update documentation

update general information
update swagger information
fix swagger erros

Change-Id: I0b8c385deb3204100ebe363177a8e0efd5b147f7
Issue-ID: SDC-1378
Signed-off-by: Michael Lando <ml636r@att.com>
diff --git a/docs/logging.rst b/docs/logging.rst
index 9e82e15..1eb68c2 100644
--- a/docs/logging.rst
+++ b/docs/logging.rst
@@ -7,38 +7,42 @@
 Where to Access Information
+the logs for the application are available in the docker it self at /var/lib/jetty/logs/
+in Heat deployment the dockers are maped into /data/logs on the vm where the application is running.
+In OOM you can use the logging project to accses the logging collected from the applications.
-| Server | Location                                 | Type                | Description                                                                                                                                                                               | Rolling             |
-| BE     | /data/logs/BE/2017_03_10.stderrout.log   | Jetty server log    | The log describes info regarding Jetty startup and execution                                                                                                                              | the log rolls daily |
-+        +------------------------------------------+---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------+
-|        | /data/logs/BE/SDC/SDC-BE/audit.log       | application audit   | An audit record is created for each operation in SDC                                                                                                                                      | rolls at 20 mb      |
-+        +------------------------------------------+---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------+
-|        | /data/logs/BE/SDC/SDC-BE/debug.log       | application logging | We can enable higher logging on demand by editing the logback.xml inside the server docker.                                                                                               | rolls at 20 mb      |
-|        |                                          |                     | The file is located under:,config/catalog-be/logback.xml.                                                                                                                                 |                     |
-|        |                                          |                     | This log holds the debug and trace level output of the application.                                                                                                                       |                     |
-+        +------------------------------------------+---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------+
-|        | /data/logs/BE/SDC/SDC-BE/error.log       | application logging | This log holds the info and error level output of the application.                                                                                                                        | rolls at 20 mb      |
-+        +------------------------------------------+---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------+
-|        | /data/logs/BE/SDC/SDC-BE/transaction.log | application logging | Not currently in use. will be used in future relases.                                                                                                                                     | rolls at 20 mb      |
-+        +------------------------------------------+---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------+
-|        | /data/logs/BE/SDC/SDC-BE/all.log         | application logging | On demand, we can enable log aggregation into one file for easier debugging. This is done by editing the logback.xml inside the server docker.                                            | rolls at 20 mb      |
-|        |                                          |                     | The file is located under:,config/catalog-be/logback.xml.                                                                                                                                 |                     |
-|        |                                          |                     | To allow this logger, set the value for this property to true This log holds all logging output of the application.                                                                       |                     |
-| FE     | /data/logs/FE/2017_03_10.stderrout.log   |  Jetty server log   | The log describes info regarding the Jetty startup and execution                                                                                                                          | the log rolls daily |
-+        +------------------------------------------+---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------+
-|        | /data/logs/FE/SDC/SDC-FE/debug.log       | application logging | We can enable higher logging on demand by editing the logback.xml inside the server docker.                                                                                               | rolls at 20 mb      |
-|        |                                          |                     | The file is located,under: config/catalog-fe/logback.xml.                                                                                                                                 |                     |
-|        |                                          |                     | This log holds the debug and trace level output of the application.                                                                                                                       |                     |
-+        +------------------------------------------+---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------+
-|        | /data/logs/FE/SDC/SDC-FE/error.log       | application logging | This log holds the Info and Error level output of the application.                                                                                                                        | rolls at 20 mb      |
-+        +------------------------------------------+---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------+
-|        | /data/logs/FE/SDC/SDC-FE/all.log         | application logging | On demand we can enable log aggregation into one file for easier debuging, by editing the logback.xml inside the server docker.The file is located under: config/catalog-fe/logback.xml.  | rolls               |
-|        |                                          |                     | To allow this logger set this property to true                                                                                                                                            |                     |
