with pkgadd..."
+      echo "conflict=nocheck" > $tmp_dir/nocheck
+      echo "action=nocheck" >> $tmp_dir/nocheck
+      echo "mail=" >> $tmp_dir/nocheck
+      pkgrm -a $tmp_dir/nocheck -n $project >/dev/null 2>&1 || true
+      pkgadd -G -n -d "$2" -a $tmp_dir/nocheck $project
+      ;;
+    "pkg")
+      echo "installing with installer..."
+      cd / && /usr/sbin/installer -pkg "$2" -target /
+      ;;
+    "dmg")
+      echo "installing dmg file..."
+      hdiutil detach "/Volumes/chef_software" >/dev/null 2>&1 || true
+      hdiutil attach "$2" -mountpoint "/Volumes/chef_software"
+      cd / && /usr/sbin/installer -pkg `find "/Volumes/chef_software" -name \*.pkg` -target /
+      hdiutil detach "/Volumes/chef_software"
+      ;;
+    "sh" )
+      echo "installing with sh..."
+      sh "$2"
+      ;;
+    "p5p" )
+      echo "installing p5p package..."
+      pkg install -g "$2" $project
+      ;;
+    *)
+      echo "Unknown filetype: $1"
+      report_bug
+      exit 1
+      ;;
+  esac
+  if test $? -ne 0; then
+    echo "Installation failed"
+    report_bug
+    exit 1
+  fi
+if test "x$TMPDIR" = "x"; then
+  tmp="/tmp"
+  tmp=$TMPDIR
+# secure-ish temp dir creation without having mktemp available (DDoS-able but not expliotable)
+(umask 077 && mkdir $tmp_dir) || exit 1
+# end of
+# This section reads the CLI parameters for the install script and translates
+#   them to the local parameters to be used later by the script.
+# Outputs:
+# $version: Requested version to be installed.
+# $channel: Channel to install the product from
+# $project: Project to be installed
+# $cmdline_filename: Name of the package downloaded on local disk.
+# $cmdline_dl_dir: Name of the directory downloaded package will be saved to on local disk.
+# Defaults
+while getopts pnv:c:f:P:d: opt
+  case "$opt" in
+    v)  version="$OPTARG";;
+    c)  channel="$OPTARG";;
+    p)  channel="current";; # compat for prerelease option
+    n)  channel="current";; # compat for nightlies option
+    f)  cmdline_filename="$OPTARG";;
+    P)  project="$OPTARG";;
+    d)  cmdline_dl_dir="$OPTARG";;
+    \?)   # unknown flag
+      echo >&2 \
+      "usage: $0 [-P project] [-c release_channel] [-v version] [-f filename | -d download_dir]"
+      exit 1;;
+  esac
+shift `expr $OPTIND - 1`
+# This section makes platform detection compatible with omnitruck on the system
+#   it runs.
+# Outputs:
+# $platform: Name of the platform.
+# $platform_version: Version of the platform.
+# $machine: System's architecture.
+# Platform and Platform Version detection
+# NOTE: This should now match ohai platform and platform_version matching.
+# do not invented new platform and platform_version schemas, just make this behave
+# like what ohai returns as platform and platform_version for the server.
+# ALSO NOTE: Do not mangle platform or platform_version here.  It is less error
+# prone and more future-proof to do that in the server, and then all omnitruck clients
+# will 'inherit' the changes ( is not the only client of the omnitruck
+# endpoint out there).
+machine=`uname -m`
+os=`uname -s`
+if test -f "/etc/lsb-release" && grep -q DISTRIB_ID /etc/lsb-release && ! grep -q wrlinux /etc/lsb-release; then
+  platform=`grep DISTRIB_ID /etc/lsb-release | cut -d "=" -f 2 | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`
+  platform_version=`grep DISTRIB_RELEASE /etc/lsb-release | cut -d "=" -f 2`
+  if test "$platform" = "\"cumulus linux\""; then
+    platform="cumulus_linux"
+  elif test "$platform" = "\"cumulus networks\""; then
+    platform="cumulus_networks"
+  fi
+elif test -f "/etc/debian_version"; then
+  platform="debian"
+  platform_version=`cat /etc/debian_version`
+elif test -f "/etc/Eos-release"; then
+  # EOS may also contain /etc/redhat-release so this check must come first.
