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Change-Id: Ic02a76313503b526f17c3df29eb387a29fe6a42a
Signed-off-by: Michael Lando <>
diff --git a/openecomp-ui/test/softwareProduct/details/detailsView.test.js b/openecomp-ui/test/softwareProduct/details/detailsView.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6a8ca5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openecomp-ui/test/softwareProduct/details/detailsView.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,438 @@
+ * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+ * SDC
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * 
+ *
+ * 
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ */
+import expect from 'expect';
+import React from 'react';
+import TestUtils from 'react-addons-test-utils';
+import {mapStateToProps} from 'sdc-app/onboarding/softwareProduct/details/SoftwareProductDetails.js';
+import SoftwareProductDetailsView from 'sdc-app/onboarding/softwareProduct/details/SoftwareProductDetailsView.jsx';
+import {vspQschema as vspQuestionnaireSchema} from './vspQschema.js';
+describe('Software Product Details: ', function () {
+	let currentSoftwareProduct = {}, categories = [], finalizedLicenseModelList, licenseAgreementList, featureGroupsList, vspQschema;
+	let dummyFunc = () => {};
+	before(function() {
+		currentSoftwareProduct = {
+			id: 'D4774719D085414E9D5642D1ACD59D20',
+			name: 'VSP',
+			description: 'dfdf',
+			category: 'category1',
+			subCategory: 'category1.subCategory',
+			vendorId: 'VLM_ID1',
+			vendorName: 'VLM1',
+			licensingVersion: '1.0',
+			licensingData: {}
+		};
+		categories = [{
+			uniqueId: 'category1',
+			subcategories: [{
+				uniqueId: 'subCategory'
+			}]
+		}, {
+			uniqueId: 'category2',
+			subcategories: [{
+				uniqueId: 'subCategory2'
+			}]
+		}];
+		finalizedLicenseModelList = [{
+			id: 'VLM_ID1',
+			name: 'VLM1'
+		}];
+		licenseAgreementList = [{id: 'LA_ID1'}, {id: 'LA_ID2'}];
+		featureGroupsList = [
+			{id: 'FG_ID1', name: 'FG1', referencingLicenseAgreements: ['LA_ID1']},
+			{id: 'FG_ID2', name: 'FG2', referencingLicenseAgreements: ['LA_ID1']}
+		];
+		vspQschema = vspQuestionnaireSchema;
+	});
+	it('should mapper exist', () => {
+		expect(mapStateToProps).toExist();
+	});
+	it('should mapper return vsp basic data', () => {
+		var obj = {
+			softwareProduct: {
+				softwareProductEditor: {
+					data: currentSoftwareProduct
+				},
+				softwareProductCategories: categories,
+				softwareProductQuestionnaire: {
+					qdata: {},
+					qschema: vspQschema
+				}
+			},
+			finalizedLicenseModelList: finalizedLicenseModelList,
+			licenseModel: {
+				licenseAgreement: {
+					licenseAgreementList: []
+				},
+				featureGroup: {
+					featureGroupsList: []
+				}
+			}
+		};
+		var result = mapStateToProps(obj);
+		expect(result.currentSoftwareProduct).toEqual(currentSoftwareProduct);
+		expect(result.finalizedLicenseModelList).toEqual(finalizedLicenseModelList);
+		expect(result.finalizedLicenseModelList.length).toBeGreaterThan(0);
+		expect(finalizedLicenseModelList).toInclude({
+			id: result.currentSoftwareProduct.vendorId,
+			name: result.currentSoftwareProduct.vendorName
+		});
+		expect(result.softwareProductCategories).toEqual(categories);
+		expect(result.licenseAgreementList).toEqual([]);
+		expect(result.featureGroupsList).toEqual([]);
+		expect(result.qdata).toEqual({});
+		expect(result.qschema).toEqual(vspQschema);
+		expect(result.isReadOnlyMode).toEqual(true);
+	});
+	it('should mapper return vsp data with selected licenseAgreement and featureGroup', () => {
+		let vspWithLicensingData = {
