Add ASD node and data types to SDC AID model

Issue-ID: SDC-3938
Signed-off-by: stasys10 <>
Change-Id: Idac990c39f7d782eb029c72e5829b607de72dbb6
Signed-off-by: stasys10 <>
diff --git a/catalog-be/src/main/resources/import/tosca/data-types/dataTypes.yml b/catalog-be/src/main/resources/import/tosca/data-types/dataTypes.yml
index a6071e1..5926d4b 100644
--- a/catalog-be/src/main/resources/import/tosca/data-types/dataTypes.yml
+++ b/catalog-be/src/main/resources/import/tosca/data-types/dataTypes.yml
@@ -3165,3 +3165,310 @@
       type: string
       required: true
+  derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
+  version: 0.1
+  description: "Describes the datatype for network interface requirements"
+  properties:
+    trunk_mode:
+      description: >
+        Information about whether the CP instantiated from this Cp is
+        in Trunk mode (802.1Q or other). When operating in "trunk mode",
+        the Cp is capable of carrying traffic for several VLANs.
+        Absence of this property implies that trunkMode is not configured
+        for the Cp i.e. It is equivalent to boolean value "false".
+      required: true
+      type: boolean
+      default: false
+    ipam:
+      description: >
+        Identifies whether application expects IP address assignment to be
+        managed by the cluster infrastructure (CNI IPAM plugin), or
+        configured by orchestrator via for example helm input parameter,
+        or if IP assignment is handled by the application itself.
+      required: true
+      type: string
+      constraints:
+        - valid_values: ["infraProvided", "orchestrated", "userManaged"]
+      default: "infraProvided"
+    interface_type:
+      description: >
+        Indicates what type of network interface the application expects.
+        Kernel based virtual netdev based on CNIs such as ovs | bridge |
+        macvlan | ipvlan, or PCIe dev directly visible in application
+        namespace with kernel or userspace driver or bonded with the Bond
+        CNI, or userspace-CNI based network interface
+        (requires DPDK-OVS/VPP vSwitch).
+      required: true
+      type: string
+      constraints:
+        - valid_values: ["kernel.netdev", "direct.userdriver", "direct.kerneldriver", "", "userspace"]
+      default: "kernel.netdev"
+    interface_option:
+      description: >
+        This attribute describes verified realization options for the
+        network interface in question. Currently listed options
+        (virtio and memif) are applicable for the interfaceType “userspace”.
+      required: false
+      type: list
+      entry_schema:
+        type: string
+        constraints:
+          - valid_values: ["virtio", "memif"]
+    interface_redundancy:
+      description: >
+        Identifies switch-plane redundancy method the application uses,
+        and that node infrastructure is required to comply with.
+        "infraProvided", “left” and “right”: The container sees a
+        single vNIC that a) the infrastructure bonds over both switchplanes
+        or b) that is connected to the network via only left or
+        right the switchplane.
+        The other cases are for a mated pair of vnics connecting to
+        same network, but where one vNIC connects
+        via left switch plane and the other via right switch plane,
+        and where the application manages the redundancy.
+        "activePassiveBond": the application bonds with move of MAC address.
+        "activeActiveBond“: bonded left/right links must be part of a multi-chassis LAG
+        "activePassiveL3": application will move application IP address between the vNICs.
+        "activeActiveL3": the application uses anycast/ECMP.
+      required: true
+      type: string
+      constraints:
+        - valid_values: ["infraProvided", "actPassBond", "actActBond", "actPassL3", "actActL3", "Left", "Right"]
+      default: "infraProvided"
+    nic_options:
+      description: >
+        Identifies for the direct.userdriver interface type, the physical
+        nics the driver is verified to work with.
+        Allowed values for nic types must be handled via a registry or be standardized.
+      required: false
+      type: list
+      entry_schema:
+        type: string
+  version: 0.1
+  derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
+  description: "Describes the datatype for parameter mapping"
+  properties:
+    loadbalancer_IP:
+      description: >
+        When present, this attribute specifies the name of the deployment
+        artifact input parameter through which the orchestrator can
+        configure the loadbalancerIP parameter of the K8s service
+        or ingress controller that the extCpdData represents.
+        Note: The format of the Content strings is specific for each different
+        orchestration templating technology used (Helm, Teraform, etc.).
+        Currently only a format for use with Helm charts is suggested:
+        "<helmchartname>:[<subchartname>.]^(0..N)[<parentparamname>.]^(0..N)<paramname>". 
+        Whether the optional parts of the format are present depends on how the
+        parameter is declared in the helm chart. An example is:
+        "chartName:subChart1.subChart2.subChart3.Parent1.Parent2.Parent3.LBIP".