-|        |                                          |                     | This log holds all the logging output of the application.                                                                                                                                 |                     |
+| Server                        | Location                                 | Type                | Description                                                                                                                                                                               | Rolling             |
+| BE catalog and onboarding     | /data/logs/BE/2017_03_10.stderrout.log   | Jetty server log    | The log describes info regarding Jetty startup and execution                                                                                                                              | the log rolls daily |
++                               +------------------------------------------+---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------+
+|                               | /data/logs/BE/SDC/SDC-BE/audit.log       | application audit   | An audit record is created for each operation in SDC                                                                                                                                      | rolls at 20 mb      |
++                               +------------------------------------------+---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------+
+|                               | /data/logs/BE/SDC/SDC-BE/debug.log       | application logging | We can enable higher logging on demand by editing the logback.xml inside the server docker.                                                                                               | rolls at 20 mb      |
+|                               |                                          |                     | The file is located under:,config/catalog-be/logback.xml.                                                                                                                                 |                     |
+|                               |                                          |                     | This log holds the debug and trace level output of the application.                                                                                                                       |                     |
++                               +------------------------------------------+---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------+
+|                               | /data/logs/BE/SDC/SDC-BE/error.log       | application logging | This log holds the info and error level output of the application.                                                                                                                        | rolls at 20 mb      |
++                               +------------------------------------------+---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------+
+|                               | /data/logs/BE/SDC/SDC-BE/transaction.log | application logging | Not currently in use. will be used in future relases.                                                                                                                                     | rolls at 20 mb      |
++                               +------------------------------------------+---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------+
+|                               | /data/logs/BE/SDC/SDC-BE/all.log         | application logging | On demand, we can enable log aggregation into one file for easier debugging. This is done by editing the logback.xml inside the server docker.                                            | rolls at 20 mb      |
+|                               |                                          |                     | The file is located under:,config/catalog-be/logback.xml.                                                                                                                                 |                     |
+|                               |                                          |                     | To allow this logger, set the value for this property to true This log holds all logging output of the application.                                                                       |                     |
+| FE                            | /data/logs/FE/2017_03_10.stderrout.log   |  Jetty server log   | The log describes info regarding the Jetty startup and execution                                                                                                                          | the log rolls daily |
++                               +------------------------------------------+---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------+
+|                               | /data/logs/FE/SDC/SDC-FE/debug.log       | application logging | We can enable higher logging on demand by editing the logback.xml inside the server docker.                                                                                               | rolls at 20 mb      |
+|                               |                                          |                     | The file is located,under: config/catalog-fe/logback.xml.                                                                                                                                 |                     |
+|                               |                                          |                     | This log holds the debug and trace level output of the application.                                                                                                                       |                     |
++                               +------------------------------------------+---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------+
+|                               | /data/logs/FE/SDC/SDC-FE/error.log       | application logging | This log holds the Info and Error level output of the application.                                                                                                                        | rolls at 20 mb      |
++                               +------------------------------------------+---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------+
+|                               | /data/logs/FE/SDC/SDC-FE/all.log         | application logging | On demand we can enable log aggregation into one file for easier debuging, by editing the logback.xml inside the server docker.The file is located under: config/catalog-fe/logback.xml.  | rolls               |