+  platform=arista_eos
+  platform_version=`awk '{print $4}' /etc/Eos-release`
+  machine="i386"
+elif test -f "/etc/redhat-release"; then
+  platform=`sed 's/^\(.\+\) release.*/\1/' /etc/redhat-release | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`
+  platform_version=`sed 's/^.\+ release \([.0-9]\+\).*/\1/' /etc/redhat-release`
+  # If /etc/redhat-release exists, we act like RHEL by default
+  if test "$platform" = "fedora"; then
+    # FIXME: stop remapping fedora to el
+    # FIXME: remove client side platform_version mangling and hard coded yolo
+    # Change platform version for use below.
+    platform_version="6.0"
+  fi
+  if test "$platform" = "xenserver"; then
+    # Current XenServer 6.2 is based on CentOS 5, platform is not reset to "el" server should hanlde response
+    platform="xenserver"
+  else
+    # FIXME: use "redhat"
+    platform="el"
+  fi
+elif test -f "/etc/system-release"; then
+  platform=`sed 's/^\(.\+\) release.\+/\1/' /etc/system-release | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`
+  platform_version=`sed 's/^.\+ release \([.0-9]\+\).*/\1/' /etc/system-release | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`
+  # amazon is built off of fedora, so act like RHEL
+  if test "$platform" = "amazon linux ami"; then
+    # FIXME: remove client side platform_version mangling and hard coded yolo, and remapping to deprecated "el"
+    platform="el"
+    platform_version="6.0"
+  fi
+# Apple OS X
+elif test -f "/usr/bin/sw_vers"; then
+  platform="mac_os_x"
+  # Matching the tab-space with sed is error-prone
+  platform_version=`sw_vers | awk '/^ProductVersion:/ { print $2 }' | cut -d. -f1,2`
+  # x86_64 Apple hardware often runs 32-bit kernels (see OHAI-63)
+  x86_64=`sysctl -n hw.optional.x86_64`
+  if test $x86_64 -eq 1; then
+    machine="x86_64"
+  fi
+elif test -f "/etc/release"; then
+  machine=`/usr/bin/uname -p`
+  if grep -q SmartOS /etc/release; then
+    platform="smartos"
+    platform_version=`grep ^Image /etc/product | awk '{ print $3 }'`
+  else
+    platform="solaris2"
+    platform_version=`/usr/bin/uname -r`
+  fi
+elif test -f "/etc/SuSE-release"; then
+  if grep -q 'Enterprise' /etc/SuSE-release;
+  then
+      platform="sles"
+      platform_version=`awk '/^VERSION/ {V = $3}; /^PATCHLEVEL/ {P = $3}; END {print V "." P}' /etc/SuSE-release`
+  else
+      platform="suse"
+      platform_version=`awk '/^VERSION =/ { print $3 }' /etc/SuSE-release`
+  fi
+elif test "x$os" = "xFreeBSD"; then
+  platform="freebsd"
+  platform_version=`uname -r | sed 's/-.*//'`
+elif test "x$os" = "xAIX"; then
+  platform="aix"
+  platform_version="`uname -v`.`uname -r`"
+  machine="powerpc"
+elif test -f "/etc/os-release"; then
+  . /etc/os-release
+  if test "x$CISCO_RELEASE_INFO" != "x"; then
+  fi
+  platform=$ID
+  platform_version=$VERSION
+if test "x$platform" = "x"; then
+  echo "Unable to determine platform version!"
+  report_bug
+  exit 1
+# NOTE: platform manging in the is DEPRECATED
+# - should be true to ohai and should not remap
+#   platform or platform versions.
+# - remapping platform and mangling platform version numbers is
+#   now the complete responsibility of the server-side endpoints
+major_version=`echo $platform_version | cut -d. -f1`
+case $platform in
+  # FIXME: should remove this case statement completely
+  "el")
+    # FIXME:  "el" is deprecated, should use "redhat"
+    platform_version=$major_version
+    ;;
+  "debian")
+    if test "x$major_version" = "x5"; then
+      # This is here for potential back-compat.
+      # We do not have 5 in versions we publish for anymore but we
+      # might have it for earlier versions.