+			...currentSoftwareProduct,
+			licensingData: {
+				licenseAgreement: 'LA_ID1',
+				featureGroups: [{enum: 'FG_ID1', title: 'FG1'}]
+			}
+		};
+		var obj = {
+			softwareProduct: {
+				softwareProductEditor: {
+					data: vspWithLicensingData
+				},
+				softwareProductCategories: categories,
+				softwareProductQuestionnaire: {
+					qdata: {},
+					qschema: vspQschema
+				}
+			},
+			finalizedLicenseModelList: finalizedLicenseModelList,
+			licenseModel: {
+				licenseAgreement: {
+					licenseAgreementList: licenseAgreementList
+				},
+				featureGroup: {
+					featureGroupsList: featureGroupsList
+				}
+			}
+		};
+		var result = mapStateToProps(obj);
+		expect(result.currentSoftwareProduct).toEqual(vspWithLicensingData);
+		expect(result.finalizedLicenseModelList).toEqual(finalizedLicenseModelList);
+		expect(result.finalizedLicenseModelList.length).toBeGreaterThan(0);
+		expect(result.finalizedLicenseModelList).toInclude({
+			id: result.currentSoftwareProduct.vendorId,
+			name: result.currentSoftwareProduct.vendorName
+		});
+		expect(result.softwareProductCategories).toEqual(categories);
+		expect(result.licenseAgreementList).toEqual(licenseAgreementList);
+		expect(result.licenseAgreementList).toInclude({id: result.currentSoftwareProduct.licensingData.licenseAgreement});
+		result.currentSoftwareProduct.licensingData.featureGroups.forEach(fg => {
+			expect(featureGroupsList).toInclude({
+				id: fg.enum,
+				name: fg.title,
+				referencingLicenseAgreements: [result.currentSoftwareProduct.licensingData.licenseAgreement]
+			});
+			expect(result.featureGroupsList).toInclude(fg);
+		});
+		expect(result.qdata).toEqual({});
+		expect(result.qschema).toEqual(vspQschema);
+		expect(result.isReadOnlyMode).toEqual(true);
+	});
+	it('VSP Details view test', () => {
+		let params = {
+			currentSoftwareProduct: currentSoftwareProduct,
+			softwareProductCategories: categories,
+			qdata: {},
+			qschema: vspQschema,
+			finalizedLicenseModelList: [{
+				id: 'VLM_ID1',
+				vendorName: 'VLM1',
+				version: '2.0',
+				viewableVersions: ['1.0', '2.0']
+			}, {
+				id: 'VLM_ID2',
+				vendorName: 'VLM2',
+				version: '3.0',
+				viewableVersions: ['1.0', '2.0', '3.0']
+			}],
+			licenseAgreementList: [{id: 'LA_ID1'}, {id: 'LA_ID2'}],
+			featureGroupsList: [
+				{id: 'FG_ID1', name: 'FG1', referencingLicenseAgreements: ['LA_ID1']},
+				{id: 'FG_ID2', name: 'FG2', referencingLicenseAgreements: ['LA_ID1']}
+			]
+		};
+		var renderer = TestUtils.createRenderer();
+		renderer.render(
+			<SoftwareProductDetailsView
+				{...params}
+				onSubmit = {dummyFunc}
+				onDataChanged = {dummyFunc}
+				onValidityChanged = {dummyFunc}
+				onQDataChanged = {dummyFunc}
+				onVendorParamChanged = {dummyFunc}/>
+		);
+		let renderedOutput = renderer.getRenderOutput();
+		expect(renderedOutput).toExist();
+	});
+	it('in view: should change vendorId and update vsp licensing-version', done => {
+		let vspWithLicensingData = {
+			...currentSoftwareProduct,
+			licensingData: {
+				licenseAgreement: 'LA_ID1',
+				featureGroups: [{enum: 'FG_ID1', title: 'FG1'}]
+			}
+		};
+		let params = {
+			currentSoftwareProduct: vspWithLicensingData,
+			softwareProductCategories: categories,
+			qdata: {},
+			qschema: vspQschema,
+			finalizedLicenseModelList: [{
+				id: 'VLM_ID1',
+				vendorName: 'VLM1',
+				version: '2.0',
+				viewableVersions: ['1.0', '2.0']
+			}, {
+				id: 'VLM_ID2',
+				vendorName: 'VLM2',
+				version: '3.0',
+				viewableVersions: ['1.0', '2.0', '3.0']
+			}],
+			licenseAgreementList: [{id: 'LA_ID1'}, {id: 'LA_ID2'}],
