[SDC-29] catalog 1707 rebase commit.

Change-Id: I43c3dc5cf44abf5da817649bc738938a3e8388c1
Signed-off-by: Michael Lando <ml636r@att.com>
diff --git a/catalog-ui/src/app/models/capability.ts b/catalog-ui/src/app/models/capability.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94995bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/catalog-ui/src/app/models/capability.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+ * Created by obarda on 4/20/2016.
+ */
+'use strict';
+import {PropertyModel} from "./properties";
+//this is an object contains keys, when each key has matching array.
+// for example: key = tosca.capabilities.network.Linkable and the match array is array of capabilities objects
+export class CapabilitiesGroup {
+    constructor(capabilityGroupObj?:CapabilitiesGroup) {
+        _.forEach(capabilityGroupObj, (capabilitiesArrayObj:Array<Capability>, instance) => {
+            this[instance] = [];
+            _.forEach(capabilitiesArrayObj, (capability:Capability):void => {
+                this[instance].push(new Capability(capability));
+            });
+        });
+    }
+    public findValueByKey(keySubstring:string):Array<Capability> {
+        let key:string = _.find(Object.keys(this), (key)=> {
+            return _.includes(key.toLowerCase(), keySubstring);
+        });
+        return this[key];
+    }
+export class Capability {
+    //server data
+    name:string;
+    ownerId:string;
+    ownerName:string;
+    type:string;
+    uniqueId:string;
+    capabilitySources:Array<String>;
+    minOccurrences:string;
+    maxOccurrences:string;
+    properties:Array<PropertyModel>;
+    description:string;
+    validSourceTypes:Array<string>;
+    //custom
+    selected:boolean;
+    filterTerm:string;
+    constructor(capability?:Capability) {
+        if (capability) {
+            //server data
+            this.name = capability.name;
+            this.ownerId = capability.ownerId;
+            this.ownerName = capability.ownerName;
+            this.type = capability.type;
+            this.uniqueId = capability.uniqueId;
+            this.capabilitySources = capability.capabilitySources;
+            this.minOccurrences = capability.minOccurrences;
+            this.maxOccurrences = capability.maxOccurrences;
+            this.properties = capability.properties;
+            this.description = capability.description;
+            this.validSourceTypes = capability.validSourceTypes;
+            this.selected = capability.selected;
+            this.initFilterTerm();
+        }
+    }
+    public getFullTitle():string {
+        let maxOccurrences:string = this.maxOccurrences === 'UNBOUNDED' ? '∞' : this.maxOccurrences;
+        return this.ownerName + ': ' + this.name + ': [' + this.minOccurrences + ', ' + maxOccurrences + ']';
+    }
+    public toJSON = ():any => {
+        this.selected = undefined;
+        this.filterTerm = undefined;
+        return this;
+    };
+    private initFilterTerm = ():void => {
+        this.filterTerm = this.name + " " +
+            (this.type ? (this.type.replace("tosca.capabilities.", "") + " " ) : "") +
+            (this.description || "") + " " +
+            (this.ownerName || "") + " " +
+            (this.validSourceTypes ? (this.validSourceTypes.join(',') + " ") : "") +
+            this.minOccurrences + "," + this.maxOccurrences;
+        if (this.properties && this.properties.length) {
+            _.forEach(this.properties, (prop:PropertyModel)=> {
+                this.filterTerm += " " + prop.name +
+                    " " + (prop.description || "") +
+                    " " + prop.type +
+                    (prop.schema && prop.schema.property ? (" " + prop.schema.property.type) : "");
+            });
+        }
+    }