+      required: false
+      type: string
+    external_IPs:
+      description: >
+        When present, this attribute specifies the name of the deployment
+        artifact input parameter through which the orchestrator can
+        configure the extermalIPs parameter of the K8s service or ingress
+        controller, or the pod network interface annotation, that the
+        extCpdData represents.
+        Note: The format of the Content strings is specific for each different
+        orchestration templating technology used (Helm, Teraform, etc.).
+        Currently only a format for use with Helm charts is suggested:
+        "<helmchartname>:[<subchartname>.]^(0..N)[<parentparamname>.]^(0..N)<paramname>". 
+        Whether the optional parts of the format are present depends on how the
+        parameter is declared in the helm chart. An example is:
+        "chartName:subChart1.subChart2.subChart3.Parent1.Parent2.Parent3.extIP".
+      required: false
+      type: list
+      entry_schema:
+        type: string
+    nad_names:
+      description: >
+        Specifies, for an extCpdData respesenting a secondary network interface,
+        the name(s) of the deployment artifact input parameter(s) through which
+        the orchestrator can provide the names of the network attachment
+        definitions (NADs) the orchestrator has created as base for the network
+        interface the extCpdData represents.
+        Note 1: When the extCpdData represent a networkRedundant/mated-pair of
+        sriov interfaces, there are references to 2 or 3 related NADs needed
+        to be passed, while for other interface types only one NAD reference
+        is needed to be passed.
+        Note 2: The format of the Content strings is specific for each different
+        orchestration templating technology used (Helm, Teraform, etc.).
+        Currently only a format for use with Helm charts is suggested:
+        "<helmchartname>:[<subchartname>.]^(0..N)[<parentparamname>.]^(0..N)<paramname>". 
+        Whether the optional parts of the format are present depends on how the
+        parameter is declared in the helm chart. An example is:
+        chartName:"subChart1.subChart2.subChart3.Parent1.Parent2.Parent3.nadName".
+        Note 3: A direct attached (passthrough) network interface, such as an sriov
+        interface, attaches to a network via only one of the two switch planes
+        in the infrastructure.
+        When using a direct attached network interface one therefore commonly in a
+        pod uses a mated pair of sriov network attachments, where each interface
+        attaches same network but via different switchplane.
+        The application uses the mated pair of network interfaces as a single
+        logical “swith-path-redundant” network interface – and this is represented
+        by a single extCpdData.
+        Also there is a case where a third “bond” attachment interface is used in
+        the pod, bonding the two direct interfaces so that the application do not
+        need to handle the redundancy issues – application just uses the bond interface.
+        In this case, all three attachments are together making up a logical
+        “switch-path-redundant” network interface represented by a single extCpdData.
+        When three NADs are used in the extCpdData the NAD implementing the bond attachment
+        interface is provided through the parameter indicated in the third place in
+        the nadNames attribute.
+      required: false
+      type: list
+      entry_schema:
+        type: string
+    nad_namespace:
+      description: >
+        Specifies, for an extCpdData respesenting a secondary network interface,
+        the name of the deployment artifact input parameter through which the orchestrator
+        can provide the namespace where the NetworkAttachmentDefinitions (NADs) are located.
+        Attribute may be omitted if the namespace is same as the application
+        namespace.
+        Note: The format of the Content strings is specific for each different
+        orchestration templating technology used (Helm, Teraform, etc.).
+        Currently only a format for use with Helm charts is suggested:
+        "<helmchartname>:[<subchartname>.]^(0..N)[<parentparamname>.]^(0..N)<paramname>". 
+        Whether the optional parts of the format are present depends on how the
+        parameter is declared in the helm chart. An example is:
+        "chartName:subChart1.subChart2.subChart3.Parent1.Parent2.Parent3.NameSpace".
+      required: false
+      type: string
+  version: 0.1
+  derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
+  description: "Describes the datatype for external connection point definition data"
+  properties:
+    id:
+      description: "The identifier of this extCpdData"
+      required: true
+      type: string
+    description:
+      description: >
+        This property describes for a particular ExtCpd instance
+        what service it exposes.
+      required: true
+      type: string
+    virtual_link_requirement:
+      description: >
+        Refers in an abstract way to the network or multiple networks that
+        the ExtCpd shall be exposed on (ex: OAM, EndUser, backhaul, LI, etc)
+      required: true
+      type: string
+    network_interface_realization_requirements:
+      description: >
+        Details container implementation specific requirements on
+        the NetworkAttachmentDefinition
+      required: false
+      type: tosca.datatypes.asd.networkInterfaceRequirements
+    input_param_mappings:
+      description: >
+        Information on what helm chart input parameters that
+        are required to be configured for this extCpd
+      required: false
+      type: tosca.datatypes.asd.paramMappings
+    resource_mapping:
+      description: >
+        Kubernetes API resource name for the resource manifest for the service,
+        ingress controller or pod
+      required: false
+      type: string
+  version: 0.1
+  derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
+  description: "Describes the datatype for parameter mapping"
+  properties:
+    min_kernel_version:
+      description: >
+        Describes the minimal required Kernel version, e.g. 4.15.0.