+			featureGroupsList: [
+				{id: 'FG_ID1', name: 'FG1', referencingLicenseAgreements: ['LA_ID1']},
+				{id: 'FG_ID2', name: 'FG2', referencingLicenseAgreements: ['LA_ID1']}
+			]
+		};
+		const onVendorChangedListener = (deltaData) => {
+			expect(deltaData.vendorId).toEqual('VLM_ID2');
+			expect(deltaData.vendorName).toEqual('VLM2');
+			expect(deltaData.licensingVersion).toEqual('');
+			expect(deltaData.licensingData).toEqual({});
+			done();
+		};
+		var vspDetailsView = TestUtils.renderIntoDocument(<SoftwareProductDetailsView
+			currentSoftwareProduct = {params.currentSoftwareProduct}
+			softwareProductCategories = {params.softwareProductCategories}
+			qdata = {params.qdata}
+			qschema = {params.qschema}
+			finalizedLicenseModelList = {params.finalizedLicenseModelList}
+			licenseAgreementList = {params.licenseAgreementList}
+			featureGroupsList = {params.featureGroupsList}
+			onSubmit = {dummyFunc}
+			onDataChanged = {dummyFunc}
+			onValidityChanged = {dummyFunc}
+			onQDataChanged = {dummyFunc}
+			onVendorParamChanged = {(deltaData) => onVendorChangedListener(deltaData)}/>);
+		expect(vspDetailsView).toExist();
+		vspDetailsView.onVendorParamChanged({vendorId: 'VLM_ID2'});
+	});
+	it('in view: should change licensing-version and update licensing data', done => {
+		let params = {
+			currentSoftwareProduct: currentSoftwareProduct,
+			softwareProductCategories: categories,
+			qdata: {},
+			qschema: vspQschema,
+			finalizedLicenseModelList: [{
+				id: 'VLM_ID1',
+				vendorName: 'VLM1',
+				version: '2.0',
+				viewableVersions: ['1.0', '2.0']
+			}, {
+				id: 'VLM_ID2',
+				vendorName: 'VLM2',
+				version: '3.0',
+				viewableVersions: ['1.0', '2.0', '3.0']
+			}],
+			licenseAgreementList: [{id: 'LA_ID1'}, {id: 'LA_ID2'}],
+			featureGroupsList: [
+				{id: 'FG_ID1', name: 'FG1', referencingLicenseAgreements: ['LA_ID1']},
+				{id: 'FG_ID2', name: 'FG2', referencingLicenseAgreements: ['LA_ID1']}
+			]
+		};
+		const onVendorChangedListener = (deltaData) => {
+			expect(deltaData.vendorId).toEqual('VLM_ID2');
+			expect(deltaData.vendorName).toEqual('VLM2');
+			expect(deltaData.licensingVersion).toEqual('2.0');
+			expect(deltaData.licensingData).toEqual({});
+			done();
+		};
+		let vspDetailsView = TestUtils.renderIntoDocument(<SoftwareProductDetailsView
+			{...params}
+			onSubmit = {dummyFunc}
+			onDataChanged = {dummyFunc}
+			onValidityChanged = {dummyFunc}
+			onQDataChanged = {dummyFunc}
+			onVendorParamChanged = {(deltaData) => onVendorChangedListener(deltaData)}/>);
+		expect(vspDetailsView).toExist();
+		vspDetailsView.onVendorParamChanged({vendorId: 'VLM_ID2', licensingVersion: '2.0'});
+	});
+	it('in view: should change subcategory', done => {
+		let params = {
+			currentSoftwareProduct: currentSoftwareProduct,
+			softwareProductCategories: categories,
+			qdata: {},
+			qschema: vspQschema,
+			finalizedLicenseModelList: [{
+				id: 'VLM_ID1',
+				vendorName: 'VLM1',
+				version: '2.0',
+				viewableVersions: ['1.0', '2.0']
+			}, {
+				id: 'VLM_ID2',
+				vendorName: 'VLM2',
+				version: '3.0',
+				viewableVersions: ['1.0', '2.0', '3.0']
+			}],
+			licenseAgreementList: [{id: 'LA_ID1'}, {id: 'LA_ID2'}],
+			featureGroupsList: [
+				{id: 'FG_ID1', name: 'FG1', referencingLicenseAgreements: ['LA_ID1']},
+				{id: 'FG_ID2', name: 'FG2', referencingLicenseAgreements: ['LA_ID1']}
+			]
+		};
+		const onDataChangedListener = ({category, subCategory}) => {
+			expect(category).toEqual('category2');
+			expect(subCategory).toEqual('subCategory2');
+			done();
+		};
