| 'use strict'; |
| |
| const proxy = require('http-proxy-middleware'); |
| |
| let localDevConfig = {}; |
| try { |
| localDevConfig = require('./devConfig'); |
| } catch (e) {} |
| const devConfig = Object.assign({}, require('./devConfig.defaults'), localDevConfig); |
| let devPort = process.env.PORT || devConfig.port; |
| |
| let jsonConfig = { |
| "appContextPath" : "/onboarding" |
| }; |
| |
| try { |
| jsonConfig = require('./src/sdc-app/config/config.json'); |
| } catch (e) { |
| console.log('could not load config. using deault value instead'); |
| } |
| |
| module.exports = function (server) { |
| let proxyConfigDefaults = { |
| changeOrigin: true, |
| secure: false, |
| onProxyRes: (proxyRes, req, res) => { |
| let setCookie = proxyRes.headers['set-cookie']; |
| if (setCookie) { |
| setCookie[0] = setCookie[0].replace(/\bSecure\b(; )?/, ''); |
| } |
| if (proxyRes.statusCode === 302 && proxyRes.headers.location.indexOf('login') > -1) { |
| proxyRes.headers.location = `http://localhost:${devPort}/sdc1#/onboardVendor`; |
| res.setHeader('Set-Cookie', [ |
| 'HTTP_CSP_EMAIL=csantana@sdc.com', |
| 'HTTP_CSP_LASTNAME=Santana', |
| 'HTTP_CSP_WSTYPE=Intranet', |
| 'HTTP_IV_USER=cs0008', |
| 'USER_ID=cs0008' |
| ]); |
| } |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| let middlewares = [ |
| (req, res, next) => { |
| if (req.url.indexOf('/proxy-designer1') > -1) { |
| req.url = req.url.replace('/proxy-designer1', ''); |
| } |
| |
| if (req.url.indexOf(jsonConfig.appContextPath + '/resources') > -1) { |
| req.url = req.url.replace(jsonConfig.appContextPath, ''); |
| } |
| |
| let match = req.url.match(/^(.*)_en.js$/); |
| let newUrl = match && match[1] + '.js'; |
| if (newUrl) { |
| console.log(`REWRITING URL: ${req.url} -> ${newUrl}`); |
| req.url = newUrl; |
| } |
| next(); |
| } |
| ]; |
| |
| // standalon back-end (proxyTarget) has higher priority, so it should be first |
| if (devConfig.proxyTarget) { |
| middlewares.push( |
| proxy(['/api', '/onboarding-api', '/sdc1/feProxy/onboarding-api'], Object.assign({}, proxyConfigDefaults, { |
| target: devConfig.proxyTarget, |
| pathRewrite: { |
| '/sdc1/feProxy/onboarding-api': '/onboarding-api' |
| } |
| })) |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| // ATT environment (proxyATTTarget) has lower priority, so it should be second |
| if (devConfig.proxyATTTarget) { |
| middlewares.push( |
| proxy(['/sdc1', '/onboarding-api', '/scripts', '/styles'], Object.assign({}, proxyConfigDefaults, { |
| target: devConfig.proxyATTTarget, |
| pathRewrite: { |
| // Workaround for some weird proxy issue |
| '/sdc1/feProxy/onboarding-api': '/sdc1/feProxy/onboarding-api', |
| '/onboarding-api': '/sdc1/feProxy/onboarding-api' |
| } |
| })) |
| ); |
| } |
| server.use(middlewares); |
| }; |