+        Coded as displayed by linux command uname –r
+      required: true
+      type: string
+    required_kernel_modules:
+      description: >
+        Required kernel modules are coded as listed by linux lsmod command,
+        e.g. ip6_tables, cryptd, nf_nat etc.
+      required: false
+      type: list
+      entry_schema:
+        type: string
+    conflicting_kernel_modules:
+      description: >
+        Kernel modules, which must not be present in the target environment.
+        The kernel modules are coded as listed by linux lsmod command,
+        e.g., ip6_tables, cryptd, nf_nat etc.
+        Example: Linux kernel SCTP module, which would conflict with use of
+        proprietary user space SCTP stack provided by the application.
+      required: false
+      type: list
+      entry_schema:
+        type: string
+    required_custom_resources:
+      description: >
+        List the custom resource kinds required to be supported in the target
+        environment. The list shall include those custom resource kinds which
+        are not delivered with the application.
+      required: false
+      type: list
+      entry_schema:
+        type: tosca.datatypes.asd.customResourceRequirement
+    cluster_labels:
+      description: >
+        This attribute allows to associate arbitrary labels to clusters.
+        These can indicate special infrastructure capabilities (e.g., NW acceleration,
+        GPU compute, etc.). The intent of these labels is to serve as a set of
+        values that can help in application placement decisions.
+        clusterLabels follow the Kubernetes label key-value-nomenclature
+        (
+        It is recommended that labels follow a standardized meaning e.g. for node
+        features (
+        Example:
+        ClusterLabels
+          - true
+      required: false
+      type: list
+      entry_schema:
+        type: string
+    required_plugin:
+      description: a list of the name of the required K8s plugin
+      required: false
+      type: list
+      entry_schema:
+        type: tosca.datatypes.asd.requiredPlugin
+  version: 0.1
+  derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
+  description: >
+    kind: "Redis", apiVersion: ""
+  properties:
+    kind:
+      description: "the name of the custom resource requirement"
+      type: string
+      required: true
+    api_version:
+      description: "the api version of the custom resource requirement"
+      type: string
+      required: true
+  version: 0.1
+  derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
+  description: "the required K8s plugin"
+  properties:
+    name:
+      description: "the name of the required K8s plugin"
+      type: string
+      required: true
+    version:
+      description: "the version of the required K8s plugin"
+      type: string
+      required: true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/catalog-be/src/main/resources/import/tosca/nfv-types/asd/asd.json b/catalog-be/src/main/resources/import/tosca/nfv-types/asd/asd.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7da91b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/catalog-be/src/main/resources/import/tosca/nfv-types/asd/asd.json
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+	"payloadName": "asd.yml",
+	"contactId": "jh0003",
+	"name": "asd",
+	"description": "The ASD node type",
+	"resourceIconPath": "defaulticon",
+	"resourceType": "VFC",
+	"categories": [{
+		"name": "Generic",
+		"subcategories": [{
+			"name": "Network Elements"
+		}]
+	}],
+	"tags": ["asd"]
diff --git a/catalog-be/src/main/resources/import/tosca/nfv-types/asd/asd.yml b/catalog-be/src/main/resources/import/tosca/nfv-types/asd/asd.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e204538
--- /dev/null
+++ b/catalog-be/src/main/resources/import/tosca/nfv-types/asd/asd.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_3
+  tosca.nodes.asd:
+    derived_from: tosca.nodes.Root
+    description: "The ASD node type"
+    version: 0.1
+    properties:
+      descriptor_id:
+        type: string # UUID
+        required: true
+        description: Identifier of this ASD. It is in UUID format as specified in RFC 4122
+      descriptor_invariant_id:
+        type: string # UUID
+        required: true
+        description: >
+          Identifier of this descriptor in a version independent manner. This attribute
+          is invariant across versions of ASD. It is in UUID format as specified in RFC 4122
+      descriptor_version:
+        type: string
+        required: true
+        description: Identifies the version of the ASD.
+      schema_version:
+        type: string
+        required: true
+        description: Identifies the Identifies the version of this ASD’s schema.
+      function_description:
+        type: string
+        required: false
+        description: Description of the application service described by this ASD.
+      provider:
+        type: string
+        required: true
+        description: Identifies the provider of the ASD.
+      application_name:
+        type: string
+        required: true
+        description: Name to identify the application service described by this ASD
+      application_version:
+        type: string
+        required: true
+        description: Identifies the version of the application service described by this ASD.