+		let vspDetailsView = TestUtils.renderIntoDocument(<SoftwareProductDetailsView
+			{...params}
+			onSubmit = {dummyFunc}
+			onDataChanged = {({category, subCategory}) => onDataChangedListener({category, subCategory})}
+			onValidityChanged = {dummyFunc}
+			onQDataChanged = {dummyFunc}
+			onVendorParamChanged = {dummyFunc}/>);
+		expect(vspDetailsView).toExist();
+		vspDetailsView.onSelectSubCategory('subCategory2');
+	});
+	it('in view: should change feature groups', done => {
+		let vspWithLicensingData = {
+			...currentSoftwareProduct,
+			licensingData: {
+				licenseAgreement: 'LA_ID1',
+				featureGroups: [{enum: 'FG_ID1', title: 'FG1'}]
+			}
+		};
+		let params = {
+			currentSoftwareProduct: vspWithLicensingData,
+			softwareProductCategories: categories,
+			qdata: {},
+			qschema: vspQschema,
+			finalizedLicenseModelList: [{
+				id: 'VLM_ID1',
+				vendorName: 'VLM1',
+				version: '2.0',
+				viewableVersions: ['1.0', '2.0']
+			}, {
+				id: 'VLM_ID2',
+				vendorName: 'VLM2',
+				version: '3.0',
+				viewableVersions: ['1.0', '2.0', '3.0']
+			}],
+			licenseAgreementList: [{id: 'LA_ID1'}, {id: 'LA_ID2'}],
+			featureGroupsList: [
+				{id: 'FG_ID1', name: 'FG1', referencingLicenseAgreements: ['LA_ID1']},
+				{id: 'FG_ID2', name: 'FG2', referencingLicenseAgreements: ['LA_ID1']}
+			]
+		};
+		const onDataChangedListener = ({licensingData}) => {
+			expect(licensingData.licenseAgreement).toEqual('LA_ID1');
+			expect(licensingData.featureGroups).toEqual([
+				{enum: 'FG_ID1', title: 'FG1'},
+				{enum: 'FG_ID2', title: 'FG2'}
+			]);
+			done();
+		};
+		let vspDetailsView = TestUtils.renderIntoDocument(<SoftwareProductDetailsView
+			{...params}
+			onSubmit = {dummyFunc}
+			onDataChanged = {({licensingData}) => onDataChangedListener({licensingData})}
+			onValidityChanged = {dummyFunc}
+			onQDataChanged = {dummyFunc}
+			onVendorParamChanged = {dummyFunc}/>);
+		expect(vspDetailsView).toExist();
+		vspDetailsView.onFeatureGroupsChanged({featureGroups: [
+			{enum: 'FG_ID1', title: 'FG1'},
+			{enum: 'FG_ID2', title: 'FG2'}
+		]});
+	});
+	it('in view: should change license agreement', done => {
+		let vspWithLicensingData = {
+			...currentSoftwareProduct,
+			licensingData: {
+				licenseAgreement: 'LA_ID1',
+				featureGroups: [{enum: 'FG_ID1', title: 'FG1'}]
+			}
+		};
+		let params = {
+			currentSoftwareProduct: vspWithLicensingData,
+			softwareProductCategories: categories,
+			qdata: {},
+			qschema: vspQschema,
+			finalizedLicenseModelList: [{
+				id: 'VLM_ID1',
+				vendorName: 'VLM1',
+				version: '2.0',
+				viewableVersions: ['1.0', '2.0']
+			}, {
+				id: 'VLM_ID2',
+				vendorName: 'VLM2',
+				version: '3.0',
+				viewableVersions: ['1.0', '2.0', '3.0']
+			}],
+			licenseAgreementList: [{id: 'LA_ID1'}, {id: 'LA_ID2'}],
+			featureGroupsList: [
+				{id: 'FG_ID1', name: 'FG1', referencingLicenseAgreements: ['LA_ID1']},
+				{id: 'FG_ID2', name: 'FG2', referencingLicenseAgreements: ['LA_ID1']}
+			]
+		};
+		const onDataChangedListener = ({licensingData}) => {
+			expect(licensingData.licenseAgreement).toEqual('LA_ID2');
+			expect(licensingData.featureGroups).toEqual([]);
+			done();
+		};
+		let vspDetailsView = TestUtils.renderIntoDocument(<SoftwareProductDetailsView
+			{...params}
+			onSubmit = {dummyFunc}
+			onDataChanged = {({licensingData}) => onDataChangedListener({licensingData})}
+			onValidityChanged = {dummyFunc}
+			onQDataChanged = {dummyFunc}
+			onVendorParamChanged = {dummyFunc}/>);
+		expect(vspDetailsView).toExist();
+		vspDetailsView.onLicensingDataChanged({licenseAgreement: 'LA_ID2', featureGroups: []});
+	});