+      platform_version="6"
+    else
+      platform_version=$major_version
+    fi
+    ;;
+  "freebsd")
+    platform_version=$major_version
+    ;;
+  "sles")
+    platform_version=$major_version
+    ;;
+  "suse")
+    platform_version=$major_version
+    ;;
+# normalize the architecture we detected
+case $machine in
+  "x86_64"|"amd64"|"x64")
+    machine="x86_64"
+    ;;
+  "i386"|"i86pc"|"x86"|"i686")
+    machine="i386"
+    ;;
+  "sparc"|"sun4u"|"sun4v")
+    machine="sparc"
+    ;;
+if test "x$platform_version" = "x"; then
+  echo "Unable to determine platform version!"
+  report_bug
+  exit 1
+if test "x$platform" = "xsolaris2"; then
+  # hack up the path on Solaris to find wget, pkgadd
+  PATH=/usr/sfw/bin:/usr/sbin:$PATH
+  export PATH
+echo "$platform $platform_version $machine"
+# end of
+# This section calls omnitruck to get the information about the build to be
+#   installed.
+# Inputs:
+# $channel:
+# $project:
+# $version:
+# $platform:
+# $platform_version:
+# $machine:
+# $tmp_dir:
+# Outputs:
+# $download_url:
+# $sha256:
+echo "Getting information for $project $channel $version for $platform..."
+do_download "$metadata_url"  "$metadata_filename"
+cat "$metadata_filename"
+echo ""
+# check that all the mandatory fields in the downloaded metadata are there
+if grep '^url' $metadata_filename > /dev/null && grep '^sha256' $metadata_filename > /dev/null; then
+  echo "downloaded metadata file looks valid..."
+  echo "downloaded metadata file is corrupted or an uncaught error was encountered in downloading the file..."
+  # this generally means one of the download methods downloaded a 404 or something like that and then reported a successful exit code,
+  # and this should be fixed in the function that was doing the download.
+  report_bug
+  exit 1
+download_url=`awk '$1 == "url" { print $2 }' "$metadata_filename"`
+sha256=`awk '$1 == "sha256" { print $2 }' "$metadata_filename"`
+# end of
+# This section fetchs a package from $download_url and verifies its metadata.
+# Inputs:
+# $download_url:
+# $tmp_dir:
+# Optional Inputs:
+# $cmdline_filename: Name of the package downloaded on local disk.
+# $cmdline_dl_dir: Name of the directory downloaded package will be saved to on local disk.
+# Outputs:
+# $download_filename: Name of the downloaded file on local disk.
+# $filetype: Type of the file downloaded.
+filename=`echo $download_url | sed -e 's/^.*\///'`
+filetype=`echo $filename | sed -e 's/^.*\.//'`
+# use either $tmp_dir, the provided directory (-d) or the provided filename (-f)
+if test "x$cmdline_filename" != "x"; then
+  download_filename="$cmdline_filename"
+elif test "x$cmdline_dl_dir" != "x"; then
+  download_filename="$cmdline_dl_dir/$filename"
+  download_filename="$tmp_dir/$filename"
+# ensure the parent directory where to download the installer always exists
+download_dir=`dirname $download_filename`
+(umask 077 && mkdir -p $download_dir) || exit 1
+# check if we have that file locally available and if so verify the checksum
+if test -f $download_filename; then
+  echo "$download_filename already exists, verifiying checksum..."
+  if do_checksum "$download_filename" "$sha256"; then
+    echo "checksum compare succeeded, using existing file!"
+    cached_file_available="true"
+  else
+    echo "checksum mismatch, downloading latest version of the file"
+  fi
+# download if no local version of the file available
+if test "x$cached_file_available" != "xtrue"; then
+  do_download "$download_url"  "$download_filename"
+  do_checksum "$download_filename" "$sha256" || checksum_mismatch
+# end of
+# Installs a package and removed the temp directory.
+# Inputs:
+# $download_filename: Name of the file to be installed.
+# $filetype: Type of the file to be installed.
+# $version: The version requested. Used only for warning user if not set.
+if test "x$version" = "x"; then
+  echo
+  echo
+  echo "You are installing an omnibus package without a version pin.  If you are installing"
+  echo "on production servers via an automated process this is DANGEROUS and you will"
+  echo "be upgraded without warning on new releases, even to new major releases."
+  echo "Letting the version float is only appropriate in desktop, test, development or"
+  echo "CI/CD environments."
+  echo
+  echo
+install_file $filetype "$download_filename"
+if test "x$tmp_dir" != "x"; then
+  rm -r "$tmp_dir"
+# end of