+      ext_cpds:
+        type: list
+        required: false
+        entry_schema:
+          type: tosca.datatypes.asd.extCpdData
+        description: >
+          Describes the externally exposed connection points of the application
+          service described by this ASD
+      enhanced_cluster_capabilities:
+        type: tosca.datatypes.asd.enhancedClusterCapabilities
+        required: false
+        description: >
+          A list of  expected capabilities of the target Kubernetes cluster to aid
+          placement of the application service on a suitable cluster.
diff --git a/catalog-be/src/main/resources/import/tosca/nfv-types/asdInNsd/asdInNsd.json b/catalog-be/src/main/resources/import/tosca/nfv-types/asdInNsd/asdInNsd.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..910a2c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/catalog-be/src/main/resources/import/tosca/nfv-types/asdInNsd/asdInNsd.json
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+	"payloadName": "asdInNsd.yml",
+	"contactId": "jh0003",
+	"name": "asdInNsd",
+	"description": "The ASD in NSD",
+	"resourceIconPath": "defaulticon",
+	"resourceType": "VFC",
+	"categories": [{
+		"name": "Generic",
+		"subcategories": [{
+			"name": "Network Elements"
+		}]
+	}],
+	"tags": ["asdInNsd"]
diff --git a/catalog-be/src/main/resources/import/tosca/nfv-types/asdInNsd/asdInNsd.yml b/catalog-be/src/main/resources/import/tosca/nfv-types/asdInNsd/asdInNsd.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa48ca5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/catalog-be/src/main/resources/import/tosca/nfv-types/asdInNsd/asdInNsd.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_3
+  tosca.nodes.asdInNsd:
+    derived_from: tosca.nodes.nfv.VNF
+    description: "The generic ASD node types for NS requirements. Optional properties are not list here."
+    version: 0.1
+    properties:
+      descriptor_id:
+        type: string # UUID
+        description: Identifier of an ASD. It is in UUID format as specified in RFC 4122
+        required: true
+      descriptor_version:
+        type: string
+        description: Identifies the version of the ASD.
+        required: true
+        default: ""
+      provider:
+        type: string
+        description: Identifies the provider of the ASD
+        required: true
+        default: ""
+      product_name:
+        type: string
+        description: Please use the application_name property
+        required: true
+        default: ""
+      software_version:
+        type: string
+        description: Please use the application_version property
+        required: true
+        default: ""
+      flavour_id:
+        type: string
+        required: true
+        constraints: [ equal: "simple" ]
+        default: "simple"
+      flavour_description:
+        type: string
+        required: true
+        default: ""
+      vnfm_info:
+        type: list
+        required: true
+        entry_schema:
+          type: string
+    requirements:
+      - virtual_link:
+          capability: tosca.capabilities.nfv.VirtualLinkable
+          relationship: tosca.relationships.nfv.VirtualLinkableTo
+          occurrences: [ 0,0 ]
+      - virtual_links:
+          capability: tosca.capabilities.nfv.VirtualLinkable
+          relationship: tosca.relationships.nfv.VirtualLinkableTo
+          occurrences: [ 0,UNBOUNDED ]
diff --git a/catalog-be/src/main/resources/scripts/sdcBePy/tosca/data/onapTypesToUpgrade.json b/catalog-be/src/main/resources/scripts/sdcBePy/tosca/data/onapTypesToUpgrade.json
index 96c30e2..18e9632 100644
--- a/catalog-be/src/main/resources/scripts/sdcBePy/tosca/data/onapTypesToUpgrade.json
+++ b/catalog-be/src/main/resources/scripts/sdcBePy/tosca/data/onapTypesToUpgrade.json
@@ -3,7 +3,9 @@
-    "Sap"
+    "Sap",
+    "asd",
+    "asdInNsd"
   "nfv_2_7_1": [
diff --git a/catalog-be/src/main/resources/scripts/sdcBePy/tosca/models/ b/catalog-be/src/main/resources/scripts/sdcBePy/tosca/models/
index 0ee2d6c..d94a0b4 100644
--- a/catalog-be/src/main/resources/scripts/sdcBePy/tosca/models/
+++ b/catalog-be/src/main/resources/scripts/sdcBePy/tosca/models/
@@ -113,7 +113,9 @@
-                                   "Sap"])
+                                   "Sap",
+                                   "asd",
+                                   "asdInNsd"])
 def get_nfv_2_7_1(base_file_location="/"):
     return NormativeTypeCandidate(base_file_location + "nfv-types/2.7.1/",
diff --git a/integration-tests/src/test/resources/Files/ASDs/asd.csar b/integration-tests/src/test/resources/Files/ASDs/asd.csar
index 3f928b5..2b4de05 100644
--- a/integration-tests/src/test/resources/Files/ASDs/asd.csar
+++ b/integration-tests/src/test/resources/Files/ASDs/asd.csar
Binary files differ