+|                               |                                          |                     | To allow this logger set this property to true                                                                                                                                            |                     |
+|                               |                                          |                     | This log holds all the logging output of the application.                                                                                                                                 |                     |
 Error / Warning Messages
@@ -3310,4 +3314,423 @@
         code: 400,
         message: 'Error: VSP %1 cannot be imported. The VSP contains internal loop in VFC %2',
         messageId: "SVC4671"
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
+    }
+- %1 - capability uniqueId
+- %2 - instance uniqueId
+- %3 - container uniqueId
+        code: 404,
+        message: "Error: Requested capability %1 of instance %2 was not found on the container %3.",
+        messageId: "SVC4672"
+    }
+- %1 - requirement uniqueId
+- %2 - instance uniqueId
+- %3 - container uniqueId
+        code: 404,
+        message: "Error: Requested requirement %1 of instance %2 was not found on the container %3.",
+        messageId: "SVC4673"
+    }
+- %1 - relation Id
+- %2 - container uniqueId
+        code: 404,
+        message: "Error: Requested relation %1 was not found on the container %2.",
+        messageId: "SVC4674"
+    }
+        code: 409,
+        message: "Service state is invalid for this action",
+        messageId: "SVC4675"
+    }
+        code: 502,
+        message: "Error: The server was acting as a gateway or proxy and received an invalid response from the upstream server",
+        messageId: "SVC4676"
+    }
+        code: 404,
+        message: "Error: Requested '%1' was not found.",
+        messageId: "SVC4677"
+    }
+        code: 400,
+        message: "Error: The required resource name/id  is missing in the request",
+        messageId: "SVC4678"
+    }
+- %1 forwarding path name maximum length
+        code: 400,
+        message: "Forwarding path name too long, , maximum allowed 200 characters : '%1'.",
+        messageId: "SVC4679"
+    }
+- %1 Forwarding path name already in use
+        code: 400,
+        message: "Forwarding path name already in use : '%1'.",
+        messageId: "SVC4680"
+    }
+- %1 Forwarding path name empty
+        code: 400,
+        message: "Forwarding Path Name can't be empty .",
+        messageId: "SVC4681"
+    }
+- %1 - resource uniqueId
+- %2 - resource component type
+        code: 400,
+        message: "Error: The resource %1 type of %2 cannot contain policies.",
+        messageId: "SVC4682"
+    }
+- %1 - policy uniqueId
+- %2 - component uniqueId
+        code: 404,
+        message: "Error: Requested policy %1 was not found on the container %2.",
+        messageId: "SVC4683"
+    }
+- %1 - policy name
+        code: 400,
+        message: "Error: Invalid policy name %1 received.",
+        messageId: "SVC4684"
+    }
+- %1 - policy name
+        code: 409,
+        message: "Error: The policy with the name %1 already exists.",
+        messageId: "SVC4685"
+    }
+- %1 - policy name
+        code: 400,
+        message: "Error: The targets %1 are not valid, all targets have to be on the topologyTemplate.",
+        messageId: "SVC4686"
+    }
+- %1 - policy type
+- %2 - component type
+        code: 400,
+        message: "Error: The policy of the type %1 excluded to add to a component of the type %2.",
+        messageId: "SVC4687"
+    }
+- %1 - group type
+- %2 - component type
+        code: 400,
+        message: "Error: group type %1 not permitted in component of type %2",
+        messageId: "SVC4688"
+    }
+- %1 - group type
+- %2 - component type
+        code: 400,
+        message: "Error: The target types %1 are not valid.",
+        messageId: "SVC4689"
+    }
+- %1 forwarding path protocol maximum length
+        code: 400,
+        message: "Forwarding path protocol too long, , maximum allowed 200 characters : '%1'.",
+        messageId: "SVC4690"
+    }
+- %1 forwarding path destination port maximum length
+        code: 400,
+        message: "Forwarding path destination port too long, , maximum allowed 200 characters : '%1'.",
+        messageId: "SVC4691"
+    }
+        code: 400  ,
+        message: "Error: Missing 'componentInstanceId' HTTP param.",
+        messageId: "POL4692"
+    }
+        code: 400  ,
+        message: "Error: Missing 'newComponentInstanceId' HTTP param.",
+        messageId: "POL4693"
+    }
+- %1 External Reference Value
+        code: 404,
+        message: "Error: External Reference '%1' was not found.",
+        messageId: "SVC4694"
+    }
+- %1 - Interface operation type
+      code: 400,
+      message: "Error: Interface Operation type %1 already in use",
+      messageId: "SVC4695"
+    }
+- %1 - workflow operation type
+      code: 400,
+      message: "Error: Interface Operation type %1 is Invalid, Operation type should not contain
+                	special character, space, numbers  and  should not be greater than 200 characters ",
+      messageId: "SVC4696"
+    }
+      code: 404,
+      message: "Error: Interface Operation type is mandatory, Operation type can't be empty",
+      messageId: "SVC4697"
+    }
+- %1 - workflow operation description
+      code: 400,
+      message: "Error: Interface Operation description %1 is invalid, maximum 200 characters allowed",
+      messageId: "SVC4698"
+    }
+      code: 400,
+      message: "Error: Interface Operation input parameter names %1 already in use",
+      messageId: "SVC4699"
+    }
+      code: 400,
+      message: "Error: Interface Operation output parameters invalid, should be unique and mandatory",
+      messageId: "SVC4700"
+    }
+- %1 - resource Id
+      code: 404,
+      message: "Error: Interface operations not found in the resource %1",
+      messageId: "SVC4701"
+    }
+      code: 404,
+      message: "Error: Failed to delete interface operation.",
+      messageId: "SVC4702"
+    }
+- %1 – asset type [service / resource ]
+- %2 – main asset uuid
+      code: 404,
+      message: "Error: CSAR packaging failed for %1 %2.",
+      messageId: "SVC4702"
+    }
+      code: 404,
+      message: "Error: Interface operation input  parameter name should not be empty",
+      messageId: "SVC46703"
+    }